tv [untitled] January 20, 2012 11:31pm-12:01am EST
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isn't so good for those corporations that you don't like when i think of course when you look at so the main argument is always keep the internet the way it is keep it free keep it open i mean can you imagine if the government got control of the internet and decided what it will or will not allow i mean we'll be in the same boat as some mid eastern countries or not or disney controlled or anybody that matters so i think it was a it was a good move the pipeline well again there's the argument that the republicans caused it because they wanted a sixty day period and the president boxed them in and said i can do it in sixty days so they might have brought that on themselves thoughts well yeah well i mean first what's so i mean that was a revolt i mean you can say that big hollywood lost which it did but it was also kind of a revolt led by corporations in terms of google in the internet corporation so i can't think we can say one you know corporations lost so those were attacks coming
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from the left and the right there's a lot of consensus and i mean even the sponsors went away from the bill because it was a flawed bill that is too overreaching. in terms of the pipeline i don't think the president. regardless of what the republican side i don't think the president was ever going to sign it the democratic donation base will just never accept that they care about the keystone pipeline they care about gay marriage and those are two huge issues to democratic fundraisers you know let me say this and the odd one actually i'd like to i'd like to move along if i may citizens united tomorrow is a two year anniversary i just had one conversation david cobb here about it. there's a new survey that just came out it was a small business leaders five hundred small business leaders across america was done by the american sustainable business council the main street alliance and the small business majority these three large organizations as the leading small business organizations in america and what they found of these small business leaders was that eighty eight percent of them held a negative view of the role money plays and paula. sixty eight percent viewed the
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role of money in politics very negatively and only nine percent have a positive view of the supreme court ruling citizens united so if this thing is hurting small businesses which produce fifty one percent of all the all the employment the united states and seventy one percent of the new public private sector jobs is the time to say no congressionally or something somehow overturned says it's an attitude but you know that comes to me as a bit of a surprise none of those numbers seem unusual and would seem for twenty or thirty or forty years the impression of small business people has been that successful large corporations have had an advantage and whether it was lobbying whether it was and working with state house and even larger really the issue here is whether or not there are certain constitutional rights that up jane those constitutional rights may be popular that may be unpopular but if they obtain they do and i don't see any move that's going to successfully change the fact that the constitution has guaranteed the rights of certain people to be able to use their resources to
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protect their right to vote you heard what he said people and i'm one of these people who believe corporations aren't people i think i'll still a line that i think i heard you say you know if a corporation in six years old and it should have the right to vote i mean it's well you treat it like a person there are minor and the and there's nothing i don't think anywhere in what the founders of this country that wanted a corporation to have unlimited spending types of influence on american politics the way that has you know even now have republicans in south carolina fighting each other over where is the money coming from how come we don't know who's getting the buying these ads they're fighting each other over this i think i think it was just a bad decision and congress should look into figuring out a way to adjust it will. i mean there is
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a certain irony i think to newt gingrich complaining about all these ads when of course citizens united that was his group. and all these organizations come after him and he's very upset with that. but when you actually look at that question for i think the small business people it's interesting when it comes to citizens united depending on how you phrase the question it's really one of those issues you see different results gallup a couple years ago they asked people well do you think money is free speech and should be protected on the first amendment get a majority saying yes that's true while at the same time people don't like the idea of unions and corporations having all of this ability to up so much money in it though the people are saying yes to that they don't really understand the concept because money is property well money is not speech speech is speech is a very complicated ruling and i properties in constitutional right to know when that that prop rob or i owned by people is not right that the right of property is not in the constitution the right of your people to own property and you have a fifth amendment right how ever you own the property an entity can own it and individual no that's not true you can't take property away from a state that's not
