tv [untitled] December 22, 2011 4:01am-4:31am EST
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the patriots and extremism mean extremism is a sign of weakness but we still have a lot of issues that lead to conflicts between economic people little various. if new cities we need to remove the courses for before massive migration within the country we need to develop read the regions where there are no jobs and people have some migrates we need to give more attention to ethically education and moral education we need to teach them about. tolerance just as we teach grandma history all of them you need a place to preserve our country but we should apply a zero tolerance policy on the extremists in your all crimes that are used to incite interest nick hate suits and this should be our priority.
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if your colleagues women feel the decade which is to come should be sign up or to upgrade and are we going to dump forces by mentioned the decisions that were taken to solve the housing issue to improve the salary cuts by the year twenty twenty the russian army should get more modern equipment and should be required by seventy percent army. will require the decrease of the family becomes a decrease of the. risk of the conscription service soldiers. the number should go down to four hundred twenty five thousand when we should move on to belittle professional service priorities. ensure security. not at that secure cooperation with other countries in the interests of
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russian white people i spoke recently on missile shield. you've all heard my statement but i would like to have three but look can confirm one thing we are open for constructive dialogue and for some specific negotiations with our partners if they learned here our points of view and we hope they will meet us halfway we believe that that would that we hope that. they will keep on. having that atmosphere of confidence more than the governor and we believe that we are open to the thought on the gauche asians on the new agreement on the theory of the pan european security pact with lia with the young lady. another priority is the attempt since overcomes the consequences of the financial crisis we now need
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to implement decisions announced by the original on reforming the financial system and. remind you that it was in the past year i had some initiative on that and even though we need to introduce a mechanism on. when we get minutes and the consequences see shelves. or in the introducing new frames of we were in a new framework we were a security. also new measures to secure the internet and also in fighting piracy and we hope that there will be negotiations on this part of the issues are being discussed with libya some of them are discussed on the fly and i was in the g twenty we shoot of course used the potential of the shanghai cooperation organization and the brics countries the events of the past few months
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have indicated. that russia's role in solving political issues. with that we saw all these issues through diplomacy without any external interference and of course using the potential of the united nations proces to give additional input is to to gratian to see a process is. integration cooperation with our partners we need to have a government that if you only do that more i thought in a partnership with the collective security treaty organization and you know we will use all of the potential but you must give it to secure our borders we also need to use the potential of the customs union and the single biggest trade. and be thought in is that we now have an ambition task and i
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mean we are blocked on creates in the eurasian economic union that. it's we'll use the work that you've done if it's of our economies. and provides tangible benefits for all of our citizens if you have that way what could it be which is transparent and we're open to other partners. from. other countries they can join the united we believe that this economic union will be a link. between europe and asia and the asia pacific region. and its will exert its influence and it will be a major player in the world economy. and yet i think that argue that with the people of russia their friends are there for all these years. worked with one goal in mind. to make the lives of our people better still.
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just make sure that the people of our country feel safer. that they're not afraid for their children and grandchildren. that the life of the older generation has led to the dignity back watching the will this is why it was so important to retain their cannot make and political stability in the country. you must make this is why it is so crucial that we begin the modernization of our country must be did you sleep with us however there are indeed difficult times ahead mobile depression. may last for several years. and competition for the mines for their ideas for resources is only going to grow fiercer and we are in the epicenter of this competition with look at even in this toughest circumstances we have no right to stop in our development was that this work is go into require determination lots of effort and of course time overcoming inertia. and the numerous established
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stereotypes. and it is only together that we can go this hard road together. good luck with moving. yes of course we differ in our views of the world but it's not really new sometimes we have very different ideas of priorities. don't we have differences on how we should act. and should never ultimately. it is the same thing we all want an a better life for the people of our country. by of them or with those and. this is why we should learn to listen to each other those in the. should learn to respect public opinion. and not hoist our decisions not force our decisions upon the public. on the.
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well must also carry on what we began before must carry on renewing the russian state and russian society in general in the play and we have got used to because this is why this is why i want every one of you recognize his or her possible responsibility for how his closest most beloved people leave deal for the success of your business national you being with the therefore for the future of our beloved country or within yourself i fully recognize my responsibility. for everything that has to be done yet you need of guts of the ways of what i believe in every one of you is no simple which and i know we will succeed.
