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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2012 9:31pm-10:01pm EST

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are you ready to rumble it's friday night which means it's time for the big picture rumble joining me on the panel tonight to discuss this week's biggest stories brian darling columnist of human events and director of government studies at the heritage foundation eric burns former president of media matters now strategic communications consultant and partner bullfight strategies and anthony hall publican strategist communications specialist commentator and author welcome to you all gentlemen let's get let's get this thing rolling number one rick santorum mitt romney actually mitt romney after the love affair in iowa with rick santorum romney has this twenty three point lead now in new hampshire according to the last hours it's age by minute and the romney campaign has backed off this claim that he created one hundred thousand jobs that that bubble has been burst in fact back in
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two thousand and one romney's bain capital went to the federal government to get a bailout to keep itself in business and you know this is starting to come out now and this is a guy was born a millionaire made millions laying people off got millions in a bailout in a bailout from the federal government and is currently renovating a twelve million dollar beach house in southern california one of the richest guys ever to run for the presidency meanwhile president obama was born modestly in fact i'd say poor and up until just the last few months of his being a senator was still paying off his student loans in just months before year before be becoming president ited states so won't this election ultimately be about the one percent or romney versus the ninety nine percent of obama but obama is not a ninety nine percent or he's a one percent he's a millionaire but it was a car in that way and romney was this is a matter of me still a millionaire and he made it after you get involved in politics so he's been in reaching them to me over. you guys have been trying to say that obama's in the lead
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just because he likes to rule over what he likes in a salad i mean this is this is a guy who was raised in a broken home you know he pulled himself up by his bootstraps mitt romney was born a millionaire and he made million dollar can designer go to bars you know bankrupting companies you know weigh in on folks you know and create some jobs but make a lot of money and go to harvard they're all unique they're all special john kerry or a and he was worth two hundred forty million hillary one hundred million it is absurd to now say that anthony doolittle within which he would be and so are generally very well with they're all very wealthy and very fortunate and harvard harvard harvard and i wanted to be more as there were to be a chimney carter was doing ok but he had a fairly large farm i was going to clearly not nobody's buying this anymore i mean of course this is the ninety nine percent versus the one percent and the one percent is the a sandwich with the corpus so if there was some of this back in the republican
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party that's backing the cerebellar mitt romney i don't think it's because you want to hear it i don't know it's not in the i don't ninety nine percent i don't know this country really wants another wall street sky on as president will be like what i said already is that maybe romney basically runs ran a hedge fund. or does morag obama done he's run this country into the ground with his failed policies he's stuck somewhere in julian on jobs jobs we've lost since he's been good morning to you to write about is where he said you see a few trillion dollars and i have nothing i will only have unemployment under eight percent you know what that's a lie that he's wrong and that he had to say that after the first time it was he created four million jobs now you know what we were but he and so many were bleeding so employment rate was nine percent when he came into office you try to only now we don't know it's it was not it was nine it was not you were going to buy these eight hundred thousand dollars in a thousand years out of this when you came in on the ninety nine percent of america knows the economy is red it wrecked unemployment staggeringly high so you can are.
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you know about half points i mean we all gather i mean that's when we may say that i hope we are it's about time you know we are going to make us economic collapse the stomach collapse since the great depression no because of a conservative republican policy of irresponsible delish in the us are very had a one trillion dollar debt when he went office today we have a fifteen trillion dollars debt well that's because our republican problem is well that's because he had the stimulus let me get out of the mess and i only know seriously because it was there as well because when ronald reagan came into office he triple the national debt any years and you get a reverie republican president says that that's right and there is this thing called momentum but mitt romney also thinks the corporations are people he famously said this back in iowa in august. corporations are people my friend you can raise taxes and of course they are everything corporations are and also that it goes to people so where do you think it goes so jon huntsman is today. this. of course corporations are not people.
