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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2012 2:00am-2:30am EST

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what was legal was what was thank you was extremely anxious that if i. think. anybody domo me only doors you want the people only because you want to rebuild this get me going to war never going to be gone only my. firm everybody in any company none of anything. everyone here it seems has been affected by the ongoing crisis everyone has a story that i think they think. thank you yes he was on the left i'm not sure the other guy we. didn't start wishing graphic mobile phone footage of him and the protesters claim was tortured and killed by security forces the government insists that
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they're fighting militant groups evidence of the arrest is everywhere hey you have bullet holes literally lining the street seaport anti regime slogans written a low many of those as well a very clear indication of the sentiment. appearing from the window is not everyone comes to join in some people keep their faces covered or frayed was the cameras are gone they tell us they feel they might not be safe despite the observers visit providing a chance to publicly voice their opinions but everyone's happy with the way the mission is being conducted i see thank you thank you i don't see that but i think c.b.s. should be doing to shoot and they do nothing i know we only have room service after every fact all across the country in places where the arab league observers have visited questions have been raised about the credibility and you charity of their
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mission they had better have a little on listening we're trying to give them beepers but we don't think they listened to was the minimum. the observers lament say to see the implementation of the arab peace plan and there's no peace here these particular protests to them will poignant their proximity to the capital damascus is surrounded by said that it's one place witnessing similar unrest the crisis it seems now pacing like to the very heart of the country. to the iraqi dinars that i get a. fair trial they really got i really think it was thanks bradley of private i mean. i don't like the hope they can the people of iraq very badly i mean to keep on my. way the father then i think if they're. well with the arab league observers that mission set to present its findings later this week middle east experts and the risk thinks states are being steered into
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a biased report while the horrible was very clear has said that the that there was cooperation from the syrian side it also has said that there have been groups however there will be pressure from the west to take an attitude or take a position which is more hand to her side so i'm not sure if that be the report will reflect truly the far facts on the ground i think that the report will be will be politicized in order to show that there are some victims in order to show that her son for example and the syrian army are still practicing oppression you have to remember here that qatar and maybe even turkey is where all their money and i am used to be a leading sunni voice in the region the only horrible country which has a soyuz maybe to intervene which has a military officer has to intervene he's in egypt and he jerked his procopio with its own internal problem so i think this is mere rhetoric which we're hearing from
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cult i don't think would have the support of the horrors of nor would it have some of the support of so in western powers as well. pushing for stability through dialogue in syria calling for no military action against iran and furthering ties with past about upping economies just some of the issues moscow has been busy with in twenty. shortly to face tough questions from more than three hundred russian foreign journalists on the country's policies during the past twelve months. the foreign ministry for us now. peter usher's been trying to mediate a peaceful resolution in syria and those efforts are still very much alive and they . well that's right sergey lavrov the foreign minister has just got underway with his address to those journalists gathered to to listen to speak and then ask him questions about russia got up to the international scene in twenty eleven and what was plan what they plan to do in twenty twelve syria very much said to dominate
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affairs russia's position on syria that they blame both sides for their individual parts in the the ongoing violence both the government and anti government sides in the middle eastern country for the the ongoing situation then they want to see a peaceful solution through dialogue now one thing that russia vehemently opposes any form of outside military intervention into syria with sergei lavrov said to talk about in his address right now. russia feels that they were let down by by what happened in libya in twenty eleven that is far as russia saw it the the outside military intervention went far beyond the parameters laid down by the u.n. resolution and russia is pushing for an investigation into why that was allowed to happen now another major topic that set for discussion is the iranian nuclear question and the development of an iranian nuclear program now russia as well
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opposed to any form of military strike against iran but russia saying that a new a pro. which has to be taken between to develop fresh relations between russia between iran and the west because the current situation of of sanctions imposed upon the islamic republic certainly isn't working to see a new fresh approach to iran taken from the west. or what else is on the agenda today. well the anti-missile defense shield these proposed by the united states is certainly going to be talked about in twenty eleven that's really raised a few tensions between russia and the united states the united states refusing to give russia any written guarantees about how far reaching this program would be russia said well in that case we're going to have to take our own action because we see this is a risk to our own sovereign security so russia placed radar defense shield radar
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defense systems in the far west of the country in kaliningrad. this is a topic that has been ongoing it's russia says that they're willing to negotiate with the united states but at the united states that won't negotiate with them and it needs to be a game of give and take this is certainly an issue that will be developing throughout twenty twelve and something that will be addressing today moving away from that side of diplomacy we're also expecting. to speak about the development of trade with the bric countries the group of brazil russia india and china those emerging economies so important as russia's trade partners we saw at the end of last year in the indian prime minister arriving in moscow for talks of further trade development between between moss between russia and india and sergei lavrov said to to try and hope to push forward trade in that group of developing economies the bric group throughout this year. of course will cross to russia.
