tv [untitled] December 20, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST
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hope they are finding any more survivors from russia's oil rig disaster with dozens still missing two days after the drilling platform sank in icy waters. signs of fracture within the syrian opposition while some welcomed the government's decision to let observers into the country other slammed the move and call for an air of military intervention and. north koreans are paying their last respects to their allayed longstanding leader kim jong il while the neighbors of the reclusive nuclear states stay on high alert fearing his death will spark instability in the region. were going to be the transformative moment for example
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in economic justice in america despite critics warning the anti-corporate protest would not last until winter and police have a hand in this three months on the occupy movement is still gaining momentum. eleven am in the russian capital you're a ways are marina joshie now two days after an oil rig capsized off russia's far east coast a search for any survivors has turned desperate dozens are still missing and the freezing waters while seven of the survivors found have now arrived back on land jacob graves joins us now live via broadband from the coastal region nearest to the tragedy occurred who again to jacob now you've been to the poor and where the survivors arrive so bring us the atmosphere what's the mood there like. well really
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i mean one news you can pick out is a sense of relief spare ticket lee among those of course who been caught up in this both the survivors and also family members as well and the emergency crews have been following this story from the very start by no means any jubilation or senate ration and a lot of you tell there's a lot of people stores are still with what's on going for these people who lost probably work colleagues and friends on this already that capsized and sunk there for a lot of thought still being given towards them and their ongoing plights now dealing with thirty seven people who are still missing in this case and has to be said that the odds of finding any more survivors now any more people alive and looking quite slim now if anyone is alive they were just spent their second night at sea in very harsh conditions search and rescue teams have already found all the table life
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boats i mean there's no more refuge really any want to stayed in overnight meaning most likely they were having to face the very harsh conditions alone well what are the investigators saying at this point about the causes of the sinking well they're looking into a number of theories that presents but can't really be two steps fully substantiated until we have more evidence that babeu of sea based sank over rick sank very quickly indeed in twenty minutes time with it probably quite a lot of the evidence itself and not many survivors found either to give personal human testimony of what occurred one theory though so far is that it's already flooded with water being capsized very quickly within about twenty minutes and sank in people very little time to get out and it has been. an already opened up here and there is further inquiry. it's also be you know i'm only. looking
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to is why exactly was taken to. be true port when we. are educated thanks very much indeed for bringing us the sub data from the region. and of course more on the maritime tragedy and the russian far east can be found on our website which is our t.v. dot com well one of the survivors who was airlifted to a hospital on saturday has told the media the horrifying story of the oil rig sinking and explained why so many people failed to board the weibo to log on to party dot com to find out more. some groups and syria's opposition saying they want an arab military intervention to quote protect civilians from government security forces they spoke after a damascus psion air or believed protocol allowing observers to monitor a regional peace initiative to and months of bloodshed part of the opposition
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dismissed the deal as a stalling tactic syria has been increasingly isolated under sanctions from arab states the u.s. and the e.u. over its crackdown on the anti-government protesters the authorities say they are fighting extremist armed groups operating in the country r.t. sara firth has been to one of the flashpoints in the ongoing unrest. we're here in the embattled city of homs and you can hear heavy gunfire in the background it's really hard to the sheer insurances that the civilian population here lives here as we call of the wait a month after month they've had to endure this conflicts to deal going violence is taking its toll. there are neighborhoods that are being suffocated surrounded by armed groups there many people who have been kidnapped who had enough who did we do deserve this holmes is being described this is the incident world series this.
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fighting his breaking out. driving through the streets there are clear signs of conflict bullet holes in windy pains and. there's a heavy military presence we went able to visit some of the areas where concentrated fighting was continuing. dangerous to visit. us in other areas of the city day life struggles on movie it's in the backdrop of gunfire. you can see the children playing in a holding cell this is the one of the major. conflict continues for the safety of the civilians. the situation in homes right now is far more complex than simply what is the opposition against the regime a deep seated sectarian conflicts with their heads. from the very beginning home. because they're. much more than.
