tv [untitled] December 20, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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syria's decision to let observers into the country is split some opposition groups are welcome the move while there's intense outside military intervention and months of on breast. despite a fading hope of finding more survivors from a capsized. far east the search goes on the seven who were pulled on life from freezing waters and weidman hospital. mind your words one of russia's opposition leaders finds himself faces the phone conversations threaten to damage his relationships with allies cowardly penguin. russia.
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says it is most likely to along with its competitors production. in order to make things prices of them on this forum isn't one. of very warm welcome this is live from moscow syria could be the next object of a foreign military intervention if some opposition groups get their way their calls for outside help are growing louder insisting it's the only way to protect civilians from government security forces libya stalled despite the latest decision by damascus to allow arab league observers to monitor how the regime is doing with all the rest have been recent reports suggesting good dozens of all the disasters have been killed by syrian troops and. the situation in syria now looks more like a civil war there. crackdown. we're here in the embattled city of homs and you can
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hear heavy gunfire in the background but it's really hard to share insurance as the civilian population here lives here as we're called to wait a month after month they've had to endure the skull flex the own going file and is taking its toll best had they hit the road maybe who's that have been suffocated surrounded by armed groups there are many people who've been had not had enough who did we do to design this homes as being described as a city on the brink of civil world where some of the series fiercest fighting has broken out. driving through the streets there are clear signs of conflicts bullet holes and windy pains and slogans of walls and as a heavy military presence we went able to visit some of the areas where concentrated fighting was continuing it would be empty dangerous to visit. us in other areas of the city day life struggles own movie it's in the backdrop of
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gunfire. you can see the children playing in the hall this is the one of the major . conflict continues for the safety of the civilians to continue. the situation in homes right now is far more complex than simply one of the opposition against the regime has a deep seated sectarian conflicts with their heads. from the very beginning. because the numbers. are much more than. the military funeral held yesterday gets under way five soldiers killed by what the government says is an increasingly militant movement and on the same day with calls from the opposition the harrowing accounts the civilian deaths around the country. make serious decision to allow the arab league to send observers the more important
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this is naturally want. to. in the same time preserve our sovereignty so really it depends on the intention do they really want to help syria or corner so. was the decision by the main opposition outside the country yes and see. the opposition inside the country has welcomed in the north. we hope it's going to be implemented on the ground as it stated in the pros a call and we remain completely against international intervention it would lead the country to destruction. with a fractious opposition and rising death toll with facts and information still very hard to verify even on the ground the observers a rival here in syria will be an important step but it's going to be just one of many more that we need to fully and seeing to ensure that no more lives. surf.
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city of homs. where the first upon us is the due to arrive in syria this week while the rest are expected by the end of december some analysts in the region of calling on them to paint a real picture of what's going on in the country and help prevent a full scale war prompted by the opposition. they have reached a point after nine months of attempting to destabilize the situation in syria where they really are ready for a. full fledged war and destruction in-city and that is why the syrian government is trying as much as possible to act positively and to find the positive measures to be taken in order to calm the situation down when the city and opposition or at least part of the syrian opposition. and so that the positive moves with with the more insistence on foreign intervention in syria in affairs that actually shows once again that the intentions or food. or part of the position is not an
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intention that is for the well being of the syrian people the observers. and one hopes so that the observers will function according to ethical standards and to professional standards i mean they have to do a comprehensive overview not just selective ones that would show the casualties on both sides because apparently there is shooting on both sides and there are some serious interventions in syrian affairs. on the program beaten by the clock the bungles that same. line as the bloc struggles to convince member states to chip in for the coming year it all say. we're going to be the transformative moment movement for example in economic justice in america not backing down the occupy movement gains momentum after three solid months of worldwide crusade against global financial for. the oil rig that
