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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2011 9:31am-10:01am EST

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you'll buy apparent success in libya david cameron reveals plans for potential intervention in somalia next year your oil rich african countries been described as a threat to british security and its fate will be decided at high level talks in london in february. and coming up a special year end edition of technology update stay with us. hello and welcome to technology update as you can see from the decorations at this department store in central moscow it's that time of year again now this artificial tree there's hardly any resemblance to the aromatic conifers of my childhood new materials are replacing natural and traditional ones left and right and that's especially true with carbon fibers what you're increasingly finding their way into
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our latest gadgets and playthings. from carbon fiber has actually been around for decades recreation like golf and boating or everyday things like cell phones watches and cars carbon fiber products are all around us. and here it must give each a refurbished old car plant russia is certainly not one to be left out of the push to develop the latest generation of carbon fiber materials just this past month a european aerospace delegation came to moscow to check out the opening of compazine new production complex the plant is expected to become the country's largest carbon fiber based textile maker. in the overall global tendency and the forecasts by many analysts are both indicative of the fact that is in the near future possibly in a matter of a few years the demand for these materials can skyrocket and this may bring about changes to the entire global economic system we are talking about millions of tons
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as soon as this breakthrough that is to say a quantum leap occurs it will mean a revolution in technology a new world and russia must be prepared for it. before we can get to the carbon in products it's a rather long process first we have to make polymer resin which looks like honey or maple syrup there are several ways to go about it but basically polymers are mixed with a diluting agent there he didn't stir which causes the molecules to arrange into a long chain and that's what gives the fiber its strength as the so-called hand fiber is spun thousands of individual filament are woven together. at this stage the fiber is still rather gelatinous and fragile as it stretched by a series of rollers it passes through to remove the excess elements additionally certain tubs and give the forming fiber desired properties like resistance to static is then dried and pulled further to continue orientating depends on the stretching helps align the molecules within the fiber and provides the basis for
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the formation of the tightly bonded carbon crystals. the next stage involves producing carbon fiber from spun fiber. that consist of two sub stages oxidation and. there are two types of carbon fiber high strength and high modulus fiber. strength fiber is produced with the help of carbon ization . last fiber is obtained through a process called. it is. at this stage our threads are made more thermally stable by picking up oxygen molecules from the air we are by their atomic pattern is rearranged from here they are put through to furnace is where they lose most of their non carbon atoms depending on their intended use there either carbonized or graph enticed carbon ization involve slightly lower temperatures and as a result
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a lower carbon content after drying each fiber is now comprised of more than ninety percent carbon atoms. before the carbon fibers could become a thing like this tennis racket there's a few more steps to go and that takes us back to the production facilities here at must reach. state of the art plant the carbonized fibers are then woven into whole fabrics the new production line is outfitted with three looms number one will be able to turn out six hundred kilograms of text. strong with pure real for construction and repair projects the second and third looms will produce an additional one hundred thirty kilos a day by two thousand and fifteen this factory could produce two thousand tonnes. of material to us for our customers the so-called qualifying. these materials are designed to be used subject to extremely high loads they
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require a very thorough testing. for example the world standard for materials is to pass sixty to seventy thousand tests successfully. that means we have sixty to seventy thousand various samples for different kinds of tests designed to check a full range of the materials properties. but before those textiles can find their way to some of the latest technology there's still one more step in the process the fabrics are turned into what are called which stands for pre impregnated material they're basically the last intermediate phase before they're ready to be used in a whole host of things in this so-called pre pregnant stage specialized equipment precisely introduces the proper amount of resin on to the fibers after being properly positioned the fibers are backing sheets coated with resin to the right thickness the sandwich of backing materials resin and fibers is then compacted by several sets of rollers and heated to a precise temperature for
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a specific amount of time that causes the resin to slightly here and solidify through cross-linking after it comes off the press it's now ready to be shipped to clients which can then be molded into sheets of whatever they need. china are no doubt attractive markets but nonetheless we mainly focus on russia because we monitor external markets for benchmarking purposes such as to work out the pricing or to compare technologies in order to be able to produce a competitive product russian customers. are in russia the advantages offered by their lightweight and super strength uptake in airplane manufacturing the brand new t fifty jet that debuted at the air show in august is made from the cutting edge of carbon composite but amidst all the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping keeping your sanity and health ought to be on your mind as well. and as any doctor will tell you catching disease early is the single most important factor in overcoming
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serious illness. one of the most exciting branches and diagnostics of nuclear medicine. radioisotopes. of the twentieth century but in recent decades doctors all over the world have greatly increased the amount of. help. they're becoming more popular because of the. accuracy and the ease with which they can be. attached. by measuring. the target. behavior.
