tv [untitled] December 28, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EST
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from occupy in contrast to a government which is saying to us war on earth bad we'll to the other guy. who is a very big contrast there between the two and frankly at this time i'd rather listen to the occupy movement nine percent popularity for the congress is a little too high as far as i'm concerned we're going to have to have someone in there that represents people rather than insurance companies and banks and the military industrial prison people so we have some changes to may and we are anxious to be involved in seeing move changes take place so this is a very important movement internationally for peace and justice and distributive justice which means we're not going to have the imbalance that we see in the great megalopolis like los angeles people working three jobs to try to pay
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their rent and others with over a billion per year of income. it seems bishop packard to christianity specifically the. matthew twenty five was the one place to the best of my knowledge where the disciples came to jesus said how do we get into heaven and he went through the list of things to do you know feed the hungry. heal the sick visit those in prison clothes naked and and they were freaked out they said well we've never seen you you know hungry we're we're doomed we're not going to go to heaven and he famously said as you have done around the least of these my brother you've done to me. that's a powerful statement and it's the essence it seems of the occupy wall street movement and yet i never hear religious rhetoric coming out or very rarely hear religious rhetoric coming out of the people associated with occupy wall street in fact sometimes it's aggressively anti institutional religious anyway. how do you
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how do you square that circle. well you know i thought it was his remarks surplus where how do you bring it on around yeah the i thought blazes remarks just a bit ago really to the point that we there there may be a reem brace of historical christianity this christian anthropology that underwrites the dignity of every human being and those two as miss crow across with occupy wall street a lot of the mainstream churches. i don't think of caught up with the message with the paradigm they're still in the in the the the part of the the message that conveys the gospel we will be a gift to you we will give you things rather than realizing the light should go on they should stand with those in need and those who are asking for
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a voice to be heard and when i scale that fence into doherty park i felt like the scales have dropped off my eyes because all of those old constructs tom law. forbidding me to trespass so many other things seemed to be used by an establishment and the church had deferred to that establishment and it it it worries me worried me then and it worries me now it's we talked about it before you and me about you being unchurched i think your d.h. are really and i think there's an emerging church that embraces what plays referred to in this this historical sense of respecting the dignity of every human being as it says in in the anglican parable going out liturgies two and two that to that blaze this this is not unique to christianity in fact not even unique to all of the
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major orthodox or recognise religions of the world these these are values that you mentioned a few minutes ago blaise are the values that you find in potlatch societies in traditional indigenous and have the original people who have occupied the planet for one hundred sixty five thousand years. right but that's why i titled my book imagine no religion because sectarianism devised us and fundamentalism us destroys us with self righteousness but people who have a focus on the spirit the good gifts of the spirit understand the homeless of los angeles ninety thousand people in this southern california area living on the street in the midst of this enormous wealth they know that on the face of it that that is immoral and they have that in common with
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non-theists with atheists with hughes with islamic this is that all be one jesus spoke about all being one all will be one as they focus on justice as the objective and as they focus on systematizing love through the forest public of the public things and the public things are for the common good this was the concept of government and that there has to be some balance in society that we need a public sector which can deliver health care we don't have that as a constitutional right at this time we don't have education as a constitutional right we can't give health care to insurance companies who want to say quote we don't cover that we cover the very literate here we don't
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cover the right here very well you have a preexisting condition right george we just have sixty seconds left i'm curious if you think this might be representing a turning point seems like when reagan came into office suddenly conspicuous consumption became a high value and now maybe we're reversing that. i i i don't know i i'm i'm i'm i'm an open moment with other clerics. i'm retired i have very little to lose it's those who are in the in the traces of the mainstream religions with their pensions and their salaries and whether they'll be suspended by bishops and hires a so as a senior pastors there really are are the brave and courageous ones i thought what plays just said about that public thing the public thing now is to go into the streets in the chris hedges book the death of the liberal class there that seems to
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be what we're exhorting to and it's a little unsettling the average church goer that's me to hear that his or her church is irrelevant and decide the point but i think a new religion a new christianity is being. beckoned forth out of that out of this moment the holy spirit is is is forming something different this seems like it might be an extraordinary time it is an extraordinary time absolutely blaise george thank you gentlemen for both thank you donna. thank you. just. it's the good the bad of the very very barrage trysts lee ugly the good the ninety percent choir an offshoot of the occupy wall street movement descended upon the
