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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2011 11:01pm-11:31pm EST

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in tonight's lone liberal room. you need to know this several republican controlled state legislatures across the nation have now passed restrictive new laws aimed at limiting the number of people who can vote next year whether it's you new voter id laws and you hurdles to register voters or getting rid of early voting republican fix is already in on the two thousand and twelve election and while all of this has been going on or republicans have been disenfranchising voters and mass this guy rick perry hasn't said a word heck even past his own strict new voter id law down in texas the brennan center for justice estimates the five million eligible voters will be knocked off the voting rolls across america thanks to these new right wing anti voter laws and rick perry doesn't care to rick perry these voter was are just fine no problem it's the
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name of the game so then why is rick perry suing the state of virginia now. you see rick perry just like newt gingrich didn't get enough eligible signatures to have his name put on the ballot in virginia for the republican primary he needed ten thousand and actually got more than that but thanks to laws in virginia designed to kick voters off the rolls many of those signatures were declared invalid because the addresses didn't exactly match the addresses listed in the state's voter registration database so now rick perry suddenly has a problem with these restrictive voter id laws as perry's own communications director said regarding the lawsuit we believe that the virginia provisions unconstitutional they restrict the rights of candidates and voters by severely restricting access to the ballot and we hope to have these provisions overturned or modified to provide greater ballot access to virginia voters and the candidates
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seeking to earn their support you see rick perry is today's pastor name who watched thousands and thousands of people in germany be taken away by the nazis but he didn't say a word because he wasn't a trade unionist or a communist or a jew until one day they came for the churchmen and by the time that happened there was nobody left to speak for him. first the republicans came to kick the elderly off the voting rolls like ninety three year old thelma mitchell who was delivered by a midwife in the us has no birth certificate so she's unable to vote thanks to the new voter id laws rick perry didn't speak out because he was an elderly then the republicans candidate dies students the right to vote in states where new laws disqualified student i.d.'s as an eligible form of voter identification rick perry didn't speak out because he was a student then the republicans came to prevent felons from ever voting egg ever again disproportionately affecting poor and my mom minority voters rick perry didn't speak out because he wasn't a felon or
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a minority or poor then the republicans in virginia came to pass a law that kept new gay marriage from getting enough signatures to get on the ballot but rick perry didn't speak out because he is a new game bridge but when the same laws came back to bite rick perry and kept him off the ballot in virginia as when he finally decided to do something unfortunately as pastor an e-mail or pointed out by the time he became a target and decided to speak out there was no one left to speak out for him so he called his lawyer that is unless there are any other republicans out there willing to stand up for the rights of all american voters and push back against these right wing anti voter laws for more on this let's get to this week's lone liberal rumble . joining on the panel for tonight's lone liberal vince cohen
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a senior online editor of the daily caller and neil mccabe editor of the guns and patriots column and human events online gentlemen let's get started first of all great great to have you both with us what's the deal with rick perry suing virginia well he thinks he should be on the ballot and i think rightfully so he's polled well enough he's had enough opportunity to present his case to the voters and a national platform is certainly not a fringe candidate i mean is a legitimate candidate that most republican voters in virginia are going to expand on the ballot he got ten thousand signatures for and they were all registered republicans but under virginia's new restrictive voting laws apparently if you live at seven seven seven twenty second a.v. in your voter registration card and avenue in the form you filled out you can vote for there's no question that the that the laws in virginia when it comes to actually getting on to the ballot as a republican candidate are needlessly onerous i mean the republican party you know this is the way the republican party up until now never even bothered to cross check and then this guy who was an independent sued and said the republican party
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doesn't cross check but i'm an independent and i have to cross-check i have to go but this the by the by the regular developers second or whatever the date is first tuesday in november rules so why don't the republicans and the judge ruled the republicans have two two and that's why rick perry and newt gingrich got bounced off you know what i've done for massachusetts politics you know the sort of the signature parties as petitions are for to get on the ballot or for initiatives and referendums passed around a table i mean these stories are legend and so i have no problem with checking names on a petition i also have no problem with newt or rick perry being bounced if they didn't follow the rules i mean one of the most compelling arguments that obama was . ready to be president was that he had run a national campaign and had run it well and that's unfortunately that's one of the tests of being president can you run a campaign can you get on the ticket on the ballot in virginia it's really hard to
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get elected if you can't get on the ballot yeah i promise that i just get bitten by their own voter suppression laws i don't i mean this has i think what you're talking about i think these are two distinct issues one is the eight candidates ability to get on the ballot in virginia and clearly you know i think this is an indictment of the republican party's method for getting republican candidates on the ballot in virginia do i think it's right that rick perry sued i'd like to see where this goes i think that the litigation will be interesting to watch as well what's interesting is he's claiming constitutionality i mean he's said he and if he wins it's going to blow up these republican voter suppression laws that have now been passed thirty some odd states i'm not sure if we called them voter suppression laws all the time but well i mean it's your turn that that's ronald reagan's you know number three that is they were number one adviser's term and be that as it may you know i'm sure court can decide if somebody wrote in they're registered as ave that can be worked out or people who've actually original most of the most of the