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well we've just been watching president of u.s. forces and the final state of the union address his russian president and to discuss this with me i have in the studio our political commentator peter lavelle well peter we've just heard president viejo of talk about a lot of things here and yes and he in the first part of his speech he was very positive it started off in a very positive now outlining russia's achievements and achievements during his presidency and then he talked about what needs to be done and talked about what everybody wanted him to talk about ok and i think i'm going to quote him a little bit here. to be ready for dialogue on all issues treat with respect criticism criticism is legitimate russia needs to mocker see not chaos and the recent elections were a good a maturity sign of russia's democracy not a negative as so many people like to put it but it was very very adamant that civil society is active and it must be listened to i think he's obviously we are going to
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the reaction of some people to the election and some of the protests that we've seen since the election so he's seeing reality it's very very sobering reality that we've got well you know in fact of the statement that he made and he just said that russia needs democracy and not chaos was very firm one well see this is where the political reform comes in this is where there's a lot of confidence of political will in the sense of what we have gone through the one nine hundred ninety s. was very chaotic then they had to build the state and in the two thousand now we have to find the right balance is exactly what the president was saying some have to find the right balance more political reform more decentralization of the political system strengthening of political parties and just listening to people more on the recent parliament didn't do that this parliament will have to so what other changes can we expect and political reform will be looked at. we're talking about direct election of the governors that's going to be on the spin on the agenda for a while cutting out corruption from the political process and cutting out corruption in general in this country which is
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a lot of time on what you should have because there's a lot of corruption here but it also looking at the criticism of the authorities there has to be more ways of doing it ok not just going to the ballot box once there are only four political parties who are going to lower the threshold which i think they should they think russia is ready for that ten years ago i don't think they were ready now they are more political voices have to get in there that can only be healthy here again this address was and i can tell our audience here that it was changed over the last week to reflect some of the events that are happening in this country it just wasn't a checklist of his presidency it's a checklist of his presidency what needs to have what is happening now and what needs to happen in the future right into the next president so in a sense this is a program what needs to be done in the future and one of these things is a comprehensive political reform and the other thing that he focused on in his address was the modernization of the army and a lot of time you know one thing is on the modernization what needs to be down there put it under the rubric of modernization in the financial crisis because we talked about that
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a lot russia has done pretty well right now but if there's another tsunami out there a global recession russia can't get away from that and he actually warned people hard times are ahead russia cannot exist in isolation it has to deal with its partners but russia will be treated as an equal partner w t o except in things like that so i think it was you know he said during his administration or quite a few achievements i think that fair to say that's true but there's a whole lot of work ahead. all right peter thanks very much indeed for your insight on the presidency of address and we can now go live to our correspondent who has been watching this address with us and she again now at tell us more well because we know over to you now so what were the highlights of mr medvedev address on the when i was listening to what you and peter were saying and indeed probably those who expected that these final address of that mission that that as the president would look like it's bearable speech were disappointed because it rather looked
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like a long to do list of first of all political establishment had been looking at the year was looking at that speech what was this to what metric that exactly is going to change how he's going to form the country's political system. russia needs democracy but if sir but the russian leadership will not allow whistle blowers and the stream it's full russian society into shady undertaking it will not tolerate foreign interference in russia's domestic affairs the main thing which mitchum it but if said in response to mass protests which took place in different cities across the country holding the december or parliamentary elections. people's right to express their opinion by all legitimacy means is guaranteed when you attempt to manipulate the people of russia deceive them to instigate social to school on acceptable but we won't allow extremists to prove a case is to draw society into the shady enterprises we won't allow interference
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from outside in our internal affairs russian these democracy not chaos. the take a lot many expected that it should be that it will be talking about his ongoing work for him plans because he should the prime should let him are put in to win the presidential election and several months from now that mission if it becomes that russia's now. prime minister all these ideas initiatives would be relevant would be practical and of course mention the very forward what had to do with the elections he said that direct government elections should come back to russia he suggested to reform the other reform the judicial system could be also said that russia should find its human resources among the people and we have the back channel with the public and it early it will mind of yours is just the ideal be enlarged open government and patronage that it today can mention that and said it's in