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starts building questions. hundreds of activists from the occupy wall street movement have rallied on capitol hill in washington d.c. decrying corporate influence in america but events didn't live up to the hype of organizers who hope to draw tens of thousands of people now to chicken is more. the protesters have shifted their focus from wall street to capitol hill and here they are hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the u.s. capitol building they have a permit to protest on this lawn but we have already seen several people arrested. protesters say when the interests of big corporations are at stake their voice their interests no longer count and they're angry at the fact that the influence of money is only set to grow in u.s. politics supreme court's decision now allows corporations to funnel as much money
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as they wanted to candidates and protesters say it's legalized corruption. the cozy relationship between big businesses on lawmakers here ledge to the complete lack of oversight over wall street which brought about the financial crisis of two thousand and eight and not just americans were affected but the whole world so people here want money out of politics but it's easier said than done and a lot of people especially outside the movement are very much skeptical about whether the protests can actually change something some say that the tents and the banners you know won't change anything what do you say to that i think the tents in the banners are crucial part of being publicized and being public about it because it's so easy to ignore movement unless it's in your face do you think the movement has any impact i mean it's been there for four months right on the movement has a huge impact in that a lot of things that are not even talked about in the political agenda usually are
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now being talked about there is in the news on a constant basis talking about income inequality the fact that corporations are running our government have stolen our elections so many times with all the legalized bribery in the campaign finance system and other things that are most legal moving into the night hundreds more you not thousands joined the protest and they marched all the way from capitol hill to the white house. here they are hundreds of people standing right outside the white house. the movement has certainly in paul i mean you see the last of the chants of the country was already under different pretenses and that is they have a victory of the protesters out of their occupied locations but you see more of
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these one time actions one day rallies like this one which started on capitol hill and continued all the way to the white house right here these people are here to get their message across a whole lot of young people around but again whether or not these protests will bring any result that that still remains very much on clear. where the occupy wall street movement has been protesting against the power of corporations for four months no place to speak to the tourist no we're stuck on the road who knows exactly how money makes us political will go around. why i think corruption is legal in washington right now holds a medley every member of congress who's taking a check or a contribution from a lobbyist or from a company or from a union or anyone who needs or get something from washington whether it's congress or not there are both of them so what i propose in my book and the effort that i've been engaged in since i got out of prison is
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a way to separate money out of politics here and basically to say that if you're a lobbyist or you're somebody who's trying to get something from the government here you may not give a dollar politically of any car because the end of the day political contributions the pie give you something if you're a congressman and i give you a contribution and i want something from you that contribution may not be called a bribe but it is a bribe at the end of the day. for the full interview with the former the obvious attack happened awfully on that throughout the day or should online right now tottie dot com. well let's get back to one of our top stories now russia's foreign minister is our new address on the country's policies and twenty seven let's listen in now to set a lover of who's facing questions from the media to start. a session. that question from russia twenty fold t.v.
