tv [untitled] January 5, 2012 6:31pm-7:01pm EST
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importance but a producer patrice in a sense to find out what she had to say. the republican presidential hopefuls dished out twelve point five million dollars on t.v. ads in iowa alone that's according to the campaign media analysis group and that did not even include the money spent on cable t.v. ads a total accident or on just forty six ads can go over to two hundred and seventy one thousand dollars per ad that's more than five times the median the household income in the whole state of iowa and here's the kicker two thirds of that cash came from super pacs not the candidates you know it came to two hundred dollars spent for each vote cast so was that money worth all the political importance well miles said the amount of money squandered in iowa only proves that american democracy is based on serving the biggest donor rather than their voters has no man said no way with that money worth it just think about all the things that money could have done instead of funding a three ring circus in iowa but then there's you i c.e.
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fareed who says yes it was worth it because iowa has a huge symbolic importance and symbols can make or break a candidate all in all that advertising may be what contributed to ultimately the biggest turnout in iowa caucus coming in just under the record set in two thousand and eight but as the primaries move on from state to state and huge amounts of money continue to flow in it looks like a symptom of a political system got a right in the mocker sea at work. now as always we appreciate your responses and so here's our next question for you or the show we spoke about the u.s. has a new defense strategy outlined by secretary of defense leon panetta and president obama today so want to hear from you. do you think if this represents a real turning point for the u.s. military or just a continuation of the status quo let us know on facebook twitter and you tube and you know the response you just might make it on air. and once again twitter is being asked to hand over its users personal information to the government this time the request is coming from a boston district attorney received
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a subpoena from the boss from the boston district attorney daniel of conley in mid december which calls on twitter to access account information about two users with the twitter handles at poison on an at occupy boston legal order is in relation to those two twitter users who leaked personal information about some boston police officers at the height of the occupy boston movement now wired reports of boston police are targeting these two individuals because they released several documents which reveal personal information on a forty senior officers and even the boston mayor tom menino now in the subpoena the boston days requested all available subscriber information for the county or accounts associated with the following information including ip address logs for account creation and for activity during the period of december eighth to the thirteenth according to the web pro news the da is also looking for account information on anybody who included the hashtags of boston p.d. and dox cake in their tweets which is truly absurd because there are thousands of
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people who included those hashtags so the boston p.d. to make such a request i think reveals one of two things either a serious lack of understanding about how hashtags are used or not or disregard for free speech but my guess is that it's a mix of both and we should note that twitter carries a policy that will only notify users excuse me that it will notify its users when law enforcement agencies request information from that policy at the v.a. has actually asked not to be enforced in this case but that's a piano has been leaked detailing all the requests and it caused quite an uproar on the web and rightly so about how cops are amassing information on social media sites to keep track of anybody that they deem suspicious now one of the users under microscope the. oh poison on actually tweeted about this receiving about receiving this legal order and they said ha ha boston p.d. submitted a subpoena to twitter for my information l.o.l. for what posting in focal from public domains come at me bro. now the other account occupy boston it was only active or four days and only lists for tweets so they
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really feel like a threat now wired suspects that the account underscore boston is probably the user the police are actually searching for and their own computer illiteracy is probably to blame in this situation but since that subpoena was sent out poison on a started working with a.c.l.u. attorney peter krupp and the attention of the league subpoena has caused such an uproar that a boston superior court judge has barred anybody involved in this case from discussing it that's a situation that usually only occurs if the case involves sensitive security issues now couples came out and said that the subpoena is just an elaborate fishing expedition for the police to find anybody who has spoken out about the police during the occupy boston eviction from dewey park boston police actually told a local paper that they're investigating serious threats directed at department personnel however they wouldn't ever elaborate on what those serious threats might be so if this is simply about billy documents the wire they are requesting information on anybody who used to hash tag sounds to me like the boston police are
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issuing a subpoena because they don't like the way that they are being talked about on twitter it's one thing to go after the leaks it's another to go after anybody using a hash tag now as a still early investigation but we do hope that we do hope that twitter fights this request stands up for the privacy of its users and in the meantime i'll be sure to let you know how the court rules on this matter. well it's now been about three and a half months since the occupy movement began in new york last year the winter cold is beginning to set in some of the numbers are dwindling in the remaining occupy camps and out of what was once more than twelve hundred the camps left standing are few thanks to city officials that lost patience and evicted the occupiers sometimes with force but those within the movement say that this by no means signals an end quite the opposite they're gearing up for what's being called phase two of occupy and that includes more specific targeted actions across the country and even an occupy television show so let's hear a little more joining me from our studio in new york is jesse greco activist and
