tv [untitled] January 13, 2012 5:01am-5:31am EST
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it's doing the job of terrorist first prove his father. a very warm welcome to you from all of us here at r.t. moscow i'm wrong reception by the russian capital says that western nations want to change a un resolution that proposed in order to push syria towards regime change russia wanted the security council to both the government and opposition to lay down their arms. going off as more reaction from moscow. the amendments proposed to the russian draft resolution on syria at the u.n. security council are aimed at toppling president assad's regime while moscow has a different approach to the situation is calling for both sides of the conflict in syria to put their weapons down and negotiate and it's to address a solution rules out any possible military intervention in all this according to
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the russian foreign ministry which says that despite the differences in approaches it's still ready for dialogue on this matter with the west and foreigners but stresses that the libyan scenario can not be repeated in syria meanwhile the secretary of russia's security council has said there's reasons to believe that operation is already being prepared by some western states including possibly some countries in the persian gulf and possibly even syria's former ally turkey the secretary of the security council has also said that he sees there are reasons behind the international tensions around syria don't lie within the human rights situation in the country and issues around the syrian opposition but are directly linked with president assad unwilling to cut relations with iran the tensions around which are continuing to rise as well. do you go to school of reporting
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actually the project coordinator with the lebanese based conflicts forum and i joins me from beirut to discuss the latest developments with syria thank you for coming on r.t. today signals coming from moscow suggest there are fears a foreign intervention in syria might come from where it's least expected namely turkey one of its closest allies in recent years and what's your what's your feeling on that. i think that i think what we've seen is from the start that this is actually a project very much about regime change and the aim of it is that it's part of the war on iran which has effectively started and there were comments by the national security advisor from the us tom donilon by jeffrey feltman in his testimony to congress which has basically been very explicit about the regime change agenda of the u.s. they've been very careful up till now to acknowledge any kind of violence that's being perpetrated by any others apart from. the government forces in syria but i
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think just a few days ago the u.s. ambassador did admit that actually there is violence there is there are. actors active who are not government forces so i think but what's been very clear is that this is a project about regime change and it's within this context that the narrative of the pro-democracy movement are unarmed protesters. contextualize this is the cover for the regime change project it's very interesting how you bring up the issue of iran but this is all about regime change it's quite fascinating actually because one might ask how big is a part. of the jewish lobby and israel play in the western policy toward syria considering its closeness to iran how much is it to do with syria when it could just be mostly about iran. i think i in fact israel's israel's
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position has been a bit ambiguous i think they probably prefer the devil they know is better than the devil they don't know and there's a lot of debate in israel about this and many have said that actually the fall of us wouldn't necessarily be in israel's interests but a lot of what you hear in the mainstream press is part of this problem huge propaganda war that we've seen. so just a few days ago the israeli general was saying that israel would be willing to well come. from the golan heights to israel as quoted in the post in fact there are almost no us who live on the golan heights there's sunni and syria and residents citizens there are so a lot of what we hear is part of this propaganda so. israel are probably taking more of a backseat. than iran and there are other countries particularly some of the gulf
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countries and of course the us and britain and france who are pushing much more the regime change agenda in syria as we discuss this ongoing crisis in syria this move for regime change let's turn our focus away from iran away from israel to talk about this whole the proposed u.n. resolution because russia wants both sides held responsible for the culprit ongoing in syria calling for both of them to lay down their arms moscow says western amendments could possibly tilt the balance how likely is it do you think the resolution could get through in a balanced form. i think it's very difficult because the sides are very far apart and russia has said from from the outset that this is not simply a sort of popular rebellion of pro-democracy protesters who are being suppressed there is certainly an element of that and members of the syrian government and the syrian regime have admitted that really stakes were made that this is not simply just simply
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a narrative of armed actors terrorists as they say who are who are attacking this state and its institutions but it's very hard because things are so polarized and i think you have to see what's happening in syria and the wider regional context there is a very strong counter-revolutionary movement led particularly by saudi and qatar and some of the other gulf states sort of institutionalized in the g.c.c. and particularly in the arab league although the arab league is also split on this . and so that's how the propaganda war of war that's going on is sort of played out and it's not easy to get a sort of balance agreed position the opposition the syrian opposition particularly the external opposition who are supported by the west by the u.s. by do you see seeing. there of you know it's very difficult to find points of commonality that could be agreed until now the narrative has been so controlled it