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a way an elevator for the most active talent to socially responsible people to come up with their views to represent them in the government and this is a particular what he emphasized today and will suggest that actually russia needs a public t.v. station which is policy not the first neither by the government and war by public investments. that should go a quick my proposals are to introduce direct elections to russia's regional heads to simplify the registration of political parties to remove the need to get the signatures to take part in a federal and regional parliamentary election was to cut the number of signatures needed to take part in the presidential election i also suggest changing the system for the parliamentary election i suggest introducing proportional representation in two hundred twenty five election areas even the representation of political parties
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in election committees should be bigger and introduce these drafts to parliament in the near future but he said young but i see talk more in the main highlights of meeting the benefit dressed to the parliament and now joined by me faile much head of me to national committee of the equation council thank you very much for joining like of having me here that. to me that if i'm to find that precious elections russia's domestic affairs is its own thing and russian russian government won't tolerate any connection here in this and that extremists tracking public interest tests and illegal actions what does he mean by i think that. you can hardly find any country in the world the wage is really into fear there which made it easily there any interference it is the mistake of the head i think his message was very straightforward maybe a divorce very articulate actually if i may say the whole structure of
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the address was like a consulting scroll scintillation it was very easy to put the text in the slide form it with all the bullet points of the lines slate with the last slide which will say next steps he underlines the program for his new government and there we do hope that he becomes the prime minister but as a future for prime minister is there going because you know that president is going to send a very important thing to russia is a sovereign state and it's a democratic sovereign state for the first i know with history that we are not the second edition over the empire when we. were in the bolsheviks they'll see and it's not the should anymore and the southern states will never tolerate for a simpler lot of things especially concerning the election the correctional system that recently there's been a lot of criticism coming from the left and media following russia's. hold that
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direction coming from the fed if in mind and with forums we should be as she's planning needs that. criticism like change and it will i think the only thing which is like the change almost system is the changing structure of the change in mentality of all the citizens for a long time almost slide towards. this was this idea of consumers with all the sides of citizens the were very happy that they can live their life without a the shot the just dribbling afford really. enjoying the whole those in the feeling. that that was no bikies during the soviet era that no people were becoming more and more social that they do that oriented and politically involved in the things that the program of the reforms which was present the present the good it is the response of the ruling elite to what society really needs what you think russia's foreign partners will be
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a mission to get its interests to that. which you'll see very soon the first comments i think that coming already you know like. well if the if the if all were partners. treat us as an equal or those of the world to support this program to work with isolation. of the political system because it makes overseas to more prosperous and more understandable if you. think that it's a much of the thing that you know might appeal the head of the international media maybe council you miss to mention it betty of the press the column and with the final speech that. i could read in thanks very much indeed for bring us the highlights of this address and just remind our viewers that we'll be bringing them more analysis throughout the day and of course they can't follow this in our web site r.t. dot com the meantime catarina child thanks very much indeed for bringing us up to
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speed. here watching our team live from moscow let's now carry on with the other stories that we are following for you today well arab league observers are due to arrive in syria on thursday as part of a plan to hold violence in the country that's after one of the bloodiest weeks since the beginning of the end rest nine months ago well activists say more than two hundred people have been killed in the last few days the u.s. has renewed. it's call for president assad to step down warning of new international measures unless it was draws security forces probably street syria is already suffering under a set of sanctions and as our first reports it's the ordinary people who are feeling the pain. it's been nearly ten months the third is uprising began the capital of damascus has remained largely sheltered from the conflict. in the bustling sun so it seems like it's business as usual as one says it's in the winds of change have begun subliminal stronger the arab league's imposed tough economic sanctions the effects of which have been felt even head in
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a poor area in the suburbs of damascus interests and her family struggling to make ends meet. has learning difficulties fava beans for a living but he barely makes one hundred fifty syrian pounds a day three dollars to support him and his wife. now the fuel for his vending cart has become harder to get hold of with shortages the economic sanctions driving the price up. there last products available and the prices are pushed higher there's been fights over gas we've been trying to manage by cutting back as much as we can sometimes when we can't afford it which is don't eat the economic situation in syria was one of the areas president had been seen to be making some progress be it slowly the for a population that it started seeing the results of economic opportunity out block financial transactions fuel shortages and blackouts have become the norm.
