tv [untitled] December 29, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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to the palestinians for a said new year nightmare israel warns of another deadly onslaught against war battered gaza hitting the region with renewed air strikes. iran says it's ready to strike ships sailing too close to its maneuvers to the vital oil route following its threats to block passage of the west insists on tough sanctions. firefighters put out a blaze of a nuclear submarine in northern russia after scaffolding surrounding it went up in flames during repairs some. people became very draconian tearing those times very silty for oppressive and they would have supported the government to bring in the army to still pop them out. when britain boiled over our countdown to
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twenty twelve continues with more i would just testimony from our reporters as we remember the some of the british people said enough is enough. eleven pm thursday night here in moscow welcome if you just joined us my name is kevin zero in this is r t in the top story israeli warplanes have launched two air strikes of what the army calls terror sites in central and northern gaza has killed at least one person injured ten others the israeli military confirmed it's preparing for a new large scale offensive against the palestinian territory which hasn't yet recovered from the assault three years ago artie's paula as the latest from jerusalem for you. the situation along the israel gaza border has been tense for several days now since monday pulled. palestinians were killed and many more way
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injured in a number of targeted a strikes carried don't by these way be in force at the same time several rockets were fired by palestinian militants onto southern israel now wednesday evening the israeli army admitted that it was considering a possible launched scale military operation into gaza it say that this operation would be varied and different to the last operation that was carried out the three years ago and would aim at increasing israel's determines in the area of michelle finesses political view achieve has called on palestinians nor to target israeli civilians because of the fear of a massive israeli retaliation now back in two thousand and eight nearly one hundred thousand palestinians were killed in a three week operation that these rabies referred to as operational costs made out of five people killed were civilians what we're hearing from the israelis now is that should they go ahead with another operation this operation will be short and it will see the use of more firepower but it's not clear that the timing is right
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for tel aviv to go ahead with another invasion of gaza certainly the netanyahu government is isolated on the international front more than a was three years ago and it will not want to risk losing my friends the congo of today is also very different to the cairo of two thousand and eight when the former egyptian president hosni mubarak was in power the leadership in egypt today is much more likely to go to the aid of hamas if indeed it is to attacked by israel at the same time palestinian militants have more weapons at their disposal including antitank missiles that are capable of inflicting a lot of damage on israeli tanks so it's not a done deal that israel is going to go ahead with an operation but certainly the fact that the israeli army has admitted that it is considering such an operation has people here or on standby. professor from girls university says it's unclear whether israel will dead to launch a new offensive given the latest changes to the arab world three years ago the
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palestinians of gaza lost more than one thousand four hundred forty people ninety percent of whom were civilians including more than four hundred thirty four children and that was a time when we were threatened with in the words of the israeli deputy defense minister then. we were threatened with a greater show of a greater holocaust of course if the if the the organizations or the military organizations based in the gaza slim did not stop you know launching rockets against against israel and israel lived up lived up to its word launched its genocide that were against the palestinians of girls up and killed so many people and i think now what is happening right now is that is that iran has a different government a government that is considered by so many analysts to be the most fascist government in the state in the history of the state of israel and we are talking about i think the liberty men and binyamin netanyahu who are intending actually the
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complete eradication and destruction of the gaza strip and so yes we are bracing ourselves for the worst kind of comes but we also on the other hand need to remember that there is a new world right now we are witnessing a new era in the arab world and i think that israel is confused as in a dilemma with to launch a new genocidal war against the palestinians of gaza and the godless of the reaction of the new other world or just to stay and wait and test the water of the arab world without launching a massive war against gaza. well we got more opinion more reports on the timeline of the guards were offensive three years ago on our website there you can also find out the israeli palestinian conflict developing right now dot com. league observers have been attacked by armed men in the syrian city of homs which was their first stop on a fact finding mission report suggests there were no casualties among the team monitors of fanning out now across the country to visit protests hundreds of flashpoint investigate how sad coping with the rest of the country meanwhile