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who would say such an outlandish. i can't imagine anyone running for presidency isn't like that. so they wish which republican do you agree well look it's an absurd dispute actually obviously romney doesn't think that corporations have a heartbeat a and b. obviously all money that goes to a corporation that is public goes to people because they own shares and it's distributed the i mean. it's just math romney destroyed himself in that quote he said there are people in corporations oh well that's true as good as one that a corporation is a person that we were talking about personally right all. of this is there you know this is the one percent this is the old example of the republican establishment pitching for. a certain sense it's absolutely true that right in front of them most of it already. is there and we don't which are which republican do you agree with i agree with. the only republican that you just showed i don't consider jon huntsman
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to be much of a republican senator but no and he's clearly out to just get mitt romney and go after him he's a mitt romney who clearly hates mitt romney the way. he's to the right of eisenhower in the u.s. eisenhower the rationed it was he i mean this guy served in the obama administration he was the bastard to china for president obama was going to have more bipartisan it was i have my unemployment corporations are not bad i did this attack on the moderates because you know i own part of the reason we have such high unemployment the lesson of two thousand and eight the meltdown was that corporations need responsible regulation that works and if that does not mean corporations are about anthony you know there were actions made up of people and responses only the regulator you know is the same as i am already. have the rights many of the rights of people have mores in the first amendment activity yes of corporations should have to be should have righteously rights to its record companies should be able to hide what they know about the toxicity of their products and lie to us so the argument you're making i mean the tobacco companies
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made that argument fifty years ago all you know millions of americans we know because we know that they are you doing this you know it has to be true that that's a that's a ridiculous argument i mean if they have these are the same rights when the. nations are made up of people here's what i'm going to disco anthony say that the constitution that the first the fourth the fifth the fourteenth amendment of the constitution are for we the corporations you're here militias have rights so they're out there you're hearing me say that we have a system of laws and the laws empower the corporations with many of the same rights as the people i mean why only place in the us is where it says that a corporation has a right it does not say the corporation we have a congress that is empowered corporations to treat them mostly like individuals and so if we had a republican carlie's name any place in the congo in the constitution this is not going to extend her rights on anybody where does it say in the constitution that individuals that are members of a corporation don't have any rights when do you. we're not talking about any of
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those no we're talking about individuals who band together to form a corporation and they want to or individuals who like to man together forming a you hear well is that give them more of your own home harney or a human hold on the right i mean it works in a court agnostic home and let me tell you the corporation was not a person it was a collection of ninety thousand people but you wanted to regulate itself is not a personal you have been efforts non-small regulation i'll tell you when you have to treat them like something you know they are often treated like a person if they're if they're going to be honest president should corporations be not allowed to have birth control i'm not going to have a hypothetical like that but you know what what about israel us who are our profits to speak and corporations have rebounded to their pre-crash levels in fact even above that of corporate profits last year we're on track to make a record two trillion dollars this is incredible we haven't seen this kind of money since before the bush crash and but however the taxes being paid by these same corporations are very very low we're we're looking at about well
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actually i was looking at the numbers earlier and the federal government is expecting three hundred twenty two dollars billion dollars in tax revenue from corporate activity if they showed a two trillion dollars profit back in two thousand and seven with about that profit level they paid about three hundred sixty billion dollars in profit in taxes and so far this year it's under two hundred billion dollars in taxes it looks like that's what they're going to pay because they have spent the last five years buying themselves loopholes through this process we call lobbying meanwhile every single republican the same lower taxes for corporations. and here's thirty corporations that paid absolutely no taxes whatsoever on one hundred sixty billion dollars in profits not revenue left over money profits so shouldn't it be the opposition corporations pay their fair share if they're demanding that we do well i i think that we need to have comprehensive tax reform i mean we know that there are individuals what is it forty five forty five forty six percent of american citizens no pay income taxes and that true. well and then your very very top your very top
