tv [untitled] December 21, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EST
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crackdown on protesters we'll hear from two people who tried to make a stand at the latest protest in new york city and things are still in a dollar word spiral of the fukushima nuclear power plant but now some scientists say that americans have been hit by this generation's worst nuclear disaster and a daily take tonight at the latest corruption of our country's laws just to protect the profits of big corporations. occupy wall street movement is now more than three months old it continues to persist despite police breaking up most of the actual occupations across the country new york to los angeles to chicago last weekend patriots within the movement attempted to set up a new occupation in new york city near trinity church one of the oldest churches in that city but that effort was blocked when the church refused to give sanctuary the
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movement and that and why p.t. proved in one of the individuals arrested over the weekend was retired episcopal bishop bishop george packer seen here wearing a purple kasik who was the first to climb over the fence. to be climbing over the fence into the property of trinity church bishop packard and his wife brooke packard who was also on hand for last week's demonstrations and joining me now from our studios in new york to talk about what happened to them and what's in store for the movement in the future welcome to you both glad to have you with us hi tom hi nice to be here thank you very very much george if i could start with you let's begin with what happened on saturday what motivated you to climb the fence. well i tell you it was a it was a long process well a long process in the sense that it. began in mid september i was bringing water down to the comedy park and innocent gesture and i was detained by an officer a police officer and i was just
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a suburban guy retired i just walk the dog and have some sympathy for some young people put some water in the station wagon bring it down there and the guy wouldn't the officer would not let me take the water out of the out of the car so i. detain me against the car and i thought this is crazy and my collar on i said officer show me a little humanity here and he wouldn't hear of it so i just continued to let the water take the water out and it turned out that he he walked away sheepishly and so did i but it kind of got me thinking tom what's going on in our country and i was sort of primed for when i got a call from chris hedges an old friend of mine who said the occupy wall street folks would like some help in the goetia with trinity church i knew the rector from another time and i said sure i'll do some negotiation if i can help out
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to see if we could occupy the two already park property and so then i back and forth show the plumber see between trinity church which was absolutely obstinate and did not arms folded didn't want to have anything to do with talking just talking to the occupy occupy wall street leadership and and then i would go back to occupy wall street and learn more and more about these wonderful people who are well organized ethical. methodical insistent and focused and they converted me i crossed that fence. a little inelegantly would you say. you know i said sort of dangled on the top there like going like a wounded duck but i've i did it because i was with my friends and i really believe in what i'm converted it's a remarkable story of the short yeah it's a remarkable story brooke you were there too and you had your own confrontation
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with the police i understand it was pretty rough what happened to you. yeah it was i was for george was the one who needed to be arrested because of his position and he did have the fabulous outfit and so i was just there to be supportive and make sure that he was going to be ok we knew he would be arrested so i was just videoing i was with a bunch of peaceful people outside the fence and i don't know what happened what was pushing us up against this fence but there was there was a definite push against the fence it was getting very frightening people were asking others to sit down there was no room to sit down and then a police officer just pushed against they had already done their job that arrested the people who needed to be arrested the police officers came up and on mass started to push the fence down on the crowd sitting below it. and i really feared for my life then i couldn't sit down and an officer came up and need me in the
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chest i thought i said please stop but the video has me saying one of those seven words i can't say and that hurts and then he need me two more times in the chest through the chain link fence after that someone grabbed me a police officer grabbed me picked me up in the air and threw me on the people making me a weapon which i thought was quite efficient and clever so. yes a study it was a good yeah sorry it was it was just clearly intended to terrify and create mayhem and i just want to add that what happened to me is absolutely nothing compared to what happens to other people who are breaking laws in the in the space for justice you know argued by wall street is is validly nonviolent yet and you were just standing at the fence in the vein singing to me because i was a little nervous about being arrested over done that and she was singing you know
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and and it was i was it was a a lark and in this same officer i found. and later is the one who need my wife in the chest i couldn't see was over my shoulder nonchalantly walks me to the paddy wagon i mean this is amazing story i'm delirious about your and brooks political leanings what you know do have you been politically active or have a political perspective for you but you know that. we have two minutes here brooke is that it took us a regular listener of your program. i listen to. i listen to rush limbaugh actually and i have not heard him and i turn him off point but ya know i turn him off when he gets a little a little over the top. and i i i just believe going to be i believe that i guess i've been listed as an independent what would you say you are i would say more radical founding father i was out in the streets as much as i could and you
