tv [untitled] December 31, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EST
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year ahead from the heart of the russian capital and while chill a now has fireworks soaring across the city skies over half the world has already rung in two thousand and twelve all of europe finally mark your bible a few thousand in progress three hours ago with crowds gathering in many cities before the clock struck the clock struck midnight a multimillion dollar fireworks display heralded it in the new year in sydney with a symbolic theme time to dream which of the producer said was about giving people a chance to put a bad year behind them the chinese market the new two thousand and twelve with a spectacular light show while it's a night for celebration it is also a time to look back on what has been a turbulent year and me so now now reports on the big events which shaped two thousand and eleven. two thousand and eleven could easily go down as the most eventful year in years the killing of bin laden after a decade long manhunt libya's gadhafi after months of nato bombing and the death of
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north korea's kim jong il don't even begin to illustrate twenty eleven. times shows the protester as person of the year and although there were different slogans signs and demands of solutions twenty eleven will ultimately be remembered as the year people came out onto the streets the arab spring bloomed into a european summer which harvested an american autumn from cairo to california moscow to madrid to her ear to occupy global rallies shared common themes but if one thing stood out in the middle east and north africa alone it was protests that lead down one road regime change. tunisia and egypt got rid of their dictators without war but libya was not so lucky
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nato and allies began a humanitarian mission with a fierce bombing campaign the critics called it a mislabeled invasion to take down gadhafi for benefits the only reason they're interested in with libya is about the oil you hear anybody screaming and yelling about all those people last week they were killed in the ivory coast or whose sudan gadhafi was brutally killed in october as the world watched the graphic video go viral thousands of civilians were killed over months of bombing and that's twenty twelve neared syria found itself in a similar set up for intervention russia and china fearing a repeat of the situation in libya as civil war intensifies this is a direct. act that that wrecked clash between the u.s. and nato on one side and russia and china on the one you know on the other side much more david was in libya protests continue in egypt libya syria and many more
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arab countries as the year ends. the battle to save the drowning single currency left to board rooms and banks in twenty eleven and flooded the streets of europe most commonly and violently in athens greek debt became the centerpiece of the euro crisis protests raged against desperate austerity cuts to qualify for i.m.f. bailouts germany and france vying for influence in the debt ridden zone i think we will see an exit of greece given the situation in which the greek economy find itself that has become really unavoidable draining the economy of big brother germany can't go on forever greece and italy are now led by on a lark to brussels back technocrat leaders who are trying to curb the crisis coming into a new year critics say twenty eleven bell outs or bust was the beginning of the end for the single european currency there's every chance the euro is going to crash.
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london burned for days in the summer of twenty eleven what began as a peaceful protests demanding justice over the death of a twenty nine year old man who was shot by police turned into days of riots and left authorities helpless talks of possibly bringing out the military bars to shops were looted car set on fire and windows smashed across the u.k. the police the job center all the banks everything that's happening the recession you know there's a lot of anger about that social experts also through of felt multicultural program and racism into the mix you know can you stop and so. on a sense of place a certain institution. but. probably institutionally racist as well the riots faded but the problems are still passing some say only a spark is needed to set the public off again.
