tv [untitled] January 11, 2012 2:01am-2:31am EST
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more details in twenty minutes time in the business but. it is eleven am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshie ten years ago america's infamous prison guantanamo bay locked up the first twenty detainees accused of terrorism seven hundred suspects have passed through cincinnati allegedly being abused and tortured there almost none getting a trial barack obama had promised he would close it by now but instead the president has signed a new law authorizing the definite detention of terrorist suspects christine has more. promise is made i've said repeatedly that i intend to close guantanamo and i will follow through on that promise is broken it is the ministration policy to try to close guantanamo we have certainly run into opposition the problem is he doesn't have
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a plan to do that or at least what to do with terror suspects they are suspects like moroc or not captured in pakistan in two thousand and one while working for an ngo that helps young people get off drugs he was sent to guantanamo and tortured for five years. after i had seen couple things got a couple couple people got killed in front of me some of them got just keep on his happy until he died and so the other one he was hanging on saying until he was forced to confess he was a member of al qaeda and he told them time and time again he was not it was freezing called was during winter. and i had no clothes on so i was hanging there for many days when the interrogator came he called me back. and you're going to sign on every time when i said no he just made like this and put it up it's stories like this did. fierce condemnation even from within north america when one of the
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most powerful that were democracies in spading with a posse in promoting you know illegal practices and abusing human rights that undermines the cause of human rights everywhere on the planet it is this hypocrisy that others say leads us enemies to more action not less i think the number one recruiting tool for zawahiri and bin laden before he was killed was gone tama and colonel morris davis former prosecutor at guantanamo bay resigned after being ordered to use information obtained during torture he said he was hopeful things would change under president obama he didn't just embrace the bush policies he kissed him on the lips and ran with them many believe the prospect of closing guantanamo bay will now be much more difficult thanks to the passage of the national defense authorization act by congress it was signed into law by president obama on december thirty first now within our bill provisions that allow the military to indefinitely detain anyone it considers to be
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a terrorism suspect without charge or trial and with this increased leniency no doubt increased space to hold those prisoners will be needed but the end clearly you know is a major roadblock and its passage really was the death knell for attempts to close guantanamo and i think we're stuck with a president obama will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law even applying it to american citizens no person and military uniform ever volunteer the rooms are less than to the military for the purpose of taking action against american citizens it's to protect american citizens protecting american citizens the reason given for guantanamo bay in the first place but ten years later it is having the opposite effect still the once temporary solution now looking more and more like a permanent fixture in washington christine for south r.t.
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. colonel morris davis who we've seen just in the movie just seen in this report was a chief prosecutor at guantanamo bay during george w. bush's administration well later he gives r.t. an inside of what he experienced here's a taste. i believed at the time and did for most of my tenure there we were committed to having full fair and open trials my policy had been we were not going to use any evidence obtained by waterboarding or any of the other enhanced interrogation techniques that most people call torture then in the summer of two thousand and seven some new people came in and said wait a minute president bush says we don't torture who are you to say that we do and we've got all this information that was collected that you're not using you need to get in there and use it and that was when i submitted my resignation if you separate the bush administration's characterization you know these men are the worst of the worst they get you through the hydraulic lines on the airplane on the way to go on time go just to kill americans i think
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a lot of people that narrative there are a total of about seven hundred seventy five men that have been a kuantan about some point in time more than six hundred have been released or transferred back to their country of origin or some other country so you know these guys are all the worst of the worst the hardened terrorists that were out to kill americans seem strange that we would send more than six hundred of them out of guantanamo. now watch the full interview was a former prosecutor in just over an hour here on r t. syria's president has promised reforms as a way out of the country's current crisis but others are pushing some more drastic measures neighbor turkey says it must do all it can to prevent a civil war in syria and has expressed support for a humanitarian intervention but as artie's maria phenomenon reports the turkish government may not be getting an accurate picture of what's really happening next
