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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2012 8:01am-8:31am EST

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states join me for more on that in our business. oh oh. it's five pm here in moscow you're watching our team live with me and you so now our top story the u.n. security council is set to mull over a new russian draft resolution aimed at ending serious violence moscow says the text is balance calling on all sides to lay down arms in syria itself to lawmakers have turned their backs on the regime claiming the deadly crackdown on the opposition in the flashpoint city of homes is ask awaiting sarraf earth as their party. it's been less than a month since we were last in homes in that time the situation's become even more dangerous and the pressure on the people living here shows i shut were people numbers. having the tragic death of foreign journalists killed just here in homs
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recently served yet another reminder of the harrowing the precarious situation that people in the city are and the other way to go but below that that's you know what . they are going to get was i waited for that are you moved why do kids from school in the hut area where i was living to a little area was going to get killed it's got you well this is not you know my life it's our it's our home syria ok we cannot we we don't want to be over homes we don't want to do a lot of schools we just want to leave peacefully people have been telling us that the sky is to leave their homes across the city water shortages food shortages power cuts are extremely common winces here and it's hard for some people to even heat their homes survival here in the city of homs has already been taken back to basics. the city that's been at the heart of the arrest is much like the rest of
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the country right now divided you can travel from one area to another here some streets simply t. danger. the armed conflict in syria right now is looking increasingly like a civil war in the towns and cities like homs to the shame resistance is in the rules and thousands of people have fled the city i can't imagine anyone wanting to live here now not everyone can leave across the country right now civilian safety is hugely under threat outbreaks of violence seen cayle sick and fractured and caught between the conflicting sides is the people like this he was suffering are not completely would be ok with the government. and one hundred percent and we are not against it what they are doing. the young people they are getting us they are
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killing our future they are killing our people and our children this is the devastating reality of syria's uprising get me that the government all the opposition seem willing to lay down their arms and proceed dialogue distortion is deteriorating. the. number of the those who are killed is a skeleton we were accustomed to about twenty people per day being killed about thirty said to say that it's going to continue such. more. than say these people waiting. graying they. will be next in the close by. the sixtieth. but you can keep across hours updates from inside syria through her online blog which is that r.t. dot com russia wants to ensure the un doesn't sanction
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a military intervention in syria united states and its european allies want the syrian regime targeted and president assad out the kremlin also rebuffed calls from cow tar to send an arab league forces with more developments here's you've got three not going to china. well russia has long been trying to maybe the conflict in syria by bringing both sides to dialogue and trying to find peaceful solution to the crisis it also says that further attempts should be made to engage with official damascus and therefore you describe the syrian opposition is rejection of dialogue with the authorities as nonproductive and absolutely incorrect and was also against an arms embargo saying that it was unfair to expect that the syrian government would not respond to on rest russia believes that for the most part on the opposition groups in syria will provoking the government in that country russia condemns both the government and the opposition and don't go in violence and also
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believe that because should be sold by the syrians themselves without any outside military to fear it's russia of course fears that syria could pull the possibly via that weakness to military intervention we know that russia insists urges for a thorough probe into nato action operation in libya saying that it has gone far beyond the group mandate meanwhile russia fully supports the arab league observers mission in syria that came to the country late december however most stress is that the arab league is also not authorized to send peacekeepers to syria. well iran has made arrests over last week's nuclear scientists killing it won't say who but suspicions are that it's mossad western calls for military intervention are growing something russia says would be disastrous policy reports on how the fear is that a covert operations already well underway. from this rather spartan recording studio in jerusalem one israeli jew has been reaching out to people in iran for
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fifty two years ties between tel aviv in tehran off a bit in but it's never stopped menasha amir from reading the news in farsi every night and hosting a weekly show for listeners in the persian world to share their views he thinks around a million rain ians tune in and the topic they most want to talk about the possibility of a foreign attack on iran they are very much afraid that the iranian nuclear installations will be bombed by a foreign powers where they're israel or the united states or any other country but it's not only be rainy and her suspicious of israel or america taking action people here in israel seems something's in the air you can see signs of wink and nod from israeli officials when talking about it israel is signaling to the world. if the world doesn't do anything if the wall doesn't call for more fierce actions for more crippling sanctions quoting the secretary of state clinton then israel would take
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the initiative and strike a blow some wonder if israel hasn't already declared an unofficial want to ren but suspicions raised further after the assassination of another iranian nuclear scientist earlier this month while on his way to work putting everything together it is clear that whoever it is but if someone or somebody or some agency is very successful in infiltrating understanding last subaltern the iranian nuclear project the attack is the latest in a series of mysterious accidents linked to iran's nuclear program two aircraft accidents in the space of three years scientists disappearing equipment damaged and computer viruses unleashed and the fingers pointing at israel. and the united states this is a very respectable grammar nation but. iran has many. is as good as mine.
