tv [untitled] January 9, 2012 1:01am-1:31am EST
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it is ten am a russian capital you're watching r.t. the arab league has renewed calls for the syrian government to and watch and allow more observers in the country but the group monitoring the implementation of a peace plan stopped short of asking the u.n. for help the arab league mission itself has been have criticized for failing to stop the violence as are reports many of the countries say they're paying too high a price for change. a new year with no resolution and despite the presence in the country of arab league observers and ten months of bloody clashes the violence in syria continues to escalate out of iraq and that's what's our phone and that's our people's phone it's assumed that our children are dying it's a center here just ordinary people we simply want to have the man seen here his life took his a battling to save his soldier child the he died he was just twenty five years old
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. was found to mourn him and this is just one man one family because syria at the moment there are many more people experiencing exactly the same thing as the country edges ever closer toward civil war hundreds of people from both sides losing their lives every month. on friday another suicide bombing in damascus is yet further evidence of the escalating conflicts and do this is continued to take place despite the presence of arab league observers on the ground and then had we went to the leading them to help but they didn't want to listen to mars and didn't respond to our complaints exactly he's responsible for what's in the country right now remains far from being clear that the opposition itself is becoming increasingly divided with more and more army deserts is joining the ranks in calling for a violent eva three the government danger is that soldiers who have been
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moved. from this area have concluded. to the rest of the syrian army if they want to succeed. the way to do it you know the league has once again when you think rules for the violence from full sides and the thing that's to review the finding safe. there in syria this vast country and many of its people are fighting extremely hard right now for the right to determine their own future the government here might say that that pushing reform three that many people in the country feel that simply too much has happened and too much blood has been shed for anything other than real change to now be an option sara for. damascus despite growing discontent with the arab league's mission in syria political analysts say. the group has to find
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a way out of the crisis and ignore intervention calls coming from the west. the violence is two sided there are attacks against government troops these realities on the ground need to be reflected by the observers the arab league observers and unless they have time to really see both sides of the story we're not going to know how best to solve this conflict we're not going to know how best dialogue will happen and who to trust and who involved in this process syria also has to be careful to have reliable people come in and not those with political agenda seeking to destabilize or undermine the syrian regime of course there's also violence continuing in this must stop so the arab league needs to find a just way to end this crisis and not listen to the western pressure that's coming from europe and from america to intervene in syria and to get the united nations involved right now let the arab league try to do its job. moscow has been trying to mediate a peaceful solution in syria for months and has thrown its
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a poor behind the arab league monitors and russia's foreign ministries commissioner for human rights says there must be more understanding that some of the violence is being caused by an armed opposition. we do very much support the peace initiative. by the league of arab states with your fair submit the draft screen council resolution you are the security council. which calls for the use of see where you live. by whom so we are going to see it because it's really important to stress that the violence unfortunately violence has come not only from the. government forces from from the army and police but while most significant this come also from all sorts of. extremist elements. try to hide behind the backs of peaceful peaceful demonstrators.
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you can see the full interview with russia's foreign minister as commissioner for human rights in about twenty minutes time here on r.t. . afghanistan is demanding the u.s. army hands over control of its main prison in the country within a month and that's after a detainees at the american run jail outside bagram air base complained of torture jason did it say political analyst at u.s. based website on to antiwar dot com says despite all the talk washington could have a group of ghana stand for another decade at least. a lot of these allegations have been the subject of court cases in the u.s. over the past few years particularly in the question of holding detainees without any specific evidence or charges and u.s. courts have found repeatedly unfortunately that the military base that bob graham isn't under their jurisdiction and that the military basically can detain people as long as they want without charges at the air force base but when the u.s.