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door. no the bloody state is calling the syrian crisis mounting a crime and says he is a growing violence may start spreading beyond the country's borders especially with his close neighbor turkey wants to close friends too but now a harsh critic of damascus on. the serious first priority should be solution to its people and their demands are not to denounce others i said of massacring its people you should listen to them. so glitter glue is a harsh critic himself but he says he's criticizing the turkish government ankara is on the side with the free syrian army and the syrian national council and military and diplomatic feces aimed and overthrowing the regime of bashar assad it supports a buffer zone and a humanitarian corridor which some fear could return this troops to syrian soil what does that mean according to international law it means aggression against
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a country it means war but any intervention would be different from the one in libya since russia and china have made it clear new or no fly zone resolutions which means their own vision of players like turkey increases dramatically but from claims and korea's behavior is irresponsible and risky it has larger implications beyond the bilateral context of turkey syria as such the situation in syria must be handled with great care by all powers and unfortunately i don't see that cache. sufficiently especially on the part of our government. works with a middle eastern studies center based and kyra it's sponsored by the turkish foreign ministry to help shape policy and its opinion on syria it's clear syria is killing people. not always that's clear nobody has objectively information what
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is going on in syria the center specialists haven't been to syria probably it to me is the picture they paint for officials in ankara isn't likely to be accurate in the technology at changing you know when you look at the photographs or the videos coming from these governorates you can easily see that there is something going on that the sources of these videos are often questionable so it's easy to be reason that you get a false picture of what's really happening but there does. two researchers from coming to firm conclusions the military operation this is the last option which turkey does not want to see but this is an option it may have declared it doesn't welcome a military solution to the syrian crisis but turkey hasn't ruled it out why the plane and if if the reason massive migration from its troubled neighbor turkey says it will have to protect its own people and while they surely currencies it wants
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peace and stability in the region its troops are ready to score meters from the border with syria. turkey still halfway this hour here on r t is scientists say the international criminal court grants levy more time to answer questions about the state of colonel gadhafi is most prominent son one of by the hay by the house by former rebels also. police what it is because the people are typically looking for something sick so she could only backgrounds that still very much like racial profiling. europe for all the illegal but police in britain continue to stop and search people without cause beyond the color of their skin. america is piling the pressure on iran over its nuclear program and new uranium enrichment facility by seeking global support for its and iran sanctions u.s. treasury secretary timothy geithner once china the largest consumer of reigning oil
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on sign and is pushing its to buy less from tehran well it's now talk to friends as loan who is a managing director at lindsay holdings of us my company in hong kong thanks very much for being with us in the program sir first start with china's negative attitude toward sanctions it appears unlikely beijing will stop oil trade with iran so what incentives do you think our us off for in this context. well of course many things today you can of of cause of cause. to. china's economy as a market economy it would be very difficult for the us to impose really. on. chinese schools because the u.s. and china. are trading partners so there are a lot of things that. can do to enticing china to buy less from iran
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but on a geo political sense it's very hard to imagine that china will come flying with us as you question because u.s. is trying to impose a unilateral one country. that everybody listen to the u.s. but of course china doesn't want to be a better self power between the power of different countries in the world it is dangerous for for one country to be so powerful that everybody will have to pay a subservient role to the u.s. so most likely china will not. comply with the u.s. requests to buy less oil from iran. while iran as we know is threatening to close the strait of hormuz which is a major oil route you know the persian gulf so was beijing doing now i mean it's been considering contingency plan should this happen. well of course iran
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can do a lot of state by rattling but in terms of minute hour. friendly i don't think iran has the compatibility and or have the capacity to challenge the u.s. naval supremacy because the u.s. has several. groups around the area one of them is already at this. if if iran tried to close it i think chances the u.s. would take a preemptive strike and take take out their naval vessels already so in terms of technology. iran is no match for the u.s. at this stage but china is the largest consumer of iran's oil buying one thirty minutes so what do you think the u.s. will do is beijing refuses to cooperate. well i think.
