tv [untitled] January 13, 2012 12:01am-12:31am EST
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the gas history between russia and ukraine continues to build more details in twenty minutes in the business for us at. nine am in the russian capital you're watching r t i'm marina joshie welcome to the program now western nations want to change a russian proposed u.n. resolution so it pushes syria towards regime change that's according to russia's deputy foreign minister the west as the west lays the blame for the bloodshed in syria squarely with the government but as our first found out of the changing society there suggests the problem why is much deeper. no man in the sun to man was an activist he say sure networking sites such as facebook to call for peace in syria he phoned his family to tell them to watch him during an interview on lake
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very famous but i saw him on to the and he looked well but it was to be one of the last times the family saw him alive and soon after that he was kidnapped he left home and never returned we found his body in the morning and his face was mutilated it's too painful for me to remember that moment it remains unclear who killed him and his family thinks it may have been militants he thought he was working for the security forces after seeing him speak on television but in reality he'd worked at a sugar mill and was training to become a computer specialist like so many of the young educated people in syria right now he feels the need to be involved in the changing reality in his country syria in fact has one of the youngest populations in the arab world is schools like this a new generation as studying in fact an increasing number of arabs have become better educated and better informed than that parents or grandparents were that they're not any more aware that the school writes the more able to demand them as
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well. many young opposition supporters have taken their campaign online relying heavily on social media like facebook and twitter that have helped topple regimes like these in egypt and libya people's literacy and also media literacy has been enormously harvested recent decades by both education technology called trained but i think we should remember this can cut both ways opposition sides can try to get out their message and can mobilize people but also even supporters of government so much less dependent on a single new station or single state newspaper between a regime under pressure and an increasingly militarized opposition many syrians have been left trapped in the middle so. i have only. one question what did they kill my son for my son was the politician or a public figure various movements national and local exist in this country i don't understand when my son was killed. speaking the floor
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a crowd many of whom were young supported this president this week once again repeated his promises of reform that was met with skepticism from the opposition meanwhile on all sides of this conflict young politically motivated syrians remain committed to fighting for the political future if they country despite the fact that so many like them and that fight could end up costing them their lives. syria's vowing to investigate the death of a french t.v. reporter he was killed along with eight syrians went to war to a shell hit a crowd gathered for a pro-government rally and his job there director of the center for middle east studies in beirut doubts the government is to blame they blame each other but that is out of question and the government. have any interest you're not short a journalist among demonstration pro-government. accuse the syrian government about this and he was killed by voters. from.
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the opposition. and my opinion my. position like it was the government it's a part of this i go to good warfare but it's not it's not acceptable it's not good if you eat the nation about five thousand victims in syria. and member of dogmeat and i think that's not the way that see the government that's a video. well later today on our team peter lavelle and his cross our guests discuss the influences at work in syria from the arab league monitors to the protesters themselves and here's a preview. we have consistence policy towards syria and i think they took this side of the civilians in syria and they have only sorry if i get interrupted i mean these are i don't understand when we use the term protesters civilians i mean
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a lot of these people are armed and they're no longer civilians or protesters they're come back now and this is turned into a civil war and some western powers are supporting certain elements within syria taking a side in the civil war would you agree or disagree with that. syria's helps to join the e.u. are one step closer to realisation lawmakers have called on the european council to grant belgrade a long and dissipated candidate status at a session in march but it's caso that remains the main obstacle to accession and local serbs living in the disputed region say concessions for membership are helping them as now explains. the checkpoint in northern kosovo may not look like an obvious triumph of peace but here is the same spot just two weeks ago since the summer you backed billions of trying to take control of the
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border between serbia and kosovo the minority erected barricades in response didn't recognize course of independence so in the old bailey and dominated province is still part of serbia now both sides are for a new agreed that the border will be jointly policed. there calls belonging to anyone can now freely pass through this checkpoint when you're trumpeting this as a happy resolution that a standoff and while life here has become easier a lot of serbs are saying that once again they've given up too much for the compromise and have received no rasho answers about their long term future belgrade tried to talk serbs in kosovo down from the barricades so it was to join the e.u. which made a peaceful solution to the border issue a precondition but despite progress on the border belgrade's application for candidate status has been stalled in the latest round of talks with brussels some
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countries which did recognize corso and they feel that serbia is a weak just before they are getting the kind of a status because why they are squeezing serbia exacta trying to achieve something more than then usually are asking their candidates. just meters from the east soldiers in. our serbian militia many here have been engaged in conflict with albanians since nine hundred ninety nine when an ethnic war divided the territory into they have been coming to this roadblock since july and say they will carry on despite the border deal alone is why should we be happy to see you soldiers give us permission to use this road we never used to need permission to use it at all we do not trust the e.u. and albanians wanted it when i relatives and friends have been injured in this conflict for the past twelve years. those who gain the most from the border compromise are ordinary serbs blocked prevented many children from coming to school and their parents from buying even basic foodstuffs but normality is some distance
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away. so. there are constant warning sirens during the lessons these children are not growing up normally their lives are defined by the conflict and this is true not just for children but for all serbs have been living in kosovo for twelve years while opening the roads is a step forward the serb state as an independent kosovo they do not consider their own and that does not appear to want them remains as uncertain as ever you go girl and of. course so. so i have read this hour here in r.t. the consequences of america's finest for pharmaceuticals. if a patient comes in with a knee injury and says i'm so sad oh are you depressed hey write a prescription they're given out like him and then. they work out a hidden health risks branding creasing you said and i say in the us.
