tv [untitled] January 18, 2012 7:01pm-7:31pm EST
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to well occupy capitol hill demonstrations march the four month anniversary of the birth of the movement and our team was there to capture all the action. and from internet censorship to worldwide protests this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to two thousand and twelve but the trends research institute says the future is crystal clear those predictions in just a few moments. good evening it's wednesday january eighteenth seven pm here in washington d.c. i'm lucy catherine of and you're watching r.t.e. . well if you have to dust off your old copy of microsoft and carter today you're not alone because wiki pedia seem to be down it's been lights out for some of the internet's most popular websites say in protest of the anti-piracy legislation that is making its way through congress the so-called sopa and pipa stand for the stop
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online piracy act and the protect ip act the hollywood backed house and senate bills respectively are designed to fight online piracy it sounds like an innocent enough thing well according to the music and film industries these bills are vital in fact to protecting american jobs opponents however warn that the legislation would effectively end up censoring the internet in fact google's own sergey brin even warns that the legislation would put the u.s. in the same league as china or iran as far as censorship is concerned now google didn't go black choosing instead to simply link to the information on its popular search engine but more than seven thousand sites including wiki pedia reddit dot com craigslist and wired dot com and others are all went dark in order to protest the draco nian position provisions in the bill their message this what you're seeing right here is what america's internet will look like if the legislation goes through in its current form and folks this can be some scary stuff and there's
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a lot to discuss here so i want to bring in someone who's been covering this and close detail definitely call is a correspondent for c n n news and here is his take on how these bills would affect you. if they are not physical and that is their current form yes what they do is they create an internet blacklist so bad. that are accused of harboring piracy and that would allow copyright holders in the u.s. department of justice to going to order requiring that they seem to be in contact with whatever source or rather you use a home to block to them is something that hasn't been done before in history of the us the internet and if they're not dead in their current form you know would change things but keep in mind i'm hedging in their current form because the sponsors are now saying well hold on hope it's the worst part but we haven't seen the details yet yeah i'm just imagining a senator leahy or something sitting over his christmas hand with a younger i don't know step necessary something getting yelled at about the
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legislation but why why why would being called censorship efforts how would this actually curtail freedom of speech and well it in a few ways i mean little less going to be an example of how you have. a photo hosting web site kind of like a splitter or google console like what based on your on european soil using european servers call my phone is a calm person actually michael does not come with them is making this up but then you have sitting here in the u.s. upload your family vacation photos to my photos a song and your toddler photos and all of your favorite family photos my photos dot com and that and then someone else on there i use it to infringe u.s. copyright law well i guess is going to happen is that there's going to be maybe a page down others as orders saying that is that i have peace in the united states can't connect to my photos i'm anymore and you better hope you know about because
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my photos are some i'm going to be offline now if this is the so-called blocking action and protect these they in there they may not but we haven't. in the language yes and my understanding is a language we have seen is kind of vaguely worded now you know i don't want this to be misinterpreted but i mean the average agent in congress is a bit on the older side we saw the late ted stevens describe the internet as a series of tubes that gets backed up and that sort of raises and tell me if i'm wrong the concern that maybe these guys don't really get the internet enough to be able to legislate in a way that doesn't break it what do you make of that don't get the internet it but in fairness is sitting i mean you have representative ron paul the libertarian leaning republican presidential candidate who signed a letter with as olof or has probably a grandmother by now representing our it's all about the same so it was
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a really bad i know you don't go there and so it's i'm yet to hold on to the internet but it's their job to be generalists somebody probably don't understand details of defense policy or culture all it was is the role in committee it's just hasn't been done has been perceived as a worm compared to the interest of hollywood who don't spend silicon valley companies between seven times to one in ten to one depending on what kind of metric you're looking at well let's talk about that because this is of course something that hollywood has been aggressively pushing for there's a lot of money involved sort of the titans of hollywood hollywood worse as the titans of silicon valley why why why is hollywood so keen on this to do these piracy efforts actually make the country lose millions of jobs like they claim. well you look at the amount of growth that silicon valley has created in the last ten fifteen years versus hollywood i mean top of scale it's all have value and
