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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2012 10:31pm-11:01pm EST

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part of it and realize that everything in. our world is a big picture. mr
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. hi guys it's time for so when talents and i program the last time we spoke about the u.s. new defense strategy outlined by secretary defense panetta and president obama we asked if you thought this represents a real turning point for the u.s. military or continuation the status quo is going to produce patrice and send you to find out what she had to say. both president obama and secretary defense hailed the scaling back of the twenty thirteen defense budget to about what it was back in two thousand and eight as a major turning point for the u.s. military but as a president obama made the announcement last week did anyone notice the face in
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general already arrow he looked like the kid who just had its candy taken away needless to say none of the other joint chiefs looked to abbey about the very modest cards either and major military contractors across the country expressed their disapproval bowing even use the new budget as the pretext to announce that they would be shutting down their plant in wichita kansas so what does this mean is this really a turning point for the military are just more lip service frank said it's a turning point the military will now be forced to do things more efficiently they will have to turn to smaller defense contractors that can deliver what they need at lower cost now cottle said it just means less money for soldiers and more money for dros mehta told us at turning point never the announcement is just a smokescreen those in power will move to the gold coast and live through their teeth to hold on to their perceived position of global dominance and till their empire collapses just like other empires so for now it's the collapsing economy that is forcing the government to cut four hundred eighty seven billion on military
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spending in the next decade many say that number could easily be doubled so let's not forget that these cuts simply put us down the amount we were spending in two thousand and eight what sounds a lot more like a haircut than a turning point to me. now is. always we appreciate your responses and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke about rising tensions between china and u.s. following president the president's announcement that we will be focusing our military i on to asia and china did not exactly take the news of open arms so do you think that we're headed into a cold war with china let us know on facebook twitter and you tube and you know as a response just might think. well first of all protect the rights of the freedom of religion speech assembly the press cover that apartment of homeland security has decided to modify that freedom of speech from press under its newly inactive media monitoring initiative this initiative will be conducted under the national operations center and the idea from the brains over at the headquarters will out
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the government to keep data on anybody who uses any sort of news or media outlet to share report or strain form so basically that means that journalists news anchors hosts like myself producers anyone he was with the news junkie in general who relies on television and the internet to keep up with the times are all going to be under close watch to see their targets don't stop there and meet a government worker who makes a public statement and anyone who's been involved in any homeland security type of crime will also be under the microscope and if they get something like this already exists technically you would be correct the old guidelines allow the government to collect data as long as they're given authorization to do so or according to fast company's website d.h.s.s. been collecting in-cell intel since two thousand and ten and they've been distributing that information to international third parties and private sector businesses why i wonder however this new initiative which was created back in november removes the entire need for any authorization thus making it virtually
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anybody who's going to media fair game now d.h.s.s. open in combat any outcry over lack of privacy by saying that they're only going to keep tabs of publicly made information while they're retaining data about persons of interest but personally i think we all know that's not going to happen it's unclear as to how much taxpayer money is going to. going towards this initiative or the manpower required to keep tabs on anybody who speaks out but it does offer up more proof that the government is taking the time to add yet another layer of surveillance to an already huge surveillance apparatus over the sake of keeping a running tab of who says what and it's not just the media it's also social media last week we told you about twitter users who received subpoenas and court orders also the police could get information about what they do online and who they follow and what they say just more proof that your freedom of speech really ain't all that free and fact it just might land you on a government list. well here's a ruling that seems rather uncharacteristic for our current supreme court after a ruling on citizens united almost two years ago yesterday they upheld
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a federal ban on foreign nationals spending money to influence u.s. elections of supreme court upheld the ruling of a lower court and the case is bloomin versus the f.e.c. and certain advocates of campaign finance reform are cheering this as a victory and let's not forget even the president jumped in and caused a stir when talking about this issue at his first state of the union address. last week the supreme court reversed a century of law that i believe will open the floodgates for special interests including foreign corporations the spend without limit and i want to thank you but the thing is are people cheering a little too much what is this ruling actually changed here discusses in the is jake brewer chief strategy officer at strategy dot com thanks so much for being here and i think as always i before we get into the specifics of this case our citizens united overall if you think about it do you think that americans would agree that they don't necessarily want foreign money influencing their domestic
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elections i feel like that's a pretty fair thing to let it go away and the numbers say that u.s. citizens do not want other countries or other citizens of other countries to influence our elections yet we're very proud of what goes on right here right it's made in america but so right now people are looking at this ruling or this ban of the supreme court has decided to uphold that did it actually change anything yeah i mean the real story here is that we still have no disclosure of who gives money to what in the united states when you look back as citizens united you know even even the supreme court justice who voted in favor of citizens united against the f.e.c. all said that disclosure was vitally important it was up to congress to pass constitutional laws that provided a kind of disclosure we still don't have it congress in both the house and senate side did not pass the disclose act in two thousand and ten when they had a chance to we've not really gotten any closer to that since then and this is just i mean it's a little more than a p.r. victory for the campaign finance field who has had really nothing to cheer about for about forty years that really isn't a p.r.
