tv [untitled] December 27, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EST
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour could church off x. ray porno scanners be coming to a bus stop near you at the t.s.a. gets its way than maybe so latest on the t.s.a. expansion coming up next and later in tonight's daily take the brazilians don't mess around when it comes to oil spills so with their plane due to their oil barons
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that we here in the united states need to copy. in the mess of the rest of the news the t.s.a. security theater staking its act on the road t.s.a. security teams are now roaming the countryside you have shopped at other transportation depots besides airports over ninety three hundred unannounced checkpoints were set up this year at places like train stations subways ferries and other mass transit hubs costing you and me by the way one hundred ten million dollars and while they left the chertoff x. ray porno scanners back at the airports the t.s.a. teams did arm themselves with radiation detectors and dogs so far there's no proof that the random checkpoints are working to prevent any sort of terrorist attack at the t.s.a. is as. for more money to do even more random checkpoints all across the nation so
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why is the t.s.a. trampling on the rights of americans to be presumed innocent for just wanting to get on a bus train or plane veered off or his take is john whitehead attorney and founder of the rutherford institute john welcome thank you jon i'm i'm about as left as you can get i call myself a democratic socialist you and your organization about as far right wing as one can get from defending cross burning to funny one of the sex lawsuits against president bill clinton yet you're really moved so it is civil liberties i understood it or i understand i didn't mean that as a slight as a slam. if you characterize my apologies yet your opposed to these invasions of our civil liberties that were put into place largely by george w. bush and are regularly offended on g.o.p. t.v.'s fox news has our government steps so far over the line when it comes to the fourth member privacy rights issues that the outrage against this is totally trans partisan. oh yeah i think so i believe in the bill rights and that's the key here
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is how far can the government go invading your rights and the body scanners of course you call them or the scanners report all machines you know they see everything except the key thing which is what some body cavity that's why rapp the cell it was head of israeli security so they don't use them in the most highly secure important work as they do not work to do what they need to do that is see what somebody carry so actually these were sold the american people or early two thousand and ten by a group called wrap a scam and the obama stimulus money is paid for them but even before they were put on the market in airports. for professors all universe california wrote obama's technology darks of these things are not safe the radiation levels are so high twenty times as you get in they didn't assault as they should be in airports and so then people start objecting to him and then we face the rescue that doutzen weekend as you may know we have been the case is dealing with that situation yeah
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yeah i went through that this weekend at the airport in fact i said give me the grope i don't want the x. rays and and they punish him if they punish me by making me wait ten minutes and we buy a set or you know i mean you're having hands go up in the general area where i'm in touch him in on their testicles all kinds of crazy things that people should be putting up with that's why we have a while he them it seems to me i was going to say john it seems to me that even more outrageous than being groped because if there's if there's any you know if somebody has sworn me for a judge in order to get a warrant that there's probable cause that you've committed a crime and you've got something on your body that should be detected i got no problem with you or me being dropped if that's the case but this is presumption of guilt rather than presumption of innocence this is the exact opposite of you know what the fourth amendment says don't your harsh words against the american national security state the p.
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. like that the boss family makes so much money from endanger your organization's future funding how does a conservative organization right when are they going to get away with arguing against national security we don't get any money from to vos before a right wing groups that's just the minute we get it's cup from all across different groups so. i think what you have to do is stand on principle it doesn't matter money is not the issue or whatever what's at what's at issue here is the united states constitution which is really clear that you have to have the individual suspicion of someone's doing something wrong to invade your body like it's being done i mean people with put up with this on street corners but here's what here's what i think is happening people are being conditioned right now for this to be the rule and so sooner or later you're going to have these and bus stations train stations and eventually i always i mean there's a lot of money to be made here look you don't look corporations and they're going to push very heavily for these machines to be used even though as we know now they don't work properly right pick up what should know i agree and in fact i've made
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the point many times here that as you and i are speaking any given moment america there's somebody on an airplane with heroin or cocaine or diamonds inside a body cavity and and it could just as easily be c. four explosive. it michael chertoff bush's department of homeland security had guy he's one of the biggest lobbyists in this town for these chertoff x. ray porno scanners how can we stop people like chertoff from moving so seamlessly from government industry particularly an industry that's destroying our rights. well i think bringing the issue to live like you do and i don't think you can stop it i think what we've seen is a wedding of the corporation of them and the government so you have a corporate state right now and what they're conditioning i go back and say this is really clearly i've been i've been studying this for years this is what i do on a daily basis there conditioning of the american people to adjust to a police state and the way it's going with swat team raisers up to fifty thousand swat team raids across the united states on a daily basis now well through doors without search warrants for such as such
