tv [untitled] December 29, 2011 8:31am-9:01am EST
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new leaders in the new libya the most listeners calling the shots in the post revolutionary country are in no rush to disarm a trend some fear might see another power struggle. next basketball star. talk started today about what it takes for a russian athlete to become a sports celebrity away from home. hello again and welcome to the spotlight i'll do you know today my guest on the show is kitty like russian sports by the world always known around the
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world they were always. the best in the world but the iron curtain fell off the soviet borders twenty years ago and many russian stars started to go abroad to play in the best clubs in europe and the united states a bit later russian clubs started making big bucks and they also started hiring the best athletes in the world and sometimes recruiting the russian stars so came back so stayed abroad what does it take to make a living to make a career in big sports today we have a chart to ask a person who made it both in russia and in the united states killpack know in the n.b.a. as a k forty seven. hundred musket ball korea is a great success story he first played in russia's top league at the age of sixty but didn't stay there for long after two successful years he was drafted in the
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n.b.a. becoming the youngest european player in the league during the twelve years he spent with jazz he was one of the team's best players with an annual salary of fifteen million dollars due to an n.b.a. lockout in the vampyr he moved back to moscow to play for say a scott club which is where he wants to state still many. teams want to recruit him and keep making general store potentials. drain welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us well first of all you play in russia today and european basketball is generally considered to be softer than in the united states do you believe that's true after that game when you suffered a broken nose and a concussion is released after that in the states well i don't believe it's softer because you know the level of the basketball growing up every year and you know
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more and more and be a player players with the n.b.a. experience coming to europe and playing here it's different yes but i wouldn't say it's softer. so it is a tough game style gives you know people people doesn't want to lose you know everybody fighting for every piece of on the floor and everybody competes hard so there's probably the same type of intense of. a problem level probably a little bit lower but you know you played. in your team here in moscow in. two thousand now it's two thousand and eleven more than ten years have passed can you compare the level of basketball in russia while the change during these ten years from the family future. improvement. idea back to the russian team after ten years being an m.b.a. and. all the infrastructure of the team changed it's more professional people and
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here where better players the league are improved so much more and more players playing professionally and the highest level right now a lot of young guys who potentially can be. playing here and that's why the level you know where we were raised and. everybody stepped up. interview last time it was several years ago you told me i remember that your own club which is also in the red army club you said if we bring it to the states and give them a chance to play in the n.b.a. for one season they would level up with a level up of the n.b.a. clubs and be like the same level is still true i would say the current team if you bring the term be their rule there would get probably fifteen twenty when it's a season but if they play more and more time when you know get some time to adjust
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and get used to the n.b.a. style. i wouldn't say we would be a playoff team were we would be somewhere close and fighting for the spot what is the reason i don't know you ask yourself this question why why can't the clubs other than the united states be as good as n.b.a. what's the main reason. well all prosper well i think it's all preparation before the n.b.a. you know the c.w.a. it's a huge. leap for the students where all the young talents grow up to be. you know as best as they can be and joining and be a right after the great great using. proven and they've grown up getting you know muscles and fighting so hard.
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unfortunately there's not a lot of good steering basketball guys who was very talented fifteen sixteen years old they have to play for the for the senior teams and they also become because for the states for americans basketball is. just like football for brazilians is like a religion as well a lot of a lot of countries have a basketball as a religion likely to any serbia but. those those america have all the steps and the you know the little kid having a great talent he comes to school then he comes to the coach then he comes to the n.b.a. . those three steps you know that's why they become such a complete players in europe unfortunately you know after right after school players have to go to the professional team and they skip that part. with the student basketball with a coalition of university basketball and i think there's
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a huge loss to the well but even the best machines break down we have this lockout this is the reason why i came here to play what was the reason for this and for the previous lockout only greed or something else i mean we only see the one part you know all the fans want to see the basketball everybody thinks it's agreed and you know everybody mad on the players everybody made their own errors and you know i can understand that but you should understand one thing it's a huge huge business. which is broadcast in a three hundred contras everybody likes to watch everybody likes to. be around basketball and you know be involved somehow so so that's why you should have rules you should have an agreement between two sides one little things so in the future you don't have problems and when you don't have that agreement that's why the problems all the problems comes out so right now there was
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a time when two sides cannot reach that agreement you know fortunately right now everything is set up you know and players can play basketball owners can own and you know enjoy the basketball and all the fans can enjoy it no no no when the lockout is finished it's who's the winner is there a winner the players all the others i think they have their winners as the fans really your friends you've lost. i don't think you know both most sides cannot win because this is number one is the way. it should be compromised have to stand there for one hundred governments before without the lockout because there is not enough time for you know they only have like two or three months to reach that agreement and unfortunately there wasn't enough time to reach it so this wife like happened that's why you know for three months almost four months lockout was happened you know the season didn't start in the right time you tell me that in
