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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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the syrian opposition is where the government has moved to allow foreign observers into the country some welcomed the decision but others want international military action now up to one hundred fifty more killed in the past few days. opening for bob it's from a capsized old reagan russia's far east have been frozen shoulder treatment in hospital eleven people are confirmed dead while rescuers continue to search for two missing in freezing seas with winning that others may be found alive. moment of one of russia's main opposition leaders briefly i'm told is deeply embarrassed as insulting comments he made about his allies in private phone calls and leaks on to the internet.
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international news live from moscow this is also the with me of all of us thanks for joining us see where it could be the next subject of foreign military intervention if some opposition groups get their way that calls for outside help are growing louder insisting it's the only way to protect civilians from government security forces the demand comes despite the latest decision by damascus to allow arab league observers to monitor how the regime is dealing with that rest have been written for pool suggesting that dozens of army does the have been killed by syrian troops with nearly a hundred and fifty people dead in just two days in clashes with security forces first reports now from the country and what's behind the violence. we're here in the embattled city of homs and you can hear heavy gunfire in the background it's really hard to share insurance is that the civilian population here live. wyckoff
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to wait a month after month to ensure this conflicts the on going violence is taking its toll are they if there are neighborhoods that are being suffocated surrounded by armed groups there are many people who've been kidnapped we've had enough what did we do to deserve this holmes is being described as a city on the brink of civil war where some of the series fiercest fighting has broken hours driving through the streets there are clear signs of conflicts bullet holes and when day pains and slogans on the walls there's a heavy military presence we went able to visit some of the areas where concentrated fighting was continuing it would be empty dangerous to visit but in other areas of the city daily life struggles all o.b.'s and in the backdrop of gunfire. you can see the children playing here in the homes that this is day one of the major this conflict continues for the safety of the civilians. living
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here and this is the situation in homes right now is far more complex than simply what is the opposition against the regime here deep seated sectarian conflicts coverage their heads. from the rear are beginning to homes it was because they're equal large numbers of both much more than. the military funeral held yesterday gets under way for five soldiers killed by what the government says is an increasingly militant movement and on the same day reports from the opposition the harrowing accounts the civilian deaths around the country. make serious decision to allow the arab league to send observers all the more important this is naturally we want to visit to syria. in the same time preserve our sovereignty so really it depends on the intention do they really want
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to help syria or corner syria was the decision has been slammed by the main opposition outside the country b.s.n. see you call this a ploy the opposition inside the country has welcomed in the. hope it is going to be implemented on the ground as it stated in the protocol and we remain completely against international intervention it would lead the country to destruction. with a fractious opposition a rising death toll with facts and information still very hard to verify even on the ground the observers arrival here in syria will be an important step but it's going to be just one of many more that will need to follow and seeing to ensure that no more lives are lost. r.t. the city of homs in syria. and for more on this situation in syria i'm now joined live by international affairs commentator recross all of this talk nato organization
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a web based information campaign against the lines mr rose that think of so much for joining us now so western countries and says president assad is personally cracking down on peaceful protesters why is it that that nine months on the rest continues with reports suggesting the opposition is actually getting stronger. i am speaking to from chicago and not from either damascus so i don't claim to have time to be privy rather than cite information about what's happening internally in syria your reporters are doing a good job i think covering that aspect of the crisis my concern is more what is happening in the region in general and what internal developments which may not remain so starkly internal inside syria for time for the region and also the pattern of destabilization overthrows of the overthrow of governments throughout the arab world so far this year we have to recall the three arab countries of north africa tunisia egypt and libya of experience or gene change so far this year and at
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the price it seems well underway in both the government and syria so what we're looking at is a pattern of. forcible you know what may initially started these low protests that end up being quite violent as in the case of libya where nato intervenes on the top of the opposition and where the very very old prospect of thier replication of the model being employed in syria exist at the moment and we're also no i think sometimes you have to look at what's not in the picture for example of the twenty two members of the arab league that as arab speaking countries there are eight of them who have had to read a very rulers as their you for mystically referred to which is a savior governed by royal families and those of the six nations of the gulf cooperation council which met yesterday to discuss amongst other matters the crisis inside syria. and in recent months for the jordan and morocco the other two monarchies in the arab world a signal there in times of joy in the gulf cooperation council which would lead to
