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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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day one of the late north korean leader's funeral and splits hopes of change under his successor are overshadowed by concerns that foreign nations was actually want to keep the status quo as we reported. post mubarak egypt seeks to shape its international ties now with turmoil and certainty at home while it's ousted leaders trial finally. by the russian court decides against a part of the translation of a how to krishna holy text which was suspected to big extremist. in business attack is given the green knight has now crossed it's part of the black the details with me in twenty minutes time.
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ten pm here in moscow welcome you're watching r.t. live with me kevin zero in on first thousands of north koreans was seen crying in the streets of pyongyang as they watched the funeral procession carrying the late leader kim jong il's youngest son and successor led the farewell ceremony which is expected to last for at least another day little's of course no doubt about the egg him on but some are hoping his western education may see a more open country now however asia specialist dr tim beal things external influence will decide north korea's future as much as the next can. start as we know it. but i think it's grossly louvel is to me is freedom of action. part of the north korean system but also mainly in
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respect to the outside world in any respect to the americans so it's not north korea and since don't want to open up that see americans we want to keep it. constrained some what's life they want to contain china rather different you differently but it's all part of the same the same package so what kindo one can do is in many respects fairly limited. we will again we'll have to see but i don't really depends very much on the americans. journalist or course whatever margolis also shared his view that there is little chance of change in north korea because of the excessive influence of the military. speculation that is his uncle is and some other members of the family are kind of pulling his strings but i think more is the one point one million man north korean army for the father announced kim
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jong il for you guys well or you're go now it's the new policy of militarized korea as it was in seclusion militarized. the whole country is it's really as the quote frederick the great it's an army disguised as a country. and that's what's happening is great and the son military rule which to me says that it's unlikely there will be major western style forms because this means cutting spending on the military military so powerful it's well fed it has all the prerequisites and good position so does the communist party so that they will be a force against change rather than for. lottie's managed to get some insight into the man who no holds the reins in north korea after we caught up with one of his former swiss school classmates his impressions of kim jong il on r.t. dot com right now while you're there to tell us what you think you think will
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happen in north korea next year this is telling to vote than winning all afternoon or by. putting out more than half of you think nothing will change at all in the reclusive state just under a quarter of you believe the new leader will hold little sway against an increasingly military might only nine percent of you think is going to be more openness and freedom in north korea has gone up a bit was seven a few hours ago and about the same number the. on a positive note believe that this will increase the likelihood of korea really for cation so plenty of time to have your say at r.t. home. a tough period of post revolution uncertainty inside egypt meantime isn't stopping the country from strengthening its international policy the foreign minister has been meeting his counterpart here in moscow where they discussed the arab world turmoil in the frozen israeli palestinian peace talks but he got a peace can office following that meeting. first of all this is a great time for egypt to start we gaining some was positions on the international
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political stage since syria is in the spotlight the arab league has been able to send observers into the country the organization's headquarters are in cairo so egypt is directly involved and of course syria was discussed at the meeting in moscow russian foreign minister sergei a level of praise the fact that observers were finally allowed into syria at the same time both russia and egypt once again strongly criticized the violence in the country but stood against any foreign military intervention egypt is also removed totally to a regional where when it comes to the middle east peace process that was discussed at the meeting here as well but all of this comes as the situation in egypt itself is quite complicated i'm in the ongoing violent protests and the country being in the middle of the parliamentary election with several islamist oriented the political parties taking court including the muslim brotherhood and the first round
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of the election showed that all of these parties combine managed to gather around seventy percent of the vote so this is a good time for egypt to start regaining its international contacts. the trial of egypt's ousted president resumed on wednesday after a three month break hosni mubarak's accused of corruption abuse and the killing of demonstrators during the january uprising and may face the death penalty if convicted egyptian journalist asama diab told this is an attempt to divert protesters attention from the battle against the the currently. well there is definitely a growing sense among especially among protesters that this trial is a mock trial basically designed to cool down the public opinion one of the reasons they are losing popularity is that there is. mainly that mr brotherhood did leave the square because they're now moved busy with the elections and the muslim
