tv [untitled] January 21, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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more open democratic society not just one of these of course is expected to attract tourists which is a very important part of it gyptian economy because tourists don't want to go to the country where they are forced to cover their faces and hands of course since moved in brotherhood just supporting the supreme council of armed forces that took power from mubarak last february the minister that has been the backbone. egyptian politics since the fall of monarchy in the nineteen fifties means that the minute you will stay longer in power and this is of course something also again something people here in egypt are not happy with because they say they want to do the revolution in two thousand and eleven to get rid of the key to shape and they don't want another one which is a miniature dictatorship right now this is how they take the things in egypt right now so again we can expect protests and tensions between ministry and people on the
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streets to escalate. in a reporter at the jerusalem post he's written extensively on the muslim brotherhood says islam is coming to power in egypt is the kind of democracy in visage during last year's revolution people have called for democracy in egypt this is the result when people call for democracy may not always realize that the electorate has a very different vision of how they would like their society is run than in other places such as western europe we have islamist hard line parties coming to power and it's going to be an earthquake for both egypt and for the region the muslim brotherhood has been preparing for this moment for decades they have a very detailed agenda for how they wish egypt to look like and it's a very different egypt from what we've known until now it's going to be a much more religious conservative place and much more hostile to the west. the arab league is deciding what to do next in syria where air for reports can be
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verified the violence there remains unabated it's rumored that the group will extend its observer mission in the country because they think the presence of monitors has reduced the crisis in some areas r.t. sorry for his following the situation from damascus. the arab league ministers going to be meeting to present their findings on what's been happening ok in syria and to discuss what their next move will be now the arab league mission in the country to oversee the implementation of the arab peace plan by syria's government now among other things that included the release of political prisoners and the withdraw over government troops and tanks from some of the towns and cities how successful this arab league mission has been to play simple we actually followed the arab league mission in that final day here in the country now there are questions raised as to the neutrality and the credibility of the mission certainly seeing the way that they operated it couldn't
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a question really just how it independently they were able to operate in the country all of the sites reports of people we're speaking to he said he didn't really seem to be taking in account of very thing that was being said they obviously couldn't have had from every single passenger he wanted to speak in another question that's raised about this mission is whether more of these monitors were needed then what is going to be interesting moving forward is whether or not this mission is now extended because it can very divisive as a response to what the people want that the hospital not some people think this really is essential to this mission continues and in fact just possibly that tarp i was speaking to one of the former advisers to the government and indeed the previous government here in syria we can listen to his opinion on the situation now . the situation.
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taking place no weakening syria if you are syrian and you like syria. where you are. you have to put in your mind that you have to. go. that's a funny thing and after all the conflict here in the country will started off as a peaceful protest that it become increasingly to fight very if you have a nandan. now the government have control over again you've got all these different factions no one really knows anymore who have the voice of the people and i think that from a number of people we've been speaking to that radio is in the area of major concern. so r.t. sarraf worth reporting she's currently visiting different parts of the country sending updates on the latest developments. in that all. the most recent post is from the town of the southwest of the country the scene of heavy fighting he says
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right now there's an. controlled by the government controlled by the armed opposition he says the locals there were main worry about the violence could flare up again. mccurry capital zagreb police of clash with protesters trying to pull down in florida add the country's membership referendum sunday recent surveys suggest forty percent of the population are against joining the european union for more insight on the story i'm joined by international polar belgian member of parliament thanks
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for joining us here on r t so why does curry show still want to join the bloc do you think it's they think it's a ticket to their prosperity. it certainly was their idea when they started the accession program in two thousand and three i mean those are almost other times but you do not change a process like that overnight and also you should not forget they're an economic crisis bad as it is and even though terrible for some people it does not last forever so our country thinks also of the long a future so the depression now at this particular moment is it good for qureshi joining not at this exact moment when the opinion itself is in deep crisis well that is a big question the thing is of course the dead now would say no we are druther wait in my den waiting for ever and that's a risk led probably i mean at least the political class aggression doesn't today because what strikes me is that all political parties that are present in the
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parliament powerful e.u. accession all the manifestations that we see are done by people musicians who are not represented in the parliament yet they represent some forty percent apparently because opinion polls all the people deny that so the worrisome thing for corroboration the political class indeed of those opposing membership are worried that being part of the union will mean a loss of sovereignty how much of a voice do you think horatio will have if it joins the e.u. . well crew asia is of course a small country i mean they probably want to get there but they can all make integration it's looking at their northern neighbor and went to austria to begin with it but. positive or negative the extra accession of a personal kind of that will not have a major impact not for better or for worse whether it will know the major impact on croatia that is and that i think will be the case and for the moment it does not
