tv [untitled] January 11, 2012 1:31am-2:01am EST
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or a humanitarian intervention instead but critics suggest foreign involvement would bring more harm than good. and the u.s. takes its anti ron barassi to china and tries to persuade energy. to stop buying oil from to veronica currently purchases almost one third of iraq's oil exports. when i started says down with colonel morris davis what the former chief prosecutor at one time on he says a light on some of the methods used in the prison and explains why he quit. we're sitting down with morris davis a man of a very interesting career he was the chief prosecutor for the military tribunals of one tunnel bay in two thousand and seven he resigned over his objection to the use of evidence obtained by torture and to what he saw as growing political interference in those military tribunals now he says although president obama promised to shut down guantanamo he doesn't have the using colonel davis his own
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terms the balls to do that colonel davis could you clarify that latest statement for us or he was elected i was thrilled you know that he took office the first thing he did was sign an order. closing guantanamo within one year of his order which was signed in january of two thousand and nine and we're sitting here today on top of most still open the military commissions have resumed and in my view the president just didn't have the balls to follow through with doing the right thing do you think it's because when he became president he learned things that he had known before i don't know if he learned things he didn't know before or he faced a bigger obstacle than he anticipated. you know saying you know the slogan close guantanamo sounds fairly simple actually following through and doing it is a much more difficult process you know they're saying the reason we're not shutting
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down guantanamo is because we don't know what to do with the remaining detainees other countries don't want to have them well you know we haven't helped ourselves in that front of the week or so for instance the chinese muslims that were cleared years ago is not being a threat to the u.s. we beg two dozen countries to help us out they're not a threat take the weekers. and a few did a few countries did a couple of years ago a judge here in washington d.c. ordered the weavers released and brought to the us and suddenly our government said oh. no there are too dangerous we can't have them in the u.s. so while we begged other countries to help us out and take some detainees we've never been willing to take one or so so we're a little hypocritical on that front colonel davis you were the chief prosecutor at guantanamo i want to know how did you go from being an advocate of the process to being a hard lying critic of the practices i took the job as chief prosecutor in september of two thousand and five and i believed at the time and did for most of my tenure
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that we were committed to having full fair and open trials my policy had been we were not going to use any evidence obtained by waterboarding or any of the other enhanced interrogation techniques that most people call torture and i had support above me for doing that then in the summer of two thousand and seven some new people came in and said wait a minute president bush said we don't torture so president bush says we don't torture who are you to say that we do and we've got all this information that was collected that you're not using you need to get in there and use it and that was when i felt that our commitment to full fair and open trials had diminished and i submitted my resignation what would you say to those who claim the difference between president obama and president bush as far as their anti-terrorism policy is bush would detain the suspects torture them prosecute them president obama just kills them doesn't have to go into all that detention trouble less certainly i think there's some facts to support that perception. is that
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candidate obama you know said all the right things about justice and american values and closing guantanamo and doing away with military commissions and upholding the rule of law and then once he gets in office you know he didn't just embrace the bush policies he kissed him on the lips and ran with them and has advanced them further than president bush ever did like killing an american with a drone strike in yemen. he was correct which is just. astounding that an american president can make the unilateral decision that an american saying it was a really bad guy he deserved it bad guys need to die there are a lot of other people i could put on that list but an american citizen for an american president to make the unilateral decision that a civilian agency the cia. would go to another country and launch an office of military operation fire
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a missile and kill american and bystanders it would just anwar all the walkie that was killed or four people killed that day. i'm not aware of any legal justification for that i think it's called murder to kill another human being deliberately without legal justification are drones becoming the new arm of the us justice you know there's nothing wrong with per se with drones i mean just another weapon system is basically an airplane with a pilot sitting in a in a lounge chair other than the cockpit it's how they're used that concerns me. if they're being used to avoid. complying with the law and giving people due process and their day in court and that's a sad chapter in america's history if that's what we're doing. we've always our strength for two hundred years was the law not turning our back on it so if we're if the administration is choosing it if it has a choice between kill or capture and they're choosing kill just because that's the
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easy route and that's a sad commentary on america in two thousand and eleven you know we hear that all the time a u.s. drone killed ten terrorists in pakistan as if that's beyond reasonable doubt that those were terrorists i think it's another black spot on the american reputation. would we condone it these are american citizens being killed by another government under similar circumstances. you know it's great when we're the country that has the drones it may not be. what is great when other countries have that same capability that are used against us and. crossing another border launching an office of attack often conducted by the cia which is a civilian agency that you know they're not they're not the military they don't have combatant immunity and to for the president to send them out to conduct often said military operations. is just unprecedented you're talking about do you legal process do they think if they operate outside the united states everything is just
