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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST

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washington as we know is constantly every day war gaming the whole globe so for them that's no surprise at all but the stumbling block is that iran wants to target and the western powers in the u. re presented by catherine ashton is not ready for talks but they want to have their agenda followed step by step and that means that a letter written by ashton to iran has to be answered first the iranians right now don't want to answer in the way the west wants to hear so this is a real stalemate but over all i can say the situation is pretty serious since the west is trying to misuse the peaceful nuclear program by iran which is peaceful so far they're not building a bomb definitely they're using fraudulent reports by the i was there twice i spoke to the diplomats this is a big scandal and they're using this in fact to you know build up a war case against iran with the western populations through our misguided media
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a very dangerous situation. well meanwhile iran's president has reiterated his support for a step by step plan proposed by russia aimed at resolving the nuclear stalemate the comments by mahmoud ahmadinejad were made in a phone conversation with his russian counterpart. under the plan no new unilateral sanctions would be applied to me wrong instead it would respond to questions on its nuclear program one by warm and for each point cleared another set of existing sanctions on tehran will be eased or that all together this proposal first made in washington in july last year hasn't so far found much support by the west. but we like to hear your opinions on this story head to the forum section of our website dot com and get involved let's take a look at some of the viewpoints on what's happening with this developing story so far one viewer says the west can do without iran's oil in the long run and is just provoking tehran to give an excuse for
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a military strike. another poster is hopeful at least one of the sides will be sensible enough to back out of an all out conflict because it would mean a nuclear war. another opinion is that the u.s. will attack iran as soon as possible to set the machine in motion before america's presidential election later this year and another poster argues that tehran and won't have the courage to carry out its threats and start a war saying the west should go ahead and impose those sanctions will go to the forum section of dot com to see more opinions and have your say. meanwhile in syria over five hundred fifty prisoners involved in the anti regime uprising there have been released that's according to state t.v. it comes as arab league officials say the government has pulled out heavy weapons and tanks from civilian areas something activists had previously said was untrue
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opposition groups also accused the mascot of misleading the league's observers. by taking them to areas loyal to the government as pressure builds on syrian authorities the country's foreign ministry slammed the u.s. for interfering that's after washington sent an envoy to the arab league for talks on the latest developments of political analyst and journalist dr omar says the arab league observers are under immense pressure from the west. the ample drivers that have been. sent to syria from the arab league in cairo have been working for the past week and there are additional numbers of observers entering syria they are under a lot of pressure apparently there is some american pressure there are pressures by some arab countries that are pro-american on the observers to actually affect the way they would draft their reports these observers to city and officials have been given they were jervas access to all locations in syria today the observations of visiting the prison in that out they have access to police stations they have
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access to different localities in the different neighborhoods where there was a lot of tension you had all for the group would be back in cairo on saturday and on sunday they would be meeting now let's hope that they would let these commission do its job independently and make the truth come out and the truth i think is that there are. gunmen shooting at the army there are some groups of gunmen who are creating chaos in syria they are profiting from the movement the movement of people to protest for basic rights and they have rights and it is true that there are some legitimate demands on the part of the syrian people but it's such a big shame that some western powers and some foreign intervention in syria and if as is using these people and using the demands of these people to each political
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objectives and that's a very destructive move on the part of the united states and its allies in the region. prosecutors in the trial of ousted egyptian president hosni mubarak have called for death by hanging for him and his closest associates they justified their request by arguing that mubarak was personally responsible for every protester death during the country's revolution thirty three year old is currently suffering severe health problems thievin lemon radio host and author believes that the trial is merely a diversion from the continuing unrest in the country this is a distraction this is to divert the public a. legitimate a year but i believe being. mubarak for several days and then try to absolve themselves of the process seems a worse no one of the military junta and no also the people running the
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country the same ones closely allied with novara what you. are in the military and who was around him he was saying people because all agreements are the people who are true and i agree with you the street protests the very very much it even though people don't realize to be manipulated for western interests to create stability to create violence to get the military to react to instead of to justify washington continuing its belligerent rolled into the region and. well later this hour we'll be looking at post gadhafi libya believe they're on the n.t.s.c. admits the country could be on the brink of civil war and calls for an immediate crackdown on armed militias that's as thousands remain behind bars over their previous political allegiances. this region store it's
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a home to some of the world's rarest big cats but they also hosted loggers timber mills and illegal hunters who stand to make a great profit here are the reports on how some of the world's most beautiful predators are being preyed upon themselves in a brussels far east that's coming up. first marking one of the lowest moments since the onset of europe's debt crisis more than two years ago the greek government has now publicly threatened to abandon the euro the warnings came from the prime minister lucas papademos as negotiations over one hundred thirty billion euro bailout package drag on the pm warned that the greek economy could enter an uncontrolled collapse as early as march or more cash isn't secured creditors and greeks are at loggerheads with bankers refusing to write off any more debt or union say they won't make any more austerity cuts the hope now is that a fiscal union will act as a last line of defense against the debt crisis but not something that leading
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economists ario qamar has little faith in. my system it is that this europe will not be able to form such a political union there is too much a trojan eighty countries two different. countries are too attached to their own self and to have different styles they have a hard time working together on international issues think of iraq the union europe all that strong. force if you walk around. if you like european union for real but as soon as you are away from brussels and walk around. in the country the rest of europe you see that brochure is far away from. the. reality people. that was economists aereo climber and his full interview is coming your way in just over an hour's time. well with the e.u.
