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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EST

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the russia the interests of our country has been a movement you thought i would agree with that opinion and now we need to learn to work within this organization isn't the potential to the maximum journey in the w t o because that is a significant factor of russia's integration into the global economy it is up to our boat to both our national interests and to the interests of stabilizing the international trade system violently and one of the key achievements of recent years in the sphere of international security is the signing. of the new start treaty he use and when you have that and it works towards ensuring that your strategic stability. was real and that your in with your will and our commitment to signing a new nonproliferation system. laid the foundation for a new architecture of european undivided security. on general we have managed to do a lot of. movement and the results of the past two years can be considered
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successful and a number of the results we achieved can be considered unprecedented but i would like once again to say thank you to those supporting my plans and initiatives and i think that the worth towards updating our economy will only that they should and the entire life for our society should be the main focus of those who will go into rule the state in the years to come. was a macallan year their colleagues. with the most noble couple of words some practical tasks of modernizing our country to get at the start that the fact that i as a president with what i as a president of the russian federation go into to in the next few months normal number one today at the new state the development of our state support in the initiative a prime minister vladimir putin will i suggest a complex reform of our political system. i deal with guys that
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will. i like to say that i hear those talking about the need for reforms and for changes and i was stand them like you and i'm good as them and we need to give all active citizens an opportunity to take an active part in the political life so i consider the following necessary are going to be at the foot i think if you get out the body move that when you move we believe we should introduce direct vote for governors of the russian regions that are introduced simplified partly your registration procedure for political parties and i suggest that by application of five hundred people from the. representing not less than fifty percent of the country's regions that i consider it necessary to cancel the need to gather signatures to run for the state duma and for legislation then you're going to florida. i consider it necessary to reduce the number of signatures voter
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signatures will be needed to run for presidency alone to three hundred thousand and four candidates from one parliamentary parties to one hundred thousand signatures more besides i suggest changing the procedure of elections to the state duma i consider it. necessary. to introduce proportional representation. by two hundred and twenty five regions districts of russia this will allow every territory of russia. yes when you have to well i'm glad i'm not mistaken i mean about one of your special will allow every terrorist or of russia to have its direct representative in the parliament. right now and everybody knows that unfortunately some subjects of the russian federation to not have even one deputy elected by locals by the court and i also suggest changing the procedure for forming the central and regional elect election commissions. one of the.
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parties may have the right that's the rich enough to revoke their representatives ahead of schedule if there is such need i will i will propose relevant bill says state duma in the near future. colleagues. this is not the final least of my initiative. more that would. be patient given the fact that. one chinese we probably knew more than a wise man sat government should be consistent and when taking actions we should take account of time or the nation butts in the future in which we will take further steps. and i believe that the measures that have been proposed will make up political system more efficient. and better representing the
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interests of in our citizens and search changes especially relevant before the presidential election these elections should be transparent that. they shoot indicates that we abide by. levels of law and order. might be stay tuned or we'll have to concede to a number of little on the decentralization it will help to delegates some of the authorities and funds to the regionals i've promised to do that and i will do that we need to let. the major functions of the state close its of the people who do that stage by stage of a number of years within the following political cycle. we will
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expand the number of sources of financing for our regions we'll discuss it later with you we did they could amount to one trillion rubles. create conditions for the region's effective development for the officials administering their functions more efficiently we will. chain we will repeal the tax breaks in number of regions in a number of regions we will live year a new tax a state of property tax and what regions should have more authority in terms of distributing the budgets resources coming from the federal level too much regulations will need to be cancelled and the system of supporting the regional
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budgets stimulates their own finances their own budget. what would you want to and finally the heads of regions. we'll be able to concede are asking for more authority yes and part of the authorities could be delegated to the regions on the basis of federal laws i mean those authorities that influence the vestment climates and economic development of the region would all should should also boosts of the social basis of the use of palettes is a level which is closer to the people i mean disabilities should get the budgets which is transparent and which is in the long term it will be other changes that we will discuss in we next couple of months and the process of decentralization will
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be accompanied by a growing row of the growing authority of the heads of the regions and they need to boost the quality of services they provide to the people. third going to. them in the first half of next year you know that one of the union we will replace. the federal law and ninety four it's a taurus lord contracts of one. have to pass a new bill. before that the new procurement law gets we'll look what i mean approves the contract system there will be no more of the out of high monopoly lor's and multibillion corruption so emotional but you've got to fight corruption. to introduce control over the expenditures of officials.