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as you will a whole year on the holy alliance of royal families throughout the arab world which a plate of a major role of demonstrably role in the overthrow of the moron mark about the government. in libya for example and have suggested be part of a. to supervise the term for some program in yemen and are increasingly. putting pressure on syria for transformation governmental transformation in that country so there's a lot more going on than strictly of the internal affairs inside syria for example at a meeting of the collective security treaty organization of russia up all over so i mean i am kazakhstan here just on thursday because the strike has. recently to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the organization a warning was issued about military intervention in countries that are suffering domestic down the rest of the reference would appear to have been. you know these are the syria more than any other country so we have to recall that nothing happens
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in a vacuum and that oftentimes to use their own expression the getting this that's fueled by this fact that either. yes said that does the opposition really want to see reforms in syria always a bank is done by outside forces to overthrow the regime from your points and. an article appeared in britain's daily telegraph on november the eighth stating that it is so i provide all the claim i'm sure about claiming that the so-called free syrian army. colonel riad al assad she retains the title colonel himself. had as many as fifteen thousand fighters station in turkey that is there there hosted by turkey presumably security. operations or are security provisions are made by the turkish government logistic supply and so forth so whether we're looking at again is not strictly an internal political matter of you know on the rest of them government response to that on the rest in syria whether we're looking
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at it so proclaimed liberation army one which in many ways resembles the so-called kossovo liberation army it is viewers who were recalled twelve years ago in the yugoslavia where a force backed by foreign governments the ones i mentioned for example the gulf war . counsel but presumably with some degree of plausible denial there deniability by the united states and its nato allies and we have to keep in mind that the country that has hosting this military force turkey has a style worked in the north the north the monetary organization in which the earlier this year waged a seven month bombing onslaught against love to go to effect regime change and that . right some of the syrian opposition is quoting from military intervention into the crisis claiming it's the only way to stop the bloodshed that takes place while consequences could have on the already votes higher middle east. we know that syria is their homes are russia's only you know truly over seas
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a military base that it's a naval facility a target of. an overthrow of the spirit of president assad's government in damascus much as happened with libya recently bring that country further into the western military orbit for example. the north african arab countries libya alone and i have not joined the nato military partnership program called mediterranean dialogue but since the overthrow of the other for the government in the installation of what i would argue is a western client for regime. there have been repeated statements including by the secretary general of nato as far grasmere some not in fact libya will join the mediterranean dialogue completing. really the transformation of the entire mediterranean sea base and to a greater nato see which is another factor to consider when looking at syria at the beginning of this year there are only four countries or bordering the mediterranean sea that weren't either for members of nato or members of various partnership
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programs like partnership with the in the mediterranean dialogue those four countries were libya in cyprus scenario so syria on the lead but there afterwards for both internally and externally to put pressure on cyprus there is a bloc of opposites. parties for example the leader of the sooner you know this pressuring the government to join the void which of these programs. so if there were. western. states not military intervention and so it's mr rosen we have to leave a valid phrase a rose of international affairs commentator and manager of the stop nato from asian campaign many thanks indeed and says around the sound the program beason by the clock. bungles its own terms deadline as the bloc struggles to convince member states to chip in for the common good of the euro. the voting survivors from
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a song or reagan russia's far east have been brought ashore for treatment in hospital eleven others have been confirmed dead by this search for forty two still missing in icy waters goes on being hunted by weather conditions with winds gusts up to seventy kilometers per hour take aggrieved that some of the survivors were told him how the tragedy unfolded dry land and the end of a nightmare for the weary few on board the ship rescued from a horrific ordeal in which friends and colleagues were lost they are among the few to be found alive after an oil rig on the toes sank in freezing waters for the servant people about some eight ports and their families awaiting them the moments will no doubt be one of intense relief but their tale of survival differs greatly to that the majority of those aboard this ill fated oil rig. psychologists and doctors met the survivors upon arrival will likely be an experience that will haunt
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them for a lifetime. i swam away from the rig a bit turned around inside capsize and i started swimming away as fast as possible in fear that i could be drawn into the board techs but those found alive will concede that in comparison they are the fortunate few dozens are still missing in the icy hoxsey following more than two days of searching planes are flying sorties to try and locate those lost and they're being accompanied by boats in the area the hours spent scouring the horizon so far program fruitless as only the numbers found dead appear to grow and angry relatives for they know just who is to blame. why did they need so many sixty seven people at the lake why what was the purpose of having sixty seven people there. yes. i'm the wife of captain kozlov before the voyage here dressed every official morning down there to talking was prohibited in the winter months by a low. it may have been one of the largest oil rigs in russia but disappeared