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mired in its debt debacle you might think that germany which has been bankrolling the block survival effort would be the most concerned among many people there a bigger source of worry is the political system which many say has gone stale and no longer represents ordinary citizens and parties you've been over ports it's led to an interesting phenomenon the rise of the country's pirate party. it looks like an ordinary scene at one of the many bars in berlin except there's one thing which makes this party totally different from all the others the parties they must be talking about. the pirate part of germany that's right this is an annual meeting of a political party and all these people are alone it's eighteen thousand members across germany like me treat was tired of the mainstream and i was really disappointed in . all this the same way.
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the firefighter was in a different one of its key differences apart from the style in general is a software system called liquid feedback allowing ordinary germans the opportunity to propose policies online the pirate stand for more transparency and freedom on the internet but when it comes to core issues like the economy and we don't have currently a stand on this this crisis maybe we'll have after the. next federal convention but this wasn't a problem of the previous election for the berlin state problem a time when the port party managed to win nearly ninety percent of the vote securing fifteen seats most people who. just something new something fresh to me like because many germans believe that politics are cross to this time as the big players struggle with big economic and political issues but part party doesn't even have an official stance on the eurozone crisis or the arab spring nevertheless
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it continues gathering more supporters i mean a coincidence or an alarming signal for me stream politicians the free democrats party which is an go and local federal coalition porter is the first to feel the change of heart from voters who actually lost that along with another four local votes across the country mainstream politics is also losing attractiveness because . there's often too little distinction or distinctiveness between different parties from different fields or areas sometimes it's even difficult to tell the difference between conservative and social democrat experts see the part parties key success to use the internet and see it as the new driving force changing politics similar to the way it was influenced by t.v. over half a century ago so unless the mainstream parties adapt and change their tactics minami too long before they could find themselves on the margins you're just going
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to have. germany. well far from europe's financial troubles has now created an unholy rao the british government and the archbishop of canterbury are engaged in a better spat over banking greed and the exchange wasn't missed by artie's kaiser report coming your way in just over fifteen minutes. the archbishop of canterbury blasted for comparing rioters and bankers as politicians urged him to focus on religion here is how david cameron's government chose to hit back who did they appoint to speak lord green the first pierpoint you are green he says oh poppycock this is not. bishop i think a lot of tests changed since two thousand and they actually and i think there has been a lot of soul searching in the financial services industry quite rightly to. look larding down take the water curse out that is frank frank and face reality ok your
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entire cities being burned down by terrorist bankers you know they're in the club with cameron rubbing uglies when you should be doing something productive. now it's time for the latest in our pathfinder series focusing on ex-pat entrepreneurs who made their move into the russian market in the wake of the u.s.s.r. as collapse those were times when demand for good quality private dentistry soared and russia courtney was among those who managed not only to fill the gap but also make a fortune. sure . there is anything that can quite prepare you for doing business in russia in the early ninety's which is when i first came it was a very very wild time in the business sense
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a wild time in the lifestyle sense and it required a great deal of energy and creativity to bring in create a western type of business here in russia the idea was actually a no brainer executing the idea was very very difficult there was a great deal of demand for dentistry i decided to stay and start the first american dental clinic in russia if we take us dental care and the dentistry business for example you're looking at one difference i'm not a doctor but on the principal owner of the business this business has thirteen practitioners all specialties from hygiene to general dentistry to implants orthodontics that's very rare to find in a place in the us or london in the high street typically you have a smaller office that's owned and managed by the doctor one to five dentists boarding staff and specialists are generally organized separately doctors refer
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patients to each other here our place is not so unique for russia you tend to have specialists and generalists collected in one clinic under one roof starting a business here today is both easier and more difficult that what than it was in the past licensure in compliance with the rules was technically very difficult because things were less organized and enforcement was loose in those days it was possible to let's say not comply with everything and still get along today the rules or more modern or strict but at least if you follow the rules you know what to expect certainly there are a lot of myths about the risks of doing business in russia the risks to the business itself let's say the survival of the business itself or no bigger here than they are elsewhere this is a cunt. economy and a market that's growing at a really really rapid pace. will come just addicted to starting new businesses that are interesting it was a radical change from being
