tv [untitled] January 17, 2012 2:31pm-3:01pm EST
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fear their country is starting to cope with terror. plus no turning back for thousands of anti corporate occupy protesters in america descending on congress as it returns from the holiday for months on the still no sign of backing down from their demand that the richest one percent stops making money at everyone else's expense. always more news from us twenty four seven of course on our web site r t v dot com for now that's it for me kevin zero in in thirty minutes time just let you know r.t. goes off air for a few hours while our engineers do some plan technical upgrades to our equipment but i do hope you can join us when we return at six am g.m.t. not long to go for the next half hour though the cards a report gives america's republican presidential candidates a good going over. max kaiser this is the kaiser report yeah it's just one big state sponsored network
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c.b.s. fox news c.n.n. it's all the same it's all government propaganda states you know every well it's more than government propaganda it's military industrial and banking industrial complex propaganda and we see that in this first headline c.b.s. didn't mention ron paul once during an entire political segment so we're going to turn to this clip from c.b.s. this is on the eve of the new hampshire primaries expectations are high and what has become romney's adopted home state a new suffolk university poll shows him with a commanding lead in new hampshire at almost thirty points about his rivals at the same time newt gingrich and jon huntsman have faltered what comes next we're going to have mourners in front of the tomb of the dead american media outlets welling like. funeral over who are gone american media is.
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you know this is absurd of course a bomb of those saying about it is like well max obama really has no place to even get involved in the media the media should do this themselves but let's look at the financial papers this is bloomberg news they're front page and romney rivals turn to south carolina crossroads after losses notice in the picture again who is missing from the photo but ron paul and they even have rick perry who i say is the vermin supremes all of the republican party rick perry received point seven percent of the vote. in new hampshire in the democratic primaries there were also democratic primaries in new hampshire vermin supreme got one point four percent of the vote. oh yeah bloomberg of course they have gone down because michael bloomberg crossed over he's a he's a politician so he's set up the bloomberg boxes to omit certain facts and figures and information that would get in the way of his political aspirations but it's
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also more than that it's the markets are also becoming the tools of propaganda as you have pointed out yourself on our site and other places max in-tray dot com gives a price and in fact there's been a recent study which showed to republican voters they show them in trade prices and thirty five percent of the cases they change their vote to the one who had a higher price on in trade but is price propaganda it's using behavioral economics to influence people's reactions and their actions and it's going to engineer price you can engineer an action markets are no longer about supply and demand selling about price discovery so a lot about the invisible hand it's about preprogramming price points that will create actions in the population that you can then turn into inside information and market manipulation and political power and influence i mentioned berman supreme i want to cut to a clip here and it gives an indication of why the media might be ignoring ron paul
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my name is rumored supreme i'm a friendly fascist i'm a tire that you could trust you should let me run your life because i know what is best for you and i probe or policy positions are as follows i stand for mandatory toothbrushing laws and last but all these three qualities for all americans the essence of free poti for all americans job back just think of the jobs will be created when all americans have ponies oh yes for sure i think this is the reason why we're norrington because ron paul is exposing the lie that free ponies can be had for all in particular the baby boomers if you look at the next headline hey america half. of young voters just voted for ron paul half so this is from business insider henry blodget he points out that forty seven percent of voters under thirty voted for paul in new hampshire the reason why you don't have to be a genius to see that if our government continues on its present course borrowing and spending way more than it takes in the country is going to be screwed ron paul acknowledges that and ron paul's ideas though radical in some cases promises major
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change older voters for obvious reasons don't really care that the country's finances are unsustainable because they'll be dead by the time that comes around to pay for it oh that's exactly right they're hoping that their they'll die before they have to pay these debts that's their strategy that's their democratic thought process and what will be dead soon so all these problems we don't have the worry of a ron paul is appealing to younger voters because the younger voters realize that he is their only hope and not being forced into debt slavery well it's also the fact that the baby boomers for thirty years now have relied on the federal reserve to pay for all of the wars that they want but they don't want to have to pay for the suburbs that they want the ex-urbs that the baby boomers want but don't want to have to pay for with the real cost of oil so they keep on printing money printing money printing money and it's off balance sheet nobody gets taxed for it but here
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the younger generation who has the internet they've grown up with the internet with access to information which now they're trying to block but the younger voters know that it's the federal reserve and the military industrial complex that has it has benefited the baby boomers they think for quite a while that they're going to now have to pay for it well it'll be a jolt to the system other the system collapses under the weight of on manageable debt and in which case everybody is going to suffer tremendously or there is a kind of a. managed chaos like we saw paul walker in one nine hundred seventy s. raise interest rates to snuff out the problems of that era now this is what ron paul is talking about the young are able to absorb that shock the old will not they'll be unfortunately wiped out but the young one of that as opposed to being in. debt slavery and they want to change from system the younger obviously
