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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2012 1:31pm-2:01pm EST

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we should stop it where hundreds take part in a rally against joining us out of sunday's membership referendum. within the e.u. itself more and sturdy uyghur with protests of the romania the bloc second poorest country leading to the patients with the violence of more than a decade. more stories in half an hour's time for still on the show stay with us. our guide for time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're going to get to
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the current g.o.p. front runner mitt romney may be riding the republican think it's next november but there are some serious questions about how we matched his wealth and what he's done with it since most recently everybody's been asking about asking him about when he's going to with his tax forms but since he's been dodging that one and not very well by the way he decided to take a moment to bash newt gingrich last night when it comes to the history of congress . which you listen to in my view and the speaker's rendition of history go back to one hundred seventy eight is involved in a watch and is in my view a perfect example of why we need to send a washo someone who has not lived in washington but some of us live in the real streets of america. lived in the real streets of america without the wall street maybe some beautiful street a gated community i think we all know that you are the furthest thing from a real american that one could define it just because you worked in the private sector doesn't mean you know anything about what it's like to be an average
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american being born into political royalty making millions of working at a venture capital firm bain capital doesn't make you understand the experiences of americans now to do huge i'm talking huge houses in utah new hampshire massachusetts and a couple in california and a net worth estimated at around two hundred fifty million dollars but for some reason missing to think that you know taking the ned flanders route will you know it's going to help them beat the other candidates and connect with voters take for example this scene from a group chat at a coffee house down in florida over the summer. because. we were. thank you were very greatly excited. he's on linked in you are right that service for the common people now he also remember when he made that speech in new hampshire where he said that he too has nightmares about being
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unemployed i know what it's like to worry whether you're going to get fired or a couple of times i wondered whether i was going to get a pink slip. ok mate if you're so nervous trying to sell or to excuse me if you are so nervous try selling some more of your homes to help you or your family get by but i've joked aside somebody please let him know that we're just not buying it he's the first rather the g.o.p. because there's nobody else not because he's somebody that the people can identify with so i'd say just drop all this ordinary person crap and just be yourself this be the of see me rich successful mormon from massachusetts who's running for president but i'm not his campaign manager so somebody else needs to let him know of the flip flopping between businessman and ordinary guy is getting really old and in the meantime mitt romney will once again earn our tool time award for continuously trying to be somebody that he's not. well the city of chicago just got a little less free thanks to mayor rahm emanuel and i knew all the current struggles mayor and former chief of staff to president obama has just want to prove
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little from the chicago city council for a draconian set of anti protesting ordinances the reason here is to prepare the city for the onslaught of really scary international protesters that are going to flood in for the g. eight a nato summit scheduled to take place this spring in chicago or as the police chief describes them quote people who travel around the world as professional an artists and writers and a bunch of wild anti globalist anarchists now of course the politicians in chicago chose to conjure up images of the wild and are kids protesters of your and out peaceful occupy chicago protesters who will also be at the summit but emanuel is really just taking a page out of the playbook of many cities before it drumming up fear to make a grab for power and grab he did it through the ordinances passed this we granted manual sweeping new powers including us a little army he's going to have you off there already to deputize law enforcement personnel from the d.a. that's the eye of the a.t.f. the d.o.j.