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opposition activists in syria suggest that over thirty people were killed by security forces on thursday jonas afshin rattansi used to work in the region told we do believe it was the mission to support its own interests in the country thinks . i think the arab league delegation has its own politics it's a very complex range of countries a lot of dictators of those countries definitely the arab league's intervention as it were into the syrian crisis shows how arab powers are some of them being used as proxies by washington but others are trying to flex their own mike you know that intimately was involved with the libyan. people having a get out of the libyan conflict but it's certainly the western reviews viewpoint that we must believe. we must believe opposition groups it seems that any mobile food would you know except as a source certainly what the arab league said about homes very different
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a great deal from where the reports we've been getting on t.v. channels of massacres continually going on what is in no doubt is that thousands of syrian soldiers are dying and they don't they haven't died because a peaceful protest party spoke exclusively to russia's u.n. ambassador who says carrying out promised reforms may be too difficult for the assad regime will it's caught up in a civil war with extremists a full version of that interview coming your way in the next is a quick clip. when there is a crisis all sorts of extremist terrorist elements show up for instance several days ago there was a horrible terrorist attack in damascus and the day before that the minister of defense of lebanon said that they detected some al-qaeda groups are moving into syria from from lebanon so i wouldn't be surprised that you know some terrorist elements from libya or other places have found their way through to syria some
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reforms were announced. some of them we are pretty far reaching to expect that those real reforms can be implemented in a situation when the the crisis is sort of teetering on the brink of civil war even under normal circumstances in any country or reforms of such a magnitude of these it will implement but i mean the point i'm trying to make is that the sooner the crisis is the military clashes stop the better position the international community will be to demand that the syrian authorities move along the reform track as quickly as possible. the threats are being ramped up over a vital oil shipping route which iran is threatening to block to rands holding large scale war games in neutral waters near the hormuz strait the u.s. to its own contingent in the region many to ensure passage remains free and he's going to teach you can have been following the latest developments. responding to
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iran's warning the u.s. said no such disruption would be tolerated and that the u.s. fifth fleet that's based in the gulf would ensure that doesn't happen the strait of hormuz links the golf and the oil producing states of bahrain kuwait qatar saudi arabia the united arab emirates to the indian ocean about forty percent of the world's tanker shipped oil passes through that strait it's a major oil artery potential cut off might cause turmoil in the global oil market although a saudi official says that golf nations were ready to offset any loss so. crude from the statements here you get a sense that washington things iran is bluffing because there have been there had been such threats before but right now you are in finds itself in a situation where it's livelihood its main source of livelihood is. the u.s. congress passed a bill that would dramatically complicate transactions iran's central bank european
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and asian nations import iranian oil and use its central bank food for their transactions president obama has yet to sign that bill that's going to be a severe blow to your brain an economy around eighty percent of its revenues depend on who to e.u. ministers say they do a decision on whether or not to boycott the rain in a while in coming weeks and those threats that are coming from iran indicate that it's ready to take action to protect its interests pensions rice the west says all the rana has to do is to give up their nuclear program iran says they're not doing anything wrong by pursuing a peaceful nuclear program for civilian purposes the rhetoric here in washington against iran is getting very harsh the u.s. spy drone shot down by the uranium before that a washington accusing iran of plotting to kill the saudi ambassador to the u.s. and blow up the israeli and saudi embassy in washington those were just some of the most recent episodes it all adds up and creates a lot of tension now if something happens over the strait of hormuz this could
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erupt into an all out war. gunshy can a correspondent in washington we've been hearing how the u.s. has reason to be worried i spoke to investigative right edwin black who says the because america has no plan b. if iran makes good its threat the problem is united states government is completely unprepared for this conflict. they do not have a plan for in oil interruption there's a fifty seven day supply of on refined oil to be stretched and the draw down to about one hundred days it's more than just thirty to forty one loads it's the diesel for is a sham planted and which processes seventy percent of saudi oil and it is also the roster inert terminal there is a triple solar plexus there and if that is done the world will be crippled. the fire that it go to nuclear submarine of the dockyard in northwest russia is being
