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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2012 5:31am-6:01am EST

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something channels. clear act of censorship. romanians want their president out protests against corruption and low wages turned ugly hundreds arrested and dozens injured in clashes with police. but if you can do stay with us here on r.t. in our special report we take you to siberia to learn about the local and mysterious rituals. the sun sets early in siberia a dusk by year in chino one of the most celebrated and experienced shamans east of lake by count begins his shamanic rituals today's ritual is designed to invoke the spirits healing abilities and thank them for their powers at one point during the ritual a spirit penetrating by his body is expected to help the shaman deal with people's issues as well as heal them when a shaman becomes aware of the onset of the state of trance he puts on a cap that covers his eyes the cap protects the shaman from evil spirits and
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safeguards the onlookers according to popular belief ordinary people are not supposed to see the shamans eyes at such moments because this might cause them harm then the shamans crown comes into play this headgear is fashioned out of iron and has holmes on top chum and say that as soon as the invoked spirit makes its appearance in the form of a cloud the horns help guide the spirit into the shamans body. as a drumbeat quickens the nervous tension of the people gathered in the year quickly begins to peak then the drum abruptly falls silent the shaman fulls to the floor and begin spinning on it this means the spirit has entered his body video camera switched off filming a shaman in this state poses a threat to him and his audience. work
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at the russian academy of sciences is drawing to a close up valentino had a ton of a head of the unit for the study of sherman ism is inspecting the new exhibit displayed at the institute's ethnographic museum they have been supplied by scientists returning from this year's field expeditions valentino has spent years studying humans extrasensory and extra sensitive potential. cost of an hour although the way it. rituals different dependent on the ethnicity of the shell means or do here each ethnic group has its own interpretation of the spirit. or in this particular case the spirit penetrates the shuns the body in a somewhat unusual way that what it already i told peter in the shell man's mind undergoes a change which is the result of deep immersion you quit the moment she narrows he saw as it were and sublimate he's energizing powers the market of the soul leaves
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the body at some point to make room for the spirit in the bottle but then watch the keys as though the spirit occupies the shermans body while he's solely at the video from other. shermans are a rare or unusual sight in chile a major industrial city in the urals even so sherman by the name of should get income has managed to balance sherman as with life in the big city he's the latest representative of the clan of sherman's spawning seven generations for centuries siberians have become shamans when called upon by the spirits apart from his spiritual activities children come practices music in the morning he goes to his small studio in central chile where not performing his duties to sherman at the entrance to the small backyard there is an over a century for the spirits who are regarded as the local masters tour again prays to
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them and offers them gifts chairman's highly valuable support. to me is a friend of show again he's a soloist at the local opera house it took the two men a great deal of effort and time before they found a unique musical meech since then they have been creating a new trend in clubhouse music folk instruments in combination with throat singing against an electronic background the musicians feel it is now too late to develop a taste for folklore. and young people consequently they're trying to pave the way for them to traditional music through mountains sounds less the national media that when you find yourself in a trance during a ritual you suffer spiritually so to speak. after that for years it helps me withdrawal from that state. and i can't set sharman isn't my music apart i can't focus only on music or shamanism alone and. i distance myself from music each time
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i perform a ritual and vice versa. the resulting symbiosis helps me live life to the full rather than eke out an existence and is the way. the modern who are as their instrument of choice in the mongolian language modern that means folks who work means violin quite often this instrument is referred to simply as the horses fiddle each violin by as a horse's head symbolizing that the instrument is a living creature the strings are traditionally made a forced tail two strings symbolized in manhood and womanhood for that reason one of them is made of the hair of a stallion the hair of a mare is used to make the other the two strings produce a unique comedy legend has it that once upon a time there was an invincible epic hero who had a wind horse and he fell asleep enemies chopped off his horse's wings the wingless horse died the hero commemorated takes like using his head skin and bones to make
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the first mornin who are as soon as he started playing the instrument he recognized the voice of his divorce as they strung the songs on a morning for mungo's body at some two billions dedicate to their beloved steeds. go do you know throat singing begins here in the diaphragm. each time i try to produce the sound i strain my belly to send it upwards zouk i make my vocal chords vibrate a little. with the result is something like a rorschach. he. somehow i believe that sherman's were the first to practice throat singing someone themselves because this sort of sound boards off evil spirits which are trying to take control of sick people. by year inching off regularly host his patients in his little house
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situated close to the shamans yet many of them live hundreds of kilometers away probably more hear what's wrong and there isn't much help in the end and in general there is something wrong with my life he was not still name svetlana wonders and when were you born nine hundred sixty three have you had headaches yes but when did you first feel them not long ago as far as i can tell. when were you x. rayed last last spring please give me any number between zero and twelve six should you look at what was on the fourth and fifth vertebrae. all of your body's cold energies blocked by the neck bone should over full. force and you do of course your kidneys and although your genital organs are not in the best shape sheen of course. when you've got to begin with you need to have your neck bone