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legally fine i guess we're fortunate that america's the no six hundred pound gorilla in the playground i mean who's going to tell us we can't. which is fine as long as we're the big kid on the playground but we may not always be in that status we're supposed to set the example a positive example and we claim to be the champion of the rules and all but it seems that were a champion of the rule of law when we're trying to apply it to others not so much when. we're looking at in the mirror at ourselves. the convention against torture for instance we're signatory to that if you use all recently at the republican presidential debates where candidates said they would resume waterboarding so you know we love to criticize other countries. who were not so good at holding up the mirror torso nor that you prosecuted guantanamo i was just wondering what was the ratio of people who got into one tunnel for for
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a reason real bad guys and those who let's say did not deserve guantanamo treatment well if you accepted the bush administration's characterization of your call maybe donald rumsfeld secretary of defense saying you know these men are the worst of the worst they get you through the hydraulic lines on the airplane on the way to go on time or just to kill americans i think a lot of people that narrative that all of these guys are the worst of the worst there are a total of about. seven hundred seventy five men that have been a kuantan about some point in time more than six hundred have been released or transferred back to their country of origin or some other country most of those by the bush administration so you know these guys are all the worst of the worst the hardened terrorists that were out to kill americans seem strange that we would send more than six hundred of them out of guantanamo the reason i asked is a former guantanamo detainee told me when. they seized pakistan pakistani
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authorities were so anxious to give the americans some numbers you know when heads that they couldn't care less about due legal process he was tortured he was sent to guantanamo spend a few years there before being with us on a different note if president obama during his next presidential campaign again promises to shut down guantanamo and says well this time yes we will and yes we can would you believe and i believe president obama the first time he told me he was going to close guantanamo i had recently retired from the military when he was running for president and for the first time in my adult life i got to participate in a campaign you know the military stays out of politics so after i retired i put in a bomb a sign in the front yard i donated to the campaign i went door to door campaigning for him somebody came in my yard bomb a sign on fire and i put up another one so i believed in this hope and change that
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he promised you know what you're saying reminds me someone wisely said it's useless to hold a person to anything he says while he is in love drunk or running for office or all three at the same time for even worse that you know i've seen his lips move before and say the right words i'll believe it when i see it thanks for the interview sir nothing less for your town. if they shoot something inappropriate from the public they can easily be shot. casualties of war ok. i wish he would have never happened but it has happened. in a war a t.v. camera becomes an unnecessary what destroys their own safety all foreign nationals
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including journalists and inspectors should leave. and this clear what happens with such witnesses i got on my site. many checks. hirsch's shooting. culture is that so much as i can wish of course you might want to stop them so here's a republican party presidential contenders are falling over themselves to their support of israel is this a reflection of gross ignorance of history in the israeli.
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it's. not oh it's not about spilling blood. just the war of the barricades from one side and fears blockade from the other. invisible border it has cut people from the land for twelve years. the conflict that divided serbia into two hostile parts is still not over. the. line moshe would be soo much brighter if you knew about someone from phones to impressions. from stunts on t.v.
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the. repeated promises to close the infamous u.s. prison are still in fulfilled ten years on seven hundred suspects have passed through one time of a sense many allegedly being abused and tortured there last month obama signed a new watch to hold people indefinitely without trial or charge. syria's president promises to completely revamp the constitution as a way out of the bloody deadlock but its neighbor turkey calls for humanitarian intervention instead but critics suggest foreign involvement would bring more harm than good. and the u.s. takes its anti ran for safety china and tries to persuade energy hungry beijing to stop buying oil from tehran currently purchases almost one third of iran spoil
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exports. so they have lines here in our next whole latest force to use with dmitri . to you welcome to the program top stories. into the last eight real madrid. to book a place in the quarter finals of the copper del rey. top of the world is named. for the third time in a row. and returning stateside the world's best possible league is back on competitive track has attracted the russian li. football there where real madrid have booked a place in the last eight of the copa del rey that's off to be to malaga for good
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in the last sixteen the spanish giants began their return leg with a three from the first game the fact that his men had won twenty of their last twenty one matches in all competitions gave them confidence this time and company managed to score only once seventy two minutes into the game took advantage of error as the model let the ball into the net between his legs sending the defending champ and into the next stage. with every time the english carling cup competition has already reached the semi final stages in the first game crystal palace beat cardiff city by a single go in london two championships created a lot of chances during the ninety minutes it was the five who were awarded the most only goal of the game was elected by their hosts and thank god not taking his chance after people told failed to which it is before half time in the second leg
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crystal palace will travel to wales to defend the one lead to sit and liverpool prepared to go ahead. in the other semifinal place tonight. staying with football little messier has been named faithful world player of the year for a third successive season there is also the ceremony in zurich all mistake given following get another stunning season for the twenty four year old argentine in a message had been up against barcelona teammate andrew of address chris turner an elder along with winning the spanish league spanish to pick up the super cup and the club world cup last year messi was named man of the match and boss of champions league final victory over manchester united to boot even devils manage it. alexai this and admitted mass is nothing short of great. generational thing of course. someone. so only years past few years of people.