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don't want the system to continue as is and the baby boomers want to continue with the status quo but i'll show you the next headline proof of this intergenerational warfare this changing dynamics in the population of america you're now more likely to die from swallowing your own vomit then for murder for the first time in nearly fifty years homicide is not one of the top fifteen causes of death in america the fiftieth most common cause of death newman itis seen mainly in people seventy five and older it happens when food or vomit goes down the windpipe and causes deadly damage to the lungs. well it's kind of like the one nine hundred sixty s. thing isn't it as the song jimi hendrix. met his and it's exactly the same baby boomers but what they're saying is that this the fact that murder is not even in the top fifteen anymore is sign that the population is aging because murder tends to happen with young men you know very testosterone driven murdering each other but
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now they're aging and said dying on their own vomit yeah and it all so also there seems to be a right now a reprieve in the the actions by those very young people who have been disenfranchised in taking matters into their own hands against the baxters so there's a bit of a bit of a pause there and talking about choking on your own vomit blackstone turns hostile and website names so blackstone group run by stephen schwarzman has been quietly acquiring hostile web domain names an attempt to head off online criticism at a time when political rhetoric in the u.s. is building against private equity firms so i mention this because stephen schwarzman in this photo looks like he's choking on his own vomit we should be so lucky well yeah i mean these guys are trying to buy the domain name is like stephen schwarzman socks and we saw this with brian moynihan member of bank of america he
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was very paranoid about people buying brian moynihan socks brian moynihan a douche you know brian moen and steals everybody's money dot com dot net dot org and so he bought all those out hoping that this would stop the hordes from chasing him down like a dog and beating him but. good luck with that they call private equity but of course the history of so-called private equity goes back to the one nine hundred eighty s. and michael milken and leveraged buyouts and the corporate raiders of that time ivan boesky dennis levine and they had to rebrand themselves in this new era as friendly private equity but they're just asset stripping. whores like mitt romney over there brain capital. at blackstone they're just asset stripping whores they add no value to the matter of fact the people who participate these guys in their deals they lose money compared to the market averages overall they're all losers stephen schwarzman has said recently that he was quote concerned about politically
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motivated attack some private equity if mitt romney founder of bain capital becomes the republican nominee for president well user on max keiser dot com like i said information is available online and this is why the likes of stephen schwarzman christopher dodd barack obama want to shut down the internet so a user named user two three two three says quote in much the same way should we be concerned about politically motivated rewards to private equity if mitt romney founder of bain capital becomes the republican nominee for president but if mitt romney becomes the republican nominee it's like shining a light on all these cockroaches like steve schwarzman and they don't want to be out in the light they want to be in the dark doing their evil private equity deals that strip mine the economy recklessly like two dollars horrors they don't want any light shined on them steve schwarzman your net go away jump off
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a building and save humanity the the excesses of your existence dot org met but as i said before he's just a mere reflection of the society itself that is choking on its own vomit literally and they don't want you to they don't want the youth to know about ron paul and his promise to get rid of all of those people choking on their vomit so you're saying that stooge shorts of a is the walking personifications of society's tendency now toward swallowing its own vomit that's a correct dot net and then again file headline and this first section here max why banks back sopa the bring chinese internet to america big. all because section one o five grants immunity to service providers for taking voluntary action to stop and french mint and importantly there are no counter notice rules or anything requiring any process for those cut off to be able to have any redress whatsoever so somebody
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like steve schwarzman could send a notice to a search engine like google and say remove max keiser dot com from all of the search engine results on steve schwarzman and they'll have and they're granted immunity if they take it down because there's no recourse for you then as well so i assume they just need to take it down as soon as they receive just a legal letter from stephen schwarzman lawyers and they will take it down there's immunity granted to them in the soap of bill well they can't take this show down it's outside of steve's shorts of his purview as a kleptocrat in america also my twitter and my twitter account max keiser stop sopa on the image so follow me on twitter you should help stop sopa but again you know i think it's really important we can't dismiss this for the audience here that this is what they think oh it's all about protecting those artists those cultural icons of people who bring you are in culture it's about
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protecting stephen schwarzman from letting the audience letting the population know that stephen schwarzman sucks dot com. don't go away we're coming right back with stacy ever right here in the kaiser report stay right there. with the. slaves technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser we're still with stacy you're a parent stacey tell me more well max in the first half we were talking about the
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the elites the deal feudal lords of our world shutting down the internet and trying to prevent you from gaining knowledge about the true situation of the banking industrial and the military industrial complex so i want to look at where they are imparting knowledge and how they're doing it georgia school math assignment references slavery beatings so nine teachers in a georgia school came up with this math questions for their students to teach them they said both math and history lessons the first question on this homework assignment asked each tree had fifty six oranges if eight slaves picked them equally then how much would each slave pick the other asked if frederick douglass got two beatings per day how many beatings did he get in one week right well there's a deep racist vein in america we see the death penalty troy davis recently young black kid executed by the state because he was black and this is predominant