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beneath the waves in a matter of minutes but not so sure of what was the investigators are looking into three possible causes of the accident firstly it could have been due to violations of safety regulations during the tugging of the drilling rig secondly the condition of the rig itself might be to blame and lastly the decision to turn the rig might have been taken without proper consideration of the weather conditions of the wreck site. but the official findings will take some time and whatever the outcome for the families of those involved the little comfort they still come to terms with losing their loved ones so the more experience as a hope remains alive the possibility discovering further survivors appears slim jake agrees r.t. sakhalin russia's far east. and of course our team continues to follow the rescue operation and you can get the very latest by following aussie's drake agrees twitter think under his latest message he reports that something is cameraman who
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filmed reskill for a shot from the plane that it's really hard to score on a tray in the water from that corner twitter feed and our website asking. if. the personal phone conversations of a russian opposition leader have been leaks on the internet creating a storm of controversy very soon so good now faces split with an opposition ranks after using insulting words about protesters have tended to rally against the contact of russia's parliamentary elections on his tone barton has the details.
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revelations were published in life news dot grew a notoriously tabloid sensationalist website in russia and they concern six hours of private phone conversations recorded boris nemtsov an opposition figure in which he insults fellow opposition leaders using very profane language and calls protesters so how would really kind wins and internet comes to those protesters turning out on the reports of widespread vote rigging in the december's parliamentary elections boris nemtsov one of the all denies of the protests has hit back saying that this is kremlin phone tapping and that they've been released these phone conversations to try and discredit him and to split the opposition he doesn't ever admit that some of the phone conversations did happen and he's apologized for any insult caused in those but he says the others were falsified life news is oh no for its part has also added to the controversy by refusing to say where they got
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the recordings from but all of this is caused a great storm of controversy on the internet with people shocked by themselves words and his use of language about other opposition figures and the possible splits in russia's opposition that that could indicate. and for more news on conspiracy issues head to our website. and also on our website a new player on the field find out the white house believe it appointed an american ambassador to moscow right to influence russia's upcoming presidential election. from pepper spray to sonic attack head to our website to find out about the latest addition to the police arsenal used in dealing with occupy demonstrators in the u.s. to suffocate the protests and the weapons sound waves. and you short range and a missile interceptor rocket has been testified in kazakhstan as part of the russian military is defined as well known as
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a short drive on the. the new rocket weighing ten tons is the fastest in the world and this is the first time the russian ministry of defense has released footage of this am detest the display of firepower comes amid the long lasting russian nato standoff over the u.s. bonds missile defense system blonde for eastern europe and turkey washington says it will not threaten russia's security while also demands of legal guarantees and it also suggests the actions of the u.s. could undermine the recent starts nuclear production treaty. european financial turmoil sees no signs of easing off italy's biggest bond uni credit was downgraded by the rating agency on tuesday other big banks in the u.k. including spain son tyler and about him stacks here also in credit watch and could have their ratings cut and while the you missed a self-imposed monday deadline to come up with two hundred billion euro for its latest bailouts came in about fifty billion short of it starts budget started with
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political bickering paralyzing their project and britain refusing to pump more cash into the euro so the u.k. says the euro zone which is not a member should not sort out its own problem but as also has legs here shuster reports that many be asking too much from member states on their last financial legs. on paper these people live in one of the most prosperous economies of the baltic region the reality their homeland. is the poorest country and after spending a year being part of the euro zone these people say the positive changes they were promised are nowhere to be seen at the moment blew up recently a euro commission check their pensions are three days told they received an average pension of six hundred euros this is far from reality pensions and research fifteen hundred euro we hear get around two hundred. still only adopted the euro last january but despite a general positive attitude towards the move until now it is mostly big businesses
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and politicians that are really enjoying the transition there are clearly some political advantages in terms of if you want lock in your stone you're more firmly in into the e.u. very konami advantages as well in terms of investment the support for the euro is holding up very well you know people seem to be you see the advantages you may be politically wrasslin economically but the euro what gumption porgie soon brought a painful hangover since september story has agreed to take part in the european financial stability facility the body created to convert file. crisis and countries like greece and now experts say this membership comes at a price you can not afford to buy. for us very bad because we need to. or. from our g.d.p. rich countries something more than nine percent from. a poor.