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a lawyer to dentistry it's just the nature of my story what you see here tonight is the world of specialty retail these specialty retailers everything that goes on in the corridors of shopping malls not in the in line shops and it's all about creating impulse to purchase which means creating beautiful designs that make interesting and simple products something that people want to stop and buy and enjoy until retail profile brought this business to russia four years ago this type of retail didn't exist right there no shoppers here it's past midnight here in moscow and the reason we're here is that everything people see in the corridors and the shops of shopping malls the beautiful stuff takes place at night people restock reverchon diets redesigns and that's what this team is doing now the most difficult thing about setting it up doesn't compare with the story i told you about dentistry because we did it four years ago life and business here was already mature and civilized so the difficult thing was having to grow the business as quickly as the
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demand for it is if you compared the business life of somebody like me in san francisco in atlanta or boston you'd find people say that tomorrow is going to be similar to today if you ask me are people like me doing business in russia you'd say you have a hope that tomorrow is going to be similar to today but down deep you know something's going to be new something's going to change on the one hand it drives you crazy because as humans we crave predictability but on the other hand we're all addicted to the fact that something new is happening all the time. that the libya's transitional government has admitted the country could be sliding into civil war he says it's unlikely it's a likely outcome i should say in. less the end to the manages to take control over militias and disarm them as follows a recent skirmish between armed groups in tripoli streets that left four dead meanwhile the country's justice system remains
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a source of concern with thousands remaining behind bars without ever having been charged or reports. it was one of the first amnesty of the new libya hundreds of men and women many of them sub-saharan immigrants released from a makeshift prison most of them spend several months in captivity for the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. we are releasing those who didn't commit serious crimes those with blood on their hands will be waiting for the prosecutor's decision when you have the richest were eager to pain the release as a goodwill gesture the determination and the parole seemed entirely arbitrary some of the dictator's supporters as these people to be just work for government agencies and others happen to be domestic helpers or government workers are now equal before the law or rather before the absence of it they are also in prison was
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triple as tough a detention facility under gadhafi the tories for its mistreatment and arbitrary killings of animals but while all of its prisoners rest south free in late august as the rebels over in the capital dozens possibly even hundreds of makeshift prisons sprang out around the country according to u.n. estimates up to seven thousand allowed to get off a loyalist and be held there a little chance for justice or fair trial just a year ago the police used to be a school today demain last i'm being told here is that during the transition to democracy quick reactions are a must while many in the new libyan government held positions of power under gadhafi those who failed to jump on the bandwagon early enough and now finding themselves behind bars. now in libya there are about a thousand people in detention and the problem is they haven't had any legal review
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they haven't had access to a lawyer they haven't been brought before any independent judicial panel or judges so that's what we're calling for now is a quick and. legal review and rebuilding the justice system the treatment is even more brutal outside tripoli the tell not to run a good the gadhafi forces used to launch attacks against misrata is still a ghost town many of its former residents live in refugee camps and even their extraordinary renditions by militia are common this man says he was tortured for several days before finally being released. until you confess to things you haven't committed like entering homes or looting it's a grueling dilemma many of these mothers and wives have to confront to pray for their loved ones to be rotting in a prison with torture being officially acknowledged ditto for their deaths children need their fathers and women need their husbands the government isn't doing anything to find them if they're dead we want to know where they are more than