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hasn't been accepted that there that there are external armed elements and as i said just a few days ago the american ambassador and in syria accepted this and i know the preliminary report of the arab league monitors also for the first time and then arab league documents have noted that they've called on both sides to stop. the arab league observers have called on both sides. to lay down their arms or resolve this conflict peacefully but when we discuss the issue of the arab league observers and forgive me are running low on time here for the past couple of weeks now the observers have been in syria they're expected to leave soon do you think they've played any role at all worthwhile in trying to resolve this conflict. i think so but i think you have to see that it was it was a very complicated and sensitive mission from the outset i think in a sense that was proposed it was proposed both by the syrians and then accepted by the arab league. probably assuming that the syrian government would not accept the
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monitor so it's a rather rushed project these projects are always very political it's not simply monitors coming in. and it has played some part i think you have to be very careful about the claims that this is simply a delaying tactic on the part of the regime and you have to be very cautious about the claims for example by one of the monitors who left who claimed that you know this was this was simply a cover for this sort of terrible death and killings that is happening in syria the head of the monitors who said that they stayed in his hotel room for six days and actually his claims are baseless. it is a learning to follow it is very difficult as you say there's a lot of politics involved here and you can never really verify certain reports continue to come from a conflict torn region actually but i'm afraid that's all the time we have for today actually from the lebanese based conflicts forum thank you for joining us on
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art. well the west lays the blame for the bloodshed in syria squarely with the government as are two surface about the changing society that suggests the problem runs much deeper. nana nag made son to man was an activist he say sure networking sites such as facebook to call for peace in syria he phoned his family to tell them to watch him doing an interview on lake who t.v. so i mean i saw him on t.v. and he looked well but it was to be one of the last times the family saw him alive and soon after that he was kidnapped he left home and never returned we found his body in the morning and his pieces mutilated it's too painful for me to remember that moment it remains unclear who killed him and his family thinks it may have been militants working for the security forces after seeing him speak on television but in reality he'd worked at a sugar mill and was training to become
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a computer specialist like so many of the young educated people in syria right now he felt the need to be involved in the changing reality in his country syria in fact has one of the youngest populations in the arab world is schools like this in a generation studying the facts an increasing number of areas of the club better educated and better informed them that parents or grandparents were there not any more aware that the school writes the more able to demand them as well. many young opposition supporters have taken their campaign online relying heavily on social media like facebook and twitter that have helped topple regimes like these in egypt and libya people's literacy and also media literacy has been enormously harvested recent decades by both education technology called trained but i think we should remember this can cut both ways opposition sides can try to get out their message and can mobilize people but also even supporters of government so much less
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dependent on a single new station or single state newspaper between a regime under pressure and an increasingly militarized opposition many syrian fifteen left traps in the middle so are degraded museum as. i have only one question what did they kill my son for recently was the politician or a public figure various movements national and local exist in this country i don't understand when my son was killed you know you can laugh thinking the floor many of whom were young supporters present this week once again repeated his promises of reform that was met with skepticism from the opposition and meanwhile on all sides of this conflict young politically motivated syrians remain committed to fighting for the political future if they country despite the fact that so many like them and that fight could end up costing them their lives so. and our next hour here on our people of eleanor's cross-talk discuss the influences
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at work in syria from the arab league monitors to the protesters themselves to certain lobby groups stateside a preview. they have consistence policies towards syria and i think they took this side of their civilians inside syria and they have. sorry to interrupt here i mean these are i don't understand when we use the term protesters civilians i mean a lot of these people are armed and they're no longer civilians or protesters they're come back now and this is turned into a civil war and some western powers are supporting certain elements within syria taking a side in the civil war would you agree or disagree with that. crosstalk is that later today here on r.t. but for now serbia's hopes to join the e.u. you are one step closer to realisation and you lawmakers have called on the
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european council to grant to belgrade long anticipated candidate status that ascension session in march but it's cause of zero that remains of the main obstacle to accession and local serbs living in the disputed region say concessions for members. are not helping them as an easy go to never points. the agony it's a checkpoint in northern kosovo may not look like an obvious triumph of peace but here is the same spot just two weeks ago since a summer e.u. backed kosovo albanians have tried to take control of the border between serbia and kosovo the serb minority erected barricades in response they don't recognize kosovo independence saying that the albanian dominated province is still part of serbia now both sides have fire new agreed that the border will be jointly policed. anyone can now freely pass through this checkpoint when you're trumpeting this as a happy resolution but a standoff and while life here has become easier
