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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2012 9:01pm-9:31pm EST

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hello and welcome to our cheese weekly review of our timeline story now u.s. president barack obama welcomed in the new year by signing into law a tough new set of sanctions for wrong on anyone doing business with tehran central bank will face punishment thanks to the new measures directly targeting the financial sector the move comes at a time of heightened tension over iran's nuclear program and the threat of sanctions has a great scene in tehran threaten to block off a key all export route in response and adding to the situation as iran's plan to test long range missiles during naval drills in the gulf that led to u.s. warships being sent to the area of research out of the school of oriental and african studies in london assuring sure fire says america is playing a dangerous game. iran said that if an oil embargo is imposed against
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iran and the iranian livelihood is economy is threatened then iran would take. considerable measures to respond to that so that is not a provocation but in terms of real provocation i think that what is provocative is the united states sending is warships thousands of miles of it from his homeland into the persian gulf and also waging wars around doing iran with wars in iraq and afghanistan military bases all around iran that is provocative and iran is trying to defend his national sovereignty and territorial integrity. and rise very an advisory board to the arab league has recommended the immediate withdrawal of the organizations monitors from syria and the our own parliament says the assad regime continues killing government opponents despite the presence of arab league observers activists say over one hundred fifty people have been killed since the monitors mission began last cheese day the arab league peace plan wants to move all
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of security forces anyhow the weaponry from cities talks to start with the opposition and human rights workers and journalists to be allowed into the country it also calls to the for the release of all political prisoners and journalist action returns to says the ongoing violence is a powder keg that could ignite the entire region it's certainly the view boy that we must believe the most believe opposition groups it seems that any mobile food reaches no except as a source what is no doubt is that thousands of syrian soldiers are dying and they haven't died because a peaceful protest this isn't a libya syria is a linchpin of the middle east and the united states and other countries are the more intelligent people realize that there will be turmoil right across the middle east if anything happens to destabilize the government from outside forces but certainly syria the syrian government itself has to step up the pace because it's
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certainly losing the propaganda battle. and another country is still recovering from the brutal civil war that toppled colonel gadhafi last year while there are signs of stability tensions are rising between the tribes and militias that forced to gather against the regime of saddam boyko filed this report from tripoli early in the week. flying high but still running low almost two months after the lifting of a no fly zone over tripoli the city's airport operates far below its capacity to the passenger traffic keeps increasing every month as more and more adeline's approaching tripoli back on their flight schedules the tripoli airport is once again buzzing with visitors a feller's have already been service and more are expected to follow in the coming months but while flight controllers and customs officials are back of their desks it's still the militia who call the shots here and the rebels themselves admit that
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the situation is still way to trouble and to cede control to civilian authorities they're no longer flashing their guns to get make it very clear who is in control here the rebel brigade from the western city of the captured the airport in late august as the rebels over on the capital the control of this key facility how the town with a population of some fifty thousand or rise to national prominence since then is in time militia has successfully styled itself as the state guards of libya's future the sword for forty two years our country had nothing no state institutions just one and same person. now we have a historic mission to overcome the difficulties of the transitional period we can build a new country and that. is one of the top guns in tripoli these days primarily a colonel in the get off his army he still keeps the good office army cap in his
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office his subordinates are now holding the deposed libyan leader's son safe will islam. we are against any dictator but if history repeats itself we will wage a war but we will let the rule of law decide his fate. in ghazi zintan misrata these libyan c.d.'s one after another rose against gadhafi is regime . their militias now represent and the real axis of power in the country as their various and their legacy and agendas as this tribes on the only base new tricolor the prospect of civil war in libya is always there and it always has been there but it has been effectively mastered by the very strong centralized rule of the gadhafi regime but of course now that that has been the stabilized we see this all of the tensions there in the fabric of libyan society coming to the fore another militia commander in charge of tripoli rebels is preparing for an interview it's been
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a month since he changed his military fatigues for a business suit abdullah maker is now trying to transform rebels under his command into a political force a laptop has replaced their rival as his main tool internet is his new front line of the armed assistant at his door is a sign that political process is still in its very early stages but. we've seen many examples in the past when people's revolutions were stolen and we are very clear that our struggle is far from over you know gadhafi may still come back in some other shape or form and in that case who have to take up our weapons and defend our revolution. guns are still a common side on the streets of tripoli of their prevalence has visibly decreased the city's covered with posters calling on the rebels to turn them in the design element of militia has so far failed to translate into national reconciliation the