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year as a result of assignment will move a year or so i mean this is like student use we only use we've been we refer to such things as voter suppression as having to show an i.d. to admit to show who you are and you said you said in your last segment as some sort of suppression oh i think a lot there's a lot of vote i was young i used to vote would bring money plenty of yours plenty of voters many voters who would like to have their right to vote protected and that and and that includes showing an idea paul additionally look at north carolina you just a matter are you more likely to be struck by lightning than to live in a state where somebody has illegally voting yeah well that still doesn't mean that you go out and walk in a field in a lightning storm. i mean it's like you spent forty seven million dollars trying to find illegal but was it i mean you have the notion of a democratic congressman artur davis coming out and talking about how he sees widespread voter fraud in the democratic party and he's still a democrat now by the way he's not very likely by democrat as if he is are claiming that he is aware of a felony and he is not identifying those felons though he himself should go to jail speaks out about it ad nauseum and the guy has talked about his very bastions of
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democracy our labor unions often require photo i.d.'s when you vote in a union election like a federal judge just ruled on using the justice department's argument that if you don't put the letter d. next to somebody name in the state of north carolina than that is there that's racism that's voter suppression and it's not it's not i mean we i mean i don't know the details well you should look into it for sure it's i don't know i do know the details of this when eleven states have permanently banned convicted felons from ever voting again after they've served their time after they're no longer on parole after they're presumably members of society according to a new report by the new york times more than half the convicted felons in north carolina who had concealed weapons permits before they were convicted got to keep them after they got out of prison after they served their time and these people were convicted of murder rape and kidnapping cases that they profiled the new york times so convicted felons. who are denied their right to vote but not denied their right to carry a concealed handgun does america have its party screwed up and i spent the better
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part of yesterday going back and forth with this new york times reporter i mean the i'm the editor of the guns of patriots newsletter so our readers are very very much interested in what was going on with this story in north carolina basically you had a five year period you would get a universe of two hundred forty thousand permit holders he found eight people in that five year period who were convicted of a murder or manslaughter i mean bull than than were convicted of voter fraud in that state in the last decade well i think that i think you you're locked on to what the problem was tom is in the second half of that new york times article he really focuses on the inability of the new north carolina law enforcement to enforce the laws that exist and he gives examples where sheriffs or other police departments when these problems are brought to their attention they took away the permit the problem is felons who should have lost their right to carry the prefer
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to carry didn't it's not a problem with the law it's a problem with some oppressive the taking away your right to vote as soon as you know as soon as you're convicted of a felony can't they just like have a second piece of paper that says oh by the way if you have a concealed weapons permit you lose that so i think that that mean north carolina is such a messed up state to look at it has so many failures in the way that it enforces laws anyway you have governor bev perdue administration which is its own state the state bureau of investigation has been under investigation itself for corruption i mean there there are do you think they're unique in this do i think that they're unique in that in that investigation you know yeah i just you know human condition i mean to have it all of the world as well as it has made itself an exceptional state for having a troubled administration now i don't know to what extent it spills over into enforcing federal laws but it is simply a matter of enforcing federal laws i mean i can ask you look at california look at the way they treat marijuana. flouting federal law on the issue i mean they clearly have no interest in enforcing while it ends and in fact speaking of that just in
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the minute we have joined for the break i'm curious you guys take on you know ron paul has brought pot into the you know put up to the top here and we've got this federal issue you've got states rights states are saying pot legal you've got the federal government saying it's not right who should win well i think there's a isn't there a national law like the narcotics control act of thirty some thousand nine hundred thirty something right but i mean if you want to at the moment trumps any law doesn't well then it has to be challenged i mean just like the second amendment trump same thing law federally but then it has to be challenged in court and then it should be done i think there's a case to be made for the tenth amendment having a trumping factor here you know i think one of the things that goes into line with marijuana is does it demonstrate some sort of harm to the public does that harm cross state state lines that's where the federal government have to step in but ultimately i think ron paul has a case when it comes to tenth amendment claims regarding how the states legislate their own drug policy. i don't disagree it's going to see how this whole if you
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sell it across state lines becomes a federal issue there you go we will be right back more more rumble after the break . same. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and they're still reporting from the. past you can hear behind me loud explosions. gave the.
