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tv   [untitled]    January 7, 2012 10:31am-11:01am EST

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millions of orthodox christians are celebrating christmas and the many joyful traditions commemorating the birth of christ. coming up next actor director and photographer vincent paradis reveals how he manages to juggle his creativity. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on r.t. . and today my guest on the show is vincent perez people say that
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truly gifted person does anything with great talent well this is why for example musicians turned to be great producers photographers start staging movies actors start writing stories today the interview is unique he started as a photographer per fresh all for the other for then he started acting and turned out to be a great actor he started telling stories writing scripts and finally he's shooting his own movies as a director but he's in moscow now with and then subversion of his personal photographs so once again he's a photographer is all in one multi talented actor photographer director and script writer paris today on spotlight. creative as a young servant some paradis had his first brush with fame at school as an actor and director of his own shows he dreamed of being
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a painter or photographer and grew up to combine all these talents and dreams harassed became an elite celebrity in both hollywood and his native europe starring alongside like soft catherine deneuve isabella jeannie and maya care center listen paresi is referred to as one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world and the world's sexiest french speaker. thank you very much for being with us on the show it's great fun to her. thank you thank you well. first of all congratulations for. you having here this is this is the first exhibition of your works in a mosque should be nervous a little nervous i just discovered the wonderful place. through art gallery which is very close it's beautiful it's so well placed and the photos are really
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well you know some very well so far it's going pretty well. the champagne. exactly listen you are quite a frequent guest in russia yes what attracts you here this country i guess the energy. the people. you know as i've been here i've been coming here for twenty years you know i started with making a movie with. a few years ago it was like fifteen years ago and from that day i got hooked and i'm always happy to come back to promote movies and. photographer work. back in ninety eighty seven mistaking me for doing that little good film you've played in check of split tarloff on stage what what was the rule of russian culture russian theatre. for me it was it was
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a major major thing i think i went the other day to the museum of those things. and i i think him because it's because of stanislaw skin checkoff that i became an actor after reading the novels and the theatre and. stanislaw ski's books which gave me the you know the sense of what was being an actor and that from that day i decided i was fifteen years old and from that day i decided to become an actor yes and so the really russian that really gave me the. the inputs you know are you know. especially maybe. for the americans at least stanislav the people who influence the world stage greatly well that was long ago do you think that today there still is something about the russian school that is important for the west i hope so i hope. in the world of actors for
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sure i mean this is because this is that was a this was a major way to teach acting and planes take off it's something you have to do it one day in your life all those great authors also you know from the one you know all the great authors are a great influence on what we like on parts on the things that we want to tell and i think the synthesize the relationship between human beings so well that of actors is so great to play and. you mentioned this little guy in the film that you played and then you also took part in the movie in two thousand and called the code of the apple caliber i like an action that i guess you are in need really hollywood and many other parts in the. world of the world but what makes you. come to russia and take part in these russian projects because i because i like it you know i feel
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i feel so great here and i love working in russia it's different it's new and as i said you know i think what i'm what i'm looking for here is some kind of truth and some kind of energy that i miss and that i'd like you know i like the every time i was making and making a movie here or doing something here i always came back and reached and that's what i'm looking for you know just to enrich myself with the great experiences and here the never medium it's always like a strong there's always the extremes you know when you when you come to russia compared to friends it is a bit when you. you do a russian the you don't get this kind of response in the west it's mostly for the russian public so so so why is it happening is that sad for you that you mean you will do something in hollywood it goes international using the russian it stays here it wasn't like that before it wasn't like that before because the cinema the russians you know it's so great i mean the history of the russian cinema so great
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you've been so many great directors in films the world the cinema but there were great films. i will come back but the majority of the russian films they stay in russia mostly what do you think is the reason because of language because there are two russian like to give a good example of a good apocalypse was to i guess russian and. yes. telling stories about the suspects accused of soliciting things here but if you if you find stories like. that with some of his movies that they think they can travel in and you have to just to find stories that are you know touching the people outside you know also universal stories you know and then it happens and then it will happen again i'm sure i'm sure but i do miss the great russian cinema from your experience working in russia or working on stage or.