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capsized in russia's far east on sunday where rescue operations are continuing despite a fading hopes of finding any more survivors a total of fourteen have now been safely brought to shore and of being treated in the local hospital jake agrees that some of them as they arrived in port. dry land and the end of a nightmare for the weary few on board this ship rescued from a horrific ordeal in which friends and colleagues were lost they are among the few to be found alive after an all rig on the toast sank in freezing waters for the seven p. four about some make ports and their families awaiting them the moments will no doubt be one of intense relief but their tale or survival differs greatly to that the majority of those aboard this ill fated. psychologists and doctors met the survivors upon arrival filled likely to be an experience that will haunt them for a lifetime. swam away from the rig
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a bit turned round inside capsize then i started swimming away as fast as possible in fear that i could be drawn into the board tax but those found alive you can see that in comparison they are the fortunate few dozens are still missing in the icy hoxsey falling more than two days of searching planes are flying sorties to try and locate those lost and they're being accompanied by boats in the area but the hours spent scouring the horizon so far prefer as only the numbers found dead appear to grow and angry relatives for they know just who is to blame seem to like why did they need so many sixty seven people and then rick why what was the pattern of having sixty seven people there. yes in that i'm the wife of captain because look you for the voyage he dressed every official morning down there to talk to him was prohibited in the winter months or was it because it may have been one of the largest oil rigs in russia but disappeared beneath the waves in
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a matter of minutes. investigators are looking into three possible causes of the accident firstly it could have been due to violations of safety regulations during the tugging of the drilling rig secondly the condition of the rig itself might be to blame and lastly. the decision to rig much of been taken without consideration of the weather conditions of the wreck site. the official findings will take some time and whatever the families of those. comforts come to terms of losing their loved ones. spirits their hope. for the survivors. will continue to follow the rescue operation. will be monitoring developments as they happen and while it is. raising questions.
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japan special security south korea said its military is standing ready. according to the former head of the. i think it is important that the outside world. does not make us barely threats from the outside lights for all. we know that list within artillery range for all of north korea so even without nuclear weapons the situation would be risky one and if north korea were provocative there could be a risk also of encouraging their. aggressive forces in japan. when you can watch the full interview with hans blix in about twenty minutes time
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here on r.t. now public apologies and embarrassing as been ation the fate of one of russia's opposition leaders after recordings of some of his phone conversations surfaced online but is then soft could face a split within the ranks after using insulting words to describe his allies hundred students and cowardly penguins are among the least offensive terms. possible pools . revelations were published in life news dot ru a notoriously tabloid sensationalist web sites in russia and they concern six hours of private phone conversations recorded boris nemtsov an opposition figure in which he insults fellow opposition leaders using very profane language and calls protesters it's cowardly penguins and internet comes to those protesters turning out on the reports of widespread vote rigging in december's parliamentary elections boris nemtsov one of the all denies of the protests has hit back saying that this
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is kremlin phone tapping and that they've been released these phone conversations to try and discredit him to split the opposition he doesn't ever admit that some of the phone conversations did happen and he's apologized for any insult caused in those but he says the others were falsified life news is oh no for its part has also added to the control by refusing to say where they got the recordings from and all of this is caused a great storm of controversy on the internet with people shocked by words and his use of language about other opposition figures and the possible splits in russia's opposition that could indicate. just a case of internal affairs. how washington. the u.s. . and. russian
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president takes an unexpected turn. an anti a ballistic missile has been testified in kazakstan as part of the russian the military's defense modernization drive this is the first time the russian ministry of defense has released footage of its detests the display of firepower comes amid the long lasting russian nato standoff over the u.s. backed missile defense system planned for eastern europe. washington says it will not threaten russia's security while moscow demands legal guarantees it also suggested the actions of the u.s. could undermine the recent start nuclear reduction treaty. the e.u.