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writer jesse thanks so much for joining us tonight it's been a while since you and i have spoken the last time we caught up was when we actually took the loner show to is a comedy park. right there from the ground so since that moment in october how do you think of the occupy movement has changed you know watched. it from the beginning the point of occupy wall street is not the can't it's the challenge corruption and power and i think that whether the weather ranger snows or it's below zero or problems are going away so neither should we so we've got a lot of things coming up for january february in the months beyond and we're very excited about participating in the national conversation can you tell us what some of the plans are what phase two of occupy as it's being called is. absolutely you know a lot of people the activists ramon the odds by community are going to take things in their own direction whether it's confronting corrupt corporate politicians while they campaign for president or other local actions in their own communities but one of the things that we're very happy to talk about is january fifteenth with this
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march which is martin luther king jr day we're going to be holding nationwide candlelight vigil starting at seven pm and from my understanding it's going to be taking place in other places around the world too so we have several musicians artists who are going to be participating performing on january fifteenth and we're looking forward to a very large peaceful turnout in solidarity with more new to cain jr stream tell me more about this television show apparently that occupy was trying to set up. well i haven't heard much specifically but i do understand that there are several radio stations and television networks who are not only actively looking for occupiers to get the message out but also to expand an audience to the younger people who are interested in what we're doing as well as the elderly people who are concerned about their retirement so to me it's all about getting the message out there and if anything it says to me that americans and other people around the world really want to have this conversation that's why it's going forward to television well tell me what is it exactly it tells you that americans really want
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to have this conversation because i'd like to believe that americans want to have this conversation and yet sometimes you still find yourself a little bit shocked by it what it is that people actually do tune into when it comes to t.v. being reality t.v. and what not. well you know that's one of the reasons that the internet is so powerful right now because to the large ford or corporate media's failed us c.n.n. fox news they don't talk about the issues that people really care about whether it's going back to sensible tax rates on the rich and big corporate personhood meaningful campaign finance reform that turns our elections back into a vote by we the people not the auction system the bank of america manipulate if anything it says to me that people really really want the truth and if they can't get it from c.n.n. or fox news they're just going to have to go elsewhere whether it's on the internet or another t.v. network but do you think that one of the strategies that we might see next there are a lot many camps left right but there is news today that global revolution t.v. which has been and has been streaming from a lot of the occupy camps around the country that they got evicted in for
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a plan that there are a number of arrests do you think that police are going to start heading towards their next because they know that this aspect of the media getting the information out is what's keeping the movement alive. you know what drives me crazy as a taxpayer is that what i pay taxes that pay the police is salaries i don't expect them to repress my freedom of speech if anything i'm kind of glad that the movement has become a little bit more mobile because when we're protesting is you can park it makes it hard for us to get to people in brooklyn or bronx or queens so if anything it's almost a blessing in disguise you know a so for whining in the cloud even if the police are going to try to preempt our ability to have this conversation public we're just going to keep going about it when the weather gets better we'll be out there we're all really looking forward to an american spring. now i'm curious what you think about the fact you know originally the occupy movement started with a lot of people camping out and there were massive actions and now it seems like
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it's moving more to certain targeted actions and let's go back and look what happened in iowa for example they wanted to occupy the iowa caucus they wanted to try to get delegates in there that might make it to the d.n.c. or the r. and c. and that didn't necessarily happen do you think that sometimes. you know the specific actions the more targeted ones might have a smaller effect. really depends on what you're aiming for i mean i understand that mitt romney was confronted by an occupier up in new hampshire today who made a very specific point the major corporations are people in kansas some occupiers were able to speak to their local congressmen who are bought and paid for by alec which is a corporate trade group that basically pushes one percent from new legislation you know we're going to have to we gauge in the political process sometimes many levels we can't we won't always succeed but you know what progress comes one step at a time so it's worth the effort no matter what aren't so then how do you see this really playing out over the next year before we head up to this general election no
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matter how many people come out on the streets or actually maybe you don't agree with me here right but there's a lot of americans that are coming out on the streets right now but i think there are probably be just as many if not many more that actually do go to the polls and vote and vote in one of the two candidates that are the options from the only two parties that exist in our political system without changing so how does the occupy movement deal with that. well you know just speaking on my own behalf i would say that i want to see boots on the ground translate into changing laws whether it's bringing bag less fire wall that separates investment banks from saving banks whether it's campaign finance reform or a litany of other issues i really feel it's important that we take part in the political process now if people are unhappy with both parties and i'm not either i would see one for a local office yourself find someone who represents your views and promote that candidate but whatever happens i really think that it's important that we gauge in the process from the inside and the outside and i expect that so many people are
