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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2012 11:01pm-11:31pm EST

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how is the german economy sustain afloat and even growing what do they know that we need. to know this eight votes just eight votes mitt romney took the iowa caucuses last night by a mere eight votes in what was the closest primary race in iowa history here is a confident romney addressing supporters late last night. thank you iowa for the great sendoff you're giving to us and to the others of this campaign look at this is a this is a campaign night where america wins we're going to change the white house and get america back on track leading up to the iowa caucuses plundered romney a romney win would seal the nomination he did win but as we know today this race is far from over that's because the real winner last night was rick santorum who summed up the new race with just two words. game on.
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game on indeed rick santorum who was massively outspent by virtually every other candidate in the state nearly pulled off a victory last night coming up just eight votes shy santorum now to new hampshire as the new anti romney candidate open to capitalize on the popular support he received in iowa despite not having any genuinely populous policies meanwhile for the rest of the field iowa has spoken the dream is over for example for ron paul supporters in what was his best shot to win any state the primary season paul could only muster a third place finish don't expect him to drop out of the race for the time soon it looked like the same couldn't be said for rick perry though at first who after a disappointing fifth place last night decided to put his campaign on hold and go back to texas to reassess but then today governor good hair tweeted that he's back in it saying and the next leg of the marathon is the palmetto state here we come
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south carolina. nice outfit with a giant campaign war chest but why not keep going and what about michele bachmann she won the ames iowa straw poll last year and then fell off the map place fifth last night and promptly ended her campaign this morning. i will be forever grateful to this date and to its people for launching out on this path with our victory in the iowa straw poll and while i will not be continuing in this race for the presidency my faith in the lord god almighty this country and our republic is one shakable and i and mrs bachmann goes back to washington and then there's newt gingrich who after looking like you might win the thing a few weeks ago was decimated by a barrage of negative ads run by program the corporate front groups that pushed him all the way back to fourth place in a speech last night pledged to seek revenge against romney's negative ads and appears the only reason he's staying in the race is to make sure that mitt romney
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doesn't win the nomination. we are not going to go out and run we're not going to run thirty second. run. i do reserve the right to tell the truth and thank. and if the truth seems negative that may be more a comment on his record than it is of politics so the editorial snoots stir like when president clinton sent him to the back of the plane and he shut down the government revenge now has a new blood feud so what did last night mean and where do things go from here let's get to it in the lone liberal rumble. joining me tonight for tonight's alone liberal rumble heather servo conservative
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strategist associate blueskin solutions and blogger at others servo dot com and pete so executive vice president taxpayers union welcome to both feel let's get started here and i'll say number one romney won but once again he couldn't crack twenty five. three quarter than three quarters of all the people who voted in iowa voted against romney or in favor of somebody else so this mean that he's still the inevitable nominee this is not a debate question it's a genuine curiosity well i think that you know romney has been a pretty steady steady figure in the race you know i don't think anybody's been that excited about him you know he's definitely not the my first choice but i do think as we go on in this primary season people are saying that he is the one that democrats fear the most and i think he does have you know what it takes to beat obama and that's really what we focused on right now and you know i think that you know he didn't you know get fifty percent of the vote yesterday but he did have
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a solid finish he's got a person who is having and ups and downs like all the other candidates did you know and he's got four million bucks in the bank and he's got friends with billions well from a fiscal policy standpoint i think this shows voters are still looking for someone with a clear articulated vision not only on getting us out of this awful debt crisis but working on the job creation picture you know they are actually responsible for it i won't argue with you about that of course president obama is to i hope you know if it's not you know i mean you just parse out the this this field rick santorum. i mean he couldn't win his own son a seat in pennsylvania i don't see how you know i sent to arm one course because he he went all over iowa i mean he had no money but he went all over i always that's why he eventually voted and i was hugely even but that's why i'm saying he got that vote you got the entire walking all over the state primaries but he got the huckabee vote so we're going to end up with a show on fox like huckabee did or maybe on the seven hundred club with pat