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fixed you little x. ray photograph of it together with the descriptions. i've brought some bought kept at home like you told me to do. ok i'll have a look for a job where was your mother bone somewhere in the crib on reachin for you know were there any priests among your forefathers in the maternal line. and they were cossacks convicts i think they were churchgoers anyway. you would just say that men in the maternal early. yes they die earlier than women do i suppose. if your great grandmother lost an icon protecting your clan's males you wish to discuss the matter with the priest what you. can do i suggest you have the i can reach toward you and consecrated you to speak you it will help you in your life which of course the one born at the right time to believe in all that but i am
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telling you that if you keep that i can in your household your son might father four boys and two girls. by year inching off finishes consulting his patients late at night his followers meanwhile get ready for a ritual to lift the curse which is weighs heavily on the men of a body at clan for many years the rituals principle target is a seventeen year old boy the youngest of the clans males according to the sharpens the spirits impose the curse and mongolia and one of the boys ancestors broke a holy birch tree many years ago. birch trees cut down beforehand have been put in the ground near the shermans year as a sign of peoples request for forgiveness for several hours these people will perform sophisticated rituals by festooning the trees with ribbons and sacred objects wetted in milk and female gated with fragrant juniper smoke. with never take off
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a cap go down on your knees to the sound of the drum beat. what a source to turn their own clock wise. as i run around the trees and stand behind them. all or. do you run around the trees three times. now circle to come three times. i went down on a nice here. in pick up the grass from the ground put in the cup and drink it on. people dig up the birch trees and again pray to the spirits asking them to accept their gifts as an atonement for a tree desecrated a long time ago the procession then heads to the sacrificial bonfires and step all
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the so-called white food like bread cakes cookies butter and cheese is tossed into the fire milk and vodka to a considered offerings to the spirits the flames of another bomb fire lick but trees decorated with multi colored ribbons all this has to be reduced to ashes but the spirits are to meet the people's requests years ago by these folks in the front with. to have extraordinary skill that's what they need to display as super sensitive reaction with the end enormous powers to influence people that the big question is how they do it now that it's in the scientists my have to wreck their brains over the problem for a long time to come the most difficult part of it is explaining it in scientific terms yum-o. go about it as an astrology just an psychologist i can say that most of these things have a psychotherapeutic effect we see in this sense any shonen is an excellent
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psychologist of yours. and psychotherapist. being a traditional sharman in a city is a difficult task sometimes children come jokingly refers to himself as a degraded schama because he can't afford to drop out of the fast tempo of modern day civilization but whenever the opportunity presents itself he heads for the holy clay he set up in the forest. before entering the forest the shaman pauses before but st which is supposed to protect his glade from troopers in the middle mist if you can just walk past this place you should give the spirits a hotdog it's a blue scarf that takes your wishes and prayers to the sky and salmon ism is not entirely native religion inch eleven sc that's why i made a point of looking for such places you put it when i was performing a ritual this bird told me to come here this birch tree has four trunks sharing one root is this is the holiest and most revered place as for the birch tree it belongs
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to a higher world with little yes no mule. although the shamanic ritual continues well into the night by year inching off gets up early in the morning as always he wants to make sure he has a good supply of firewood before the onset of winter winters in the against steps can be bitterly cold. smiling a little at go that low and that's when i first started seeing my own sisters when i was still a child about the same age as my grandson is now. and i'm against audience shamanism around one thousand nine hundred eighty eight. my first guru was to become it i woman who lived here in the against district with us a little she suggested me to eight old style retrials which no one else practiced at the time with. after she died i went to mongolia where i found another group. it was some time later that spirits began entering me. souls the fact is that each
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generation of my ancestors included telling the chairmans even all the way back to the twelfth generation of paternal relatives. and so the spirits began entering me to see whether i had a mark identifying me as a sham and or. the year. by year in chin off as a successful farmer as well as a showman he has spent a lifetime working on a farm when he could afford to buy a plot of land he did so without hesitation it is a place where several generations of maternal relatives have been buried they built a shaman's yurta and started to farm chairman ism and farming together is not an easy task and by it has to work hard he can't remember when he last had a day of rest but he considers himself a happy man despite the rigors he now has more than one hundred fifty sheep and goats by years even playing with the idea of buying
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a felt making machine by years farm was ravaged several years ago by fire but even that never stopped him from abandoning the land of his ancestors building a new house took him a lot of effort he set up a said the traditional body up tethering post near his house it indicates that this land has an owner.