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has been in not so secret negotiations with the karzai government about rubber stamping continuing the mission possibly for another decade past twenty four days there's been not really open talk in the u.s. media but open talk in the international media of the possibility of a two thousand and twenty four deadline replacing the twenty fourteen deadline and while the u.s. is saying that that last ten years would be a smaller commitment then the first ten years have been i think it really remains to be seen if even that will be the case. still half way this hour here on our team the opportunity of a lifetime or a dead end to the world for euro two thousand and twelve host ukraine as a face is questions over whether this is the right time to stage a football tournaments that's costing billions of dollars plus. the steiner came from the united states and went on a ship and came to st petersburg and then drove down truck. put it into the park. one day it wasn't there and two weeks later we're open. the man who brought the
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culture of american dying or us to russia reveals the secrets of his success join him in a few minutes for the latest in our pathfinder series. wealthy british style some time to. go. to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines join into your reports.
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it's a new year all problems for the euro well the region's new year is germany and france going back to work to hammer out a rescue plan angela merkel and. sarkozy are meeting in girl and on monday for the first time in two thousand and twelve and they have three months to implement fiscal discipline rules agreed in december but some worry that germany above all sees this as an opportunity to increase political clout artie's a corpus going off reports. billions of euros have been injected into the greek economy while its population has been given shot after shot of austerity measures in most cases that's meant wages cut taxes raised my friend the famous
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composer of. crees. compares it with the time before the fascism and what they are doing is to destroy the democracy greece is that democracy has seen the elected pm swept into the political gutter and replaced by an unelected technocrat who just happened to be a former vice-president of the european central bank. the one and only goal is to prevent a greece from going under and taking others with it a similar tactic was used on the third largest of the euro zone's economies italy after silvio berlusconi resigned from power and a new prime minister was also appointed switching governments is an old show the government that left had no chance to act to act much different from the one that
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is installed now people are you know passing by the. face meanwhile two key players of the e.u. germany and france meet again looking for ways to world cracks in the euro zone germany's already thrown billions at saving the euro it's no surprise that it wants more control over the rest of the pack which is why berlin players are pushing to build a so-called fiscal compact meant to take the reins over so over and budgets but it's an idea that's not going down well on germany streets especially if there is a threat that germany can gain certain positions and influence in the e.u. and it may not really have any right to be doing this germany over the money order it gives the government gets more power it's more powerful and i fear that. it's bad i think that the danger the so-called robin hood tax is another proposed to measure it would charge the e.u.'s financial institutions for every money move
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the mic with the aim to standardize the markets however with more. gloomy economic news over the eurozone is joblessness and feeling the seal's some analysts warn if introduced the new tax me only makes struggling countries even more dependent on france and germany is money there's no doubt germany remains the industrial an economic powerhouse off. the skies over the euro zone darkening the signs are this economic strength is no use to why. as well you go to. frankfurt germany. like much of debt laden europe there are regions of india seeing a mass movement of people seeking work and fortune abroad they are enticed by the promise of prestige jobs and big money but often find anything but artist british leader reports. carol india famed for its beautiful beaches and the country's highest health and literacy rates is also known for something else. a darker side
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for many years despite the state's success unemployment remains high forcing millions of keralites to look further afield for work that's exactly what mohammad . did he's one of two point three million indians who've gone to the gulf for a better life we are interested in going abroad because we don't have enough opportunities and benefits to work in india every day our expenses are shooting up and we do in tough enough so we go to the govt in order to earn more and to have a good life after three and a half years mohamed is back in india to renew his visa he says he can earn almost twice as much money in the gulf as he can at home for muhammad it's been a success and that's why thousands of keralites knock on the doors of agencies like this to go the dream of going to the gulf has become a money making business in kara with people coming here early in the morning to line up to get their passport and process just on this one block you see several
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agencies that are helping people get the right paperwork and sometimes they're charging up to three to five thousand dollars to help people go and that's when things can start to go wrong to afford the ticket in high agency charges many would be gulf workers take out loans from their future employer and once they arrive they're given a lower salary than promised but are still in debt experts say it's a common story making people vulnerable to physical and mental exploitation these poor while. he was promised when you go to. the new goals that. hundred dollars sometimes though the consequences are even worse than that over forty seven years ago she called us in the morning and was crying after that we haven't heard from. she has gone missing and we have no information. when gina and sar hasn't seen her mother since she went to the gulf
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for what was supposed to be a higher paying shot that was seven years ago many indian workers like regina's mother simply disappear it's thought some are just afraid to come back and admit their dream became a night others to hide to escape abuse from employers and fear being discovered by authorities and deported when their paperwork expires we had a lot of difficulties and still do when she went missing. and that is a lot of responsibility i have two kids as a brown all of them were really young when she went missing so they don't have many memories of her memories that no amount of money from abroad could make up for we can only speculate about this one missing woman's story but hers is not an isolated case although migrant keralite workers send almost seven million dollars back to india every year thousands of others have never been heard from again preassure
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either. india. and able blockade in a fresh push for nuclear energy we report online on how iran responds to pressure of problem the u.s. with a range of measures as a store of harsh rhetoric between to iran and the west intensifies. and this woman thought she was jumping for joy but the bungee bungle there was a lucky escape though find a full story and watch this with you again at our team dot com. it's going to be.
