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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2012 11:01pm-11:31pm EST

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his campaign and later a french judge wants to take a little tour of guantanamo bay we'll tell you what he's looking for and what former president george w. bush should be worried. you need to know this poet robert frost famously said nothing gold can stay sadly that's true today as the golden campaign of rick perry has officially and. as i've contemplated the future of this campaign i have come to the conclusion that there is no viable path forward for me in this two thousand and twelve campaign. therefore today i am suspending my campaign and endorsing newt gingrich
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for president of the united states would like to take a moment here on the program to eulogize the good governor good hair campaign with some of his greatest hits. my player to you today as a candidate for president of the united states your state has executed two hundred thirty four death row inmates more than any other governor in modern times have you . is it the mitt romney that was on the side of against the second amendment before he was for the second amendment was it was before he was before there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military when our kids can't openly celebrate christmas or pray in school it is a ponzi scheme live free or die victory or death bring i would do away with education the. commerce right back to the commerce and let's see.
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i can't. so i. will miss you rick but on one last parting shot to mitt romney perry endorsed newt gingrich today telling the few dozen or so supporters he still has left to vote for newt in saturday's south carolina primary things have not been looking up we have been looking for newt lately he was considered the winner of monday night's debate he's benefited from mitt romney's week of gaffes regarding tax returns speaking fees of bain capital even got syrup ailerons indorsement this week for whatever that's worth any more polls out of the palmetto state reveal he a late gingrich surge and he's now neck and neck or even beating romney in some polls seems like nothing can be real newt's campaign now unless one of his many wives were to speak up. said to him we've been married a long time. and he said yes but you want
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me to yourself calista doesn't care what i do what was he saying do you think he well he was asking to have an open marriage and i refused he wanted an open marriage yeah that i accept the fact that he he has somebody else that has life and you said no. no. that is not a mary. that was marianne gingrich talking about her ex-husband new didn't interview airing on a.b.c. tonight or down the street is that new wanting an open marriage is just one of many explosive revelations set to come out in tonight's interview in which is ex-wife says he lacks the character to be president the big question here is the about newt it's about a.b.c. news we're just two days away from the south carolina primary a crucial contest that in part may actually decide who's the next prez of the united states and a.b.c. news is running uncorroborated interview with an ex-wife of gingrich that could sway the electorate and leave new with no time to respond to chart. just before the
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election it's an october surprise in january so is this in diligent journalism or irresponsible journalism here to weigh in on this is eleanor clift senior writer at newsweek a contributor to the daily beast and joining us from los angeles jim cavanaugh columnist of reason and hit run contributor welcome to you both glad to have you both with us it seems to me thanks to it seems to me that this actually may not hurt newt rush limbaugh has come out and said it might even help him in fact here's just a really short clip of rush limbaugh from today. i got a great note from a friend of mine. show newt one of the open marriage b.f.d. at least here's why for permission instead of just cheating on it's america character in my book no it's a victim we are character and it's a victim actually he asked her several years into the affair so those you know but but. to the issue of the press this kind of highlights the issue the personal
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responsibility in this watergate broke before the election seventy two but really didn't get dug into could have been. before the election bush drinking in the white house was broken by the national enquirer before the election two thousand and six but there was a lot of talk about it before two thousand and four there were rumors of edwards and harder on the campaign trail at the time what is the obligation of a news organization. you have legation of news organizations to follow up on every one of those the bush. drinking should have come out earlier it did hurt him coming out a few days before the election may have hurt him more may have been more of a character issue if it had been able to be corroborated earlier i think in the case of marion gingrich she has been available sort of as for an interview for some weeks reporters have been trying to get to her she was she decided on her terms this was the outlet that she wanted everybody knew she was out there she has made
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this charge before i believe it was printed in esquire magazine so i think it's fair fair game for the media when newt gingrich is rising in the polls could give romney a battle you have a fight for the heart and soul the republican party much of it rests on values i think it's fine to put this out i think if they had interviewed her and sat on it first of all somebody else would have interviewed her in the in the interim so i think they're handling it responsibly so your take on that same question i'm curious. as well i'm afraid i agree. i don't see any reason to sit on this story as far as use the word uncorroborated i mean the only possible corroborate or to a what wes far as we know it was a two person conversation would have to be newt gingrich himself he's free to respond to the question i would presume that a.b.c. made an effort to get a hold of him and will have some you know sort of declined to comment in this story
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but absolutely i don't see any reason it's not doesn't have a bearing the voters have shown that they consider personal character issues if we could call it that and they may not vote on that i think they approve of bill clinton that they don't vote on that but if this is of interest to the voters and more importantly it's of interest to television viewers and a.b.c. is trying to get as many of those as possible well and i want to get to that because it seems to me that there was a time when news departments reported to news departments and even lost money because they were considered a public service and they were necessary for t.v. and radio stations to keep their licenses now news departments report to the vice president of education and they're expected to make a profit and so is is the is the standard in today's news what's going to make us the most money rather than what's really important for an informed electorate in a democracy and this is this was a good get in
