tv [untitled] December 29, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EST
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all our problems from health care to unemployment to energy they could all be solved with one simple solution letting the so-called free market work as i explained this is nothing more than an absurd fairy tale. we might be on the verge of an unprecedented global economic meltdown. but if you watch the republican debate and you're really really gullible you might think there's an easy fix to all our troubles the european debt crisis to the jobs crisis here at home to the health care crisis to the looming energy crisis to the housing crisis to the student loan debt crisis you name the crisis is a one size fits all solution to it and all the republicans on stage last night did not shy away from talking about that solution let the so-called free market work its magic right now fannie mae and freddie mac. are demanding more money because we don't allow the market to these terms and what
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these mortgages are worth we're not going to pick winners and losers from washington d.c. that we're going to trust the capital markets in the private sector to make the decisions and let the consumers pick winners and losers i'm going to cut all the subsidies out and let the market work as opposed to creating incentives for different forms of energy that the government's support us and we let the marketplace work since you have to have the market. interest rates if you want a healthy child boy yukon and you have to let the market work and get people into homes again you'll see home prices come back up if we allow this market to work i would find a way to pay them a fred imagine such that the marketplace. we need to close the gap on the uninsured without a costly mandate letting the free market work and bringing people together with truly affordable insurance that's the free market number fifty three million people uninsured the free market will fix it greece and italy are about to drag the entire
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global banking system into a depression and free market will fix that to student loan debt topped a trillion bucks for the first time going up in the free market to fix it republicans have one talking point just one solution all our problems and that's hyping up the power of the so called free market or in herman cain's case hyping up the power of his nine nine nine plan and the free market. but there is but let's think about that for a moment what exactly does it mean what does let the free market work what does that really mean when they say that is i mean to remove government and deregulate everything because we already saw how that worked repealing dadt glass steagall repealing reserve requirements repealing derivatives regulations all leading to the stock market bubble then crashing and burning just like what happened in the one nine hundred twenty s. after the free market was deregulated in one nine hundred twenty one a president harding who slogan was literally this is election slogan less
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government business more business and government we saw it lack of regulations did in the b.p. oil disaster in the gulf last year that killed eleven men in the massey mine disaster that killed thirty eight people when you get rid of all the rules and the referees and the market will inevitably descend into chaos and sometimes the people die. by generate a boatload of wealth for the one percenters at the top for a little bit but then as has happened every time free marketeers have succeeded in letting the free market work it all comes crashing down. imagine if you want to a baseball game and there were no rules there were no empire players there were no balls and strikes no limit on how many people were on the field no foul ball lives no specific order to the bases what kind of game would you see played out to be chaos complete and utter chaos the republican reply to this let the team with the most money determine the rules of the game they can have five strikes they can move
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the pitcher's mound closer and get a home run with just three bases and the team with less money they have to work with a different set of rules where if the umpires catch them breaking even smaller rules their guys are thrown out of the game forever. this is in essence mitt romney gamed the system for years of bain buying companies changing their rules laying off their people moving their production overseas and taking millions for himself while he if he let you and me pay for the unemployment expenses for his former employees. is the republican way and it has nothing to do with anything it's free it's about markets where the rich and the rich alone rule and set the rules so when the republicans talk about letting the free market work they might as well be saying let the free market fairies wave their magic wand and everything will be just fine . you know if
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a candidate on stage last night was asked how will you solve the problems in the housing market and he or she responded by saying oh i told government regulators to step aside put a team of magic fairies to work fixing everything. we do and take that candidate seriously ever again you know maybe they would still take herman cain shall bachmann seriously but joking aside that's pretty much exactly what every republican candidate on that stage was saying last night let the magic fairy of the free market solve all our problems right now fannie mae and freddie mac. are demanding more money because we don't allow the firies to these terms and what these mortgages are worth but we're not going to pick winners and losers from washington d.c. that we're going to trust the magical fairies in the private sector to make the decisions and let the consumers pick winners and losers i'm going to cut all the subsidies out and let the ferries work as opposed to creating incentives for