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so you're just talking about the economy then because deciding to just be over but you're seeing a lot of stats thrown around because they're hollywood assumes that everyone who would have down or who downloaded something would have bought it was priced i'm probably not the case so a lot of the figures are slightly fanciful in terms of the actual law you know so i mean hollywood has the motion picture association of america which has offices of water so the white house there are very well integrated quality chris dodd he's not of the washington political establishment i mean they are the washington political establishment and so they're used to getting what they want i think this time they might have bit off a little bit more of the job but i'm curious about that i've been reading conflicting accounts in terms of what people expect will actually happen yes you know to some degree you have these lawmakers do a sort of about face and they took out her watered down some of the more controversial provisions but i'm still reading that
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a lot of folks think that this effort will still go through in fact i think we have a quote from president obama the obama administration apologize which spoke out in opposition to this legislation but they still say that we believe that the on law online privacy by four and web sites is a serious problem that requires a serious legislative response that is why the administration calls on all sides to work together to pass sound legislation this year so declan is this effort continuing it or is it going to be blocked by by protesters you know there's this is a very fluid situation it's hard to say you know what's actually going to happen to the white house grounds very nuanced responsible who we can assume we steadfastly opposes not you. that's the support i want to give and i smil you have just yesterday you know senator kerry represent whom are smith sponsoring the house and
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we're going to go right ahead with that market's going to happen a committee vote next month so you have the senate floor going to protect i the legislation next week by the handicraft is something that something is probably going to be enacted what it's going to be i just don't know if the today's protest is having some effect we've seen about four senators so far so they drop their support all republicans as far as i can tell dropped their support and say we're no longer co-sponsoring this is a look inside some limited support i mean if you start with forty one senators supporting it and you only lose four and it's not that huge but impact i just think this whole issue raises an interesting another interesting issue which is sort of the role of direct protesting with these companies right i mean they're not you know google isn't is of course google does have lobbyists but hollywood may have tons of paid lobbyists walking around capitol hill but as you wrote in some of your piece says voters and viewers have much more affinity to say facebook or google or these sites that they actually use and are therefore able to sort of stand up and
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protest against this kind of legislation should they find it disturbing what i guess my question is what does this say about sort of. pitting hollywood. tech giants for says lawmakers i mean is this a losing battle for the lawmakers if these companies can speak directly to their users ok reminded only a third of a sentence of a reelection and so they're buying a few years ago if you're an incumbent u.s. senator if you really like this bill maybe you're getting to go all the wonderful hollywood parties that you you can probably guess that in a few years your constituents are going to want something else. and so that's a that's one flaw in the process in this process and also the tech companies aren't quite serious yet they're almost there but you don't see it as. i'm saying please contact members of congress who don't have the home page blocked out well there's been a find a petition now look i mean there's a petition so they get five hundred thousand signatures big deal out of your member
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of congress you're going to want to you're you care a lot more i'm sure that one person or call in this was for and says i hate this legislation so i think you're still being a little wary a little leery facebook didn't put anything on their home to amazon dot com have some link buried in the operators even face contact numbers of congress either that or haven't done anything e-bay pay-pal haven't done anything that facebook didn't have laws that i thought that was not reaching everyone so there's still a long way to go to get serious about political activism and very briefly we haven't seen that much media coverage i mean a lot of print coverage of course your work a lot of reporters say in print writing about this but not a lot of the networks discussing this someone had a raise the point that n.b.c. and fox news did have some vested stake in this legislation is that correct and what's behind that. while i try not to look at the motives of my fellow journalists i mean i think in terms of the journalistic companies we're talking about the
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company is. in the end of the tour it's the journalists who are going to be reporting the story so i think you're probably going to see you know some more. some more coverage today after the blackout and the wall street journal of cover pretty fairly stable in the news pages if there are jobs. as we've also been. all right well it seems like the battles only beginning and i know that you'll be covering all of this so we'll keep you in mind for the future to see how it all plays out thank you so much for your time of course that was a correspondent for c.n.n. news declan mccullagh. well occupy wall street activist descended on capitol hill yesterday to protest corporate influence over u.s. politics demonstrations were aimed to coincide with a four month anniversary of the birth of the movement hundreds of people took to the streets including our own by that you can check out the following the port. the protesters have shifted their focus from wall street to capitol hill and here they