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acted alone liberal romel joining me on the panel vince colony senior online editor of the daily caller and neil mccabe editor the guns and patriots column of human events online ok let's get back to it the latest poll coming out of iowa and these are increasingly like all over the place as six million bucks just the last couple days but dumped into the couple of states because iowa new hampshire. according public policy polling ron paul's in the lead at twenty four percent romney next to twenty percent gingrich in third with thirteen percent by midnight tonight no doubt these will change but what does the party the republican party do and this isn't even so much debate with you guys it's like you know. what it what does the republican party do if ron paul wins and more broadly what are the republicans doing about the growing libertarian problem in their own party well i'm not
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convinced it's a libertarian problem if he if ron paul goes on to win the the republican nomination that means that he will have made his case to a much greater universe than the caucuses in iowa you remember the water moment but george h.w. bush came out of iowa with big mo and he wasn't president till eight years later so i mean the idea that you couldn't you couldn't win big in iowa and not become president what does it mean look. john mccain came into it named him what fourth and i was so i mean you have i would you know it's not necessarily a barometer but we do know is that the caucus states in the early primaries do give us an indication as to where republicans are a force candidates out but as these candidates move forward they'll have a good idea where they can perform in these future states i don't think libertarianism can be identified as some sort of problem you know you're having tea party members now and that have revolted somewhat in the house that have really come up against john boehner and you have all these different ideas that are contributing to conservatism in no other sphere of politics do you have people who
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are so self-deprecating about. movement and conservatism right now i mean conservatives look at the republican party and say we don't want politics as usual so meanwhile the democrats are trying to find a unified front but they don't have the same sort of put the republican tea party freshmen in the house of representatives among the largest recipients of corporate cash in billionaire cash in the history of the united states i mean it's very much business as usual for these guys on the right direction these are people to talk but when it comes. to me tom and i go back a bit but when you have i mean that's not anathema to the tea party principles i mean these guys are coming in and they're like money from tick over anywhere yeah absolutely it's certainly isn't because because a lot of these tea parties and this is this what makes occupy wall street distinctly different from the tea party is the tea party kind of sees americans in a more holistic manner including corporations that do provide money to these guys corporations or people to just do what. they're like giant rock they're like composite people they're like their commercial users are over their people their
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stockholders their employees their investors their corporations the legal abstraction you've got to apply to it's a little of it's going to create up of what its shareholders shareholders with interest and of us corporations like you doesn't it is made up of paper is a corporation is a legal abstraction well i mean if you want to call the action of people telling the organizers have cut a contract of people and organize towards a commercial purpose by the way i'm not sure i always offer is honoring the person i'm not sure we spoke from ron paul de corps in the church it was but with that said like there is a person don't corporate interests have like something to say about american politics i mean clearly they have an interest in the united states has an interest in these corporations succeeding to the extent that they create a wall they didn't from seven hundred ninety eight until the eight hundred ninety s. they were forbidden in every state in the union from having a sin but you don't think corporate interests influence politics in any way clearly did well after the railroad when the robber barons rose during reconstruction eight hundred seventy s. yeah and then began corrupting seriously corruption and we see it in pork projects going to you know first century yeah and we have even has gone downhill ever since
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the other. thing about the republican party and ron paul is that the republican party officials in iowa between threats from anonymous occupy i will caucus and ron paul might win have said that they're going to lock down their voting tabulators the machines and they're going to take them offline and they're going to make them on a hackable when they're going to make sure nobody can see what's going on so they can make sure they've got a real count now is this a they're really afraid that is going to get hacked and if so i mean shouldn't we like go back to paper like every other civilized country in the world has or be is that the republicans get ready to nail this sucker down so the ron paul does not win because they can't afford it well i think we all have an interest in a clean election if it means a paper ballot we have a paper about it these things can be hacked i'd rather know about it in the iowa caucuses than on election day in two thousand and twelve and so i mean that's part of the back of the election in ninety eight the first to get it was oh sure but i mean it's like let's make that part of the conversation i would like to win or lose