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the illinois state police and quote other law enforcement agencies determined by the superintendent of police to be necessary for the fulfillment of law enforcement functions and that last part is pretty good wrong hire blackwater for example well with language we really don't know which is alarming to say the least and what a proper crackdown be without increase or valence of course this is also going to increase video audio and telecommunications equipment to monitor the city and also increase the minimum fine for resisting arrest from think the dollars to two hundred dollars but the kicker is that they make sure to throw that in for the purpose of this ordinance where the definition of resist will mean a passive as well as active i want you to perhaps the most infuriating part of this new ordinance to average chicago residents is that rahm now has the power to outsource city services to private companies and then. vidas sure insisted that company that taxpayers will foot the bill of any lawsuit associated with those services has been our harcourt the guardian notes it's
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a perfect example of privatizing the profits and socializing the costs now what's truly alarming about this is that most of these nice new powers they were even expires after the summits are over the specific contracts that involve hosting the nato and g e g eight summits expire but the newly expanded police powers increased video surveillance or changes to the process of acquiring permits well those are unfortunately forever now because of rahm emanuel chicagoans rights to free speech will forever be a little less strong now thankfully the new laws are being challenged by occupy chicago so we will make sure to keep you updated on any developments in this case. well it's now been two years since the supreme court handed down its decision on its citizens united allowing the floodgates open for corporate spending in our political system and today protests took to took place across the country and action called occupy the courts here in d.c. protesters gathered on the steps of the supreme court and were met with the police presence and arrests august when dennis can say it's been
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a while introduced an amendment yesterday to have a supreme court decision overturned saying that because of citizens united american democracy has been put on the auction block so two years in public opinion soured enough for the overturning of citizens united to actually have a chance joining me from our studio in los angeles is john a motto founder of crooks and liars john i want to thank you for joining me tonight and first of all let me just ask you know we have seen some effects obviously citizens united especially in the midterm in two thousand and ten more money spent than ever before but do you think that we've seen the worst of it yet or is it just the tip of the iceberg. it's just the tip of the iceberg and thanks for having me on it's really it's really cool to be with you in the amount that money that we're going to see coming in the general election is just going to be obscene and you know what's been really good to me larry as and you've even seen it yourself is that nuking bridges been complaining about mitt romney super pac money those at this point since we have the republican primaries go in the best in each other with
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all these anonymous corporate donations i mean it flipped the election for romney even though romney now officially didn't win iowa but it destroyed gingrich at the millions and millions of dollars of negative ads run so he's the first recipient of this ruling against the republican and it's truly quite really sickening to be honest with you that myself and there's new polls released today that the choice that actually a majority a two thirds of small business owners are really upset with the citizens united ruling that americans are just sick and tired of money ruling politics and really ruling their lives in this decision on the anniversary tomorrow notice in south carolina with their primary goal and that's the anniversary of citizens united well i'm curious about that so you mention of course that mitt romney and newt gingrich have been complaining about citizens united and the influence of outside money john mccain has even said his little piece about it why the republican side and we you
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know suddenly they have a dog in its fight and they're unhappy about it because they finally have seen how it actually works you know mitt romney and newt gingrich is actually have actually been the victims are they or are they trying to play into where public opinion is starting to happen. well you know if you followed newt gingrich is very surly he's he's angry all the time i mean he's made his bones in this campaign basically attacking the media writes if you dare to ask him a question he just immediately turns arms of asking the question so but i do believe personally because he is trying to win this nomination and he's very upset that the money's being spent the against him because he can't match those funds i mean nobody knows where mitt romney's super pac millions and millions of dollars are coming from i mean there could be millions and millions of dollars coming from the mormon church in utah do we know that no where are these donations coming from you know the it's what citizens united did you know and americans are starting to
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see is it just it destroyed decades and decades of legislation that tried to stop this corporate money influence in our politics and in our election process we already knew that it was in the legislation process which drove that which drives americans crazy so newt is actually i think is very few areas because it's really for warding him at this point but do you think that i mean you know two years ago when the citizens united ruling was made i feel like americans were pretty divided on it sure there was a large group that was incredibly angry and couldn't believe it but there was a lot of support and so now we've seen that change in the public opinion polls now the majority of americans actually know about citizens united think that it's having a negative a fact according to a recent pew research poll you think that occupy wall street had from a fact and changing perceptions. absolutely it's been a great you know that has been a truly grassroots movement outside of the foley tea party astroturf thing that the
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koch brothers help start but it definitely is shaking up the whole political establishment at this point so now this ruling itself as you saw we've had we had the occupy the supreme court and by the way notice the police presence immediately do you remember during the august town halls of the tea party people did you see any police in those meetings where when the politicians and democrats were being spit on they were being chased out of those halls where were the police raided you see tasers you see here are canisters a smoke that you see people getting injured because of the police presence no but suddenly a real grassroots movement now we have this incredible police presence try to crack down on legal protests so you know it's it's really a shame but it's the occupy wall street this is a no other aspect that will keep now the movie you know percolating because we have the winter going on back east and it's going to be really bad you can't really occupy parks out in the cold war with time but this ruling now today is going to