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the official. from the. video. on the dot com. this summer ukraine welcomes euro two thousand and twelve one of the biggest sporting events in the world as co-host with poland it's costing billions of dollars to overhaul roads airports and stadiums to welcome football teams and their supporters organizers believe it will all benefits the country's image but i suggest you found not everyone shares that optimism. the incredible adventures of food bullheads from extreme accommodation to driving through impassable roads this is the scenario some believe awaits fans who will
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flock to ukraine for the euro twenty twelve tournament gave based journalists organized this photo exhibition trying to voice a rather pessimistic message about the upcoming football club. we're being told by the government that everything has been built by the fans will face those problems that we ordinary face everyday poor stray perry shoes bribery by the police and terrible medical facilities raided could be a major failure. at first glance such concerns may seem laughable even in the darkest times of financial troubles the euro twenty twelve projects remained top priority when almost all construction projects were halted roads airports and stadiums never stopped being built after a string of stadium opening ceremonies in ukraine you wait for chiefs are now completely sure the country is ready to host the tournament we went through
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a different periods of the preparation so some of them. solve successful but in last two years we made huge progress in terms of infrastructure construction and also in terms of organization so in principle we are ready but this is just one example of what really worries some in ukraine this broken road is only several hundred meters away from a vital highway and there is a slim chance it would ever be repaired before or after the tournament kicks off experts believe ukraine simply has no money for that and the euro twenty twelve will not change the situation. of the ukraine is spent fourteen billion dollars on euro twenty twelve projects but wait. only hope for a billion from the tournament twenty eight times less everyone knew that it's a typical situation especially faced in europe the question is if we could afford
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such spending in hard times like this. tournament organizers brush all this criticism aside saying regardless of how much money your twenty twelve brings the country is building a bright future for itself for the first time in twenty years history we will get new airports new roads new terminals everything is new we believe that people who is in ukraine they will come again the ways of ukraine so this is our main goal especially euro twenty twelve clock was installed in central kiev to count down the minutes to june skew cough and despite some skepticism the majority of ukrainians are relieved to see it ticking in their capital city not anywhere else with all the airports and stadiums springing up it's hard to believe now that almost a year ago the tournament could have moved to another country by you a far as ukraine was not doing good enough now there is no doubt whatsoever it will be held here but one question still remains whether it would become an opportunity
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of a lifetime or a luxury this economically hit country could not have afforded. see reporting from kiev in ukraine. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world malaysian opposition leader anwar ibrahim was greeted by hundreds of supporters after being found guilty of sodomy following a to hear a trial it for him faced a possible twenty year jail sentence after being accused of having sex with a former male a politician maintained his innocence and seven charges were politically motivated the verdict is expected to have major consequences on elections expected later this year. following a wave of deadly attacks and i derian president has said there may be sympathizers of terrorists. within his government over the way to. and sectarian violence targeting christians killed dozens and forced hundreds from their homes a state of emergency has been declared in several regions at least fifty people have been killed in the last few days by boko haram who have warned christians to
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flee the muslim dominated north. and i've addressed to his supporters from london pakistan's former president pervez musharraf's has said he will return to pakistan to run in the forthcoming elections he faces arrest on rival overuse ations he failed to provide protection for prime minister benazir bhutto who was assassinated in two thousand and eight sharp described the asians as baseless elections don't have to be held until two thousand and thirteen but there is speculation the current president zardari could call them for this year. if you as republican candidates are fighting for votes ahead of tuesday's primary in new hampshire in a t.v. debate the policies of former massachusetts governor and front runner mitt romney who are attached to mitt impious by fellow contenders opinion polls put romney ahead of congressman ron paul and senator rick santorum the ultimate republican
