tv [untitled] January 13, 2012 8:01pm-8:31pm EST
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you know when you feel the weight of sadness. feelings and there's a pill for that there's a pill for just about any illness you can self diagnose these days and that means big business but side effects may include dizziness from the amount of money you'll spend dependence on the drugs themselves and big profits for big pharma turns out the truth can be hard to swallow. it is friday january thirteenth eight pm in washington d.c. i'm christine you're watching our team. well let's talk about that video that's gone viral around the world which shows several u.s. marines urinating on the bodies of militants in afghanistan if you haven't seen it we'll show it to you again to be honest folks we thought that we had said enough about this and that today we move on from the story but we discover there's
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actually an entirely other story out there turns out there's a massive level of support for by americans for what happened here what you're seeing in this video i'm not talking about support for the troops i'm talking about support of their actions of your in aiding on dead bodies well it should come as no surprise that pamela geller the woman who made a name for herself speaking out loudly and vehemently against the proposal to build an islamic center a few blocks away from where the world trade center attacks took place is that one of those people geller issued a statement and said quote so let me be perfectly clear i do love those marines we're at war with an enemy that means to slaughter us and overthrow the united states of america i don't care that these marines we weed on murderous savages and she spelled care like that as a knock on the council on american islamic relations there's another aspect of the story though i also want to shed some light on as well among those in favor of the actions by the marines at c.n.n.
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contributor dana loesch who said this on her radio show can someone explain to me if there's supposed to be a scandal that someone pees on the corpse of a taliban fighter someone who was a. part of an organization murdered over three thousand americans i dropped due to that's me doh. all right so dana loesch has a radio show it's her own show she can say whatever she wants she's also one of the co-founders of the st louis branch of the tea party but dana is also a paid contributor on the network that calls itself the most trusted name in news c.n.n. however in this case at least so far c.n.n. appears to be defending dana loesch c.n.n. issued this statement she it says c.n.n. contributors are commentators who express a wide range of viewpoints on and off of c.n.n. that often provoke strong agreement or disagreement their viewpoints are their own and you know it just seems a little strange are the lines blurring here i mean this is the network that has
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fired two others octavia nasr who tweeted that she was sad to hear of the passing of the grand ayatollah who was affiliated with hezbollah and also rick sanchez for comments on a radio show where he called jon stewart a bigot well joining me on the phone i've got rick sanchez journalist author and former c.n.n. host he's also the author of this book conventional idiocy why the new america is sick of old politics hey there can you hear me there chris you know you're doing things are. good to have you on the show again i guess i just want to start by asking you kind of what your reaction was that was not just to this video but to a c.n.n. contributor making these comments. well you know i can't speak specifically to what she said or what she did but let me just say on a more general basis that this one upmanship that happens in this
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country with. radio hosts and commentators and contributors and op ed writers all trying to outdo each other to try and sound more nationalistic and more cavalier does a disservice first and foremost to our troops who are overseas fighting for us including the marines maybe a kid in or appears to this for this trial triad or the the z. this group of soldiers that apparently of the accused of doing this it's just wrong to to have that attitude because in the end all it does in the end all it was is it's more have to get other marines killed there's more there's no need to add fuel to the fire wrong is wrong and it doesn't matter if it's them doing it to us or aust doing it to them it's wrong i think it's so an interesting point that you
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bring up i mean i know that when i used to work in local news it was true and when you hear the expression when it bleeds it leads and so you're to you're suggesting that a lot of these radio hosts and columnists are trying to have the most say the most shocking thing simply to outdo one another and to get the coverage. and a lot of them have two things going for them one they're not really durn alist in other words they've never really practiced the craft or studied the craft in terms of understanding what it takes to be a real journalist or two they don't understand what war is really about many of them are exactly what was described in the most recent republican debate i think the term that was used is chickenhawk and that's not my term as a term it's been used by republicans arguing amongst themselves this is someone who's never been to war never been affected by war but they're out there willing to
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do everything possible to sound real tough well you know what very rarely do you hear real legitimate military leaders or generals speaking in this way most of my experience with people who've been in the military not politicians mind you but people who've been in the military is that they loan this kind of behavior and they loathe even more people who go on the air and say such ridiculous things and certainly we should say you know on a lot of these networks including your former employer that there have been people on that have expressed outrage that have you know said such a thing but i'm wondering. is it just because this is a c.n.n. contributor and you were an actual host of a show that she will not be fired and you were so i look i don't know i have i have absolutely nothing to do with c.n.n.'s decision making. this day do not understand why c.n.n.
