tv [untitled] December 22, 2011 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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ten thirty pm in moscow the headlines russia needs democracy but not chaos president medvedev outlines the primary challenges facing russia saying the country is on the brink of a new political era where every voice will be heard. arab league observers arrive in syria as the conflict there reaches a bloody peek at international sanctions cause living conditions to deteriorate. and tightening the noose around america's controversial death penalty to stem the flow of drugs used to kill u.s. death row inmates. i mean up as the eurozone faces an uncertain future with the
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e.u. leaders struggling to reach an accord on how to solve the economic problems we discussed the efforts with an m.e.p. from the u.k. the interview next. well today we're joined by conservative any please mr daniel hannan thank you very much for joining us first question that everyone is asking is where do you see the eurozone headed well we can now see very clearly that the euro is a recessionary instrument and it's making people poorer it's causing deflation and emigration in the southern states is causing tax rises in the northern states if we were looking at this completely logically we would immediately move towards an orderly unbundling of the single currency but of course the european union is not looking at it logically they come at this with so much political capital and actual
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capital invested that they can't bring themselves to admit that it was a mistake and so i'm afraid we risk the very thing they purport to fear which is a disorderly breakup of the euro caused by having tried to keep it together for too long an orderly break up is that really the cheaper and least painful option here i mean there are those that would argue that a breakup would be the more expensive option but do you think there are no good options from here there are no easy outcomes when you are looking at states with the level of debt that some of the e.u. member states have so we're dealing with lesser evils but there is no question but allowing each country to return to its own currency to start pricing its way back into the market exporting its way back to growth is less bad for all the maybe some . short term uncontainable transitional costs is less bad than carrying on with the current crisis on december ninety e.u. leaders agreed most of them at least agreed to move on into forming a fiscal compact and the u.k. used its veto to prevent any treaty changes so that when it comes to those who are
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saying that the u.k. probably will have less influence now in making decisions in the e.u. wouldn't it have been better if the u.k. had just got on board with the rest with this was the argument of course. that we were given when the euro was launched in the first place you have to be part of it or you'll lose all the influence you know the city of london will decline and so well look who was right you know i mean look there is nothing less attractive in politics and saying i told you so but there is no there's one thing less attractive and that is listening to the same discredited arguments from the same shameless politicians who got it wrong who got this badly wrong ten years ago and who are now trotting out exactly the same logic what else has to happen before they accept that their logic was flawed all wish logic is flawed do you think the economic or political logic mainly the impossibility of jamming widely divergent economies into a single exchange rate and a single interest rate there is also a democratic cost it's not only
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a political cost last month we saw crews in two e.u. member states initially as in greece elected prime ministers were toppled in favor of euro structures were trying to leave home years in remission and the former vice president of the european central bank says they had what are called national governments but the governments have been put together for the sole purpose of pushing through an agenda that would be rejected at a general election so that we see the if you like the anti democratic tendencies that were always there implicitly in the eurozone we now see them explicitly apparatchiks in brussels deal directly with apparatchiks in athens and in rome the people and their representatives have been cut out all together all the e.u. is still continuing to look for help from outside of the european union outside of the euro zone for money to beef up their f.s.f. the e.s.m. that those mechanisms to help the bailouts of the euro zone countries as well as
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the i.m.f. what do you think of this measure of trying to look for help from the outside will it actually help solve the problem i mean this is this is treating a debt crisis with more debt that you don't help an indebted friend by pushing more loans on them when a country can't meet its existing liabilities. it's crazy to extend those liabilities we should move towards a. partial orderly default in countries which simply can't meet their debts and an agreed separation of the of the eurozone so you're saying that a euro collapse is the only solution here the collapse of the euro will be the beginning of a solution or you see the end of the euro as it currently stands will be the beginning of a solution but the real solution will come when there is a proper devolution of power so that decisions are taken more closely to the people that they affect and if you if you look at one of the really successful prosperous
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countries in the world the little ones the hong kong's the swiss saloons lichtenstein's the channel islands the monaco's the brunei is you know you could say oh well they're all tax havens that's taking the question they became tax havens because they had low tax why do they have low taxes because they have the small state advantage without the duplication without the big government and if you want a simple explanation for why the european union is falling behind further and further in the world economy that's it and the european union would argue that because of these projects they are in fact helping the growth expansion and progress of member states of the european union do you think the good does outweigh the bad in this case if e.u. funds were the way to growth greece would now be the richest country in the union and germany would now be the poorest. and crowds would be marching furiously in keeled in hamburg and duesseldorf protesting about the greek learners right. just as with individuals so with entire states if you become dependent on subsidies from