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robertson but i you know i don't see him running for president and then you look at newt gingrich obviously is like just a flame thrower he's a bomb thrower. who's left i mean what's rick perry can't you can't stumble through a debate it's it's going to. we're waiting to see you know what i think is going to happen and is that yes we have this primary season that is definitely a unique when it's all over the place however when we get a candidate which i think is going to happen pretty soon their public and can't park in the past you yes and i believe so and i and their public and party has to coalesce behind that candidate because our main target is obama and not each other and they say you know right now it makes sense for them to go back and bring in marco rubio right to bring the tea party that i am not going to make i would love that there would be a part of the man i would there would be a solid candidate who do something constructive with the tax and budget reform he best the guy at the top of the ticket you know it would devastate the nation what
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he would do but but you know that's that's our difference of opinion but frankly i think that if marco rubio comes in i think that he's the republicans version of barack obama when he was a senator who is this guy ok he's really charismatic you know young gives a great speech really believes what he says or is into you know so any i will see pundits are saying that rick santorum is going to be traced back to his populist platform of creating manufacturing jobs here's santorum last night describing his manufacturing plant. i put forth a plan that iowans responded to it's a plan that says yes let's flatten the tax code get rid of it replace it with five deductions that's great to rates ten and twenty eight why twenty eight that's good enough for ronald reagan it's good enough for me then i take the corporate tax cut that in half because it's the highest in the world and we need to be competitive but we have limited the check corporate tax on manufacturing so we can compete we take the regulations every regulation that's over one hundred million dollars. and
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we repeal all those regulations repeal them all and there's a lot so he's going to do is going to let the koch brothers pollute a whole lot more do do away with all the regulations and he's going to basically cut taxes this is been tried i mean bush was cutting taxes like crazy it didn't do anything other than drive up the debt and the deficit actually created nine million jobs between two thousand and three and two thousand and eight it also increased in two thousand and eight also increased federal revenues during its first three years by twenty nine percent something barack obama's been unable to do thanks to the bush great depression and to the extent the. for you cannot call it you cannot identify any increase in revenues as a result of the bush tax cuts the bush tax cuts cut revenue twenty two things like in the reagan tax cuts two thousand sets of personal income tax revenues rose tony marsh you had to settle a shot is your economy absolutely not that's of barack obama's own budget statistics are you there you know santorum has one of the most populist tax plans
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of all the candidates because i mean he really does want to foster american manufacturing wouldn't you have you have a half more loss of americans who are pain full bore para payroll taxes but no income taxes and he wants to raise their income taxes to ten percent and then you get a couple hundred thousand people who are making over for over a million dollars a year and he wants to cut their income taxes from thirty six percent on twenty eight percent how is that populist well i would say if you look at the plan holistically and you can't just get eve really can be put into a box he really can't you can't call his plan oh that's libertarian or conservative or populous he actually really to rise to appeal to everybody and try to find a middle ground on taxes on the people who spend money that creates jobs the actual consumers how is raising taxes on them going to create man you have him jobs you campaign i was cutting taxes on billionaires who are just going to put more of this was bank accounts you can't become. legally certain what he's going to do because
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it's typical of a presidential candidate you don't have all the details but he is seeking to triple the personal exemption and standard deduction that would shield families for most of that was already called a manufacturing plant and i'm alexandra i am but together imagine manufacturing plant students all of one thousand eight hundred nine hundred ninety s. of manufacturing part of the plan or so we claims is to completely exempt certain manufacturing activities from any kind of corporate taxation at least for a period as companies are paying taxes right now they're manufacturing offshore and they've are incorporated in the cayman islands that's why seven percent. of those corporate profits that's bipartisan legislation you know fifty percent of the revenue last year was done outside the united states they're not even an american company anymore and you think that they're going to suddenly start doing their business in this country because then i think that a sweet deal right now they're making stuff over so you won't but that's why you do have to i mean any on sketching about corporations and you know reinvesting and helping them reinvestment america you know also discussion about the loopholes in
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closing those and i think you know it is unfair that if you have. in a corporation that you can basically pay no tax at all and that is totally in there that i hold a tax return of more than ten thousand pages if we have a system that's more transparent easier to understand we wouldn't get that that is you know that's a nice talking point was well you know i don't see the baby steps towards that time unfortunately you can't just write introduced it tomorrow and have it done that is not a manufacturing plant manufacturing plant is is as hamilton said we're going to encourage manufacturers we're going to support american manufacturers we're going to we're going to punish people who manufacture offshore and what do you know that was x. code exactly and put two hundred twenty years in the unit and it doesn't work in a modern world where retaliation for tariffs is it's worse with chinese you want your fleet it's working for the japanese very well it's working for the taiwanese it's working for the south koreans it's working for the germans they are all their terror groups. there you know where and how it's buried i'm sorry china just raise