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on. adding fuel to the fire the plan for israel and the united states to conduct the biggest joint military drills before the end of the year it would see thousands of american troops to police well. it's the most blatant find that in attacks coming but no one in israel will come on record and say there is a covert war on iran all talk of an israeli strike is limited to the airwaves. jerusalem went to war activists brian becker says the crisis around iran's nuclear program is being fabricated by the us who sanctions are squarely aimed at bringing down. the united states government has created an artificial crisis that's first and foremost it's a manufactured crisis aronne is complying with the. iran does not have a nuclear weapon iran is not threatening its neighbors iran has not started
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a war with any of its neighbors israel on the other hand has hundreds of nuclear weapons and unlike iran refuses to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty does not. specters into its country so there's not really a nuclear menace or a nuclear danger from iran so what is the cause what's the cause of the crisis of the artificial crisis the real goal is the united states government has embarked on a course of extreme economic aggression against iran with the hope that by creating economic suffering economic isolation economic misery that part of the population will rise up or become disenfranchised with the government so that the u.s. can do as it has in history carry out regime change. still ahead for you this hour the tragedy of india's lost children thousands go missing in the capital every year few are ever found we explain why. america's
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anti-corporate occupy protesters are starting the year as they mean to go on digging in with their demos as they clock up four months of the campaign thousands are due to rally outside congress later on tuesday hoping their demands won't fall on deaf ears representatives reconvene after the holidays campaigners were also have one eye on the police in case there's another heavy handed breakup of their gathering but began september involved street spread across the country but the goal remains the same to stop the riches from rob and regular citizens of a livelihood as they need to can now reports. the dream of starting their own business may stay just a dream for most young americans armed with college degrees and loaded with hefty student loans they enter a marketplace dominated by giant corporations robert porter is a pharmacist he works for a company that provides help to poisoning victims he says he's glad to have
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a job that pays his bills but sees no chance he could start a business on his own now we sort of used to be able to go out like you said graduate start a business have a drugstore but i think those days are going away rapidly personally i don't know any young pharmacist that are starting their own business like that competition c.b.s. write it all that you wal-mart target there's no way there's no way a new pharmacist could compete no way and it's a shame in the last few decades thousands of independent pharmacies have been gobbled up by a handful of drug store chains this one is still standing just steps away from a c.v.s. its owner says they survive because he gives his customers would big changes can't get here. a boldly atmosphere but even dedicated pharmacists like hussein experienced giants stepping on their toes hussein remembers how easy it was to start a pharmacy some thirty years ago it was
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a lot easier back then to stay and survive thirty years ago they could just go in and easily open a pharmacy now now young pharmacist really they already come with a lot of student loans and they really can model plane that kind of money his two daughters are also pharmacists i would much rather be in my own business or at least a family business or most of say naps fellow graduates ended up working for big companies to at least have a steady paycheck none of them started their own business it has now become a common tendency for the young in the us stark difference with the eighties but many can't find even such relative stability these days according to a report by peter hart research associates a quarter of workers under the age of thirty five in the us can't pay their monthly
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bills another study shows the average net worth of those under thirty five thousand nine hundred eighty four was three times higher than it is now for the same age group millions of people's quality of life is diminished for the profits of a handful of immense stores and corporations for most young people in the you are starting their own business isn't even a consideration most of them would be happy just to have a job that at least pays their bills many don't even have that this is the poorest young generation in the us a decade and the question many ask is what kind of future can they build and what will they mean for the next generation. i'm going to check out reporting that our team. in the rating agencies came raney will blow us on a beleaguered euro now the euro zone's fragile balance fund has been downgraded again and standard and poor's the firm which to motive nine e.u.