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of your thought you in those cases when you the expenses are the people that do not match their earnings. i think like you know we're now talking about decorations is on but when they buy their the kills or stocks or a land or other property similar to the low. we have introduced. finance for corruption and we can now to fire people. that have undermined confidence with and that is actually implementation of the un convention on on the fight seeing it corruption on that role and see it is now based on the law system. we should all securely see do the
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expanding the least of those officials that need to declare there. are. going to take checks and their income. should also think of other measures. apart from the fine unless you thought we would see cuts of the motivation. building these corruption scheme is. introducing limits for that but i mean. the number of contracts between state officials and what private organization it was. before that were going to the top of managements consists of relatives of state officials next of kin and the number of search cases in our country is enormous. number four much the. back and well again and we now have
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finalizing the process of moving on to your page but on the imagery government services. i mean all of the regions should sort of pass over to these new to see just by next year. and people will get in but. if. the internet so websites and universal rigid e-cards are going to be once you get services millions of people will use only the. these opportunities next year and also talking about those living in remote parts of russia people will it will be easier for people to work on line it was the government's saving on the time and money and craning of electronic digital technologists provide for transparency need to fight corruption number five.
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we will also introduce new programs to support mothers with three children scientists and doctors they should get better opportunities to know who their housing conditions are using mortgage. beneficial interest rates with number six. one of the major tasks of the government and society based to implement society is to put the program on an. available and affordable environment that we have for allocated sufficient funds for its value we will work on improving the condition of the disabled we will provide soon in the new jobs for them and extend the new little number of schools. that we need to boost our efforts to make the conditions of their life their
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opportunity they're pretty new to us and. they're an important part of our society. number seven. we will deliver on our promises regarding the development of the budget sphere and god that we put in in two thousand and twelve will accelerate the solving the problem of lack of. places in kindergartens i think the problem will be completely can be completely solved within five years. and it just be solved. but the level of payment for those work in those children's kindergarten stuff can be increased and salaries of school teachers will be increased as well is that at the same time in the regions special attention should be paid to increasing situational and cultural institutions working directly with children i mean our schools is eons clubs libraries and you're in
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a tough situation now and the government should help bridge and some in realizing programs in this sphere where number eight. misstate extra measures to simulate the growth within the of foster families of adopting orphans. she there's the global you and all those enabling it but also think that region leaders. be the guy did you get to take steps to ensure medical and pedagogical. and others and assistance to foster families that will this help should be practical and all regions should complete developing programs for social adaptations but all of a former orphanage children a number of regions still have that task outstanding number nine. on further steps in criminal. legislation and justice that you will get all in the first half
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of next year and then i will hold the prepared him the good of them to prove to provide for the forming of a social rehabilitation system for. four inmates for people currently serving jail time i thought what do you think special role. in efficient criminal policy will be given to an efficient if you traditional system then you will be it will determine whether they as an attention or a system will become more flexible than what i will do and therefore them with more chest we will continue working towards increasing the quality of the judge community me some if they can he has got the establishing a system of independent examination commissions take that angle for me to examine old candidates for judges well based on the initial deal and i think we have about the same number of judges as most syrup in countries only they have to deal with ten's like me just about them both tends more cases. this is due to the fact that
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over. eighty percent of all cases in european countries are solved for reconciliation would be to go with. reconciliation treaties and we have no mediation procedures in russia that you and you but you have no mediation laws and those that we have they almost don't work in other bullock and those cases on the successful cases have been very few and citizens must be informed on their ability to solve an issue through a qualified mediator. with the group and look insulation procedures should be. introduced to solve some limits and the kinds of disputes. that on two months ago. i propose to go beyond the established institutions and leave but i'm going to establish a bigger or more open. and extended or more open government and. we need.
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to solve a third seven current tasks or vote at all levels of power should then compare us the experts and basically everyone willing to work. with but to work on principle solutions and programs a new initiatives someone hacked such a measure could provide socialists for the most active entail and tailing to people people could provide the labor reserve. enough for authorities in the federal center and in the region we already have rotation of state officials that list half reserve system has some one hundred thousand people which is a significant figure in the presidential reservedly was stablished by my proposition has provided has supplied over two hundred a month by theatre with qualified officials salviati however this work should be done more consistently good at that and more actively with the public at me. again
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the open government is a more efficient way of receiving feedback that we will organise and reforming the work. of state authorities making it more at the motor and got a little more reliant on the initiative from the regions as in how it once said that the motor of a true democracy is not let the government do its but let us do it. on our own you know i think this is very right and those are situations will start work and work in just a few weeks. but first on the basis of a of an interim group e-mail entrance structure established especially for these purposes some of the public contest phase one of the first measures will be a public contest to reveal the most pointless and also it's not choking stifling bureaucratic procedures but if you think. i would like to address all those facing a face those procedures please feel free to tell about them if you consider them
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harmful for normal functioning of our country and our society will be on the base of your propositions second decisions will be made to cancel them or to correct some procedures. and in some cases they will be staffing decisions as well. you feel i'm looking at in general to improve public communications i consider it right to use all modern technologies if you know i have paid most close attention to that we need to use everything we have and we need to create what we do not have yet would log therefore i suggest i think in the news the future if you need to solve the question of a submission public television. more. now will have some on the base of the car over current federal channel t.v. channel with them through genius of it and that case three of them and none of the