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look like it's going to be very beneficial for the christian people indeed. and what does that mean you have to gain with couriers membership in the block well added that apart from having an extra. long list of their markets let's not forget that the european union despite what some people like myself would like to be is mainly a near liberal economical and to price so that said that sin and asset you have a bigger market but it's also way off for integrating the bulk and so let's not forget that i mean the new us. in a pseudo new causal role are also waiting to get into. in union in the coming years so creation is in except for integration of the balkans yes let's turn to the euro zone now we're seeing fresh and higher starting protests in portugal portugal greece cannot control come to terms with its international
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creditors and is on the brink of bankruptcy there where do you think all this is heading for the eurozone. talking about the eurozone but talking about those countries have the euro because which is not all members of the european union but for the eurozone it does not look good in the in the i mean when it's a bit it all started in two thousand and three things look to quite different so will it last or will not last i mean people who claim that they know what the future of the user is going to be i mean that we don't we don't let's not forget they can on which is not the science it's mainly a lot of it is just a. guess. and my guess for the moment is that it might fail but although i have always been a tepid support of the euro i hope not because the alternative is even worse or i want to leave it there former belgian m.p. a lot of analysis experience i believe in by. romania which is one of the newest
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members and suffering its worst protests in years for the second week running fallon's of people are demanding the resignation of the government and the president romanians have been suffering under harsh austerity measures imposed in order to secure a cash injection from international creditors artie's tom barton has more from bucharest. things turn nasty in the streets as book arrest. protesters have been peaceful for the past few days but now the demonstrations turn violent. fighting as proof going out between police and protesters just behind me you can see the protesters bringing up fences and now that is expected to clash we define these line. they've started to through all tools and other things that the police line and they're going to chime pushy senseis into the police line now. this is
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a voluntary one hope that they could avoid today but it seems that it has broken out after all as a fence being thrown. earlier in the day thousands that poured into the remaining in capital to demand the resignation of the remaining president try and assess coup opposition politicians address the crowd will that end you have come from all over the country that means that this right has begun and it must not stop until we reach what we want but we need. not going some people are upset because they've lost their job service because their pension was cut and others because they're being humiliated every day there's one thing that unites is all that we all want to siskiyou to leave. but later on the mood became more militant. the bankruptcy bill the french use all the hosts. schoolchildren the country have to
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walk five kilometers through the snow to school that the youth nowadays what choice do we have to go out and start to steal to start marking people for a person so we'll go to italy spain and germany to start to steal what for we want jobs we can see some if you look over the line now some of the missoni that it being through. just in stages the police are trying to move forward and clear the square with a meeting with a lot of resistance from the protests to say. as the crowd was broken up it revealed those affected by take us. on the struggle of those seized. day and night protesters have been demanding big political change in romania but is this is anything to go by the route to reform it long and hard for what tom bought. later today max kaiser and stacy
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herbert compared the economic crisis to the recent kosta cunt courtier cruise catastrophe focusing on captains are battling financial ships the full program coming up in about fifteen minutes here's a preview. so this captain schettino he's brought to shore he's now everybody knows he's abandoned ship his excuse kosta can cordie a captain says he tripped and fell into lifeboat and that's the reason why he abandon ship that sounds exactly like the excuses that lloyd blankfein and jamie dimon gave to congress i tripped and fell into tarp that well the algae would be the one that they always is is the market did it this guy saying he tripped into the lifeboat and so all the way and lloyd blankfein and jamie diamond are saying well the market accidently made me a billionaire i don't know if that up or. the
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u.s. congress has yielded to massive online pressure temporarily shelving to controversial anti-piracy bills is follow some of the largest ever hacker attacks on america's top government and entertainment industry websites and a mass internet blackout in protest supporters of the laws claim it will help protect copyright online but internet giants google and wikipedia say it will halt the free flow of information lawmakers stressed that although it's delayed the initiative could be revived trevor tim from the electronic frontier foundation says the laws were not just aimed at fighting piracy. unfortunately the provisions were written so broadly that they would probably end up censoring millions of innocent users who never even thought about copyright infringement and the worst part was it wasn't even a stop on mind piracy. you know the bills didn't go directly after the owners of the site they kind of went around everything around it so it was going to be censored domain names or they were going to be delisted from search engines on the