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channel. don't forget to use to make. beats google's. the. see it's an innovative chair. if you do it as a grudge but i'm not overseas twenty four to the events in the north of africa and middle east. mostly islamic politics come into power. how would you assess those changes and what impact would they have for the region and the world one would call attentions of many leading states has now focused on the region. i believe that actions changes in the region are far from being over well with this stage of the transformation it's a change one needs to understand that. if we believe that
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people should have the right to define their own future. voices from outside most. roads and. don't accept choices made by people stop the so that country should not interfere in the dialogue of the elections process with seems a long election campaign in egypt which last a diffuse months and as a result of one's leading part which is in islamic about two years muslim brotherhood set up one of them. which is a force and some forces that someone even more radical than the muslim brotherhood brotherhood which is the main conclusion is that. we need to cooperate and work with all but is that going to live with constitution on one ground and this will ensure that those events make region more stable should help
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tackle social economic problems which are the root cause of the protests in the countries of the middle east and the north of africa i want to highlight again . we cannot answer to that source and try and interfere in those processes especially using armed force that supports through to try and. find you in those moses's. someone's interest in interest of countries that have nothing to do with a region political. and who should be formulating their policies and approaches in accordance with the position of these all that. much you can treat decisions well once again where just witness in the early stage of the pros the most important principle is like doctors say we should do no harm we should say it's old national dialogue we should explain to those forces that are in opposition
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that they need to do this by an agreement through political process. and not. we tell those issues involved. to take our arms and throw over resumes because if that happens not only countries themselves will suffer but countries that are located far away from them bloomberg news agency. rich. with a sure give it to rich i have two questions if i may. for you last year you could write but when you go back to shove you said that russia has information don't western countries and turkey are preparing for military intervention in syria right
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now including impose a no fly zone could you dwell on that. western countries great britain france turkey and other nato. when i say that this is not true story. second question susan rice u.s. ambassador to the u.n. yesterday criticized russia over liberation that russian vessel delivered ammunition to syria could you comment on that to. you as to the information that a military intervention against syria. might be planned or was moving so slow and no flight zone is being discussed. which is similar to the us live in syria well we get older news from you. journalists and your report you probably do that on the basis of some sources. actually we have other
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sources that we have similar plans at least the discussion stage what to do should the sea change in syria remain as it is should know who it's. i've heard some counter arguments and to hell with these counter arguments were made sincerely and i would reflect their real approach of the euro and states regarding the syrian crisis. so that such assertions meet the positions taken by russia that inadmissibility over the military interference and i said that as a. no fly zone our colleagues in the west indeed have been discussing the matter between themselves i would think i would think that within the nato of this subject or would not be beyond the limits of discussion either i've heard. that no fly zone regarding syria probably is not regarded very worthwhile method
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of pursuing is since. as opposed to the libyan situation this time in syria education is not used against the. civil populace and then there are other ideas which are being translated into life like dispatching so-called communitarian convoys do we hope to provoke a reaction on the part of the government forces border guards and try to see to that any impression be made that there is a humanitarian catastrophe or also know that nobody contradicts that that arms are delivered to syria arms for the militants extremists who are trying to use this protest movement to their aunt to carry out the force. toppling of the government starting with some cities. on the border of this syrian
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arab republic and this is again inadmissible absolutely counterproductive sense it will result in the. booming of the spiral of violence that we come out against any violence in syria and where it comes from this is a quotation from the plan of the league of arab states to stop the violence no matter where it comes from and those who have an influence over those armed crew ping's in the ranks of position as should use their influence in order to stop violence is coming from either side and those who are talking with the government of the syrian arab state. indeed need to insist on the west seeing to it that the authorities would start stop using force against civil. citizens now as regards the assertions of susan rice only the expressing
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concern. over the fact that that search area they get with their russian cargoes. unloaded its cargo in the syrian port i haven't heard that she asked for some explanations there we don't find it necessary to explain to provide any. justification or by who haven't been breaching any international agreements there are no security council resolutions we've been trading with syria with such goods which are not prohibited by international law and that trolling the one sided sanctions adopted and introduced by a us european union and some other countries. cannot be. regarded by us as legitimate with respect to the if it is pursued by the russian federation basically speaking lopsided it it is and sanctions there are always repeating a collective activities here regarding iran's syria and other places if somebody
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wants to use the security council. here he needs to address those matters in the security country sigrid there where they need sanctions and i agree there what kind of security is in addition to sanctions could be used with a view to helping to calm down the situation but if somebody by him or herself or without consultation with their partners would decide to use such a course if a measure as with some very serious measures and sanctions sometimes and then they will address security council saying well we've decided now you need to support us as many we should of all feel of the decisions we have adopted without your. participation but it's no way to go to the japanese colleague any morea newspaper or please take the floor here. good afternoon sir give it to reach.