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occupy wall street became a household name in the u.s. and around the world but when the protests began in september if you were talking about it the mainstream media stayed silent until seven hundred people were arrested on the brooklyn bridge and then truly based in the end of his fruits of american politics but it is easy so. they are disorganized they look funny when i protest nobody seems to know but negative coverage didn't stop us from spreading from small towns to huge ports occupied was not going anywhere grates on campus heavy handed police and burning pepper spray only helped occupy grow and spread their message of the need for economic equality and an end to corporate greet their slogan became we are the ninety nine percent and they the rich the one percent from
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oakland to boston the more people occupied the more brutality became more evident by. what you're doing. right now our police forces have been militarized they're working more in cooperation with the pentagon they're buying and being given military surplus to quit meant that has been kind of designed for use in war and this is something that. needs to treating the public as you would treat an enemy a public that has promised to come out in full force in twenty twelve. parliamentary elections were the push behind tens of thousands of people coming out onto the streets of moscow after allegations the december duma wrote was raked ah ah ah ah ah the protest at least fifty thousand strong the largest in recent
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history called for free and fair elections and remained peaceful ruling party united russia lost popularity in the vote with official results putting their numbers i don't most fifty percent but experts say a sixteen percent drop from two thousand and seven should be taken as a warning i think a lot of people wanted to punish. united russia for having power for so long and maybe not doing everything they could protest organized by vast groups of opposition members are set to continue in two thousand and twelve next year russia along with the u.s. and france holds presidential elections which makes it a safe bet people will be out on the streets in twenty twelve in europe america and around the world and you see now a r t moscow. and now to the events that shaped two thousand and eleven and are expected to dominate the
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new year russia saw the year close amid protests with demonstrations over the results of russia's parliamentary elections the people returned to the polls in march to vote for the country's next president parties karen taraji explains that what's behind the protest in russia. i have been near to everybody very interesting first to say a very fond and very regulated new years here on red square everybody laughing yelling fireworks going off but more importantly with the protests this year in december amidst many many sort of claims of ballot box stuffing that coming after the december fourth parliamentary elections where united russia did win two hundred and thirty eight of the four hundred fifty seats in parliament protesters took to the streets first on december tenth square seeing the interior ministry reporting twenty five thousand protesters of course the opposition counting somewhat fifty
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thousand protesters another sanction protests taking place on the socket of a square there we saw about thirty thousand protesters the number is growing and opposition claiming one hundred twenty thousand were calling for fair and free elections the equivalent reaction in president mitterrand to prime minister putin was a very positive one they actually enforce the people and they want the people to come forward and express their right to voice their opinion so in that regard a very good reaction from the government also a lot of proposals have been put in place by president mugabe did really calling for a rebuilding so to speak all of the electorial system sort of looking at the governors the way the governors are like to russia at the moment they are like to buy the president president medvedev hopes about that he can change that he wants to bring it back to the way it was in the early ninety's and then it was done away with in the early two thousand is a system where the governors are elected by the people or by political parties it's
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not yet known how that will play out but he does want to bring that vote sort of destabilize the power in russia also currently in order for political parties to register you need ten thousand votes he wants to drop down that number to something a five hundred. in order to run for presidency our independent candidate must find two million signatures in order to run for the presidency he would like that vote as well those signatures drop down to three hundred thousand so those reforms being put forth hopefully will be approved and those are the changes at the moment those are the reactions by the government to these massive protests overall a very good reaction. from the institute of world economy and international relations in moscow down selections could have been falsified but the speculation that they have been unfair has driven thousands of russians to protest it's hard to
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imagine how it can wriggle actions on a massive scale with paper system. and an army of over half a million observers monitoring the election every location all over russia so i think the problem is more social logical source there has risen up a new breed of people younger people. years ago. came into power first as prime minister and later the president russia was haunted by the legacy of the collapse of the soviet union it had all out war in the north caucuses and this war was spreading into russian mainland these problems have been solved during the years no new generation of people they care about absolute a different problem the magnitude of the problems have totally changed they care more about the. ethnical issues about their authenticity and basically this is the fact that pushes people into the streets. and now on to one
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of the stories that has been making the headlines during the past year mass protests swept across greece where angry crowds clashed with police over government austerity measures the country remains under intense pressure from the european union and the international monetary fund to make savings cuts to qualify for desperately needed bailout money our correspondent sara firth witnessed the worsening crisis in greece in two thousand and eleven and reports from athens on what's been a turbulent year with an uncertain want to head. well it's just been such a challenging year for the people here in the country because it's been all about that this year that the bailout that that very severe austerity measures now in real terms of the people hit us that just cause all of that heat cayless that tax hike it's really affected so many people here in the country every household felt the brunt of this is seeing a new class of shameless springing up here in the country even here this evening
