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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2011 12:01am-12:31am EST

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in russia as prosecutors seek to ban a version of the main book the hari krishna movement being an extremist group that's caused an outcry among indians political elite. broadcasting live from moscow you're watching r t welcome the new post revolution egypt is heading abroad an attempt to mend his relations with other countries and as part of that foreign minister is heading to moscow where the situation at home still very tense the north african nation to prove it's going to be a stable partner. can offer joins us live now more on this what can we expect from this visit. will this meeting was actually supposed to happen around a week ago but it was postponed due to the arab league's meetings on syria the organization centers observers of the country its headquarters are in cairo so
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egypt is directly involved in syria is expected to be one of the key issues dominating these talks in moscow russia and egypt both strongly criticized the violence in the country and stand against any foreign military intervention egypt is a be prudent regional also when it comes to the middle east middle east peace process that's expected to be discussed here as well but the situation in egypt itself is still quite complicated with the ongoing violent protests and the country being in the middle of parliamentary elections with several islamic story and parties aiming for power like the muslim brotherhood for example and after the first round of evolved combined these bodies have managed to gather around seventy percent of the votes and the second round is expected shortly since it's planned that the new column it will start working. by the end of january so lots of issues are on the
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table here in moscow who will be watching this meeting and of course we'll report on all the developments as soon as that happens. ok an hour ago piskun of live from moscow thank you. well the ongoing situation in syria looks set to dominate those talks in moscow the latest development tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of syria's third largest city of homs demanding international protection it happened after the arab league's monitoring team visited the area servers to assess the situation in the country and ensure president assad's compliance with a regional plan to end the bloodshed. and at times journalist says there are doubts over the mission's impartiality. be have to investigate the activities of the free syrian army these are mercenaries and distractors all are armed by outside powers then these outside powers are basically from qatar and the emirates and we
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all the arab league which is now called troll why did she see the gulf cooperation council interesting themselves in this case we still don't know are they going to investigate you need to call truly to call and center. in the near the border between turkey and syria a disk in their room which is generally across the border basically from aleppo let's see two hours are you going to investigate that you are really going to hurt us to gain shipment smuggling weapons by the jordanian syrian border we still don't look good it's a tall order for the eco caesar and these are not exactly democracies they are investigating one of their all but they're also implicated in the picture. here with r.t. or so coming to a head in the program. who is trying to report and eventually to take aspects of
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a became base better and sort of mid-sentence just thinking oh my god i just can't breathe anymore. bring you our correspondents person reflections from greece looks back at twenty seven's main headlines also. well the president of iran is now. you know it may be matter jetted yeah for. us presidential election looming ahead we set out on the streets of new york to find out how much americans know about the building blocks of the country's policies of home and abroad. and in business the new era has started for the russian economy after it successfully finished its eighteen year effort during the world trade organization more in business in about twenty minutes. britain is reportedly working on an emergency plan to shore up its economic defenses in case of a euro doomsday u.k. treasury is said to want to avoid an influx of economic refugees plans include
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evacuating british experts from a fact of countries who find themselves unable to cash financial analyst says attempts by european leaders to avoid the worst case scenario only making it more never able. you peon leaders are trying to shore up the eurozone by having greater degrees of centralization and more having countries like france and germany have the final say in a sense over the budgets of those e.u. member states that have excessive budget deficit but that really isn't the answer to the problems what's really needed is either a massive injection of cash into countries like greece and italy to shore up their economies was another option would of course to recognize that the single currency has hurt competitiveness in many nations of the eurozone and has damaged economic growth meaning that the economies can't grow their way out of the debt crisis that they're in and they're just in this debt spiral and having deeper austerity
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measures forced upon them which then means they still cannot pay back the money that so to various financial institutions around the globe particularly french and german banks so really there's a number of options either to transfer funds from the north to the struggling south or course have an orderly break up of the eurozone. for greece still remains in the eye of the european financial storm as twenty seven draws to a close our tears been looking back at what's been a year of despair and discontent for austerity greeks are correspondent sara firth witnessed their anger reach boiling point as she cover the protest in the country. ok i think in two thousand and eleven we really sort of felt the world shift on its axis slightly we saw people's protest movement sort of spread around the world and with the yearly crisis reaching fever pitch i think all of us had concepts in our