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a political season other news outlets i think were attempting to get or i don't think they said oh this is going to make money they said this will break through this will get some headlines back and yeah and i think that's legitimate i don't think that's. a crane that mode if you take this a step further to not actually or as a print journalist to have to say you know i'm sorry to admit that most of what i know about the history of newspapers is from citizen kane but clearly i don't know that there was ever a case where the news delivery of the news was considered a public service it was always very profit. bull. market if you want to look at newspapers i suppose i suppose you're right sarah palin went into a presidential campaign knowing that she had an unwed pregnant daughter and apparently not informing her running mate of those early on anyway and. what does this say about our society and our press that if brock and michelle obama had
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had an unwed pregnant teenage daughter being african-americans that they would've been treated very differently and i well the powers are rational no process and the people the power of the. press or by the by the campaign itself in the in the case of sarah palin that was a failure of the campaign's own intelligence gathering folks that they didn't find on this i'm saying that that was a ploy and that would have played like the presidency and it came out very badly played to a racist stereotype in this culture and all the powers of rationalization to defend your guy lot of democrats forgave bill clinton for a number of things and when sarah palin and her family stood on the stage and she had a pregnant daughter you had conservative saying isn't it nice that they're going to keep the baby and they're going to build a life together now i don't think it's one of the exactly ok so so then the double standard eliot spitzer step down bill clinton was impeached anthony wiener but
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david vitter after he got busted for being with a prostitute which is actually a crime none of those related crimes arguably spitzer did but. after he was with came back to the senate got a standing ovation from his republican peers newt is running for president and mark sanford never stepped out of the adult us court of public opinion is different in each of these cases plus the fact that constituents in south carolina who elect david vitter don't mind apparently that he has this in his past and his colleagues in the senate were not willing to censor him for that. try to force him out so he he he he passed through all the separate juries in his life and then he got he's not running for president and i don't think he would have much of a following and not for that reason either jim your thoughts as a libertarian i will have to both defend david vitter is right to be with the prostitute and the prostitutes right to be with david vitter and also concur that i
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think there is a difference in the way these things get. repeated and it's true bill clinton was impeached he survived that and you know to the extent that there seems to have been a court of public opinion most people agree that it didn't need to go as far as it did although everybody was concerned that he lied under oath that remains a legitimate piece of our history i almost wonder if there's another thing that's a factor here that you the very mention tim there folks and we're out of time i'm sorry i just flat out tim tim thank you but nice to meet you. as much appreciate it thanks allen and i talking with you thanks tom thank you coming up. coming up after the break mitt romney has dodged questions left and right throughout the primary debate circuit will tell you about what he's being accused of judging now and it's not flying here is a magical underwear. let's
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not forget that we had in a park right in the. i think. the tipping point well. we never got to that says there's. safety that is because freedom. will or are all.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry is a big issue. so
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it turns out mitt romney didn't make history after all the romney campaign touted that he was the first not an incumbent republican to win both iowa and new hampshire but a button for the review that quite the case after conducted a recount in the state of iowa g.o.p. officials found that rick santorum actually won the iowa caucuses by thirty four votes but officials are still calling the contest a tie republican officials and will not certify the winner since voting in accuracies were found one hundred thirty one precincts and eight precincts are missing their votes all together great election run by the republican party the caucus in iowa is not run by the state but instead by the republican party itself that same party that is waging a war against democratic voters across america alleging voter fraud all the signs being completely unable to run their own transparent legitimate election and go for
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. but back to romney does a recount showing he didn't win iowa changed this campaign at all probably not but what about a report that romney is dodgy taxes. romney has gone to great lengths to keep secret many important details about his wealth including as a.b.c. news discovered whether he uses tax loopholes available only to the super rich tax lawyers not tell a.b.c. news that companies like bain set up their accounts here in the caymans and other tax havens primarily to attract foreign investors who want to invest in u.s. companies without having to pay us taxes that's great for bain and for the foreign investors but not so great for the u.s. treasury and american taxpayers american taxpayers who vote so romney uses our roads and bridges uses our police officers he uses our education system is protected by our military but he doesn't think he needs to pay for all that stuff