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plus an expert explains why he thinks the iranian threat is purposely being blown out of proportion by the media and politicians in just a few minutes here on r.t. . the paradigm says it's identified. that scene on a video which appears to show u.s. marines here an aging on the corpses of taliban fighters is just the latest scandal involving the u.s. military they've it swanson author and campaigner add to root section dot org says behavior like this stems from the way people are motivated to fight a war the fact that these soldiers have apparently referred to these people and the scandal is that they are urinating on their prey i mean the hate sure is that is necessary to get people to do such a thing is necessary to motivate soldiers to fight in a war that has no other credible rationale for the war itself is an atrocity and so we pick out these particular atrocities and we get outraged but we don't look at
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the underlying fact and we end up with this incredibly bizarre phenomenon of being upset that someone is peanut on a body that he has killed afghanistan war veteran jake deliberateness has this latest scandal coupled with previous abuses committed by the u.s. military and it's very good news for a terrorist recruiters. just to remind people of a few incidents that occurred a while back there was the the burning of the koran that happened with. terry jones as then there was the abu ghraib incident and before then there was the decision to invade iraq that had nothing to do with nine eleven so all of these these situations pile on and they add up and what happens is al qaeda and other terrorist organizations and then using this video and they put it in their recruiting videos end up on you tube and across the jihad of web channels and they end up reading anti-american sentiment this is the hugest recruitment for al qaida that we can do
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that anybody can do nobody in the united states military is trained to pee on dead people this is the behavior of ill disciplined soldiers under my opinion are probably also suffering from a severe amount of p.t.s.d. from a long ended war and what happens when you suffer from p.t.s.d. and the dehumanizing other human beings in the in the battlefield and it's it's an it is unfathomable how pathetic this is become because the war hasn't been brought to an end like obama said he was going to do and what we're seeing abu ghraib happened twice now in afghanistan. explore all our stories and apps online at www dot com and there's much more lined up for you there. so don't try this at home through travel from moscow to get his work on the roof of russia's fastest train see more of the nerve jangling video on our website. and here's another roof surfer this snowboarding crow was caught enjoying the pleasures of the ski season he
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didn't need a lift pass though so check out this footage in full at our team. talks between the un's nuclear watchdog and iran over its nuclear program are scheduled for two weeks' time they will fall under the shadow of an escalating verbal conflict between tehran and washington it's been made worse by naval posturing in the persian gulf and the assassination of an iranian nuclear scientist on wednesday
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but lindsey german from the stop the war coalition says iran's atomic ambitions aren't the only reason for the build up of pressure. if you look at the recent report from the atomic energy authority it said quite categorically there is there is not evidence of iran developing a nuclear weapon it seems to me that the. things in america and britain and elsewhere are ignoring this report and they are definitely stepping up the pressure the assassination of the latest scientist who the nuclear scientists who worked in the towns will be seen quite rightly as a provocation that will be seen as the work of the israelis but backed by the americans and the troop movements the ships in the gulf all of this points to more more pressure robert naiman policy director of u.s. based ngo just foreign policy says the iranian threat is being overblown by
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american politicians with even the highest official silence if they dare question it defense secretary will not be our defense or was our face the nation on sunday when he said they were trying to build to develop a nuclear weapon. and the very next night p.b.s. news hour and you know they have steam. and then used his remarks to try and argue the opposite as fairness and accuracy and already noted we didn't alert p.b.s. on this and received any response so this is part of a pattern in us media certainly part of a pattern in the presidential campaign from public and presidential candidates. remember we always keen to know what you think about our stories and your opinion is welcome in our web site vote were we're asking what's next for iran almost half of voters believe the u.s. will push iran towards all out military conflict about
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a third are convinced america will strike first the rest are almost evenly split between whether iran will claim to have nuclear capabilities to urge the west to back off or it will protect itself by setting up an anti us winds in itself and they are so long they are called to cast your vote. the united states has a passion for pills americans reportedly consume sixty percent of the world's drugs used to control mental behavior such as marina portnoy explains pharmaceutical firms plan to keep cashing in even if it cost people their health. america is regarded as a country with a ravenous appetite for consumption today a widespread fondness for pharmaceuticals has turned the us into a nation of hill poppers bipolar depression doesn't have to consume you here's me and here's my depression you know when you feel the weight of sadness you may feel exhausted hopeless and anxious according to the u.s.