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candidate will face democrat obama in november elections. our daily pathfinder series here with our t.v. a we introduce you to a pioneering foreigners who have had business success in russia. despite a long cold war or perhaps because of it russians have always had a thing for hamburgers and milkshakes it's a year and paul brines sought to satisfy when he brought the first american diner to the country. i got here in st patrick's day march eleven o'clock at night and it was dark there was no neon on the street. to the hotel like going up to my room and i said to myself what i do but i decided i wanted to stay and i met a young russian guy who became my partner and is still my partner. just started to
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move forward and not look back. to steiner came from the united states and went on a ship and came to st petersburg and then drove down on trucks and we put it into the park you know like one day i wasn't there and two weeks later we were open i think it was the challenge i was really exciting when i opened my first business here. because we were the first we had a lot of people that thought we were crazy to put a diner in the middle of the park despite all the objections there and we didn't we knew it was going to work because i had worked here for two years in the hotel i actually got on their stand the culture. and thought process in russian despite everything russians have always had a love for america you know and you can't get more american than a diner one of the great things about this diner was modular so when we ordered it from the united states all the pictures are on the walls. all the buddhas are made
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in the us in the united states but they're red in their classic. furniture so so while we had crises here and ninety eight and five you know in our case other than ninety eight the last one it wasn't so bad because people came down market they were spending less money on roofs and we have a really moderate price category so we our business actually increased a little during the last crisis i think there's still a lot of opportunities here i mean it's just under saturated market like ten million people i could use a lot more restaurants. foreign businessmen really have to understand a lot about the country before they get here and they have to know their own business really well be able to adapt to it there's not a my way or the highway situation here it's like the russian way i would say the first thing is they need a russian partner they can trust and then they have the perseverance because it's
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not going to out. as quickly as it would somewhere else and i once said you know i'm in america you have all the rights but no freedom russia i said you had freedom but no rights to it. so. probably the biggest difference is the management style of management is more harsh and more dictatorial i think that's a negative because if you don't challenge them you don't get a second opinion on whether you're doing the right thing or not i would say a developing manager is probably the biggest challenge because people they don't have a lot of management experience i think sometimes people look at business and they say i have a business but i think every business has three components ok one is the employees the other is the owner who puts up the capital and wants to make a profit and the other one is the customer you know if you don't treat all three of those aspects as being important you're not going to be successful you have to take
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care of your employees have to take care of your customers and put it together where you're going to make money. if you don't put those three those things together market work. well shortly you want to russia's most senior diplomats explains why in the country we're fuses to listen to lectures in the fall in the west for the headlines.
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if they shoot something inappropriate from the public they can easily be shot by accident and casualties of war ok. i wish you would have never happened but it has. been a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what does their own safety all foreign nationals including journalists and inspectors should leave iran. and this clear what happens with such witnesses i got him on my site. one of many objects submitted.
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welcome back here with r t a reminder of the top stories the arab league urges an end to retaliate in syria but doesn't want the u.n. involved however the group itself has come under criticism for failing to stop the violence while many of the public on three just want to return to peace with. ghana sandman's the keys to the tory is wrong prison within a month that's now after those held in the us run facilities say they have been repeatedly abused and tortured. and your survival is back on the agenda with the region's first couple due to me to in berlin to discuss implementing fiscal discipline.
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