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a lot of new groups forming to start pushing for amendments to the constitution whether it's in your state in some states already have them and also the congress itself to do it. overturn it might take time but we need to start somewhere and today and tomorrow is the days that people are actually starting to take a real big actually i mean do you think that it's actually do a lot because as i mentioned there are the a number of amendments already introduced in congress congressman dennis because dennis kucinich has introduced a new one yesterday over fifty three councils across the u.s. have already passed their own resolution so he thinks that it's really possible of another and i meant the constitution here. well i mean it is possible it's not going to be easy but it least you know we can start with the occupy movement on the local level and then it percolates up. i born to a political pac or blue america pac and we raise most of our money online so
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basically all the candidates get almost one hundred percent of the money we don't really it's not like a packet you would say you know we pay each other it all goes to the candidates and alan grayson who's running for reelection you know when he was in car he authored a bill that basically said listen if you should be forced to disclose who your donors are and so that would be a great start we can get if we can get these little pieces of legislation passed in congress even if we don't overturn it entirely right away it starts chipping away at it and the public now is seeing the results of what citizens united you know here's a quickie right now there's a real anti-abortion activist randall terry and what he's doing is running for president which he's that doing it to run for president but because it is citizens united ruling he's able to put these disgusting off. on television forty five
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days before an election and they are uncensored and he can get away with it because you say he's running for office so the special interest groups are going to start littering our airwaves with political ads that are basically special interest ads that have no censorship and that the stations are forced to run because they can afford to buy the spots and i got to tell you are white house me as a as a running out of time gavino you are right i think you're going to start seeing a lot of examples of that at the same time you know the public mood is shifting and i think that this is a step in the right direction in atlanta thanks so much for joining us tonight and thank you are very much. are just ahead of the show my fireside friday and then happy hour why am i so i mean the host isn't too fond of stephen colbert campaign for president in south carolina and one local news station gets creative when they can't bring their cameras in a quarter of one of the. today
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. james pointed out. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing the fortunes of. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then you've lived something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't i'm sorry.
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for your media. it's nice biased but if you are who. things happen that completely challenge the status quo and the business as usual style here in washington was
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a massive protest all my all the phones like congress know that sopa and pipa will not accepted by the people so let them know that this is taking it a step too far when you mess with the internet we all noticed now we detail the numbers the names for you on this show of who dropped their support both in the house and the senate and now both of these bills are shelf for the time being even the mainstream media and republican presidential candidates are forced to take notice just think about what it's one day of protests that were starters there is no way that there would have been. question about sopa and pipa at the c.n.n. debate without this ron paul who's going to get sober from the start you can bet a big answer from the other three candidates on that stage they would have been a lot different had they been asked about a week ago so it's a good feeling although it is a mean of the battle to crush sopa and pipa is completely over i do think that those who participated can feel proud real a sense of accomplishment but i think the challenge now is a look at this protest and see where else and how else it can be applied because we
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have to as well so we've seen one single day of protest for so many politicians to change their minds or at least adjust their opinions to reflect those of the public and the four months since the occupy movement began we've definitely seen a change of rhetoric the focus has shifted from debt ceiling and deficit talks to inequality and unemployment and what people actually need but it took four months and there is still a long hard slog of an acting the change that we really want but to push through protests when people also didn't happen over just one single day for months we detailed every blog every legal scholar every think tank think tank every major tech firm that started chime in and put the wheels in motion for what january eighteenth would become but it was january eighteenth blackout day that made all the difference and i think that we need to start realizing the power of the internet gives us all the excess ability and the ease of it means that you don't have to organize large numbers bus them into a city to take to the streets anymore you know that no way discounts physical
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public protests i think we need more people to take to the streets but the internet is a really good way to get those who otherwise would have stayed at home would have passed to actually take part reaction some people question whether this is really the power of the people this week that force congress to take notice or the power of one giant industry the tech industry taking on another and to be honest here was probably a combination of both blackout day would have been what it was and google and wikipedia and others not taking part and it was about time they did something with it after all this is like their big. since it was a joint effort who collected over seven million signatures in an online petition against so plentiful thousands of people called members of congress in some cases even overloaded their website so let's stop this from happening again and for a different cause why can't we mobilize the same numbers on the internet to protest against and vote for or corporate money corrupting our political system is the i think but we can't i think that we all need to realize of the tool that we have at our disposal to realize that this pressure can still work without millions or