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a real person so you can have your skill that you still are you going to let milo i live in detroit i watched. a city take due process all excuse me they called it imminent domain. and they used use took property from those poor people who lived lived in hamtramck all their lives and took their property yeah it was through a legal process but the impact was that the the small people had no way of finding the craving is three hundred years of common law before this country ever reformed ignobly age that there were various ways of people to exist. it's hard these artificial i think but any let's move along the republican debate last night's republican debate two front runners basically stood out mitt romney and and and newt gingrich first here's mitt romney's fumbling his response about his tax returns. i don't know how many. so release i'll take
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a look at what the what our documents are. released multiple years i don't know how many years and and out why doesn't he start with what his father did his father released twelve years president obama released six years ago and here's here's newt gingrich flipping out about the question about his ex-wife the other. i think the destructive vicious negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country harder to attract decent people to run for public office and i am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a time feeling. so i'm wondering if a democrat or for that matter a black president because we have one in the white house could get away with either hiding his money in the cayman's or asking for an open marriage it seems to me that there's a double standard just within the party as well as
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a pleasure. for. bill clinton they went after him i was only or because they went after a day. with a prostitute and got a standing ovation i was here during the clinton. problems one after another jennifer flowers and paula jones and the next and the next and we were told consistently by every single prominent leftist leave it alone it's none of our business list focus on the important thing of course. if the chickens have come home to roost let me rephrase the question sarah palin went into the vice presidential election knowing that she had an unwed pregnant daughter if barack obama had had an unwed pregnant daughter you know how that stereotype would play you know how the racism in this country would have dealt with that and i actually know she got a pass on it he wouldn't we have the most famous staring at us like we have the most mysterious president in our country's history in terms of what the media did in providing background information we're learning a little bit and a little. and
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a little bit when you get to rezko and you get all of these it's about all we don't know is graves we don't know gives a damn about a wait a minute i'm not offended we know what you mean it's not less you know listen i listen gives a damn about a fifty year old man's grades who gives a hoot what were your grades what were your great. joint you would have to give all right yes you know no let me tell me on this i was only this i want to call everything. let me tell you something this is this is an attempt every step of the way from birth there's two grades this started with donald trump let me tell you something you do not ask a fifty year old man who by the way excuse me got a lacked it president of harvard law review what were your grades they were obviously good enough to get him in harvard they were obviously good enough for the folk to elect him to the harvard review and you don't get elected to the harvard
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law review by being a dummy. will so want to show the right because it's insulting to ask yes and just as a why it's a candidate's i mean i don't care about what his grades were but candidates do traditionally release their grades i remember when we were making fun of george w. bush for being us is didn't yes how do we know he's a c. student well one of the things then we should of elected one of the they want to overdo it in we went to what bush yeah but really it's us who sat in for him and his class. but i mean right now is that the raw and honest kids that i know a lot of kids who went to my school and you know a lot of kids went to school and they passed out the exam at home so that they could go beyond sixties and seventies rumor has it the romneys are going to show up for the monday night debate and that it might even be canceled n.b.c. is now saying it's not been cancelled but romney's campaign manager came out and said you know there's been too many these debates is like a cruise that's gone on too long maybe we won't show up for the florida debate.
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this is i guess on the assumption that he's going to lose south carolina is is romney in trouble is. might we see a brokered convention now it's going to still be a this is getting way too had just. said i mean this never goes into a delegate map and republican contest when you look at what's going to happen after south carolina the states it's going to in february we have seven contests in february six of which mitt romney won last time seventy's arizona has the support of john mccain this time has the support of chaps like romney this is still very much romney's to lose and he has all of that money you know. i would only add that to opening segment show disconcerting response he had to guess that taxes were going to be asked of if you can't run for president not be asked that question whatever answer he gives i would have thought there would have been two things going through very one was that was that was a new game which is it was contrite he knew that question was going to be answered he had rehearsed it he had it ready and he delivered it like
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a pro romney i don't know what they were to how they prepped him because he knew that that question should have been answered and you know newt gingrich. beating to the punch that's why he released his tax return is coming across like the kid who got caught with him in the cookie jar it's incredible more rumble after the break how can republicans compete with president obama's singing tell us.