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are hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the u.s. capitol building they have a permit to protest on this lawn but we have already seen several people arrested the. protesters say when the interests of big corporations are at stake their voice their interests no longer count and they're angry at the fact that the influence of money is only set to grow in u.s. politics supreme court's decision now a last hope aeration to funnel as much money as they wanted to candidates and protesters say it's legalized corruption. the cozy relationship between big businesses on lawmakers here ledge to the complete lack of oversight over wall street which brought about the financial crisis of two thousand and eight and not just americans were affected but the whole world so people here want money out of politics but it's easier said than done and a lot of people especially outside the movement are very much skeptical about
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whether the protests can actually change something some say that the tents and the banners you know won't change anything what do you say to that i think the tents in the banners are crucial part of being publicized and being public about it because it's so easy to ignore movement unless it's in your face do you think the movement has any impact i mean it's been there for four months right on the movement has a huge impact in that a lot of things that are not even talked about in the political agenda usually are now being talked about there is in the news on a constant basis talking about income inequality the fact that corporations are running our government has stolen our elections so many times with all the legalized bribery in the campaign finance system and other things that are most legal moving into the night hundreds more not thousands joined the protest and they marched all the way from capitol hill to the white house. ok. so. here they are hundreds of people fanning
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right outside the white house. and the. way the way. the movement has certainly if paul i mean you see the last of the tents across the country has authorities under different pretenses and that is they have a victory of the protesters out of their occupied locations but you see more at these one time actions one day rallies like this one which started on capitol hill and. all the way told the white house right here these people are here to get their message across a lot of young people around but again whether or not these protests will bring any result that that still remains very much on clear. and i was artie's financial counterpart on the occupy wall street protests and it comes to occupy
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earlier spoke with mixed martial arts champion and political activist jeff munson about his thoughts on the occupy wall street protesters turning to congress ouster focal point here says take. well i think it's great what they're doing now because what the what the movement has done you know started four months ago has led us to a feeling of solidarity that we had each other's back that we were you know able to make some changes and that if we you know plant the seed right now that the greater changes could come and even know some of you know corporations have gone out of status quo you know i think that you know down the road there's going to be big changes and actual social changes so this is a continuation people you know have like i said have a solidarity and you realize that that with the strength of numbers and we can make some things happen but congress theoretically supposed to be an extension of us the citizens the people right i mean we voted these guys into office i mean do you feel are you i mean you laugh do you feel that our lawmakers represent us and our
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interests. well i mean it's a joke and it's one of the things that frustrates me alive because you know we're supposed to have a democracy which means rule by people you know obviously because you know three hundred million people united states we have a representative democracy which means that they're supposed to represent the people of the united states you know we didn't want to be in iraq you know we're misled and you know afghanistan and you know they're not doing the things that we want to do you know it's ok for you know a company to pay a legislator you know a certain amount of money to have him out on some something to a bill and you know a pharmaceutical or an oil company get some special privilege which hurts so much hurts incidence of the united states and it's legal and you know these people are millionaires and sometimes billionaires they do this so they don't represent us at all they represent the corporations and you know the mass media and you know if there's something needs to be done by the people we have to take to the streets
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well take to the streets but at the same time we saw a couple hundred turnout yesterday and i you know i don't want to be dismissive of the movement i think it seems like they have at least shifted the national dialogue but do you really think that a few protests here and there are going to change things. well like i said i mean even even the mass you know occupy new york movement occupy wall street you know you know was an isolated united states was thousands of cities worldwide and you know did the corporations have their profits reduced you know not really but what it did is planted a seed for the future and basically let us know i hate that we realize what's going on we're educating people we're educating ourselves and that hey there's other people like us and we are the working class the government and these corporations would have us like to fight each other you know they would have house lights you know fight race wars and you know. different problems within itself but we are the
