tv [untitled] December 30, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EST
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close has been to. be watching r t and tonight the golf is on edge to u.s. warships close to an iranian naval exercise right next to a crucial all road that surrounds threatens a block. egypt's ruling generals are accused of totally is raids a staged against the offices of foreign human rights groups the military says the stirring up trouble. plus after a tough year for eurozone governments many doubt the so-called bureaucrats now in charge of some nations to bring relief from the situation they helped create in the
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first place. hello eight pm friday night here in moscow you're watching r.t. with me kevin zero in and first two u.s. warships have entered an area that iran is using for a large scale naval war games further escalating tension between the nations the maneuvers are taking place in neutral waters close to the crucial strait of hormuz oil supply route which iran's threaten to block washington says the vessels are on a routine mission he's going to church in cannes been following the latest developments. day after day we see the degree of tension rising iranian and american warships kind of brushed shoulders earlier as u.s. ships past the area where terror ron is holding a ten day military exercise the u.s. fifth fleet said they crossed the strait of hormuz unhindered and that he was
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a routine passage iran's right to him to cut off the strait of hormuz which is the major golf oil artery forty percent of the world's tanker shipped oil passes through that strait the u.s. said they would not tolerate any disruption of supplies which suggests that if you ran goes through with their threats we might see a full scale military showdown there but now based on the statements that we hear washington seems to think that iran is bluffing but right now iran find itself in a situation where its main source of livelihood namely oil export is in danger because of the looming sanctions and the threats that are coming from iran indicate that it's ready to take action to protect its interests if attacked it's almost sure to retaliate right now were iran is flexing its muscle showing off its capabilities doing their naval military exercises and as part of the exercise on saturday they'll fire long range missiles capable of reaching this world by the way the touching upon some of the latest decisions the u.s.
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congress passed a bill that would dramatically complicate transactions through rennes central bank european and asian nations for iranian oil and use its central bank for the transactions president obama has yet to sign the bill and that's going to be a severe blow to the uranium economy around eighty percent of its revenues depend on crude sales e.u. ministers say. a decision on whether or not to boycott iranian oil will be made in coming weeks the west says all the rand has to do to avoid sanctions is to give up their nuclear program iran says they are not doing anything wrong by pursuing a peaceful nuclear program for civilian purposes some experts believe cornering iran like that by sanctions creates powder keg which could blow up at a slightest spark and the potential confrontation over the strait of hormuz can be that spark.
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with. every negotiation it takes two to tango so. a willingness to negotiate and compromise. can be trying to resuscitate it maybe. in two thousand and nine we. brokered by. turkey just. a few months ago. i think just after the recent american hostage just as a sign of just. do we need to engage in negotiations with iran to reduce its nuclear enrichment so i think the level of interest in beijing negotiation what the americans do with. the west does not want to compromise. in the. nuclear program under the auspices of the
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treaty i think the best solution illustrated. by. bringing. everyone. you know there. and unfortunately i do not see why the united states of america is not. very good. has been supported by a lot of merging powers. said it has been assessing the market's reaction to the whole move he says it's not likely to drive prices very high for the moment but the situation could benefit russia in the long. certainly in the worst case scenario prices would go ahead in leaps and bounds but at the moment the market is not really factoring that it seems so the incremental rises where the risk seems to be getting a bit but they really believe this is going to lead to an all out escalation potentially
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and with well there is one silver lining in this for russia because russia. russia schools is heavy and it's very similar. so it has the benefit. which of course so we've seen that actually a premium for russian oil at the moment was well know what you think about the big stories of the day and that's what we're asking on the website to share your thoughts on today tell us how you think the strait of hormuz dead like deadlock may evolve now this is what we've been telling is just stunned half of you who voted so far think that the u.s. will use this standoff as a pretext to attack iran but a third of you say it won't have any immediate consequences being just the latest move along. at twelve percent of you think a brand will teach the west a lesson by cutting off at the end of the day and six percent if you think to ramble achieve the goal of preventing sanctions to say dot com.