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sumption start with democracy in the west really meant and greece is certainly for me very much on the front line if that fight and it became really the sort of peace to child the financial crisis it turned into a political crisis to became a social crisis and it is there's a saying that if you're a hammer everything looks like if you push people into a corner then they're going to come out fighting and i think increased that was exactly what happened. the first time in. reporting and they had a protest planned there remember in the morning our hotel was just off the corner syntagma very very close to central square at the year i think crisis rumbles on grief is once again found itself the focus of international attention and it seems
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like everyone had an opinion about it that you might honor him and going off and finishing doing with us and coming back and getting a phone call to say that we needed to do another one and at that exact moment we could hit the noises that we just see here like popping sounds it's a take us going off on the other corner sometimes. almost immediately you just get a huge surge of people coming policy i mean you can barely me. this is a really intense experience and you sort of when you're right in the center of it i can't tell you what it's like to be around people. that's. the angry that they feel to a point where they're having to turn outs and these sort of clashes abrupt i mean it's really scary because it's not just a small hall cool. these people you know old people young people completely normal families that are tunning up that have just reached the point where they don't know what to do anymore. we literally found ourselves
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on the census in. just. one of the streets as all the riot police started pushing back late at the anarchists and these guys just when backing down you know the people sort of running at them and throwing rocks and metal and it was just it was absolutely i was going off in different parts in time everyone was just sort of running around thinking very very lowest and we were just stunned to be honest i mean it just going from one hundred in the space of sort of twenty minutes and you know we found ourselves right in the sense of and i remember just saying try me just keep filming this just keep filming it in the mainstream right now it's very hard for. people to prepare him it wasn't even a difficult to find out about it but.
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he. asked me. the people. who were trying to reports and eventually to take us they sort of a became both of us arm and sort of mid-sentence just thinking oh my god i just can't breathe anymore. and i remember seeing the fishes. in the car and getting caught in the middle of the tear gas and just thinking oh that's just. saying coughing and spluttering and. to remember being quite in virus about but then we realized that it obviously that clip caught a lot of people's attention. and i think it actually felt good that it was striking
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a chord with a lot of people because at that time still there was very much a sense in europe in the way it was being reported that you know this is a problem that greece is having a problem and we were all sort of witnessing what was going on and i think when we were increased we realized very very quickly that it wasn't just a greek problem this is something that was going to fade everyone. you know he felt when you were reporting that you witnessing people passing their breaking point they were just so angry. and very quickly also intactness. in the crowd we're not sure exactly what that thing off but everyone's just trying to get up and you could see people being just backed by the riot that it was. almost you left all of that. and maybe just. right from the very beginning we wanted to see get a good story from
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a different angle we were much more interested in getting the social side of what was going on me. everything is. actually right now there's a chance you might lose everything that we know in this country you don't know what . your life i hope for everybody to become and. try to get out of the crisis it's a good mix of people coming to tell us that they still and it was great as well the final results that was was really were. because if that was what was always important to us it is getting. the people in great getting their opinion across because i think a lot of their voices really have got lost in the whole political economic talk kind of forget what it's all about which is about the people talking. in that's amazing people i mean every single time i've gone back they just say
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welcoming. and i will continue to bring you person reflections from our correspondents worldwide on the headlines of twenty seven and if you've missed any they're available to watch right now at r.t. dot com. there are a two day ceremony which will finally see north korea's later the the laid to rest i started in young after eleven days of national mourning live pictures of the ceremony here on r.t. . the world remains in the dark about what's next for the most reclusive country the attention now on kim jong il's youngest son and successor discuss the possibilities with all three researcher dr tim bill who's a specialist on a she joins us live now from new zealand not to be a funeral ceremony as we've seen is shrouded in secrecy just like any knowledge about the new leader really kim jong un so what's expected of him do you think.
