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tv   [untitled]    January 11, 2012 7:01am-7:31am EST

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a very warm welcome to you from all of us here at r.t. moscow i'm rori sushi today marks ten years since the first prisoners were sent to america's most notorious prison in cuba of course out of guantanamo bay and after a decade the detention center remains on at the wrong side of the law with its harsh interrogation processes and use of torture barack obama promised to close it but instead the president has now signed a new law authorizing the indefinite detention of terror suspects artie's christine for our ports. promises made i've said repeatedly that i intend to close guantanamo and i will follow through on that promise is broken it is ministration policy to try to close guantanamo we have certainly run into opposition and the problem is he doesn't have
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a plan to do that or at least what to do with terror suspects they are suspects like moroc or not captured in pakistan in two thousand and one while working for an ngo that helps young people get off drugs he was sent to guantanamo and tortured for five years. after i had seen a couple things got the couple a couple of people got killed and some of them got just keep on his head through until he died and he was hanging on saying until he was forced to confess he was a member of al qaeda and he told them time and time again he was not close prison call it was during winter. and i had no clothes on so i was hanging there for many days graeme answered if they came he called me back. and. going to sign on every time when i said no he just made like this and. it's a series like this that draw fears condemnation even from within north america when
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one of the most powerful that we're democracies is behaving with a posse and promoting you know illegal practices and abusing human rights that undermines the cause of human rights everywhere on the planet it is this hypocrisy that others say leads us enemies to more action not less i think the number one recruiting tool for the watery and bin laden before he was killed was guantanamo and colonel morris davis former prosecutor and guantanamo bay resigned after being ordered to use information obtained during torture he said he was hopeful things would change under president obama he didn't just embrace the bush policy he kissed him on the lips and ran with them many believe the prospect of closing want. donna mowbray will now be much more difficult thanks to the passage of the national defense authorization act by congress it was signed into law by president obama on december thirty first now within our bill provisions that allow the military to indefinitely detain anyone it considers to be
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a terrorism suspect without charge or trial and with this increased leniency no doubt increased space to hold those prisoners will be needed but the end clearly you know there's a major roadblock in this passage really was the death knell for attempts to close guantanamo and i think we're stuck with it president obama will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law even applying it to american citizens no person and military uniform ever volunteer the rooms or listen to the military for the purpose of taking action against american citizens that's to protect american citizens protecting american citizens the reason given for guantanamo bay in the first place but ten years later it is having the opposite effect still the ones temporary solution now looking more and more like a permanent fixture in washington christine for south r.t.
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and a colonel morris davis who we've just seen in this report was a chief prosecutor at guantanamo bay during the administration of george w. bush i told interview coming your way later in the program here but for now a preview of what he experienced when working. i believed at the time and did for most of my tenure there we were committed to having full fair and open trials my policy had been we were not going to use any evidence obtained by waterboarding or any of the other enhanced interrogation techniques that most people call torture but it seems that were a champion of the rule of law when we're trying to apply it to others not so much when. we're looking at in the mirror at ourselves the convention against torture for instance we're signatory to that. piece all recently of the republican presidential debates where candidates said they would resume waterboarding so you know we love to criticize other countries. but we're not so good at holding up the
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mirror torso. well i we're always interested to know what you think today we're asking when do you believe guantanamo bay will finally close to voice your opinion go to. participate in our latest global poll here are the numbers for you so far. the u.s. has no interest in shutting down almost a quarter feel good when the u.s. no longer afford to run it. elsewhere and just four percent. including. protests across the globe is according to the u.s. nation to rise up against a national defense i. took huge. money
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well spent at defense ministry pays a one million dollars to create its own computer game to promote patriotism among. he is coming to you live from moscow three people have reportedly been killed by security forces across syria now the president has just spoken to supporters in damascus the second time in twenty four hours reiterating his dismissal of calls to step down but it is blaming the rest in the country on foreign funded terrorists promising to crush them with extreme prejudice the u.n. says damascus has stepped up its crackdown on protesters but assad claims no order was ever given to fire on civilians the president's pledge commitment to democratic
