tv [untitled] January 20, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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censorship of the internet barrett brown who's worked with anonymous on various operations before says the latest hacker attacks are just the beginning the problem is that the track record of the us and all governments. is such that given the power to do one thing is almost always interpreted by themselves as a means of giving them power. so in the way that you know the rate on megaupload cards in this opens it shows that even without sopa already in place here they are already arresting and resting the owners of megaupload and shutting it down so imagine when so close. in the meantime a group project. operation donkey punch which latest efforts to ensure that soap is in the those who support so are rather than intimidated otherwise to make sure that these things don't happen in the future of the very near future as you'll see there will be a number of other groups that will pop up using more military modes situation gets
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worse in the grass and smells of point as the notable civil war in the us the kurds we are opinion matters to us so we're asking at archie dot com whether hackers and users can protect the internet from the u.s. led anti-piracy legislator so far the majority think they will be able to get their voices heard nineteen percent believe they will only discredit their paws by creating a haven for online crimes the same amount response respondents say hacks and petitions don't work against the times and guns while the rest suggest a proper political party should conform to stand against a controversial law plug on target dot com have your say cast your vote. coming up next hour arches cross talk host peter the about as his guest whether the new legislation may completely change the face of the web. the fact is what we're trying to do is enforce u.s. copyright laws on foreign companies whose copyright laws may be different from ours
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and what we're saying is if you don't follow us law in terms of copyrights then we have the right to shut you down the other part of the problem is the fact of lawyers that's going through the division of it is another way to assure you know you're objecting to the fact that people are trying to stop sites that are pirating american american intellectual property and it's not always just movies or music it's also physical goods that are careful you know these are counterfeit drugs yes there are also if you look at the written material including i you know harm enters harm children harm adults there's a serious there are serious consequences. and. members of the arab league are gathering this weekend to hear a final report on the expired observer mission to syria it's widely expected to
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condemn president bashar assad who has continued his crackdown on protesters despite promises to stop as art is really for notional reports there's little doubt that the findings will be used to bolster calls for military intervention. people taking to the streets may look like a real force of power and indeed be one. but in syria protest has apparently failed to prove that months of bloodshed with no sign is going to stop anytime soon. how he told jeff from the syrian national council the country's main official opposition body says making the people's voice louder and britain in the end to the violence is what the s. and c. was created for our main goal is to help the syrian people there present them and their two national community. in order to reach this syrian people freedom although it's been run by paris based exile but hamdani in the absence he has been
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recognized as the country's lee determined government by the new libyan authorities and supported by some and nato countries which has made some doubt the council's innocent intentions with regards to libya the promise that nato made to the national transitional council perspective leaders was that they be given a major seat at the table in a new libya so there is power broking going on behind the scenes and i absolutely wager that the same thing is happening with syria they've either been bought off financially or they've been promised a major role in a new syrian regime the national congress and there are clear is national transitional council and the syrian national council well it's not just their names they have in common supported and sponsored from abroad i think he likes opposition forces and their major goal is to overthrow the regime but there is
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a difference to the absences hutz cortez are not in damascus but here in istanbul we are not talking about democratic regime if i go to syria now we have. you know we have to be executed there hallett says he spent fifteen years in jail in the one nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's just because his father supported the opposition he claims nothing has changed since then and the oppression has to stop but how is another matter his dictatorial regime cannot be most of without any pressure claiming they're only going to rely on political and diplomatic pressure the asson see to is now copywriting with the free syrian army fighters who have defected from assad's military in was a clear shift from the essences initial entirely known armed. peaceful stance. because you also sees humanitarian corridors and buffer zones as options to protect
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civilians in syria even though these might mean foreign troops arriving this is a top is that all paris operation where to syria that gas was being used to address that agenda they made to work at that because they don't want they want to destabilize syria because they want syria to be part of nato at least late to label the opposition claims is just a matter of time before the joint efforts sooner or later will force president assad out while his attorneys to stay but the question remains exactly how long should these people have to wait for the bloodshed to stop and how many of them will actually see the end of that brief nationality. well the syrian opposition is calling for a nationwide rally today in support of those imprisoned over the course of the uprising in the country reports of just the government's deploying law enforcement personnel at key sites around the capital for more we can now cross live to