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well because we don't know how he's going to inform you surrounded by older people especially uncle. looking at that. person i think we can see business as usual certainly for some time. and so the process is helped by in this long mourning period and screen funeral. and after that people go back to work and. cope with the of the fierce winter and. we will see watch what happens now many say his western experience might affect his role and even pave the way for open the country up how likely is that to happen. well i mean if. it's not as we know he was educated in switzerland obviously that's going to have an effect but i think it's grossly overestimating his freedom of action. partly because of the north korean system but also mainly in respect of the
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outside world and in the respect of the americans so it's not north korea since don't want to open up and see americans and want to keep it. constrained. somewhat like they want to contain china different differently but it's all part of the same like the same package so what kim jong un can do is in many respects fairly limited. and we will again will have soon i don't really depends very much on the americans of course straight after his father's death and there were fears it would spark instability in the region eleven days after how grounded are those concerns well i'm not sure if they were really concerned i think they will hope so wishful thinking especially the start creating south korean would solve this as an opportunity a possible opportunity to tell you. the world was also predicts that instability
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about. she could sound riots and start and we know the south koreans and the americans have all these plans. operational plans for for for invading remorse so there was a hope i think that things would collapse up north and opportunity to that hasn't happened you can see the reaction in the future goes on in that moment so. i think the the talk of instability was not so much concern and not the students concern i guess from russia and china but from the point of view of. career it was. wishful thinking and as we look at these extraordinary live pictures of the ceremony how do you expect this new beginning to affect the regional balance particular with south korea. well again i don't think there's much
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. huge amount of change in shorts and there are very interesting things happening in south korea. we have a lame duck. lame duck president now. just really. north korea policy and old and soon will be in the hope that there will be some sort of collapse of kim jong il so i think we're going to see a certain amount of reassessment down and start but nothing. particularly particular niger. so to go. and then perhaps if we get a new ministrations. we may get some. by which time. it will be one presumes more confident. we can get some real dialogue between the two sides ok we'll have to leave it there dr tim bill thank
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you very much for your insights here today live on r.t. . i'm waiting on the moscow courtis to decide if a russian translation of the main book of the harry krishna movement should be banned for being extremist the case filed by state prosecutors has caused a storm of one with a just followers living in the country as well as the political elite in india a correspondence a pressure in delhi in the tone of a coven moscow have more on the controversial top. this day a siberian court is considering batting a russian translation old pug-o. odds as it is which gave a start to a controversial movement to hari krishna movement which was very controversial here especially during the ninety's when russia was going through a rather difficult time and i personally remember that so those are the people who are violent and wondering on the streets of moscow very very bright clothes listening to allow talk music doing drugs convincing people to join them and
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spreading the book and many teenagers were actually leaving home their homes to. be a part of the movement and people were donating their money to their movements as well so that's that was seen as a sound that's a verb really just sex here in ash in the ninety's and this trial of full lose the prosecutor's office looking into their t.v. sees all the movements in siberia. and to russian history of foreign affairs wants to make it clear that the case doesn't have anything to do with the book itself but rather with its translation into russian. field piece and we have this clear from the available material increase of criticism from law enforcement officials as not so much being with the text of the book itself which suffers from semantic distortion misconstrued but as the comments by the author be regarded as falling under the article thirteen of the russian law on connery extremist
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a conservative. running to the bastard to russia's cool this case absurd and he interests around the world has been asking to stop the trial. to the first time when this holy book is taken to the court and we're very concerned and of course we're very hopeful. that our. will get the body to verdict they don't know and the better the band. but also. you know that because the product is you know. the extremist which is that is i can see since listen it's these absurd well as you pointed out it's really caused a storm here in india it's been breaking news in all the major newspapers in all the major t.v. channels here in india this edition of the bug it's the buggy to as it is which they're looking to ban is actually
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a nine hundred sixty version that was made by the international society for krishna consciousness or the hari krishna movement so that there's a lot of confusion here in india and most of the people that are actually protesting this whole court trial actually don't really understand that there is a difference between traditional. and above the deeper as it is obviously as you guys have pointed out above it is a very holy scripture to the hindu people and a lot of the fundamentals of the hindu religion are based off of that book but there have been protests over the past week and while all of this is going on the book itself the bug that gave that is actually flying off the bookshelves here in india you're seeing people and on traffic signals handing out the book so there is there is a lot of people in india or there are protesters or politicians that are following this whole trial very closely. i don't forget our web site has plenty more stories
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news and comments including sun to in the sky over europe have been fooled by mysterious flying objects on christmas eve a shooting star a space ship or magical sleigh can solve the christmas conundrum on all of us. it's lights camera and plenty of action the sex scandal surrounding the former head of the international monetary fund dominique strauss set to make it to the big screen discover who's going to play the lead so if he don't come. back to space news now with you. thanks carol very warm welcome to the business program a new era is beginning for the russian economy the country fast applied for membership of the world trade organization back in one thousand nine hundred ninety three finally that long ago over and russia has been formally invited to join to richmond va don't call looks at the changes this will bring. per.