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nations and step france and austria their top statuses those downgrades meant the rescue fund lost one hundred eighty billion euros and aaa guarantees and that's knocked its own score down as a result better news for france is that the other major ratings firms are keeping france's position high with president sarkozy saying s. and p's solitary move won't affect its debt reduction policy which are to fears in about an hour's time is the currency not the credit scores who are the root of the problem. for the deceive others when you look at the reality of the past twenty years the european union has changed very little by the way if we remember back then we were still having referendums on such decisions so the mass treat referendum got through but in the second referendum on the lisbon treaty the french voted no in our land they voted no it was rejected by the people then forcibly voted in by m.p.'s it is clear that this representative democracy actually
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represents no one at all the european union was meant to bring down unemployment bring prosperity security but instead it brought unemployment the adoption of the euro inflated prices because didn't just realisation especially in france it may be better for germany but it's an economic disaster with merkel and sarkozy meeting every three days it's getting ridiculous now there's a summit every three days it's no good it's close to collapse. but russia watchers have been pouring over of lead to marriage britain's plans for his presidential campaign the prime minister set out his stall on how he thought russia's problems from poverty to corruption if elected again in march political on . less than xander is today ron though says britain's well aware of the challenges ahead i think this will be a clarifying it will do much teach to bridge the gap standing between the
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opposition and the protesters in the streets see its. prime minister stance challenge that russia states and has been facing. the previous two decades what he's calling its new economy to the built. the reputation way for all dependents well. spending and nicer all the ups latest post any mechanisms how's it going to give people more mall pensions and cell arrays so there are actually no reserves are they going to take it for all the obvious like kind of take it from the air and put in is also stressed so. we're going to prime minister putin plans for yourself we've got his article online at our two dot com mire in there here's what else you can also check out and information blackout the world's most popular online encyclopedia will go on strike on wednesday to fight against anti-piracy bills passing through the u.s.
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congress. and suspending shakespeare why a school board in the states has taken the iconic play right off the books out of. the. president's failed mars probe has fallen back to earth but suspicions over why did it work are far from over russia's deputy prime minister thinks may have been wrong footed by an american radar so we threw our goals and also wants an investigation into why frequent disruptions of grass and space technology is a. her the probe was launched from baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan on november the ninth to collect soil from a martian room shortly after it failed to hit its course to mars and remain stuck in earth's orbit and eventually came down in the pacific ocean on sunday.
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look at some more world news now and hopes are fading for twenty nine people still missing following the italian cruise ship disaster that's killed at least six italian navy is now using explosives to get into parts of the vessel in a scramble to find survivors liner capsized after hitting a reef off the italian coast on friday the captives accused of abandoning the ship before it was evacuated and could face manslaughter charges. insurgents in iraq have attacked a checkpoint killing five policeman bringing the total number of deaths already this year to one hundred fifty five it took place in the town as police guarded a border highway with jordan in a former stronghold the country has seen a wave of violence since the u.s. troop withdrawal at the end of last year. and the trial of egypt's former president hosni mubarak has been adjourned until wednesday just hours after it resumed his
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lawyers had opened their defense to claims that the eighty three year old allowed the killing of eight hundred fifty during last february's uprising which ousted him prosecutors want to face the death penalty. yemen's foreign minister says months of protests and political instability could mean february's presidential election won't happen on time in a t.v. interview he said. he said half he has to deal with it security issues before voting can start and follows his seizure of a town one hundred sixty kilometers south of the capital as militants take advantage of the unrest which is calling for a long time leave your president for the day to quit. thousands of children disappear from new delhi's packed city streets every year many are abducted and never heard from again some even having their organs removed and sold as priya shrewder now reports desperate families searching for their loved ones are being sought out by police who say they're overburdened and understaffed with almost
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seventy million people packed into its crowded city streets new delhi is the perfect place for people to get lost but some don't just get lost they disappear that's what happened to mars twelve year old son ravi he went missing one year ago when he left the house to get his bicycle but never returned. i don't know who took my son away i look for him everywhere but i couldn't find him. and ravi is far from the only one in delhi alone anywhere from two to five thousand children go missing every year while in india as a whole a staggering eight hundred thousand disappear and it takes a dreadful toll on families kumar hasn't been able to hold down a steady job or stay healthy his only focus is finding out what happened to his son but the answer is likely a grim one most children who disappear in delhi end up as sex workers or slaves who
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you know but their kids are kept in places where no one will be able to find them they're also kidnapped for the organ trade business that don't sion and also if they getting the kids. come or a son like most missing kids in delhi with the word away while playing for the poor neighborhood like this one many family members of missing people say that they believe that they're often ignored by police because they lack money and power and in many cases they're asked to pay i have to be if they ever want to see their loved ones again i told the police they only say that maybe my brother is somewhere in the park or sleeping in some temple or staying at a friend's place delhi police say that while they know they face a massive problem things are getting better while in the past eighteen children in delhi would go missing every day this year that number is closer to ten organisations working to help the families of the missing say that while the police need to do more they're overburdened and understaffed. we also are trying to