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coming up later in the program the final countdown. when these lines of police started moving administering towards starting shooting towards our direction started tear gassing my cameraman was tear gassed i was injured that's when it really changed for me. the view from inside the occupy movement as we show it from a new up close and personal perspective. this is. history in the making. testimony. ten stories that shaped two thousand and eleven. egyptian rights groups have accused military rulers of using what they describe as mubarak era tools of repression that's after soldiers and police raided the offices of ten non-governmental organizations including some foreign ones artist maria fanaa has more. thursday jip carried out
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unprecedented armed raids on at least seventeen high profile human rights and pro-democracy organizations all across the country and it's been done in a very brutal and very unpleasant way policemen and soldiers swept into office into a gated people didn't let anybody you know out didn't actually let the people make calls to their relatives and eventually seized computers and documents from the offices among those targeted organizations were the u.s. government funded national democratic institute the international republican institute whose chairman is now republican senator john mccain and freedom house so as you can see and. sponsored from abroad especially for america has been targeted washington whose military aid to egypt amounts at one point three billion dollars has been very quick to react expressing its. disappointment with what happened in egypt on the thursday call it highly provocative and calling only dip to try to resolve it as soon as possible and to return the stuff that has been taken from the
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in jos employees the organizations themselves have also responded they've condemned the raids carried out in egypt. claiming it reminded them about tough times and egypt's former dictator hosni mubarak egypt is going through tough times of course these days clashes between demonstrators and police and soldiers still continued all across the country so continuing claim lives just last week it ended in the dust of cleaved at least fifteen people and these days a supreme council of military forces egypt's new authority is often criticised for being too slow and too and determined in promised democratic reforms are struggling to cling to power very sensitive about any influence especially from abroad and very sensitive about control and they're trying to keep power and to control everything and of course as part of this for a new military government might even suspect these organizations and. sponsored
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from abroad of supporting of sponsoring protests says all across egypt of course one of riff national foreign policy analyst dr told me he believes the military government is making sure it stays in power but the people are determined for democratic change this is part of the military the supreme council of armed forces way of making sure that the you know who you should basically is malted to the to the type of government they want because that's those are the same generals by the way who worked for mubarak to go but really the military has to step aside they will not give up the power of that easily but i think the egyptian people and the arabs in general have lost their fear from corrupt government and they have restored of their dignity and they are not tolerate another military dictatorship in the country i think all the evidence indicate that
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despite the sacrifices there have been. it will show the speaking to me and coming up at seven thirty pm g.m.t. the guests on cross talk discuss how the egyptian revolution in february set a trend for similar movements across the globe. the so-called east or the muslim world teaching us now new ways of protesting wisconsin have been less than a month after tahrir square after the removal of mubarak was certainly very inspired by it i had people calling me from wisconsin asking me to put them in touch with the protesters in tahrir square so they could figure out how they did it all across the world it's about people taking back their countries and whether the united states or any other power there's only so much that foreign troops can do at the end of the day it's up to the people themselves.
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large scale anti regime marches a big held across syria that made fresh reports of violent crackdowns against protesters and activists also suggest that over one hundred people have been killed by security forces since tuesday when the arab observers began their fact finding mission in syria's flashpoints however it's hard to verify the information coming from the country clashes began in march between government forces and protesters with both sides being armed beirut based political analysts campbell was need told us the situation is being fueled from outside. we heard today the american and interfere in the process and we heard that mr feldman the undersecretary of the state telling the monitors what to do and he said regardless what the conclusion of the monitor if it doesn't fall the opposition then they have to go and take it to the international community obviously the. american trying to play.
