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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2012 4:00am-4:29am EST

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of iranian military commanders of politicians and the constant threat of attacking and bombing the country so really the problem lies with the united states the maneuvers in the persian gulf are basically to show the united states that iran is strong and can protect themselves and it is basically the only way in which to force the united states to recognize that certain lines just simply shouldn't be crossed if the americans and its allies try to make the iranian economy suffocate the iranians will have no option but to respond in a sea of severe manner this is a region where an extraordinarily large amount of oil and gas. goes through and if there is insecurity in the region it's not just the strait of hormuz if there is a conflict in the persian gulf tankers who will be at risk that oil installations will be at risk war is hell and this instability will go beyond the persian gulf it
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will i think of oil exports and gas exports will be at risk in central asia and throughout the middle east and there will be a lot of. backlash from the public throughout the region. egyptians are once again heading to the polls in a third round of parliamentary elections it's widely expected that islam is groups will come out on top and take over from the current military rulers but the run up to this vote has seen clashes between the army and protesters as well as police raids on non-government organizations and as a reading of those go now reports discontent with the current regime is running high. the revolution may have toppled hosni mubarak the manager queues of corruption and suffocating freedom but no it's the ruling supreme council of armed forces which finds itself in hot water with the west falling raids on human rights organizations last week if you listen to very dangerous situation because you have the elections on the one hand producing prose. but the people in the streets
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pushing for change and secularists who have links with these groups so that the big tension really between washington and kyra left dobbs cell phones and more than twenty boxes of documents were reportedly seized during raids by the police authorities promised all will be returned yet several questions are made what prompted the raids and what could possibly be so suspicious about enjoy all of the races in post-revolutionary egypt. and the members of the arabic center for an independent judiciary never did get an official explanation for the confiscation of their documents or the victualling from their office that followed. we don't know what they were searching for we told them we could give them anything they wanted but they came in search of everything and didn't give a simple answer whether they wanted bank statements or anything else other than macand sitting on a sidewalk by their former office the vix it ngo workers point out a certain irony this never happened when mubarak was in charge he says i will
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surprise. the police but the. tickets. can't take a position he agrees so he moderates the activity on the water as we believe they should. see. this is a. human rights activists in egypt believe the rays are attempts to punish them for accusing military rulers of failing to carry through democratic reforms but western observers say the authorities are becoming increasingly wary of the ever watchful eye from washington and the true purpose of raids is to prove foreign funding over again is ations which authorities accuse of destabilizing egypt seems to be a strand of opinion in the military in the state machine that. is.
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very disillusioned with the old friendship with the west may be trying to find evidence to prove that some of the trouble on the streets some of the trouble and this has been in some way fostered by these n.g.o.s washington tirelessly repeats the old adagio of the importance of its relations with egypt as a key player in the middle east but polite talk may hide a very different agenda washington doesn't want stabilization they want a permanent arnie's so that they can you know use that as a lever in the entire region egyptian activists aren't too happy with western help which they say can do more harm than good. and i don't like the way foreign countries put pressure on egyptian authorities that the pressure has to come from the egyptians and we as a human rights organization should provide it. whatever the real reasons for the raids of n.g.o.s says the increasing internal strife in the country could portend a shipwreck not just for egypt's relations with the west but for the country's
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revolution in cairo. r.t. . coming up here on our team making the russian army fighting fit look into how moscow is reversing a downward spiral boards military with billions poured into reforms and new weaponry also. in this new book has been that we won't let me or not seize rule here. residents of a quiet german town are determined to stop anyone outside the damage from spreading but are their efforts enough our team best against. the arab league says syria's government has withdrawn heavy weapons from cities and release some thirty five hundred prisoners but the body confirmed snipers are still posing a threat and cold for an end to the shooting meanwhile syria's state run news agency says an explosion has hit a gas pipeline in the rest of homes province one of a number of similar attacks since the ten month long rest began activists claimed
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hundreds have been killed since the monitoring team arrived last week during drawing criticism both from within syria and the arab group advisors to the lease out of service should be withdrawn because of the continuing violence their mission is to ensure compliance with a peace plan of the country analysts patrick having some thinks of and syria are being manipulated with western powers and arab allies backing insurgent groups to promote regime change. a lot of these so-called human rights reports definitely skewed in favor of whatever the current western policies coming out of the us or london or paris or what they would like to see happen in syria which is the. people in the u.s. state department and the u.k. foreign office and the u.n. want to frame this argument is that it is having a crackdown on dissidents these are the dissidents these are in some cases armed insurgents and they're being backed in a material way by the u.s.
