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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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i think that included the release of political prisoners and the withdrawal of the government troops and tanks from some of the towns and cities how successful the side league mission has been it's debatable we actually followed the arab league mission in the final few days here in the country now there are questions raised as to the trial and the credibility of the mission certainly seeing the way that they operated it couldn't question really just how independently they were able to operate in the country all of the sizes people were speaking to he said the arab league monitors didn't really seem to be taking in account of everything that was being said they obviously couldn't have had from every single person here who wanted to speak in another question that's raised a valid question is whether more of these monitors were needed then what is going to be interesting moving food is whether or not this mission is now extended because again very divisive at the response to whether people want that to happen
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or not some people think this really is essential to this mission continues and in fact just possibly that top i was speaking to one of the former advisors to the government and indeed the previous government here in syria we can listen to his opinion on the situation now. the situation. taking place now we are weakening syria if you are syrian and you like syria although you are your stories to where you are. you have to put in your mind that you have to work with the other side it's working with the other side. that's certainly seen in africa lation of the conflict here in the country will started off as a peaceful protest has it become increasingly armed in fact some very if you haven't owned insurgency in areas where now the government no longer have control again you've got all these different factions no one really knows anymore who has the
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voice of the people and as we've heard from a number of people we've been speaking to that really is an area of major concern. reporting right there and she is helping you stay right up to date with the latest developments in syria during soviet twitter stream you can find. reports from all across the country and also more news and analysis as always on our general twitter wrong. if.
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you're watching r.t. now the ongoing tit for tat conflict between iran and the west has now officially reached the airwaves this comes after britain revoked the license of press t.v. iran's english language news channel the official reasons given by the u.k.'s top media watchdog include a quote number of broken agreements under paid but press t.v. says it's being silenced in a quote clear example of censorship the channel alleges it's been targeted ever since it negatively covered the costs associated with the british royal wedding as well as last year's london riots filled. media analyst believes this is only the next logical step in further isolating the islamic republic. if this had been separated from geopolitics with this would not have happened and some other kind of sanction would have been would have been made and the deal would have been struck so i think the press t.v. has been viewed through geopolitical terms and that is the breakdown of relations
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between britain and iran at the end of the day i think that most of the criticisms of press t.v. ad been due to its coverage because you know it's. the middle east very differently for example than the mainstream media in britain this repeatedly comes up probably is really groups repeatedly complain about it we know very well that the british government at the very highest level was discussing with the american ambassador how to limit press t.v.'s output in britain so now what we've got is we've got a real limiting of dialogue in the me in the british media and i think that's a tragedy and certainly a tragedy at a time when british are reigning in relations are at their lowest ebb for a long long period. do you agree with president obama's the nation. iran's nuclear program on the moon . gets the iranian
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a threat transcends into the realm of fantasy as ordinary people bombarded with media has been touching a world of drones cyber war and nuclear ambition. and taming the elements in the next winter olympics host city that sort of become a haven for thrill seekers. romania is a gripped by the worst protests seen there in over a decade for the second week running people have been making a stand against the government crying out over low wages rising corruption and or thor tarion tendencies hundreds of arrests dozens of injuries were reported during the clashes with police. listen to what it is that the people are demanding. things in the streets his book arrest. protesters have been peaceful for the past few days but now the demonstrations.