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different forms of energy that the governments of the supports and we let the ferries works if you have to have the very same time you just raised if you want a healthy viable economy you have to let the ferry do work and get people into homes again you'll see home prices come back up if we allow them to work i would find a way to fund wind band that may and fred a mag such that magical fairy said. we need to close the gap on the uninsured without a costly mandate letting the ferries work in bringing people together with truly affordable insurance that's magical. you know is that the cut through the b.s. and stop accepting this so-called free market fairy stuff as a magic elixir to all our problems. and by the way credit to paul krugman for coming up with the phrase free market fairies because all it is in reality is a poll tested for aids free market just like job creators just a phrase to get average low information voters to nod their heads and blindly
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follow the lead of the millionaires and billionaires who are perfectly happy in the perpetual boom bust cycles of a free market economy where bankers get the boom and we all get stuck with the bust there is no magical free market there are no fairies no secret green elves no unicorns no walk ness monster and more than likely no abominable snowman but there are real solutions solutions that have been tried in the past and it worked really well solutions like raising taxes on the rich putting regulations on the banks toure's setting trade tariffs weaving a strong social safety net and protecting the rights of workers to unionize and organize into labor unions basically none of the stuff you heard in the republican debate those are the real solutions we need and not the nonsense you hear spewed from republicans on a daily basis with the iowa caucus caucuses next week in the primary season just
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now getting underway expect a lot more republican insanity and a lot more crazy fairy tales from that bunch speed of crazy between anthony weiner donald trump and the talking heads the g.o.p. t.v.'s fox so-called news we've had a lot of fodder for our nightly crazy awards but none of the folks i just mentioned came out on top for craziest crazy alert of the year instead our viewers joes a segment we did in october as the year's best crazy alert and let's just say it proves the old saying that sex sells. the alert x. rated skydiving the federal aviation administration is investigating a skydiving incident in california after a video surfaced of two people engaging in a sex act while jumping out of a plane together parents who caught their teenage boys share in the video with each
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other called the cops in their local n.b.c. affiliate to complain about the skydiving company whose employees had made the video. the viral video is so explicit we're only going to show you still images of the katy perry pop song blaring in the background the video was posted on each protected blog of alex torrance porn star who also lighted on weekends as an instructor at skydive taft tore it any activity that could be a distraction to a pilot violates federal regulations and based on the video and what was going on right next to the pilot before they jumped out it's hard to believe he wasn't distracted by the sky diving instructor at the company skydive taft who moonlights as a porn star has been fired as a result of the incident and the receptionist who is the partner in the high flying sex act is awaiting disciplinary action and you thought a parachute was the only protection needed while skydiving. coming up the most popular best and i think the most important daily take of the year you won't want
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to miss. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions it's time to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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we close the show tonight with the daily take the generated more buzz on the internet than any other segment we've done all year it originally aired back in march just as it was are becoming evident that the tea party was basically disappearing from the political map and now at the occupy wall street movement pushing back against corporate power has replaced the tea party this daily take has a very special new relevance so sit back and enjoy once again the true story of the real boston tea party.
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c.n.n. poll released shows that only thirty two percent of americans approve of the movement there is a whopping forty seven percent of americans actually disapprove of the tea party movement but more interesting than this astroturf movement it was bought and paid for by billionaires mult multimillionaires and their corporations frankly is the real tea party i'm talking about the boston tea party is seven hundred seventy three that auto flier was nailed on people's front doors and trees all over boston in the middle the night signed by an enigmatic character who went under the pseudonym rustic us there's still some debate about who he really was it's make sure that your watchman be instructed as they go on their rounds to call out every night at fast twelve be aware of these to india company. the east india company conventional wisdom has it that the seven hundred seventy three
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t act a tax law passed in london that led right to the boston tea party was simply an increase in the taxes on tea paid by american colonists in reality however the tea act gave the world's largest transnational corporation the british east india company the biggest corporate tax break in world history it was an actual tax refund on millions of pounds of tea they were unable to sell and they were holding an inventory and would have been billions in today's dollars so why did the american colonists get so angry about a corporate tax cut that they'd commit a multi-million dollar in today's money active vandalism against the company and thus light the fuse for the revolutionary war. i couldn't find a ready answer on the web or in any american history textbooks back about a decade ago when i was writing what would jefferson do they all seem to either incorrectly suggest that the tea party active seven hundred seventy three was a tax increase that set off the tea partiers protesting or they ignored it
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altogether so when i found in an antiquarian bookstore in london and original first edition of one of the nation's earliest history books i had to buy it to learn the real story of the boston tea party and the subsequent american revolution this is an original copy of retrospect of the boston tea party with a memoir of george r. t. hughes a survivor this is the full title of it a survivor of the little band of patriots who drown the tea in boston harbor in seven hundred seventy three because the identity of the boston tea party participants were hidden other than sam adams and all were sworn to secrecy for the next fifty years this account is singularly rare and important as it's the only actual first person account of the tea party by any of the participants who were there that exists to this day and turning its brittle aged colored aged