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because of the economic sanctions people rushed to stockpile fuel and gas just in case people are a little bit afraid of the fact that water or gas might run out and this is why you see these queues this in place by the arab league it is take the sanctions would pull the government hand when it came to ending the violence in the country but inside syria at the moment many feel it every day people who are being punished. there could be even darker financial times ahead share prices in our stock market sicker things which are. down affected by some lows for example of the use of the capital of. banks in syria the increase of interest three of the banks. affected in directly on the decision of the investors the first ping from the arab league will
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be paving the way for an observer mission to at the end of the month much opposition they remain skeptical about whether that to what we know about any change for those caught up in the west of the conflict areas change can come a moment to seeing some parents of two three families like finding life under the sanctions increasingly desperate sara r.t. damascus. well the european union's impose tough new restrictions on the sale of drugs used to execute people in the u.s. a move that's likely to worsen our ready short supply across the atlantic as aimed at fighting capital punishment and some of its controversial methods but there are fears that intrepid states may find a way around the controls as it is either ban it now reports. they've tried hanging electrocution and most recently a drug used to euthanize animals but now american jails will find it much harder to
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kill prisoners on death row the main supply line for its lethal injections has been cut off after the e.u. slips new restrictions on drug exports i really think this will make a difference and we will see the effects of this this control order in the coming months that the the u.s. relies on european drugs for use of executions and without them they're going to be stuck and lives will be saved specifically execution drugs are made in the e.u. but several american states have been importing sedatives instead drugs designed to help being used to hurt. exports of drugs like sodium thiopental will now be controlled to stop their use in a three part lethal cocktail the in a static was being used to put the condemned inmate to sleep as another drug paralyzed before the final heart stopper was administered without that initial
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numbing stage lethal injections are unconstitutional under u.s. law the usual supply for these drugs has been dwindling since the only u.s. manufacturer ceased production last year american prisons though found an alternative source right here in west london at this fairly unassuming driving school the buildings also shared by dream farmer a british firm exporting british drugs the u.s. prisons to kill people the u.k. government soon found out and banned its use so american prisons searched elsewhere r.t. reported in may how some states have begun using pen to barbara told a drug normally used to put pets to sleep that's never been tested for human executions its primary use for humans is to treat epilepsy but it has no pain killing properties many feel its use on death throes tantamount to torture this can cause excruciating pain if something goes wrong and because we have no test we
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cannot guarantee that nothing will get around to people at risk of not just being killed being tortured to death following our report danish manufacturer impose their own restrictions to prevent printed barber tools misuse the new e.u. embargo covers eight barbiturates in total including painted by us stockpiles will eventually run dry but many fear it's only a matter of time before prisons try again with something else unfortunately the death merchants in the us can sometimes be creative in terms of what they put to use in order to put people to death and so i think what we need is a clause which said if other drugs should appear on the market and we discover the u.s. is is. misusing those we can quickly have a quick procedure to at those to the list without you no way to know the year aside from lethal injection other methods like hanging and firing squad a still sanctioned in the us but are now really used these new restrictions may not choke off the drug supply completely but it will certainly tighten the noose on
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why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. welcome to the future thank you new year's wishes on technology updates next generation places made from super strong cultural lightweight building materials good health with a host of nuclear isotopes a cleaner planet thanks to the revolutionary ways to get rid of our growing male skills and a long list of militant known russian innovators. used to listen church earth.
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welcome back you're watching r t here's a look at the top stories russia's president has called for sweeping political reforms during his state of the union speech retreatment v.f. wants to make it easier to run for office and suggested a return to the wrecked elections for regional governors. in other news arab league observers are set to arrive in syria as part of a deal and to tackling bloodshed there while sanctions imposed on damascus by you are it is a proven efficient was a people being the.
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