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pressure the court to order the police to take serious steps in this issue to watch out for the child and railway stations in boston. but this comes as little comfort to parents like rao kumar who feels as if he's tried everything he continues to visit ravis untouched bedroom every day holding on to the memories they share my son used to sleep on this bed with me the house seems empty without him and i don't know way. it's just whining clinging to whatever hope he can that his desperate search for the son he loves will one day and well reassure either party new delhi india that it was one spotlight sorely a look at the european brain drain seeing top scientists across the atlantic but first let's get the latest from the business desk with kareena. thank you he said hello and welcome to our business bulletin this hour thanks for
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joining me germany has called for the introduction of independent european rating agencies following the recent downgrades in credit ratings of eurozone members the proposal would see them become an alternative to u.s. based agencies such as standard of poor and poor's and fitch european officials say their move complicate the currency union's efforts to ensure the worsening debt crisis however signed one fandom what chere from renesas asset managers is skeptical about the creation of european agency. the establishment of a european only. she's a little it's a little on the silly side it's basically the sort of slap down saying we don't like what you've said so we're going to set up a road. independent observer report is it only going to be specifically for europeans and it's my whole wrong of questions but fundamentally it's basically saying i'm pretty unhappy with what your pubs say i'm going to go off and join my own club russia has agreed to on you need tax benefits for the united arab emirates
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in order to attract more investments from the oil rich nation the new system applies to the countries state institutions which will no longer have to pay tax their dividends are best once in russia the agreement has yet to be ratified by the countries' governments but the head of russia's direct investment fund killed media of says that the deal will bring huge better so. the total investment capital managed by the united arab emirates stanza trillions of dollars and even if a small piece of that comes to russia it will be a significant amount of money and that's why i think we're talking about billions of dollars even the projects we currently discussed with our arabic partners involved sums from five hundred million to several billion dollars so we're talking about serious and big investments but i think a look at the markets now all is again including trading near a three day high front is pushing for faster of course when i mean when you import
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ban while saudi arabia's oil minister was reported as saying that the world's biggest exporter wants to keep prices at one hundred dollars a barrel. and europe markets have been covered a billion the block for all of the trading day so far despite multiple downgrades the president mario draghi said investors had already priced in the downgrades anyway and questioned the importance of the credit rating agencies following the s. and p. downgrade of nine euro countries here in russia markets surged to five weeks high as all goes up the r.t.s. is gaining one of the half percent this hour demise six is one point two percent in the black as well most of the blue chips are trading higher stronger supporting energy majors of course gazprom is point seven percent steelmakers severstal is among the top again as are reports its subsidiary nord gold will become a separate company and start trading in london and was hydro is also on the rise after the bank agreed to buy eleven percent of the hydro power producers it will
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spend the money to finance its investment program here's a leg of b.p. capital with more. of the one of the most of. the fund flows we've seen almost a record in full in the first couple weeks of the year term in the first half of two thousand and eleven which saw a major increase in the russian stocks and those were basically wiped out in the second half naturally and there's so will again look at russia as the emerging markets will be viewing workers that will have growth a significant growth away in two thousand and twelve and israel actions near and then surely in the stores will be coming back and so market having by observations to significantly reduce their exposure to russia so this will be something to keep in i. guess probably has reached a compromise after its foreign partners asked for more flexible pricing dow jones cites a company representative saying they will get a discount in long term gas supply contract the list of four of the group companies
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from germany austria slovakia fronts it said gas from is still not going to increase export volumes linked to spot prices in yours. a morgan stanley real estate fund has agreed to buy the largest mall in russia's northern capital st petersburg the deals worth around one point one billion dollars according to sources close to the to the deal and the galleria mall was opened two years ago morgan stanley will buy it from a group of investors from kazakhstan if a shopping center changes hands excessively the deal would be the largest and russia's real estate market. that's all for now i join me in about fifteen minutes with more here on business. you're.
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used to day violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing up for a shelter on the day. here
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with r t m one from moscow our top stories russia launches its latest bid to rally the un around a resolution to bring peace to syria as the country sinks deeper into violence moscow says the draft is balanced and rules out foreign military intervention or calling for syria's warring sides to lay down arms. iran makes arrest or last week's nuclear scientists murder it won't confirm who is being held by suspicion is pointing out mossad has a growing number of israelis.


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