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the results that are very clear you can see lots of people out of the city leave a rough on the streets tonight so many different people turned out to their discontent and so many young people it's all the u.s. speaking to a full team fifteen these are very nice if they did very well educated people that are happening to grapple with extremely big issues and they're you know doing their part see turning out into the states and really making us who we evaluate the way we fools about the eurozone in europe as a whole need prime minister lucas papademos says as steps summing up the year's events that we still face in the big challenges they still hold a candle and put all their assets into the main and within the euro is that because the one thing i can tell you is that the people here in greece the love thing that they're going to go in two thousand and twelve is going to the mall and the restaurant because of pollution think we see too much of that this year where profit then serious action in the situation just seeming to deteriorate to the time
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with the world leaders years and leaders always at the pace of the high end and as i said just real impact on people's lives to say we think food into the new year what people are going to want to be seeing is the real development to two thousand and eleven has been the year of dissent maybe we can hope for two thousand and twelve to be the year of development because people here want to see some real changes. twenty sara first reporting for us there from athens now investment advisor patrick young says the survival of the euro in two thousand and twelve is in doubt and of that the eurozone has come closer to the brink twelve months ago on this show if we sat here and said the euro will be in a death crisis in twelve months time we would have been ridiculed because all of the power of the establishment would have said oh there's just a little local difficulty on the mediterranean well rubbish and the truth is the fact that the euro is being widely discussed as potentially falling apart in the
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next twelve months is in itself undermining the euro and leading to what is likely to be a very very brutal extinction because one morning we're going to wake up and the euro will have changed chip enormously another day we may wake up and there will be no euro whatsoever right now that probability is fifty fifty best that the euro survives the next twelve months. now across to the next top story that shaves twenty eleven time magazine has chosen then unknown protester as the person of the year just one of hundreds of thousands who hit the streets to demonstrate in countries across the globe and helped overthrow the regimes of three arab countries journalist and author william and all says what happened in one of them libya is not about democracy at all but rather a way for nato to gain control in the middle east. but i think they can look forward to peer held. the opposition groups were given a promise by the french well before the. ouster of the cut off in government that
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they would get a chunk of the oil revenues and that was the incentive they were armed by the west and now libya is being converted according to the latest information into a giant nato aircraft carrier if you will and the libyan oil is being used as a bargaining chip with japan and others hillary clinton has promised libyan oil reportedly in return for japanese reducing its intake of the rainy and oil and putting financial pressure on iran so we can see what what the game is in libya is not about democracy or libyan welfare it's about using that to militarize entire eurasian land mass. u.s. president barack obama has signed of the defense bill with a price tag of six hundred sixty two billion dollars despite serious reservations by critics over how terror suspects will be handled under its provisions the new law means any person can be detained without charge opponents also say the
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legislation gives more authority to the military to detain and interrogate people denying them constitutional rights obama also brought into force the latest round of tough sanctions against iran targeting its central bank in an effort to protect on the ability to fund the nuclear enrichment program author and radio host stephen mudd to make sense he believes the sanctions could bring war between iran and the u.s. close the vote obama isn't pure evil he targets dissidents he targets whistleblowers he's extremely repressive he's going after one country in the middle east and three no i use of for a use is probably see is ravaging the world for one country at a time serious and a spotlight now a return to absolutely is on the list and there are others obama simply can't wait to start another war and this could be a war against the real it means that the entire region could become inflamed even
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russia and china that strategic interests in the region the gaited all to protect them in syria alone is you know russia advances all the mediterranean based entirely syria it does not want to lose it it will do what it needs to to protect it so we're talking about a clash of titans and one more thing the real target for america the real two targets for america oh russia because of its military strength china because of its growing economic strain. and schneider is certainly don't want to spill into every one but russia is the big one between russia and america they have ninety seven percent of the world's nuclear arsenal and sophisticated delivery systems to send in many ways russia is the number one target for that reason sooner or later
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that clashes coming the new law comes as the u.s. looks forward to the upcoming presidential elections in two thousand and twelve barack obama is running for a second term but who he will be running against is not yet known our correspondent marina porter tells us if there is anyone he should be worried about. for the past three years us president barack obama has faced an increasing amount of disappointment among his volunteers former volunteers former voters and when he came into office those that supported him and helped him break records when it came to campaign contributions that he received were did see obama come into office under the umbrella of the promise of change and then followed up and extended what many perceive to be bush era policies such as doubling down on the patriot act and
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extending tax cuts for the rich also increasing drone attacks in this at the same time a corporate profits have increased here in the united states over the past three years while more americans are suffering in the wake of the financial crisis so while many americans put their beliefs and their hopes into candidate barack obama three years ago many have been publicly speaking out over their disappointment with regards to the actions that he has taken it looks as though according to polls that u.s. brock you have president obama will possibly most likely secure a second term and there are two candidates that he should be obviously paying much attention to and i would say that would be mitt romney and ron paul because those are the two republican candidates that are leading the polls in iowa where the first u.s. caucus will take place on january third so there is competition for u.s.