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passionately involved in what's going on in america today that they're going to find a way to have their voice heard one way or the other but in the meantime what do you do if your options are obama are romney or obama or paul or obama or santorum. well you know what you just had on a moment ago i think you made a really good point for myself i often feel that the democrats push corporatism in like second gear and the republicans push corporatism and sixth year now that gets frustrating but at the same time it's a personal choice that each person has to make whether they feel that obama's compromised to march or if it's better just to get anybody out myself i can't afford another lost decade and i strongly feel that under george w. bush america had a lost decade now we're just starting to pick ourselves up out of the doldrums to go back to the same ideas that didn't work aren't the answer but i can't speak on behalf of all of occupy wall street because i know they got a lot of ron paul supporters i know we have obama supporters we have moderates we have independent we have people who don't even think the political process is working myself i'm a progressive so i'm
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a little biased in that way but i think that we should have this larger conversation whether it's about ron paul's idea to end the war which i strongly support or if it's another candidate's point of view of myself i'm going to live with warrants or support i would like to see her kind of politics become prevalent so i tell everybody you know i'm not going to tell you how to vote make sure that you be a voter be a voter it's very important my opinion and you know that's just where i stand on the issue a lot of interesting to see you know what does end up happening in november thanks so much for joining us tonight you're very welcome thanks for having me. all right still ahead on tonight's show rick santorum wins our told time award yet again so stay tuned to find out what he said this time and a nice happy hour the state of michigan is waging war against novelty lighters and should kids get better grades if they're better than yours perhaps not out of reach . into the only military mechanism to do the work of bringing justice for accountability. i have
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every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as they care is now a version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize everything. you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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are guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight once again it goes to rick santorum earlier this week you want to title because he cloaked his belief that contraception is bad because it gives people a license to do not do sexual things in the cloak of a states' right argument further pushing is crazy christian agenda but that's not the only comment that he's made recently that has a few people upset is it earlier this week while he was campaigning in iowa he started discussing his opposition to welfare programs but just take a little listen to why he's against that. i don't want. to make people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money i want to give the opportunity the money and provide yeah that's right he said he didn't want to give black people other people's money but rather he wants them to go out and earn that money for themselves now you think that rick would think oh crap immediately after that happened but i guess not because in an interview with c.b.s. to scott pelley right after he gave that speech he reiterated his stance on
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entitlements santorum said if you look at what i've been saying i've been pretty clear about my concern for dependency in this country and concern for people not being more dependent on our government whatever their race or ethnicity is art so it seemed as if rick was sticking to his word that he doesn't want to give black people other people's money which is an outright offensive statement and just try to throw in a quick no matter what your race or ethnicity is in the second go around well as you can imagine this statement pissed a lot of people off that the president said santorum is targeting of african-americans is an accurate and outrageous and lifts up old race based aereo tape's stereotypes about public assistance and the urban league also condemned his comment which could hurt santorum because the g.o.p. candidate worked with both of these groups when he was a senator so two days after he made that comment in iowa rick had to take time away from his campaigning to do some damage control on the mainstream media networks and according to him he didn't actually say black people. i've looked at that quote
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in fact i looked at the video and i don't effect i'm pretty confident i didn't say black what i think i started to say a word and sort of sort of mumbled it and changed my thought but i don't i don't recall seemed like no one in that audience no one listened they know reporter there are heard me say that i think it was from everything i see him i've looked at it several times i was starting to say one word and i sort of came up with a different word and moved on because i said black i didn't know one of that audience and i've talked a lot and we love it oh you do a little with laurie i looked at a very it is i mean you are not. you have got to be kidding me rick i mean come on even bill o'reilly is calling b.s. on that excuse this is almost like when newt said that he cheated on his wife because he loved his country so much he got to sit back and be impressed by the audacity of you guys but the really sad part here is that santorum did seem pretty determined to let the world know that he didn't actually say black people just blog
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people like he actually believes that that's legit but his statement to fix a mistake on c.n.n. or fox news has just made it that much worse and on top of that who's giving santorum is talking points here the entire country is in an economic crisis we have record numbers of people of all races that are living in poverty they're in need of assistance that's not to discount the fact that certain segments of the population have been more to support proportionately affected but seriously this black people all live off of welfare thing it's got to go in fact break and i'll others only nine percent of african-americans to rely on welfare compared to eighty four percent of public assistance recipients that are white in that state but anyway the entire fact that rick santorum first made his racist statement then stood up for it with a minor tweak then tried to walk the entire thing back with by far the most absurd excuse i have ever heard all of that makes him our tool time winner yet again.