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fighting as proof going out between police and protesters just behind me you can see the protesters bringing up fences and now going to expect it to clash with the police line here they've started to throw bottles and other things at the police line and they're going to chime pushy senseis into the police line now. this is a voluntary one hope that they could avoid today but the same thing that it has broken out after all there's a fence being thrown. earlier in the day thousands have poured into the remaining in capital to demand the resignation of the remaining president try and assess the opposition politicians address the crowd all that has come from all over the country that means that this
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right has begun and it must not stop until we reach what we want what we need. and some people are upset because they've lost their job service because their pension was cut and others because they're being humiliated every day but there's one thing that unites us all that we all want to siskiyou to leave. but later on the mood became more militant then old then the bankers and old factions old hospitals school children the country have to walk five kilometers through the snow to school the youth nowadays what choice do we have to go out and start to steal to start marking people for a person so we go to italy spain and germany to start to steal what for we want jobs. back what we can see some if you look over the line now so most in this audience but it being thrown. just in stages the police are trying to move forward and create a square with a meeting with
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a lot of resistance from the first test to see if. as the crowd was broken up it revealed those affected by take us. and the struggle of those seas to me. day and night protesters have been demanding big political change and romania but if this is anything to go by the road to reform will be long and hard fought tom watson. just in ten minutes past the hour here in moscow still to come in the program to you know we're looking to the ambitious new plans of the russian space agency that wants to see life established permanently on the moon but also coming for you the waste paradox. is this as you can see it's still perfectly edible and there's no sense that it should be placed in a way of the population in poverty
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a record number of people on food stamps yet nearly half of america's good food goes to waste on a daily basis we need those who live the been. us lawmakers have announced that controversial anti piracy that just later has been temporarily shelved this follows what some see as the largest ever attacks on america's top governmental and entertainment industries websites and a mass internet blackout in protest over the potential new laws the stop online piracy act and the prototype the i p act were designed to curb illegal downloading and protect copyright but critics say they would lead to censorship of the internet traffic him from the electronic frontier foundation says americans are seeing the news as a real victory in the battle for online freedom. we saw over one hundred fifteen thousand sites somehow alter their web pages or somewhat alter what their web pages
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a lot of them blacked out completely meaning that users couldn't even gets them including with the p.t.o. which is the sixth largest us this huge huge mess a message to congress you know most of the american public hadn't even heard about these bills before the blackout day and once these sites blacked out everybody started calling their congress men and e-mailing them we had e.s.f. sent out over one hundred e-mails on i'm sorry a million e-mails just in that one day google got seven million signatures on their petition and so by the end of the day we had a huge swing in congress so it was a major victory for you know online activism in internet freedom. watching r.t. live from moscow now russia's space agency's announced ambitious plans to step up exploration of the moon and is even called for the creation of a permanent base that. says it will almost also boost the cooperation with its partners in the u.s.
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and european union. of all a bit of an opera is us more of the story. really what we're looking at is the first steps towards a new chapter in the exploration of the moon of course the closest thing to us in the cosmos we really should go back there and find out more about it now what with what ross cosmos have proposed is to send two unmanned probes to the moon that will collect samples and return back to earth so that could be analyzed with the hope eventually that we can set up a permanent base on the moon now this all sounds very science fiction but it could very soon be science fact a moon base has been said that it could very well be a very good place to to launch spacecraft from could also be a very good place to build spacecraft to cause the the gravity of the moon much less than there is on earth we would get see the effect that less than gravity or zero gravity would have on a spacecraft much more than we can ever simulate on earth now this is something
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that's not only exciting. also exciting those that keep an eye on space exploration and show his genius which will first explore the planet structure in order to understand the moon's origins which will help us understand more about the earth origins we want to know how the earth came into being and the moon will help us in establishing this because it still preserve some elements that have vanished from the earth the moon's conditions for a launching space missions are much better than the earth's they're less energy consuming so it may well come at some point to building spacecraft there filling them with fuel made of water developed right there on the moon and sending them are from further space missions that's what i think it will be like hopefully lots of very exciting things that we can see coming up in the next few years there say they're hoping to these unmanned probes can be the first step towards perhaps setting up a permanent home on the moon. and he's put all of our reporting on if you missed
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something on don't hesitate to catch up with any story in particular on our website our team dot com all of the stories are always available for you. including the wonders of engineering from a u.s. spy drone one of your. invention maybe but it's called. americans the trademark of washington's overseas operations become a major tool for police. the man who will always find a use for every piece of scrap he could turn a high powered transformer one hundred sixty into a fancy. or produce a fully functioning bike. found.