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but getting that. isn't as easy as one would hope for decades in russia if you want to take one thousand nine. a physical chemistry and. here's the key parent radioisotope produced ninety nine to produce this to thirty five did with. the resulting fission reaction. products approximately six percent of. the institute manufactures its own uranium targets. have been turning out. supplying to just about all of the isotopes of the countries needed up until very recent. the institute has produced ninety nine percent of the molybdenum used in the russian markets given the fact that we're essentially
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dealing with highly enriched uranium they're extremely limited number of places where molybdenum can be produced. monash if we started producing molybdenum in 1980's. but all the while after that the institute of physics in energy inducted the same production process to. their own got its reactor was shut down in two thousand and two he's very careful as it reached the end of its service term. but. is off today we remain one of russia's biggest commercial molybdenum producers he's impressive educated. mushtaq you're. looking at current molybdenum supply production is dominated by just a handful of reactors the two largest account for over sixty percent of global demand those two reactors are both over fifty years old and well beyond their
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intended service life when they're eventually decommissioned new suppliers will have to be found several alternatives are being explored including one in russia has been recertified especially for isotopes. that takes us to dimitrov grad where a new look production site has been set up late last year a company called isotopes began to pumping out the radio nuclei at the research institute of atomic reactors well it's not yet up to full capacity is already started deliveries to clients like one of the world's leading isotope providers know already and ensuring reliable deliveries of molybdenum is so important because it accounts for over eighty percent of all nuclear medicine operations worldwide and here in the meter of grad such a vital issue required a new solution. this technology has not only been reworked in the chemical sense but also in terms of the equipment and in this regard it's
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a new technology not available anywhere else as far as i'm aware and at the moment we're currently at the production startup stage. after the targets are cooled they're transported to hot cells for processing that involves dissolving the whole target in a chemical solution solid residues are filtered out and the molybdenum is extracted using sailing or ammonium hydroxide here new technology saves time which is important because every hour after year edition about one percent of the isotope is lost to radioactive decay it. would limit our production target is eight hundred units today we produced one hundred sixty there was a shipment yesterday that's the first phase of our production at the same time we continue working on the second stage and expected to reach its design capacity in two thousand and twelve you won't ship the conditions in the output target here is very high about two thousand four hundred juries per week. overall demand
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is estimated at one hundred or. so once production ramps up doctors should have all the isotopes they need to perform lifesaving diagnostics. but in addition to giving doctors a leg up on spotting disease radioisotopes can also be used in medical centers like this to cure what ails us. for some medical conditions the radiation let off by these isotopes can be harnessed to destroy weaken malfunctioning cells just like in diagnosis by choosing the appropriate isotope radiation can be localized in a specific organ or tissue for example another isotope produced alongside molybdenum iodine one thirty one can be taken orally to fight fire with cancer with christmas and new year come presence and with presence comes trash in many countries much of it just ends up in municipal landfills but as the rubbish piles
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up people are increasingly looking for alternatives to simple city dumps. in countries with no shortage of extra space landfills have been a common way to dispose of trash according to some estimates about thirty five million tons of municipal waste is generated every year in russia and more than ninety five percent of it ends up at landfills if there weren't enough of an eyesore they also emit harmful greenhouse gases every year russian landfills release an estimated one billion cubic meters of the stuff into the air. waste management is the most pressing issues in moscow and. that's a large population producing large amounts of waste. that's something we all do and it can't be helped. as of today region has eighty eight officials and. ten of them have been shut down due to having reached their allowed service. some
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of them have been reclaimed. waste incineration has been an alternative to city dumps but they also haven't been without their problems while less meth. it is emitted cancer causing dioxins are created over the latest generation to energy plants like the one in russia developed by green light energy solutions. that. can process just over three hundred tons of. every day including recyclable materials. filtered out at the preprocessing. sorting trash passes through a shredder and dryer. is taken down to twenty. minutes. thanks to technology green light is confident that it's much better for our environment than any other.