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billions being spent on lobbying so let's just be the first step in reclaiming our power and reclaiming our influence over what we the people want over those who we elect are supposed to represent us because even washington can't ignore the internet anymore no matter what they do to try and stop it's continual expansion they're always playing catch up technology will still out run legislation so let's use that to our advantage and we'll oh it's you and seven. guys time for happy hour and joining you deceiving us are two producer jenny churchill and sam facts producer for the big picture with thom hartmann thank you anyway good. news i don't see him. and he doesn't even know that need to get his i
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know you laughing at my reputation proceeds of you ok let's just start with a little something that chuck todd who we make fun of a lot of them with a beefy had a little something to say about stephen called bear when he was asked about it at a university panel and just take a listen. but what he's doing now. is a year to the process yes the process is a. but he's doing it in a way that feels as if he's for a new influences. with his origin. already and we. are going to hear he's also seems to be doing his best to marginalize the republicans. goes on about how he's making a mockery of the system yada yada yada how they're comedians but they're not just comedians anymore and they should be called out for what they do when he gets they approach you because there was
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a republican. i mean how dare someone come from the outside of this race and try to influence this race with money how t.f. they do that because this is such a pure clean says so clearly right or marginalize very middle of the road candidate but i mean how do you hear someone point out that down things people say and the dumb ways he says he makes me just like chuck todd what he's saying is he's like they're making fun of us the media we should be able to critique them clearly because they're getting bummed about it it's like you obviously can't take a joke and you don't get the fact that these guys they are comedians and they're providing very necessary satire if you ask me and. this is why you're going to get made fun of more for making statements like that if you take it so seriously a great group. or let's move on through puppet court sometimes you know local news needs to cover
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a story that's taking place in the courts but they don't allow any cameras in and so this local news team got really creative. a lawyer chap conversation played in court where county employee kevin kelly jokes with kelly devorah about the possibility he picked up from a hooker in vegas if you do it of. course you won't do it. what do you like better the herpes or the the muppets puppet one i don't think they're mutually exclusive i think it's the puppets talking about herpes really that i like you can talk about herpes you know keeping it is you have to bring muppets into it i think oh i think it's the best thing i've seen i mean this is the way to do forget the sketches. he does or screwing the exam room t.v. was just blown out of the why who cares about your c.v. now we have a puppet that's actually it was good it was good with creativity let's move on to these crazy ads that are out there these are put out by
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a group called physicians committee for responsible medicine and basically they're telling you that if you ever eat cheese you're going to be fat that's your abs on cheese and those are your thighs on she which you know i love cheese i can't live without it she. just lets ideas but you know what it's a lot more things than just cheese that's probably. whole other range of things are unhealthy not exercising maybe bad genes you know automatically going to have a stomach that's taken from the cheese i just think it's the wrong message to send what i think this is even if the change is good this is the first shot fired and what's going to be a war because the american gary farmers have a lot more money than this profit group that's right now it's quacks people it was much more i just said you know irresponsible medicine i'm sorry first of all really keeping children complex by showing them that by and saying this is going to be you and nobody's going to eat string cheese instead of sitting like more apparent supposed to pack in lunch you know what i mean. yeah.
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i guess i'm sure you want to there but a lot of plenty of she there it's just a little misleading yeah i think there will be a rebuttal and you'll have probably women in suits just swimming in the church he's just eating tons of cheese by the americans you know like that idea i wanted to call him here today and i'm going to do it now because of this i do it a couple week which. i'm addicted which seemed. really great let's take a look at the new girl in lego that they're making. lego friends this is partly what he kept me from going to a party at the new cafe with night to live he. still looks at the beauty shop styled and ready to go. to cafes because they see. all right the
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same group is really pissed that they're making gender based lego is because lego are supposed to be for everybody and how they're how dare they market it to girls. what do you think about that jenny well i think it's insane that people are upset that like i was finally paying attention to girls when they've been ignoring them forever with the star wars in the whatever and i loved all that stuff i did we hear the lego that obviously i did too but i think that now they're finally wanting girls you know reaching out for girls like those and people are upset like when are people ever happy as the resident lego expert here i think i completely support this move and would like more women playing with like goes for ok but they don't have to market them specifically to women i think if we got to wrap it up as we're out of time thanks for joining us and i will see what to think now some of the.
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technology innovation. elements of. the future. all. of.
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them. will. have. to. hold. on.
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here. is the mess when an overwhelming majority of egypt's first parliamentary election since will power it was the code for most of the brotherhood takes hold most votes . the future of the arab league mission in syria conflict we know saying your service presents with a few clients and others criticizing the group for a lack of progress. police paf with protesters in the croatian capital where hundreds take part in a rally against or do you think you were head of sunday's membership referendum. within the e.u. itself or anti austerity rage with protests in romania.


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