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things as an ounce of pot we're being conditioned to accept this as the normal state of affairs and it shouldn't be so the wealthy who do is fight about it educate about it write about it yell about it and programs like this are important just need to get educated and when we get a chance to get the right people in office who hopefully will change yeah across the entire political spectrum i'm with john john whitehead thank you thank you i travel this weekend and had my own little interaction with the t.s.a. this is really interesting i flew out of reg a national first of all the airport the lobbyists and congress people fly out of not one single chertoff x. three point zero scanner in the in the whole area that we went through but coming back from p.t. x. in the portland airport every single row in the airport had one of these charge off x. ray scanners so you know when i got up to the x. ray machine put my stuff through my shoes and everything and the woman said ok step into the x. ray machine i said no thanks i'll take the grope so they made me wait ten minutes this was clearly in my mind
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a punishment it's like you know it wasn't i mean ever they were nice enough people and everything but the you're going to have to wait when the main anxiety that most people have in airports is am i going to make my flight i'm going to be late bloody blah blah you know clearly was a form of punishment clearly was designed to encourage people to simply go through the chertoff machines and you know make more money for michael chertoff this is security theater the fact of the matter is in the air. every real threat every time somebody has threatened passengers in an airplane since nine eleven that person including the underwear bomber that person has been taken down had their head smashed into the ground and been held to has been taken out basically by the passengers i'll trust the passengers i don't need the security theater i'm not afraid and frankly i think more and more americans are not afraid you know more people die from cigarettes in one week than all the terrorist attacks in the entire history of the united states where's the hysteria should we have who is he's
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a seven eleventh's come on let's talk about what this really is true protests genuine protest like we're seeing all around the world requires the ability to be anonymous all the way back the american revolution people putting up you know flyers on trees and in the mill in the middle of the night nobody we still look who rustic as was the most eloquent bloggers flyers writers of the seventeenth seventy's protest is an american tradition it's an american value a national security state will destroy the ability to be anonymous once the ability to be anonymous is gone the ability to protest in a genuine fashion i mean talking about terrorism or violence i'm talking about just speaking out that ability goes with the ability to be anonymous so we need to stop the fear and the fear mongering we need to stop the national security state
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direction this police state direction this is you will stand in that line yes we are assuming that you are guilty until you prove that you're innocent by letting us scan you with an x. ray machine or grope you even though you know the crime that you've apparently committed is wanting to get on an airplane and we need to return our rights to protest anonymously. time for the good the bad of the very very. early there you maybe could occupy a minnesota patriots with a ninety nine percent movement helped save a woman with minnesota from the picture bonnie white was on the verge of losing your home after freddie mac's threaten to evict her so she turned to
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a local occupy movement for help. but the bank refused and threatened to pick to in late november that's when monique turned to the grassroots occupy wall street movement to help. they occupy the house into moral support and kept her and her family from being thrown out. there even putting up a christmas tree to practice things up at the boxes and packing cakes. as a result freddie mac. has postponed her a vacation and is now looking into ways to help her stay in her home this is just the latest success story thanks to the occupy our homes movement is also helping iraq war veteran avoid addiction in atlanta last week keep up the good work the bad the n.y.p.d. on sunday demonstrators returned as a comedy park in manhattan to celebrate christmas with a giant pot luck but leave it to the n.y.p.d. to play the grinch police stop the volunteers from bringing any food into the park again on christmas to feed the hungry demonstrators it's unclear if police posted
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a don't feed the patriots sign as well. police refused to comment on why they didn't allow any food in the park on the bright side though no pepper spray was deployed i guess you can call that a minor christmas miracle and the very very ugly mitt romney romney turned into the ultimate pander bear over the weekend while at a campaign stop in new hampshire in a bid to attract college voters romney made this wild promise take a look. what i can promise you is this when you get out of college if i'm president you'll have a job if president obama is reelected you will not be able to get a job. so says the guy who made a living firing people and thinks federal pell grants are a waste of money. what will be next empty problems how about everybody gets a cute puppy if you get selected one that hopefully wasn't strapped to the roof of a car that's very scary. coming up next to my daily take
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what does a reason or oil spill in brazil have in common with the b.p. gulf oil spill last year i'll be looking at how the brazilian government is trying to crack down on corporate criminals. poindexter. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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at first very much as burns your eyes right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything you'd be by office elisa's thousands of times i'm stronger than any one of the bird you ever put you know. this year we've seen well over five thousand american patriots hauled away in
