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tv   [untitled]    January 13, 2012 8:31pm-9:01pm EST

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used today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing operations to rule the day. this is the kaiser report you know globalization. allowed for the worse practices of various countries to become the global standard for example stacey herbert. max keiser are you talking about gangsterism i notice you're actually looking like a modern day gangster apparently old style gangsters handing out cash in bars and pool halls have been replaced by apparently respectable bankers lawyers are
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notaries according to a new report in italy mafia now italy's number one bank as crisis bites report organized crime now generates annual turnover of about one hundred forty billion euros and profits of more than one hundred billion euros which is seven percent of g.d.p. and the report says with sixty five billion euros in liquidity the mafia is italy's number one bank then everybody wants to be like jamie spaghetti nose down in. gaza like fun you know it's a global aspiration to be a gangsta on a wall street make part of the foreign loans of money but of course you know they just borrowed it from the good guys the wise guys in the mafia they picked it up in the predatory loan sector on wall street and now they're just doing the reciprocation now we're saying they're picking up what the wall street and the city
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bankers do by legitimizing predatory loans loan sharking payday loans leg breaking citi bank of course last year remember one of their chinese debt collectors actually broke somebodies leg to pick up a loan so hey beautiful man it's a martin scorsese film waiting to happen well. so many media have been reporting on this report out of italy and the telegraph writes that organized crime groups have been able to expand their territory into the wealthy north to the complicity of some politicians as well as professionals such as lawyers and accountants well this guy mariel monti. running italy he's a leg breaker with ties to goldman sachs goes back years already so he's a cap with the cap you know he's of course he's asking the more and the cosa nostra from the south to come on up north baby we've got a lot of people here you can financially rape with your part of torah loads mario monti says a three card monte gomorrah. is not
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a coffee creamer. i'm thinking of the coffee creamer think of my head away from the great italian espresso best espresso in the world in my opinion but like i said you know these are politicians professionals lawyers and accountants aiding and abetting them so what's the difference between one guy who's that they say is a mafia and the likes of mario monti who is appointed he's thrust onto the population unelected and he dictates them what they can and cannot spend and controls their financial system controls their liquidity control the same thing that the mafia is doing well them in the mafia called the black market and the bankers call it the shadow banking system they each have their dark exchanges and there are the table underhanded black and of financial rape that they make huge profits on whether it's the banks on wall street the city of london or the mafia in
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italy or elsewhere around the world they're all adopting each other's business model because it's highly profitable there's no regulations there's no there's no crime busters in italy breaking up the mafia they're just like there's the regulators of the u.s. or the city of one of them breaking up the money. launderers of the financial terrorist rings in those cities the article says of as i said old style gangsters are no longer there they look like professionals they are bankers their lawyers or accountants they operate in the guise of that they call it this is extortion with the clean face through their professions they know the mechanisms of the legal credit market and they often know the financial position of their victims perfectly the basic rule of thumb whether in the mafia or on wall street is that for every billion in loans you create you get a million dollar bonus that's the big. so you think about this way america's got fifteen trillion in debt that created fifteen billion in bonuses on wall street there are hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of the rivet of debts or loans in
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the system what was last year's bonus pool of wall street one hundred fifty bill again so that's the rule of thumb whether you're doing spaghetti diamond on mafioso land in maples or whether on wall street the more debt you create the more predatory loans you create the bigger your bonus is you know every any good ball can figure that out well the article does mention that most of the victims of these mafia are small and middle sized businesses so i want to cut to the united states and their mafia racket farmer sue junk or resign over missing millions montana farmers have filed a class action suit against former new jersey governor john core sign charging that the failed financial firm run by chorus line stole millions from their accounts to pay off its spiraling debts and that correspondence single minded obsession with making m.f. global a big player on wall street led to the firm's collapse so this is thirty eight thousand wheat farmers cattle ranchers and others who had to hedge their crop
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prices wait for armors you know they could cut in their pizza production and your spaghetti ok because we're full about this one because you might run out of pasta flows rule for your annual bread if there's a ball but you know course on is of course joe pesci in this situation except in this movie he gets made remember i think is in goodfellas job as he doesn't get made and then he is whacked here of course on gets made he commits fraud he and j.p. morgan steal from their own customers and he has an office down on wall street advising new clients of making more bonus balls so he made well let's listen again to the description of course line former new jersey governor former c.e.o. of goldman sachs and go back to the mafia in italy story old style gangsters have. going out cash in bars and pool halls have been replaced by apparently respectable bankers lawyers or notaries so what's the difference no difference of course.