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somewhere else that saps your enterprise you start perfectly rationally arranging your affairs around qualifying for the grounds instead of creating wealth and this is the tragedy of the recipient countries the best and brightest people in those countries the entrepreneurs the people who could have done so much making things inventing things selling things creating businesses in their home states. because nothing can compete with the advantages of being on the e.u. payroll they all start gravitating towards either directly the brussels bureaucracy or indirectly becoming contractors or consultants dependent on loans we in the contributor countries grumble about it but the real pain is felt in the recipient countries and one of the recently approved budgets is for the acquisition of new buildings for the european parliament for example do you think the spending is justified and necessary i mean you know how crazy at a time like this when everybody i mean you know in every member state people are
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looking at how to trim budget to know do they do they really need two cars can they find a cheaper mobile phone operator all of my constituents are making these decisions we're all seeing a real decline in living standards and the european union is why you believe fire. these millions and hundreds of millions of euros and visitors centers and museums and you know more entertainment allowances for commissioners and you know extraordinary my favorite story of the last commission was that. herman van rompuy and manuel barroso flew to the same summit in russia in separate private jets leaving brussels within four hours of each other and austerity is for the street sweeper in sluggo for the classroom assistant in corfu it's not for the euro you've been an m.e.p. for about twelve years now what do you know now that you didn't know before when we joined the european union we thought it would be a common market that was the phrase that people used and if pushed what we meant by
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common market was mutual product recognition that if i can sell a bottle of mineral water in britain i should be lopsided in france or germany and vice versa. what we found instead is that it's a highly regulated market so you find that in order to sell a bottle of mineral water the bottle has to contain the following minerals but not any of these you know the volume has to be not greater than x. and not less than why the water has to comprise the following elements you can then find that even a bottle of mineral water that was never intended for export that is only consumed within a very small radius of where it's bottled can fall foul of the e.u. regulations and be declared illegal and so instead of getting a common market we have the opposite we have a restricted market where instead of being extended consumer choice is diminished so following your train of thought here are you saying that a european union can exist in current form for example if only it decentralizes
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power instead of consolidating it it wouldn't exist in anything like its present form i mean in one hundred seventy three which was the year that the united kingdom joined western europe was thirty six percent of world g.d.p. today it's twenty five percent in twenty twenty will be fifteen percent why is that the main constraint. a big inefficient government is international competition. you can raise your taxes up to a certain point and then the money starts going abroad to friendly jurisdictions and you have to cut it and you can bestow incredibly generous entitlements on your workforce maternity leave and paternity leave in a forty eight hour maximum we can go up to a certain point then the jobs start relocating but the european union gets you out of that problem it obviates the challenge of external competition it allows you to export your costs. to your rivals and you could just about see the russian oil for about fifty years ago when the main competition was coming from greece it is of
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course ridiculous when the main competition is coming from india china and so on and that's why the european union through this policy of centralization of harmonize ation of uniformity has. find itself to economic and significance of this being a euro skeptic what are the advantages that you see of the european and of being part of it the one thing the one thing that the european union has done is it has a major impossible. the secret diplomacy on any given day in brussels will be a meeting of agriculture ministers will transport ministers it doesn't even make a press release and i would such a normal thing for that to be happening so that is a good thing that we should be talking together that we should be collaborating on matters that we can't achieve singly and we should be arbitrating i'll just use these things no one is going to disagree with that but i have that but you really don't need all the rest you don't need the bureaucracy you don't need the common agricultural policy you don't need the common fisheries policy you don't need the euro all of the rest is not only irrelevant to that goal but is actively harmful to
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it because as we now see the extent of integration far from spreading peace and goodwill in europe has had the other effect it's actually increased national antagonisms to a greater level than they've been up since the second world war so many of the leaders right now who still want to forge on the e.u. and the euro in its current form especially german chancellor angela merkel she has equated the survival of the euro and the union to the survival of peace what's your take on that the e.u. is a consequence rather than a cause of peace and you are the idea now that peace in europe depends on these massive bureaucracies in brussels is crazy of peace in europe is maintained by trade by friendship and above all by the fact that we are now liberal democracies rather than north or tearing countries thank you.