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government anti-depressant use among americans has increased nearly four hundred percent in the past two decades published reports find that one in five adults take at least one drug for mental health disorders with over fourteen billion dollars in annual sales anti-psychotics remain america's top selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs says a medical doctor harriet fraud believes big pharma has manufactured a climate of insanity by manipulating and even creating illness for capital gains the advertising strategy is to have a big diagnoses and then find wiggle room so that they apply to everybody prescription nexium the u.s. is the only western country that allows direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs this ad for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder warns that untreated patients will likely end up divorced and this commercial for the law to
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your promises to make you happier but side effects may include dry mouth insomnia sexual side effects diarrhea nausea and sleepiness critics also say big pharma uses its financial muscle to ply doctors with gives cash kickbacks and research funding in exchange for endorsing or purse cry being the latest and most lucrative drugs what you have is a whole network of doctors who are hustling these drugs if a patient comes in with a knee injury and says i'm so sad. oh are you depressed hey write a prescription. they're given out like eminem last year per script and drug abuse became the number one cause of accidental death with more than thirty thousand americans overdosing can consume sarah quell a bipolar medication generated four point four billion dollars in sales last year listing all its side effects requires forty nine seconds of air time blood sugar
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has been reported missing or highlights are and medicines like it and in extreme cases can lead to come down the number of children consuming anti-psychotic medication doubled in the past decade millions of american adolescents are taking drugs like adderall doled out by doctors to treat hyperactivity only drugs are very very similar to illicit or illegal drugs is a very dangerous now one is a little safer but you should note sure i mean they're being forced on me. but doctors you know who are telling parents this is the best thing for them when often it's not and so you have a lot of angry resentful just growing up in america here the charity happening because pfizer america's most profitable pharmaceutical company makes anti-depressants not only for people but also for adam and in two thousand i the pharma giant paid two point three million dollars to settle civil and criminal allegations over illegally marketing one of its drugs it was the largest health
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care fraud settlement in the middle line ever been paid by all u.s. drug companies that being said the money reportedly amounted to less than three weeks more of a prize or drug sales the money is so huge that the fines are immaterial and they're not thinking about the social effects of what they're doing or thinking about the profits they accrue the pharmaceutical industry remains the most profitable business in the u.s. more success and financial gain for the companies will always remain possible as long as more americans are encouraged to take drugs. r.t. new york. and brief look at some other news making headlines across the globe we start in nigeria world oil workers shoot and ultimatum to the government and threaten to halt or oil and gas production after a decision to eliminate a fuel subsidy program because fuel prices have doubled in a day nationwide strike is and heard its fifth day and talks between the unions and
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the president have made no breakthrough the tension comes amid a wave of sectarian violence started by attacks on christians which has left eighty people dead since christmas. dance prime minister has dismissed five cabinet ministers in a bid to appease the opposition and push through a major tax and social security reforms but opposition parties are still refusing to join talks and are pushing for an early general election instead yoshiko no that was only a point of premier four months ago on a pledge to curb the country's budget deficit by increasing sales tax. katie marks two years since a devastating earthquake killed around three hundred thousand people nationwide religious services have been held with people all over the country gathering in makeshift churches to pay tribute to those who died the disaster is placed one million people with most of them still living in temporary camps. but reminder of
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our top stories is only a few minutes away for you before we take a look at what's happening in the world of business with katie. hello there welcome to the program the gas dispute between russia and ukraine continues to build russian gas melfi gas from says kiev could only have reduced the gas it bought by a maximum of twenty percent and then only if agreed a year in advance ukraine side a contract and they receive fifty two billion cubic meters of gas from russia but made the surprise announcement that it would only take slightly more than hoffa that. the country's leadership says it's struggling economy can't afford to pay the full amount but gas from insists the deal must be met on a paid a take or pay bases ukraine's energy minister is expected to report to the opponent about russian gas fields and later friday. russian and ukraine's decision