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by some of these countries who actually are in the league the top. also has an interest in regime change in this country libya has sent al-qaeda fighters under the command of their tripoli governor to go and fight in syria this contravenes all united nation laws ok if the us is actively involved in supporting this they are culpable in international court says the collapse of the military oriented sauvie in russia's armed forces have suffered a gradual decay and major reforms have now been put in place to put them back on track moscow will pump more than six hundred billion dollars into refitting the army over the next ten years and there is a new man in charge as well russia's former envoy to nato will now put his long experience to good use helping revamp the country's military artist on barton explains why changes are needed. the russian armed forces
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the pride of the nation or are they the russian forces certainly falling behind enough for a behind some of the larger arrivals new equipment is a priority there's also a dire need for reforms in organization recruitment training pay and military doctrine the government has promised six hundred forty billion dollars over the next ten years to buy new weapons but russian arms manufacturers are no longer what they used to be me she just army now is in need of contemporary modern equipment and if the russian defense industry can't yet provide us with what we need we'll bite it broad new purchases include this london ship the mistral bought from france lorries from italy and flying drones from israel drones has proved a particular problem the defense ministry dismayed by the russian company tasked with designing and building them. i asked them what was their problem and what
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prevented them from producing good vehicles the enterprise is bosses found plenty of excuses such as the absence of engines gliders exaction and i now know how much money they received and i saw the rubbish they produced not all new russian made weapons are falling below standard the su thirty four fighter bomber is widely considered an exceptional aircraft but so few have been delivered that the older models they were to replace are starting to fail although russian designers come up with some excellent hardware for instance in terms of fighter and combat aircraft some time the industry has trouble in maintaining these at a high level and producing about the kind of numbers of the armed forces needed and the reform still have angry opponents to both in and outside the armed forces many of them argue that the we are mint is going just fine and that buying foreign weapons undermines russia's military. depends very much from him because we are
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becoming dependent on foreign suppliers of spare parts for military equipment on foreign military personnel training on foreign supplies with specific fuels and lubricants and other substances needed for the new equipment norm's sailed. in two thousand and eight russian forces pushed the children out of south in just five days but experts were dismayed at how outdated and clumsy the russian army looked when faced with real position it reinforced the need for serious change the money being thrown at the problem is vast the regiments of rubles on the road on to enough most here at the defense ministry now know that before the armed forces are ready for more than conflict a very long and very demanding war for reform must be won here in the corridors of government and in factories around russia and moscow so i have for you this hour here in our team the team to success. the same question everybody answer the former
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all over the world that we radiate so we like you i do it because. when we started i didn't know anything about it but the more i worked on the line to become a farmer the more i really felt i was a person. we hear from the man who moved to russia years ago to explore some of the country's neglected lands and transform them into flourishing business success he reveals his secrets in our special series of pathfinders. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world tens of thousands have rallied in central budapest to protest against the new hunger and constitution a day after it came into force. activists chanted anti-government slogans and denounced president viktor orban central right regime as a dictatorship they say they knew wasn't remind him obviously and threaten judicial independence the legislation was pushed through parliament last april despite criticism from the u.s. and the e.u. . in the u.s.