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working class without us nothing else happens you know we're the people who you know wash the cars who make the hamburgers to sweep the driveways who who build this country the way it is and without us there's nothing you know so i think in the future you know if we if we had a general strike or some i doubt it was shut down wall street shut down this country in a heartbeat. jeff i mean you obviously have a sort of a mass media platform you're very well known for what you pay for what you do for a living very well respected other people that listen to you i mean if a guy who cut his teeth i guess being an activist and the street organizer in chicago could be president of states are you willing or interested in stepping up and trying to sort of be the proverbial leader of this kind of way when they are talking about. well that's the thing you know it was funny because you know the media pretend like where are the leaders where we're you know whatever the man's of occupy wall street would have
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a want and i think that's what's so great about the whole movement it's a paradigm of change it's like we the people you know we were doing this it's not individual leading us we're not following anybody we're working together and that's the beauty of the whole movement is that it was a social class a working class of people united solidarity where people like saw each others the things that they needed a hey we can do this together and we don't need someone leading us yeah there's going to be people you know educated and that's kind of my job you know as as an anarchist obviously i would be against what i believe you know take a political position or. you know a position of leading but you know i'm going to do my best to educate people and they say the best way to to lead is to do yourselves and i'm just curious i mean why do you think if these interests are so indeed entrenched in congress that
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they're so against the working man as you said the working class person why do you think more americans aren't joining up with the movement. it's comfort you know if you have a place that you're living in right now you're barely making your bills if you're you know able to get by are you going to sacrifice that potentially lose those things to go protest you know lose your job and you know have your kid not to go to school or you know maybe lose not be able make your car payment because you're missing work so i think it's just comfort and as more and more americans are being discomforted by losing their jobs and not be able to have retirement in and working longer and those kind of things i think you're going to see the movement grow like i said i would definitely see has been planted but you know i said this last time i was on the show is that we need a social change not a political change and the only way that social change is going to happen is if the masses us that the people that let them sleep at night stand up and say we've had enough because they're not going to do it themselves you know the corporations the
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government officials they're making money they're doing fine they don't have to worry about you know making their next mortgage payment or the next rent or you know if we're going to have a job next week they're fine we're the ones that are worried about this were the nuns that need to step forward and make a change but like i said more and more people get put out on the street or you know how their kids i can't my kids a four point zero student i can't it's for to send him to college this isn't right i think you're going to see people step up more and join the movement. and that was american mixed martial arts fighter and political activist jeff monson. right now twenty eleven was a year of economic instability and world wide protests but does that mean the two thousand and twelve will bring more of the same well to answer that question we decided to turn to a man who earns his living off making predictions gerald celente is the founder of the trends research institute and i took some time to chat with him earlier today and began by getting his thoughts on what's next for the occupy wall street
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movement. it's global it's not only it's white in eighty countries fifteen hundred cities worldwide and it just continues on it's going on in ireland as we speak so what it is it's basically when the money stops flowing down to the man on the street the blood starts flowing in the streets it's class warfare it's as simple as that thought too much too much away too many have much too little and what's interesting about the occupy movement is that the very weakness that the critics claim it to be that they don't have one voice or one single message that actually is their strength for example we saw the wiki leaks movement dog i even though they were putting out very damaging revelations from the embassy cables because they chopped off the head so to speak of julian a songe so the occupy movement is just beginning it's not going to stop and it's
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going to take very different forms very different issues and again it's going to spread worldwide you cut off one tentacle another one grows misled to have course governments don't like instability who does so we can assume. predict that they will take some sorts of measures to sort of calm things down a little bit or perhaps pass some tougher laws i think those were in some of their predictions let's talk about some potential reactions that we can see either from global governance or here at home with the n.d.a. bill. well exactly the. sign dawn why new year's eve when very few people who did to the news have and it's going on around the world what happens is this lucy the bigger the screw ups of government the greater their failures the more they clap they clamp down on the people so we soar with n.d.a.