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put out the go to skin off the latest on that story tonight. that morning two reports coming from the locals they saw huge clouds of smoke rising from the ground and all the way to the skies was already said that they had the fire under control although. the fall of these nuclear submarine was on fire on the dock around and they didn't fall on their any of your mobile from nearby villages and towns to back you eat and they mediately said that there is no threat to their health and that the levels of radioactivity are within the norm fortunately since the a submarine was being repaired there were no weapons on board no miss else but there was and still is the nuclear reactor and that's obviously why this fire caused so much attention but the latest news from the authorities is that this reactor was shut down as soon as the fire started we're talking about a pretty big vessel this is it's named that you can see in the book it's
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a strategic nuclear submarine it's around one hundred seventy meters long which is over five hundred feet long and it was being repaired in the dark but just in the spring and summer it's to force us three to four in the navy drills actually an intercontinental ballistic missile a successful launch for all of its part of the six such submarines in russia's northern league and usually they're on the way of the sixty even intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads on them. we're revisiting the key moments which show how the world's ending twenty eleven very differently to how it began as seen through the eyes of artes global correspondents orchestra was a hot month for britain not least of all because it was shaken by the worst and rested in decades as thousands of rioters rampaged through key cities or a smith witnessed the cares for herself that left an indelible mark on the country
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. we first realized what a big story this was going to be in the night. that had been localized to. the six but we were tracking the news and we literally couldn't believe what we were hearing we decided that this was a story that we had to go and. we went initially to the. field where we couldn't see anything it was already dark it was quite. and then all of us out of the darkness came a group of around two hundred. running across the retail dressed mainly in. color as top so and so you couldn't see their faces and gradually we realized they
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were smashing everything they could find. for me as a journalist it was an incredible story we were out on the streets every night wearing what i've come to call my riot. black jackets with everything i need in the pocket so that i can get away quickly if necessary. and i need the relationship. between the people and the police it's people say and states you know. we really only two of the whole of london was on fire. you would. be able to see the flames on the smoke rising from two streets away. the righteous had set fire to a car or broken into a shell. or even on one occasion they set fire to an enormous call. house.
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arrest grads to different parts of london to. around london following it. almost anywhere that you went in the more areas of london that was new say we went round and also days areas to have a look what was going on there was streets that were just completely. you know certainly for ordinary people but it seemed for the police as well we were talking to the police and it was clear from what they were saying that they had no idea what to do about the situation they just didn't they want to do that were. they eventually settled for the two nights was. just to show that presence and then running away again really running away and it
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wasn't until the fourth night that they really got into elements of control. on the second we went to hackney west some of the rest was taking place and it was literally shut down. and the police were not really lasting anyone through they had surrounded the town and when he got into the town. people and just smashing into shops and grabbing whatever they could. but not just young people adults as well. as. just. the other frightening thing was the effects that it had to own society if you had talked to people two weeks before the riots about whether bringing in the middle tree to take control of the streets was a good idea everybody would have said no it's quite a liberal society when you get down to it but the people in the riots. and
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immediately after genuinely felt that bringing in the army would have been a good idea and that using water cannon on the streets of london and other cities which it would have started to probably about immediately so people became very draconian jaring those times very sort of repressive and they would have supported the government to bring in the army to sort the problem out. the studies are being done now into why the riots happened and a variety of reasons have been put forward maybe it's to bad relationship with the police in these impoverished areas particularly amongst the black youths who say that they are stopped and searched by the police sometimes multiple times a day for having done nothing some people say that's because young people in england particularly feel that they have no prospects there's no jobs for them unemployment amongst young people is running at twenty five percent now they've got