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a month since he's captured they must reason they're still doesn't have access to a lawyer and while many dollars say full islams ability to have a fair trial he still appears to be better off than many of his countrymen at least thanks to the limelight he's not running a risk of being executed like his father while many still are. artsy tripoli. now let's check on what else is happening around the world a wave of explosions in iraq has killed seventy two people and wounded more than one hundred the deadliest attack was in the country's south claiming the lives of at least thirty shia pilgrims around baghdad a bomb attached to a motorcycle went off near a bus station and was followed by three other explosions afterwards the violence has raised fears insurgents are stepping up attacks after the u.s. troop pullout last month. former israeli prime minister ehud olmert has been indicted on corruption charges he's accused of taking bribes to promote the
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construction of housing projects to take back the dates back to before his time in office and so all marred is already on trial for three unrelated counts of fraud and. trost for denies all charges. now we continue to explore all corners of russia in our close of serious today we're taking you to the whole bara screech in the far east a thousand kilometers from moscow. for a long time how barra six has been a safe haven for a huge range of rare and remarkable animals including the siberian tiger but with major industries advancing into this picture perfect coastal region much of the wildlife is coming under threat artie's tom barton takes up the story. feeding time pollute see the tiger he was found starving in the forest as a six month old cub he's now nineteen years old has
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a pair of platinum false teeth and as a siberian tiger he's one of an increasingly scarce breed this region's forests a home to some of the world's rarest big cats but they also host loggers timber mills and illegal hunters who stand to make a great profit here and whose activities have pushed those same leopards and tigers to the brink of extinction. miller looks after tigers there's deer in fact just about any injured forest animals that arrive at her center as well as poachers it's forestry and the impact it has on local habitats that concerns her to go. to tigers need a lot of territory to survive there can be a lot together when there's forestry the animals they prey on are scared off and so the tigers have to leave killing it off so what it really comes down to is russia's endless forests being assaulted by the power of industry this new timber factory in
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the far east eats eight hundred thousand cubic metres of wood a year and it's expanding but they're not concerned by forestry saying they're responsible augers this it doesn't have a name that is trees are a new bill resource unlike coal oil we plant trees to replace the ones we cut down so they'll be plenty for the next generation environmentalists paint a very different picture they say there aren't even reliable records of the rampant tree cutting and warn that russia's forests aren't as endless as the timber barons think. it is when we tell officials that are so little untouched forests remain vulnerable industrialists get very out of the way they say environmental organizations are trying to shut down their industry. there are others trying to replace lost forest this local government project harvests and sorts pine seeds grows them into saplings and then plants them but they admit that the planting just isn't keeping pace with the felling growth aboard in an ordinary year we can
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replace looking losses but if there's a forest fire as well it could take us ten years to catch up we're forcing a losing battle. all right he has his meals to drink to which his cousins out in the wild could soon run out of places to go from boston. rats are sort break you're an artsy i'll be back with a recap of our top stories and the kaiser report is coming up at half past the hour .
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wealthy british style. time buyers. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on r g. no it's not about spilling blood. it's the war of the barricades from one side and fears
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blockade from the other. in the. those cut people from the land for twelve year. the conflict that divided serbia into two hostile parts is still not over. the world to the. sun its technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've gone to the future covered. down the official placation on the phone called touch from the. life on the go. video them to my. mind the old
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coasts an omission st now with the palm of your. question. to you live from moscow our top story spoiled prices at record highs as the e.u. says an embargo on a rainy and crude may come by the end of the month despite fears over its impact on the global economy and. jobs and prosecutors demand death by hanging for eighty three year old former president hosni mubarak ousted from power by public protests early last year the request has already drawn criticism with authorities being accused of attempting to divert public attention. the syrian authorities announced they freed over five hundred fifty political prisoners and if withdrawn security
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forces from residential areas as part of the arab league peace plan opposition activists continue to claim the regime in assassins are a sham. or an almost stories coming up in thirty minutes with kevin no one before then max kaiser reveals some of the tricks used by big business to avoid facing justice in the kaiser report. i am max kaiser this is because the report is this the year we see bankers burned at the stake or something else stacy herbert well max they have a lot of excuses osier for justifying their behavior the first one cor is aion another victim of the alpha male curse this is from william d. cohen of bloomberg and he says for years i have wondered why for.


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