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victory though i mean i don't hear anything it is what people are cheering for and i don't mean to me like they're winners yeah i mean that's the thing that this decision did almost nothing would be like in baseball if we got the statistics for the game. three months after the fact that's about the situation that we have right now in our campaign elections are basically who's being funded by what the money that is disclosed comes out. way after the fact you have money now that's not just those at all going through super pacs and five once you fours and different media outlets that are basically just buying ads all over the place you know the great recent example was when newt gingrich's pac got twenty million dollar infusion from you know a citizen who happens to be an american in this case not a foreign national but it would been hard to tell whether actually had come from a foreign national wouldn't really matter to you there is no disclosure there so this decision is really just kind of a for the for the campaign finance field and little more and well it's disappointing though for those on the opposite end right a lot of libertarians are up in arms about this and their. logic is saying that
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this actually goes completely opposite of the supreme court's live in citizens united which you agree with that i think it kind of does it and i think it's kind of a hopeful decision in many ways i think almost no one wants a whole lot of money in our politics no one wants that to be the reason that one person wins out of another they want to be based on merit it's a american value that you get into office and you make decisions based on your constituents and based on your values and your character and not because of who bought you out on now that's a popular thing to say that there has been a drastic change in the discourse in the conversation about this over the last year thanks to occupy wall street thanks to citizens united even being passed but does that make you feel like maybe the supreme court's the judicial branch just getting a little political are they trying to i think that's why i'm a little hopeful i think this actually indicates that they kind of see that you know over the last two years there has been enough uprise of opinion and actually public sentiment that says this is not how we want our politics to be decided this
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is not gotten into a good place money has only increased and there has only led to where we are now which i think most people agree actually quantifiably ten percent there's more people with herpes the united states congress right now so i think that's kind of a terrible statistic that a good indication of where this money has gotten this well you know i think it's interesting and i want to get your opinion on this. is the way that the g.o.p. field is now reacting because of her first everybody supported citizens united right this is the medium speed freedom of course mitt romney was on board but now you have john mccain suddenly talking about how evil super pacs. and how they might have you know a negative effect on an election you have new gingrich toying around with the same kind of language and they just feel like they have no choice now i think what you're seeing is a difference of principle and practice and in many ways the supreme court decision if you just look at the the principles in the values of it the argument the argument against citizens united make case of the if you see. or libertarians would
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say that because this is united if you'd gone the other way things like book bans would have been possible by congress and that's why had to go the way that it did and that's a principle and they felt strongly about that that's freedom right but the actual practice of it is that even now we're seeing on the republican side there is just too much money and even ardent republicans and staunch conservatives are saying that this is just too much when i should be scared because there's so much money and they can see the impact that it has because there are so many negative ads flying around all over the place and i think they're almost starting to lose their mind a little bit here we get the impression that some of these people don't necessarily even know what exactly citizens united did was a gingrich that attacked romney and said your super pac did this and i think that that's part of the conversation that everyone needs to have that even the mainstream media often fails to do is turn my people that technically tenets aren't supposed to you know they're not supposed to have connections with the super pacs yeah they're actually supposed to have zero i mean if it could be documented that you have coordinated with the super pac and that is punishable by law at this point
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you can basically be you can be taken to court around that so yeah i mean i think people have a fundamental misunderstanding about what the supreme court does first of all the fact that it's not supposed to pass legislation as opposed to rule on the legislation is actually congress's job now in the week of citizens united actually passed legislation that gets rid of some of the stuff and they're failing at that what do you think they might be going anywhere we've seen a lot of. local efforts to try to i think about the only way we're going to get anywhere right now is at the local level i'm really excited by that i've seen groups like the sunlight foundation for instance that actually started local initiatives are used to work there and really love that idea of taking it to the state and really even you know city level because that's where a decision could be made by as few as ten to fifty thousand people you don't have to get fifty million americans to get on board you don't have to get fifty one members of the senate to get on board or actually sixty nowadays of course with the lovely filibuster that we stuff to deal with on this new people are going to keep trying to get everybody on board jake thanks so much for joining us oh my pleasure . well coming up next mitt romney continues to try to convince americans that it's
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just like the. capitalist he was struggling america and explain in tonight's all time and then happy hour when manifestos everyone's prayers location. and we all know that breaking up with your significant other are devastating but we're going to. hope for as my actually come along that's. internal where military mechanisms do not work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you. see some other