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at the end of this month you're planning to this is japan. we would think that over four years the president made it if. being in office said the political relations between our countries have worsened somewhat in particular the leadership of russia has stated that they've learned since particularly. are part of the russian federation and they are regarded as a just outcome of world war two now this question is close they say it. doesn't mean their trash. intends to cooperate with japan. only in economy in the field of economy but their territorial issues will not be tackled thank you well i will not on my part. i characterize our relations for the past year as such as being worse and we were japan as our important partner
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in asia and the pacific incidentally we have built on a very efficient coordination as regards preparation to the epic summit in bloodless stuck. this has been supported in the course of the conversation of the ship took place between the president of russia and prime minister of japan in honolulu look at the margins of the epic summit this november last year by all means we are interested in the development of the trade economy and investment cooperation with japan but i can assure you that we have no less interest on the part of our japanese partners today japan makes part of the ten top flying economy partners of rush hour of late so basically you have restored the turnover which was undermined by the crisis last year the turnover has krohn by one third and.
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basically has approached the next moment crisis statistics around thirty billion dollars which is not bad and on our part. it's more impressive. as you guys but ensure which has not been exhausted but those are results were gained despite all the difficulties faced by the economy of the japan with respect to the nature and jenny catastrophe which has taken place there we have also noted the investments of japan to the russian economy comprise around ten billion years dollars and we'll be actively cooperating in fuel and energy sector not only there and i'm sure that the new impetus of all partnership will be materialized through the cup aeration the peaceful. cooperation. on the basis of the agreement which was already fired by the russian parliament last year and correspondingly we had chip has entered into force here and basically talking about
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the prospects we and digit pan. have been complimentary canonically as a graduate potential first which is a good to a pre requisite for the possibilities to tap on next we've been sincerely responding to the calamity country faced we've been actively supporting in all accounting the repercussions of that catastrophe by providing energy sources and dispatching some of the. search and rescue officials we have received to kids here for recreation and we have been actively supporting summation of the consequence of the schedule which improve the atmospherics and not worsening it instead of have noted the writing is duran duran helping had a difficult times is reciprocal and we have a. very much for last year when our fisheries boat was having casualty at the
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antarctic and the japanese society immediately suggested they would send the icebreaker and we are grateful for that certainly been there rightfully pointing out that in our dialogues this deal is the problem of the peace treaty. on the table we're talking about the overdue problem we'll confront again i'll confirm again what you have just. quoted those islands have referred to ease making part of our country on absolutely just full basis on the outcomes of world war two which has been. in try and in the charter of the un and outside of those islands has not to be discussed no doubt about that and we understand the importance of mutually acceptable virtual solution to the peaceful treaty issue including this as. of the peaceful tree as a border and that. means that the quest for such
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a solution should not be done in a hurry in a haystack or education it has no place there and. if the japanese should forego our. product cation all our. attempts there we have just mention the fact that these problems are to be discussed in the frameworks of quiet unbiased dialogue including along the lines of the historians of the two countries to be involved there or which has already taken place in a dialogue and naturally in maximum variable conditions to provide to project an essay in concluding this peaceful treaty will be a set forth in the result of the broad without any artificial restrictions a whole set of relations in economy are going to carry on sphere and international affairs we want to be partners with japan and we want to work out a common approach towards regional international problems as it were first and foremost as regards material of illegal stability and building on the cooperation
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between our two countries and one more thing is to set up a good atmospherics that it would worth while to pursue joint economy in the southern. islands and do that there is a good deal on our side russia of course relies on herself for us that we do have the irrelevant federal programs programs in place a federal program. but we know that the business community of the chip pan and other some other countries for that matter are interested in seeing to it that they will implement jointly with us those projects of cooperation there we do have some promising areas like pricing of fisheries. infrastructure tourism and many other things to mention here and there are all opportunities are there such a cup action to be developed further on the basis of russian legislation to all of this issues on my part of so we will be thoughtfully discussed with mr campbell my counterpart during the visit tokyo.


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