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a grand gathering of by year's followers is scheduled for noon give gainey been the cradle of lives near the border with china has covered three hundred kilometers in order to see his good. and i revealed some talent when i was still a child but i thought everybody could do what i could there when i was thirty three years of age something began tormenting me i decided to give vent to my gift i turned to people i knew priests some lamas the lamas made some calculations and told me that my ancestors were bloody at sharm and they also suggested i find a guru for myself into a bad time i didn't have an idea who shamans were i had only seen some in films i had serious doubts about my future when i came here after all i was a thirty three year old christian russian but i thought i must respond to the call of my ancestors for the sake of the children and their future or you know it was my
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turn to do the work. today sherman's get together to discuss current issues share plans for the coming week and find out details about the journey they're going to make soon once the meeting is over they will set out on a journey to a mountain shermans regard as a holy place a ritual will be performed there as always by year inching off is happy to see his followers all of them have taken different paths because they face the group black shamans communicate with the spirits there to the right of by then they need to lose the tambourine why charmin is established contact with the gods there to the left by their hands rest on ritual canes with bells. by inching off was the first to begin reviving shamanism beyond lake baikal after a long period of oblivion during the first russian congress for the study of sherman ism play in met with michael hahn a legendary american anthropologist an organizer of the foundation for sure manic studies on it was so impressed by. he has talent that later his foundation awarded
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the siberian sherman the title of living treasure sherman is. now the gathering is over the shermans are about to set out on a pilgrimage to mount such an eye they will cover at least a hundred kilometers two lowlands mountain passes and heavy going forest parts. known of by chin ups followers has been here before this is one of the most private places to give the guru his show money powers it has been considered one of the sacraments of barrier chairman ism for a very long time a tall cliff bears what looked like two dry and ponds carved out of rock legend insists shermans will live as long as these ten fingers so that. the legendary female sharman in jim on is buried on the opposite side of the slope of the grave of czar in bor a great chairman who went through all nine stages of the initiation procedure is found nearby they say that in the old days such sherman's merged with the spirit
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during the ritual to control the weather travel over long distances here even levitation hollerin over the streets. after a ceremony by here in two aides go to the base of the giant pad weaker and less experienced chairmans about from here and with good reason this area's spirit is too powerful. and long lost the chelyabinsk shaman to again come his reach the sacred played here in the thick of the forest he's built a set of ritual installations with his own hands and summer time the season packed with chamonix rituals stays in a tent just outside the glade for weeks on end. and. receive food in this special place here we light up the bonfire made of a certain number of branches for example seven layers of branches symbolize the lower world seen it just
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a ritual to exercise the souls of sick people were choir seven such layers. the sick person uses a spoon to offer the spirits whatever is in the pulley holds in his hands as the shaman sings to invoke them for you to preserve i do. but when there is milk in the bowl the sick person's thoughts are focused on what he could get in return he might ask the spirits to get rid of his ailments give them luck or wish him a good journey. or with a new one. the place where bump lies a lid is sacred to again comes here in here before the onset of winter to clean it up and remove the ashes left over from the summer time rituals. after the cleansing procedure again spreads a mixture of rice and beads across the clean spot in this way the shaman asks the earth and local spirits to forgive him for the inconvenience before he is about to
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leave the forest again collects fur tree branches and carefully covers the on gone with them the on gone is an image of the thai gods ruler carved out of a pine trunk the symbol of a spirit is supposed to guard the blade against intruders. we see to it that he keeps warmer winter we don't want him to freeze when we want him to stand on guard even though he never sleeps unlike other spirits they rise to the sky to live there until the arrival of spring is in the. modern day scientists have not given up their quest to understand what happens to shannon's when they're in contact with the spirits they want to know whether shamanism is not some sort of myth created by a group of mentally imbalanced people research was done several years ago with both the institute of neurophysiology and higher nervous activity and the institute for ethnology and anthropology the russian academy of sciences the buddhist certainly shelly the so-called neo shamans and urban shamans were involved in those special