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covered wrinkly pages and looking at printing on an evenly sized sheets typeset by hand you can see i don't know if you can see this it's literally different sizes and this is printed on small hand presses almost two hundred years ago. was both fascinating and exciting. although george roberts tree uses name is today largely lost in history he was actually quite well known in colonial times and during the early nineteenth century for example when young paul revere went off to join the army he took hughes along with him. after escaping from the british fleet to join the rebels general george washington and his wife martha took hughes into their home for a few days washington called hughes a man who was amazingly good natured and hughes said that madame washington waited upon them at table at dinner time and it was remarkably social. and it was hughes and this book that named what thomas jefferson and all his writings and speeches
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always referred to as the incident in boston harbor into something called the boston tea party he was literally coined the phrase and here's why he dressed up like an indian and showed up for the tea party. the east india company was trying to corner the tea market after all it was the drink of choice of the colonists and there's pretty much a tea shop on every corner in america we imported millions of pounds of tea every year and most of it was brought in by small american entrepreneurs what the british called smuggler's and the east india company wanted to put those smugglers out of business and their strategy undercut their prices they wanted to pull a wal-mart but the colonists were having none of it as hughes wrote trying to get around the east india company quote render the smuggling of tea an object that was frequently practiced and the resolutions against using it the
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colonists resolutions against using the tea had greatly diminished the importation into the colonies of this commodity in other words the colonists boycott was hurting the east india company. meanwhile hughes noted an immense quality and an immense quantity of it accumulated in the warehouses of the east india company in england this company petitioned the king he writes to suppress the duty of three pounds per pound upon its introduction into america. that petition by the corporation was successful it's known as the tea act of seven hundred seventy three and the result was great for the trans national east india company and a big problem for the american entrepreneurs as hughes again writes in his book. the east india company however received permission to transport tea free from all duty from great britain to america allowing it to wipe out its small
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competitors and take over the tea business in all of america they got their tax cut and now they're going to underprice and put the smugglers out of business hence he was rights it was no longer the small vessels of private merchants who went to vendor tea for their own account on the ports of the colonies but on the contrary ships of inner norma's berth and the transport an immense quantities of this commodity amassed in suitable magazines he was wrote accordingly the company sent its agents at boston new york and philadelphia six hundred chests of tea and a proportionate number to charleston and other maritime cities of the american continent. the colonies this is hugh's writing in his in his book the colonies were now arrived at the decisive moment when they must cast the die and determine their course. had new york captain sears and
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macdougal darian and enterprising men affected a concert of will against the east india company between the smugglers the merchants and the sons of liberty by the way who had all joined forces at that point in most cases were the same people back to hughes pamphlets suited to the conjecture were daily distributed and nothing was left on attempted by popular leaders to attain their purpose. if you get it resistance was organizing and growing and the ts was the final straw the citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power they were planning to destroy the goods of the world's largest multinational corporation to intimidate its employees and to face down the guns
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of the government that supported. a pamphlet was circulated throughout the colonies called the alarm and science signed by our enigmatic rustic us it left no doubt about how the small american teashop entrepreneurs felt about this giant corporation trying to run him out of the out of business rest of us wrote in again this appeared on. trees and front doors all over boston are we in like manner to be given up to the disposal of the east india company who have now the assurance to step forth in aid of the minister to execute his plan of enslaving america their conduct in asia for some years past has given simple proof how little they regard the laws of nations the rights liberties and lives of men fifteen hundred thousand it is said perished by famine in one year not because the earth united fruits but because this company and their servants involved all that is says cities of life and set them on so high a price that the poor could not purchase them the pamphleteering worked after the
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colonists turned back the east india company ships in philadelphia new york hughes continues. in boston the general voice declared the time was come to face the storm. this was the voice of the lost audience and seven hundred seventy three wrote use of guard was this is incredible this is the actual story from the one guy who was actually there a guard was placed on griffin's war near where the t. shirts were more it was agreed that a strict watch would be kept that if any insult should be offered the bell should be of mediately wrong to call for the assistance of the country people rustic this added his voice with a pamphlet saying resolve there for a noble resolve and publish to the world your resolutions that no man will receive the t. no man will let his stores or suffer the vessel that brings it to more of his war another pamphlet titled the alarm probably written by samuel adams although we