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old owners of this new mass media will believe should not have the decisive vote on any decision when each of them like it is neither a state of his own or neither a private loan or national i'm sure that such a measure can we help make our information environment more competitive and thus more interesting what imogen dear colleagues would you feel that you might get out of their list of tasks you always shall go into focus my efforts in the next few months. i would. hear anything but as for the way the federal their powers go into looking in the next period that depends on the choices of the people of our country this is a very important choice that will determine our common future especially considering the tough situation that the world is facing with. you know that. financial turmoil zz have already undermined the credibility the solvency of many
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countries he had only while you. were fearing one. of the main reserve currencies and fears of the state of banks are now determining investor modes more than the real situation in economies yes there are developing countries which account for the most part of the population of the planet and that developing world keeps developing at the gates growing the meeting place however cannot fully compensate look in my queue for the stop of the previous locomotives you know weakening of the development of the global economy the move. is not there for many politicians heads of international organizations and business people and economists speak about the onset of a global depression was removed with. a dear friends it is evidence. that all of us are in for tough times. but on the doing of we did it all it is said that our country. when her dignity through times of crisis and the current team
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overcame those we knew we heard those and i think we can overcome the new challenges and whoever becomes the president but when you have the love the country in it but i mean whoever has the federal government. there is always a set of unconditional priorities that state leaders i go into staked out of the in order to ensure it's successful development that is in the will. again i had the chance to see that the minimum fracture of that when i was talking to people during the election campaign was doing that to my election campaign with and i heard a number of things that further reaffirmed to me like commitment. the most significant was that i was putting in my mouth and use our shipments the more acute the unsolved problems the. filum the more well off the societies in general than though it's a pretty lean you be at the more your name are really with manifestations of
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poverty right violations and injustice people are tired from not been able. to promptly solve the most pressing issues people are tired. of having their interests ignored sometimes plain overlooked that it is unjust and unfair when thousands of families are living in barbaric conditions without minimal creature comforts and communal utility services when children from far away villages have no access to decent education. and when people have trouble to get into places where they can gets problematical good treatment and other services if they have no chance to find a decent job. or often knowledge about all that with you might get it but you might get that which it isn't tolerable when business people and the trip printers and regions spend months of them so overcoming bureaucratic hurdles facing arbitrariness of officials at every step. of officials lobbying the interests of
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competing organization of people again our citizens suffer from unlawful decisions unlawful verge it's verdicts or fulfillment of caught her take. on all those problems and we see and know them will have to be tackled. by the new officials the new leaders of the country human other than humans so what do you make of the russia needs as a rule you. look at the package of measures you really want in of the two excessed innovations and to create millions of new jobs. true or private and foreign investment in particular. in a smart infrastructure in housing in services sector and i will repeat what i've said before you might we need soon proved the investment climate is the best way to
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provide for a high pace of economic development this is the only way to ensure that. to address the parity is of the least it's we need to support our microeconomic performance given the higher the high inflation rate in the two notes with interest rates we will not achieve that that is why we need to keep our foreign debt level and inflation rate as low as possible that we need to increase the income and revenues received from the improvement. administrative and tax and customs procedures see inflation and interest rates should be decreased to more affordable levels thanks to competition thanks to remove all of the illegal and political risks this is necessary to necessary for the creation of
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the financial center but i view. the central bank the girlie men not just during the crisis three years ago cannot. we cannot allow for any pivots to take place in the banking sector and on the markets we need to leave within our means not to squander our resources especially head of the looming leaned on global recession living within our means does not mean that we should. cut. our social obligations all of the social obligations will be delivered on in full volume. at the. we are talking about pensions. also social care says doing anything about health
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care system going about pretty helping the disabled and i'm supporting the science and culture we need to map out the long term strategy for a pension system and i believe we need to give it up in the possibility see it in to decide themselves when to retire. into account the level of the. wages and we need to stimulate accumulation of attention. in the new health care laws that will give for a higher quality of health care services and the funds that will be allocated. it's we will go for the great of medical students for the crease of salaries for the. community of doctors and a healthy lifestyle should become the norm of our society we need to school.
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but go on go ahead with. the new school and. we need to be looking for new talent about the level of talent we need to look for those who will specialize in certain professions school should become the center of life and not just an educational institution i we need to bring up a new generation of teachers professes he get a decent salary for their labor now this but everything we need to know. prove the situation in the area. i mean what higher education when the trends a set not by classic get with the new research institutions powerful institutions but hundreds and thousands of substandard. educational institutions we need to. create seeing
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new. class education institutions we need to restore the cultural level of our citizens which could be one of the main factors driving the modernization of russia we need to say traditional schools and new projects in every area of the arts we need to update the infrastructure of the. mobile culture sancti as we need to increase the salaries of those who devotes a. vase area the average. culture to why. and this is it from foreign as sites. that move for we need to make culture available to children who get acquainted suis through masterpieces of world heritage.


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