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is it much different from working in the movies in the united states and europe well there is always something that i call the russian miracle in oil you don't know how it works but we'll do it in no time. if it's never going to be remiss in going to this is like winning the war exactly and then you do it and it and it works and so that's something else that i've read in. before before studying studying dramatic art and finally becoming an actor you studied photography today. is the first day of your exhibit. so poor today is photography for you oh i think it's i think it's essential you know it's something that i've been doing for many many years but four years ago i started to really. capitalized take time and energy in this and it brings me a lot of pleasure and i just love it i have
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a passion for that you know i love i love taking photos of people you know and see what what would they can give you know there is always something magical about a photo and also the way that the photo travels through time you know i think a photo is like a good wine and it reached itself through time is that sure that you made the whole series of pictures of russian people yeah who are those people most of it you know from stuff i think oh from adam and canyon and great other actors some of them are on here. you went to the both sides to take photos from the dancers when they were rehearsing i love dancing and i think dancing and photo goes really well together so this is this was part of a very big submission in you know was between vladivostok and paris so it was like an exchange of of in fact the theme was the storytellers you know are there all the people that you have here all people i think stories and actors dancers people that
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we don't know when you do people do face as you prefer young faces or old faces i think both you know i like a young face and an old face together you know like the clown i have my clone here which is dex which was a very famous. french actor and now he's the big became a clown is eighty five years old and just his face three clown makeup gives me a lot of pleasure and there is a dimension that i've read like you said you said you said like. i mean being there pictures but me do you make money on it or it's really like a hobby. when it was not part of your profession it's becoming professional you know it. became a pressure in fact i started as a photographer before being an actor i did a schools photography i do work for papers for magazines this is all the work that i do that. i've been working at it's from photos that you have you want to hear with call of duty and bono that i did you know and some other people you know that
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was for made for magazines but most of the work that i have here are photos that i organized myself. you also started writing scripts for for movies well i talked to a couple of people in the pictures and they and they said that it's a it's a real. period of crisis but then no real story is the reason which made you write your own scripts. no i think i. became a director because i had that needed need to tell stories in oh i love people and i love telling stories that are i think important to be told i have a project in berlin that i'm working on right now and i think it's a very important story that i have to be told which tells a lot of about the german people especially during the second world war i think it's a story that never was never been told and i think there is a lot of stories that are never been told i think in russia you have like
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a so many great stories that should be told you know unfortunately right now in russia people want want want to have action movies but there is in the history you have so many fantastic stories and i hope one day there will be talk and. this need for telling stories this is what actually made you made you take on writing the stories the self as. you know. it's beyond my control something that came into my life and i had to do it i did stage work as a director and i did a play this year. and and but directing a movie is something that that i need to do and i have stories that i really have to i'm working on a story right now it's been five years that i've been working this story and i we should have next year as it takes to know all the time so what that's what i like about photos you know the photos you have the idea and you work on it and you doing it you know you don't have to wait so long you know making movies or something that
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could be very heavy and you have to be extremely patients. being a photographer is something that you can provoke and you just just have to do it you know it's like writing you know so. patients from our audience right now because it will take a short break and continue this interview with the winds and progress in less than a minute stay with us. this is art. to reclaim the american dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth that out of many we are won that war we breed the we hope. to me the american dream is to live in peace and prosperity and freedom and a government under socialism is not a government a free. man.
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you have very motivated people out cross the country who are activists who are willing to fight for what they think is right for themselves but in fact is boarding a bridge then. we are counting. property drowning and i think it's threatening our lives it's cutting off our. it's making real democracy. all but impossible. if they shoot something inappropriate for the public they can easily be. casualties of war ok. i wish he would have never happened but it has happened. in a war a t.v.
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camera becomes an unnecessary what destroys their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave. and the sclera what happens with such witnesses i got among my like. many techs feeding. her shoes shooting on our. please please. please . welcome back to spotlight. just a reminder that my guest on the show today is vincent was a world famous photographer and actor script writer and film director. well we've been talking about your numerous activities that you do well one of your activities
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. is playing in the french television series called the paris criminal investigation like i was like years ago in fact i stopped like four years ago you started the show still on no it's done with sometimes it comes back oh well it's a serious you know. what's your opinion about about these television television series because some people say that. that they're taking over the big time movies i mean traditional movies well it shows that there is a lot of stories to be told you know and and i think it's like a. like a thick book you know you're sometimes you like to spend time with the characters and i think the best today are the americans that's for sure that's the other one
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that are the doing the best series and far away. head of the french people and other people so yes there is series that i've read like but i'm a sinner i guy you know i. need movies and i need to step out of my chair and go into a dark room and watch a movie being screened on the wall you know that's something that i that i need and that's part of me and i did i did this series on television but i. realized that i was a made for that because i got bored and some people say well me i also get bored because i don't have time to to get together to sit in front of a television set every day and this. but some people say in terms of stories in terms of dialogues in terms of many things budgets television series are becoming better than movies is it true whether there's like so many great series you know six of this is. in the city but so many so many others you know are desperate