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competition among various brigades may have become less visible but not less in towns the nato alliance would like to build up. on any division within the groups or the parties that they have revolutionised against the qaddafi regime and according to my own understanding they would like to see certain provinces being divided inside the state of libya back in the arrival hall is in town rebels are screening passengers bags under the posters left from the old regime to get out his golden framed portrait that maddest at the airport a year ago is gone hatred of him and have glued the libyan society for several months if he's killing the former unit appears to have died as well actually the work of art see tripoli. this is still ahead for you this hour a new year but not much cheer the leaders of the debt stricken euro zone for path of all could be a crucial twelve months with financial turmoil on their minds even as the rest of the world are celebrating the arrival of twenty twelve. but take a live by just
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a few of the men to stories that made the headlines and twenty eleven around the world. and major pro-democracy protesters held a candle lit vigil in cairo's tahrir square new year's eve in memory of those killed during the uprising that ousted hosni mubarak meanwhile the u.s. says egypt's current rule is have agreed to hold a raid on pro-democracy rights groups earlier this week soldiers and police stormed offices of nongovernmental organizations including some funded by washington documents and computers were seized as part of investigations into the foreign funding over the rise ations the groups accuse diverting military of using the same tactics of repression as the obama crushing foreign policy analysts dr jill shannon things the generals want to make sure they hold on to power that people won't stop until they oust them. this is part of the military. forces way of making sure. the revenue base you can use more
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good to get the type of government they want because that's those of the generals by the way who work for mubarak. so that's basically his fourth of that struggle is going to go forward or is that going to be more and some dude in some role to the military but really the military has to step aside and this is really a government from the power once the election are held and the elections should be held as soon as possible they will not be above the bar that evening but i think the egyptian people in the arabs in general. lost the fear from corrupt government and they have restored of the dignity and they will not tolerate another minute of it if they did ship in the country i think all the evidence indicate that despite the sacrifices they have given. and so world news and review this hour are first in
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nigeria where the country's leader has declared a state of emergency in areas hit by a waiver is that mr tunks president goodluck jonathan has the waters with neighboring countries after a string of christmas day blunt's which killed over forty people and his vow to crush on militants who claimed responsibility violence has continued since churches throughout the country were first attacked a week ago turns of thousands have fled their homes fearing further conflict. some saddam's government is sending the army and police to an area at the center of the violent tribal conflict the town of bieber was a target by thousands of fighters from the rival tribes who torched buildings stole livestock and for schools to flee u.n. troops deployed in the region were unable to enforce security and recent months ethnic infighting caused by cattle rustling has just left about thousand people dead. south korea's president says he's ready to launch nuclear talks with
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north korea claims if the north demonstrate sincerity and new era on the korean peninsula can begin the commons come up to beyond young vowed in a new year's message that it would be all states military and defend the son of the late leader kim jung il into death and has been installed as supreme commander of the armed forces and as ruling party leader follow his father's death in the middle of december. and u.s. president barack obama has signed into effect a law which means any person can be detained indefinitely without charge the major defense bill is aimed at dealing with terror suspects and with a massive six hundred sixty two billion dollar prize dive but critics say the military will now have more authority to interrogate people deny them from basic constitutional rights. there's not much new year cheer from economists predicting a return to recession in europe for twenty twelve in fact leaders ease new year
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messages to warn of hard times ahead in their countries german chancellor angela merkel said europe was facing its most severe test in decades while french president sarkozy has warned that the debt crisis blanketing the continent was far from over their governments have been forced to slash their spending to meas debt obligations as economic growth in europe has been at a standstill some analysts believe that the yearly does a tense at keeping the eurozone together is only deepening the crisis. euclidian leaders are trying to shore up the eurozone by having greater degrees of centralization and more having country like france and germany have the final sign ascends over the bodies of those e.u. member states that have excessive budget deficit without really isn't the answer to the problems what's really needed is either a massive injection of cash into countries like greece and italy to shore up their economies was another option would of course to recognize that the single currency has hurt competitiveness in many nations of the eurozone so really there's
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a number of options either to transfer funds from the north to the struggling south or course have an orderly break up of the eurozone. israeli military unfunded carried out and i asked her i can cause on friday one place c.n.n. was killed in that time which tel aviv claims it was aimed at preventing militants from firing rockets into israel the country has been stepping out and strikes in recent months leaving dozens dead three years after the jury a state at times gaza killing other fourteen hundred people military officials are saying they may have to start what they're calling a war of necessity on cheers to israeli and palestinian representatives of all means and children to try to relaunch talks stalled for more than a year due to continued building of jewish settlements on occupied arab lines but israeli columnist acadian leave it things that tel aviv in reality doesn't want to resolve the conflict. three years ago israel had the card blood to not only the west to pull out of this. and. say