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american survey this is because of the research and this is one of those disingenuous or it was a little bit ago because every american pays taxes you know what it says but i mean well you know all the way there but they all pay taxes they pay sales taxes when they go to the store and there are of course there are folks in the very very low and ok that don't have enough of the. you know what do the corporations are paying taxes i mean how do you. know what you want to find and more about it and we don't know here it is the issue is the loopholes the issue is loopholes powerful entities go to congress and get special privileges and you're giving thirty examples of loopholes yes absolutely eliminate and you know why the laws of the same way one moment i'll finish just like obamacare which gave thirty massive exemptions to mcdonald's and all these other corporations have the same laws apply to everyone you know what made it made it possible though for those exemptions for them to buy those loopholes the fact that they're considered persons that's and therefore they yeah it's a real church that somebody is going to argue because there's an assumption i have
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the same with all sorts of numbers if you will to or a collective look that is there is a heartbeat this is going to this is the law doesn't run this is the legacy of the george w. bush administration that is that this is the absolute also use a learned that was the absolute refusal of the national to actually next year they want to raise we have to believe that it'll sex you guys are proving that a progressive income tax is broken because you give deductions and that's the problem look and if you're powerful enough and you get a loophole the doctrine that we're living with your corporation shouldn't be considered people money shouldn't be considered that we should not have the supreme court as we all agree that we need comprehensive tax reform let's get rid of some of these green energy and doubts that the obama is you know whether it's going to do what's right let's agree that we need tax reform and stop at that because it's and you know there's some questions of surfaced about the iowa caucus vote total and iowa voter told a local t.v. station yesterday that he noticed a twenty and he was in a position to know he was one of these people in one small county and knew everybody said there's a twenty vote discrepancy in the count and rick santorum was the real. well winter
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the republican party officials are saying you know we're going to stick with romney sorry you know we run the party this is our our game and we had to run it by our rules so first is not likely that the iowa caucus was rigged so the establishment candidate won but we couldn't rig the voting machines because they didn't have and it was all a hand at the right hand recount so we can examine it's honestly a republican majority will not allow it it doesn't matter it doesn't matter they're all going to get the same amount of delegates it's all for the media to talk about and get angry about but the bottom line is that was a tie race both of those candidates rick santorum and mitt romney will get exactly the same amount of delegates to go to the convention paid seventy cents per vote in romney a hundred books i've never heard someone that has a really i don't think that there's any question the establishment of course wants romney to win because he's the guy that's going to carry their water he's the wall street executive that's going to carry wall than the other one says agenda they want to know when they think they'll be defined by one it's not going to be just that this entire unit because they want to be on the let me be my point let me get
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it not me i always think about it but i mean i was on it i'm being honest here you be honest you know what you call here you know we're talking about i will right now and here's the point he said listen wants romney to win absolutely you know what santorum i think was the real story in this in this whole i was you know caucus and i think you kind of. think we're dealing with you all that much you know i know that said brady why the republican and we enjoy just a little less than a minute on this topic why the republican war on voters across the nation when in iowa the republicans didn't require id they didn't you know they didn't end voting machines i mean all this stuff and you gave it a presumption that it was a rigged election perhaps you need i need to think you're doing. this and i guess i don't want to do that i did not do that right i mean ok all right. and that's a that's a topic that's bigger than the right now you know with the disenfranchised under five million people is is where the debate absolutely you're right it ok briefly touch on rick santorum something he said yesterday here's how he responded. when
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a member of the audience pressed him on gave marriage to her. so anybody can marry anybody anybody can marry several people everybody has a right to be happy so if you're not happy unless you're married to five other people is that ok reason says that if you think it's ok for two then you have to differentiate with me as to why it's not ok for three right so the question was this the typical rick santorum slippery slope weird sexuality argument or was he taking a backhanded pot shot at mitt romney more mitt romney's mormonism and the fact that his great grandfather had i don't know what eight ten twelve wives something like that a whole bunch of think about anything to do with the religious issue i think it's a legitimate concern i think it's a legitimate argument to make that if you allowed nontraditional marriage same sex marriage and why not allow what legal marriages last three three or four thousand years of biblical history traditional marriages is a man and his wives and his concubine it's a man and and women right it's not same sex marriage is there are we have
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a long tradition of actually married in this seriously i mean we're talking about santorum is talking about polygamy as an actual you know rational alternative that the next step after you know homosexuals of the same rights are that every minute of their ashes like it was already going to vote on islam are there tables arrive to me in the united states there probably are yes but you know what i mean that has nothing to do with this debate yes it has really had nothing to do this day because the night you define marriage you define marriage as a union between two people why do you know you're not there now though and you guys may want to do three or you want to do that how do you i know you don't like any of my government regulation or god so he's in that area but you're not being in the state defines it much more strategically it's not all states in the state being the federal government actually in each of the fifteen dependent states it's not just to people we have age band-aids you have to be of age ok you have you know there's a number of restrictions i think that i don't know allows. but you know what we're
