tv [untitled] January 18, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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to russia to try and sort out their problems sort out their problems now one thing that rove was. there was very strong on was reiterating russia's push stance that they will not tolerate any form of international interference international military interference into syria now he pointed a finger towards the united states accusing washington of having it led from behind when it came to the crisis that we saw in twenty eleven in libya. saying this so your level of and the russian government did not want to see a similar situation of foreign military intervention happen in syria warning the u.s. not to try this lead from behind tactic as he puts it when it comes to syria saying that international military intervention of that kind can have huge ramifications saying that it can spread beyond the borders and become a major international incident where you of course leading countries are closely watching the situation in the region the changes that are far from over it's only
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the beginning we have to understand that if we want nations to solve their own issues we mustn't interfere especially militarily we must support dialogue between the conflicting signs we have to explain to the opposition forces that they have to find an agreement not oust regime this is a way to a wide scale all those that will affect not just the regions but countries far beyond. their saying that russia supports dialogue in bringing about peace in syria and warns other nations against attempting any kind of foreign military intervention here and security council's mulling over russia's latest draft resolution on syria that was put forward this week the kremlin says it balanced in aims to appease all sides in the conflict while the u.s. is continuing to ghana calls to get president assad to go in syria itself the warring sides have agreed now to a ceasefire in a city near the capital but the government crackdown reportedly grinds on. the last
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of the flashpoint city homes later this week arab league observers will deliver their verdict about whether the regime's complying with a peace plan when the side of it should extend its mission or ask the u.n. when the rain cutters already proposed sending in troops and even turkey syria's neighbor or ally has turned its back on a sad that is rare for national looks and the before. you can shake kisses embraces as close friends do in february when this was filmed turkish prime minister and syria's president were indeed considered friends back in the ninety's the neighbors were not doing that well together serious support of kurdish separatists drew wedged between the two but by two thousand and three when turkey refused to provide its territory for the us invasion to iraq golden earing turkey syria relations began with free trade agreement the visa regime dropped and several presidential visits the blue there is became especially close families living in
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both sides felt they shared a common home the turkish lira was even accepted at markets in the syrian city of aleppo but the honeymoon didn't last long following libya's revolution in two thousand and eleven turkey switched sides support in serious positions and aligned with the country's harsh enemy the us enduring thought they have. iran that antagonized iraq. well because now iraq is come out quite strongly in support of syria and of course the living is governed by hizbollah has also been very very critical of turkey to switch from a zero problem policy with your neighbors to a problem create a new position you need good reason turkey seems to have one america needs another actor otherwise this gap can be fulfilled by you want maybe by russia so there's a kind of let's see. cohabitation being an american talking so turkey is helping
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the u.s. in exchange for some kind of stuff and through this channel talk is profile is becoming more and more influential some of those down the benefit will be equal for both sides to the turkish economy suffers a lot from the sanctions and supported against syria especially as syria is turkey is expurgated the world for this reason turkey is endeavoring to establish a new exporting of routes to lebanon and through iraq to the gulf states turkey is policy should be more autonomous should not be identical to that of washington or brussels to radically politically and religiously turkey's always been the crossing point of decidedly different roles so what's in it for them to become calculated the only question of cart before the syrian government goes and therefore i think it want to put it want to be riding a wave ok put itself on the crest of the way the quest for the wave of reform and
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change in the middle east and to be seen as the leader of this movement a turkey believes that it is set in the middle and long term turkey has more chance to to to get the benefits of the region if our side goes ok then so we're tough but if if if if he doesn't somehow manage to ride this out. well there are those is going to be gone for months you know. position that you had created actually is not really tenable any longer you've got to deal with here like it or not the real turkeys know food we mean look slippery but no matter how dangerous it may be they cease to be known to be without a u.n. security council resolution it will be vetoed by russia and china and leave a style intervention will definitely fail in syria change in tactics the western powers turns to these regions countries to get them involved take his own turkey which has started to play a very important role in this conflict some fear it's perhaps too far.