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handcuffs from peacefully protesting against the high crimes on wall street meanwhile that one bank story has gone to jail for those very same crimes so in the hopes that some of these banks are to be held accountable for their crimes next year we're going to recap tonight exactly what these guys are guilty of and how they did such remarkable damage to our nation alba so that list dave johnson joins me now he's a regular contributor to alter net and a fellow with the campaign for america's future dave welcome our tom thanks for having me thanks for joining us you did a great job of assembling the this list of seven people can see it over i believe alter net right now and let me just let me just go through the the list and each one you can give us a very very quick explanation the first one fraud closure robo signing problem that's when they're going to come up with they don't really have to documents from homes and neither or some are just so you have. and that's that's because there was
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so much trading of these loans that they didn't even bother transferring the documentation of who owned loan who signed it or anything and then when the party watchers start to happen same thing they don't have the documentation and they come up with the other projects and signatures or don't have the signatures at all incredible pushing subprime loans who is number two on your list now that was a big one and early on in the. housing bubble they were going out and actually just selling like crazy these loans and then they were steering people especially minorities into sub prime loans we just saw that countrywide settlement which is now our division of bank of america where bank of america will pay three hundred thirty five million dollars but remember what that means is not the people who did it will be held accountable it means that the shareholders now bank of america are going to take this hit for what countrywide people got rich off of that and they
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still have the money they stole it was amazing ok number three was betting against a designed to fail by on loans that's a big one they wrapped up bondal so these bad mortgages that they had made wrapped them up into things called c.d.o. rose and in many instances now are turns out first it was citibank and gore first it was goldman sachs then it was citibank then. gone after by the securities and exchange commission with and then they reached settlements ok meaning nobody goes to jail and the companies their shareholders of these companies have to pay for what some people got rich off or they took these things and they knowingly sold them to investors municipalities your pension fund possibly who knows they sold them knowing they would fail and then they came up with these credit default swaps
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against them. in partnership with these hedge funds knowing they would say no they push them out and then they bet against them to make the money the money they need besides the commissions of course from selling them to your pension plan the money was made for the hedge farms and the commissions from working with the hedge farms so maybe it's like it's like selling a car where you know because of the design flaw that the gas tank is going to blow up and every time you sell a car you take out a million dollar policy against a gas tank blowing up for you weren't sorry buying fire insurance against your neighbor's house and then setting the house on fire not just having a go but actually setting the house on fire amazing ok number four was an app and demick of mortgage fraud that's right that's a quote from the earlier on when this was starting up and the response from the bush administration was to remove the f.b.i.
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agents from that and put them on other things they went from college and i think two hundred of the are huge and some number. two. the bush administration said that the f.b.i. said the bush administration we've got an epidemic of fraud fraud is a crime it's a felony and that's what he and the bush administration said of the f.b.i. oh really fire nine hundred agents or move them you know chasing them around her face more interesting going to go like you were saying a minute ago moving to the terrorism center right amazing amazing ok ratings agencies giving tripoli's to c.d.'s. ok aaa is the highest possible credit rating they were getting their customer was the goldman sachs's and the city banks that were actually doing up these bad mortgages into ceo's and in order to keep the business flow going to ratings agencies were giving these things the highest possible credit rating so they were they were in working in coordination with the goldman sachs's the city banks and others as part of this setting the neighbor's
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house on fire skiing incredible number six bankers who made out like bandits ok my example here was told lehmann brothers we heard about layman boring don't follow made hundreds of millions of dollars don't forget that the people at the top of these things now you've got rich they're still rich they still have money when they do settlements with civil chases with these guys then the it's always guys by the way apparently then the stockholders have to take the hit amazing and finally insiders profiting from being insiders. the best example of this was when we finally got a audit a sort of an audit of the federal reserve banks do a lot in part alan grayson and got a good run also grounded here and they audited the federal reserve and what did they find the best example was when rolling stone matt taibbi i think it was the room in the rolling stone article the housewives' of all st the why of some of
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these banks tourist got two hundred million dollars to set up a fund to buy some of the toxic assets set and make a big profit from the fed the fed loaned them the ok so those are insiders getting two hundred million dollars small change to them at the time i guess you know but here we are you know these are just these are the definitive examples these are just some examples that we were able to dig up of the kind of june then again is that we're going on that nobody's being criminally prosecuted or nobody's going to go to jail some people have to give some of the money back but mostly these settlements where the stockholders have to current stockholders have to come up and that's again your pension fund possibly has to pay when this company reaches a settlement it's incredible dave johnson thanks so much for being with us tonight extremism time we're all playing our individual new year's resolutions but as a nation our resolution for two thousand and twelve should be simple all the bank