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reform promising a referendum on a new constitution by march. and soon after what some of syria's neighbors have their own take on the crisis turkey is one of a looming civil war and its troops are standing by for orders to intervene for if an author has details from istanbul. with the bloody status quo in the syrian crisis maintaining three months she is a growing violence may start spreading beyond the country's borders especially with its close neighbor turkey wants to close friends too but now a harsh critic of damascus on. syria's first priority should be to listen to its people and meet their demands not to denounce others instead of massacring its people we should listen to them. so to clear the gloom is a harsh critic himself but he's criticizing the turkish government and korea is on the side with the free syrian army and the syrian national council and military and
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diplomatic forces aimed and overthrowing the regime of bashar al assad it supports a buffer zone and a humanitarian corridor which some fear could bring turkish troops to syrian soil what does that mean according to international law it means aggression against a country it means war but any intervention would be different from the one in libya since russia and china have made it clear new war no fly zone resolutions which means the role of visual players like turkey increases dramatically but for new claims and korea's behavior is irresponsible and risky it has larger implications beyond the bilateral context of turkey syria as such the situation in syria must be handled with great care by all powers and unfortunately i don't see that cash. especially the part of our
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government or hand works with the middle east to teach it started center based in and kyra it's sponsored by the turkish foreign ministry to help shape policy and its opinion on syria it's clear syria is killing people. not always that's clear nobody has objectively information what is going on in syria the center specialists haven't been to syria for over a year it means the picture they paint for officials in ankara isn't likely to be an accurate one the technology changing you know when you look at the photographs or the videos coming from these governorates you can easily see that there is something going on with the sources of these videos are often questionable so it's easy to be misled and get a false picture of what's really happening but there does. stop researchers from coming to firm conclusions the military operation this is the last option which turkey does not want to see but this is an option it may have declared it doesn't
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welcome a military solution to the syrian crisis but turkey hasn't ruled it out why the plane and if if there is massive migration from its troubled neighbor turkey says it will have to protect its own people and marc fisher and currencies it wants peace and stability in the region its troops are ready just kilometers from the border with syria. r.t. turkey. we are coming to you live from moscow are still ahead for you this hour here on the program scouting for suspects. i think is going to be stereotyping the stereotype of the seamy traction. just for you know well let's just do it all by police in britain are under fire for stopping and searching . suspicious. blasts and we report on israeli activists under oppression for speaking out against the illegal construction of settlements on occupied
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palestinian territory. washington's seeking global support for sanctions on iran over its nuclear program and a new underground at your rainy and richmond facility u.s. the treasury secretary timothy geithner is in beijing for high level talks hoping to sway the world's second largest economy and biggest consumer of tyrone's oil but political science professor joseph chang thinks the u.s. is in for one big disappointment. i do not believe that the chinese authorities would like to be seen to be cooperating with the united states to exert pressure on iran iran after all remains a very important and it's the supplier to china especially because you run relations with the united states are not and you are on has it's a civic strategic interest to me in crawl's relations with china i think time is
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the basic position is not to be seen to be rocking the international community's general efforts to exert some pressure on iran but it will certainly work through the united nations to ensure that the sanctions imposed on iran will not seriously damage you rand interests in general iran can count on china to is basic vital interest in phase of international pressure nearly a quarter past the hour here in moscow british police have been accused of crossing the line when it comes to upholding law and order by stopping and searching people they do in any way suspicious of those who are most often considered to be up to no good by authorities believe one reason is behind it that of skin color as i have been at reports. i this is supposed to prevent terrorism police in britain
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have free rein to stop and search anyone they deem suspicious but what constitutes suspicious is hugely controversial no stopped a young black men and police still can't escape accusations of racism even from inside parliament. police will argue that it's because the people are typically looking for comfort eccentric you know it backgrounds that starts to look very much like racial profiling it's certainly true that these people are often massively disproportionately stopped all the boys at this youth club in north london have been stopped and searched some on several occasions all for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and they say for having the wrong skin color. or stop because the type of crime. was when they stopped us to explain is. this terrible because big news in recent attacks attempts to say that there was this big issue of stopping the car. and the reality was because it was in the car