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a military funeral held yesterday gets under way for five soldiers killed by what the government says is an increasingly militant movement and on the same day reports from the opposition the harrowing accounts the civilian deaths around the country. make serious decision to allow the arab league to send observers the more important. to. in the same time preserve our sovereignty so really it depends on the intention do they really want to help syria or corner. was the decision to land by the main opposition outside the country b s n c. the opposition inside the country has welcomed in the north. we hope it's going to be implemented on the ground as it stated in the protocol and we remain completely against international intervention it would lead the country into destruction. with
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a fractious opposition and rising death toll with facts and information still very hard to verify even on the ground as a rival here in syria will be an important step but it's going to be just one of many that we need to go away and seeing the issue of the neighbor who lives. the city of homs. beirut based political analyst come out was now believes the opposition's call for foreign intervention is not about protecting civilians about pursuing it sound gains. their dream of a change in their regime and collapsing of the regime not met their allies and i think after nine months of that international coalition western and some gulf country against syria syria was able to stand fast and prevail over all the obstacle that has been brought by these country i think there is
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a map that has been drawn for the middle east and they wanted some somehow for the regime of assad to topple and i think the way things are going it didn't please. please what they call the opposition and that's why you see they don't want they want to still continue the process and causing instability inside syria. where. what you heard the line from moscow still have for you this hour immersed in debt. we'll look at how a seemingly prosperous economy is stony as in fact struggling on the poverty line demonstrating the discontent growing within the blog plus. ever of the business growth and stock markets open would slide losses on finance ministers were unable to reach agreement for the measures to overcome the new debt crisis join me for more on that if not the. north koreans are
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paying their last respects to their allayed longstanding leader kim jarrell who died of heart attack at the age of sixty nine and saturday his death was only announced on monday and has sent shock waves around the country and the whole region a stream of mourners including his son and successor kim yano and passed by an open coffin the late leader will be buried in a week images from the world's most reclusive nation also show sounds and of people uncontrollably reefing on the streets meanwhile north korea's neighbors are on high alert following the news of the death fearing it will spark instability in the region japan's government has called a special security meeting while south korea said it armed its armed forces are combat ready but some experts believe peace on the korean peninsula is determined not by relations between north and south but by the stand off between china and america. the important thing here to understand is that for example the south
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korea being on military alert it's not south korea that is on military alert it's the united states that is actually using south korea as a beachhead ever since the end of the korean war on the other hand we have to understand or should really be asking ourselves will the military the north korean military which are very powerful one million strong army four million reserve nuclear arms ballistic missiles will they really be subordinated to the new government or will they have a larger stance of this probably the key question is how will all of this on the phone what will china china has a very special relationship with north korea it's sort of a love hate strict father versus problem child type of relationship that i cannot see how are. these things because north korea will undoubtedly not do that which china does not allow we have to always interpret north korea within the scope of the regional geopolitics of china so which is the key power in the region
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the youngest son of the late north korean chief came yano and has already been named to as the great successor and the people have been told to unite behind him but as independent journalist tim shorrock told r.t. with secrecy surrounding the new leader it's hard to guess what he stands or it will bring. he's only been around for three years in the public light he went to school in switzerland apparently he knows a lot about how the internet works and he knows a lot about social media but beyond that we know very little except he's been appointed a four star general and it did take kim jong il who just passed quite a few years to actually gain total acceptance with the power structure there with the powers that be there in the in the party in the government to actually you know take firm control so obviously he has no military training very very this year or next to zero military experience but i think what these two leaders this closely
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held leadership in north korea once is a symbol of their regime and this is a clear you know successor symbol they can they can use to continue their power well next hour we speak with a former had of the u.n. nuclear watchdog who thinks and he felt pot from foreign powers will destroy the shaky peace in the region. i think it is important that the outside the worlds. does not make them nervous and threats from the outside bites that make them for a look at it in their north korean situation at first of all we know that within the israeli rearranges from those go to. so even without the you know it as the situation would be at least the way. it was. could be a risk. for. three