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some political power on you ron because china's buying of oil is so important to the treasury of iraq. and use this as the no fridge to iran to not to prove. their nuclear weapons program and also try to come to the negotiating table. and start a new nuclear weapons program if. they were already. already and also that tension the political tension in the world experience in depression go our friends learn managing director of an investment company in hong kong thanks very much indeed for sharing your views with us here on our team. now the international criminal court
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has given the libyan authorities more time to provide information about side of father's long khadafi they missed the said deadline of january the tant and the most prominent son of the country's late leader lead off is being held in the western town of the time he's charged by the hague with crimes against humanity the i.c.c. wants information about his health status and agreed to now wait until january twenty third they think except that khadafi can be tried in libya if the countries will respond provide a fair trial but something saif is unlikely to get in any case as. president of the arab lawyers association. the government does not have control over say a coffee he's in the hands of the. ins and i think the libyans are not really interested in handing him over to the international court i think because as far as they're concerned they think that they can try they can satisfy the requirement of
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the people to try him. one on the basis that they are getting the people and getting their own rights from him rather than the foreigners and secondly the government would want to show its people that deception the independent of the western powers powers and countries that they have taken action against libya don't forget it's the western powers that destroyed libya it's the western powers and nato that was actually punting that man from the air they were going to kill him so suddenly they become all that concerned about his human rights is a little bit of tiny cheek talk i don't think it is serious but i don't think the courts in libya will be able to deliver justice to him. find out more about the post revolution and lots of other stories on our website including. it being generous to give us weapons out of the earth at no charge so could you really have ill feelings against. washington might be at odds with each obvious but matty
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americans are grateful to venezuela's leader thanks to some charitable policies. and your security and good pause we look at the new species of terrifying dogs bred specifically to sniff out explosives and the most extreme conditions get the details on r.t. dot com and don't forget to visit our youtube channel for some of the best b.s. . one policeman has been killed an eight injured in the blast in russia southern republic of dagestan police officers were working on defusing an explosive device one of the exploded two bombs weighing over fifty kilograms each were found in a field one of the devices was successfully diffused and in a separate incident one militant was killed by security forces in an operation that is still under way. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world u.s. republican presidential candidate mitt romney is taking victory in the new hampshire primaries demolition himself is most likely to run for the white house
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the former massachusetts governor won thirty six percent of the vote with texas congressman ron paul in the second place with twenty five percent and romney also finished first place in last week's caucuses in iowa polls take place across the u.s. over the next few months to pick a candidate to take on barack obama. in northern nigeria members of the. open fire in a bar killing eight people including several police officers the attack came in the northern province of shortly after a mob torched an islamic school in the south it suggest an escalation of religious tensions between the muslim dominated north and the christian south buckle her on was behind a series of christmas church bombings that killed dozens. iran's president hasn't attended xenogears danny or tagore in nicaragua as part of his south american tour of mahmoud ahmadinejad's trip is seen as an attempt to drum up support in the region after the u.s.
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imposed heavy sanctions on iran over its alleged atomic weapons program and his first stop was venezuela where the long term ally of us called america's allegations baseless but any job will head to cuba next work. at least foreign militants have been killed by u.s. drone strike in pakistan the first attack of its kind in almost two months the missiles targeted a suspected insurgent compound on the border with afghanistan and amber washington hold a drone operations in the region after accidentally killing twenty four pakistani soldiers but pakistan insisted the strike was deliberate and ordered american forces to take hates the air base used for launching attacks. europe ruled it illegal but police in britain continue to stop and search people whenever and wherever they like with little grounds for suspicion and the area of society which finds itself most often targeted believes there is only one reason for it the
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police are institutionally racist arses are advantage investigate. this is supposed to prevent terrorism police in britain have free rein to stop and search anyone they deem suspicious but what constitutes suspicious he's hugely controversial now stopped a young black men and police still can't escape accusations of racism even from inside parliament. police will argue that it's because the people are typically looking for comfort sick so she's going to make backgrounds that starts to look very much like racial profiling and it's certainly true that these people are often massively disproportionately stopped all the boys at this youth club in north london have been stopped and searched some on several occasions all for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and they say for having the wrong skin color it was stopped because they were not topical. so was when they stopped us to explain.
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this type of crime has been used in recent attacks attacks to say that there was this big issue of stopping the car. and the reality was the kid. who was in the car i think it was mostly the we're stereotyping or stereotype but if he made track change what color the colors can be fun with that just for you know well it just opens large and it was the way it was stabbings a frequent in this part of london carte blanche for police to stop and search whoever they want they can be in public sometimes physical poorly explained and often humiliating some bassin it was in the middle of the streets off on the highly embarrassing it was just they were busting their cars because of the bus and i don't know when the law came into force in two thousand and one police didn't even need a reason to stop and search europe finally when this illegal early last year forcing concessions from the government since then stop and searches have decreased by
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ninety percent the problem still exists in theory there are strict limitations to stop and search the powers can only be used in a specific area fourteen days before he was twenty eight but in practice all that means nothing the powers can simply be renewed on expiry which is why the whole of london has been a stop and search zone for the last ten years police now don't even need to record the suspect. name any injury they suffer all the outcome of a search the government says it will reduce paperwork but it leaves it wide open for a peek targeting and physical abuse kyle runs the youth center he too has been stopped repeatedly suspects are entitled to a receipt but few know this and kyle says police are often reluctant to make any record and most of those searches. kind of like crime refuse to give you the to sleep. and they say i've heard excuses we don't have no power we have to go to the
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station to get it and if i still start to argue the case someone has a notepad and give me a form of the end of it so i do think they do target young people police used to have similar powers in the one nine hundred eighty s. but they were scrapped after racial targeting provoked massive riots some saw the august riots as history repeating itself but one of the things of course that was placing by the place to. stop and. an instance of a place certainly institutionally against young people and the probably institutionally racist as well. eighty five percent of writers cited anger of police as their reason for violence in a recent study by the guardian newspaper a fact the government can no longer ignore it's prompted home secretary theresa may to launch a review of how stop and search powers they used either when it r.t. london or join across our guests in just a few moments here in r.t.
