tv [untitled] December 28, 2011 2:00am-2:30am EST
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he is looking north korea. tens of thousands of grieving north koreans packed into the capital as kim jong il is folly laid to rest. egypt is working to shape its post-revolutionary future. relations abroad the country's foreign minister heads to moscow. and britain considers measures to protect itself from the potential demise of the euro the plans reportedly include restricting cash flows and even closing borders also. a controversial trial in russia prosecutors want
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a version of the main book of the hari krishna movement here for being extremists i'll have more on how the trial that sparked outrage. international news and comments twenty four hours a day you're watching r.t. tens of thousands of north koreans have taken to the capital snow covered streets to pay their last respects to their late leader a farewell ceremony that would last for two days it started with a funeral procession made by kim jong il's youngest son and successor a longstanding leader of the world's most prestigious a country days ago the whole time knowledge of his hair. was shrouded in mystery some are hoping his first image action and see him open country but especially. thinks it's not. talat the successor to turning north korea's future.
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six far as we know it was educated in switzerland nazi that can have an effect but i think that's grossly overestimating his freedom of action. part of the north korean system but also mainly in respect of the outside world and immune respectively the americans so it's not north korea in a sense don't want to open up and see americans and want to keep it. constrained. somewhat. like they want to contain china rather different differently but it's all part of the same like the same package so what kindle one can do is in many respects fairly limited. we will again we'll have to see but i don't really depends very much on the americans or journalist and war correspondent eric margolis shares
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the view that there is little ground for change in north korea due to the excessive influence of the military. there's good speculation that is his uncle is handsome other members of the family are kind of pulling his strings but i think more important is the one point one million man north korean army for the father announced kim jong il forty guy well over a year ago now says the new policy of militarize ation of north korea as it was insufficiently militarized. the whole country is it's really as the quote frederick the great it's an army disguised as a country. and that's what's happened is great and the some military rule which to me says that it's unlikely there will be major western style reforms because this means cutting spending on the military military so powerful it's well fed it has all the prerequisites and good position so does the communist party so that they
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will be a force against change rather than for. if you are just a click away at our website. now the new post to revolution egypt is heading abroad to mend its relations with other countries and is part of that economy foreign minister counterparts in moscow but with the situation at home is still very tense african nation to prove it to be a stable partner. has more on this. we expect from this visit. the meeting has actually already started at the foreign ministry's state in central moscow you see behind me but actually it was supposed to be held around a week ago forms due to the arab league's meetings on syria the organization sent its observers to the country headquarters or in cairo so egypt is directly involved it is expected that syria will be one of the key issues at these talks in moscow
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with russia in egypt strongly criticizing the violence in syria standing against a need for military intervention egypt is also a very important regional player when it comes to the middle east peace process that's expected to be discussed as well but the situation in egypt itself is quite complicated also with the ongoing violent protests and the country being in the middle of. several islamist oriented political parties aiming to take power including the muslim brotherhood and the first round of the election showed that all these parties combined managed to gather around seventy percent of the votes the second round is expected. that the new poland will start working by the end of january so lots of issues are on the table here in moscow and of course we'll be reporting on all of the developments. live from moscow thank you.
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well the ongoing situation in syria looks set to dominate those talks in moscow and the latest development tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of syria's largest city of homs demanding international protection it happened after the arab league's monitoring team is that in the area there's a mission is to assess the situation in the country and shore president assad's compliance regional plan to a new blood shed blood ties asia times journalist escobar says there are doubts missions to. be had to investigate the activities of the free syrian army these are mercenaries in the shakhtar it's all our armor by outside powers and these outside powers are basically from qatar and the emirates and we all the arab league which is now called troll bait did she see the gulf cooperation council easiest to get themselves in this case we still don't know i didn't go into
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investigating the need to call truly to call and senator set up in the near the border between syria keep and syria a disk in their room which is very across the border basically for almost two hours hardly going to investigate that you are really going to furthest against shipment smuggling weapons via the jordanian syrian border we still don't look good it's a tall order for the arab league call caesar in that these are not exactly democracies they are investigating one of their all but they're also implicated in the whole big picture. you are still coming to your head in the program. you know the president of iran if. you don't name matter jetted you are for. us presidential election looming ahead we find out how much
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americans know about the building blocks of the country's policies at home and abroad. to reports eventually to take us to a sort of a became baseball time and sort of mid-sentence just thinking oh my god i just can't breathe anymore. while correspondents person reflections from greece it's all he looks back twenty seconds. witnesses. to history in the making. testimony. ten stories that shapes two thousand and eleven. russian court to the russian translation of the main book of the hari krishna movement should be banned for being extremist found by the state prosecutors has caused a storm that despite it was living in the country as well as the political elite in india well correspondents in delhi. or in moscow or following the trial and the
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reaction to it. siberian court is considering banning a russian jones lation of god as it is which is considered to be the bible for the hari krishna movement now the translation is being accused of sparking religious and racial hatred during the ninety's the movement's was seen as a religious sect its members were roaming around to where in bright clothes listening to rock amusing and allegedly taking drugs they were spreading the book as well many teenagers were leaving their homes to join the movement and people were donating money to it so by many was seen as a threat now the case was filed after prosecutors looked into the recent activity over the movements in siberia however the russian foreign ministry insists that it's this particular translation of the book that the case is filed against not so their regional text over its that is sacred for hindu. it is clear from the