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throughout american society but it's not confined to just black people of course i saw something interesting on the news i don't know if you saw this you can look it up you know on the search engine the story of how students in america are now pre-selling twenty years of their income five percent of their income for twenty years to get the money to go to college so it's soft slavery for white people and then they have got the hard slavery for the black people well i think actually if we look around the world we will find a lot of different colors yellow orange purple green everybody is a slave unless you're a neo feudal lord and i think that's what part of the thing is that they're just normalizing it and they're making it part of your everyday language of slavery indentured serve. we too will be next getting people used to the idea of being slaves you could ask the same question and i think they'll probably ask this question very soon in the georgia school system how many chinese suicides does it
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take to produce one i phone that's a good question with this headline here coming up mass suicide protest apple manufacturer foxconn factory around one hundred fifty chinese workers at foxconn the world's largest electronics manufacturer threatened to commit suicide by leaping from their factory roof and protest at their working conditions several reports from inside foxconn factories have suggested that while the company is more advanced than many of its competitors it is run in a military fashion that many workers cannot cope with but what's incredible about this story is that apple computer has eighty billion dollars in cash on their balance sheet they could they pay their workers so that they're not staging mass suicide rallies or be they could open a factory inside the united states and give jobs to the people who are buying the products or who are subsidizing the products so that people in foreign territories
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can manufacture the products but they have eighty billion dollars in cash first of all the illegal under s.t.c. laws without paying commends or dividend you can't hoard cash as a publicly listed company it's completely not that s.t.c. law matters anymore than anyone follows the as a but on second of all it's completely immoral given the fact that you've got people killing themselves while they're hoarding cash why are they already in cash because google might come out with a phone that they don't like that they want some ridiculous reason literally even though why they're hoarding cash like i said in the beginning about this intergenerational warfare you have a population the largest property population not only in size physical size but in the size of a voting block and that's the baby boomer generation who has an unsustainable lifestyle they have ex-urbs to which they draw. they're s.u.v.s and therefore they vote for and want and list war that they don't ever want to be taxed on and here this is same thing with their consumer society they don't ever want to have to
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think about the true unsustainable costs and if it takes one hundred fifty chinese suicides they'll take it they say that they don't care well yes they're being consumed you know to pick up on this theme of the show they're eating their own vomit and in a way because the costs are being externalized but that can only last for so long then the costco morant pushing back full force in the form of a revolution like we're seeing in countries around the world social unrest or higher interest rates which of course that's the biggest joke of all that interest rates are still near zero percent while all of these pressures like a steam kettle are building which will result of course of the huge gap in interest rates suddenly which will cause complete economic chaos the article notes that they were coaxed down after two days by the plant managers and the chinese communist party but there was also a net there because so many had committed suicide by jumping from the building previously now i want to talk about the whole nation of america standing
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there on a ledge as well basically threatening to commit suicide but there's no net there there's nobody there to catch them china snobs geitner on iran oil china gets cheaper iran or oil as us pays tab for hormuz patrols retired admiral warns us policy benefits the chinese so everything america is doing to try to stop the inevitable collapse of their empire as all empires have to collapse just because of the exact same military industrial banking industrial complexes that run whether it's a spanish empire the british empire the roman empire. try to get china to stop importing oil they're like china please commit suicide we know you already is. it all of our vomit of these treasury bonds if that's not suicidal enough why do you stop your imports fifteen percent of their oil imports come from iran and there and . over there trying to say energy the most crucial ingredient to any economy
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do without it china and they said no but you know it's economics of suicide and you know the really done a lot of work on this is captain paul watson over there the sea shepherd he talks about the fact that the economies around the world have adopted this economics of suicide for example tuna which is being fished into extinction is driving the price of the remaining tuna to six hundred thousand dollars or more for one tuna fish in japan and we see this all over the world they're driving this consumer economy model into extinction not only extinction of the over fish population the borro forests were all the natural lumber comes from the ozone layer the air able to breathe but now it's hitting populations of human beings it's becoming soylent green basically for a profit ok so as i was saying geitner wants china to adopt the same suicide model china says no and in fact as mish points out here china uses this that
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america is standing at the lead saying we're going to commit suicide come on china . jump with us you know china is actually saying well i'm going to get up to a forty percent discount i'm going to go to iran and renegotiate because i know america is over there willing to commit suicide and now you know the only worker left. well yeah iran is close to china russia you know this is where the u.s. model of shock and awe is going to die so the cost for maintaining this blockade on the hormuz the straits of hormuz the u.s. is bearing most of the costs of the air and sea patrols and surveillance of the strait of hormuz through which transit seventeen million barrels a day of crude or twenty percent of the world's oil supplies china the number two import of oil after the u.s. enjoys protection for the shipping lanes without paying a cent retired admiral dennis blair a former u.s.