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their tariffs on cars south korea and the united states are agreeing to lower their tariffs to this is useful i've only got a few items and it's going to cause you war just these tell me one trade deal that has not cost us troops. but nafta caffe the trade deals last fall was in factories in the last ten years because nafta staff to tax policies are chasing our corporations off shore you just admitted that that's my point we should we should be bringing those corporations not back on issuing them with higher rates because what are you not going to say if you make it the united states you get a tax break if you make it off you know in some other country in vietnam or malaysia or china or brazil or something like that you're going to pay a higher tax then corporations are going to say gee i think we'll make it here in the united states which is what they did for the two hundred years that we had an average tariff rate of thirty percent antacids so we agree that the tax rate should be cut and corporations will come back bring their money here how about
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a repatriation window so lots of democrats on the side of the great without all this money overseas let's bring it back for free that's you know not for free at a lower rate and it was like you say well you know i haven't paid my taxes in the last ten years want to go i mean repatriated i mean come on this is this is the that's why i said you can get have those those tax loopholes close to ok there is more fair rick santorum says that. while he was talking about his grandfather actually let's pick this up on the other side let me let me come close to take a break here because i want to play a little clip of this robert center and we'll be right back more hour long liberal rome right after this break. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through. who can you trust no one who is in view with a global mission where we had a state controlled capitalism it's called saxes when nobody dares to
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ask we do our t. question more. well the back to long oval rumble on our panels and i have there's some of conservative strategist and so sort of blue skin solutions and blogger at heather sermon dot com and pete so executive vice president national taxpayers union let's
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get back to it just to close up wreck rick santorum last night he was talking about his grandfather and he went through this whole long thing about you know his grandfather and how nowadays people get benefits right they get welfare and he equated that with fascism is the social safety net cash is a. certainly not that's a political exaggeration an interesting that in about an interesting point you didn't equate it with fascism he said that's the way we're going he didn't say that so but the way we're going at it is is you know he didn't say were a fascist nation he said it implied or suggested that things like food stamps and welfare. assistance to to low income people for heating their homes or medicare or medicaid are so scared we're fetishism well interestingly though he's proposing to means test most of those benefits so the wealthy don't end up collecting them pocketing the money fairly in other words turn them all into welfare so they could be destroyed you know you know we've seen that both those systems are destroying
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themselves if they remain the way they are that story out of the poison pills republicans it's a great way to. make more cost effective though to the wealthy need security to the wealthy need medicare i mean we're going to miss them if they don't have to use the strategy you turn something you've means test you take the wealthy out of it you say well we'll know what millionaires are that and then and then you say no more people making over three hundred thousand and nobody says in the say no more people over one hundred thousand are going i started anything thing and then you say no more over forty thousand i could argue the same thing with you and your suggestion that we tax the billionaires and millionaires ok now since we got all this money for the millions millionaires how about the people who make five hundred thousand dollars a year the slippery slope argument works for everything you know so yeah i mean it's i think it's a he's making a point that a lot of americans are making and they fear having four more years of obama is that we're going to be more like europe and i don't want to be like europe i'm going to know you know they have the lowest unemployment rate twenty years thank their balanced budget amendment to the constitution for it. try thinking they're kurtzer
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about programs says that when the when they go into a recession factories are going to lay people off that they don't know he said they have to work a four day week and the government kicks in twenty percent of their salary so they get paid for a five day week so that they never lose can see. my demeanor also one of the first european frontline nations to cut their corporate tax rate and but they're still there corporations are still paying more in taxes than our corporations are we may have a lower paying tax rate in the world but it's not actually the world that among them but we have one of the lowest rate amounts of taxes that are actually being paid by corporations you know that very well corporations the united states are pains are a little houses are going over a city center for business taxation says no the actual burden of taxes still second worst in the time our origins of taxes i'm talking about payment of taxes the amount of taxes paid by american corporations is lower than the amount of taxes paid by european corporations and they're doing fine in germany and many other european countries but that's the way i want to get this question is social safety