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before their message was heard loud and clear by the bank's toure's inside good work the bad rick perry at a campaign stop at iwo perry weighed in on energy policy and ongoing tensions with iran kerry told the audience when to stop buying oil from foreign soil sources and instead buy oil from places like canada perry said every barrel oil it comes out of those sands in canada is a barrel of oil and we have to buy it from a foreign source. seriously he actually said that kerry went on to say the buying and. from foreign sources is not good policy and it's not good politics and frankly it's un-american and quote right first will someone please tell rick that canada is a sovereign country and not a territory united states and second tar sands oil from canada is one of the most toxic forms of oil that can be produced it won't solve our energy problems but it will destroy our environment then again the texas oil barons who are funding rick
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perry's campaign really don't care about the environment. and the very very ugly peter johnson jr says it's one of the slowest news weeks of the year g.o.p. t.v.'s second ranked talking talking head peter johnson jr dusted off the old talking points and bashing the occupy wall street movement yesterday referring to the occupy iowa caucuses planned to disrupt next week's caucuses here's what johnson had to say. occupy iowa steve doocy occupy forces have now said we're going to sit in iowa we've had hobos we've had tramps we've had bums we've had hippies we've had yet because perhaps we'll look back on this in this way and say isn't this wonderful all these misguided people with nothing to do in january they showed up in iowa they didn't make a difference saying the occupy movement has made a difference just proves that the talking heads the g o p t v do live in
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a bubble millions across the world of turned out as part of the movement and the dialogue in america has shifted away from debt reduction and toward job creation and even republicans now are talking about wealth inequality for the first time but since the movement is a threat to corporate media like fox so-called news and the talking heads over there need to keep ridiculing it and that's a very very. coming up there's a big opportunity for democrats in a very unlikely place i'll tell you what that is and where it is in tonight's daily to. be that's seen. people calling like you said for free and fair elections. and they're still reporting from there it's about clinton as you can hear behind me loud explosions.
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we should be. and. i got it. here's a question for you is the pentagon in the business of brainwashing millions of americans during the bush administration to rally support for illegal wars the new york times discover the between two thousand and two and two thousand and eight former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld created a team of high profile military analysts to go on television and radio and gin up support for the bush administration's illegal wars while pretending to be objective
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retired generals or military experts some of these analysts were also paid by private military contractors and use their t.v. appearances to squeeze more lucrative contracts for the defense industry out of the pentagon as the new york times reports mr rumsfeld's staff frequently provided military analysts with talking points before their network appearances the programs intent was to move everyone's mouth on t.v. as a sock puppet well a two year investigation conducted by the pentagon itself just wrapped up and no one was implicated for any long doing. that's because no smoking gun document was discovered that clearly laid out the objective of the program so the investigation was unable to prove criminal activity on the part of rumsfeld or the pentagon does that mean the case is closed and just how cozy is our mainstream news media and our war machine anyway karl frisch partner bullfight strategies of cinema syndicated
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columnist he joins us now to talk more about this issue carl welcome back thanks tom good to have you here is this this is the kind of thing you'd expect to see coming out of a talent area and state how did this happen in the united states i mean this think back many eons ago this is something we don't really talk about in this country anymore about this thing called the bush administration you may have heard of it. they had a long running pattern even before we knew about this military analysts fiasco you recall that they were paying people like armstrong williams and maggie gallagher to write on various issues for them so as if they were isn't a journalist right there is a there was a long running web of propaganda throughout the bush administration so when david barstow writes the front page it was a front page story in april of two thousand and seven or two thousand and eight. you would have thought it would have sent you know the airwaves into a tizzy over the scandal but very few media outlets even covered the subject was a seventy five hundred word story on the front page of the new york times that
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implicated every single network a.b.c. n.b.c. c.n.n. and therefore of course that we are talking well actually. just how deep it was was crazy media matters did a report at the time and they found that the people implicated in the story of these independent military analysts that were mentioned in the story appeared on these networks forty five hundred times between two thousand and two and when the story was published were thousands more than four thousand five hundred times and that was to talk about the war millions of dollars with the advertising if they bought free advertising for the pentagon. and the way the pentagon tried to clean up the mess was having a quick report released that was so riddled with accuracies and just statements of the one that just came out this is all backed down and eight two thousand and nine the pentagon put out a very quick you know try and sweep this under the rug kind of report and it was laughed at in the new york times from many of consistencies on it and they