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at a quarter past the hour here in the russian capital america's expanding waistline proves the country's love affair with food but almost as much as is consumed is being dumped in the trash every day bust despite statistics saying millions in the country are now struggling to put anything on the dinner plate. that the so-called dumpster divers they say that a few minutes of raking through the garbage can deliver a simple banquet. number of people on food stamps has reached an all time high more and more people are going hungry one in three americans live in or near poverty and suffering hunger in this land of plenty. in this land of plenty roughly two point seven million tons of food is reportedly raised and grown each year the same country that loves so much to consume calories. also loves to waste that. doesn't look good
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geo and although is a dumpster diver instead of paying for food he romances through garbage bags on the streets of new york city here's another to close were tons of edible food is thrown out each night i never found that's not the size of the pizza here this is a raisin reason bagel the twenty seven year old musician makes his way from the bakery to the deli there's hot food here which probably comes from a hot food bar relying on supermarket trash for his essential vitamins you know without opening the bag i can see the orange. and some other greens what we and those crowding around g.o.c. is that in a country where more than forty million people struggle daily to get enough food millions of meals are literally being wasted as this food as you can see is still
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perfectly edible and there's no sense that it should be wasted and thrown away. otherwise it would end up. on top of the landfill somewhere and estimated thirty to fifty percent of u.s. food produced for consumption ends up at landfills each year that comes at an annual cost of one billion dollars simultaneously food prices continue to rise leaving millions more on line at soup kitchens and ultimately searching through trash to be sure the documentary dive follows filmmaker jeremy seifert and his friends in the back alleys and rubbish piles of los angeles as thousands of dollars worth of edible food is salvaged it's a result of our excess we are a wealthy country and we have excess and so waste is really necessarily a byproduct of excess and it's a bad habit of sort of the spoiled rich kid as it were amid america's
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expanding climate of food waste critics say the country's overall carelessness causes ripple effects around the world it is a global market now and our overconsumption directly impacts the hungry and the poor in other countries us taking more than we need and wasting it affects the prices of food affects the availability of food so yeah i guess it was why did they make the film there was a sense of outrage at the injustice of food waste something of a paradox society defined both by wasteful consumption and an ongoing struggle to make ends meet the need to cut my expenses are first thing that goes food so the question is why pay for that which you can get for free marine upper nile r.t. new york. our let's get some other international headlines for you in brief now
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with the r.t. world update the somali government forces and african union troops have launched an offensive against islamised rebel hideouts on the outskirts of the country's capital for somali soldiers and the government officials were killed in the heavy fighting against the al qaeda linked militants is the biggest offensive on the islamist strongholds in several months. a series of coordinated gun and bomb attacks have killed at least seven in northern nigeria the radical islamist sect boko haram has claimed responsibility for the deaths that targeted different locations including police stations on the regional police headquarters the group has been behind a recent campaign of violence in the country's mostly muslim north. the company which owns the wrecked costa concordia cruise ship is facing a lawsuit in the u.s. italy's consumer association wants at least one hundred sixty thousand dollars for each passenger on the vessel many blame the captain of the ship for the tragedy
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that killed eleven people and injured hundreds more when the line they hit rocks just last week. i think it's from around the world already have their sights firmly set on the next winter olympics in sochi that's now in two years' time and the host city which has always been a low scores of thrill seekers is making safety a main priority today is on the knees but also reports on the brave men who are fighting the danger lurking behind the picture perfect mountain peaks. avalanche hunters have explosives and cannons on their side. their mission to keep the mountain be clear and see. and this is the air support. hydrogen proved cool daisy bell is deployed from a helicopter to blow up snow banks and hard to reach areas. it's been snowing
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heavily in sochi this weekend skip earth full of magnificent but what may seem is just snow to most of us can provide prize last day total recall avalon chanters lineage is the team's lead aspart he uses computers and weather stations to monitor the snowfall but being a local who's been living in the caucasus mountains for over forty years the man says there is more to his job than that you know is a living being it has its own life you just have to learn how to understand it and this in turn is only possible if you spend your life with it at times however the snow can turn nasty if there's more than twenty centimeters chances are high it's going to slide for real proves the clues are easy to discover if you know if the cargo or not we build a thirty thirty centimeter call a tall one and we hit it with a shovel exactly ten times very slightly as the calling falls apart at some point that means the snow is too soft and it will collapse the avalanche team surveys
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every new can cranny of the resort they say russians love to push the boundaries and many skiers like riding off the beaten track but safety is first that throws a holder and besides giving warnings to free riders all areas have to be avalanche free the morning survey is over so now it's time for snow angels to descend to their headquarters and pass on the good news. skipper told calling dispatch over. their known threats were given permission to lead the terrorists and started the cable cars. in february and march this resort will host international ski competitions bringing new challenges for the avalanche team ahead of the two thousand and fourteen winter games when the venue faces its ultimate test learning to tame the white beast will be more important than ever.