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experiments to me you shall months represented and your generation option an extradition hole in the mix here is a demonstration of an experiment in the presence of a large audience just the lucy of these experts start in shamanism represent a number of countries giving him some money as my. instruments are attached to the body of the new year shomer the border guard they will record the state of his blood vessels this is now this somewhat all devised on his head is a special catch designed by one of our offices doctors can go on from month to month creative act is an act of affectation that is to say he needs to work himself up into a state of ecstasy. after that all processes inside his brain slow down especially those connected with speech yes in the city too easy then the brain begins to function in a fashion which is not characteristic of its normal activity in the city d.s.d.
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in other words the man activates the brain's right hemisphere particularly its frontal lobes which are responsible for his creative thinking. man's put themselves in a state where they see a pattern of personages they met to program a law in the existence of such personage as models and picture them in their mind's eye it's a curse on the e.p. it's must be said that later the person ingests overpower the châlons. with it does not say however the key thing is not to love that person is to gain the upper hand of them their new view that the boy. children become the showman chelyabinsk is in for a hectic day he will travel five hundred kilometers to. the site of the ruins of the legendary town across the boundary separating europe from asia perform a shamanic ritual near the site of an ancient settlement in recent years are
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a must become popular with followers of all the satiric schools they believe that this is the site of the world's largest geological rupture some are even competent the mountain which again is going to perform the ritual that actually a volcano that erupted millions of years ago but she again takes a skeptical view of those theories he is more interested in the energy generated at the juncture of europe and asia he will try to evoke the local spirits here his hope is that they will help resolve a problem affecting a sick man. down the ritual follows a standard scenario the shaman gradually enters a trance the tambourines rhythmic tempo quickens and the shamans movements become ever more abrupt. people own home. mom back. home.
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the tambourine falls silent the shaman rides with convulsions this means that a spirit has entered him as a rule the showman knows which spirit is invoking what he can expect of it this time however something has gone wrong. blood begins trickling from the shaman's mouth is sagging legs hardly supports him has a limp surround the bonfire producing in comprehensible sounds all ruling like a beast. somebody has fainted everybody becomes jittery no contact with the spirit is likely to take place today. the tension dies down a few minutes later when a spirit in the shape of a shaman accepts a gift and begins gesturing as he squats near the sick man soon he rose again and vanishes in the dark.
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soon again is found lying face down in the snow he has absolutely no idea of what happened to him only a short while ago. it's even so the ritual has to go on a spade with a hundred full of red hot coals taken from the bonfire is moved close to the shamans face as the sick man looks on the shaman grabs the coals shows them into his mouth and choose them and spits them out into the snows how many ailments have been defeated in today's ritual depends on the number of coals to choose by the showman. through the before door again manages to overcome his method to go to mt show monk up to thank the local spirits pray to the sun mother earth and above all else be eternal blue sky this is how boreal epic literature describes it the eternal blue sky is without beginning or end it moves
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without the support of limbs it brings peace wealth and happiness to the land and it prevents school and disease and tames fire and floods which is the mode of earth and water multiplying with it since.
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with the blood still flowing and the body count growing the arab league reportedly wants to carry on monitoring inside syria despite being slammed for being totally ineffective. silenced and thrown out iran's english language of press t.v. news channel gets kicked off british air waves for falling afoul of the broadcasting laws something the channels adopt as a quote clear act of censorship. romanians a wonder the president out protests against corruption on the low wages turned ugly with hundreds arrested and dozens injured.


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