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a lot of serbs are saying that once again they have given up too much for the compromise and have received no rush owen says about their long term future belgrade tried to talk serbs in kosovo down from the barricades so it was to join the e.u. which made a peaceful solution to the border issue a precondition but despite progress on the border belgrade application for candidate status has been stalled in the latest round of talks with brussels some countries which did recognize and they feel that serbia is a week in just before they are getting the kind of as a status that's why they are squeezing serbia exacta trying to achieve something more than than usually are asking their candidates. just meters from the e.u. soldiers in the past serbian militia many here have been engaged in conflict with albanians since nine hundred ninety nine when an ethnic war divided their territory into they have been coming to this roadblock since july and say they will carry on
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despite a border deal along with why should we be happy to see you soldiers give us permission to use this road we never used to need permission to use it at all we do not trust the e.u. and albanians will need it when a relative some friends have been injured in this conflict for the past twelve years. those who gained the most from the border compromise are ordinary serbs blocked roads prevented many children from coming to school and their parents from buying even basic foodstuffs but normality is some distance away. so. there are constant warning sirens during the lessons these children are not growing up normally their lives are defined by the conflict and this is true not just for children but for all serbs have been living in kosovo for twelve years while opening the roads is a step forward to serve status in. the consumer didn't consider them under does not appear to want them remains as uncertain as ever. see.
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you without a law from moscow i do explore all of our stories in depth on line there are two dot com so much more lined up for you on the website as well have a look at this don't try this at home. seekers travel from moscow to some petersburg on the roof of russia's fastest train see more jangling video on our website. and here is yet another roof. snowboarding crow was caught enjoying the pleasures of the ski season didn't need a lift check out the footage in full on our web site c.n.n. dot. com. it's.
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in about eight minutes time it's the business with katie but for now the u.s. is said to have it directly warned iran's supreme leader ayatollah khamenei that it will respond if iran blocks a key oil transit route in the persian gulf the escalating verbal conflict between washington and tehran has also been made worse by the assassination of an iranian nuclear scientist on wednesday talks between the un's nuclear watchdog and there on over its nuclear program have been shuttles for two weeks' time but lindsey german from the stop the war coalition says iran's atomic have visions on the only reason for the build up of pressure. if you look. recent with. atomic energy authority said quite categorically there is not evidence of
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iran developing here where. it seems to me that the. things in america and britain and elsewhere are ignoring this report and they are definitely stepping up the pressure the assassination of the latent. scientist the nuclear scientist who worked in that we'll be seeing quite rightly as a provocation that will be seen as the work of the israelis backed by the americans and the troop movements the ships in the gulf all of this points to more and more pressure. please do remember we are always keen to know what you think about our stories or your opinion always welcome twenty four seven in our website vote today we're asking what is next for iran let's bring up the numbers you got come to almost half of you believe the u.s. will push iran towards all out military conflict if you see about a third are convinced america will strike first the rest are fairly split between
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whether iran will claim to have nuclear capabilities to urge the west to back off or will protect yourself by setting up an anti us alliance in south america you still have time to log on to r.t. dot com and cast your vote on this online global poll. the pentagon says it's identified the unit seen on a video which appears to show u.s. marines urinating on the corpses of taliban fighters it's just the latest scandal involving the u.s. military afghanistan war veteran it jake deliberate says the video coupled with previous abuses committed by american soldiers is a very good news for terrorist recruiters. just to remind people of a few incidents that occurred a while back there was the the burning of the koran that happened with. terry jones as then there was the abu ghraib incident and before then there was the decision to invade iraq that had nothing to do with nine eleven so all of these these
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situations pile on and they add up and what happens is al qaeda and other terrorist organizations and then using this video and they put it in their recruiting videos end up on you tube and across the jihad of web channels and they end up reading anti-american sentiment this is the hugest recruitment for al qaida that we can do that anybody can do nobody in the united states military is trained to pee on dead people this is the behavior of ill disciplined soldiers under my opinion are probably also suffering from a severe amount of p.t.s.d. from a long ended war and what happens when you suffer the you and the dehumanizing other human beings in the in the battlefield and what is done fathomable how pathetic this is become because the war hasn't brought to an end like obama said he was going to do and what we're seeing abu ghraib happened twice now in afghanistan. before is the business let's go to the world update here on r.t.