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our tea. party is coming to you live from the russian capital there is a wide spread consensus that certain governments on the groups go out of their way to make iran seem a bigger threat than a threat than it could ever actually be but as the practice continues public opinion on the country and ways to deal with it are all becoming but rather surrounded by fantasy parties new york resident laurie half an ist went onto the streets of the big apple to see just how far the truth can be stretched. in the case of iran's nuclear capabilities people are quick to make judgments based on what they hear in the media but are they actually listening to what's being said this week let's talk about that do you agree with president obama's initiative to monitor iran's nuclear program from the moon. yes why i think it's important to know what's going on i do yeah why well just because of the threat to the world
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what it is is the threat specifically. our safety passed out. we cannot. says initiative but to monitor iran's nuclear program from them based on the most yeah yeah i think that's crazy it's just crazy to monitor it from the moon or what they're doing whatever you believe do you agree with his program. you're putting me on you don't believe that from the moon. maybe from a satellite but i think you're putting me on would you be surprised to know that a lot of people just say by only that they agree with the program from the moon oh that wouldn't surprise me at all that people not humans are lemmings well for things i like to jump off cliffs doesn't the media have a responsibility to guide the lemmings down a better path no lemmings should have their mind of their own and they should be educated i mean people are what you do for your radio internet so it's if you know
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even if you're looking for some going of disease you know you find so many interpretations so which one is the right on this difficult yet people say i saw it on the internet so i believe it's absolutely true so it's. very hard to find the right source most people just don't have the time don't have the inclination come people there to get into it if you ever try to have a meaningful discussion with someone about politics. i try every day it's pretty pretty bad to be honest you never going to know where they were even if they did put something up there you wouldn't know anyway. we don't know if it is a year's overstress or not so yeah but do you think common sense takes over a little bit oh yes ok we don't know because that's deep space but our moon you'd think we would know. tonight they're going to look up there to see figures for the anything or make a digital camera so it seems like some people are listening to what's being said
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and i thinking for themselves let's just hope they can catch the much more subtle inaccuracy as they're bombarded with by the media every day. this is artsy in just a few moments here we travel to the land off the sharman zz the ability to talk with those who live deep inside it best spirit world that's coming your way in just a moment after a quick recap of the headlines with me wars. wealthy
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british scientists some. time to time. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. in the of the.
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news. well. it's technology innovation all the rest of the limits around russia we've got the future covered. he.
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says. and it's two thirty pm now here in moscow you see the headlines with the blood still flowing and the body count growing the arab league reportedly wants to carry on monitoring in sit inside syria despite being slammed for being totally ineffective. silenced and thrown out there on the english language press t.v. news channel gets kicked off the british airwaves for falling foul of broadcasting goals something the channels that's a quote clear act of censorship. romanians want their president out protesting
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corruption on low wages turned ugly hundreds arrested and dozens injured in clashes with police. but if you can do stay with us here on ars here now our special report we take you to siberia to learn about the local. mysterious rituals. the sons. of beriah a dusk by year in chino one of the most celebrated and experienced shamans east of lake baikal begins his shamanic rituals today's ritual is designed to invoke the spirits healing abilities and thank them for their powers at one point during the ritual a spirit penetrating by his body is expected to help the shaman deal with people's issues as well as heal them when a shaman becomes aware of the onset of the state of trance he puts on a cap that covers his eyes the cap protects the shaman from evil spirits and so.


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