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we're seeing it in greece we're seeing it in italy we're seeing it in hungary we're seeing it everywhere the greater the failure the bigger the crackdown so now what have they done they've turned to beric it's a battlefield america i mean you can't make this kind of stuff up where they just it's to no bill of rights that they just passed so they know what's coming they see the they see the protest worldwide last year at this time what was it tunisia they don't went to egypt it went to yemen bahrain this still going on over in greece there are there are protests all that so i mean happen this summer over in the u.k. oh no it was just hooligans oh the occupy movement oh we know newt gingrich told us all these people have to do is go take a bath and get a job that's how disconnected they are one level but the other will level is they know this thing is coming down and they have the plan they now have what the military they were they repeal the cop posse comitatus act of eight hundred seventy
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eight the military could have now in day control they know it's happening well let's talk about that you bring up a comic martial law and one of our protections how could we see that play out that sounds quite terrifying to me frankly we'll go back anybody could google was put in john corps zines name the guy who brought m.f. global down he was running for reelection of governor in june of two thousand and nine the obama administration got sworn in in january two thousand and nine there's joe biden vice president campaigning for it and biden says. one of the first things the day we were after we were sworn in number one priority was whether or not to call a bank holiday that's how bad the economy was it's no holiday you can't get your money out that's before the fed pumped in what sixteen trillion dollars and that loose years before the european system started to collapse we are forecasting there's going to be
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a major major turmoil coming out of europe it's going to roil of financial markets and they probably won't blame it on that they'll be a false flag maybe an attack with iran something that will force them to close down the banks now i'm saying this because of people remember you go back to nine eleven you know what they did they closed down wall street you know what that meant that meant that if you had certificates of deposit for example you could not care for them in so we're looking at something of a major magnitude because of the failure of the financial system that they are not able to fix all they're doing is throwing more money on top of bad money that they can't collect and this major meltdown they are talking about you're predicting this for this coming year this twenty twelve specifically yes it is it's in the works now they cannot fix the european debt crisis and they're already priming the people for a greek default and then there's italy and then there's spain then there's portugal
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and then there's ireland and it doesn't stop look they just downgrade it as simply why nine countries and by the way they did that very sly they did it on a friday afternoon after the markets closed and. at the martin luther king holiday so the impact was felt right away well there was one of the top politicians in germany said that you know this whole downgrade thing this s. and p. issue with arizona that's really just part of the u.s. trying to undermine the euro what do you what do you make of that do you think that the u.s. is trying to undermine the euro by everybody's undermining everybody yells the whole thing is collapse the unit americans are drawing to blame the europeans look what they just did they just increased our debt level in the united states so now when you have the problems going on in europe they the americans blame the europeans for a slow having you know. really how recovery the europeans on the other hand they
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are in a mess over there now they're blaming the americans anybody you blame these are politicians that's what they do well politicians we're almost out of time for a very very briefly you mentioned something about the so-called big brother internet in a sentence or less what can we expect in that regard bring it back to economic martial law bring it back to battlefield america they keep taking our rights they keep clamping down on us and they're going to grab more and more from the internet to watch just and stop us that every level of freedom that we have it's a trend that's been going on since george w. bush with the patriot act and it's excel aerated of the robot all right well some terrifying predictions there from our friend dave the publisher of the trends journal and the director of the trends research institute thank you so much i will that doesn't for now but as always you can get more information on the stories we
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covered as well as a lot more just at our web site that address is r t v dot com slash usa it's also check out our you tube page that addresses you tube dot com slash r.t.m. america and please follow me on twitter i want to hear your thoughts on our segment that's at lucy catherine of one word. when clinton comfortable question leads to a grave accusation the world who is more xeno fogging. the president who isn't supposed to hide anything. worth someone asking him why do you make a secret of it when the powers to be suppress the voice of those who think different. when you get experiencing very serious problems off of the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three but it will.
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