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some other global headlines in brief for you let's start with nigeria it's where oil workers issued an ultimatum to the government and threaten to hold all oil and gas production on sunday over a decision to eliminate fuel subsidies which doubled in prices in one day a nationwide strike is now into its fifth day in talks between the unions and president have made no breakthrough the tension comes amid a wave of sectarian violence started by attacks on christians which was left over eighty people dead since christmas. haiti marks two years since a devastating earthquake killed around three hundred thousand people nationwide a religious services have been held people all over the country gathering in makeshift churches to pay tribute to those who died in the disaster displaced one million people with most of them still living in temporary camps. assholes a decision to delay the launch of the i phone four s. of its flagship store in beijing called outraged customers to attack the shop crowd
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had been camped outside in freezing temperatures all night and then started throwing eggs at the shop after it announced it would not open at seven am as planned it's thought stop look and about the number of people queuing and police were forced to cordon off the area at its second beijing store apple's new phone sold out in less than one hour. i'll be back with a recap of the top stories in a few minutes notably after the business news with katie. hello there welcome to the business program appreciate your company the own going between russia and ukraine continues to build the russian gas from says kiev could only have reduced the gas by a maximum of twenty percent and then only if it agreed to do so a year in advance ukraine signed a contract to receive fifty two breeding cubic meters of gas from russia every year
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but made the surprise announcement that it would only take slightly more than half of. the country's leaders say its economy is struggling it can't afford to pay the full amount but gazprom insists a deal must be met on the take or pay bases ukraine's and energy minister is expected to report to the parliament on russian gas talks later on friday the capital flight was one of the key respects by the russian economy last year around eighty four billion dollars has left the country that's the biggest out fo the way years you've got. a of cases this nasty trend is likely to continue or bit in a slightly smoother way. as far as critical of what we are i don't see any break in the trend here so i expect that the flight because of the low flow when the private capital outflow will stay with the not only the first problem the holding well but
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also the all before yeah it will be more. it will be more moderate than in two thousand and eleven but unfortunately i expect the double digit fifi group of thousand and twelve to. head is have a look at what's happening in the world of oil all is advancing cutting back the biggest we can deploy in a month reports that the iranian volcano will be delayed by six months so that countries such as greece it's been spanked can find alternative supplies is clearly having a positive effect on prices. in europe stocks are. lifted by banks the minus investors are waiting i can. use the last is a quantum here course where the government is daring out to sell four point seven five billion years later today among the white advances in germany and the giants will score must by jumping six point one percent over pulls london braces top to levels without sinking government. what's happening here in russia the markets are
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mixed course is that most of the day in the red the my sense is my step back into the black just i have a point two percent the positive news coming out of europe is expected to improve the hill for risk it's ok let's see what's happening with the shares in the my sense brigit's nexus our promise not to hire new delhi after disputes those gas those gas supplies to cry that we've been chatting up today while all major new color is a point to six percent in the red has been there much of the day and seventy provider of us have a calm is not to negative right now the company is reportedly buying a seventy five percent stake in amin operator g c alpha two. million dollars alexander worth came from i assume that your poll says investors should pay close attention to the latest news likely to influence market movements. the more general
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condition would be to pay attention to the shares which react strongly usually. to the news current leaving useful always quite positive for those shares will be probably the biggest gainers of those for example you can still names which are usually the most reaction from this kind of things you can sell financials was what was one of the first proxies. and then also you should definitely track the story about us and iran and see how the oil price action is what's going on on. trade turnover with normal c.i.s. countries rose by a good in the first eleven months of last year which is six hundred thirty two billion dollars so let's go to town to for the week or so is about spalls while machinery and equipment totaled off of imports the top three trade partners for russia during the period what china germany and the netherlands. ok about so for
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well with the. technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've. covered. two thirty pm on a friday here in moscow you're watching our t.v. headlines russia says that western proposals for adjustments to a u.n. draft resolution put forward by moscow aimed at regime change in syria russia is against outside interference in syria calls on both sides to end the violence. solving a border dispute with kosovo brings. membership kind of a status likely to be granted to belgrade and macho.
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