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damascus and joining us is independent journalist lizzy failon live from damascus thanks for being with us lizzie what do you expect to happen today how big are these protests going to be. well i think that here in damascus large protests expect large protests. it's really not likely to happen because this is of course a strong area of government support just last week we saw a huge demonstration in support of the president where of course he showed up to the demonstration himself there may be small pockets of protests in areas such as me and duma but i wouldn't expect any more than hundreds of people and other areas such as follows that there is a likelihood yesterday we did see some footage of protests in the numbering no more than in the in the hundreds but amongst the protesters that were convoys of. fighters i believe from the free syrian army so just how free and peaceful those
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protests weighs very difficult to tell but as for here in the mask as i wouldn't really expect anything significant now the arab league has also just finished its observer mission in syria what do you think they'll have to say about the situation in the country. well i wouldn't really expect anything from the syrian government's point of view i wouldn't really expect anything to up to mystic but of course we have to remember that before the arab league arrived nobody actually expected the syrian government to allow them into the country because they had up until about point paid a very important role in giving moral support to the syrian council the opposition here so there was a lot of surprise when they accepted. into the kind. and then there was even more surprise when actually the arab league didn't say the things that they were expected to say and they appeared to give a little bit more of an objective account saying that you know that the government was fighting against some groups inside the country so we're expecting now that the
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arab league will request extended stay here which the syrian government has already said it would well come back as i said we're not expect so from the point of view of countries like qatar and others who have really been pushing for regime change in syria that the arab league mission here hasn't been exactly as they would have liked it so we have seen in the last week that the prince of qatar openly called for arab troops to occupy syria as a common invade and occupy syria so really. the arab league that shows that the arab league has seen playing a little bit more of an object to some arab countries aren't too happy with it so we can expect for them to push for their objectives of regime change in other ways and this continues to happen through the media media war you know what the syrian government supports of us winning the media war here yesterday i saw an example of
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that myself there were some reports that the area of the bazaar near the lebanese border had been taken by the free syrian army and i went there myself last night and i as i drove to see but i was very surprised to find no checkpoints by the syrian army on the way and i actually was allowed to go inside of a don and despite having seen footage on the television of convoys of free syrian army fighters i found out there was actually nothing and when i left i was told by the syrian army that i would be free to travel through as it was done and on to the lebanese border so really objective a version changes the report correctly said continues. but it's important to state that foreign in survey. it's not something that is to be expected in the future is of course there is evidence that is of course already happening with support for the free syrian army from countries like turkey in places like it's going the route
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and qatar and elsewhere so foreign intervention is very much already taking place there as for a nato intervention and that is something that the opposition is continuing to push for right there if you live from damascus thank you very much for your analysis this hour. well still ahead here on r.g.p. the sharp war tactics finding you at home u.s. spy drones that have been used in washington's multiple military operations abroad are now keeping a close eye on american citizens too. but first the battle over scotland sovereignty is heating up in the u.k. with the scots being told they may hold an independence referendum only if london gives its blessing it comes as a fearful british government ridicule heavy rhetoric against the independent spirit but as archer's laura smith reports london's grandstanding is ruffling more than just feathers among the scots. britain
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a three hundred year old union that once ruled the waves and tossed the known world but on soil the country is closer than ever to a messy divorce. this is the man who want scotland to go it alone nationalist party leader alex salmond's promising scots will get to say on being single but london wants to call the shots and get it done and dusted i've been told . they don't want to talk about the substance i sometimes feel when i listen to them it's not a referendum they want it's a never read them question let's have the debate and let's keep our country together. but why would scotland want to separate itself from a britain that still among the world's. richest economies scotland always retained its own distinct national identity and the s.n.p. feels it's almost time to take that one step further and hope yes from the scottish
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people would mean scotland would gain control over its own north sea oil and gas and represented in the international stage but it doesn't want to hold a referendum until two thousand and fourteen and that delay is letting london ramp up the scare stories telling scotland it'll have to pay the price such as the billions of pounds british taxpayers spent keeping scottish banks a life that it would have to find its own currency and lose thousands of jobs when the navy heads south not that it seems to pull the scots who see their country as having been strangled for long enough i don't think it's any of his business if we present a strong enough case to be independent. that he can argue against. the shutter i think a shutter i don't think you should have any say in myers. scott's of never taken kindly to hearing stern words from the mother of all parliaments down in london but