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in a fair election that's part of democracy yeah. i'm with you on that you have me and thomas payne who are up for upward just as much a clean election i mean clearly we should do what works they have every right to be guarding themselves for what has been announced to be a threat against the electoral process and they should be i mean they should react strongly because look at what anonymous has done they've gone into corporations they've released all sorts of information they've done denial of service attacks on major organizations i mean clearly they have the capability to do this and i will voters need to be protected from something like if somebody has the capability to protect against hacking that means that they can also have. so i mean i would be curious you know if somebody has the kind of power they can reach in in an extra legal way and fool around with ballot boxes i'm not necessarily going to trust their good intentions ok polls in iowa show that republican voters don't give a damn about the unemployed meanwhile these are going to governor rick snyder and his republican legislature just slashed unemployment benefits in the state that i
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was born in my home state from twenty six weeks down to twenty weeks and at the same time he passed out literally the same week he passed out a one point seven billion dollars tax cut to millionaires and corporations at the same time that he's cutting unemployment benefits in twenty six down twenty weeks in fact in the last year snyder has dished out thirty dollars in corporate tax cuts for every one dollar he's slashed in helping poor people in that state he hasn't spent anything you know and there's no positive we have no one a half million michiganders living in poverty right now and john boehner as republicans in the u.s. house of representatives are you know they want to drug test people who are you know who are out of a job chris van hollen had this to say about he's pretty upset about. the drug testing thing is a red herring we can talk about it that the reality is that people are not out of work because they have substance abuse problems people are out of work because there are poor people looking for every job that's available in america the
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republican rhetoric has been is salty to a whole lot of working americans who have lost their jobs through go fault of their own they had a job bad economy they lost it and you know i got to say this republican effort to kind of blame the people who lost jobs through no fault of their own shows a total insensitivity to the stories that we're hearing from districts around the country frankly so here we have. here we have republicans on the one hand saying no let's not it a not. has seen any legislation create jobs in the year and a half that they've controlled congress and be saying oh and people who are unemployed pete a cop what's what's going on i think he takes the name paul in a little too seriously when it comes to drug use and he seems to be a little cavalier me these people if you're on unemployment benefits in a sense you think in a sense you're on our dime i mean it's not you're on your own you're not on your
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own and unemployment and what you're getting this government benefit it's not a government benefits insurance policy it's about image when you are working just like social security right so it's going to ask you for your pay you take the government money then you are there government requirements the like the great hero of jurisprudence william rehnquist said you know who who ever pays the piper calls the tone if you're taking government money he who has the gold rules is the value of that address translation but what i'm saying is i don't have a problem with someone receiving unemployment benefits having to take a drug test i do they should they should also sit with a note out and stand out in the in what would be the middle of the traffic what would be the probably the big you and therefore i just was annoyed lawyer would be the p.l.o. i'm sure they should i go in front of well is van hollen afraid these people won't have enough won't be able to take drugs i mean that's what we're talking about well you know look i tell you how do you passing a drug test is not equivalent to the scarlet letter and anyway actual system and also failing and also test it just to get a job for
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a lot of people they have to take a drug test is that like humiliating and how they have to go through the process is just how it works now well i will agree with you when i have a drug test and i want to have a little worse of course so you know that there is a whole process where like for example if you eat poppy seeds. you know you will fail a test stop and you know this right you do you think that the average person who has never been tested who has just worked all their lot at walmart i drove the coast guard we got tests every month and there was no such thing as the nobody but obviously positive tom has a point and that the poppy seed lobby is not going to be happy with drug. well i mean i will give you credit the time the fact is it is unemployment insurance that is a good point and that does make it a little bit different then your run of the mill anything like it was here and i don't wish to. have you dish and you've paid i would say i don't make you probably don't make you pee and i just think i suck rivaling it's not quite a coin flip i mean it's not so like it's not this is not evil i don't think it's
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evil i just think it's good stewardship of the people's money and so not everyone has been able to get certainly not a license or a ship of the people's money who's paying for these drugs and not everyone is apparently i'm off i think you are employed should be offended at van holland suggesting that it's an insult that they would take a urine test for drugs why would you think it's an insult they're not on drugs none of them take drugs what's a problem for you are you are saying to somebody because you are unemployed you are suspect. and i thought the united states you were you were innocent until proven guilty and nobody's actually even making an accusation except for the republican republican legislators it seems jordania let's go let's go to let's go to our our quick for a rapid fire who earlier this year the domain dot triple x. domain names officially went up for sale and will likely be the new home of porn sites in the future fact the all the points sites luckily for the republican field registered corporation that owns the dot triple-x. domain names went ahead and bought all the names of republican presidential candidates meaning there won't be a mitt romney doc triple-x.