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old costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. russia needs democracy but not chaos president medvedev are winding the primary challenges facing russia saying the country is on the brink of a new political era where everyone will be heard. arab league observers arriving in syria as the conflict there reaches a bloody putin international sanctions causing living conditions to deteriorate. tightening the noose on america's controversial death penalty new plugs will flow of drugs used to kill us to death row inmates. all the latest from the world of sports coming up next with kate stay with us.
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hello and welcome to the thursday night schools around the country one of the headlines. taught them has chelsea in a key london dalby. title winning credentials from victory in the english premier league. while fighting chelsea captain john terry will lead out the blues and why a hart lane to clear his name on luis suarez will appeal to both players are charged with racism. and on the ropes boxing world champion floyd mayweather faces three months in jail for assaulting his ex-girlfriend. but there's a mouthwatering london dog with this thursday night as chelsea to leap frog in form top them into sports in a pivotal day but while hart lane the blues are just two points behind spurs in the table harry redknapp his men could go back to within seven points of metres manch the city and still have a game in hand if they win but despite their second best ever rugby season the
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manager reckons it will be a time scale. for a very choice between two two good teams and. you know we have come a long way for sure you know a few years ago we would be sitting here talking about. you know and even game if you know what between. looks at the moment to two evenly matched teams i would say . well meanwhile chelsea manager and david ashworth is set to name his under-fire skipper john terry and says they starting line up the thirty one year old center half is facing a court hearing on february the first and has vowed to fight to say no to prove his innocence after being charged with racially abusing q.p.r. defend anton ferdinand please press charges after receiving a complaint from a member of the public it's alleged terry virtually abused third announced during the one zero defeat at loftus road on october the twenty third well if found guilty terry could face a fine of up to four thousand dollars. says the couple continue to support him he
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will need chelsea out as usual at tottenham. as murray my full support is the club's full support. represents this close to a maximum level and. we have very grateful to have a player of his quality. you know what he represents in terms of history and achievements you know within the club. we know exactly he's human values and his personality. so well for supporting whatever the outcome well meanwhile liverpool striker luis suarez will appeal against his eight match ban and sixty two thousand dollars fine the english f.a. found that you are guilty of racially abusing manchester united's patrice evra in the one one draw at anfield on october the fifteenth suarez did play in the red scola store at wigan on wednesday night and his team mates were t. shirts with his face on them to show their support well meanwhile it's a match to city hall and leave the table this christmas for the first time since
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one thousand nine hundred twenty nine russell and chaney signed one three no time to stay stay two points clear of manchester united who kept up the pressure on the top and hold back some of the goal difference. with a five mil triumph that followed elsewhere robin van persie netted his thirty fourth goal of the year as arsenal want to want to aston villa west brom hung on for a three two victory at stuttering you cancel martin o'neill made his two wins from three a sunderland also defeated q.p.r. three to adults and i just want to see one note and charlie adam had a penalty save as we're going to hell that that goal stuart trying to liverpool but it's city who holds the psychological and points later. i remembered who said. i met before i was called the. most. but you know what they say to you many times i think it is important to. know this is not and for be fair it's difficult because you're not going to.