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i think it was mostly the people of stereotyping the stereotype but if he made traction with. the polish going on with it just for you know well it just wasn't jobs and it was stabbings a frequent in this part of london carte blanche for police to stop and search whoever they want they can be in public sometimes physical poorly explained and often humiliating suppressive it was in the middle of the streets or from paris and . they were past those things. about when the law came into force in two thousand and one police didn't even need a reason to stop and search europe finally when this illegal early last year forcing concessions from the government since then stop and searches have decreased by ninety percent the problem still exists. in theory there are strict limitations to stop and search the power is going to be used in a specific area fourteen days before he was twenty eight but in practice all that
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means nothing the powers can simply be renewed on expiry which is why the whole of london has been a stop and search zone for the last ten years so police now don't even need to record the suspects name any injury they suffer all the outcome of the search the government says it will reduce paperwork but it leaves it wide open for a p. targeting and physical abuse kyle runs the youth center he to use been stopped repeatedly suspects are entitled to a receipt but few know this and kyle says police are often reluctant to make any record most of those searches. they've kind of refused to give up to see. if they are. we don't have no we have to go to the station to get it and if i still start to argue the case someone has a notepad and can give me a form in the end of it but if you do target young people police used to have
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similar powers in the one nine hundred eighty s. but they were scrapped after racial targeting provoked massive riots some saw the august riots as history repeating itself one of the things of course it was a nice thing by the police to. stop and search an instance of a place certainly institutionally against young people and the probably institutionally racist as well. eighty five percent of writers cited anger of police as their reason for violence in a recent study by the guardian newspaper a fact the government can no longer ignore it's prompted home secretary theresa may to launch or a view of how stop and search powers they used either when it r.t. london. and it's going to some other world news for you in time for the r.t. world update first our tension to the iranian capital that of tehran is where one of the country's nuclear scientists is being killed by a car bomb. reportedly supervised
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a department of the uranium enrichment plant the authorities have pointed the finger of blame at israel. is the fourth scientist to be killed in iran since two thousand and ten almost two years ago another physicist linked to the country's nuclear program died in a similar explosion. a u.s. drone attack has killed at least four islamic militants in pakistan on a late night missiles hit an insurgent compound in north waziristan that's just on the afghan border this comes just two months after an american airstrike killed two dozen pakistani troops. adding excuse me to the already tense relationship between washington and islamic america said the november attack was an era in pakistan rejected the findings saying the strike was deliberate. nigeria's government has warned that the country's national fuel strike could lead to anarchy as demonstrations and to the third day nine have been killed since monday in what has
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become the longest nationwide strike in nigeria's history that comes after the government ended a popular fuel subsidy leading to an increase in gas and transportation costs throughout the nation unions are valid to keep up the indefinite strike until the subsidy is restored. and in the united states occupy wall street protesters have moved back into new york's zuccotti park after barricades were lifted this comes after civil liberties groups sent letters to the city saying the barriers broke zoning the rules the blockades were put in place the demonstrators were a victim from the area and november the occupy movement has been marred by accusations of police brutality since the. israeli activists say tel aviv has diminished chances of. peace in the middle east after breaking a settlement of building records on palestinian soil in two thousand and eleven the israeli government's created thousands of new homes on occupied land despite
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widespread international condemnation and in israel itself people who speak out against the construction are being bulldozed and saudis paula slip reports from tel aviv. gershon baskin is a wanted man in israel for his outspoken views against the government's policy of settlement expansion it's ironic because if it wasn't for those left wing israeli activist it's doubtful israel would have secured a recent prisoner swap that so israeli soldier gilad shalit exchanged for palestinian prisoners after five years in captivity gershon says it was his contacts within him us that allowed the two sides to reach an agreement but now a controversial so-called boycott law threatens to find the post while hero if he steps out of line the appeal to the public is an arab appeal. and there is a competition of who is more strongly advocating a position which is a very arab what the law says is that any israeli could face legal action just for
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speaking out in favor of boycotting settlements the first steps to fascism are quiet so. i hope that the supreme court gives us a loud scream telling us that fascism shouldn't pass but for now the supreme court is keeping quiet the state attorney again this month asked for more time to consider the arguments angering gabion who team who filed a petition to another law the morning after it was passed in parliament until the court rules otherwise israeli owners of companies based in the settlements can seek damages for boycotts called against the goods i don't i don't accept any border not by the. right not left. for four years you heard a cohen has run a pest extended tree and plumbing company in a west bank settlement fifty percent of his employees are palestinian workers he says he'd be out of a job if his factory closed down we are not a settlement we are in. the right to give war. was people.