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brotherhood strategy now is to bring change through the parliament for other than through the street. quieter now so who really remains in the square now is activists with the moves socialist tendency or more socialist agenda who did not do very well in the elections and they see they still perceive the street as the main lobbying. platform the head of the arab league observers mission in syria has described the situation in the restive city of homs as reassuring so far just to warn you some of these images coming up a graphic the flashpoint city of homs was the monitors first stop as we've been reporting to investigate the government's response to the anti regime unrest opposition reports meanwhile suggested at least six people were killed in one syrian town by security forces on wednesday. london based middle east expert terry cali he told me the observers findings are unlikely to improve the situation i
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think. obviously the syrians let in the monitors to show that they're not. thinking they'd find nothing but leave has been one of the most. in the arab world for a long long time doing nothing. doing nothing to prevent the war on iraq and now it's being used as a name here by the west so i don't take the arab league as such too seriously so we shall see what happens of it. earlier i spoke exclusively to russia's u.n. ambassador who said the assad regime should stop using force against its own people but he believes the country has no chance of carrying out promised reforms during a civil war pact with extremists. we believe that the syrian government should be extremely prudent and should refrain from excessive use of force we believe that
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there has been there are been some extremely troubling reports coming out of syria about excessive use of force by those or it is but also telling that the everybody must put pressure on. the destructive elements of the of the opposition or various destructive elements which may have found their way into syria that they are a while and acts are not going to be condoned by the international community this is a this is a i keep. finding a peaceful way out of the situation there are some reforms were announced. some of them we are pretty far reaching like changing the constitution and getting rid of the political monopoly of one party but of course that to expect those reforms can be implemented in a situation when the the crisis is sort of teetering on the brink of civil war even now under normal circumstances in any country forms of such magnitude are not easy
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to implement but all that in a situation when there is an armed conflict being encouraged from various quarters one would see weapons being moved. illegally into syria all that of course becomes a saturday conversation. full exclusive interview with russia's u.n. ambassadors on our website now where quizzed him about the major international stories of twenty eleven and how he thinks they're going to develop and twenty twelve tell the chickens thoughts about the arab spring iran's nuclear program the middle east turmoil and. here in a few minutes the money and patience ran out in greece. trying to pull its eventually to take us a sort of a the case that time and sort of made sense and. just think i just can't be any will or. will shortly not a correspondence person reflect. from greece as our team continues to look back at . the putin says he's open for
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talks with the opposition which organize the parliamentary protest rallies but he says there's no one to talk to the premier reaffirmed there's a need for dialogue insisting there's always been a channel available between him and his rivals. the story of the russian prime minister meeting with journalists earlier today when responding to their questions about the possible dialogue with the opposition he said that he's actually ready for that except for at this point according to your logic which in their position forces do not have any concrete programs or any leaders and their motivation is not quite clear so it's really hard for them to understand in what form or the dialogue should take place. we've never been against dialogue with the opposition we're in constant touch with them we're only against one thing and i am personally against it and that's any kind of extremism and there are a lot of different leaders in the opposition but they have to formulate a unified platform single out a position so that we can actually understand these people. he also mentioned that
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seeing his own close close people close to him and his relatives sometimes interacting with certain authorities that he sometimes wants to go out and participate in a rally on his own he also said that the best president he would give to the russian people for new years would be fair and free presidential elections in twenty twelve of course all of this comes just days after a monumental rally which was held in the square in the aftermath of the problem entry elections is russia's state duma tens of thousands of people came out on the streets protesting what they believed were unfair elections. they're nazis across the changes in russia's political world of course and should be expected you can't be too far following all coverage online at r.t. don't call for the kinds of movers and shakers there as well like these right now blockbuster about an import accountant but no not this one so ordinary money man it's all about the women the power the scandal that sent the former i.m.f.
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chief into the tabloid gotten this year it was a big story was more online. on how the cia tops into your tween so we look at why it's through billions of messages a day over social networks. the people of greece will be glad to see the back of twenty eleven a year of cuts riots and vilification brother european nations for bringing them to the brink of collapse first reported from the thick of it from the start she now shares her firsthand impressions in our continuing series reflecting the years events the change the world.