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republican presidential hopefuls are competing to win over people of iowa in the first election of the voting season the polls are the first in a state by state qantas to choose the republican contender for were obama's white house chair in the presidential election later this year candidates ron paul rakes and torm and mitt romney are the current favorites around one hundred twenty thousand are expected to vote in tuesday's party to action. massive forest fires have swept through chile's southern and central regions with one confirmed death and over twenty thousand happened there was a forest destroyed hundreds have been forced from their homes as firefighters battled to control the fears boys that spread across three provinces chilly southeast currently suffering from a prolonged drought and heat wave making it highly susceptible to fires and israeli tourists has been accused of negligently starting the blaze while camping is the region's. national park. up to fifty thousand people have
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your homes in south sudan and scores are feared dead in the latest rash of in the tribal violence over the weekend thousands of arms tribesmen descended on the town as the war forcing their rivals take refuge in the bush the un and south sudanese government have bolstered their forces in the area in an attempt to bring the situation under control but the un has warned that the escalating violence could lead to major humanitarian tragedy. in the past few years many e.u. countries have seen a growth in neo nazi groups and in germany more and more young people are joining them some point to poor economic conditions others say immigration policies are to blame going off now reports on what's driving youngsters along such a dangerous path. a quiet down disturbed. a small community divided. it began with the appearance of nazi
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symbols then the local social center was burned to the ground your. office was also vandalized says for him the final straw was when your nazis marched through the town's main square. i used to be afraid but it helps not to act alone to have supporters i became a public person with our initiative and it sort of my protection the end the initiative is actively supported by around fifty locals many are retired and armed with posters they stand up to those who are often much younger and looking not too friendly like this young man who openly calls himself a neo nazi and admits encouraging a teenager to set the social center on fire he now faces up to two years behind bars in this new book but we won't let me go now sees rule here yet to not all locals agree the initiative is often criticized the neo nazi party even being three
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percent of bullets at the most recent poll in the election the third on the scenes that had split our town some say were exaggerating and are only making things worse by attracting too much attention but i think they're simply afraid. activists say it's easy for neo nazis to recruit new members especially among disillusioned and dejected teenagers with poor infrastructure and high unemployment and few social skills which the town can offer it's often simply boredom driving them to the streets with a population of just around six thousand people sausan is a typical small german town far away from large industries and financial centers life here is cause and peaceful or at least it used to be before two thousand and nine mr van. and the other activists do say they're not going to back down until after it turns back to normal but unfortunately the problem with neo nazis in germany exists on a much wider scale thousands of neo nazis gather for angel marches in dresden often
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clashing with police and fascist activists and in november german authorities called two suspects believed to be members of a neo nazi terror cell that is keep them for years and were involved in killing at least ten foreigners but. it's money struggles which are igniting the trouble of course economic. causes families conflict and families. solved we have a kind of rage but now the rage was you know escalated by racist education germany's maybe on spending billions to pull the eurozone crisis but ignoring economic trouble at home could be at its pearl if left unchecked it may not be too long before disenfranchised youth drags the entire country toward some of the biggest mistakes of this past. forty germany.
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civil rights groups have slammed a controversial new to fans bill signed by president obama the law authorizing indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charge or trial president obama said he had serious reservations about the bill and will not make use of all of its provisions but human rights groups called it a but white legacy as future presidents could use it to its fullest extent and this comes as a tourist going tunnel bay prison remains open almost four years after president obama promised to shut it down sara flounders from the international action center says the new bill violates the basic democratic rights that the u.s. claims to fight for around the world. there is the threat of mass detention without trial without charges. being held by the u.s. military who previously could not legally operate within the u.s.
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only around the world the u.s. says that they're speaking for democracy around the world for human rights around the world well really the u.s. borders are a form of terror there is no other way of explaining secret rendition torture kidnapping targeted assassinations drone attacks on countries which the u.s. is not even in a declared war this is coming at a time of new struggles here in the u.s. a time when there has been a mass movement the occupy wall street movement in more than a hundred cities across the country and every one of those occupy movements were shut down illegally by the police both president obama has violated that very pledge and he made to shut down guantanamo to expand and open the rights here and yet you have an even more reactionary moving. more wars expanded agenda of broad and against the rights of working people right here at home and.
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all this is in a time of great economic crisis and hardship for millions of people right here a huge calculus meltdown of the economy rising unemployment and homelessness and new struggles. now with many more stories news and analysis online at our two dot com here's some of what we've got for you today from tough times for the euro the ten year old single currencies prospects for twenty grin as recession looms large on the horizon we've got the details on why. and zooming in on israel's secret said turkish satellite is to blur the lines for its image says the former ally leaving it in sharp focus for the rest of the world to see all that and much more calm. is he used to.