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part of it and realize. i'm trying hard luck is a big issue. i'm mr. the only the least the one thing the
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only one of the protesting nobody seems to know. but never a pepper spray to face part of the argument that they're being overly dramatic. hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it goes to mitt romney the more romney has worked really hard over the last couple of years to crack the narrative that he is the anti obama the businessman who would come to the white house and run the place like a fortune five hundred company really put the house in order a proud capitalist to rescue the country from the grips of a looming socialism but aside from that narrative romney still has primaries to win
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and that means retail politics shaking hands taking questions from town hall voters generally doing anything and everything we began to try to connect with everyday voters and connecting with everyday voters well not exactly his four day take for example this being from a group at a coffee house down in florida over the summer the old. the old. the only. time that we're going. at least in that when it seemed like romney had to laugh because of the ridiculous nature of everything he was saying laughing at the absurdity of him being unemployed just like millions of americans out there yeah right now in a speech that he made over the weekend in new hampshire all that self-awareness seem to have left the g.o.p. hopeful as he tried to explain to voters that he felt their pain i know what it's
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like to worry whether you're going to get fired or a couple of times i wondered whether i was going to get a pink slip. you think he's just like you what romney leaves out about his fears of getting the pink slip is that unlike most americans the pink slip that he was worrying about from bain capital wouldn't have really been a pink slip is according to a two thousand and seven boston globe story which explain the terms of romney's hiring at bain capital his experience wasn't quite the same as it is for most americans he was offered several assurances that if he failed if he failed the bait in fact he was guaranteed his old job back at the firm that he and david bain had previously worked for if things went south and if that was enough bain capital even offered to give a positive p.r. spin to his failure because romney was concerned about how a failed performance might affect his reputation so just like the rest of us that all fear the stigma of being fired except we don't have the guarantees of p.r. campaign to make sure that nobody thinks we failed our job so mitt romney really
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couldn't be farther from understanding the fear and the exile u.-t. than average american has about being let go from his or her job normal americans are not guaranteed their very high paying old jobs back if they didn't perform well and they certainly aren't aren't promised cover up stories so they don't feel embarrassed for their family or friends so mitt let me just tell if he is straight nobody's buying it in fact this is why people don't like you why republican voters are desperately searching for an alternative to your pathetic pandering first to try to tell the american people that you are the epitome of the high powered businessman the one who can make america capital is to get you try to tell us that well you really get the struggles of every day americans here's a tip pick a story stick to it because you just can't have it both ways and that's why mitt romney is tonight's told time winner.
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all right guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening is lauren lyster host of capital count here on araa. and j. crew were chief strategy officer at vision strategy dot com. even try to set up the next story let's just say that you know sometimes they say that if you have an erection for too long that could be a bad thing by agger says this all the time. to avoid long term injury check immediate medical help for the action lasting more than four hours. our four hours is like child's play compared to this next story this iranian guy twenty one year old pony a really great idea to have a tattoo on his penis and some of it is persian script saying good luck on your journeys and he also has the first initial of his girlfriend's last name and since that happened he now has a permanent erection because of some kind of handheld needles that are in use and they poke something wrong and it's really horrible when you ever do that what
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you're going to want god you know just wasn't right if this seemed to be so hilarious if it wasn't so awful if you had any sure you have some idea but it's very you know to be like an erection for life because this guy is on the say that you know he's not much of a semi-regular going to i was away yeah i mean there's a few things i can imagine that be more painful for that long but that's just that's just a terrible i don't even want to say about it it's just an utterly awful thing that can't be arsed horrible because he's not getting it operated on there is a procedure you can do and he's opted to just leave it because he can still have sex and i guess it's not that bad for him maybe. so i think she's good she's now on there she might as well take advantage. where in the pants and tell him what to do . so that letting you guys give you were very good at. finding your private parts just where there might be consequences or releases make sure you go to somebody who's a professional does have some kind of handheld needles they're going to mess with
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you a lot of segments of stupid things guys do on the show i think we need to balance the gender maybe it's just guys are dumb i think that's what it is i don't know but it was funny because the people that the doctors that did this study their final recommendation which is don't get a tattoo on your penis how much is their acts are going to get out of the can really do you really think. ok we're going to have to go to another guy that does stupid things unfortunately that's what is why that happens to be ready for president which really should make us feel bad let's first go back to this famous video of rick santorum that has thus far caused so much controversy take a look. i don't want. to make people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money i want to give the opportunity or the money to provide for themselves. so recurs he tried to walk this back and we gave our time because he said that he didn't actually mean to say black people he said blah blah blah he didn't come out