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available materials that criticism from law enforcement officials is not so much aimed at the text of the book itself which suffers from semitic distortions but at the comments of the author which can be regarded as falling under article thirteen of the russian law on countering extremist activity. oh hindu people here in russia and indian political elites both have been asking to stop the case calling it absurd this has been the top news on all the major news channels and all the top newspapers here in india there have been mass protests a lot of the russian consulates all over the country and even the indian parliament was actually stalled for a few hours on monday some of india's alit politicians were saying that this was an insult to the lord krishna one thing that's important to note that not only also pointed out is that this is a ban is actually for the book called as it is which is a comment to edition that was printed in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight by
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the international society for krishna consciousness which is otherwise known as the hari krishna movement now that's a different version of the book than the actual which is a very sacred in spiritual tax for the hindu people and obviously this is brought together hindu people from around the world have video flew. through the body of the verdict they don't. you know that because of the views. of the extremist which is that is. absurd and while all of this is going on in the book itself the bug is actually flying off the bookshelves here in india but with a lot of sort of. outrage and the mass hysteria there is a lot of a little bit as well a little bit of misinformation regarding what exactly is going on in russia. well
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don't forget our web site has plenty more stories news and comments including some in the sky people all over europe have been baffled by a mysterious flying object some see. it shooting star spaceship you can snag some christmas program on our website. also on line lights camera and plenty of action the sex scandal surrounding the former head of the international monetary fund needs. to make it big screen has been tipped to play the lead. britain is reportedly working on an emergency plan to shore up its economic defenses in case of a euro doomsday u.k. treasury said to want to avoid an influx of economic refugees clued evacuating british ex-pats from affected countries and even attempt a closure of borders financial analyst says a tense by your opinion is to avoid a worse case only making it more likely. european leaders are trying to
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shore up the eurozone by having greater degrees of centralization and more having countries like france and germany have the final say in a sense over the budgets of those e.u. member states that have excessive budget deficits but that really isn't the answer to the problems wilts really needed as either a massive injection of cash into countries like greece and italy to shore up their economies course another option would of course to recognize that the single currency has hurt competitiveness in many nations of the eurozone and has damaged economic growth meaning that the economies can't grow their way out of the debt crisis that they're in and they're just in this debt spiral and having deeper austerity measures forced upon them which then means they still cannot pay back the money that so to various financial institutions around the globe particularly french and german banks so really there's a number of options either to transfer funds from the north to the struggling south
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or course have an orderly break up of the eurozone or greece still remains in the eye of the european financial storm and as a twenty seven draws to a close our team has been looking back at what's been a year of despair and discontent for greeks well correspondent sara firth witnessed their anger reach boiling point as she covered the protests in the country. you know i think in two thousand and eleven we really sort of felt the world shift and it's. we saw people's protest movement sort of spread around the world and greece essentially for me very much on the front line fight. it became really the sort of the child's the financial crisis it turned into a political crisis to became a social crisis and if this does
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a saying that if you're a hammer everything looks like a nail if you push people into a corner then they're going to come out fighting and i think increased that was exactly what happened. the first time in. reporting and they had a protest planned there remember in the morning. it was just still think cool in a very very close to central square as the euro is saying crisis rumbles own grief has once again found itself the focus of international attention and it seems like everyone had an opinion about it that you're. going off and finishing to. getting a phone call to say that we need to do another one at that exact moment we could hit the noises that would just like popping sounds it's a take us going off on the other corner. almost immediately you just get
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a huge surge of people coming policy i mean you can barely me. this is a really intense experience and you sort of when you're right in the center of it i can't tell you what it's like to be around people. that angry. angry that they feel to a point where they're having to turn outs and these sort of clashes abrupt i mean it's really scary because it's not just. a small hall cool. these people you know old people young people completely normal families that are turning up that have just reached the point where they don't know what to do anymore. we literally found ourselves. just at the side of one of the streets as the riot police started pushing back late at the anarchists these guys are backing down you know the people sort of running at them and throwing rocks and metal and it was just it was absolutely i was five is going off in different parts
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in time everyone was just sort of running around thinking very very lowest and we were just stunned to be honest i mean it just going from one hundred in the space of sort of twenty minutes and we found ourselves right and i remember just saying just keep filming this just keep filming it and they made it very hard to even take that if it may even be just the tip of the china. and. he. asked me. if people. trying to reports and eventually to take us they sort of a became sort of mid sentence just thinking oh my god i just can't breathe anymore
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. and i remember seeing the fit in the car and getting caught in the middle of the take us and just thinking oh that's just the thing coughing and spluttering in. i remember being quite embarrassed about. then we realized that it obviously that clip caught a lot of people's attention and. and i think it actually felt good that it was striking a chord with a lot of people because at that time still there was very much a sense in europe in the way it was being reported that you know this is a problem that greece is having its a great problem and we were all sort of witnessing what was going on and i think when we were increased we realized very very quickly that it wasn't just. something that was going to face everyone. right from the very beginning we wanted to see.