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for the nationalists it's a boost to the lackluster thirty percent support for a split mr cameron. but it's completely but. he's actually been the best recruiting. thinkers of. margaret thatcher. in the last seven days with. so you know up to now the u.k. and scotland's key players will continue to cross swords at stake for alex salmond is a reputation built on restoring a proud scotland for prime minister cameron is the potential to become the man who let the united kingdom come apart laura smith party at a. well while the u.k. may be mired in domestic affairs later in the program we were ports on an international blow for the country as a former senior official admits to a spying scandal. but the embarrassment of these revelations is not so much the
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spying itself the front they were cool it's doing its snooping stone for the modern day james bond of moscow's rock solid evidence forces a key figure finally come clean. america's controversy the use of drones in asia may have caused overwhelming anger but not threatening to do the same at home washington's key spying weapon in overseas operations is becoming a common tool for u.s. police stirring up privacy concerns among more and more americans are an important aisle looked into the issue. they are the cornerstone of america's military arsenal dropping bombs on bosnia pakistan afghanistan libya and yemen a manned aerial vehicles known as drones have become the trademark of washington's war missions targeted assassinations and spying operations overseas but today
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the local police departments using unmanned spy plane said to catch suspects the remotely piloted war weapon is flying domestic u.s. local police and federal officials are increasingly using drones under the auspices of keeping citizens see police departments are using them in the united states or even i think almost two hundred sixty six applications that have been approved for police departments to use drones as aerial surveillance devices drones can be armed with a wide range of surveillance technology including high powered zoom lenses and infrared ultraviolet imaging. as the u.s. government flies prying eyes through the sky lawmakers have neglected to create any privacy protections for american citizens the agencies keep using more and more of these to justify their existence so they can say we need this to crack down on drugs we need this because there are a lot of robberies in this neighborhood we need this the united states is not only
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now a military industrial complex it's a homeland security complex they've merged into one in two thousand and six aero vironment a drone manufacturer received four point seven million dollars from the u.s. defense department to develop new unmanned aerial vehicles. the newest and smallest invention is hummingbird a palm sized q. looking spyplane weighing less than one pound there can be a very little creep. market in the united states for drones with police departments who are already militarized tanks the assault vehicle to assault rifles flak jackets helmets the modern police look like the military and so now they're going to be using military women first lawsuit has been slapped against the u.s. department of transportation for allegedly withholding records pertaining to the
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domestic use of drones currently the american public cannot find out why drones are being used or who is controlling them every corner a closed circuit camera watching what you're telling so now we don't only have them on the ground we have them from the this month the federal aviation administration is expected to pose new rules making it easier for law enforcement agencies to fly drones americans democratic stock more weapons used overseas to keep the u.s. safe now being considered a serious threat to u.s. freedom at home marina ports artsy new york. well known as a day to log on to our website for the latest videos comments and analysis with our team dot com and here's some of what's there for you today tear gas versus molotov cocktails for many who joins the club of states seeking the resignation of their of the leaders of the country faces its worst protest in decades. and the birth of
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killing of the al to be a leader remains without investigation months now we give you one lawyers opinion why i had to argue dot com for more. the u.k. secret service has been literally rocked by the admission of one of the country's former top officials who confirmed that britain had been spying on russia has come six years after moscow first presented without the case and after catching agents red handed or designer bennett has more from london. it's not exactly the most glamorous of james bond gadgets but he didn't in this fake stone was a high take transmissive british spooks used to spy on russia the allegations from moscow have always been dismissed but six years on there is rock solid evidence the
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u.k. can no longer deny tony blair's former chief of staff's come clean admitting british spies were caught red handed the spy rock was embarrassing they had us bang to rights clearly they had known about it for some time and had been saving it up for a political purpose. the embarrassing revelations confirmed the findings of a russian television report in two thousand and six it showed this video of a man slowing down and looking at the rock as he passed apparently an agent beaming top secret intelligence from a mobile computer to a digital drop point concealed in the stone another man was filmed picking up the rock and collecting the data. the moment of was the one behind the exposé and left no stone unturned. at first i had to delts i thought it might be a fake story or