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director of national intelligence said in an interview well there are still thinks of iran china russia from twenty twenty five years ago they don't they completely have discounted the idea that these countries have come catapulted in growth and sophistication and allegiances over the past ten fifteen years and the u.s. doesn't understand that any attack and when you're attacking china russia at the same time i mean it's absurd to think that the u.s. is going to go in there blindly and step on in norma's you know bomb of their own making well but let's talk about this as related to the rest of the stories we're talk about there's a political element and that's you know old school geopolitics we're talking economics here and innovation because we're told in the west give up your jobs because we're the innovation society but here we're on a single point of failure twenty percent they're saying of the world's oil supply goes through this one point and we can't live without oil you know we've had one
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hundred years to come up with an alternative have we ever even thought about it no but the other point is that. it's a perfect real life an allergy of what is the us system towards sopa for example they want to force all the traffic through one point so that there might can only restrict all access to it and what you must pay to get any access to that one point well you know i understand you're saying that it makes no sense in the context of a market that the agency actors like the us would act as if they're doing because it's market suicide but the markets died you know you don't have free markets you don't have price discovery the price of oil. is determined by the paper market same thing for the price of precious metals same thing for markets across the board it's
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determined by high algorithmic trading frequency trading by program trading by market manipulation they don't have a real price for oil the true price of oil given the externalities the cost of cleaning it up etc would be already two to two hundred fifty dollars a barrel that would have forced the u.s. to adapt fifty forty thirty twenty years ago already they would have already been into another century but because they've been able to keep the price artificially low through market regulation through monetary manipulation and through a foreign policy that doesn't respect anyone's human rights they have put themselves in a position where they are incapable now of dealing with the fact that they've completely lost control of the oil market and again going back to our very first headline where ron paul is the choice of those under thirty is this foreign policy in order to get. free oil for the ex-urban living baby boomers
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they know it's unsustainable if you're not part of it if you're outside the fish bowl you can clearly see that the fish are living in the water and how they're living the youngsters stuck outside the job market stuck outside the opportunity market and in slave to student debt they can see clearly much more clearly than the baby boomers stuck in the ex-urbs who would not be able to breathe without iranian oil or saudi arabian oil or middle east oil flowing to them they think cheaply because they're not taxed on it it's just inflation and monetary printing and their wages their real wages going down for the last thirty years yeah i make the following prediction that one day when oil gaps open to one hundred seventy dollars a barrel policy makers will say it's the market they'll blame the thing that if it embraced all along would not have happened to begin with because then they'll use the mainstream media outlets like c.n.n. c.b.s. and fox news and c.n.n.
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to carry this fall so this propaganda and they'll have no opposing view they'll have no debate about it whatsoever it just be that mr magical market did this we have nothing to do with it and then finally headline here max we're talking about the you know standing on the ledge committing suicide so china looks at all of this right they see that timothy geithner the treasury secretary comes to them and tries to ask them to commit economic suicide china continues to buy gold in preparation of the end of the global dollar based ecosystem so mainland china gold imports from hong kong surged to one hundred two thousand seven hundred seventy nine ounces from eighty six thousand and october this is a twenty percent increase from the already high numbers seen in october and a four hundred eighty three percent year on year increase so they're getting ready for they know what happens when somebody jumps without a net. that's my agenda buy more gold china join me all the other countries join
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me buy gold that's my agenda this is my show kaiser report states ever thanks so much thank you max all right that's it for this time but we'll see you soon so be there if you want to send me an email please do it so a car is reporting on t.v. that are you until next time nice guys are saying bye oh.
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