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talking about people have that having a different sexual orientation not of the same rights that you have that i have that is wrong and has and that's wrong that's what your opinion that is wrong is you don't you know the answer you don't know i mean it's not a civil right is clear how santorum was a goof up effort to make an explanation of does government have the right. and it was a little i just want to show you think that he was he was taken off i think it was of this was code for more i mean look this is either one of you guys think it was out for mono everybody agree with that yeah i agree with a little leverage i mean in the next slippery slope argument as is going to be people marrying you know their dogs because i mean we've heard that before you know what you're going to write and i think again i don't always. come on guys i know men you know your calling you want to canine a photo of yours but a label on it is running out don't let him speak to the it's an irresponsible fear mongering argument that is that is that is her what else would you call it what else are we do you. just said that i would say i would say it is
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a good bigoted argument that's what i'm going to segment you mention that we had a tradition of polygamy in this world is not true yes so then why should we allow it because that wasn't the question that was asked at the question that was asked him was about same sex marriage and he kept answering with polygamy right and that's why i think that we made a ring out issue of polygamy in we don't know nobody it's not time for him to more time for a question last question quick fire rick perry seemed to drop out of the presidential race in iowa saying on tuesday night he was going back to texas to reassess his campaign but then the very next day he was back in the race tweeting and the next leg of the marathon is in the palmetto state here we come south carolina and look at that picture of perry and x. and sneakers when. it's obvious he's not going to south carolina dressed like that so where is rick perry really going in spandex is it a lady gaga concert. b.
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with this campaign in shambles he's getting ready to try out dancing for dancing with the stars or c. is not even sure he had to run three errands and the grocery store the post office and then he just forgot so he's wandering around like me like i don't be running to an obama rally it looks like the way many people would be dressed no bother rattling. i think he's running toward political irrelevancy very very quickly if he's already there i think you're all anti spandex and fear mongers and you just don't want to accept people for their own you know that my answer is he's going doggy sunglass shopping with marcus but bachmann. ok guys thank you so much. much appreciate it brian erick. still to come did the tea party express come to a complete halt whatever happened their patriotic rallies in my daily take i'll show you how they're living large right here in the nation's capital.
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drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to breakthrough had to be made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism and score saxon's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more.
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you know the tea party is dead no one goes there rallies anymore no one's dressing up like our founding fathers no one's bailing teabags to their members of congress in fact if you listen closely you can hear an eerie silence coming out of fox so-called news where no one is talking about the tea party anymore it's cup but while the tea party is as supposedly grassroots phenomena very much dead the tea party as it really is as a movement founded and funded by millionaires and billionaires to look out for the best interests of millionaires and billionaires is still very much alive and you can find this movement thriving on capitol hill everyone knows that congress is full of millionaires the place is busting at the seams of millionaires practically
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half of all are a lot makers in washington d.c. are millionaires there are millionaires in the republican party there are millionaires in the democratic party it's millionaires go or looking strictly of perth's personal wealth it's really really hard to find lawmakers who are part of the ninety nine percent in fact the average net worth of democrats in congress is six hundred thirty five thousand dollars. and the average net worth of the progressive caucus with in the democratic party which promotes policies that best represent the ninety nine ninety nine percent is even higher at six hundred thirty nine six hundred thirty nine dollars. total the average wealth of republicans is even higher than that more than eight hundred thirty four thousand dollars and then there's the tea party caucus those sixty lawmakers many of whom were propelled into office by what looked like a grassroots movement of average americans in two thousand and ten who claimed to be representing the nine hundred ninety nine percent the very best turns out there
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the richest of the rich the average net worth of a tea partier in congress is a whopping one point eight million bucks one point eight million bucks and six of the tea partiers are worth more than twenty million bucks and these are the people average tea party republicans think represent their interests well fact of the matter is they don't and here's the dirty little secret they never have from the very beginning the tea party was a big ruse the prominent tea party group the tea party patriots says the movement started one month after obama was elected with a rant by c. and b. c. talking head rick santillan they write tea party patriots wishes to extend a special thank you to rick santelli for his rant on feb nineteenth two thousand and nine which started the entire movement without rick's rant this movement would never have started many others will try to take credit but don't be fooled he was the spark that began this fire. let's take a look at their end. how about this president new administration why don't you put