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decided to take me off the air i do not understand it because it never made any sense to me i went on the air and essentially said that the problem in the media today is it is not diverse enough twenty thirty years ago we had an asian person on t.v. named conny chung we had a guy named geraldo rivera who was in prime time we had a guy named bernie shaw who was an african-american today you can't find anybody in american media who is a person of color or who is a person who is ethnic sept all i said and i didn't point the finger specifically of c.n.n. i pointed the finger broadly at all the media and then the discussion the interviewer started to become specific about other religions and other people and i said you know in this particular case we're talking about asian african americans and hispanics those are the ones who are under represented in the media that's all i said that's all i meant to say why they decided to make that decision is their
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decision i respect them for buying were your feelings are a little bit hurt wreck that you know that they were so quick to to defend these comments do you think it shows that perhaps c.n.n. regrets the decision of letting you go or do you think that now is there i don't know you know i can't get into somebody's. business is business but i mean they made this decision perhaps it was something else perhaps it was for their surgeon they made based on something other than that all i know is while i was in the and then i had higher ratings much higher in fact i said. at least sixty or seventy percent of the shows that are on the air now including most of their marquee shows real quick read and in the year or so that you've been out of the media that you've been off c.n.n. any observations that you've made about the mainstream media having a little bit of space from it yeah it's completely corporate ties. more often than
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not you don't get real journalism you get something that too often is filtered through executives who too often are to interests that have nothing to do with what is the business news gathering was that not the case so when you were there. but i'm not speaking specifically of the. it's on the left and it's on the right in the middle as well there's a huge problem with journalism and. journalism being the worst of all and. it's just about. information gathering. journalist author and former c.n.n. host rick sanchez really really interesting thank you so much for being on the show again. all right and we want to talk about another discovery we made regarding this story because again we were going to drop the story altogether and it's not just
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radical fringe opinion people that have been supporting the video that's gone viral since we've been covering this incident we've gotten hundreds of comments and i want to read you just a few. mr pound pound twenty one writes quote why is this a big deal i've pissed on them if they took the lives of my fellow brothers slash friend another comment from joker k.d.t. ones that everyone is whining about this did we forget these are the type of people who came and attacked us on our soil these are the people who in the beginning of the war were cutting out the heads of civilians and others from our ally countries it's a little pissed i live not like the lives they took or help take and then a lot less offensive and cutting someone's head off the only mistake i see here is the video that part with that was written by dietrich six seven in our nonscientific count in terms of the hundreds of thousands of people who literally clicked on this video that we post on our website thousands wrote in and about
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a third of those comments that came in were like this but i do want to also show you because this is important we did have comments from the other side as well so we'll put a few of those up t. state seven one seven two wrote as a vet who served two tours there and four in iraq all i have to say is grow up troop we were trained better for those who support that either didn't serve or did a college tour in the service by which all of you are a joke i'm now a disabled vet with over seventeen years in but i'd never condone that. joanna with lots of sevens in front of her name kept it simple shame on the usa she said this proves they are not civilized and quack eighteen wrote and the americans wonder why people around the world hate them interesting stuff there and now into another story about the mainstream media and its masters in this case i'm talking about a defense contractor a rich oil kingdom in the middle east and a popular washington based news organization so here's what happened on november thirtieth the washington times published an op ed under the headline bahrain
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a vital u.s. ally backing protesters would betray a friend and harm american security now this is written by vice admiral charles moore formally commander of the navy's fifth fleet based in bahrain the author is now regional president for lockheed martin which over the past few years has done millions of dollars of business with the op ed was placed in the washington times courtesy of sin need us international the lobbying firm representing the kingdom of bahrain why is the kingdom lobbying you may be wondering well considering the vast human rights abuses the anti-government protests and the extreme violence unleashed against those anti-government protesters are not everyone's favorite king right now but they want to be so to look much deeper into this earlier i spoke to the founder and president of the national security whistleblowers association also former f.b.i. agent sibel edmonds and here's what she had to say. yes this is such a classic when it comes to washington and united states mainstream media and in
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this case actually the lines are pretty flurry because you have to wonder who is lobbying for who we know that yes bahrain is paying or was paying yet has been paying for the publicist the porters p.r. war but who was the all to benefactor and us and when you look at it that way i mean just the back and look you see that who gets the most benefit from these particular example and i'm going to you know other examples that have been happening for poor decades here in the states but mostly in the last ten to fifteen years is the military industrial complex in this case you're looking at lockheed martin and what you have here is yes box rain is paying for it. the latest in the news the human rights abuses in bahrain there has been kind of
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activity in the congress think well we don't want to come across as true you will read it so we may want to question our financial military a park ranger providing them with weapons because these weapons are used against the people and these are the protesters there these are the human rights activists there so who really gets nervous year actually more gunfire rain actually one more . is the military industrial complex because if we have that type of a sanction in place against bahrain then i well lockheed martin maybe you're losing hundred fifty two hundred million dollars one point maybe you're losing another two hundred three hundred million dollars so it's really interesting because even though my me for just published or just love to be paid by our brain in actually i try to make like the suckers you're the ones who truly benefits from this that will