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months in and it seems no one is backing out the occupy movement in the us is celebrating another anniversary as it continues to defy critics and game amount of our businesses he is in new york with more. these are the images of america over the last three months. must beat themselves in the forehead because they've given such a life to this movement not welcome by authorities a movement against wall street wealth inequality and government corruption exploded in new york and spread all across the us the nexus of all of our grievances was the profit motive the fact that. the corporate sector dominated by the financial sector has our ostensibly democratic politics gridlock and owns it. occupy wall street has just marked its three month anniversary of what we volunteer
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on september seventeenth with this momentous moment of restoration in anger with america is this time now i think that we've kind of injected the idea of economic inequality and see the public discourse how come i want to start that it would not last long enough to deliver any significant message but three months into the week it's nationwide movement there was just too many years it's clear that the protesters are feeling stronger and more united to one critic said the protests would not survive until winter they have we can't fund education we can't fund health care but we could fund the police on these wars until the cows come home but what point is that you know. when does the greed stop opponents said the demonstrations would never track tens of thousands they have i would love to see a peaceful revolution. really what the media ridiculed them is a joke that is one of a party at their wedding and is a trying to have burning man are they right. but kidding they were not. as
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many believe the uprising has transformed the face of america it's totally changed the conversation in the united states on saturday the occupiers of new york strikes campus after being evicted from zuccotti park. attempted to occupy a new public space to use as their base. but confronted by police about fifty were arrested others kicked out with pretty resilient so i think you know in a short amount of time well and. to be sure the. demonstrators plan to keep going until they see a revamp of the financial and political system in the us the financial elite is still mourning it over everyone the economy is in trouble foreclosures are continuing to grow all these real reasons for protests and the movement will
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continue no matter the obstacles the goal of occupy wall street is to make history we're growing and we're going to be the transformative moment. justice in america. r.t.e. new york. well remember there is always plenty more stories on our web site here's a quick look at what's in store right now and our ports or do you use to ashes one hundred emergency worker santa deal was a disaster find out what caused the blaze and r t v dot com. beemer is on high alert as a floating hall of smuggled cigarettes a stop from crossing the border after the ferry cost him officers felled a tree across the river.
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the e.u. hasn't managed to raise the full amount of rescue loans needed to help its indebted members the failure to come up with the cash is being seen by many analysts as an indication of wider cracks within the blog and alexia schatzker reports it's little surprise as some nations just cannot afford to pay the membership bills. on paper these people live in one of the most prosperous economies of the baltic region and reality their homeland. is the poorest country and after spending a year being part of the euro zone these people say the positive changes they were promised are nowhere to be seen at the helm of a lot recently euro commission check our pensions are authorities told they received an average pension of six hundred euro this is far from reality pensions in greece which fifteen hundred we hear get around two hundred. still only adopted the euro last january but despite
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a general positive attitude towards the move until now it is mostly big businesses and politicians that are really enjoying the transition there are clearly political advantages in terms of if you want locking in more firmly into the economic advantages as well in terms of investment the support for the euro is holding up very well people seem to be to see the advantages you may be politically rather than economically but the year award option party soon brought a painful hangover since september a story has agreed to take part in the european financial stability facility the body created to combat financial crisis and bailout countries like greece and now experts say this membership comes at a price you can not afford to buy the formula for us is very bad because we need to . or. from our g.d.p.
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rich countries something more than nine percent from our budget the poorest country we need to pay off march richer countries the country central bank has even warned of a possible recession if the situation in the eurozone continues to deteriorate recent polls suggest up to sixty percent of a story inspire against the country's membership of the. the government however doesn't seem to pay attention and refuses to drop out of this relief fund meanwhile members of this community say they would rather help greece with potatoes and four who would then see their pension money heading their adopting the euro soon or later was a necessary condition for a stone you to join the european union but being part of the european financial stability facility was not in the agreement and while economists are speculating whether stone you should continue its membership in this organization ordinary people are left to wonder why they have to pay someone else's debts.