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but before that latest business. welcome to the business program where gold volatility depreciation at the end of last year has left many. of the stability of the russian currency in twenty twelve years gagnon. i ask a system us as a rouble will show considerable unpredictability in the run up to the presidential election in march even without presidential election expect. national conversation to be really volatile. that's the major feature or for most of the cultures are we more or less for the traded in the world now but with the presidential election in my shirt here i don't want that it would seem that you will even increase and unfortunately i expect that the general effect of the presidential election of the national council will be likely to push
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a show that appreciation versus the american culture over you and fortunately you are taking into account that current events presidential elections are not a likely have. negative group of three but. like many economists russia's was keen to see an end to two thousand and eleven. are yet. to be tapped so pleased the new year bodes well for russia she still has reservations over the second half of the. it feels that it will be not such a bad year for sure but the uncertainty in the business still high visibility i have visibility or frankly only for the first half of the year when i can say the u.s. consumer will be there for a shrill below but the second howard was a complete liberal nerd and it's it's also crucial water where the next government will do what it will be to post. in the second number here. see how all is performing at the moment all has fallen from the highest settlement in
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almost a week as investors bet that europe may enter a recession ahead of a german bond added to that office talks to gray on the right hand more than bogarted was still on the second leg of asia than us stocks rose other wednesday was find out too and technology leading all the gains made in america these modest gains were supported by a wicked all out of more policy easing from china on the russian markets a opens up in the red sox instructing around a third of a percent of all the arts yes it is losing almost twice that amounts. rawson x. has russian x.'s have hit the ground running in the new year rising the positive sentiment seen on global market is. also believed liquidity also live are going to return to russia markets in the coming days. i believe that liquidity will be returning to the market during the following days and was just investors focusing
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on the oil sector which seems to be the most attractive sector russian accurate is however given the overall market consensus is that the market is going to be on the da side in the first half of the year and maybe on the off side in the second half of the year all purchases should be really accurate so we should bear in mind that the european problems are still on and insult them actually. probably the oil sector also may have been model sector which is really cheap because it was really have a sold off in the last year and maybe the energy sector which can be in play in the second half of two thousand and twelve that's all the business is and i'll be back in about fifty five minutes with my.
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when an uncomfortable question leads to a grave accusation the world sues more xeno fogging. the president who isn't supposed to hide anything. more it's someone asking him why do you make a secret out but when the powers to be suppress the voice of those who think different culture when you get experiencing very serious problems off of the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three but a book that was when the problems began piling up. interviews were now off limits to our journalists they were all from beeston up and humiliated in public when the
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attempt to protect property puts life in real danger that we have been deprived of the only needs of and living on have gone to the original sit all the papers. got their little iced the ownership rights on the basis of cocos freedom becomes just a stage prop. culture is that so much excitement which of course he's right on top of them severely republican party presidential contenders are falling over themselves to their support of israel is this a reflection of gross ignorance of history in the israeli. none which not about spilling blood. just the war of the barricades from one side and fears blockade from the other. invisible border has cut people from the land for twelve year.
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the conflict that divided serbia into two hostile parts is still not over. welcome back you're watching our tv's are the top stories repeated promises to close of infamous us prison are still on full sail ten years on seven hundred suspects have passed through one tunnel bassists many allegedly being abused and tortured there last month obama signed a new law to hold people indefinitely without trial or charge. syria's president promises to completely revamp the constitution as a way out of the bloody deadlock but its neighbor turkey calls for humanitarian intervention instead but critics suggest for.
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