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lobby is the military industrial complex also all right let me let me ask you because it did say that the author of this op ed in the washington times vice admiral charles moore they did say underneath that he doesn't fact work for lockheed martin that part was not hidden. and also i mean this is a conservative newspaper everybody knows that and it was not like it was on the front page this was an op ed so what do you say to people who say you know i mean we are readers are not being tricked because it was in the op ed section anyone can write anything and we can choose whether or not to accept it that's our role as a newspaper. well if this was an isolated little example here then you'd be right and people would argue for they would be correct but this is not the case because let me give you an example from my own case ok when i was working for the f.b.i. there were severe human rights abuses abused cases by turkey and this was during
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the struggle between the turks and the and the kurdish minority in turkey now do you mean dispirit they were talking and seriously talking about sanctions on turkey because we have some international organizations also lobbying congress saying you know advocating for or putting stop in sending all these weapons to turkey especially the how popular is because those in returns are being used in charkhi to massacre all these people they are the minority and what happened in this case and again in the i.v. got the full picture of this was on one hand. intel was lobbying by. complex northrop grumman and lockheed martin and on one hand and on the other hand there was this intense again a lobbying fight as think department with the u.s. mainstream media that was founder and president of the national security
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whistleblowers association symbol adman's. and then the government being in bed with the press to that special relationship it has with big pharma it is yet another relationship that shapes both politics and policy in washington today more americans die from prescription drugs than car accidents trucking data coming from the national center for health statistics and as art is more important i reports it's fair to pharmaceutical firms are prioritizing profit over people's lives. america is regarded as a country with a ravenous appetite for consumption today a widespread fondness for pharmaceuticals has turned the u.s. into a nation of pill poppers bipolar depression doesn't have to consume you here's me and here's my depression you know when you feel the weight of sadness you may feel exhausted hopeless and anxious according to the u.s. government anti-depressant use among americans has increased nearly four hundred
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percent in the past two decades published reports find that one in five adults take at least one drug for mental health disorders with over fourteen billion dollars in annual sales anti-psychotics remain america's top selling their reputed class of prescription drugs this is a medical journal dr harriet fraud believes big pharma has manufactured a climate of insanity by manipulating and even creating illness for capital gains the advertising strategy is to have a big diagnoses. and then find wiggle room so that they apply to everybody prescription nexium the u.s. is the only western country that allows direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs this ad for attention deficit hyperactive disorder warns that untreated patients will likely end up divorced brenda's commercials for it's all on emmy or on those assuming you have to be alone but side effects may include dry
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mouth insomnia sexual side effects diarrhea knology and sleepiness critics also say big pharma uses its financial muscle supply doctors with their cash kickbacks and research funding in exchange for endorsing or prescribe being the latest and most lucrative drug what you have is a whole network of doctors who are hustling these drugs if a patient comes in with a knee injury and says i'm so sad oh are you depressed hey write a prescription. they're given out like eminence last year prescription drug abuse became the number one cause of accidental deaths with more than thirty thousand americans overdosing it can consume you serach well a bipolar medication generated four point four billion dollars in sales last year listing all its side effects requires forty nine seconds of air time my blood sugar
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has been reportedly circle x. are in medicines like it and in extreme cases can lead to coma again the number of children consuming anti-psychotic medication doubled in the past and decade millions of american adolescents are taking drugs like adderall doled out by doctors to treat hyperactivity all these drugs are very very similar to illicit or illegal drugs or dangerous marijuana is a little safer but you have no choice i mean they're being forced on these. but doctors were telling parents this is the best thing for them when they can it's not and so you have a lot of angry resentful kids growing up in america here it's already happening because of pfizer america's most profitable pharmaceutical company makes anti-depressants not only for people but also for adults in two thousand and nine the pharma giant needs two point three billion dollars to settle civil and criminal allegations over illegally marketing one of its drugs it was the largest health
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care fraud settlement and the milk fine to ever been made by a u.s. drug company that being said the money reportedly amounted to less than three weeks worth of pfizer drugs that the money is so huge that the fines are immaterial and they're not thinking about the social effects of what they're doing or thinking about the profits they accrue the pharmaceutical industry remains the most profitable business in the u.s. more success in financial gain for the companies will always remain possible as long as more americans are encouraged to take drugs for in a fortnight artsy. so are we smart enough as people to be able to diagnose ourselves as non-doctors because it sure seems like that's what's going on and it's not just tens of thousands of deaths there are other far reaching effects here to talk about this and more i spoke a little earlier to licensed clinical social worker dr darcy smith here's her take . well clearly the outcome is going to be that these these these prescriptions are