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back to. horace cooper conservative commentator senior fellow at the national center for public policy research and joe madison host of the joe madison show on sirius x.m. satellite radio channel one twenty eight and will ron political reporter of the daily caller ok one last question to get to guys and here it is the president showed off his singing chops last night at a fundraiser at the apollo theater he gave his rendition of al green's let's stay together take a look at this. i was. i
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was not bad at all i was great and it looks like the president has a wild card he can play in the presidential campaign gets crazy so clearly the republicans are going to step up their vocal game too so what cover songs might we hear on the campaign trail moving forward could it be ron paul singing eric clapton's coke or mitt romney singing the famous it from fiddler on the roof if i were a threat or newt gingrich singing the stephen stills that the one you're with where the chorus i don't know maybe santorum is going to go with his and eliminate the department of education and go with pink floyd's leave those kids alone teachers teaching because he wants to do away with public schools or at least the part i heard you say should say ok joe your thoughts you know newt gingrich i have a different one midnight turning to george. i've.
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got a hope of good. will i think this would give a real opportunity to mitt romney to reach out to the youth vote and the only way he knows how and that's to wrap and i'm thinking my name is. you know on a more serious note is this the this thing is. go on you know the debate has all gone serious and we've got about half a minute here if you're just curious you think something like music some people are going to let a little bit of their personality out we remember one mitt romney last time he sang a little bit of who let the dogs out and that said if you turn out just. as a noun is a coming now you're going to see you again which is real personality we're seeing it i'm tony he's going to blow he is going to blow in and he's the nominee i just can't wait like that man like you do we're going to vote yeah ok well here's here's my choice any of my answer is rick santorum singing
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a little richard slip and slide. but he groans on that one. and so pick out any chorus joe well thank you thank you guys all for so much or for being with us tonight thank you much prefer that you. in one nine hundred thirty six franklin roosevelt was president and he spoke to the nation about a war now this was three years before germany invaded poland so he wasn't referring to world war two instead he was referring to a war with in america a war against the same economic forces that it crashed our economy a few years earlier in one hundred twenty nine and had corrupted our institutions
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of government it began in one nine hundred twenty one with a republican warren harding administration widely regarded as one of the most corrupt presidencies in american history then it continued through the republican coolidge administration and into the republican hoover administration complete with his stock market crash in one nine hundred twenty nine so by one nine hundred thirty two when f.d.r. came in the american people finally had enough to kick the republicans out of. office and as roosevelt said it is not alone a war against want and destitution and economic demoralization it is more than that it is a war for their survival of democracy we are fighting to save a great and precious form of government for ourselves and for the world. to roosevelt our democracy hung in the balance in one nine hundred thirty six and he referred to the enemy trying to destroy us to destroy our democracy as economic royalists they were the banks toure's the corporations the industrial giants of
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agriculture and machinery they were the forces that screamed that roosevelt's new deal with the things like social security were communism yes they literally called social security was communism and they fought to stop the development of a middle class through the union movement they explicitly wanted a nation made up of the very rich and the working poor these economic royalists even recruited a few hundred men and tried to get marine general smedley smedley butler to stage a military coup against president roosevelt so he really really wasn't exaggerating at all when he talked about it being a war. in regard to the tactics being used by the economic royalists roosevelt said this. way to. economic arroyo.