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dirty guy in this operation they don't want to see a settlement for what is taking place in syria and they instigating in the media and actually calling in their so and their. supporters are all the opposition which has been playing with the united states and the western powers to destabilize syria if what we heard from mr for feldman is the verdict then i don't think we can see good things coming out out of the end of the commission of the observer. they've got web sites also got more news columns and analysis is analysis for you twenty four seven let's see what we've got on line right now tonight should we deadly delicacy police in st petersburg seeds almost two hundred kilos of how we stored in a more plus also online tonight you ain't seen nothing yet the mystical creature from russia's wilderness comes to town to shine
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a light on the less fortunate very nice this time. fire crews have managed to put out a blaze of a nuclear submarine of the shipyard in northwest russia the military says there's no nuclear threat because the reacted been shut down even before the fire started firefighters continue to cool down the submarine's hole with water to make sure it doesn't reignite some of the crew remain on board and monitor the vessel systems nine were injured after scaffolding around the sub caught fire. spain's new conservative leadership has given its civil service employees a dismal new year gift by announcing a fresh austerity package worth almost nine billion euros they joined the greeks and italians who were hit by enormous cuts and tax hikes imposed by their
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governments this year and twenty twelve promises more of the same artes and we're going to school reports on the gloomy prospects for the eurozone. the autumn in europe saw the fall of several european leaders spain greece italy all of these countries are changing leadership across a two week period but who are these new faces at helm of europe's most troubled nations and will they really make things better for the people. probably not greeks pride themselves on essentially inventing democracy back in however long ago that was too bad the man who is now being touted as the man with the plan is an economist who was appointed to the greek people know gordon elections there well the greek prime minister was the greek finance minister at the time but greece joined the euro so he was responsible for cooking the books to get greece in for this ever expanding empire he was rewarded by going to work at the european central bank and as soon as i would mention the word referendum he was there and even if we
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skirt the whole issue of current governments being appointed by someone else from another country another question pops up will they be capable of doing anything different than before well the irony is of course that many of these technocrats from. the disastrous euro project in the first place so it really is pretty annoying then out now in charge of all these countries and that doesn't go down well with the economists who saw the eurozone disaster develop from the beginning this project is doomed to failure it was always student of failure and moreover i would have the rain and i would have a fiscal crimes tribunals and i would like to see some of these people sent to prison so far cutting the public sector firing tens of thousands of people and telling everyone to brace themselves for tough times ahead in the midst of raging protests unruly unemployment and mind blowing debt numbers these have been the only steps so far undertaken by european governments both old and new. people who
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think that maria monti came to help italy out of the crisis order to help spain took the mistaken. those who are in key positions in seats of power represent the interests of goldman sachs and other major corporations by east and there is always the chance that things could get even worse there is a real possibility that in the mediterranean countries that will see governments well. not even legitimate governments but will see governments overthrown i think there's also a big worry that we may well see the kind of nationalist political movements springing out of this that we thought we said goodbye to back in ninety forty five if the technocrats fail to resurrect the economies in italy greece and spain the nations wind up not only with a bleak future between the very little reason to call themselves democratic it in a goes go r.t. . around the world now briefly in southeast turkey thousands of mourners attended
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a few ceremony to pay their last respects to the victims of an air strike thirty five kurdish civilians were killed on wednesday after the turkish air force an attack on what was thought to be a group of rebels based in iraq who had just been stirred up anger among kurds in the region a number of protests held in turkish and iraqi cities ending clashes. eleven died after side cloned smashed into india's southeastern coast it brought heavy rain and wind speeds up two hundred forty kilometers an hour that rooted trees and . the majority of fatalities are thought to be killed by collapse walls and electric shocks the severe weather conditions have halted local train and air services to. as twenty twelve creeps closer we continue to look back at the stories that dominated the past year this time it's the occupy movement that expose social and financial injustice in the most unexpected places.
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i remember at the start of the so-called so-called arab spring we saw so many mass movements from europe to the middle east people rising up taking to the streets protesting and the question we kept asking ourselves over and over again is why not here why not in the united states i mean for years we've covered stories that touched upon social inequality economic inequality the overdue undue influence in fact that politics has been the money has in our financial system and i never thought that this kind of popular outrage would really come to the united states that it would really hit home. when the occupy wall street movement began my initial impression i have to admit it was utter skepticism you know it sounded like some american protester saw what was
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going on in the middle east and thought it would be i meet sort of symbolic way to emulate what they've seen for example into where square. one of the biggest things that really sort of woke me up as an individual was that that night in times square in october this was right after the supposed to be announced raid by the mayor where about three thousand if not more protesters had gathered around security park to to defend their space and they succeeded they weren't raided and we saw literally thousands of people marching into times square which you know the physical contrast of the sort of a temple of consumerism which is times square in manhattan these flashing lights these logos these expressions of corporate power and consumer culture in stark contrast to. literally thousands of people who have gotten together to speak to