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stores accountable for wreaking havoc on our nation a full a follow through on a sunday sun some some of these banks are still jail. tonight we have a tale of two oil spills or should i say a tale of two or oil spill response it's last month an oil well belonging to the chevron corporation began leaking oil off the coast of brazil about three hundred seventy kilometers from rio de janeiro according to estimates more than three thousand barrels of crude leaked into the atlantic ocean. though most question whether or not that number is accurate and brazilian officials believe chevron has withheld more accurate information regarding the true size of the spill especially
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since a massive oil spill was visible for weeks after the incident also responsible for the oil leak off the coast of brazil was a drilling company called trans ocean remember those guys right if later all in another oil disaster the b.p. oil spill last year that killed eleven men and spewed at least five million barrels of oil into the gulf of mexico and just like the much smaller oil spill and she lay many think b.p. kept it a secret exactly how much oil leaked into the gulf. but aside from the role that trans ocean played in aside from the corporate secrecy over just how bad the spills are the similarities between the two spills stop that's because the governments of the united states and brazil have taken drastically different courses of action to punish the corporations responsible for ruining local environments last week the federal the federal police in brazil submitted a report recommending that seventeen employees of chevron and trans ocean be
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charged with crimes against the environment one of those charged is chevron's president in brazil a guy named george buck as the lead investigator said is the name by the way fabio sklar he said i am utterly convinced that the company's institutional policy is reckless and irresponsible therefore the executives are responsible and we're not talking about civil penalties here there are already have been and will continue to be a lot of those but we're talking about criminal charges in other words the brazilian police want to throw some suits in jail not only that chevron has been suspended from doing any further oil drilling in brazil in the short term and prosecutors are seeking a permanent ban on chevron preventing their corporation from ever drilling for oil again in brazil a country which by the way is this weekend became the sixth largest economy in the world so the sixth largest country in the world economically just file an action to
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execute essentially the corporate death sentence all because chevron and trans ocean acted irresponsibly and in the process let a few thousand barrels of oil spill into the ocean. meanwhile here in the united states where there was no oil spill more than a thousand times larger and we're eleven men were murdered as a result of a corporate crime not one criminal charges been filed against one executive or anyone at b.p. or trans ocean. not only that b.p. and trans ocean are right back to business as usual right now as we speak the drilling for oil in the gulf of mexico so why is that why is it that in brazil police want to put suits in prison and ban oil corporations from ever doing business again in that nation ever again yet here in the united states when people die it's just a slap on the wrist and water under the bridge it's because we're bought out the corporations have seized control of our lawmakers our regulators and our justice
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system and now they can pretty much get away with whatever they want even murder b.p. boss tony hayward was called before congress received a thorough tongue lashing from lawmakers but then he was free to go on his private jet it was all a spectacle a show for americans to think that someone was being held responsible for murdering eleven men and for the worst ecological dance disaster in our nation's history but it was theater and nothing more none of our politicians would take on a huge transnational corporations like that why because the company would punish them by funding their opponent in the next election with invisible money courtesy of the supreme court's citizens united decision but down south in brazil we're learning what happens when the people still control things as president grover cleveland said back in one thousand nine hundred seventy corporations should be the
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carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people we as americans need to demand more from the banks or is on wall street to these murderous oil barons we need to start demanding that corporations and their executives be punished for their crimes let's end the lawlessness in corporate america and bring back business in the public interest to go to move to amend to work to see how we can take america back from the billionaires and the corporations . that's it for the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our web site. free speech dot org and. also check out our two you tube channel links and. also of. all the different ways you can send us your feet and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active.
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of. egypt is working to shape its post-revolutionary future by reestablishing relations abroad as the country's foreign minister heads to moscow. thousands of syrians demand international protection on the streets of the country's most turbulent city of the arab league observers visit the homes to assess the scale of the government's bloody crackdown and it doubts over their impartiality. britain considers measures to protect itself from the potential demise of the euro it has reportedly include restricting cash flows and even closing borders. the controversial trials.
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