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don't know for sure also appeared on trees and houses on october twenty seventh seven hundred seventy three it said it has now been proved to you that the east india company obtained the monopoly of that trade by bribery and corruption at the power of us obtained they have prostituted to extortion and other the most cruel and horrible purposes the sun ever beheld. and then hughes says on a cold november evening the first of the east india company ships of tax free tea arrived. on the twenty eighth of the seven hundred seventy three use rights the ship dartmouth with one hundred twelve chests arrived it was now evening and i immediately dressed myself in the costume of an indian equipped with a small hatchet and club after having painted my face and hands with coal dust in
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the shop of a blacksmith i repaired to griffin's warthe wharf where the ships lay that contained the tea. when i first appeared in the street after being busted skies i fell in with many others who were dressed equipped and painted as i was and who fell in with me and we marched in order to the place of our destination. when we arrived at the wharf they divided us into three parties for the purpose of boarding the three ships which contained the tea at the same time the name of him who commanded the division to which i was assigned was leonard pitt the names of the other commanders i never knew hughes this is still from the guy who was there george over twelve three whose we were he was seventeen at the time we were immediately ordered by the respective commanders to board all the ships at the same time which we promptly obeyed the commander of the division to which i belonged as soon as we were on board the ship appointed me boatswain and ordered me to go to the captain and demand of him the keys to the hatches and
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a dozen candles i made the demand accordingly the captain promptly replied and delivered the articles requested me at the same time to do no damage to the ship or that. we then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard and we immediately proceeded to execute his orders first cutting and splitting open the chests with our tomahawks so as thoroughly to expose them to the effects of the water. in about three hours. from the time we went on board we had thus broken and thrown overboard every teach us to be found on the ship while those on the other ships were disposed of the tea in the same way at the same time we were surrounded by british armed ships but no attempt was made to resist us. you know it's we then quietly retired to our several places of residence without having any conversation with each other or taking any measures to discover who were our associates there appeared to be an understanding that each
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individual should volunteer his services keep his own secret and risk the consequences for himself no disorder took place during that transaction and it was observed at that time that it was the stillest night that had ensued that boston had enjoyed for many months. george over twelve to use in all the three hundred forty two chests of tea over ninety thousand pounds thrown overboard that night were enough to make twenty four million cups of tea and were valued by the east india company at nine thousand six hundred fifty nine pounds sterling or in today's currency just over a million dollars in response to the boston tea party the british parliament immediately passed the boston ports act stating that the port of boston would be closed until the citizens of boston reimburse the east india company for the two they destroyed the colonist refused year and a half later the colonists still refusing to reimburse the corporation again openly stated their defiance of the east india company in great britain by taking out
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british troops in an armed conflict at lexington and concord the shots heard around the world on april nineteenth seven hundred seventy five so there you have it the boston tea party it was a revolt against corporate power and corporate tax cuts from the mouth of the man who was there that night and today and seems as if this generation of tea partiers as they begin to slowly realize that their so-called movement is being funded by america's second largest privately held corporation and its owners the east india company of today maybe they're beginning to wake up there was a tea party event scheduled today for washington d.c. and so few people showed up that fox news which it's not a satellite truck it was intending to break into their news with that coverage gave up and went home. it's time the truth of the real boston tea party came out spread the word. and. that's the big picture i hope you enjoyed our presentation of some of the biggest stories of the last year for more information on the stories we
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covered visit our website said tom hartman dot com free speech dot org an r.t. dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links to thom hartmann dot com the entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman i phone and i pad app at the app store so this feedback at twitter of tom underscore her on facebook at tom underscore of our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at time dot dot com and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active occupy something tag your it so you know sure.
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iran of the u.s. edge closer to a military conflict as a verbal spat over a vital oil maritime route reaches boiling point. after the outgoing year took its toll on a number of euro zone governments many doubt the so-called bureaucrats now in charge will bring relief some of them were behind the euro's failings. it seems that any global food you just know except it is a source. while the syrian opposition is bursting with amateur food and showing violence this claim to be recent arab league observers have yet to report any atrocities.
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