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he took eight. at his media briefing a moscow foreign minister lavrov also stressed the kremlin stepping up efforts to prevent more in the persian gulf to russia thinks a western attack on iran would be catastrophic for the entire region to rand says it's ready to resume international discussion about its nuclear program but that will come easy the six party talks broke down a year ago with the west suspecting a round of developing a nuclear bomb tough for you and bongo an iranian oil is already in the pipeline and surrounds threatening to block a vital fuel transit route if restrictions prove harmful to it but the u.s. says it will use force to keep it open an american middle east policy i was for a droll he told me this big trouble brewing in the gulf right now. if iran even makes an attempt to block the straits of hormuz oil prices will probably double or treble this saying is that the real danger here is that it could produce a shooting war if the united states does follow through on its resolve to keep the
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straits open which will be that easy and i think that it virtually guarantees that iranian naval forces and u.s. naval forces would come into conflict with a worst case scenario was world war three i'm afraid the problem is that iran is is surrounded by a number of countries that are are essentially hostile to it and some of them are nuclear arms and this is a perfect cauldron for for starting something with a very minor relatively minor incident that escalates and escalates and escalates and winds up as a as a major war. philip giraldi there every day millions of us turn to one website as a one stop shop for their encyclopedic research but right now if you're about to do it you'll see this not much we're complete is deliberately blacking out is the english language websites join the twenty four hour protest against anti-piracy bills of the make their way currently through u.s. congress if passed they said to allow the government to block search engine links
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to any website which may contain what's perceived as copyright material now these laws are designed to protect people's work from being shared without permission or payment but internet campaign to say they go way too far gone to kennedy's from the progressive change campaign committee. good to see you tonight thanks for being with us of your side and over three hundred forty member web site is shut down for the day you've also been campaigning against the bills all along how much support have you received specially today. that's right the progressive change campaign committee has decided to join a global protest against sopa and the protect ip act in addition to our three hundred forty members who are small innovators who are businesses and web developers these bills are clearly designed to stifle innovation and kill the internet as we know it but the focus of a bit more what is actually wrong with these laws that we know at the end of the day the desire to stop people stealing other people's work on the way. look no
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one's opposed to bills that fight piracy but at the same time we need to be aware that large corporations are going to be able to use these laws to drag their fair competitors into court instead of competing with them in the marketplace for small innovators that don't have access to money for legal fees yet that just spells the end of the internet as we know it but taking up absolutely everything you're saying there but nonetheless millions of people even today will be downloading pirate material new movies still in cinemas could be watched without paying from your own computer how do you stop that happening is not working terribly well at the moment is it well as i said before. i don't think that anyone here is objecting to bills that address these issues i think the question is collateral damage what's going to happen to innocent people innocent innovators who are brought into court and forced to shut down their web site even if they haven't violated the law and in fact that's happened in the past i think about of
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a zero which is a website that provided online videos and even though a federal court of law twice found innocent of all violations of copyright it was forced to go into bankruptcy because of litigation fees and if these bills pass more stories like that will soon be hitting your head lots of interesting thing in the when i look at it this bill will give washington and president of the authority in regulating website content that's all fair or no and banned foreign sites and can control that's exactly the very thing the u.s. is criticizing other countries isn't it. look i think when it comes to online commerce this spells the end of the american dream it's really important that we have freedom and the ability for kids in college dorms and working in garages across the country to have access to capital and to be able to change the world from a college dorm room this could threaten that and that's why we in addition to three hundred forty of our members have decided to join the blackout solidarity movement
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against these bills small innovators are saying look out pay attention to these bills because they do threaten to kill the internet you're highlighting the dangers the websites full of people cross referencing and linking to other people's pages will those people fall outside the law if they've been adverse in the link to something which might be used without permission is that a big worry as well look i think links are the lifeblood of the internet and when it comes to web sites being able to employ people that's essential they shouldn't have to be worried about if they inadvertently link to something that they had nothing to do with when it came to violating copyright that risk is too much to bear for our country's employers. spoke to against last mile from britain his assumption was that this bill would make it through that would be knocked out of the water we know the white house is very key do you think it will get through but from my vantage there's
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a huge movement that's designed to knock this down over one hundred fifty thousand people have signed our petition online which you can find out bold progressive study org and again a number of people across the country have decided to blackout their websites in solidarity with reddit and google and wikipedia saying that this is too much to bear for the internet i don't think it's going to pass ok well we should see what happens connor kennedy from progressive change campaign committee joining us from washington d.c. thank you. thank you so much cause your opinion matters to us so we're asking what the anti-piracy bills mean to you show you got some thoughts about it either which way are the place to go to let us know so far the majority of you believe it's a conspiracy to kill freedom of speech at a quarter of you think it's a cash grab for greedy entertainment giants the final two split between saying it's no to stating what started as a noble cause and whether it's an honest anti piracy drive by paranoid techies like
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that label give us your thoughts at r t dot com and here's what else you can find there today you heard in a world without we're competing twenty users are almost filling the gap now with a few fun facts of their own but do take the sold online from us stripping to make a statement while members of this controversial ukrainian women's group yes there are others again displaying their anger at india now over sex trafficking. these are the images the world seeing from the streets of canada. today. it's less than two months to go until russians choose their next president. putin's reiterated his readiness to talk with the opposition but the premier voiced his confusion over the