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shouts to feel the physical presence of of other americans who are just no longer content to sit back and watch society unfold in the direction that it's taken me. i was just feet away from the area where several police officers mountain of horseback sort of out into the crowd hurting some of the protesters seeing with my own eyes for the first time the excessive level of force. and the old gentleman who looked like he was probably in his sixty's slammed down to the ground his arms and back women of all ages men of all ages carried away for doing what for sitting down on the ground and not moving or making a point quietly. standing there with my camera man with this line of police officers several hundred of them armed to the teeth you know what happens out of sticks out a line of protesters behind me you know i thought i was there as this protected
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almost impartial observer there to tell the story but when these lines of police started moving at me started moving forward towards me starting shooting towards our direction started tear gassing my cameramen was tear gassed i was injured and that's when it really changed for me there are at least a hundred the not two hundred three hundred police officers in full riot gear as you can see advancing behind us right now on the occupy oakland movement now one of the other interesting experiences i think for me was sort of seeing the contrast between occupy wall street in new york and in oakland in oakland where there is such a radical history of active as and where the people there the protesters there were so much more outrage so much more ready for radical fundamental changes within this country. but at the same time. one of the experiences that really stands out to be
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in my mind was the day of the port shutdown on the member second you know there are thousands thousands and tens of thousands of people who were gathered who were marching around hines effectivity is not a lot of police presence there really felt that perhaps we had turned a new chapter in this country perhaps this was going to be an opportunity for these kinds of expressions of political discontent with the sort of crackdown that we that we've seen in the past and what happened that evening really really shook me to the core i have to say the contrast between these peaceful marches and. seeing firsthand the streets of oakland turned into something i might have seen on the news and as you can see these are marching up behind me as sticks and hands but taliban i don't know if you can get any closer on that. i think that really galvanized this country and really woke us up to a reality. the reality is that there is a lot wrong and there's a lot that needs to be changed but instead of sitting here and inviting experts to
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go and talk about it we're seeing people physically participating in what democracy really should be all about. and an american citizen i feel that i am here to tell the stories and i have a right to tell the stories and that is part of what this country is fundamentally founded on and sort of experiencing firsthand the the loss of the the inability to do anything the feeling of powerlessness and smallness. that's something that i think i'm not going to forget for quite a long time. well that was the final of all reports from the post a reflection small team of international correspondents who brought so use of the events that showed two of you live and if you miss study them as well you can watch them again. call i'll be joined. so tomorrow evening as well we're going to be bringing you a special new year program special media coverage live from red square on our t.v.
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a big news year that was twenty eleven ok let's take care in the latest business news of one of the latest business news roundups of the year now dimitri's with us . thank you very much heaven and maybe the holiday season but negotiators a nascar ending here they're still working hard to secure a deal on gas ukraine estimates this pipeline system is worth twenty billion dollars and wants an annual nine billion dollar discount on gas supplies if the two countries create a consortium to transit gas moscow is not outright rejecting the idea but speaking to gas problems head prime minister putin said talks must go on. if you can work national own ask you to continue the negotiations as ukraine will remain a strategic partner for treating gas and considering the growing demand from european consumers and also the several countries to warn down nuclear energy ukraine's pipeline system will undoubtedly remain in demand two thousand levon has
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been attesting here for investors as the world economy struggled for growth stock markets here in russia also suffered yet some sectors spectacularly bucked the trend that it was all looks at the rollercoaster ride of the last twelve months and what to expect in the coming year. gold has been an exceptional investment it reached all time highs of over nineteen hundred dollars per ounce in september six hundred percent in the cage but since then the price has slid back and brokers no more going to put to fall further in twenty twelve fearing the bubble will burst. the dollar euro remain risks switching your roubles into the greenback would have brought a small return but changing into the euro would have been hard hit and on the employment both in the states and the european union mean those currencies continue to be unstable. going to become much more reliable the credit crunch
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wiped out riskier lenders while the states brought in guarantees insuring all deposits up to seven hundred thousand rubles some banks now offer healthy return of over fourteen percent a year. most weeks merger of russia's stock exchanges is a poor twenty eleven the more six slipped eighteen percent as political uncertainty worried investors but i'm the simplest carefree expect a strong rebound in twenty twelve as the new government settles predicting a return to previous years when markets were the world's best performing. take a look at how the markets are flaring globally right now in the u.s. they are down on european worries as spain's new government will seriously measures inside expects a twenty eleven budget gap me eight percent. european stocks ended friday positive it's up to germany's finance minister ruled out a eurozone breakup the footsie up by a notch to dags point nine percent in
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a short session and russian stocks finished the final session of the on a positive note but overall in line with the global trend in the seas lost around twenty one percent this year. lukoil at the close of friday's session was gaining around one percent financials also strong but the outstanding gainer was a flag carrier it was up five percent of the polls as an embattled plans to boost passenger numbers twenty five percent next year headlines are next with. clinician and free credit take should free transport charges free. agency three lists free studio time free clinic the old free blog video for your media projects a free media.
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