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technology is unique as it allows energy to be produced from waste in an environmentally friendly way without any toxic fumes discharged into the air without any toxic residue at the end of the process this technology is also cost effective it produces much more energy than it consumes to keep running. unlike typical trash burning facilities this one currently located in. which means the trash isn't actually burned despite temperatures reaching up to eight hundred fifty degrees celsius the waste. because there's no oxygen in the reactor since the trash is heated. the waste materials. and the carbon residue which is between two percent of the original trash that entered the chamber and thanks to its combustion methodology there's no residual in. the area around the
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plant but in order to do that a different kind of chamber has to be developed so. the main difficulty we faced was to produce a proper reactor required for incinerating the waste needed to be made of material . both wear proof and he proof and such materials hardly exist we developed a special formula of cast iron that has never been produced before simply no one could do it. but after a good amount of searching. stepped up to the plate to create the specific type of cast green light energy needed in induction furnace is eight tons of melted into the liquid mass and aluminum or added something which has never been done before the whole process has to be done pretty quickly because aluminum dregs can stick to the walls of the furnace. reactor. cores the metal into sections
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and other affiliated parts the result is a new type of extremely resistant. keeping track of everything going on at the plant could be extremely complicated a state of the art computer system allows the workers to control just about everything with a simple click of the mouse from the control room on site safety indicators can be monitored and all actions can be easily regulated safety controls are especially important since the oxidation chamber burns a result at one thousand two hundred degrees celsius for two and a half seconds these extreme temperatures are needed to destroy all harmful toxins . from here. is converted into high temp steam which is used to spin turbines and create a renewable source of energy to. go out five seven megawatts is a lot of energy. one line is able to produce about forty five thousand megawatts per year. that's going to help us to provide about ten to twenty thousand homes
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with electricity and heating depending on the consumption rates and standards. that electricity. another economically viable by product carbon charge because it doesn't contain those. other toxins they can be sold on as an environmentally clean product for making things like fuel. technology significantly reduces the emission of greenhouse gases it could also be used to generate up to one million carbon credits under the kyoto protocol. the first to be placed in check of another one. and then. they plan to have thirty plans. for. the end of the year is always a good time to reflect on what we've done in the past twelve months as well as what
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we hope to accomplish in the next and that's easier than most like those that recently took part in the fourth russian innovation convention. the digital. brought together the nation's top innovators highlighting the latest ideas from russia entrepreneurs was attended by some of the biggest names in innovation from all over the world plenty of presentations and demonstrations the most important part of the gathering for. more than eight hundred. thirty took part in the competition but in the eight could walk away with something in hand and one of those. was recognized by the judging committee. thank you very much. so with that in mind we decided to pay the innovator a visit and see what he's been working on first we checked out his project from which is already blossomed into
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a full. production facility in moscow they showed their. technology developed by alexander. thanks to high powered water and the right mix of abrasives industrial. matter of mere minutes. dirt and grime is nothing new typically things like rotor blades in aircraft engines are cool using sand blasting techniques given the potential to damage these important parts past technologies and try to strike the right balance between removing the build up and not harming the structural integrity of the underlying surface but as you can see here the previously rusted in series the dirty tools as good as new. in the west they mostly use abrasive agents. or dry ice which are less harsh than methods involving physical impact. all these methods have several major downsides such as high material costs production costs and difficulties in complex cleaning