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a story from a different angle we were much more interested in getting this side of what was going on i hope for everybody to be calm and. try to get out of the crises if that was what was always important to us it is getting. the people increase getting their opinion across because i think a lot of their voices really have got lost in the whole political economic talk kind of what it's all about which is about you know the people who are there and you're talking to. him it's amazing people i mean every single time i've gone back they just say welcoming. and we'll continue to bring you personal reflections from our correspondents worldwide on the headlines of two thousand and if you missed any there but able to watch right now it's called. the look at all the news from around the world will
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begin gaza where a series of airstrikes have killed three and injured. israel's air force so it's targeting militants before or after israeli. strike killed one man after a rocket hit his motorcycle the second strike the. air attacks have been. since the end of the. war. a former u.s. marine accused of trying to infiltrate iran's intelligence service went on trial on tuesday tehran contends that. he received special cia training and military bases in iraq and afghanistan before heading to run for his next turgeon submission marty admits to having ties to the cia claims he had no intention of harming. the case is the death penalty if convicted. u.s.
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presidential candidates tell the nation how they plan to lead it into the future some of been exposed for the basic knowledge of foreign affairs and it seems the general public is following suit as it is and it's a situation that it's got. it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone commerce education and the what's the third one there is looking to to actually fire tens of thousands of federal workers and eliminate cabinet level position we can even remember its name and asked me who is the president of. pakistan stand i'm going to say you know i don't know do you know it's not the fact that he doesn't know it's the fact that he doesn't think he should look it up so you agree with president obama. the basic knowledge of those attempting to spearhead a concrete can leave much to be desired we believe americans choosing their
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politicians and their country's potential future and let's find out. for some reason i don't know anything about libya do you know what is the pakistanis know i do not know what. do you know the u.s. is an air base there. no i do do you know about libya. you know dispel libya. yes do you know the united states was involved in a war with libya. ok. you know why. i know absolutely nothing about the dislike for that new mexico is that a state or a country what is that. iraqis i mean. you know it was my sister now. it's the old man under bush. actually.
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come on it was not that long ago you vote cheney who is the vice president of the u.s. . you know i have no idea you know it's. my time that. cheney took with separate areas to take kindly to rice stella now we would be fools and nice to ignore their purpose and their plan some countries are at the top of politicians list to attack her believe i am literally but how much do people really know about those faraway places. was the president. or the president of iran is no capital capital of iran do you know the capital city of iran. negative do you guys know what iran is oh yes yes yes what's the capital of iraq ok so was the president.
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the president he just died about the capital of the capital yes i do but if you're asking me i can't tell you that either top secret i don't want is calling me . now live here it's. anything yes it. is the president of iraq iran iraq. all right do you know his name but a jet a giraffe or so when it comes to picking a future for the you want to see what comes next maybe talk without that knowledge of what has gone on in the past and even the very present. business news with us. thanks karen farewell welcome to the program a new era is beginning for the russian economy the country fast apply for membership with the world trade organization in mind to three but finally that long
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to go over and russia has been formally invited to join richard jenkins looks at the changes this will bring. becoming a member of the world trade organization is both a political and economic milestone the fact that for such a long time russia now a top ten global economy was outside the trading club that unites ninety eight percent of the world's population sounds pretty ridiculous under w t o rules the average duty on imports of goods will be reduced to seven point eight percent for agriculture it will be lowered to ten point eight from thirteen point two percent and as for manufactured goods the decline will be to seven point three percent from the current nine and a half the parliament in russia still needs to ratify russia's exception to the w t o but obviously these changes will not happen in one day only a third of newly set import duties are expected to come straight after the
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ratification basically those which will not do any harm medicine for example will become cheaper gradually over three years to give local producers time to adapt to new market conditions and when it comes to the weakest or sensitive sectors like cars imports will be cut inch by inch over the next seven years for years the government protected farmers and car makers and will continue to do so through subsidies although the funds will drop significantly over time and perhaps the definite winner in this whole situation is the consumer has regulations become more transparent and tariffs are slashed more companies will be coming to russia's market and competition will force producers to reduce prices the economic development ministry therefore expects to see an average reduction of around ten percent of us the world bank believes that that the total effect will amount to an extra four point three percent of the gross domestic product as spending will grow seven percent but yet again this whole process may take quite
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a while. and in the end russia is expected to finally improve the disproportional two percent of global trade volumes that it accounts for at the moment. let's have a look at the markets now it boyle is flat after seeing gains in the previous sessions on concerns tension in iran might miss my destructions under now the driver is improving the u.s. consumer confidence thing w.h.y. is trades and i suppose one hundred one dollars per barrel while the brant blanche is at one hundred nine dollars per barrel. now on through at which is asia as the most when we go for a mild losses on wall street the nikkei was lower point two percent up tell you that's housing prices and japanese try out for dropped that sign pal ask decided that slower growth in china and europe sovereign debt crisis will dampen company earnings offset better than this time estimated u.s. consumer confidence. in russia the markets are mixed oil prices process all
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