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becoming a member of the world trade organization is both a political and economic milestone the fact that for such a long time russia now a top ten global economy was outside the trading club that unites ninety eight percent of the world's population sounds pretty ridiculous under w. zero rules the average duty on imports of goods will be reduced to seven point eight percent for agriculture it will be lowered to ten point eight from thirteen point two percent and as for manufactured goods the decline will be to seven point three percent from the current nine and a half the parliament in russia still needs to ratify russia's exception to the w t o but obviously these changes will not happen in one day only a third of newly set import duties are expected to come straight after the ratification basically those which will not do any harm medicine for example will become cheaper gradually over three years to give local producers time to adapt to
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new market conditions and when it comes to the weakest or sensitive sectors like cars imports will be cut inch by inch over the next seven years for years the government protected farmers and car makers and will continue to do so through subsidies although the funds will drop significantly over time and perhaps the definite winner in this whole situation is the consumer has regulations become more transparent and tariffs are slashed more companies will be coming to russia's market and competition will force producers to reduce prices the economic development ministry therefore expects to see an average reduction of around ten percent the world bank believes that that the total effect will amount to an extra four point three percent of the gross domestic product as spending will grow seven percent but yet again this whole process may take quite a while and in the end russia is expected to finally improve the disproportional two percent of global trade volumes that it is. it's for at the moment. let's have
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a look at how the markets up before me in this our oil is flat after seeing gains in the previous session on concerns tension in iran might cause supply disruptions and another driver was improving the u.s. consumer confidence is trading at one hundred one dollars a barrel while the brunt plant is at one hundred nine dollars a barrel. now onto to say asia shares a mostly weak up for the mild losses on wall street and hong kong commodity linked firms are among the main losers china coal energy is down more than two percent gold miners also low up to gold fell below one thousand five hundred ninety dollars in tokyo investors are digesting disappointing output data from the firm but it also included a beat forecast for general and december. and it's less than one hour ahead of the opening bell here in moscow the russian markets closed lower on tuesday as you can see the arching us was down of one percent while the my six finished
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a quarter of percent in the right. russia's equity markets lost around twenty percent this year in the first half was actually very good and even saw some successful listings the big fall started an organist with the u.s. credit downgrade and since then hasn't been able to regain its voice. it was a huge as a result flight to safety. the. people went to the casualty of the bonds u.s. treasuries you know you'll get a lot of percent although this is only a sign of. diversion it's more about the record the surprise with which happens starting from august and trust anybody european banks so i can get you know the u.s. dollar is liquidity the people get money from the banks the business is free to invest money the banks therefore do not invest in the business and then. they
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create of themselves the problem when that one of the more that this a very dangerous thing and we not sure yet what will continue in developing next year. that's all we have time for now you're up to date all be back about fifteen minutes with another business update on our team.
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whether you dive from high or to the depths. catch the power of the wind or drift in the beauty of the currents. being well prepared is a must and if you're lucky enough you'll never forget your experience we only need them a screen that's going to be heaven. in the white see up close and below the ice on our t.v. . news today violence has once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all over the day.
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witnesses. to history in the making of. testimony. ten stories that shapes two thousand and eleven on our t.v. . here with our to recap of our top stories egypt is working to shape its post-revolutionary future by reestablishing relations abroad as the country's foreign minister heads to moscow. britain considers measures to protect itself from the potential demise of the euro the plans reportedly include restricting cash flows and even closing borders. a controversial trial starts in russia as prosecutors seek to ban a version.


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