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both before walking and living. and we should note this and. the boycott law is one of several controversial pieces of legislation being advanced by the netanyahu government a number of similarly criticized bills are currently under discussion in the israeli parliament another ball aims to dramatically limit foreign funding of nongovernmental groups critical of israel it's expected to receive cabinet approval soon this is a very conservative right wing coalition they have a solid majority in parliament but still they sort of promote these bills which which are preceded not only by the left but by the previous by the courts. is not encouraging them ocracy ok or sort of limiting free speech in israel many here think it's a way for the right wing coalition government of prime minister netanyahu to stay
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in power but for people like gershon baskin he says he'll continue to call for a boycott of the settlements and far from censoring him the law has only strengthened his resolve to stop israel's growing onslaught on democracy policy r.t. tel aviv. but i thought the car for you this hour here on our race to the finish well i think you all of the latest dramatic turns in the dark are rally support for this one coming your way in about twenty minutes time. all right you stay with us for the next hour with the latest hourly updates on the water. welcome to business news from western economies has continued to worsen in the new year but figures today showing russia should post a budget surplus for twenty two or so just investors could switch more money to emerging markets to discuss the issue i'm joined by writer and fun of. patrick
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young patrick thanks for speaking to us how worried are you by the story's continuing to come from the e.u. or look it's an absolute crisis because the problem is that the european union simply has not acknowledged the extent to which they've suspended all of the money that's in there. more and now they're trying to raise more money and ultimately they look like an alcoholic i mean they're looking for yet another bottle of vodka as they struggle to avoid driving it really is a major potential catastrophe that they feel to get their hands on solving the struggle or even trying to look as if they're seriously solving the struggle what last month a merger of russia's main stock markets will make it easier for people to trade here but boards mergers on going so smoothly in europe tell us about that well look it's incredible i mean in the course of the last year to put it in perspective investment banks are being paid more than one hundred million dollars in an advisory fees by multiple exchanges encountered in london in the u.s. throughout the world who have been trying to look at mergers with other entities
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and ultimately very few deals got done the biggest deal of the whole year which we've been looking up not looks as if it's going to be done away with next by the european union and that was of course the new york stock exchange one of the primary brands in the world with the don't you girls are the world's biggest derivatives exchange and this is been a fascinating because as you rightly say the political will was there in moscow to develop the financial center and we've seen the merger between my sex and our ts going along so far very very smoothly which can only help the prospects for capital raising for companies in russia and. putting moscow more of them up as a financial center for. germany and france all talking about a tax on financial transactions will this stabilize the problems in the eurozone this transaction tax is a suicide pact for the european union it's absolutely ludicrous there's been two instances in history where this has happened both in europe actually once it was in
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germany and they didn't even end in actually bringing the tax forward because it was proving to be so disastrous for investment once in sweden the tax rate is next to nothing and all of the business and be drained out of stock over if the european union or france alone or the euro zone are sufficiently stupid as to bring along a financial transaction tax the end is going to be misery for the financial sector of europe and ultimately what we're seeing at the moment is a piece of pathetic posturing and politicking by the french president mr sarkozy who's desperate to get reelected and therefore the best thing that he can possibly do he has is to try and bash anglo-saxon capitalism which is not the heart of the problem the heart of the problem here people is the fact that actually governments have borrowed too much money and france a country that has been borrowing money and run the government budget deficit since one nine hundred seventy five is absolutely a primary offender and that's where the debt problem is so alternately financial transaction tax. or indeed better approach
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a disaster for europe if it's implemented that can just quickly russia has a big economic reserve currency reserves reserves help the e.u. with its that woes they could help the e.u. with their debt woes but certainly if i was in charge of even one single rebel in the russian treasury the last thing i would be doing at the moment is throwing another bottle of vodka at the dry in an alcoholic the alcoholic has to come to his senses reach rock bottom and realize that he himself has to undergo therapy in order to move forward at that stage perhaps russia has got a real to play and helping to enervate europe but in the meantime. she should stick to its knitting good join the world trade organization as it's doing and concentrate on building a stronger better russia because that is ultimately in everybody's interests including the european union as a trading partner. fantastic speak to you as always patrick let's have a look at the markets now how they're performing at the moment at the moment both
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brant blend and the w two are in the red they were bouncing between gains and losses during the day as investors a torn between news of an improved economic outlook and yet those tensions in the wrong. on two european stocks which are trading well the choppy with food and energy sectors talking downwards pharmaceutical companies also suffering this hour you need lever is losing over two percent of the a brokered downgrade investors are awaiting the all important german decision from the russian markets opened up in the day on the red and they haven't advanced much since both the most expendable ts have pulled back from the earlier losses but this still down over a quarter of a percent now the biggest movers on the minus six today we call it is weighing on the energy may just look gazprom is retreating from earlier losses magnates has enjoyed gains of over for the whole percent this hour the retailer reported the full two percent increase in earnings for last year however the results will know when the company expected and after the visit is among the main game is the report
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the laws of plans to increase the share in the russian call maker to fifty percent in the first quarter. so we've got time for join us for more next hour.
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so much brighter than if you move from funds to pressure. from stocks on t.v. dot com. four thirty pm here in the russian capital this is artsy headlines ten years on and america's in for most of prison in guantanamo bay is still open with many inmates alleging abuse and torture and i'll debate rages over whether barack obama's brand new detention role to hold people indefinitely without trial or charge but ensure the senate remains in place for decades to come. the syrian president claims he's still in control and will soon crush what he's branded as a foreign.


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