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to swap the us dollar in favor of the ruble our real bilateral trade is following a global trend recently post china and japan said they would switch their local currencies to time. from f. cases demo says emerging markets will only benefit from such moves. because rich used to be the strongest far beyond their competitors in the world when you were a dollar a pound of struggling to restrain doesn't matter so now they all have their obvious we can this business and most of the national governments national money to restore it just they are not interested in the stability of their cultures right maybe or we'd like to see their cultures we make sure that they are no intention makes them uncomfortable for bilateral trade relations of those countries which do not have us do all the other cards this is their national currency the others are the third
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world that treat them all before the countries of the third world the moment forced . into their own promises and during the relations because it's more comfortable it's more predictable and this makes contracts. better to understand and easier to fulfill. i can let's see how all this before me at the moment all is up for the second day running according to an official of the european union embargo on imports and is now expected to be delayed for six months to let come just such as crazy as when spain find alternative supplies and the asian industry is a makes this japan's nikkei it is not falling all modest gains made over in the us pulls the news from europe has helped boost the market with successful don't like its way out of spite of decision by the european central bank to leave the euro zone's here interest rates at one percent. the reassuring comments from easy to president mario draghi all of this has helped me sense now by now as you can see home homes have scientists down zero point three percent i tell you now it's less
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than an hour before the advent bell here in moscow russia's bosses close make something just going to almost four percent while the my sense and it not so positive. markets alexander with can from much of russian exit will largely follow the european mark. it's onside. for friday i hope but the trend will continue we had quite a positive day yesterday we had quite a. roller coaster growth and some of them on thursday i'm hopeful we will see the growing trend continuing today definitely one of the things which will affect that will be the trade balance data from european union from european countries and from us later depending on those dates probably we should track how it will go to the end of the day but again general response seems to be quite positive and we hope that to continue for some time. two thousand and eleven left many traders playing
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a day to day trading guy. sovereign debt mess that i'm a version called state from the capital says global markets what we have in the e.u. can resolve its problems in order to boost market stall of longer term investments once we see the end of the european drama for the stock markets for all of the global markets it will be much easier they will know the rules of the game and that's where the real before the investment starts people are very much hungry for make him a long term or at least medium term bets with the current market does not perform the managers to make medium term bets they need to work on a daily basis and this is a very unpleasant experience everyone is very much interested to see this
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unfortunate picture of the global markets but also the business analogy join me fifty five minutes i'll be back i'll see them. when an uncomfortable question leads to a grave accusation the world who is more is enough obviously. the president who isn't supposed to hide anything. or it's someone asking him why do you make
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a secret out but when the powers to be suppress the voice of those who think different. when you get experiencing very serious problems off of the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three but a book that was when the problems began piling up. interviews were now off limits to our journalists they were all from beason up and humiliated in public and one of the attempt to protect property puts life in real danger is that we have been deprived of the only means of earning a living and i have the gall to originals of all the papers. beyond the little ice the ownership rights on the basis of companies freedom becomes just a stage prop. lose
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the conflict that divided serbia into two hostile parts is still not over. welcome back you just joined us here watching r.t. and here's a look at the top stories russia says western proposals for changes to a u.n. draft resolution put forward by moscow are aimed at regime change in syria russia is against outside interference in syria and called on both sides to end violence. solving a border dispute with possible brings serbia closer to long desired membership with a candidate status likely to be granted to belgrade of march but local serbs living near trouble.
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