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ok i think in two thousand and eleven we really sort of felt the world shift and. we saw people's protests nathan sort of spread around the world and greases me very much on the front line and. it became really the sort of the child the financial crisis it turned into a political crisis became a social crisis and yet this does a saying that if you're a hammer everything looks like a nail if you push people into a corner then they're going to come out fighting and i think increase is exactly what happened. the first time in. reporting and they had a protest planned i remember in the morning. they call in a very very close to central square at the european saying crisis rumbles alone greece is once again found itself the focus of international attention and it seems
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like everyone had an opinion about it that you were. going off and finishing to. getting a phone call to say that we needed to do another one. exactly hit the noises that would just. take us going off on the other corner. almost immediately you just get a huge surge of people coming. this is a really intense experience and you sort of when you're right in the center of it i can't tell you what it's like to be around people. that. angry that they feel to a point where they're having to ten outs and these sort of clashes and i mean it's really scary because it's not just. a small hall cool. these people you know old people young people completely normal families that are turning up that have just reached the point where they don't know what to do anymore. we
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literally found ourselves on the. side of one of the streets as the riot police. and. people sort of running at them and throwing rocks and. it was absolutely. going off in different parts in time everyone was just sort of running around very very lowest and we were just stunned to be honest i mean it just going from one hundred in the space of sort of twenty minutes and we found ourselves right in the sun and i remember just saying just keep filming this just keep filming it and i made it very hard to. even to pretend that it wasn't even a difficult time. and.
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he. asked me to. keep. trying to reports and eventually to take a sort of a became sort of mid sentence just thinking oh my god i just can't breathe anymore . and i remember seeing the fit in the car and getting caught in the middle of the take us and just thinking oh. just. thing thing and blustering in. i remember being quite in virus the bout. then we realized that it obviously that clip caught a lot of people's attention. and i think it actually felt good that it was striking
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a chord with a lot of people because at that time still there was very much a sense in europe in the way it was being reported in is a problem that greece is having its a great problem and we were all sort of witnessing what was going on and i think when we were increased we realized very very quickly that it wasn't just a greek problem and this is something that was going to affect everyone. right from the very beginning we wanted the. story from a different angle we were much more interested in getting the social side of what was going on right now there's a chance you might lose everything that we know in this country you don't know what . you can you can plan your life i hope for everybody to be calm and. try to get out of the crisis if that was what was always important to us is getting. the people increase getting their opinion across because i think
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a lot of their voices really have got lost in the whole political economic talk you kind of forget what it's all about which is about you know the people who were there and you talking to. him that's amazing people i mean every single time i've gone back they just say welcoming. to sort of we'll continue to bring you more personal reflection small team of correspondents worldwide as they report on the headlines of the year that we are just leaving and if you missed any of those stories you can join with viable to watch online right now without. oil prices have surged after rand threaten to block shipments through one of the world's busiest waterways if the western sanctions cripple its own exports and the country's navy a naval commander says the cut off will be easy to inflate to iran's currently conducting a huge war game near the crucial hormuz strait with some cutting edge torpedoes an unmanned aircraft taking part in the drill spans than president lee and president
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of the larger area of international waters the u.s. also maintains a naval presence in the persian gulf to merely to ensure the passage remains free political analyst chris bambery believes the west is putting world peace on the line right now with its stubbornness about sanctions that americans could probably force using their military which in the gulf could probably force or put in the straits of hormuz but that would mean war with iran and that would be a huge huge escalation and would threaten world peace and therefore i think the iranians are really challenging the americans sensing the american weakness we know that from british sources that there are quietens to attack iran and israel is egging on america to attack iran over the question of its nuclear program but i think again in a comparison with iraq in two thousand and three iran is in a much stronger position iranian nationalism should not be should not be
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underestimated even opponents armitage about the rally to support iran's given britain and america's history in iran there's a long history of unfortunate british and american intervention in iraq so i think we're witnessing quite a dangerous escalation and it's the sanctions which the west the talk or importance of iran which is responsible for that situation developing i think we should be clear about that is the west who have racked up this situation every step. the russian courts decided against buying a translation of the heart of krishna's most holy text a group connected to the christian orthodox church had claimed it was extremist parties are telling us following the story was all started because of one of the translations of course that gets out as it is into russian which thought to have been sparking a reshuffle and religious hatred now the case was filed after prosecutors thought that the behavior of the harry krishna movement in the talks region in sabeer was suspicious and of course with those people the book is sacred but if you take