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our guide time for happy hour and joining me this evening is our chief producer jenny churchill and jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger of black five dot net hey guys thanks for joining me let's start off with a little something called don't tase me bro unfortunately this is what our police like to do these days but maybe. i'm doing. ok so they have tasers but can you imagine what might happen if they have bunch of other things because this non-lethal wish list has been leaked by an anti-secrecy website called public intelligence and basically the list comes from the military and it includes lasers and heat beams designed as disperse crowds and nausea inducing sound waves targeted
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at scuba divers amongst other things you think you love what about how can you be against non-lethal means i mean we could use obama's method which is a hellfire missile because tasers are illegal because people die from being tasered all the time we look at israel you see on the show i'm concerned about the scuba diving thing it's not easy at inducing in your skin but i mean you have a mask on and you puke on your mask while you try and i'm just wondering you know up on a navy boat i hope you drive a bit then it's not non-lethal ok it's lethal what i thought was really cool they've got this airborne laser airflow thing so they can move planes or oh i'm pretty sure us all the on the t.v. show truck and that's totally awesome if they're watching chuck for our ideas. you know that you know like you think that that's not a point with lasers i'm all for it ok all right let's move on to the next thing we make fun of our politicians all the time here in the u.s. because you're exactly all that internet savvy and we're not the only ones that think so. and i am
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a illiterate that has to rely on my wife for all of the assistance that i can get it is not something that you just stuff something obviously not a big truck it's just a series of. if you don't understand those tubes in the field you know when you put your message on it gets a life is going to be delayed by anyone who wants to the normal process material. i don't think any of us have a facebook page or. we were never that is. yes. there are politicians that try to legislate you know well don't you show him court just like the supreme court justice is scary but in sweden they know what's up they're way ahead of the game listen to this piracy is now officially a religious act of peer to peer file sharing is a holy act and information is sacred and this is all according to the tenets of the
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missionary church of coping is i'm and basically is an offshoot of the pirate party and they've been trying like for three years to get or three times already to get this approved and it's finally been approved there have three thousand members what he say i mean i happen to be a ordained minister of the pasta far in church with i think i've mentioned before so i'm all for this i think it's great i'm just waiting for the u.s. to recognize my chosen religion i worship the flying spaghetti monster so i'm on board unfortunately it is still. in force and are fortunate but basically it's still legal just because they get to claim that it's their religious belief it's still legal and they're not in the fun kind of pirates like the are maybe pirates you know they're just through with movies they're losers i mean people have screwed up i'm a swede you know handsome pearson swanson i'm a swede and i think this is ridiculous i mean you might as well say that most muslims hearing information is not sharing is sharing. i'm waiting for occupy wall street to jump on this and come up with an occupy wall street religion and erect
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churches in places like zuccotti park i believe everyone just think everyone if you can't kick people out once they built a church. all right. let's move on to the state of indiana which is trying to ban novelty lighters. and here's actually an example of michigan already tried to do this earlier and this is why michigan tried to do it. this legislation is to all abandon novelty letters the number three letters are with toy elaters letters that are made to look like toys or attractive nuisance ones which means that we know what their kids are attracted to to lose their nuisance because they're inherently dangerous and kids cause so many fires and your own making money off of marketing these as toys it's despicable one of the line you know this is where i think this stuff goes way too far i understand not wanting to market certain things towards kids and maybe even the joe camel like don't have the you know whatever the cartoons on the cigarette boxes but because it's
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a little lighter and it might have some kind of a flashy design or a light like never know what kids are going to be attracted to any little kids to set things on fire they just do especially boys it's not because the lighter looks like israelis you know i mean i had a neighbor that be like hey want to come watch me light things on fire no i don't but i all i'm saying is i don't understand. what do you want them looking like toys this is insane this is people trying to legislate our children parents be parents i concur. let us have our novelty letters basically the conclusion there are guys thanks so much for joining me tonight that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning it and make sure they come back tomorrow mike rakes is going to be joining us for happy hour and meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook or you can follow us on twitter as well or if you missed any of the night or any other nights you can always catch all the you tube dot com if you want to show you know by the interviews as well for show tyree up next it's .
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i had a family i lived in a fairly nice community wasn't which was an upscale it was just like you know archie bunker society ok then they started showing up here what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of us. through their. rosa eaglets line legally we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills only have to do it and i mean it that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the law so i figure this here's one of the major trails in the united states. i watch and they run run down my property and something about this noise. was illegal
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campaign that cockroaches from coming over the wire is protecting the country i'm the kind of guy who doesn't mindedness pay and sturdy so i come out here you know we're all immigrants as well that we all here are some thoughts. wealthy british scientists on some time to kind of. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report. download the official antti up location on the phone on pulled touch from the top story. which on t.v. life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s minefield
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comes. so yes our military will be the leader but the world must know. the united states is going to maintain our military superiority. touting a lean mean fighting machine president obama promises to put the bloated budget on a diet and yet one military brand is building the most expensive weapon yet i guess they didn't get the memo. and thousands of u.s. troops are heading to israel for a so-called training exercises but is this just an attempt by the pentagon to place more troops in the region and is it a sign that war with iran is a minute and. not about one bullet.
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