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least pay his fair share of it in taxes joining me now is sam seeder host of the majority report co-host of the ring of fire radio and rebecca wilkins senior counsel on federal tax policy at the institute of taxation and economic policy was citizens for tax justice we're back and sam glad to have you both with the saying let me start out rebecca with you as a tack a tax expert can you explain exactly what romney's doing down in the caymans and i understand some of this has to do from reading the wall street journal piece today with his ira and that there's a secondary tax i want to get that stuck in my mind that's a four letter acronym and you probably know that that he actually is able to avoid a certain amount of taxes by having russia well first i have to say it's kind of hard to know for sure what he's doing because he hasn't released this tax return had and he's told us he's going to release his return on april which presumably means it's two thousand and eleven return. makes you wonder what's on the two
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thousand and ten return that we're never going to say. but we do know that he has a substantial amount and i came and islands and bank capital many have it stuns and the cayman islands and there are indications that they are trying to do things to avoid or delay paying taxes and that's the only reason one would go there it's because the you don't physically go there for the sun right you just do this is all wire transfers and things sam what are the political consequences in the story you know i think they're going to be pretty big not so much in the republican primary i think that i think romney is more or less i think going to be the nominee but i think things like his taxes i think his time and i think this is going to play big in the general election and i think that's also going to be a function of a couple of things it's going to be a function of just how far president obama's campaign brings this up and raises it i think the tax issue obviously is going to be brought up again in april he's going to release two thousand and eleven and everybody's going to say why not two
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thousand and ten why not two thousand and nine like every other presidential candidate you've got you've got governor christie today saying he should release his taxes this is one of his top surrogates so i think there's going to be a problem form and particularly with the backdrop of the occupy movement which is i think that again a lot of steam come spring i think this is going to be very difficult for him so this could be sort of like i mean it was bill clinton who brought up willie horton in the primary against a caucus and then it kind of went away and nobody really noticed except for forget the guy's name but the you know the guy who ran the campaign against a carcassonne and he been on behalf of bush this could this is going to pop back up again and yeah and i don't even know if it's ever going to even really go away i mean the thing is that this ties in so much into the prevailing narrative that mitt romney just happens to be very poorly suited rich which is which is that there's incredible income disparity there one of the reasons why there's incredible income disparities because of our tax code and we also have
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a. a portion of our capitalism in this country preys on the middle class and we have over financial eyes ation of of our economy which crashed the economy in two thousand and eight and all this plays into it and so i think is going to be a problem for rebecca to sam's point how prevalent is this kind of tax evasion actually and partly it's very prevalent and what's good about this coming to light is that now puts that topic and the american public via bat the estimates are that the u.s. treasury delays this out over one hundred billion dollars per year. taxpayer that's that's that's substantial gingrich's why if vs romney's tax dodging sandwich is going to be more damaging to these candidates you know i think in the long run the thing that's going to be really damaging to gingrich is that he has no real operation in terms of a campaign and he's really he's not it was
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a book tour it was a book tour accidentally because it sort of blew up into something but the fact is that you need to sort of plan ahead for these things he's not on the ballot in virginia he's not going to be on the ballot in a number of states i don't think he's going to he can really do anything other than damage romney which seems to be fairly high on his agenda so. i do know i think gingrich is got a little bit of a ceiling because of the problems with is is exwife but you know redemption is a big part of the republican base is world view and i think he's going to play that card i'm now a grandpa yeah. yeah and i think i think that's going to rebecca romney's studies might return releases tax returns in april you mention that which raises the question of a previous tax returns but does that also give him the time between now and and april to refile to rejigger things to change things around to make him look better
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maybe even pay. more taxes real quick well he certainly head i mean it's not necessarily that there's anything and proper and has priority turns but there's probably some things in there that might cause in political trouble there might be a form in there for example that discloses transfers to foreign trusts and there's nothing illegal about that but of course people are going to like it and there might be information in there about a huge capital gain maybe as two thousand and ten income was forty million dollars and people will just be appalled by that and appalled by the fact that a fifteen percent rate on that much raises another question why is that in this country when you work with your hands or your brain you pay a maximum thirty five percent income tax rate. if you're a capitalist you have a special tax category the capitalist gained it's called capital gains i call it capitalist means tax and you pay a maximum fifteen percent and even that's graduated why why is that. citizens for
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tax justice that's been one of our hot for a long time the way that tax code favorite thing come from wealth of our income from work we think they should be taxed at the same rate and that people that may have the same amount of income should pay the same amount of taxes shouldn't matter whether you're working for a living or whether you're living off here about and you know the real problem that is going to be presented romney here is that the standard line we hear as to why the capital gains is so important because people are investing money which is creating jobs but here you have a situation where the reason why they're in the cayman islands is to get foreign money and the money that romney makes off of bain he's still making a million dollars or was up until very recently a year off that was not money that he put into being it was all other people's money he's getting care he's paying that tax. it's a big it's a vague for basically being a broker and that i think is going to be very damaging to him politically one of these is one of his. advisers today said there's no benefit for him putting out.