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right which was just awful now and i'm. doing this now he's trying to say that instead of people's lives he said clive's and he and he put the two words together that i'm a pretty smart guy i think somehow that word means in the make sense when you have this film why is that a good explanation for what you just you know he did on video he doesn't stumble over people's lives he says that very clearly i mean you know we're on air sometimes you stumble over words that make sense i can say things here. but he did it on air it was caught people can go back and look that doesn't make anything good lives doesn't take away what you just said about the political aisle fair and just you know it's just stupid i think is the number of times we have to talk about santorum saying something stupid i think you know when you google santorum you get a nice little definition that's a little bit awkward to tell people about i think which is redefine it as like foot in mouth disease of some kind and at least at least a little more accurate number line is actually doing this the other night why is
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this going to turn out your blood better of your when you wouldn't give him i've already had time we have another santorum clip i totally forgot about that about his sweater vest that everybody that took a look. but one of my supporters said this is my this is my second amendment vest the right to bear arms so i don't know mind you give i think hundred dollars i think it's one hundred dollars and it's a part you know campaign donation. parentline now if you do it out of our civic center and campaign get one of his sweater vests and get his guns you right to bear . i think that they actually want the second amendment supporters are going to be pissed off about there's a kind of give them a bad name don't want to see the. hundred dollars go to the gym going to gym membership actually though i don't know let's move on because we have to have any more stories to do. this and i think the maybe oprah will say it best as to what documentary films are really all about. and this was an incredible year for documentaries which so many brilliant filmmakers working in all regions of the
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globe telling their stories illuminating the human condition and showing us beauty insights and the truth if you were the nominees for best documentary feature. so from now on when somebody announces the nominees for best documentary feature at the academy awards there are certain restrictions there is a requirement that in order to qualify to be nominated the documentaries have to screen in both l.a. or new york and be reviewed by a theatrical reviewer by the l.a. times or the new york times otherwise are documentary doesn't tell others it doesn't count it in the new documentary disposed to be cool and edgy and kind of not established meant the fact that now the new york times or the l.a. times has to review them just kind of makes one percenters documentaries failed or hating the m.p.a. even all nerds are only one or so but only if i'm wrong or maybe i've missed out but like do we have way too many documentaries out there is this like
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a problem that i'm unaware of in our society when it's all that too many too many unique voices. well that's one of their arguments in the using here is that certain people certain documentaries try to get through by putting out a theatrical trailer without actually having you know intend to do nearly ended with the internet all and it's absurd you don't need the new york times and the l.a. times in order to review or to review something in order for it to be considered just ok should we do i think we're going to skip one of our story so we can get into the really sad when the we already. and it turns out well you know some people always wonder or say that somebody died of a broken heart and some movies really makes you feel like someone's about to quit. oh my.
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i've been there now. turns out you actually can die of a broken heart it turns out that the death of a loved one causes a huge spike in a person's risk of heart attack by like twenty one fold so then is it a crime then to break someone's heart that initiated good. let's get caught early like we're going to go with that i think that any executive branch of government i think that with the ever expanding powers i'm going to give them a happier direction and yet what they're really saying is that you can die from a lot of stress all at once and like the cool thing is you can totally just decide not to have so much stress in your life that's like completely something everybody can do you can't help but when your heart is broken you know you can get over it you can get over it you get the you know you guys you don't read the whole way that i know that i'm the only one i don't get over after like a month after the person dies then your chances of heart attack reduced dramatically so it's just right after or just when you're older like johnny cash than a sweet story that is like a good nice thing when you're a nobody break anyone's hard till they're old and they're tell you no i don't order
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any different what are you going to have it only like five seconds thanks for joining us as of tonight so they are suiting in come back tomorrow michael hastings is what you want to talk about his new book and clear up next is the. six. wealthy british style. that's not on the title for.
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the. markets why not gonna. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our.
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i'm sam sachs in for tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the people of new hampshire making their voices heard tonight taking who they think should be republican nominee for president because that really what's going on in the granite state right now or is this all the giant ruse put on by the news media corporations and if you want to send your kid to college in a few decades time to start playing the lottery we'll examine the grim trend of rising tuition costs and storing student debt and what that means for most import.


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