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joined us for the republican convention here in two thousand and four while the east with there was little yeah. and you know it certain point you just get tired of signing one more petition you know and just you need to do something beyond i know you say to infiltrate the democratic party but it's at a certain point people have to take a stand for the ethics of the issues outside of party line i think you're absolutely right brooke we have just just one minute left that a very quick question for you george unfortunately we just don't have much time the church in various forms has been such an important part of virtually every progressive movement america from abolition of women's suffrage to civil rights to end of the vietnam war where do you think the church is going to come to one of the one who are going to see the church start showing up people dressed like you are. boy this is that this is the question that i. ponder and i worry about because we need to have a lingering in the prophetic side in this moment we're used to. giving
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charitable gifts to the needy we like to keep them right where they are and sedentary matter fact trinity church does that and occupy wall street does not appreciate that this is grateful for that i saw them many times to jim cooper the rector but please i asked him i asked him please embrace this dynamic quality of justice this is a this is the this is the time in history where we need to right the wrong there is this ache for justice in this country and you can be of any political persuasion and know that and so your quote you're open question is a good one tom i i don't know i didn't see many church leaders lined up alongside of the occupy wall street although there's an occupy faith movement but it's not the mainline denominational or it's let's hope we see it coming down the road fairly soon bishop george packer packard thank you both for being with us
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tonight thank you thank you for having at thank you. it's the good the bad of the very very court officially ugly the good senator ben cardin as republicans around the nation work to redistrict excuse me to restrict voting rights senator carden is working to expand voting rights democratic senator from maryland introduced legislation to restore voting rights to individuals convicted of the felony after they've completed the prison sentence currently eleven states in our country permanently bar felons from ever voting again in their lives after they've served their time and it disproportionately affects minority voters who tend to vote democratic. more than two million phones have served their time but can't vote in america seventy percent are african-american senator cardin
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said about his bill when prisoners are released they are rehabilitated and reintegrated into their community with these responsibilities obligations of citizenship should also come the rights of citizenship including the right to vote he's right let's hope this bill gets some attention the bad rick don't google my name santorum now that the issue of wealth inequality is at the forefront public debate rick santorum let everyone know where he stands a campaign in iowa santorum said talk about income inequality i have a income inequality i think some people should mag more than other people. we are one of the most unequal nations in the entire world we're even more an equal than nations like pakistan in the ivory coast where rick santorum thing says just fine looks like we found another shill for the one percent. and the very very ugly ubisoft video game developer is releasing the latest installment of its rainbow six
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again franchise it's called tom clancy's rainbow six adrian's and based on the trailer it looks like the game developers have made the new enemy with ninety nine percent in the game a group of armed men raid a corporate board office and repeat many of the same messages of the ninety nine percent of. but this is for the jobs you streamline the debts he collected this is for the homes you foreclosed on bailouts you took we are the true patriots each time the balance of power. you may not answer to come but you will answer to. the armed men then murder the c.e.o. conservative blogs are throwing their support behind the games and while it depiction of the ninety nine percent movement with the media research center writing these bad guys are basically occupy wall streeters on steroids or considering all the
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rioting attacks against police and pyrotechnic coming from the fires lately just a better organized next step for the more violent members of the ninety nine percent. thanks to you a soft box so-called news viewers can validate their worst fears about occupy wall street even if those fears just exist in a video game that's very very well. when we come back we have some shocking new information about the impact that the fukushima disaster as added here in the united states. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's going to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary zeal where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to
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ask we do our t. question more. as more trouble of fukushima nuclear safety experts are accusing the japanese government of why after two hundred thirty tons of radioactive waste was found in a tunnel underneath the crippled nuclear plant just a few days after the japanese prime minister said the crisis is over it's also news
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you know for the plant is on the verge of collapsing something the nuclear power expert paul gunter talked about my radio show yesterday. the unit for is looking more and more like the leaning tower of pisa right now when the whole building itself the whole building is. lifting and structure that's pounding the poorly listing there's there's a about one hundred fifty tons of high level nuclear waste that building is now shifting and they've you know they've been sending engineers in there to try to shore it up to you know you know poles in whatever to keep it from falling over but if that whole thing falls over it just it's going to dump a whole reactor core right out onto the ground and this new information suggests that the japanese government is still misleading the world about just how severe the fukushima crisis is but even more troubling is the impact this nuclear crisis