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money in the cayman islands when you asked and why do it why do exactly sam seeder of william wilkins thanks so much for being with us thank you for having to push it to understand what exactly mitt romney romney isn't pain for with his tax dodging we have to the story of joe republican we'll get into that right after this. oh here it is years ago john get gray wrote a piece called joe republic and here's a quick summary of it joe gets up at six o'clock in the morning fills his coffee pot with water the water is clean and fresh because some tree hugging liberal thought for water quality standards he takes his daily medication it's safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to ensure their safety and that they worked as advertised his medication is paid for by his employer's medical plan because a liberal union workers support for he prepares as morning breakfast bacon and eggs safety eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry joe dresses walks outside take a deep breath carry breezes clean because so environmentalists liberal thought for
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air pollution anti pollution laws joe walks of the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work with some liberal fought for affordable public transportation is a good job with excellent pay and benefits because of liberal union members fought for them it shows her in the job or because unemployed you'll get a worker's comp or unemployment check because of some liberal who fought for it noone comes and needs to go to the bank to deposit some of his bills his bet is banking his f.b.i. insured because some liberal want to protect his money he drives home from work and goes to see his dad is cars among the safest in the world because some liberal thought for car safety standards he sees his dad is now retired lives on medicare and social security and a union pension because of a whole bunch of liberals he is back in his car for the ride home turns out a radio talk show host the radios keep saying liberals are bad and conservatives are good and joe says to himself we don't need those big government liberals ruin
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our lives after all most song. made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves just like i have. crazy alert remember your mom saying don't get too comfy in those peaches. kaito louisiana parish commissioner michael williams wants to ban weight for wearing pajamas in public that's right and we'll let him explain exactly why he wants to ban them and some of the reactions around town. on saturday about our senior citizen family was shot and i observed a couple go with moose feet and pajamas or probably the private poll was about to come out with the underworld he wants to ban wearing pajama pants in public while some would say were while williams is adamant that adorable pink fluffy bunny pajamas have no place in public spaces most of his fellow cato parish residents
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believe a proposed law banning pajamas in public is ridiculous oh it is a doubt they are crazy says that wears her pajamas with pride are those pretty maybe and. she says they're perfect for getting stuff done in a hurry it is comfortable to meet someone who's in the military who is fighting for some of these freedom to be able to just go around with whatever they want to they should be able to do that. and the a.c.l.u. says it's against freedom of expression in a related story herman cain is pushing for a new law requiring but jamas mostly laundry to be worn in public at all times. after the break how would you like it if your local park was replaced by a chemical factory i'll tell you about the plan florida republican governor rick scott has direct democracy and the consequences his plan could have on the way of life.
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let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right now and. i think rock is feeding on it well. whenever the government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you get their freedom.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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go back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour private corporations are eating our towns our columns get devoured what's left the breakdown in just a moment also in today's geeky science segment conservatives love to rail against same sex adoption i'll tell you why they should start listening to science programs and it looks like george bush and dick cheney may want to get a good lawyer and ideally take what's going on around the world and why we need to start pressuring our president to throw bush and his cronies into prison.


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