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newly formed league of electors after those in charge of the independent body failed to show up for a meeting with putin says their claim about the power elites not listening is unclear given those they didn't when invited to meet the pm well the league was formed by celebrities and social activists who want to monitor the presidential vote six candidates are filed requests to run against putin a couple of which don't belong to a party including one of the richest people in russia the election commission now has ten days to review the applications and draw final shortlist before the nation before. israel has launched an air strike on northern gaza or it's killed two people one of the material palestinian security sources say the raid hit an area used by hamas and was accompanied by tank fire it's got some thoughts about this and talk to political analyst dr. joining us on the line from gaza don't tell you live on altie international thanks for being with us this latest attack comes off for
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a relatively peaceful period so far this year is the timing of the attack significant well yeah as you just mentioned it has been almost very quiet here in the gaza strip on the borders between gaza and israel and this is radio attack today which palestinians the you know the borders between gaza and israel has no justification whatsoever israel is claiming that those two who were killed in this raid when a man thinks about. you know by the borders that has not been. certified by the palestinian side and what we have been looking at single over the past two months basically there have been aggressive very attack on the palestinians and hamas on gaza we have been experiencing almost daily. again this gaza and you're on gaza. palestinian resistance the groups
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as they mentioned there is no justification for such a gratian on full such variable as lady attacks against the palestinians so true we look back at last year the thirty seven or incidents one of the israel's worried that gaza is smuggling in weapons from egypt and says if gaza continues to do that if it is doing it if it continues to do it they will step up those attacks is there evidence that finding their way in from egypt. now since the libyan revolution which took loose in february of two thousand and eleven we have been hearing many israeli accusations have not the palestinian resistance a groups have been smuggling. weapons. left over from the. libyan civil war and they found out their way to the gaza strip now
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it could be true because some of these weapons will use the about two months ago when this is the big fire with. a number of these missiles like an israeli thousand villages but it seems to me that the israelis are exaggerating the magnum of these. missiles the range of these missiles and it seems to me that the israeli army is trying to fund more just of occasions to launch. more offensive or more attacks against gaza the palestinians go to a pool boy diplomats in jerusalem moves more settlements being built it suggests preventing european firms from doing business connected with them how likely is the to impose such a ban do you think. could you said the question one more time please yeah i'm
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a reporter but you diplomats in jerusalem is warning that more settlements are going to be built it suggests preventing european firms from doing businesses connected with anyone involved in this settlement building how likely is the to impose that bond and go along with it do you think. well you guys as you just mentioned that the israeli government has been absolutely i think the number of settlement expansion in the palestinian territories in the west bank and and is jerusalem and this is where any settlement expansion is in violation of international law and before the geneva convention and now the it appears who are part of the international court to i basically speaking up again is the second month activity and. there's a girl the british prime minister come out and basically said that if this were any settlement policy continues at this pace there would be no and then go are valuable to still a solution
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a palestinian state that lives nearby the state of israel and their fate it seems to me that the europeans are. making more consensus they are basically speaking i've made it again is the set is likely to something less activity but the problem is that israel behaves as a country over the top national israel has no or basically doesn't make it much about what is being said by the european union or the quality is when it was paying more attention to its more to its enough to its constant you want to see who basically voted for this government which is the most extreme right wing government in israel and who is building more settlement and basically. isolating the palestinians and at the cantons thanks ever so much for thought political analyst optima come i would say that joining us on the line there from gaza. greece says
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another standstill with a mass strike underway just as the country's global pay a master's pay another visit thousands of workers hit the streets to voice how destructive the cuts are even though more may be needed a new european central bank and i.m.f. delegates are better try and beat a deadline for greece to get vital funds to slash its almost and serviceable debt economist professor yanis varoufakis says that if the deal's approved the banks will be the only winners. nothing that happens in greece makes any difference because the only gotten decisions are reached in brussels in frankfurt in paris in berlin but when they do this we default or not will depend ultimately on the official sector of the european union the will it be repaired fork out money which is necessary in order to meet its repayment off there late last the latest the bond issue which is maturing in march whatever money greece will receive from now on from today hundreds it will be used in order to repaid the banks so the greek state
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whatever money deceives it will can go into one pocket and will exit from the other front and it will go back to the banks so that the big stakes are so good the public sector the five five or six are not going to see a penny of it so this is called. a set of shenanigans and so yet the now the. stallman in the night scope process to default which in the end is inevitable. bring it up there was a world news in brief in the search for missing people on that capsized italian cruise liner has been suspended now after the vessel shifted slightly it was to protect the divers who are desperately searching for the twenty four people still unaccounted for so are the hopes of finding anyone else alive now of all but faded eleven bodies have been recovered since the costa concordia sank five days ago the captain is under house arrest he's accused of sailing too close to the shore and abandoning ship before they've been evacuated. myanmar opposition leader aung sang
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suu kyi will run for parliament in april little mark the nobel peace prize winner has returned to official politics since his release from years of house arrest and twenty ten but with only forty eight seats up for grabs the elections unlikely to change the political lens life in the military dominated country. the u.s. is the party is open for north korea to return to talks about its nuclear program along with south korea and japan the three countries renew their commitment to a two thousand and five deal calling on the country to end its nuclear project in exchange for aid it's part of a rush of world diplomatic efforts right now as north korea rallies to bolster the image of its mostly unknown new leader kim jong il. in a few minutes on our t.v. our in-depth report for you from nigeria a country desperately on the edge of poverty despite its all rich delta is coming up shortly after we caught up with kareena she's got the latest business for you.