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russia basketball is progress and it's moving toward becoming better and better well do you think that the police here the russian players should also defend their rights and defend their rights the same way they do that in the united states it's impossible because because players in europe don't have a lever which. it's a profitable league which is making money and you know if the players stop playing and stop making money you know europe. usually i would say ninety nine percent of the team is not profitable and not making my and less months are sponsored you know the rich guys who like storm the basketball team a football team they pay money just to support it and they're not making money so that's why because the only reason why the players cannot step up and say look
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we're not going to play complex someone else. if you know the way we go this is the reason so listen so that means that players in the league. i mean they they they feel themselves freer because because the they're in business i mean i mean they know that somebody needs them well that's definitely you know i think players an n.b.a. on the stand they're part of the product you know they know if they're not play well they're going to lose money so you know every time they step on the court they have to give their best to have to give hundred percent they have to make people like the game of basketball like them selves libet all organization because you know they're working on the same side with their own arse and. basketball as a product very attractive. you are a russian you are a guy born in the soviet union and just before before this interview you just told me i make
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a decision for my future and money isn't everything you know there are things that matter more than money well what is it in russia that matters so much for the for the players what they can get in the states. i mean when you play in russia from when. you plant where the guys he grew up with you know we have the russian guys on the team right now and you know every day you spend so much time when the locker room. or the chemistry you know when you have your guys coming every day and you know joking or you know having fun with together and playing together you know you always on the same page you always kind of have same mentality and this is worth a lot you know we all want to play in the best leave definitely you know n.b.a. is the best league for this and we want to play there but you can't replace the
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throw in a locker room because it's just a little different so this is the. locker room stuff we're talking about i understand that it's maybe even more important than the game itself. well it's not important in the game but what i was saying is this part of the life. you want to feel as comfortable as you want because you can be and i think. a locker room playing in the russia and play and i want to remember it's a little different it's just more easy for myself because i'm russian. to feel the chemistry here rather than america so getting into the russian n.b.a. basketball spotlight will be back shortly to break so stay with us. nothing
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whether you dive from high or to the depths. catch the power of the wind or drift in the beauty of the currents. being well prepared is a must and if you're lucky enough. you'll never forget your experience we only need them a screen that's going to be heaven. in the white see up close and below the ice on our team. play. live. welcome back to spotlight i'm al gore and just a reminder that my guest on the show today is under
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a kiddie langkow the famous russian basketball player known in the n.b.a. as a k forty seven. well there we started talking about the ability of russians to play abroad the sort of comfort of this comfort that you have when you play well when you play in a fairly well this is true not only for basketball this is also true for for hockey players in the n.h.l. this is also true it might sound funny for the russian girls in the modeling business the last of them or are working work it's also a kind of sport yeah broad well why do you think what's the reason that russians do really often they do really fit into that for the environment though they may be very good professionally. well oh i know a lot of examples for the for the athletes who plays in america and you know they feel very comfortable and i know a lot of examples of people who doesn't look good but they've got
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a language barrier i think it's all individual language probably psychologically you know people get used for the russia and for the russian friends you know they don't want to miss their family their friends you know they get to use for the you know you know sort of co. food i think it's important sometimes and. the chinese are different from russian but america is american food so different. it is different you know you have to get used to it and i think when the people come into america alone you know i was a little bit lucky because i came and i came here with my wife and i have a support on my side. good cook. so she supported me and i feel like you know i have somebody on my side but you know a lot of a lot of athletes they come in alone and now that's why they are always alone you know they suffer they feel lonely and they want to know that. you know bring them
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back home kids. oh the american do they feel themselves american or recession or what i have two boys who was born and salt lake city and i believe they feel america but you know would be this big both languages. they know they have russian they have american. free normal and. very comfortable in russia or ecstacy and i like it like that you know they don't have a problem to leave moscow or leave and salt lake city or leave in france i think it helps them in the future you know a bit they want to feel and. any bad nights you know being in and out of contract. i've heard pinioned from from russian leads and try to to work abroad and came back to russia at that working abroad especially in the states in the best leagues and
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the channel and the in the n.b.a. requires who are self disciplined more sacrifice if you want then when you play here way can be more relaxed is that true. maybe partially because if you want to be on the highest level you have to have it anyway it doesn't matter where you play in n.b.a. or you play in the russian elite if you want to be at the top when you want to be a successful clip. you have to you have to have some discipline you have to be you have to work hard you know to reach your goal. you have to sacrifice some some some things in your life to get there and i don't think it's particularly go to the amateur n.b.a. . you know american sport when you personally enjoy a k forty seven when you come back now to play in the early club and are you different from the other guys i mean
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because you've got your good n.b.a. tattooed forehand so does that make you different does that make you special. well i think and be experience is definitely helps. players look at your little bit different. know that you have a great experience but it gives you way more responsibility because you can. misstep you have to be on the same level every day and you have to. give the good example for everybody a bit here i'm here but i'm here to relax i'm here to work i'm here to show you the example how it's supposed to be and you know it takes some problem external just sometimes because if you play in an n.b.a. you already did everybody knows that you know you're in the team and you play and how you can but it is no more than here you're more like a symbol of n.b.a.