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no hope for the future. those two things remain true and so therefore i see no reason why this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. the latest in a series of reports or smith one of the international correspondents there's more to come as well on the world's biggest of the year from our reporters that covered it if you've missed any of the series you'd like to see some more of its online about the dot com website. it's really. a christmas present its borrowing rates have plummeted in recent days allowing it now to cheap much needed by leaders service its debts but italian prime minister mario monti is not popping the champagne corks just yet so a more is needed to be done to calm the markets and that's going to take the form of more cuts your business sure missed your invite over thinks the eurozone economy is going to prospect. the intention was to raise eight point five billion euros italy could raise something like seven billion which is not bad but which is in any
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case below the target that was set and secondly the price the interest rate on those seven billion was seven percent now given the fact that italy has already a government debt equal to one hundred twenty five percent of g.d.p. and given the very poor growth prospects of the economy this is an interest rate that will. lead to a rep it escalation of interest burden for italy will undermine the health of the public finances of the country for the so indeed mr monti as big job to do to get things in the clear in terms of what can be expected for the coming year first of all i think we will see an exit of greece given the situation in which the greek economy find itself that has become really unavoidable secondly in terms of what will happen inside the euro zone a lot will depend on the attitude that is taken by the european central bank will they intervene more or less that is one of
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the key questions that need to be answered and it's very hard to predict what the answer will be in terms of what will happen to the eurozone next year. but you can bet your bottom dollar will be to follow what happens and bring you the updates no twenty eleven of course was also a harsh if the economy across the atlantic as well nearly half of americans now live below the poverty line later artie's marx kaiser and stacy herbert take another shot at the people they believe are to blame for the hardship. the bank j.p. morgan gets congress to change laws. to suit their needs as a predatory terrorist. bad thing i would think so hey let's call the white house. and nobody's home at the white house this guy is out golfing .
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much the team here with the car is reported less than ten minutes from now on r t but the business updates next with dimitri. and we're watching business as twenty eleven comes to an end business r.t. looks back at the highlights of the year we're focusing on the oil deal between x. and mobile and rosneft to work on the russian arctic shelf the joint venture not only dashed any hopes b.p. had of reviving its own deal with rosneft but also caused friction within the russell bridges to invent city n.k.v.d. but in the course of explains how the drama unfold. it was a love and hate relationship from the get go which adventure lead became an affair both parties would like to forget that's the hobs of seeing a v.p.
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we're going after each other for years the russians represented by a r. and the brits in b.p. what have gotten a divorce if this were a marriage there irreconcilable differences involved this fits over the company's corporate governance and strategy but any business is just like a marriage if there is a money at stake that sometimes keeps parties together but when ross north came into the picture and seduced b.p. they are wants and revenge b.p. wants it to partner up with russia's oil major and the share swap and explore the russian arctic they are said any deals made in russia should go through the peat they took them to court and froze the deal there was a way out b.p. could include sink a b.p. in the project but rosneft refused and the deal went belly up while each side was blaming the other over the failed deal rosenau found someone new and that was exxon mobil this new couple is now seen as a powerhouse that will not only develop oil and gas reserves but also open up one
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of the last on concorde drilling frontiers the arctic shelf has an abundance of mineral resources so the potential is huge both companies have already invested hundreds of billions of dollars and the money is expected to come back to fold now when it comes to the jilt of partner b.p. it's currently embroiled in lawsuits regard than the deal that never was so as the two halves of think a v.p. are going after each other ross nafta has obviously moved on securing the deal of the year. and a quick look at the markets and the end of thursday session mix for the r.t.s. declining as investors prepare for a long holiday cyclical some of the individual share moves on the. banking stocks are among the main rich reaches of the day with u.t.v. down more than two percent more cynical gains of more than three percent of plans to invest three billion dollars in production next year as part of its effort to become one of the top five largest miners and gazprom nafta also ended high the
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