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porn site popping up anytime soon although herman cain dot triple x. is still available but with the republican field desperate to get whatever attention they can you can imagine that they'd each buy their own dot triple x. domain name in a bid to reach out to a whole new second section of voters on line for a vote so what can we expect from you keep from each candidates new triple x. web site could it be a mitt romney triple x. featuring mitt's menards or twa don't worry everyone's married to each other or be rick santorum dot triple-x. of course there's nothing there you can just find elsewhere by googling his name or see newt gingrich dot triple x. which just reflect redirects excuse me to ashley madison dot com the shooter's web site. i think i think it's good that you're pretty deep on cable for one but i think i think i think secondly this ashley madison probably is the right one they actually gave their endorsement. it was a good p.r. move i just think it was i consider way my fiance spends money the pottery barn is
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a porn site so. well and my answer ron paul's bunny ranch and part of poor him obviously right for sure that it's the one who keeps his mitts to himself there is there you go to a neil neil who is this bank you both so much good to have you with. crazy alert to go the ruined christmas three year old goes on the lam in minnesota after the skate for its role in a tiffany's scene last weekend the goat acted alongside a llama and two dogs for the new to vittie scene at bethlehem church in fergus falls but eventually will out from its collar and made a run for despite mighty multiple sightings of the renegade go throughout the week the local police have been unable to collar it and bring it back home a speculation that the goat realizes that if he's found his next stop will be the
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couch fox and friends for a thorough tongue lashing about his role in this year's war on christmas. up next what do the occupy wall street movement and christianity having come. more than you think. you'll see. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and they're still reporting from some outlets where you can hear behind me loud explosions. and.
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour it's occupied public park homes and universities but now the occupy wall street movement may be occupying christianity more on what this means in just a moment and later what exactly was the pentagon up to while bush was waging his wars in afghanistan and iraq will break down the propaganda effort of the defense department the brainwash the country into two illegal wars and finally ben nelson is retiring so my daily take i'll tell you what democrats in nebraska need to do
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now is the most famous time you know is leaving. since the occupy wall street movement started more than three months ago it's taken many forms from physical occupations and cities across america to occupy an individual homes to helping struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure to occupying corporate media headquarters to occupy in the iowa caucuses to occupying christmas the movement has so many different dimensions today and now there could be a bond developing between the occupy movement and christianity so what does that look like just what does occupy wall street and christianity have in common joining me to answer that now for our from los angeles blaze bon pain former mariel priest and director of the office of the americas and from new york george packard retired
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personable bishop an occupy wall street participant greens to both of you good to have you both with us thank you very much for joining us tonight. i tom had to feel closer to be with you thank you blaze it to you first i'm curious occupy wall street and the beatitudes. well the message is peace on earth goodwill to everybody it reminds me of the early christians before the emperor constantine who were focused on the fruits of the spirit which were peace joy patience goodness in durance courage and these this was really their creed they were not residing simply dogmatic principles their recitation was that we must love one another because that was the singular commandment from the carpenter of nazareth and we're getting that same spirit now.


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