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reporting from tallinn in a store when he. has the latest e.u. crisis remedy is now under threat while the i.m.f. lacking rescue loans french politicians are conducting a war of words against britain after it refused to support the plan anglo-french its max and status target and the kaiser report in less than ten minutes. better be french the british system french finance minister of course any sane person would rather be french and british just look at a recent study that came out about facebook users seventy five percent of british facebook users feature photos of themselves drunk. ok that should tell you something about that country all the policy makers are drunk mervyn king is mostly in the bag all the people who are trying to do business over there in the city of london are for the most part in the abbreviated.
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now here's a look at what else is making news around the world violent clashes between protesters and military troops have moved into a fifth day in cairo where more than a dozen people have been killed since friday security forces continue to use baton tear gas and live rounds as they work to contain stone throwing demonstrators near to where your square protesters have been trying to tear down a brick wall the army set up to block access to parliament the deadly confrontation began when troops cracked down on a sit in to demand egypt's military rule and power to a civilian authority. iraq's shiite led government has issued an arrest warrant for vice president tariq ali shammy on terrorism charges say run television aired what it said were confessions by alleged terrorist links to the vice president the man said they have been paid by office to carry out attacks on
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officials and police officers the warrant has also led to fears of escalating sectarian tensions while we're up to date with what's happening in business karina's here. hello and welcome to our business update the world bank claims that russia will earn big from the world trade organization are being played by a top official here the global lender says national g.d.p. mid term will jump more than three percent from entry to the trade body which was accepted by other members on friday but the chief negotiator to the w t o. says he expects only half that. mark two most optimistic scenario thank you was really increase by three to four percent i think we preferred to be more pessimistic. if it's happened more than happy but i think the semitics will be much more
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lower so it's about one point four five percent. which is if i didn't minister is a fiscal hawk who wants splash the cash says first up the prime minister of. love was confirmed alexei kudrin is replacement on friday mr vall of told r.t. he expects a continuation of his predecessor's policies and dump him very conservative. it's a very good news for the minister of finance because he will continue with the politics which was originated by the minister of foreign minister good reason and it means for the russians employed you know for the external world to be very conservative and stable terms of finance. let's have a look at the markets crude oil futures edged higher in electronic trading on tuesday but stay below ninety five dollars a barrel oil is up for the second day on four count but u.s. stockpiles declined citing pressure of speculation that further sanctions may be
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imposed against iraq opec second largest producer asian markets are mostly higher taking back a fraction of the previous session steep losses automakers a notable gain as honda motor added two and a half percent and mazda motor corporation put on one of the half percent hong kong shares have swiftly we covered in early trading banking stocks improved with age s.b.c. holdings trading up one percent and bank of communications rising over eight percent anyone russia stocks opened with slight losses on news that e.u. finance ministers were unable to reach an agreement on further measures for overcoming the eurozone debt crisis let's have a look at some individual shamble some might say most blue chips are losing ground this out of the country's biggest lenders bad bank and gas monopoly gas from both point seven percent and electricity producer bruce hydro is gaining after it lost almost four percent on monday maximization call from a little seed capital beliefs at the moment investors should stick to defensive
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stocks. the overall market to be weakened. quarter befalls and twelve words we driven by increased instability quite a few school instability in europe are we boys quine's to stoop to such names say why didn't you spokes in the us mean from those industries of course to selected who to retails who would stay away from you know high but cyclical names like steels for example we are neutral in banks. but when i think you know if banking situation globally would be on the pressure of burbank and likely to be defensively in russian merman demand for potash fertiliser is coming under pressure from the ongoing financial turmoil in europe russia's largest potash producer says it's most likely to cut production at the beginning of next year to
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maintain prices there is sort of it's a general. sentiment in the markets people are cautious everybody is afraid that there will be a could be just a fact from financial markets move that technical should business which is not a factor for the time being that's why we think that most probably in the first quarter of two thousand and twelve we will have to do solve all of the ways to. reduce the demand on the markets we can expect. ten fifteen percent can be expected and will use of these so i will do in order to. implement until it's a maintenance and function. well that's it for now but join me and less than one hour with more here on business meanwhile stay with us for headlines coming up right after this.
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