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win a gold going on but it's better to stay on the top of that circle. well in the meantime not five mill driving a fallen cane with a heavy price for manchester united defender phil jones is due to have an x. ray after suffering a blow to the face of craven cottage while fellow summer signing actually young was another casualty the wing is likely to miss all of the christmas fixtures after hurting his knee in the challenge well sir alex ferguson already had a six man injury list getting pneumonia village anderson darren fletcher tom cleverley fabio and michael owen of center half rio ferdinand also missed the window for them because they got injury design for the boxing day clash with time to wigan united have four matches within thirteen days of a busy festive period as well as the latics they then host blackburn followed by trips to newcastle and an f.a. cup third round to my out title run it was much to see their strike away rooney his face became the youngest player to reach three hundred premier league games at the
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age of twenty six years and fifty eight days in wednesday's victory at craven cottage. in spain he says evening boss alone or are aiming to reach the last sixteen of the copa del rey with victory at had two third division side would let that go the other side hold a one no lead for the first leg from a neighboring minnows but he'll rest to several key players after sunday's club world cup triumph over something else boss i have now won thirteen out of a possible sixteen try face and even though well madrid coach joe is a marine you suggested that rivals last achievement was minor audio says it will benefit the club. to the body of the. senate yesterday as a compliment with thank you and that's all each worked on for all my reach coach this is highlighted by. media way too much we were like you too late and lucky to win it we're happy and i think that the fact that a spanish team can win this copy is a positive thing and that result. well meanwhile just like manchester city in
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england the french league's big spenders paris sundram out will enjoy life at the top of the table this christmas the capital club twenty three points clear of one hell of a following and one no victory at some thirty m. record signing have the best story make a poor job with a decent chance but. swiftly made up for the argentinians blip just after half an hour the home side went all out in search of an equaliser in the second half p.s.t. held firm to their narrow advantage winning one nil to take right in the league of the month barely lost fourteen but they dia and yet in the day. while back here in russia the national football team will play two time world cup winners here and why in their final friendly match with the start of the european championships next summer think of the guys medal will face the south american side in moscow on this wednesday fifth and will then head to eight week long training camp in switzerland before the tournament starts in poland and ukraine and three
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nights russia will play in one other friendly before the tournament which is a way to denmark on feb twenty ninth. now in other news world champion boxer floyd mayweather jr has been sentenced to ninety days in jail for assaulting his ex-girlfriend the five division champion admitted hitting his former partner josie harris during an argument at her home last year may well that was also ordered to pay a two and a half thousand dollar fine one hundred hours of community service the thirty four year old agreed to a p. deal meaning he will not have to answer felony charges of beating this harris and threatening to their children. now reigning world and european champion has fought back from a slow start. grab the preliminary need at the halfway point of the russian or and speed skating championships here in moscow the twenty eight year old had to settle for second best in the getting from iceland winter event and went one better in the
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five thousand he says inch closer to retaining his crown the national tournament is a chance for the skaters to qualify for next year's european championships however will discover their plans to sit turned to the continental event as he wants to focus on the defense of his world title two in moscow next february while on the women's side the katherina low should up also lived up to her status of praetorian favorite the olympic bronze medalist prevailed in the five hundred and three thousand recess to lead the standings with two more events to go. and finally twice and new boys you could all have posted their six straight victory in the k h l after coming from behind to win two on its. siberian team reached the playoffs in their first season last year and they had to go one better this campaign run cost of the ports. ice hockey club you grow up from siberian city of county mind ceased was founded in two thousand and six and spent the next four years blowing its way
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into russia's elite in its rookie cage show year did see which was certainly lacking in star power still managed to end the regular season in central place at twenty five for the playoffs on first attempt though you grow it was not the conference where finals in twenty ten hunger for postseason action is evidently as strong as ever. but we have a very close knit squalled which is vital for a team without any so-called star players and you proved last year when the rockies and made it into became playoffs which despite a slow start this season for various reasons we're back on track and we'll be fighting for the whole season of the creation again in their latest match you draw managed to come from behind and defeat sports our moscow to record their six successes. victory said berens now sits in the middle of the cage while standing only by gordon better shape than their wednesday opponents the posted their fourth loss in a row obviously i'm really happy with the score we stuck to our game plan and we
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worked hard and we were able to come back there again in a game so it's a victory point for us danny groupies you cross canadian in court was something to say variance less than a couple of months ago though his november debut was mourned by an injury the defender go back into action in almost no time in order to continue helping his team get to the comments of playoffs it's a work in progress we've been playing well lately i think we haven't lost in five and also i mean we're we're definitely headed the right way and hopefully we can go in and get ready for the playoffs you grass' roster is by no means star studded however even this regular season match against spartak moscow showed that this siberian side is capable of reaching new heights on pure passion and character. ramon cossar of archie moscow. this thursday i think.
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