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claim a better way to go up. the end. of america. what they really playing. is that we seek to take away. in vain. they speak to her and find the flow. and the current. in the line. they forget what the look on the handbook this is a very important clip for us to see that that moment in this moment because mitt romney the man who will likely be the republican nominee for president is an economic royalists except today we don't call him economic royalists anymore we're for refer to these royalist as the one percent and mitt romney's trying to hide behind the flag in the constitution. here's what he said on thursday to
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a man who asked romney what he would do if you were president for the ninety nine er's the ninety nine percent. of america is a great nation because we're united nations and those who are trying to five minutes you know if you're trying to do here as our president is doing very much country seriously the right course for america is not to divide america trying to divide is between one another on ways to come together as a nation that if you've got a better model if you think china is better there's better. or north korea is better run right here i'm on your. right and you're wrong. america is right and you're wrong and if you know i can't then just go live in north korea that's essentially what romney just said. and this is the strategy of today's one percenters in this generation's economic royalists their strategy is to deny that there is any quality in the united states to deny that they live in an america that they live in which is vastly different than the america that the rest of us live in
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and they hide behind the flag by saying that any criticism of there are enormous wealth and political influence is somehow on america as romney said america is right but you're wrong. but it's a lie. if mitt romney wants us to believe there's no such thing as the one percent i'd like to hear his take on why is it that the top one percent have. when their incomes grow by two hundred seventy five percent since one nine hundred seventy nine while the majority of our incomes of fallen or why the top one percent share of national income has skyrocketed while the middle classes has collapsed or why it is that eighty percent of all the new wealth created in america since one thousand nine hundred eighty since reaganomics has gone to just the top one percent or why there are four hundred billionaires in america who are more wealth than the bottom one hundred fifty million americans combine or why the six walton heirs
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own more wealth than the bottom thirty percent of all americans or why the one percent pay a different tax rate than the rest of us a tax rate that like romney's averages around fifteen percent with no payroll tax paid one percent versus ninety nine percent it's not it's not campaign rhetoric it's not a slogan from occupy wall street it's math it's right in your face the only people in america who pretend that they don't see this conflict who say they don't see their own class warfare or the one percent themselves. according to a recent pew research center poll two thirds of americans across party lines across classes and across races strongly believe that there is a class war in america today. as billionaire warren buffett said there is a class warfare in america going on right now and it's his class the rich class the
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romney class that's winning. but i guess you can't blame multimillionaires like mitt romney or newt gingrich or billionaires like the koch brothers for not being aware of the class warfare because they live in a completely different country than the rest of us they don't care about paying their fair share of taxes to make sure our roads aren't potholed and our bridges aren't crumbling and they have their private chauffeurs their private jets but they don't care of. these budgets are getting cut they have their own private security they don't care of our public schools are running out of money and failing our kids they have their own private schools they don't care for our health care prices are skyrocketing their top notch insurance plans are just pocket change for they don't care if young men and women are being sent off to die in the middle east because they know their kids will never have to go they don't care if a generation of young americans are saddled with over a trillion dollars in student loan debt because their kids will never need a student loan. they don't care if seven million homes have been foreclosed on and
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another five million homes in america right now are on the verge of foreclosure. homes all over the planet. the one percent have already seceded from the united states which is why the romney presidential campaign is so ironic this guy doesn't really live in america at least not in the same america that the rest of us live in . the one percent have retreated to their mansions protected by iron gates and private guards and are sucking dry the middle class and then moving the money into their offshore bank accounts in the cayman islands they've become a cancer and are just as big a threat to our democracy now as they were in one nine hundred thirty six when president roosevelt first warned us about his generation's economic royalists his generation's one percenters in fact they're a bigger threat now because of the supreme court's citizens united decision because that decision has given the power to literally buy our elections to that one
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percent. and that's where we have to start right as citizens united right at the idea that corporations are people and money is speech if we hope to turn the tide in this war the roosevelt started more than seventy years ago and the warren buffett warned recently is all that lost today federal courts across america were occupied by the ninety nine percent. i showed up and helped occupy the supreme court here in d.c. an action organized nationwide by move to amend or to carry all of us forward in a struggle for democracy and an economy that benefits all americans repeat the montreux money is not speech it's property and corporations aren't people and should be forbidden from meddling in our politics go to move to amend or for more information. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered this at our website tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and. also you
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can check out our two you tube channels or the links over thom hartmann dot com and this entire show is also available free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tom hartman i phone and a brand new i pad app at the app store you sent us feedback on twitter at tom underscore armin on facebook at tom underscore blogs message boards and telephone comment line at tom parker. and don't forget democracy begins when you participate when you show up when you're out in front of the supreme court or your local federal court say no corporations are people when you go to your town council when you participate in the political process when you say yeah i'll be i'll be a committee person in this in this particular political party whatever it may be it begins with you so get out there and get active tag your it will see you next week .
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with the blood still flowing and a body count growing that arab league reportedly wants to carry on monitoring in syria despite being slammed for being totally ineffective. silenced and thrown out iran's english language press t.v. news programme gets kicked off british airways for falling foul of broadcasting last something the channels dubbed the clear abit of censorship. from a one resident out's protest against corruption and low wages turned ugly with hundreds of arrested dozens injured in clashes with police.
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