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a word against the city but we are facing a new egypt and gaza ease in the backyard of egypt and i'm not sure that egypt will remain indifferent visibly another thing but having say this i'm not sure that this is enough to prevent an attack because unfortunately israeli politicians in general not always react in the most racial and logical way but the current government of israel has no serious intention about serious dialogue with the palestinians maybe some photo opportunities but not seeing more than these the palestinian authority has just launched another proposal for israel to get back to the negotiation table they even gave up the precondition of freezing the settlements which is a minimal. condition and they just just symbolic release
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of one how the police do prisoners to get back to the goshi asian table it would say no. the beginning of twenty twelve hasn't been very festive for the occupy wall street protests is worth around seven to spending the night in custody in new york and they were arrested just before midnight after the demonstrators took to the streets of the big apple on new year's eve the trying to return to the place where it all started over three months ago zuccotti park which were stopped by police and a public order but the protesters were deterred and marched. to the occupy wall street movement since its formation has spread across the u.s. and to other countries to economic analysts mox cried wolf says that the number of protests is only growing twenty twelve because there's so much he's can't come up with adequate measures to tackle the economic problems. the occupy wall street movement has mostly given voice to a sense of frustration and anger about unfairness isn't and justice is both real and perceived that
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a lot of people have about the economy i think it's an ambiguous that the u.s. economy doesn't work it doesn't work very well overall the g.d.p. growth is poor our present eight point six percent unemployment is probably under reporting that it's quite high the high level of college debt that people are coming out with young people and student loan debt and their inability to get a jobs or b. jobs that pay them enough to live and pay back their debt makes very clear that the united states has serious economic problems we haven't really seen anything like a suggestion about a different plan or a different way of organizing the economy come out of the or occupy wall street movement yet now it's also a very young movement so that may evolve somewhere down the line but this looks like to me like the early stages of something with a lot more to calm most of the story yet to be written so to speak and i think what we're seeing is frost duration and anger people beginning to coalesce around that frustration and anger but i for one haven't seen real proposals on economic policy yet we may see a bit more of that this year as it's election time and policy issues i think
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authorities had hoped the movement would kind of fizzle out or go away and when it didn't want to back grew and got more and more attention and more and more adherence. there was a little bit of a heavy handed over response by authorities that involved using force part of the reason it's a problem is because what it tends to do is bring out more protesters and raise public sympathy for the protesters they have handed an overly martial response to protest has actually helped to build the occupy wall street movement the formation of the protest group in new york which demand social equality and an end to the rule by the rich was while they were remarkable milestones of twenty eleven and he said now it looks back at how the movement started and other big developments of the past year two thousand and eleven could easily go down as the most eventful year in years the killing of bin ladin after a decade long manhunt libya's gadhafi after months of nato bombing and the death of north korea's kim jong il don't even begin to illustrate twenty eleven.
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times shows the protester as person of the year and although there were different slogans signs and demands of solutions twenty eleven will ultimately be remembered as the year people came out onto the streets the arab spring bloomed into a european summer which harvested an american autumn from cairo to california moscow to madrid to her ear to occupy global rallies shared common themes but if one thing stood out in the middle east and north africa alone it was protests that lead down one road regime change. tunisia and egypt got rid of their dictators without war but libya was not so lucky nato allies began a humanitarian mission with a fierce bombing campaign the critics called it
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a mislabeled invasion to take down gadhafi for benefits the only reason they're interested in with libya is about the oil you hear anybody screaming and yelling about all those people last week that were killed in the ivory coast or whose sudan gadhafi was brutally killed in october as the world watched the graphic video go viral thousands of civilians were killed over months of bombing and that's twenty twelve neared syria found itself in a similar set up for intervention russia and china fearing a repeat of the situation in libya as civil war intensifies this is a direct effect that direct clash between the u.s. and nato on one side and russia and china on the one you know on the other side much more david was in libya protests continue in egypt libya syria and many more arab countries as the year ends. the battle to
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save a drowning single currency left board rooms and banks in twenty eleven and flooded the streets of europe most commonly and violently in athens greek debt became the centerpiece of the euro crisis protests raged against desperate austerity cuts to qualify for i.m.f. bailout germany and france fine for influence in the debt ridden so i think we will see an exit of greece given the situation in which the greek economy find itself has become really unavoidable draining the economy of big brother germany can't go on forever greece and italy are now led by on a lark to brussels back technocrat leaders who are trying to cope the crisis coming into a new year critics say twenty eleven or bust was the beginning of the end for the single european currency there's every chance the euro is going to crash.