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missed a self-imposed monday deadline to come up with two hundred billion euro for its latest block wide bailout scheme the union fell fifty billion short of its target with political bickering paralyzing the projects the cash pool was intended as a debt fall i will become one of the last lines of economic plans stalled on takeoff with britain among others flat out refusing to pump more cash into the euro their reasoning is that the eurozone should sort out its own problems. reports that may be asking too much from member states on the last financial. on paper these people live in one of the most prosperous economies of the baltic region reality their homeland. is the e.u. poorest country and after spending a year being part of the euro zone these people say the positive changes they were promised are nowhere to be seen recently euro commission check our pensions our thirties told them we received an average pension of six hundred this is sparks
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from reality pensions and research fifteen hundred we hear get around two hundred. a stone he adopted the year old last january but despite a general positive attitude towards the move until now it is mostly big businesses and politicians that are really enjoying the transition there are clearly some political advantage in terms of if you want locking your stefania more firmly in into the e.u. economic advantages as well in terms of investment the support for the euro is holding up very well you know people seem to be to see the advantages you may be politically rosslyn economically but the euro what got some party soon brought a painful hangover since september story has agreed to take part in the group in financial stability facility the body created to combat financial crisis and by a lot of countries like greece now experts say this membership comes at a price and can not afford to buy the formula for us these are very bad because we
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need to pay yes. much higher. or percentage from our g.d.p. than rich countries something more than nine percent from our budget the poorest the arrows no country and no we need to pay the debt off march richer countries the country central bank has even warned of a possible recession recent polls suggest up to sixty percent of a story inspire against the country's membership of the. government however doesn't seem to be. and refuses to drop out of this for the least meanwhile members of this community say they would rather help greece with potatoes than for you would then see their pension money having their adopting the euro soon or later was a necessary condition for a stone you to join the european union but being part of the european financial stability facility was not in the agreement and while economists are speculating
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whether stonier should continue its membership in this organization ordinary people are left to wonder why they have to pay someone else's debts. reporting from tallinn in a stone. now relations between e.u. member states are deteriorating as fast as they're called me the most notable example of the exchanges between france and britain which mean getting progressively more on diplomatic and that's one of the themes being discussed in today's kaiser report coming your way next hour. better to the french the british spread finance minister and really this childlike behavior going on as the last resort when all else fails you throw mud pies that eats out there on the playground right it's a roast beef versus the frogs going on of course any sane person would rather be french and british just look at a recent study that came out about facebook users seventy five percent of british
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facebook users feature photos of themselves drunk. ok that should tell you something about that country all the policy makers are drunk is mostly in the bag all the people who are trying to do business over the city of london are for the most part in the abbreviated. police in denver dispersed thousands of demonstrations he had set fire to their shelters following attempts to victim it comes all to protest his recently multithreading month since the start of the movement against corporate greed in the us to see a chicken i reports from where it all began. these are the images of america over the last three months that cops are must beat back in themselves in the forehead because they've given such life to this movement not welcome by authorities
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a movement against wall street wealth inequality and government corruption exploded in new york and spread all across the us nexus of all of our grievances was the profit motive the fact that. the corporate sector dominated by the financial sector has our ostensibly democratic politics gridlock and owns it. all comply wall street has just marked its three month anniversary what we volunteer on september seventeenth with this momentous moment in anger with the banks this time now i think that we've kind of injected the idea of economic inequality and see the public discourse i'll get my wall street right that it would not last long enough to deliver any significant message but three months into the biggest nationwide movement the west has seen in years it's clear that the protesters are feeling stronger and more united than to be one critic said the protests would not survive until winter they have we can't fund education we can't
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fund health care but we can fund the police state and fund these wars until the cows at what point is it enough. when does the greed stop opponents said the demonstrations would never track tens of thousands they have i would love to see a peaceful revolution or really what the media ridiculed them it is. they're trying to have burning right now. but kidding they were not. just because many believe the uprising has transformed the face of america it's totally changed the conversation in the united states on saturday the occupiers of new york facts rocks. samplers after being evicted from zuccotti park. attempted to occupy a new public space to use as their base. but confronted by police about fifty were arrested others were pretty resilient i
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think you know in a short amount of time and. be sure that the. demonstrators plan to keep going until they see a rebound of the financial and political system in the us the financial elite is still lording it over everyone the economy is in trouble foreclosures are continuing to grow all these real reasons the protests and the movement will continue no matter the obstacles the goal of occupy wall street is to make history we're growing and we're going to be the transformative moment for example in economic justice in america. archie. kids go shopping while they're in special headlines in brief this hour now and piers morgan a former british tabloid it's a house did not mind phone hacking took place while he was in charge of two newspapers the eggs chief of the daily mirror and now a c.n.n.