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nets equal fascism knew it was furious last night he made several references in a speech to a negative ad on what here's newt going off on this. i want to thank everybody who worked all fall particularly during the avalanche of negative ads and i want to say just a minute and congratulate a good friend of ours somebody you admire and whose family we admire and that's rick santorum he waged a great positive campaign and i also admire how positive it was. i wish i could say that for all the candidates so here we have newt basically in other circumstances that we played earlier saying you know he's going to go after mitt romney and he's going to do it by telling the truth which is because he's he's feeling burned and he got he got taken all the way ridiculous because that's what mitt romney was doing is telling the truth please. has so much baggage it's ridiculous does tell the truth my ears burned i know i don't know i disagree i mean you know the real you know you're telling your wife you're going to force her when she comes out as
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there's room which but i guess i mean the whole idea that you know romney was somehow coming up with the stuff i mean that's a whole that was a whole criticism against i think there's a larger question here and that is that three million bucks was spent against newt by a pack or a super pac associated with romney but not associated with romney because the law says they can't be there is money that will look well we may never know where that came from we may never know actually how much got spent is that good for our political system well for one thing you know this is this is definitely an unprecedented time you know we have for the first time super pacs that you know are opened up by this is united case but i would argue that you know the media has far more weight than any of these super pac negative ads or ads if i mean you can you can at you know you know as an editorial board to release an editorial you know the minutes before now with blogs you know election happened brussel what we saw on c.n.n. and say whatever you want we saw though that was the week we were actually watching
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i mean all of us collectively over the last few months watching ads swing opinion polls i don't know if you know dumps this avalanche of anti gingrich ads and gingrich is. but being rich we've done that anyway he goes up and down all the time it was amazing that he even had a resurrection at all he went up and yeah i mean that was that was the amazing thing not that he went down to get an ounce of surgery i should only be overturning citizens united in just saying enough of the secret cache already i mean is this something that we can all agree on i. i think that this transparency is or is is was supposed to be part of this whole thing i mean obviously you know we're just now seeing this happen and i think that at the supreme court said that there should be disclosure not about who they did not know well i think that there should be i mean that's that's what the problem is it's not that we have to accept the fact that over and over again i'm told you did not disclose that that was the problem but i'm told constitutionality was question that i would have to be overturned all the way back to tell me back to ninety but out of and combine protection racket
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anyway mccain feingold was simply walking in the incumbency of members said well there's there's some a series of a towel and to to create a more transparent you know frankly the republicans and democrats right now politicians are spending anywhere from a third to two thirds of all their time every day just raising money all year long and republicans and democrats conservatives and liberals whatever you want to call it none of them like it and the reason why is because the buckley case in the seventy's from the supreme court and the first national bank versus bloddy case in the eighty's buckley case money equals speech first national bank versus a lot of corporations are people and now and now the citizens united folded all together and said here and shoved that all of our faces and i would say that i mean that's what's so commendable about the rick santorum campaign is that he did the old fashioned you know go around the whole state and meet with people you know and get to know them mention it there which works in a louisiana state when you've got five million fortune thing is you get exactly now
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he goes new hampshire in a week there's no way he can do that and try stuff you get a lot of money then there's no you can't replicate that and i think that that's what the other discouraging thing here's a problem iowans on average get fifty four hundred dollars in assistance from the federal government every year the average iowan gets fifty four hundred dollars but the average iowan only pays fifty one hundred dollars in federal taxes and so we've got a bunch of iowans who are getting more money than they're spending and they're saying . yeah i will vote for you if you cut off our money we're the disconnect here and it is not that different new hampshire new hampshire that in fact people new hampshire getting them or they're getting forty hundred fifty dollars. forty eight hundred fifty bucks or part of it is an average not all those benefits are evenly distributed you look at the ethanol subsidy for example it's not there and it's money that's getting showered upon iowa and others are dealt states. temporarily it's going to be back. yeah i hope not but if but if you know what that game and
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tails that's the problem the other thing is about this of course is that tax burdens and spending burdens tend to be obscured and we have a hard time having a national conversation over how to restructure a hidden taxes through out things like airline tickets whatever you choose are a difficult thing for people to grasp and understand well i just you know i just we've got you've got candidates on the republican side who are saying let's let's privatized social security was privatized all of public schools was privatized our roads and turned them into toll roads was like corporations make money on all of these things and you know i think most citizens really think that there is a role for government and the most of those things are part of the role for government and it just seems to me that that a lot of republican voters don't realize what they're voting for well they also perceive in any fish and see in the way the money is being spent to they're not getting the value that they necessarily believe they should be from things like