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in the fifty's like pelley be able to put in present day you know that the answer would put in a new generation. we could put in the fifty's you could put him in the press and be screwed stefano clearly. cloyd we could all anyway will because the great players and i am almost without question comes into that category. now the n.b.a. is back in action with players returning stateside from all over europe to play in the best league in the world russia hasn't really been affected with only to my famous golf leaving richard poole fit assesses the mood amongst the fence and players. russian basketball fans of hardly been affected by the resumption of the n.b.a. has very few stars came to the country in the first place but a few players like andre carolyn go have decided to stay in europe robin the move
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back stateside a k forty seven decision to stay puts has certainly earned the praise of one of his rivals are things is a lot about russian gas war thing that overseas loyalty to the country and so for that i think it's great to think that some of might that decision and it could be good for the sport especially in russia so. he will be only russian club that was seriously affected by resumption of the n.b.a. has been lost their star center to the famous golf to rejoin the denver nuggets however his former teammate nielsen has the russian made the right move in going back stateside i think age plays like he's on course it is going to go for and i'm going there's no direct n.b.a. is the best league in the world and he's trying to make his own nation over there and we everyone here wish him nothing but the best there was seriously any such we could go on the same same leave on all counts chris quinn joined him he just before the account started the point guard signed
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a one year contracts so he wouldn't have been able to return stateside even if he'd wanted to know whether the new orleans native says the suspension of the n.b.a. has given him a wonderful opportunity he would otherwise never really experienced i've learned a lot you know on the court and off the court was a lot different here than in the n.b.a. the style of play is different. and also you know just into a new culture you know while it's been a little bit of a challenge for myself and my family it's been fun as well you know living in the united states all my life you know it's it's great to get out and you know see the new culture and see different things and you know it can only make your life experience that much better russian clubs were hardly affected by the resumption of the n.b.a. mainly because so. few players left america to find work in europe this was partly due to the high wage demands of the players but also due to very high insurance costs which puts a lot of potential clubs off hiring some of the n.b.a.'s top talent nevertheless
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nielsen believes the found certainly got their money's worth during the lockout it's now been over who. flew what was the most interesting for outsiders i think especially just to watch some of those guys them you know because it kind of shows that the level of european braswell has a lot of good players from the n.b.a. come over and couldn't get it done and they've gone back and done well this shows that it's a bit of a difference to all of us want some. better suited here and vice versa unfortunately russian basketball fans weren't able to enjoy the same high profile names but russian hockey fans were able to witness during the n.h.l. lockout in two thousand and four when the lights have been simply played beer and public played in russia. nevertheless the n.b.a. lockout has given fans the chance to witness some of russia's best players again and the fans of serious car moscow they're in for an added bonus definitely staying with the army to be end of the season richard bumblebee darty the moscow region.
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there dakar rally frenchman syria this press has returned to the top of the bike standings after winning stage nine to suppress wrapped up the stage in a time a file for mates and thirty three seconds tending champion of spain came second with four minutes after the winner while fellow spaniard johan bort completed the podium in the meantime american claimed the day's victory in the competition overall leader to funkytown saw france finish second but to still overall top with nearly six minutes of vantage of gordon bennett came third. next motive season may not start until april but carter. is already looking forward to a new challenge in two thousand to twelve like all the other riders the night time world champion hopes to shine through season testing event it's
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a pain in malaysia at the end of the month remember the telling finish in a disappointing seventh last season despite that rossi is optimistic about the upcoming event with the moto g.p. class changing to allow bikes up to one thousand c.c. . for sure the third is the best there would be would be important and for sure. the bike. would be better to vs always impossible be competitive from the first the third is that there's the but i think we will. get information for for a war and the period before the first race. and finally some extreme sports no nathan culture has surprised the field of the world's top american winning the seventeenth annual ice climbing championship in colorado the eighteen finalists competed for the two thousand dollars prize on a course. to walk link
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a breach of ice culture was one of only two climbers able to complete the task only of a competitor's managed to finish the joining to the top was. it finished six seconds behind the winner others were less lucky. so that's probably the hardest part because the weights on your arms. your speed aren't very good once i got across in my feet under the rock again and just kind of move at my own speed because i across the loft there i decided to kind of move through spastic. because so many did. ok up to date no more sports medicine toss time how not say goodbye.
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not with snot about spilling blood. just the war of the barricades from one side and fears blockade from the other. invisible border has cut people from the land for twelve years. the conflict that divided serbia into two hostile parts is still not over. wealthy british soil. is not on. the. markets mind
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i've said repeatedly that i intend to close guantanamo and i will falter on promises to close the infamous us prison are still on fulfilled ten years on with obama even signing a new law to hold people indefinitely without trial or charge. as syria's president promises to completely revamp the constitution its neighbor turkey calls for a humanitarian intervention instead. and the u.s. takes its anti ron proceed to china as it tries to persuade energy hungry beijing to stop buying huge amounts of oil from tehran. the russian markets have opened up today's trading session in the red.
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