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housewives for you know you have like. i mean tons of it that i that i've seen and i think that they're really great you know so. yeah i think people want wants to have more time with the characters they want to spend more time you know what a movie or movies like an hour and a half two hours that they have like twenty hours of movies with the same characters as if they were living with them and sharing what the experience are and i think what people need you know. personally i don't have the time to do that my wife loves the series so when she was one i got hooked and you know i and so this is something it's a phenomenon it's a phenomenon you are swiss but. people say according to what i read that you will be here you are really. more french now than swiss is it true or do you still
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keep your and keep you know i'm a mixture of my father's spanish my mom history i was born in switzerland you know and i was first generation of immigrants you know in switzerland so i always felt spanish and german in a way no i never thought pretty swiss now that i live in france and i've been like living also in london the standard is new york i feel sometimes french same sometimes i feel the swiss again and sometimes spanish i'm a mixture i'm a european mixture here like a cousin paulo you know exactly exactly so i feel good when i'm traveling in oh and i need to travel i need to get out of my society you know where i live but it's true that i. and i really appreciate in france the culture i think we're very gifted that you have like so many. museums a cinema and movies being made and the theater plays and all those things you know it's really amazing the suppose you get out unsettled by me getting to like
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mentally like my house the roses the love with and i mean grandchildren and so on dogs what country would you choose to spend the rest of your life i think i would choose friends with i don't i don't think so in what part of france. you know i have a house not far from paris and i'm very happy there so i you know i'm not looking for anything else i would love to go back to america for a while and it's something new york you know i love new york but i think i think i kind of so that kind of french sense that you're becoming more and more friends are ok now you've been lately acting in movies directed by your wife yeah. well. why did you choose to waste some people never work together with me why did you decide to we're very close very close you know. my family we all all just want
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to be a part make you close. you could sometimes but you know we have projects and we you know i really you know encourage my wife to make a first feature i mean this is something she really had to do she does she does it she's a wonderful writer and she will you know in few years people all going to recognize her work as a writer she's a fantastic writer and i would preparing the second movie right now here with your new for also prison represent with presenting but butterfly kisses first movie in which i'm playing with my two daughters together with you and you have done a traditional no the none of the kids you know on but the teens you know teenagers and and there's just amazing i mean they're really made for that. you know. working through in family is something i really appreciate i think it's something very special that we do and right now we're preparing the next movie that we can be shooting in march with. you and i we're going to we're going to be playing together
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in a comedy so this is something that's so moving forward and i. really contributes to your family life what about work is it is it easy to make a movie when it's directed by your wife or are at it well. it's never easy and it's never easy but there is some kind of trust you know and when you when you work with trust you you always want to give more and so far we're doing well and we it's not easy i'm not saying it is never easy to make a movie we went through a lot of things a lot of difficult things especially on the financing but all the artistic. things that we went through are were just great. speaking about easy and easy is it easy for you here today in the given circumstances to distinguish your family life your fair fashion life when your daughters your fellow actors your wife as your director of we all real together you know what's difficult is like right no i mean i've been
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shooting a movie in italy been away for two months so i've been missing my kids a lot and that it has been very difficult for me but so i prefer to be to have them close to me than far you know. this year you've been playing in a new movie by alexander kind of the secular. world about it yeah yeah it's based on the bestselling book and dedicated to the history of algeria and this film he shot in tunisia in a country where the revolution where he actually was shooting during the revolution events tell us how was it. trends because people were the fodder to the red. but still the thing was really i mean there was still expecting to see what's what will happen next you know and and so. it's a little frightening i mean for them because they've been through so many things in a way just seen it shipped and you know like the doing of it revolution and then
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some people are taking advantage of that revolution and they just impose themselves against the will of the people so this is something that that's very scary and i really hope that they will find a way to get out of that you know video some spirit because people were really nice really open they really want to have change but i think it's going to take a few generations this story you told me bad was it we're talking about this story called this don't believe that yeah when we see it well i was supposed to shoot that movie this year and we postponed it because of the success of the book which is called alone in berlin. and it's just the book has been released in america and in england three years ago and became such a big success that we decided to the to do it in german but to do it in english so we had to postpone the movie for one year and right now i'm preparing the movie for september of next year why did you decide to dedicate
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a way to to do to germany chamberlain did have something to do with the fact that your mother was close yeah of course with that and also i think it's you know those crossing times for me also interesting and i'm very passionate with. time you know and i would it be to be a german during the second world war on the denies it and how those people that we never talk really about how fought against the nazism even if they were doing to this a little things like that i think the story of this book is true and i think this story has to be known you know known because those ordinary people on it to be respected you know says oh no you doing. doing a movie about the twenty's in italy that you're moving to the for the senate right now i'm with mussolini very soon as. you know but it's really it's also telling the story of my family i did some research on my my mom and my father's side and that
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book really represents something that you know my faith in my family went through you know came in some thank you thank you very much mr pleasure for being with us and just a reminder that my guest today was vincent perez and actor photographer director and script they have to come to rue art gallery for my work you should seize words i've seen some of them right here in this gallery they're great trust me thanks thanks once again and that was spotlight if you have something to say if you have someone in mind to you think we shouldn't next time just drop the album at. the dot are you and let's keep spotlight interactive we'll be back with more first on comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay or r.t. and take care thank you thank you thank you very much.
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we're trying to speak to journalists who've been arrested in baghdad but everyone was too afraid to appear on camera. away in iraq as the government continues a relentless crackdown on those shining a light on corruption and pressure. pressure on syria calling for it to be expelled from human rights committees tensions within the country running. the capital twenty six a middle position calls to overthrow president militarily. and we offer you a glimpse of how millions of orthodox christians are celebrating christmas many joys.


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