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schools as a classroom size as well as unwise and rose the you know that we can do we can provide medical services through the v.a. or through medicare or through medicaid for two three four percent overhead which are big insurance companies and you know if you're sucking thirty percent off the top i mean they're very efficient but all that money is going to the stockholders and c.e.o.'s you got to the c.e.o.'s of united health care to admit a row who've taken over a billion dollars i mean if you take a serious look at the v.a. the two that v.a. hospitals being care i mean you'll see some pretty scary things. going on there too i mean if you're lucky if you're looking at that inefficiencies in government they are definitely there and the reality is it's hard to figure out what the most inefficient view we have is the highest rating of. satisfaction from its consumers of any health care system in the united states it is our socialized medicine. but it's totally social that you take everything the military is totally socialist they give you housing clothing they give you food and somehow we all go the military it's wonderful nobody points out it is the most socialist institution in the in
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american life i have plenty of friends who are in the military and you know yes they get cared for but they don't necessarily get the best care you know i mean so it's going to go to the leaders no i'm just what i'm saying is it's a good discussion this is a good discussion to have rationing happens where there you have a completely private system where you have a you know a completely public system it's a matter of what that rationing looks like and i wish that there were a completely fair system but there isn't the question therefore is you know how do we improve our system and what you know and you're going for socialized medicine that is not the answer and you can't reconcile an overhead rate of three or four percent in medicare and medicaid with seventy or eighty billion dollars of misapplied in overpayments every year the point is there is so much third party interaction that's where a lot of the waste fraud and abuse is in the government is doing a lousy job overseas well then then you know recover that to that extent and you know assuming that your real name of what waste fraud abuse is true i look at the
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for profit insurance companies and see massive waste fraud abuse particularly and the fact that you know health care for example has over one hundred executives who are making a million bucks a year and instead instead that money should be you know being given to kids for for vaccines i just i think and you know tom it's interesting though we're talking about you know a lot of republicans feel like ok we should have cuts the question is where those cuts are where they're going to take place and it's a hard question for any family to make ok we make cuts how do i make those cuts i mean it's just a hard question to have what's not going to be an alternative you know let's work a few extra hours let's get another job well let's increase the liberals that suggestion is oftentimes not let's keep everything and just make the tax burden heavier now you know grow the economy let's do it for it let's do it dwight eisenhower did you know we came out of world war two with a with a debt that was one hundred twenty six percent of. we're not anything in close to that right now and he paid the whole thing off without cutting anything in fact he went on a spending binge he built a highway system all across this country while we did slow down defense spending
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and that's something that republican candidates really haven't been forthright about even santorum he's proposing to just freeze outlays as part of his budget cutting plan i don't think you can really do that and get deep we had i think we have defense he said look at that you know i'm not yet we have we have just a minute left today the president has appointed richard cordray as the. to head the consumer financial protection bureau and did a recess appointment republicans are hysterical i'm just curious your take on this . well i mean it's i think republicans you know they're trying to they're trying to play a game and you know they didn't want don't want to support it they knew he would do this but they want to be on record oh yes but they want to be on record as saying that they did not want him to be there i don't know if they don't want the whole thing to be there they don't want him over the consumer when i mention it right there so you know protection against no marvel health care overhaul of that they hated from the beginning a lot of americans and they want to be on record as being against some or finance
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protection bureau as part of dodd frank gets going to do with health care well but it's all the whole all the health care reforms that are going to be under this this guy is going to be watching you know so it just. they also don't like to have critics. as far too many toxic elements in it and to be really sort of extra and the problem or if you're fannie and freddie. because it didn't touch it well that's government sponsored enterprises and it shouldn't be. thank you for both is my pleasure. some evangelicals still and big mitt romney so how long until the crusades against the republicans presumptive nominee begin. drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through. maybe you trust no one who is imbue with a global mission that would see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called saxons when nobody dares to
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ask why we do our t. question more. about the big picture i'm sorry when coming up in this half hour even though mitt romney came out of a.


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