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on the other side of the world has had right here in the united states there's shocking new evidence out that the focus human disaster may have led to the deaths of as many as fourteen thousand people in america. for more on this i'm dr joined by dr jeanette sherman internist and toxicologist and co-author of a new report on the link between an increase in deaths here in america and the ongoing focus human nuclear crisis dr sherman welcome thank you very much thanks so much for joining us tonight tell us about the study you coauthored that suggest as many as fourteen thousand americans have died as the result of focus. my colleague joe mann gallo and i used only governmental data that is by the u.s. government's e.p.a. and c.d.c. and by comparing. the deaths before fukushima for fourteen weeks and after fukushima and then expanding on the data we found that there has
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been an increase in deaths in the united states this is been corroborated by findings of deaths of particularly of children younger than one year in british columbia which is one of the first places where the radiation would hit so you so younger than one year is that. in fact i thought that the birth the death rate for children that age actually been declining in the united states until the fukushima if we had it had it had been and then and then the death rate went up another was thousands died why i just under one year and what does this have to do with church and noble. well this is the same findings we found after chernobyl and i'm the editor of the book and i hold it up here on chernobyl catastrophe for people in the environment and what we found was that immediate
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children because their immune systems are not fully formed and because their detoxification systems are not functioning fully and because they you know you're talking about a child maybe five six six seven eight ten pounds and which is they receive a proportionally much higher dose than does an adult who weighs one hundred fifty or more pounds so when after focus happened one of the one of the more distressing things that we learned from people like paul gone through came on this program regularly the folks from beyond nuclear is that our government shut down most of our radiation detectors on the west coast so we don't know how much radiation we got but there were a lot of radioactive isotopes that were in a gaseous form radioactive iodine in others or particulates matter that was that was finally or us allies the cesium for example they got high up enough that it could've gotten here or could it come by the pacific ocean are used are you saying
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explicitly flat out the that it looks like fourteen thousand children under the age of one in the united states and fourteen thousand that's ok so fourteen thousand total votes but but the gurus the most phone of all it's our newborns and young children and the elderly. many of the a many of the elderly have you know. illnesses cancer or other illnesses that they are dealing with diabetes hypertension this kind of thing and this kind of. exposure sends many over just over the over the in this is what's so shocking about. this is most people think that radiation produces cancer after ten or twenty years you know you know john wayne died all those years after that that that nuclear test in a while meter utah where was. but you're saying that there's an instantaneous response relatives are not saying an instantaneous but we saw after chernobyl high
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rates of thyroid cancer and leukemia. and. these occurred within a year or two for this you know we have to remember that the highest cause of death except for accidents in children is cancer and so we're in a if you have a three year old or a five year old or a one year old who has cancer they obviously didn't take twenty years to develop but yeah you're right how much longer might the world in particular nature and future generations feel the effects of focus you will see zero proof for instance cesium one thirty seven instruments you ninety have a half life of approximately thirty years and it takes ten half lives for an isotope to be completely gone so you know ten times thirty is three hundred years or three centuries. so what's what can be talking about twenty two hundred
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fifty thousand years or so in the minute we have left here dr sherman what can be done is there anything can be done. i think people need to be aware of what is being deposited on the united states the e.p.a. and its great wisdom was conducting air and water and milk sampling on a weekly basis and then they decided the quarterly was was clearly enough i think we need to push for regular testing of food and particularly of milk and dairy products and the fish that's coming out of than pacific northwest and to have these data freely available to all citizens remarkable dr jean as sherman thanks so much for the great work that you're doing and for for sharing this report with us and for coming on our program saying thank you you're very welcome thank you sadly we're just scratching the surface when it comes to how dangerous nuclear power is
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yet we keep subsidizing reactors with our tax dollars this is insanity and frankly needs to end. question are anti-terrorism laws meant to protect the public or to protect corporate profits a look at how the f.b.i. is targeting animal rights activists it appears anti-terrorist laws are being used in some cases strictly to protect corporate profits at the expense of the public a recent freedom of information act request uncovered an f.b.i. file that identifies animal rights activists who snuck into factory farms and videotaped the horrific conditions the animals are kept in as terrorists that's