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a political game but we cross checked everything with multiple sources and it turned out to be true some footage we didn't include in the film was particularly convincing for example there was a video of a british spy unit in front of the camera that generals hidden under a tree in the songs lying nearby the guy wanted it to look natural so we pretended that he needed to take a leak n.e.p. right in front of the camera before picking up the stone and leaving. but it was his word against theirs britain fiercely denied the allegations with tony blair laughing them off as russian propaganda the truth was buried inside the u.k. secret service headquarters supposedly never to be seen again so after six years of dodging the bullet why admit it now they're very embarrassing but i think that the british government has decided. to have bygones are bygones and say ok we made a mistake. up and we want better relations from now on so i would see this as
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a first step on the road to improve relations with russia this is the home of britain's spooks m i six the government is a broad their job may not be secret but how they do it is or at least should be so the embarrassment of these revelations is not so much the spying itself but the fact they were caught doing it a post cold war agreement supposedly forbids britain and russia from spying on each other no doubt they'll be more careful from now on either bennett r.t. london. well it's briefly check what else is happening around the world today and students have taken to the streets of the country's capital santiago demanding the government provides more funding for public education mass protesters joined the group and clashed with security officers police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse the one thousand strong crowd syrians have been regularly demonstrating over cost education funding since april twenty seventh. tens of thousands of
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protesters took to the streets of yemen's capital sanaa demanding the country's president stands trial for they remains in office despite signing a power transfer deal in november a little turmoil has been ongoing in yemen for a year now over demands the president steps down. let's get the latest now from the business desk editors here today. to lay their welcome joe business updates here and i'll say washes passenger jets have ruled through the skies of the middle east of the bahrain as say one hundred seats super jets has been the star of the exhibition russia's top officials see the region as a priority market with and i think expected to quadruple that over the next two decades was already eyeing three to five super jazz with a final decision likely within months. on
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a cave on how small. this is the middle east they blew off russia's new passenger act probably. its manufacture there are a lot of the aircraft operations out there richard one of the priorities at market for the company if they believe the political situation here will soon stabilize and the region or a. comfortable secure democracy for the super or super john mccain obama praised by the way professional pilot has profited facts of the plane and about a factor of hope his interest will turn to real or the robot or a company already here. there's no plane similar to seepage it holds a unique needs between planes like. jets like boeing is more comfortable and is up to fifteen percent more efficient and cheaper than its rivals. commercial
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airline traffic in the gulf area is expected to quadruple over the next decade the rum war them to add crop producers here to secure borders of the russian part of the group the russian lights closing the show today with a new middle aerobatic program and their fellow countrymen here believe that this is just the start of russia's current high ambitions middle east airspace. from bahrain air show. let's move on to the market is all is a raising this is now trading in the prices all suffering because of negative news coming out of the year with the euro weakening gets a dollar continue and added to that fuel consumption in the u.s. dropped to its lowest level since september two thousand and one and the european stocks as investors keep an eye on debt swap deal talks in grace the sun sea is
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down a round of cooler but the sun's on the docks is loose. off of the senate here in moscow the markets all flat this friday and the my stocks are indeed trading. makes while the r.t.s. has been bouncing between gains our losses my sites has been in the red bull much of the day and that's what remains anonymous move on to the biggest members oh my is that is the b.c.b.s. lower affecting the sentiments in the year as i call mine at russ scare is among the main reason as the company is about to finish taking pills for minority shareholders for a buyback of its shares snobbishly call is one of the ones on the rise today the company is planning to reduce production to adapt to a fall in global much wisdom on the mind also expects to have bought an around fifty percent increase in net profit for the year of two thousand and eleven. we'll be updating those figures in about fifty five minutes time to join me then i'll have a little small business use to start with i'll save the headlines next. the
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issue is that so much about the taxpayers' money when there is a reason to be a lot of people have various supporters of the stone online piracy act claim they are losing billions of dollars a year to step on the internet opponents of social worry begin to. live from moscow our top stories where wars and global hacking group cripples the web sites of the white house never be i in a series of attacks on major u.s. internet pages to avenge a growing crackdown on final sharing services. the arab league observers wrap up their much criticized mission to syria i'm prepared to deliver their report as the syrian opposition beats a drum in favor of military intervention. and london ramps up its efforts to bring the scottish independence paid to an unsuccessful lands out of
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northern nationalists look to exit the three hundred year old union in favor of an oil rich future. max the moscow team heads to florence to look for traces of russian culture in the heart of italy. hello and welcome to the program today the moscow team are in italy as we continue our exploration of russian culture abroad bit music from. by convinced russian creativity has been studied and celebrated for centuries around the world to judge me mounted on news as we take a look at russian.
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