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retracted inspector general retracted that report and this is why we now have two years later this more detailed report now what's funny about it is that they say that there was no wrongdoing if you actually read some of this report the way that they determined there was no wrongdoing for some of these was they asked the military analysts did you make any extra money because of your role as an analyst and your relationship with the pentagon and thirty eight of the seventy five said no that. all but eight of the people they spoke to said no so they said see there was nothing there was no there was no one of those eight who are honest well exactly i mean the idea that you would just say did and they would say no and you say ok there's a lot of that back it. wasn't me and it's not just that it was the real scandal here is yes the pentagon has a problem here the real problem is that even after the story broke m.s.m. b.c. c.n.n. and fox news a.b.c. n.b.c. c.b.s. and n.p.r. continue to have
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a problem with their military analysts who do not identify their clients or their affiliations with contractors and what's the word on absolutely when the wars go up when we do more in terms of afghanistan iraq etc these people's contracts go up too they make more money when we're at war so the people watching at home have a right to know that these people are not just unbiased military analysts they have a stake in the game just as much as anybody else now you know on the one hand this seems like you know a horrific moment and oh my god you know and yet i remember when. george romney came back from vietnam. i don't remember the year late sixty's early seventy's and said that there had been an attempt by the generals there in the way that they escorted him around what they selectively shared him to brainwash him and he was widely ridiculed in the in the media he was the governor of michigan at the time serious contender for president of the emirates i think in seventy two election right and it took him up republican to yeah
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a republican republican of some you talk to any member of congress and they'll tell you the same thing happened in the years the early years of the war in iraq you fly into the green zone and you'd stay in the green zone and they might take you one or two places but that was that there was a funny show in the army go out there and everybody knew that's what was up and when you had members saying i'd like to go see more they were always rejected so how do we how do we stop this i think more and more people have to be active in the with the consumers don't expect that the people you're watching on television are presenting themselves in an honest light i mean it's not just military issues that this is a problem in the media the nation published a story last year in two thousand and ten where they found that seventy five people that appear on television regularly as pundits spokespeople. the media outlets that host them do not let the audience at home know about their affiliations with interest groups that that would stand to benefit from the way that their spokesperson is talking on the air so you've got people like trent lott going on to
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talk about oil and gas industry and they never say that he's a lobbyist for oil and gas this happens across the he i never realized the grover norquist was one of the main lobbyist for the x.l. pipeline and absolutely. he doesn't get all that cash from denying the american people a fair tax it's amazing couldn't stop in the revolving door the military revolving door have something to do is stopping this or getting money out of politics i think i was very early gordon i mean even if it didn't put it to an immediate halt it's something that we should do regardless i mean the idea that a legislator can wait. a year and go out there in make a killing or somebody from the administration for that matter any of the agencies can do that is appalling and begin begins the process of questioning these people and their motivations the same thing holds true with with former military higher ranking officials they know that when they retire after thirty years of service their country first of all is about taking care of them like they should they're only getting a certain percentage for their pension there's
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a money waiting for absolutely that's carl thanks so much for being late so thanks for the straight scoop i appreciate it and you got nothing to sell. unfortunately considering most television news corp's share board members with or like n.b.c. were just outright own by defense contractors running probably didn't even need this outreach program time to break up the big media conglomerates that replace need to know news with war machine propaganda. here's me if i don't shed a tear over the new is that this guy is retiring next year that's right ben nelson the democratic senator in name only from nebraska announced that he will not be
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seeking a third term next year now also leaves behind quite a legacy as the to quote the huffington post human impediment to progress he held president obama's health reform bill hostage until he could extract some special deals just for his home state he joined republicans to block benefits for unemployed people he stood in the way of meaningful wall street reform he helped the republicans kill foreclosure assistance legislation for struggling families he blocked energy reform legislation and even blocked democrats and voted against confirming supreme court justice alina kagan to the high court trends like these. so needless to say i'm not the only one who isn't too upset to see ben nelson need to leave he himself even saw the writing on the wall republicans were dumping huge amounts of money into nebraska to unseat him and democrats were only grudgingly offering their support to help him they really didn't want to he really had no