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right those who make videotapes like these and distribute them to the public are on par with people like timothy mcveigh and the nine eleven hijackers according to the f.b.i. why because the f.b.i. argues that actions like these do quote economic damage and quote to farm factories and under a controversy a law passed by republicans in congress and signed by president bush in two thousand and six known as the animal enterprise terrorism act. you can be brought up on charges of terrorism if you economically damage factory farms by vandalizing property interrupting or invalidating experiments or just simply costing a factory farm profits and since videos depicting animals being tortured before they're slaughtered and videos depicting unsanitary factories may cause people to
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not buy from that particular factory and the f.b.i. says that these activists disrupted rockets and thus are terrorists as the f.b.i. file reads these activists are key leaders of redacted to direct activities which disrupt the normal business and cause economic loss to local establishment there is a reasonable indication that redacted and other members of redacted have violated the animal enterprise terrorism act here's the best part that law that the f.b.i. is referencing the animal the enterprise terrorism act which republicans rushed through congress guess who was behind it the american legislative exchange council or alec the shadowy right wing organization that writes custom made legislation for corporate lapdog politicians joining in the lobbying effort were a lobbyist from pharmaceutical corporations would love to test the drugs on animals alongside lobbyists from groups like the fur commission usa and the national cattlemen's beef association all made sure that this legislation was passed not
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because they were afraid activists would blow up their factories but because they didn't want activists exposing what was really going on behind closed doors back in two thousand and six congressman dennis kucinich knew what the knew that this law would be abused and he went on the house floor and said this. there are some specific transpose with respect to humane treatment of animals and my concern about this bill is that it could have a chilling effect on people who the law says well their first amendment rights are protected but the law also is. it in such a way as to have a chilling effect on the exercise of the constitutional rights of protests i understand the intent here but i just think that. it's going to be very careful about painting everyone with the broad brush of terrorism who might have a legitimate objection to a to
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a type of research or treatment of animals that is not humane and so i unfortunately his colleagues didn't listen and today it looks like these animal rights abuse or these animal abusing corporations as succeeded now the patriotic activists who are well within their first amendment rights to engage in protests boycotts and whistleblowing are being treated like identified as terrorists but others are fighting back this week the center for constitutional rights and it is working on a case arguing that the american enterprise terrorism act itself is unconstitutional c.c.r. writes in a statement the a a is an unconstitutional law because it criminalizes a broad swath of protected first amendment activities and is so unclear as to fail to give people knows of whether or not their conduct is lawful the fourteenth richest man in america billionaire michael bloomberg showed the generation coming up in america right now how the power of the state can be used against people protesting corporate crimes in that case the crimes of the banks was on wall street
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my generation saw that power when the military industrial complex as gassed arrested and even shot and killed at kent state protesting the war in vietnam. for congress to create a category of crime called terrorism for which the normal rules of the constitution and law don't apply from surveillance to detention to prosecution is wrong on its face it's also unconstitutional and to extend that terrorism label to people who are hurting the profits of one particular category of industry in this case the industries that use animals for food for research is unconstitutional in the extreme most americans and even most activists don't know so much about this and may just think it's done such a big deal but just wait until congress passes the banks or enterprise terrorism act which alec is like it working on as we speak and you discovered that if you encourage people to take their money out of a particular bank your a terrorist and find yourself in guantanamo think it couldn't happen animal rights
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activists didn't think the meat industry could buy enough members of congress to label them terrorists but it happened and if you're if you're working to out the crimes of our banks tours you could be next. as the big picture for tonight for more information the stories we've covered visit our websites and thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org dot com also check out our to you tube channel for links to thom hartmann dot com also it's on our radar com check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy begins when you show up when you participate get out there and get active tag your it find something to occupy participate to see the.
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dot com. brochure is in anticipation of the annual state of the union address with the president expected to list a set off political reforms in the country. the. arab league observers are set to arrive in serious part of a deal and aimed at tackling bloodshed there while sanctions imposed on damascus by the organization prove inefficient for the people being the ones to feel the pinch spots. in the u.s. the law is on you appear drugs for use of executions and without them they're going to be stopped and lives will be said to america's controversial practice of death.
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