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and you know you can't really have you know. they would allow you the usual mistakes that mean you know it's not you know love to make. everything you mentioned that only nine. russians this is only fifteen guys that really are well. off well now you are here but you are a foreigner when you play in the states what's your opinion there's a huge discussion now in russia about about attracting foreigners to play for russian teams in football and ice hockey and that's what your opinion about that for is it good or bad should we limit the number of foreigners i think i think it's a different situation. in russia. you know and b. is the best league and everybody will support it doesn't matter if the whole team is foreigners you know because there's a lot of examples like when
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a lot of foreigners play there in russia i think it's a little different situation because. we. have a very big institute of national teams and we all want him to be successful. or there are to be successful we have to have russian players to play well and if we have every team you know to bring a lot of foreigners and the russian players know a player we're going to lose our national team. that's why i think we should. you'd have a restriction so you are in favor i think we should have a reason. but it shouldn't be like a crazy you know it should be balanced what would you say how many how many is enough pretty in first person journey for a person to be honest well you know you never know the cause you know that you know but i don't have an answer you know i never been involved and the lies are should be should be analyzed because you know they're for the relationship then lies and see how the season goes how many russian players played well you know monitor the
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situation so next year because change it or keep it alive is you know keep it the same way. it's not my job right now maybe in the future when i finish my career. somebody in a federation will do it ok listen speaking about your career you definitely want to take part in the london olympics you were pretty successfully personally at least at the previous limbic the olympics even with the flag bearer for the russian team so what can you say about london i years sort of trying to look forward to to learn the workings about the future russia would definitely looking forward to be an olympics and a lot and we know there are you know you know we july second we're going to have a qualification tournament and three teams going to go to london so we're going to do our best to be there and you know being
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a russian delegation team. in two thousand and twelve what do you say today this winter the future russian national team isn't something to really be afraid of you can compare the teams i mean the russian thing the american team you know a lot about oh i don't think we should be afraid of you know well i think we have a very promising team a last european championship we've got the bronze medal two thousand so i want to get the gold medal and we play in pretty well you know we have a younger. most girls you know he plays inventor and i gets right now he improved a lot and we're getting another guy from n.b.a. which is pretty good for the team you know for the experience and the rest of the guys we have a great young guys from brother army club. and i think we're i think we have very very good young talented team so. do you think that basketball is one of the one of the rushes go the expectations full and are not really just
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here in the first of all we have to be there we can jump ahead you know and think about the gold medal before we even you know we're going to fight for that for the invitation and. then i think our main goal will be to get from the group for the quarterfinal and try to be nice top and try to get the best for five for the medal if we talk about the quality of qualifying for the for the olympic tournament who do you consider your main rival. was the one. always been pretty successful and pretty good greek team always tough. you know solid teams much don't much you going to show the great chorus last year about. the teams from south america's puerto rico and new zealand team will be tough. so.
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there's going to be probably five six teams who is really going to be great contenders for three spots thank you thank you very much andrei and that just a reminder that my guest on the show today was a kind of a killer because of the famous russian basketball players that are in the n.b.a. i'm a k forty six and that's what they are from all of the spotlight will be back with more to comment on what's going on in and outside pressure if you want to send me a letter if you have so what the let me turn to next right just took me a lot of held without r.t. if you need are you that keeps and we'll be back until then stay on r.t. and take.
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palestinians face a new year nightmare israel warns of another deadly onslaught against more about her gaza heading the region with the new airstrikes. iran says it's ready to strike ships sailing to close its maneuvers near a vital oil route following its drats to blockhouse it to the west insists on tough sanctions it's also. people became very draconian jaring those times very silty for oppressive and they would have supported a government move to bring in the army to see the proper amounts when britain boiled over artie's countdown to twenty.
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