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president barack obama it's not a landslide by any means but but he does have at least almost half of the country's approval rating so going into a second term a possible second term that doesn't look so bad but it will be a fierce election one we will be reporting on and paying attention as he does really important i reported first. from new york now the u.s. has witnessed the biggest wave of protests since the vietnam war during the outgoing year demonstrators have been united under the occupy umbrella as the movement became known which sprang up in wall street in new york more than five months ago economic analyst max wolff explains what's been driving the protests the occupy wall street movement has mostly given voice to a sense of frustration and anger about unfairness as an and justices both real and perceived that a lot of people have about the economy i think it's on the ambiguous that the u.s. economy doesn't work it doesn't work very well overall the g.d.p.
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growth is poor our present eight point six percent unemployment is probably under reporting and it's quite high the high level of college debt that people are coming out with young people in student loan debt and their inability is to get a jobs or be jobs that pay them enough to live and pay back their debt makes very clear that the united states has serious economic problems we haven't really seen anything like a suggestion about a different plan or a different way of organizing the economy come out of the or occupy wall street movement yet you know it's also a very young movement so that may evolve somewhere down the line but this looks like to me like the early stages of something with a lot more to calm most of the story yet to be written so to speak and i think what we're seeing is frost duration and anger people beginning to coalesce around that frustration and anger but i for one haven't seen real proposals on economic policy yet we may see a bit more of that this year as it's election time and policy issues i think authorities had hoped the movement would kind of fizzle out or go away and when it didn't want to the fact grew and got more and more attention and more and more it
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here and there was a little bit of a heavy handed over response by authorities that involved using force part of the reason it's a problem is because what it tends to do is bring out more protesters and raise public sympathy for the protesters the ham handed and overly marshall response to protest has actually helped to build the occupy wall street movement. and from the u.s. to of u.k. england had a scorching august but it was nothing to do with the summer sun a wave of riots and looting seemingly sprang from nowhere gripping london for days and spreading to other cities nationwide with buildings torched and streets trashed police struggled to contain the worst violence in decades artie's laura smith who watched events said the unrest was unprecedented. blew up seemingly out of a very small vigil for a young black man who was allegedly shot by police in north london they grew from that vigil and it turned into a nationwide rising essentially out of control and that the violence was
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particularly in those first couple of days with an escalating all the time eventually it grew from london and into burning a manchester all the cities but only in england interesting they not in scotland ireland or wales the police response was i think very slow certainly in the first couple of days the police literally didn't know what to do they turned up at a scene where people had set fire to cause all to shops along the street they would charge in vos numbers and then not knowing what to do when they got there they would retreat as fast for the government so much of the government was on holiday of course because they go on holiday notice a prime minister david cameron eventually came back from his holiday as did to him secretary and the mare of london boris johnson and essentially told people what naughty children they were being and how they had to go back to school and don't think the media blames its own sort of something for nothing mentality but eventually it's come out really the other people's stories is a symptom of deeper ills in society the fact that you services have been caught and
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that the relationship between young people young black people particularly on the police is very bad and i was talking to some people on the street has a nice actually he was saying that they didn't feel that anything had been done to address these problems a lot of rhetoric but not any actual action or his last breath of their london now investigative journalist tony gosling says injustice in the u.k. sparked the first. there was all sorts of problems at the time with the police and of course it was the shooting of mark duggan that sparked it but the london school of economics and also the guardian of done a very comprehensive report actually interviewing lots of the rioters some of whom were convicted some of whom were convicted and it's absolutely clear one hundred percent that the reason behind this riot really was a hatred for the police in this country which is goes right across many of the sink estates in the country they see i think most people see the police many of the
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rights to see the police as in forcing a kind of unjust system and a lack of justice there's a whole bunch of people in society who are disenfranchised right now including many of the middle classes but i think particularly young people feel utterly betrayed by our political hierarchy by our leadership here in britain particularly youngsters are not stupid they can see when you've got a crooked corrupt and rotten political class. that's the news for now stay with us there is a lot more to come and a happy new year to you again from all of us here moscow.
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broadcasting live direct from our studios in central moscow this is our t.v. glad to have you with us the world is gradually stepping into well with of the people of santiago in chile pushing each other happy new year ago and all of europe have already marked the arrival with spectacular fireworks and festivities as huge crowds have gathered in many cities for the call to make not. now. she will be here in just a better.
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