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host was given evidence to have inquiry into the com dogs and i think so the u.k. press the scoundrel carries hotter it was discovered from the news of the world which morgan also edited in the past has been illicitly access to the cell phones of high profile people this still i saw the hacking revelations forced the title to close triggering a numerous dismissals on the arrests. a minute's silence was held across belgium as found them for men but the victims of last week's shootout in the city of the incidents where a man go on a rampage shooting on nothing grenades at a crowd near a christmas market five people were killed in a very hungry twenty injured in the incident it's. who shot himself before the police arrived was the exit sentence for firearms and drug related crimes. iraq's sunni vice president al hashimi has lashed out against terrorism charges
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brought against him by the government he said the allegations have been fabricated and proclaimed his innocence iraqi officials issued an arrest warrant for him yesterday while suspicion of running a hit squad that killed government figures the episode has increased tensions between sunni and shia groups just days before u.s. forces complete that withdrawal from the country. time out because it was a business desperate dimitry. demand for porters first allies is coming under pressure from the ongoing financial turmoil in europe russia's largest producer says it's most likely to cut production of the beginning of next year in order to maintain prices. there is general. sentiment in the market people are cautious everybody's afraid that there will be. financial markets will that agricultural business which is not the fact that they would be this way and we think that most probably in the first quarter of two
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thousand and twelve we will have to do so. it's a reduced demand on the market we can expect. ten fifteen percent can be expected and will use of this window in order to. implement the same maintenance and the function. so you look at the markets the crude oil is still high as forecasts the u.s. stockpiles are declining. more than three dollars and so is spread pretty much and also adding to the pressure is speculation that further sanctions may be imposed against iran which is opec's second largest. u.s. stocks are high after a strong spanish debt sale and in november housing in the u.s. came in surging in nine point three percent caterpillar and hewlett packard to top gainers on the dow they're up three point eight percent. in the europe was sort of
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the footsie added x. gain one and three percent respectively the dax is up after a survey of german business sentiment exceeded expectations the full sea however was the pressure down by shares of astra zeneca which went down as announced its abandoning a variant cancer drugs. and in russia also a positive session. skating almost two percent at the close look at the main movers on the myself you'll see that energy shares were leading the gains gazprom up almost four percent therefore it was weaker than the markets that's after reporting its net profit rise but more than during the first nine months to reach for a hundred. flamini of dollars have preferred shares of one national well pipeline operator trance naps were also up strong it's nine month net profit rose eighty percent to the four point eight billion dollars. the chairman of russia's nanotechnology corporation anatoly chubais says put
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a figure on the gains he expects from the membership of the world trade organization at a ceremony accepting russia's a member of the trade body to beis revealed and also received around five billion euro in state aid ahead of schedule to bear additional seven point five percent of g.d.p. so important for herself and the way to one of the roles you know if you give yourself joining the military there's so kind of the needs of the to come to affect them through the road for people in question for the protection over there not expect an additional steps from to go on because you're on the cover of a geisha nine hundred thirty below on a rowboat and there's a big agency it will be a full field by the end before the end of the next year but actually they were fulfilled if you want to go there december this year go on military all the money. and top officials vow to defend russia against a lot of cheap foreign imports because of joining the world trade organization devaney economy minister they slipped off admitted competition will be rising soon
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after joining but he told r.t. he'll battle on just moves by other members. we can defend or milk it for more imports and unfair competition we've used existing doublets you need to flip this so we're not creating any risk for our companies through joining live list competition. and this new bird thing we do need more competition bits of quality products and cheaper prices. coming up next i'll see the headlines with alice. if. you.
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