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london burned for days in the summer of twenty eleven what began as a peaceful protests demanding justice over the death of a twenty nine year old man who was shot by police turned into days of riots and left authorities helpless talks of possibly bringing out the military bars to shops were looted car set on fire and windows smashed across the u.k. the police the job center all the banks everything that's happening the recession you know there's a lot of anger about that social experts also through a felt multicultural program and racism into the mix you know stop and so. on a sense of place a certain institutional. property institutionally racist as well the riots faded but the problems are still passing some say only a spark is needed to set the public off again. occupy wall street became a household name in the u.s.
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and around the world when the protests began in september if you were talking about it the mainstream media stayed silent until seven hundred people were arrested on the brooklyn bridge and that was truly based in the end of his fruits of american politics but crowd is easy since. they are disorganized they look funny what are they protesting nobody seems to know but negative coverage didn't stop us from spreading from small towns to huge ports occupied was not going anywhere rates on campus heavy handed police and burning pepper spray only helped occupy grow read their message of the need for economic equality and an end to corporate greed their slogan became we are the ninety nine percent and they the rich the one percent from oakland to boston the more people occupied the more brutality became more evident
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by. what you do if you're. right our police forces have been militarized they are working more in cooperation with the pentagon they're buying and being given military surplus to quit meant that has been kind of designed for use in war and this is something that. needs to treating the public as you would treat an enemy a public that has promised to come out in full force in twenty twelve. parliamentary elections were the push behind tens of thousands of people coming out onto the streets of moscow after allegations the december duma vote was raked. up the protest at least fifty thousand strong the largest in recent history call for free and fair elections and remains peaceful ruling party united russia lost
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popularity in the vote with official results putting their numbers at almost fifty percent but experts say a sixteen percent drop from two thousand and seven should be taken as a warning i think a lot of people wanted to punish. you know russia for having power for so long maybe not doing everything they could protest organized by vast groups of opposition members are set to continue in twenty twelve next year russia along with the u.s. and france holds presidential elections which makes it a safe bet people will be out on the streets in twenty twelve in europe america and around the world and he's now way r.t. moscow. to have known they were in that shape twenty eleven waiting for you on our website and also that see how the world celebrated their arrival of twenty twelve you'll find some spectacular footage of new year's celebrations around the globe.
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for. the end of the years so u.s. troops a way to wrong call explores that you but haitians and consequences of nine years of conflict. plus the uprising demos and disaster twenty eleven as seen through the eyes of our correspondents so here that testimony is at our. witnesses. to history in the making. testimony. ten stories that shapes two thousand and eleven on our t.v. . explored a bit later the southie and find out why english soccer team munch the city's new year's celebrations have been extra special but the headline is that the next in just a few months. the
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close up team has been to die you stop first place to the most ambitious football club in the world. now archie goes to the far east where the timber industry attracts the legendary siberian tiger where the ancient native community loses its way in the modern world. and
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where the country's mental well starts its way across the ocean. well come to the front bars creature russia blows up on our. right to clean a ghost town. squandered morning. abandoned mine. what is now. more than sixty square kilometers and in one move from the mistake. and those who are still surprising new lives i'm finding we're just. it's getting bad out here. not saying hardly any birds squirrels you know. darts you know i don't know what's going on. on crete on the marquee wealthy british soil. that's not on my list.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report. is he.
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this is aussie the headlines. u.s. president barack obama signs a bill imposing new tough sanctions on iran targeting the central bank and. in response to iran threat. to count off a crucial supply average through which a fifth of the world's oil flows. and you will violence erupts in syria with demonstrators claiming schools will have been killed by security forces arab league observers react with fury saying they may pull out and enter their mission to broker peace.


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