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former governor new jersey home a bonus a pro. the garbage the jokers on the butt of being the original multibillion dollar for some weed farmers is going to break up the color pasta struck corazon made mafioso i will add this suit by thirty eight thousand farmers and ranchers also names pricewaterhouse coopers and j.p. morgan chase were pricewaterhouse coopers their accountants so again the mafia in italy operates as accountants as well just get a rubber stamp with pricewaterhouse coopers. j.p. morgan goldman to stamp a bunch of paper stamp a bunch of paper lawsuit lawsuit lawsuits all the garbage doesn't matter because what you're made of the environment you can do no wrong no only if you happen to get whacked let's move on to further headlines regarding the us mafia phil black more proof of obama policy of covering up for elite financial criminals so this is
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bill black responding to a nov twenty second two thousand and eleven new york times piece by gretchen morgenson and louise story and he's waited all this time to respond because he was so shocked at the allegations made by them that he was waiting for the obama administration to respond and basically what they said is that they talked to some long time lawyers who say that overall scarcity of cases related to the financial crisis might be in part because regulators want to avoid scrutiny of their own kind so they talk to some lawyers who were involved in like a former new york state attorney general dentist see voc go for example and he says that it's not just one thirty year old wunderkind who was responsible for the financial crisis once you start pulling the string through in these complex. bases you might be surprised what you find at the other end and what you find is the government and the financial regulators and institutions that they were just as much involved in the corruption and the mortgage fraud that's right. of course the
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government isn't involved of course the great interest mediating force the interface between governments involvement in extortion and the rackets in the markets percent say are fannie mae and freddie mac. the government sponsored entities that they created to artificially suppress interest rates to give artificially large bonuses to incredibly gifted charlatans and thieves and that's the interface between government and that's where you know where you find the incredible collection of mortgage fraud and the subprime crisis building up like an enormous zit on the face of the american economy that popped in two thousand and seven and polluted white poss into into the faces of three hundred million americans and they're trying to desperately clean that off their face or like obama how come you don't help us and obama's out there. for. bill black says that these charges are exceptionally severe the fact that obama has
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no response rebutting this grave charge against his administration's integrity sounds loud but not proud in fact he's doubled down max because here's the next headline new chief of staff former hedge fund exec at citi group made money off mortgage defaults so citigroup of course is basically another government sponsored entity it all paraded as a private company listed on the public markets but it's always been backed by the u.s. government essentially but from two thousand and six to two thousand and eight jack lew obama's new chief of staff was chief operating officer of citibank's alternative investments division who made billions on john paulson betting against the subprime mortgage market and after citi group was bailed out by the government to the tune of what forty five billion dollars he collected a bonus of nine hundred thousand dollars after they became publicly owned. jack
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lew one of the gangsters the citigroup. trader of inside information. to make incredible profits now they've used the money that they may try to get inside information mark manipulation documented many times and this is not a secret they're using the profits to buy their way into government to become a socially obama's but this jack lew has been in government and then he went to citi group then he was back in government he's has a long career going back and forth he's got a pretty senior position there right what's the what's his position though chief of staff for the obama because a lot of money you go rope a lot of people to get a lot of money if you've got to shake down a lot of people you've got to shake millions of mortgage holders to become chief of staff and you know how mafia is how you move up the ranks you commit more and more crimes you impress the boss so here's what glenn. meanwhile that says about the story he said the two thousand and eight financial crisis is the new iraq war it
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does not matter how prominent a role someone played in the neighboring it or how much they profited from it or how centrally they were part of the corrupted machinery that brought it about if they have the right ideology in good standing and washington circles all is forgiven and they do not suffer any consequences at all even reputational e indeed not only is it no impediment to their achievement but it's actually an asset you know to get the initiation right to get into this mob is you've got to kill a few million homeowners that's just the initial initiation fee and then from there to rise up the ranks of the mafia to get close to obama the spaghetti monster in chief you know you've got to be able to do the meatball and on top you've got to be able to really swing your big fat swing and gonzalo so that you can put the shrill little do above and the other twenty million people so they're on the street begging you know pick and seeds out of the fecal matter of their pet dogs trying to stay alive that's a big go big and government america and they got this private equity boehm you know
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this guy ron ron mitt romney who's from bain capital one of the all they do is they just rape and pillage and steal twenty four hours a day some course he's all up in the mafia model he's going to be the presidential contender stacey herbert thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max the go a much more coming away so stay right there. down to your social placation your money so we pulled touch from the queue jumps to. life on the. video. coast. missions for. now with the palm of your.