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friends on either side left except maybe joe lieberman it lends truth to harry to harry truman's advice to democrats in one hundred fifty two when he said the people don't want to phone a democrat if it's a choice between a genuine republican and a republican and democrats clothing the people will choose the genuine article every time that is they will take a republican before they will take a phony democrat and i don't want any phony democratic candidate candidates in this campaign. rush limbaugh of all people shared with the country how the people of nebraska feel about ben nelson's betrayal of his own party and his own state. nebraska senator ben ben nelson and his wife were leaving dinner at a new pizza joint near their home in omaha one night last week when when a customer there began complaining about nelson's decisive role in the vote on the senate health care bill other customers started booing a woman yelled get the hell out of here the nelsons in their dining companions then
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beat a hasty retreat it was but despite truman's take on this democrats are worried by nelson's retirement there are twenty three democrats in the senate fighting for reelection next year and only ten republicans up for reelection and republicans only need a net four seats to take control of the upper chamber and with nelson retiring democrats are already figuring that the lose that seat in the brassica to a republican after all nelson is the only democrat currently elected to the state office statewide in the entire state so here's what democrats need to realize nelson's retiring isn't a setback it's an opportunity this is a chance for the democratic party to nominate a replacement who's a strong progressive instead of another warmed over party machine get along go along name from the past like former senator bob kerrey whose name is already floating around and it will generate less excitement than a room temperature of old mushroom soup instead democrats in nebraska need to take note of elizabeth warren's surging popularity in massachusetts and the rise of the
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ninety nine percent movement in every state around the country and listen to what the people on the ground are saying which is that they want to kick corporations out of government that's the populist message that elizabeth warren has claimed and she is kicking scott brown's but right across the state of massachusetts with us. now we all know that nebraska is different from massachusetts but the anger across america is the same consider this ad featuring a brassica small businessman that progressives in nebraska ran when bill nelson was screwing up obamacare and having single payer advocates arrested in the sun. for six years i've owned a sizzling skillet here and roast in the grass. last week my health insurance agent called he told me my rates were going to go up forty two percent from last year i can't afford to buy total i may have to cancel the coverage i'm just going to pray my kids don't get sick when president obama proposes
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a public health insurance option that would force the private insurance companies to compete at lower rates that's exactly what my family needs now i hear that ben nelson the southerner that i voted for was leading the charge to the way health reform this summer. that's exactly what they want the health insurance companies that have given some of their notes and over two million dollars know that if they can stall reform they can kill it i have to ask senator whose side are you on if you're on my side stay at work my family can't wait for reform so whether it's the tea party or the occupy wall street movement common ground can be found when it comes to throwing bankers in jail ending crony capitalism reigning in wall street and bringing our jobs back home heck even the most ferocious tea partiers don't want their social security and medicare taken away from so democrats take advantage of this opportunity and nominee a true progressive someone who is able to bluntly say that the problem is not big
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government but big corporations controlling government then he or she can win not just in massachusetts but also nebraska and back even texas as more and more americans today are seeing the republican party for what it really is corporate shills and sellouts working exclusively for the top one percent and in the end they would have replaced a bought off corporate one percent democrat ben nelson with a true progressive willing to fight for things like single payer health care energy reform and making the rich pay their fair share in taxes. that's what's at stake and that's why this is an opportunity and not a setback for democrats so cornhuskers blow it somewhere in your state there is a good progressive person willing to run for office. maybe even the small businessman in that anti nelson it find him or her and make history as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered this
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at our website so tom hartman dot free speech dot org dot com it also check check out our two you tube channel a link to tom part of this entire show is also available as a free video podcast of i tunes and we have a free to heart and i phone app. it's honest feedback on twitter atomosphere arbonne on facebook at tom your school or on our blogs message boards or telephone comment line at tom parker. and don't forget democracy begins with you it begins when you show up get out there get active tag your it occupies something suitable.
12:00 am
the privilege of rebuilding libya countries which bombed the state rushed to cash in on its destruction while those who were opposed to the intervention see that business deals go up in smoke. exchanging threats from the u.s. warns it will take action if iran goes ahead with it's found to close a vital waterway for oil traffic the response to western sanctions from. people became very draconian jaring those times very silty for oppressive and they would have supported the government to bring in the army to sort the problem out and r.t. special.
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