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thank you catherine hello and welcome to our business part of this hour eurozone debt problems have made the world bank cut its two thousand and twelve global economy growth forecast to two and a half percent the bank also lowered its outlook on russia however its economy is expected to grow faster than most countries and reach three and a half percent this year jacob now from morgan stanley outlines the reasons behind russia's outlook. what we saw that in the middle of twenty eleven was a strengthening of consumption investment a full blooded recovery second thing is fiscal policy last year it was fiscal consolidation in russia of four percent over four percent of g.d.p. and become to actually run a surplus in an election year which is quite certain presses this year in budget twenty twelve. programs about two percent of g.d.p. fiscal expansion that will support consumption particularly the stories of the year and then later in the year i think after the election when the new government is formed and the policy direction is clear i think you'll have
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a recovery in investment which is still depressed compared to pre-crisis levels early international monetary fund proposes to more than double its lending capacity in order to save the global financial system from the worsening european debt crisis bloomberg says they are math once its members to add five hundred billion dollars to its reserves only the lenders managing director christine lagarde announced that the fund the starting options to increase its war chest bloomberg cites a group of twenty officials saying that the i.m.f. is encouraging countries like china brazil and russia to become the top contributors. let's have a look at the markets now u.s. stocks are edging high in midday trading investors have also considered better than expected dissipated results from goldman sachs group along with strong strength in technology sector goldman sachs shows the company reported results that beat wall street's expectations the bank has also cut its pay in bonus payments during two
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thousand and eleven to twelve point two billion dollars stocks in europe ended mixed on wednesday but the footsie of the dax managed to stay in the black markets gained on news that the international monetary fund proposed a new lending program they were also supported by successful debt sales in germany germany's dax was up over a quarter of a percent led by a two and a half percent rise in infinium technologies and a two percent gaper hang gold but finish point three percent in the black only and here in moscow the markets closed higher and in a rather choppy trading day the mys extended half a percent hard while the r.t.s. and its point seven percent and the black. guys have a look at some index movers on the my xix russia's top oil company roll snap has ended in the black on strong the oil prices russia's largest lender is the bad bank finished high after coming under pressure early in the in the session the banks for your profit jumped seventy five percent topping ten billion dollars that's on the
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russian accounting standards and electricity producing russia's is the only russia is hot on the company's sales rose nine point three percent last year. and russia saw new car sales jumped fifty percent in two thousand and eleven as the market enjoyed a post-crisis rally consultancy firm ernst and young says sales reached over sixty five billion dollars with prices growing faster than the country's inflation however analysts say that the era of intensive growth was overlooked as the programs of state support have come to an end as for this year you'd expect no more than thirteen percent growth in the money. well that's all for now but we'll be back with more about fifteen minutes we will stay with us for headline news coming up next.
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shame siberia. away watching are taken from live from moscow managed care in our usual top stories tonight. firms if push for talks to solve syria rejecting any military intervention and pledging to ensure the un doesn't authorize this is america and some allies man calls against the syrian regime with qatar proposing to send in troops. iran says it's ready to head back to talks about its nuclear program with western oil. looming in the u.s. poised to take action in the persian gulf international six party talks broke down a year ago with the station developing an atomic bomb. and millions of wycombe pavia uses
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a hitting this brick wall right now the world's most popular online encyclopedia is in a twenty four hour shut out in protest of american anti-piracy plans to see a threat to an. online about si dot com up next we take you to nigeria for the next thirty minutes nation of course rich in oil but where its own people suffer violence terrorism and poverty. it's like an island. accessible by. two hundred kilometers off the coast of nigeria. that is unique in the world because a football pitch is it's a foretaste.
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