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tasks and we have managed to develop solutions for all of these issues. domestic materials which can be easily produced in any of russia's regions unlike traditional blasting methods spence's multi blast mixes water with the abrasive at the very beginning this is to take advantage of something called the rev. back in one thousand twenty eight the soviet scientists. showed it can be broken down more easily when they come into contact with an absorption active liquid like water and with this compressed air is used to accelerate the mixture to the speed of sound and it's fired at the buildup we want to get rid of however it would spin the abrasive is completely encased by a small water bubble the size of the abrasive granules depends on what we want to get rid of the unique thing here is that on contact the water works its way into the pores of the buildup that has the dual benefit of penetrating and weakening the
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structure of the target as were particularly harmful effect the abrasive has on the underlying surface of our invention as well as production units have gone through the complete process from an idea to the project we started with design. then produced prototypes we went through the painting process then we produced a pilot batch of three units we made the manually. by the time we go to be ready for commercial production. has evolved into an innovative product. and there's apparently no shortage of interested customers especially in the energy sector thermal electric power plants like these serious build up on important parts can eat into the energy efficiency and profits as well as increase the chance of an accident but moving from cleaning power plants to what we do with electricity is the topic of alexander's most recent creation. this is a wireless charging unit for any portable devices such as mobile phones tablets
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laptops it can be used on travel on trains planes in hotels cafes restaurants and users will no longer have to depend on having an electric socket around remembering to take the relevant cord with them it will be in the past i think a major potential key mobile phone manufacturer is soon nokia apple possibly motorola because switching to producing phones with wireless charging is a big competitive advantage on the market. and that's not something that's been lost on many of the world's top mobile makers a good number of them have teamed up to form a wireless power consortium there are already a decent number of so-called wireless charges on the market however at present all of them still require you to place your mobile device on a charging pad and with some you need a separate charger for each device they give you a bit more freedom but our phones are still tied directly to some kind of plugged
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in charger which to us there is a number of issues around this solution among them the impact on human health or performance impacts on other electronic devices in the vicinity the most important thing here is that we've succeeded. bringing these devices efficiency up to a very high level about eighty five percent and that's not the only thing alexander thinks his y. rick charger offers over the competition it can theoretically work with any mobile device but most importantly this russian prototype can top up your battery anywhere around the charger not just on a pad unlike with the others why roll works effectively up to thirty centimeters away from the base of this device uses the principle of the tesla coil it has the energy producing coral installed inside the mobile device in turn is equipped with a receiver designed as a stick and stick it we have developed a special feed circuits for the coil which use
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a very high efficiency facts about eighty five percent and this is achieved through the use of a switch mode power supply unit for the coil in other words while any inductive system goes through the oscillation build up phase in order to build up the energy production in our device but there is no buildup as such we start of the process just once and it exonerates through induction we've only given hansing impulses once in a while. and your device is still in the project stage what more do you need to do to bring it to the market. to start commercial production of this device we need to meet three requirements first we need to complete the prototype and run it through all the necessary tests then make all necessary improvements and changes and produce a pilot batch excursion. or start a second we need to have all the patients registered and third we need to set up a technology company in accordance with international standards. with any luck that
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wireless charger could hit the market sometime soon and we hope that it and the other developments we've showed you today make the future seem well just a little brighter so we'll see you next time and until then enjoy the ride.
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a second mass protest in the russian capital against the parliamentary poll results . moscow's biggest rally in recent history has come and gone without incident as thousands came on to the streets of the capital to protest against what they call a rigged vote and they want a rerun join me and he's now away for more details in central moscow. in syria all people want for christmas and the new year is peace but there is no festive mood in the air as the latest round of violence leaves dozens dead. a new mission for a new year fueled by successes in libya.


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