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which is on the t. dot com. we're going to. maximize your welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to colorado and talk with investment advisor michael craig or michael's writings can be found at zero heads dot com michael welcome back to the kaiser report thanks for having me nice great to be back all right michael kroger you have dedicated yourself to campaigning for ron paul tell us why that at this point i have and you know as you know as things are sort of progressed in this sort of awakening or global uprising against the current status quo there are different battles i think
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there are necessary to find different times and you know both of us have done so over a fight and i think that's still something that's extremely important but i do think that it's two thousand and twelve is here i'm sure a range of democrats for us republicans red versus blue let's not talk about any real issues and a non issues and get people all riled up about emotional side issues i think that it is extremely important to sort of try to get the weight awakening in the political sphere now so that people that actually just don't have the background or time to understand the monetary system and the financial aspect of it maybe can wake up on other issues and ron paul for example on the three major issues i think are all of those important civil liberties the war empire state and in the federal reserve and too big to fail are those are all issues that i think you can it is not want it's the other connect with a vast enjoy. he to marit populations that's that's basically my goal for this year all right so interestingly enough ron paul has attracted support from both the tea
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party and occupy wall street so there's some crossover there correct absolutely yes i mean there are certain issues that neither party is comfortable actually discussing and so they actually don't discuss it at all and i do think the one that they're really all the issues on issues are all important but the dead is one that i think's really interesting because republicans never really like to criticize it yet it is the epitome of central planning it is a central bank that creates decides it its own you know its own will whether the price of money so it's actually the most important price fixing any city in the world and yet republicans you know who claim their first small government and free markets don't seem to attack the fact that this is the most big government institution you could ever have and of course they talk about independence which is ridiculous and on the democratic side the federal reserve is the mechanism that is used to transfer increasing amounts of wealth from the middle class and poor to the
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super super super rich so you know both sides of the of the aisle partly is the device should be attacking this and neither of them do so there's ron paul that does and that's why i think he's getting support from both sides he's going to the root issues that no one else wants to discuss all right talk about the fed as being the ultimate and central planning and you know borrow from central plan to governments of the past that have failed aperol supposedly that america somehow triumph against and yet now other through the federal reserve seem to be emulating the so i do have some planning and another aspect of these centrally planned governments and economies from the past was that really strong propaganda mechanism and here with ron paul he comes in second in a primary and yet the mainstream media. it's re quite obvious now that there's this huge propaganda element in place where they don't report it's like watching
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north korean t.v. when you watch c.n.n. or fox news they they simply gloss over actual facts and figures what's going on it's quite shocking i think for a lot of people what it what it what is the mainstream afraid of exactly what ron paul when i think about this you know it's easy to go into conspiracy theories and saying that you know everyone on main street television is purposely lying or deceiving and all that i do think there is for sure an element of that going on within all the major media channels that people deliberately are deceiving the population however i do also think the majority of it is simply the powerful elite in this country and that of course includes the media has benefited from this warfare welfare federal reserve transfer of wealth model so they don't even question the root cancer this is america at this point and so i think there is
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a large element of people just not wanting to rock the boat to a system that has enriched them made them celebrity given them the less style it has so that's really where i think people do media just tends to just block out ron paul because he is actually talking about structural change in structural change in most cases for most of the people with the with the voice on television is not in their best interests right sadly anchors on c.n.n. and fox news would simply lose their job now of staff for barack obama now as jack lew is the former c.e.o. of citibank your thoughts i actually think this is good though because when when you know when obama continues to expose himself to complete fraud and banks are hoping that he is it just brings more people to ask the questions is just more ammunition for our side to say see you know see what he. here you know notice how i had a lot of friends that said to me before the n.c.a.a.