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written with much more. more frequency than than is necessary you're going to see so many more people medicated in society than what we currently have today. and with the the massive amounts of money going into these marketing firms i mean consumers really don't stand a chance against that sort of you know that sort of heavy handedness i think it's a really good point it's like an entire army facing off against single people here dr darcy marina mentioned in her report that even when pharmaceutical companies are forced to you know dole out the dollars in settlements and lawsuits whatever that these companies are so successful it doesn't even really hurt that it's like pocket change so what do you think is needed what could actually change to make some of these regulations a little stricter look i think the way we need to address this problem is to go to the source and the source really is within the medical profession profession it's the physicians who are writing the scripts for these and and they really do need to
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be held accountable for the prescriptions that they're writing and i think that there need to be audit some doctors and physicians in to confirm that that somebody is not coming in for a knee injury or an elbow injury and then walking away with you know and and a prescription for anti-depressants on top of that i mean of course there's going to be a decrease in mood and increase in depressive symptoms when when an athlete or somebody who's athletic is injured in comes into a doctor and wants to be treated for for that injury but you know part of life is just going through that healing process and and and as that healing process occurs the person's mood is going to elevate i mean i think as a society we need to learn how to tolerate discomfort and it's not something that we really teach people how to do but why would we ever do tolerate discomfort if there's a pill that can cure as immediately i mean i'm. joking
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a little bit i think you make a really good point and it is it's one thing to have p.r. firms in favor of this third job but doctors do seem ready and willing to write these prescriptions and i guess i'm just curious i mean don't these doctors take an oath aren't they supposed to help people isn't that their jobs and when they do this they have to know these are smart people who spend a lot of years in school don't they know that they're not always helping people by doing with the pharmaceutical companies tell them to do well look at think that the doctors are also falling victim to this society that look we live in in which everybody is looking for an immediate solution to a problem that may be a little bit more complicated so they're looking i think it's coming i think in many cases it's coming from a place of integrity doctors really are wanting to put there to help their patients and help their patients feel better but they're not looking at the long term consequences of what writing new scripts is doing to society look it's a lot easier to write
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a script than it is to facilitate meaningful therapy. what people really do need to do is refer to therapists when when when people are coming to their primary care physicians and doctors are are seen symptoms of anxiety or depression they need to make that referral to their to to to a therapist so that the person can have you know a useful intervention at that point i think it's a good point i think we should also mention here that there are plenty of drugs out there that you know doctors and people are very grateful for drugs that have been developed that actually do help people in so many ways so you know you can't discount that but something i want to talk to you about is some of the most vulnerable victims of this you know what's become in many ways a scandal and that's children i mean so many kids marina mentioned in her report are taking adderall why is it that the number of kids taking adderall has tripled quadrupled just in the last few years you know it's terrible the. i think part of
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the problem is that parents are never taught parenting skills and this is something that has been a problem for ever it's becoming more of a problem because now as we spoke about a second ago there is this short term solution called adderall or any other stimulant medication that can cause a child to become a super student very rapidly so i mean if you think about it we have dual income families it's a thing of the past it's a it's a quaint notion of the days in which you know one parent stayed home and the other parent worked so with both parents out of the home nobody's parenting the kids and families are in crisis families are legitimately looking for a solution to a child who really has behavioral issues and yes i do i think that adderall and other stimulants can be effective absolutely but i do believe that that needs to be a piece of the solution and not the entire of the entire solution itself it needs
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to be coupled with behavioral modification and intervention that teaches a child how to overcompensate for anything that meet may look like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder i know i think it's important to point out i mean kids often are hyper in the same way i mean i do i actually know people who have their dogs on it you know anti-anxiety medication you know puppies get separation and anxiety from their owners it's part of the development process in the same way kids get are hyper because they're kids and when we continue to medicate them it just really really worries me is why i think this is so important to talk about thank you for joining us licensed clinical social worker dr darcy smith thank you. paul i will be sure to tune into our team next week for a brand new lineup well they took back zuccotti park in new york the so-called ground zero of occupy wall street and now they have their sights on another hub the u.s. congress from wall street to pennsylvania avenue hundreds of protesters are expected
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to charge capitol hill hoping to send a strong message to congress. plus of from the economy to internet freedoms the trends research institute has hit the nail on the head predicting countless trends in the past year and if you thought that was impressive you ain't seen nothing while the director of the trends research institute gerald celente on the show to give us his predictions for two thousand and twelve and he was the candidate who promised change three years later many americans are asking for a refund for the promises that were broken and republicans are now rallying together with one mantra anyone but obama so as the u.s. gears up for another intense election season are voters ready to put their money on another leader all right for now that's going to do it but for more on the stories we covered go to our t.v. dot com slash usa also check out our you tube page we post all our interviews there in full and that's you tube dot com slash r t america you should also follow me on
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twitter at christine for sound the big picture is coming up in a half hour but for now have a great night and also have a great weekend. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't. charge is a big.
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