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be official. on the phone. from the. video. and street in the palm of your. home now we continue to introduce you to foreigners who have achieved success by doing business in russia and in our pathfinder series we talk to ex-pats who have discovered and realize the country's full potential.
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john could this used to make his living trading coal in great britain by its fifteen years ago he moved to russia and became a farmer now married to russian he owns one of the country's most profitable daily farms. when we went on these lines people hadn't worked on the between two years we had forest growing today these lines are now working we have a whale of a four thousand hectares this year ten twelve years ago people are playing a brutal role of milk and even as a rule we started our project we thought we could make money out of that we talked to various parties they said it's a good idea the middle market will be there and we went ahead. the first problem we encountered i think the normal was that the workers expected that they'd lost by by mr starr didn't know john had arrived in the first year that we were here we were
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changing ninety percent of the stuff to be money we couldn't find anybody that we thought could manage such a modern farm so in the end we decided that to cover our risk we would look overseas and i interviewed many people and in the end we have a young american now running the farm he's been with us for six years with his family we should look at the manure more what do you think it's a good. night. color. cows are the easiest thing to manage it's people that cause the problem probably number one problem i saw with people was they never had to take on responsibility for themselves now we've kind of. made this a team effort here where people have personal responsibility and. we go as far as to tell them each day what they have to do and what has to be theist and certain forms to fill out so that we can see they did their job you love money or you love russia without that you can't work it because the frustrations of the bureaucracy
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is the main thing there are just too many laws every day you just finding new ones in a farm in the west of husband and wife and an accountant an external accountant could run the farm here i've got fourteen people in the office it really is the sense that in order for you to get a desired it's a very long road in the west it's faster you need to do some treatment which. typically here on a russian farm there's someone that's your boss. and someone's boss is someone else's boss here we don't have that it's me the boss of the farm and then we have workers that's it there's no middle management. it was much harder ten years ago we had to go running around. in these ten years the market has evolved we've got investments now we've got. we've got. one from germany we've got. we've got pepsi if you work here properly you've got big plans you can do big problems and should really efficiency of scale because learns more efficiencies that's the real
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big advantage in america we don't have that chance anymore because the land's all taken it's very expensive to begin farming here we have a chance to take as much land is needed because it's not used. their ears are cold and temperature was ok this morning there's always a challenge in america gets boring after a while everything's there everything is simple here. the same question everybody has a farmer all over the world that we radiate so we like it i do it because. when we started i didn't know anything about it but the more i worked on the line the became the more i really felt i was a person i come here and i see that affected the lives of over a hundred people the local community know in the shops become better and we're producing something that really is worth something i spent all my life selling and buying millions of tonnes of coal i never sold a colored paper here i'm seeing the product i get a great sense of satisfaction by doing.
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our bring in more from our special pathfinder series every day here on r.t. as we meet more business trailblazers in russia's capital shortly we report on one of the worst environmental disasters in america's history but just before that i have.
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right to clean those damn. squandered morning. what is. your new sixty square kilometers or the one move on the list nations and those who are still suprising living lives and fighting for just. that's getting bad out here. but not saying hardly any birds squirrels you know. you know i don't know what's going on if the creep on our cheek.
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welcome back you're watching r t live from moscow these are the top stories. iran warns the united states it will take action even american warships returns to its base in the gulf words iran has been test firing missiles there is criticism that the u.s. is provoking to prom by slapping down ever more crippling sanctions. egyptians had to the polls in the third round of parliamentary elections with a vote expected to be dominated by islamist groups but with recent raids on foreign n.g.o.s it's fear the military's grip on power could remain as strong as ever. and arab league observers say syrian leaders have pulled having weapons out of key cities and release prisoners of the group are still looking for ways to and going
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violence meanwhile syria's state run news agency says a new explosion has hit a gas pipeline in the rest of homs province. those who have eyes here in our t.n.x. the story of oklahoma's abandoned community still fighting for justice almost thirty years after environmental disaster ruined their lives to watch the first part of that special report here on our. will rogers once they add somebody asking about miami said well i just don't make much of anymore and we need the lord intends for us to be good sturtz what he gave us and we did a terrible job here we've determined to. do nothing about pitcher i'd spent half of the football game picher oklahoma back in one thousand nine hundred eighty four it was dark.


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