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country no we need to pay off march richer countries the country central bank has even warned of a possible recession recent polls suggest up to sixty percent of historians are against the country's membership of the. government however doesn't seem to pay attention and refuses to drop out of this relief fund meanwhile members of this community say they would rather help greece with potatoes than for it would then see their pension money heading their adopting the euro soon or later was a necessary condition for a stone you to join the european union but being part of the european financial stability facility was not in the agreement and while economists are speculating whether stonier should continue its membership in this organization ordinary people are left to wonder why they have to pay someone else's debts. reporting from.
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back with a recap of the main headline shortly. well i'm joined by mr hans blix from stop calling mr blix charity international atomic
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agency for energy agency for sixteen years and was the head of the u.n. inspection team in iraq prior to the second iraq war mr blix it's great to have you with us sir now i'd like to start with i say latest news came young male who during who seventeen year old rule north korea has emerged as a nuclear state has died of a heart failure now his son is the next national leader what do we know about him are things going to stay pretty much the same or is where general security under threat how vigorously will he have push for nuclear weapons. well we are generally rather it. about the. architecture of the power building near north korea. but the changes we learned their way for some time but of course with . an important figure is. there's always a risk to. such
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a structure that there can be changes i think it is important that the outside world. does not make them. because they will feel themselves in a situation of weakness and then the threats from the outside might make them provocative for the last few years iran was number one nuclear enemy for the united states do you expect maybe a shift of interest from iran to north korea or does a country need to have oil as well to justify that much attention from the west no i think both places are of great importance in the north korean situation first of all we know that within artillery range for all of north korea so even without nuclear weapons the situation there would be a risky one and if north korea were provoked at him. there could be
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a risk also of encouraging. forces in japan. i don't see that now. but that would be a risk in the case of iran. on the other hand we see that already. they're working in iran to develop a capacity to. raney i'm has increased threat ten shows enormously. and there there is a great arms race going on. and we hear who works in israel and then in the united states saying that they should bomb iran. is very similar similar to what happened in iraq. could we be seeing the new iraqi scenario unfolding here as far as iran goes. well there are some similarities in the. escalation of the language in the threats. that we had in the case of iraq and
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now have in case of iran on the other hand we must remember that in the case of iraq they talked about. weapons that in fact did not exists today they're talking about iranian intentions that may or may or may not exist. but the difference is that iran certainly has a lot of nuclear installations iraq did not have that but in your own opinion is iran or of any imminent threat to any nation at this point. i don't think so really you. give as good through that joplin in and out. come out in that area very bad language about israel wiping israel off the map of the world but i think most people with me think that he is really talking to the arab street he has want to wanted to destabilize arab states that have supported the united
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states. iraq iran does not have a track record of aggression in fact there was iraq that attacked iran so i don't see an immediate threat from iran but i can understand that israelis are nervous but the u.s. and israel maintain the latest i ate a report provides very strong evidence that iran seeking any nuclear weapon. here's the question do you think iran has a nuclear weapon no i think a nobody really thinks they have a nuclear weapon and i think one must read that report rather carefully. what. evidence that could be explained if they were dealing with a weapon or a weapon and that there's other evidence that is very hard to explain unless they were working towards a weapon but they have not said that they established that iraq are actually
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intends to do it they might stop short of their weapons thank you very much for this interview. one drives. up to survive in the freezing cold. discovered. on the.
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wealthy british. it's not time to write. markets why not.


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