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up a website to have people vote on the internet as a referendum to see if we really want to subsidize the loser's mortgages or would we like to at least buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people that might have a chance to actually prosper down the road and reward people that could carry the water instead of drink the water this is america how do you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage then as an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills were raised thirty am. president obama are you listening my thinking if you have a chicago tea party in jail why are you capitalists they want to show the lake michigan on how to start organizing and the rest as they say is history but what did we really see right there in that clip we saw a millionaire t.v. anchor on the trading floor of the c.m.a. group in chicago surrounded by millionaire banks toure's speaking to other
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millionaires at the anchor desk on c.m.d. c. and yelling and screaming about how terrible it is that our government would even consider helping poor people who were conned into buying an exploding mortgage by a bunch of millionaires that's what started the tea party millionaires mad about poor people getting bailed out about four months after wall street got a seven hundred million dollars bailout from congress and seven trillion from the fed sensing something was brewing billionaires like the koch brothers and multi-millionaires like dick armey seized on and using their enormous wealth these millionaires and billionaires dupes low information voters across america in a boarding buses and attending rallies put on by other millionaires featuring millionaires speakers and carried mostly on a television network owned by rupert murdoch a billionaire. what followed was a truly bizarre phenomenon in american politics middle class americans mobilized to
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protest against their own best interests at the behest of these millionaires and billionaires they were railed against average people getting health care and supported republican an initiative that would increase profits for millionaire for profit health insurance c.e.o.'s they railed against energy reform on behalf of millionaire oil barons they railed against wall street reform on behalf of millionaire banks toure's they railed against the transparency in our elections on behalf of millionaires at the chamber of commerce and eventually they went out and voted for a bunch of millionaires for congress everything that was done by the tea party in two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten was done because millionaires were pulling the strings and tragically because naive americans didn't know any better which is probably why today most of these tea partiers have wizened up they've stopped listening to the millionaires and they've stopped going to the rallies but that's fine of the millionaires because they got what they wanted a majority in the house of representatives to stop president obama's agenda whether
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it was stopping tax increases on the rich or defunding reforms on wall street or blocking a comprehensive energy plan to deal with climate change. it was never really a tea party it was a millionaires party which is why in the last three months once it became clear that the tea party was all just a scam and the populist rage was still out there a real ninety nine percent movement was born the occupy wall street movement and where were the millionaires and billionaires then they were up in their high rise office is way above the corporation the occupations excuse me below and look closely and you'll see that there proudly proclaiming themselves to be the one percent those four windows say we are the one percent and raining down leaflets on the ninety nine percent telling struggling americans below to get a job. let's not get duped again by millionaires and billionaires who want to suck
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all the wealth out of this nation for themselves the tea party is dead in fact it was never really a lie but the real ninety nine percent movement is still very much alive and is our nation's best shot at saving this nation from oligarchy so get out there and occupy so as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website at tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and. also check out our two you tube channels there are links at thom hartmann dot com this entire show is also video available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free thom hartmann i phone and i pad app at the app store you can send us feedback at twitter atomosphere are open on facebook at tom underscore on our blogs message boards and telephone comment line at target. and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there and get active tag your it occupies something so you next with.
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a mission. couldn't take three days for chargers. arrangements free. free. free. free brokers videos for your media projects a free media. welcome
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to the la nischelle get the real headlines with none of the marcy i can live in washington d.c. now and i are going to take a look at the latest jobs numbers released by the government by their measurement all signs point in a positive direction more jobs added unemployment going down but other figures a little fudged not including a chunk of the populations that left the labor force entirely and how do we compare all of that with executive compensation that continues to grow nick hanauer is going to join us then the girls of bunny ranch.


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