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a look back at the relationship between russia and the hari krishna movement it was never an easy one but in the ninety's there when russia was going through one of its most difficult and gloom periods over history so far the movement was simply seen as a religious cult if you can imagine the grim images of russia in the ninety's and all those people just in bright and colorful clothes or listening to rock amusing reading to what russians thought was suspicious literature and this is convincing the young people to join in and stay with them many saw them as drug addicts many of her believe that they were posing a threat to the society and so there was definitely a lack of understanding of the movement in the first place as this case was a lack of understanding of chance lieschen of the book intervention as the court has proved today in all this time russian ministry of foreign affairs has been a same that's this trial has nothing to do with their original book that is obviously sacred to hindu people but rather whether this particular translation
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over into russian was extremist or not. italian overcall reporting for us a man is what a limpet medals of all three types is set for his fourth games in a row more of getting permission go spectacular comeback in our team sports but later still of this that is but it's going to cost the business no katie. hello there warm welcome to the business the russian ruble is once again falling victim to the global economic uncertain say it's false one and a half percent against the dollar in the last twenty four hours and it's down thirteen percent since may how are the presidential aides volkova which does not believe the situation is cause for. what do we keep on widening the exchange rate corridor as there is significant see sawing on the currency market but we don't
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think the ruble exchange rate will overrun the rational border said by the central bank the biggest impact at the moment is made by capital outflow which is due to many factors starting from situation in europe to a well known problems with corruption which is. turkey has given the green light to south stream to cross its part of the black sea the pipeline is intended to carry gas from southern russia to europe bypassing the transit countries of ukraine and belarus is planned to have a capacity of sixty building cubic meters again will cost around twenty billion dollars to build. fifty percent of the project while twenty percent belongs to islam is in a the rest is evenly distributed between france's e.d.f. is winter. so let's have a look at the market now all prices are to kind in for the first time in seven days but are still high and investors fears a possible sanctions against iran that may cause a supply disruption analyse what's happening with the exit is u.s.
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stocks are pulling following on from the news from europe in reaction to the news that the european central bank's balance sheet expanded to wreck or often lending more money and the european markets are now closed with both the darks on the footsie finishing off the day session in the red but that was the most affected by the c.b.s. news snapping three days of gates on the fritz he also reacts to the news as investors why for this to. lity wants more. and in russia the markets closed in the red cells of ascent while the my stocks ended point two percent in the red and let's see how some of those individual got on the my sex and the mage's i did mixed company blue coal guy and i represent gas not the gasp almost three quarters of you said banking stocks were among them a retreat as of the day was spent a bag point nine percent. a new era is beginning for the russian economy the code you first applied for the membership of the world trade organization back in
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one nine hundred ninety three finally they that low negotiation is over russia has been formally invited to joy dmitri medvedev looks at the changes this will bring. becoming a member of the world trade organization is both a political and economic milestone the fact that for such a long time russia now a top ten global economy was outside the trading club that unites ninety eight percent of the world's population sounds pretty ridiculous under w. zero rules the average duty on imports of goods will be reduced to seven point eight percent for agriculture it will be lowered to ten point eight from thirteen point two percent and as for manufactured goods the decline will be to seven point three percent from the current nine and a half the parliament in russia still needs to ratify russia's exception to the w t o but obviously these changes will not happen in one day only
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a third of newly set in produce are expected to come straight after the ratification basically those which will not do any harm medicine for example will become cheaper gradually over three years to give local producers time to adapt to new market conditions and when it comes to the weakest or sensitive sectors like cars imports will be cut inch by inch over the next seven years for years the government protected farmers and car makers and will continue to do so through subsidies although the funds will drop significantly over time perhaps the definite winner in this whole situation is the consumer has regulations become more transparent and tariffs are slashed more companies will be coming to russia's market and competition will force producers to reduce prices the economic development ministry therefore expects to see an average reduction of around ten percent of us the world bank believes that that the total effect will amount to an extra four point three percent of the gross domestic product as spending will grow
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seven percent but yet again this whole process may take quite a while. and in the end russia is expected to finally improve the disproportional two percent of global trade volumes that it accounts for at the moment and that's all the business news now of it back this time next all from all.
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right to clean those. squandered morning. more than sixty square kilometers of this nation and those are still surprisingly. i'm finding we're just. it's getting bad out here. but not saying hardly any birds squirrels you know. you know i don't know what's going on here. on crete on the marquee wealthy british scientists think it's time to rise. again.


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