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that obama said he would veto it so he beat her and i said people he's not going to be don't you watch and then when he didn't i get credibility so we get credibility we get further credibility with people as obama and others in how or do the opposite of what you think they rationally would should do or what would be in the best interest of the people look i mean this is this is a trend we've seen with obama from the beginning which is the the oligarchy in the financial services and industry which are stealing from essentially the productive parts of the american economy and and crash the world economy back in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight are being rewarded with positions it's two plus two equals five from a orwell's one thousand for it all of these guys should never ever be able to have a job anywhere they should all be disgraced but instead is this religion. ponzi finance and federal reserve dominance that we are continuing to push
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forward with and obama is a key player in that and of course it's destroying america i think as most people now recognize well and some mafia model jack low as proven himself to be tell our mortgages and people's that weren't so he gets a. bump up in the mafia organization to get gangsters jhankaar sign another proven killer from m.f. global former governor new jersey ex goldman sachs terrorist he's got a big payday coming i guess or move him to a new office and give him another role in ransacking the the economy what are your thoughts on john course on at this juncture and the school has been talked about to death but i do have you know and i mention this on nettles interview i did recently it was a huge deal for people like meet the head who sort of following the markets in the background saying ok will what's there. next move when they can attack futures are is the theft good and celebrate the fact is john coors on has seemingly gotten away
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with what he's gotten away with and the media really giving him a break and a lot of defense and the fact he's looking for an office as you say and was looking for a chateau in france on if you saw that story a few weeks prior to the bankruptcy that it will this all further proves the fact that there is no rule of law in the united states and by participating in the usa casino of the markets you are. risking your money in a massive way and i being involved in that bothers me it scares me is the reason why i from the beginning did not want to accept capital was because i was worried that it would go down this path and now that it is i'm becoming increasingly concerned just just being involved at all because it's clearly it's clearly totally criminal so that's what again i think said to me that's records i said to me i knew they
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were going to attack few the futures markets at some point the very crafty at getting people afraid to now buy futures through this m.f. situation so i think we're in a whole nother ball game a whole nother realm of effect manipulation and fraud in markets let me if i saw something it was recently announced from the c.m.a. chicago mercantile exchange that they're launching made x. and a d. x. which gives people a chance to speculate using so-called prediction markets with real money on presidential elections and other political outcomes so they're going to combine politics and political outcomes speculative betting with the futures market it is this kind of like combining the worst of two corrupt worlds or is there something i'm. missing my creator your thoughts and you know you've touched on this before and i think in the exact correct way it reminds me
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a lot of like how come next how paper or so over the goal have been used to you know when to tell wagging the dog to keep the leader physical market down and to manage expectations and to keep people thinking that these are ok i think that this is just good this is sort of the idea is the roll out of this it will take over polar so polling will probably become a thing of the past and markets the you know the sort of disorder. markets will then determine everything in society including politics so you have a situation where they have mitt romney the paper price for mitt romney could be extremely high even though the actual people voting on the voting booths is a different story altogether but the paper prices at a higher level that the media then reports on as a too big to fail their systemic risk of not voting for this guy and big the markets which are infallible according to the nail market religion are telling us
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that there is only one outcome like this guy's got to win correct of course and so i think what they're doing is they're just taking the model that's worked for them into futures what you know in the gold and silver markets now in the stock market with what they're doing is they're keeping the stock markets elevated so that people don't question or will do these or that you know both you know forty six million people who are so i guess it is it's well hey you know things can't be that bad it's the same thing with sort of this what i noticed is the mean in the mainstream media regarding ron paul is he's unelectable so what they do is when they discuss ron paul as they just say he's unelectable they just sort of blurted out as if it's the sky is blue and what ends up happening is if you say it enough visually people will start saying it to themselves in society it's true perfect but it's true and then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and i noticed that just based on people that like ron paul write to me and say i like you but he's a. and then i gauged in a debate what it will tell you why he's not electable and they can't really explain
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. it's literally this is so little propaganda and the needs originally from the t.v. to the collective consciousness and it's and i think that's what they're going for with these with these markets is if you can do it and we know they can do it all the markets why because they run the casino so they're going to run it you see you know political polling and political futures markets and that's what they're going to do to get out there in a stable routed so that romney has presented and say see if i hold on what you know game over that's what we're this is going very severe absolutely i've been warning about this for years but the only industry that's protected it's up against us was hollywood when they banned box office futures trading and of course who would want that j.f.k. put in august of one nine hundred sixty three zero in about a winning bet for sure all right around a time michael krieger thanks so much for being on the kaiser report always great i say to you and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert was i my guest michael kroger you can catch is stuff
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at zero heads dot com if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser reporting r t t v dot are you until next time x. guys are saying bio.
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me it is easy to believe. if. he. immediately. says. it's. like.
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hello i'm tom are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture tonight we revisit to past conversations i had with great minds that are just as important today as when they first aired we begin with professor gar helper of it's with enormous stresses on today's global economy many people are wondering of capitalism itself needs to be reimagined in this conversation professor alfred as does just that introduces a new.


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