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orders of the government or corporations were going to allow be allowed to cut off payment process or an advertiser from these sites just basically an allegation in and out of post court order and then again there was going to be broad immunity for internet service providers to enforce these bills so they could end up over blocking sites and capturing innocent users and even blocking sites voluntarily just on the unofficial orders of corporations so that there was a lot of a lot of free speech problems with these bills overall goal of stopping online piracy you know it's it's something everybody agrees with but the way they want about it was just completely. expansive and quite frankly ridiculous stay with us here on our t.v. plenty were coming your way this hour including this. that the media have a responsibility to guide the lemmings down a better path no let me should have their mind of their own to explore how people are or how ready people are to believe made up stories when you throw in the much
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hype the right the resident federal veridical out on the streets of new york. city elements in the next winter olympics host city we need the people on a daily patrol hunting out how to land shoes and ensuring safety for skiers. but first russia's announced plans to build manned research colonies on the moon the nation's space agency's view in partnership with nasa and counterparts in the e.u. to put men back on the lunar surface permanently or peter offer explains how scientists hope exploring the moon will help us better understand life back on earth. because most want to send first of two unmanned probes to the surface of our nearest celeste steele neighbor and take samples bring them back to earth so they can be studied and analyzed with the hope eventually that we can set up a permanent base on the move now this all sounds very science fiction but it could
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very soon be science fact a moon base has been said that it could very well be a very good place to to launch spacecraft from could also be a very good place to build spacecraft of course the the gravity of the moon much less than there is an earth would get see the effect the lesson gravity or zero gravity would have on a spacecraft much more than we can ever simulate on earth hopefully lots of very exciting things that we can see coming up in the next few years there said that hoping to these unmanned probes can be the first step towards perhaps setting up a permanent home on the moon or until that happens moon bases our science fiction for an hour though some people seem ready to believe anything especially if you toss into the mix a long considered threat artie's laurie harford has checked it out on the streets of new york. in the case of iran's nuclear capabilities people are quick to make judgments based
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on what they hear in the media but are they actually listening to what's being said this week let's talk about that do you agree with president obama's initiative to monitor iran's nuclear program from the moon. yes why i think it's important to know what's going on i do yeah why well just because of the threat to the world what it is is the threat specifically. our safety has that. we cannot. do you agree with his program. i think you're putting me on you don't believe that from the moon. maybe from a satellite but i think you're putting me on would you be surprised to know that a lot of people just say by me that they agree with the program from the moon oh that wouldn't surprise me at all that people not human their. will for things they like to jump off cliffs doesn't the media have a responsibility to guide the lemmings down a better path no lemmings should have their mind of their own and they should be
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educated to them and people are watching t.v. radio internet so it's if you know even if you're looking for some going of disease you know you find so many interpretations so which one is the right one this difficult yet people say i saw it on the internet so i believe it's absolutely true so it's very hard to find the right source most people just don't have the time don't have the inclination come people there to get into it if you ever try to have a meaningful discussion with someone about politics i try every day it's pretty pretty bad to be honest you're never going to know anyway even if they did put something up there you wouldn't know anyway. we don't know if he has a year's overstress or not. yeah but do you think ahmanson think that over a little bit oh ok we don't know because that deep space but our moon you'd think we would know. tonight they're going to look up there the c.v.
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goes for they know my digital camera so it seems like some people aren't listening to what's being fed and i thinking for them south let's just hope they can catch the much more subtle inaccuracy as they're bombarded with by the media every day. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe starting in nigeria where the death toll after a series of coordinated gun and bomb attacks has climbed to more than one hundred fifty people radical islam a second boko haram has claimed responsibility for targeting different locations including police stations and the regional police headquarters the group which is behind a string of bombings in the region recently claims the attacks are in response to authorities refusal to release their members from prison. nearly two dozen occupy protesters have been arrested in san francisco after demonstrations turned violent several were arrested after refusing to break their human chain blocking
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the headquarters for the wells fargo bank some demonstrators also tossed furniture off a hotel rooftop organizer said the protests coincided with the u.s. supreme court's decision two years ago to remove limits on how much money corporations could donate to political campaigns. the yemeni parliament approved immunity from prosecution for president ali abdullah saleh was due to leave for the u.s. to seek medical treatment he's been accused of suppressing protests and killing yemeni people however those working under the president could still face legal action solly will formally hand over power next month after thirty three years at the helm of his country and is expected to return to oman after his stay in the u.s. . well heavy snow was always good news for skiers and snowboarders but could also spell danger for thrill seekers or he's done his blonsky talk with some of those fighting avalanches in the host city of the next winter olympics sochi. so chiefs avalanche hunters have explosives and cannons on their side. their
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mission to keep the mountain peaks clear and say. it's been snowing heavily in sochi this weekend skip her for a magnificent but what may seem is just snow to most of us can provide prize last day total recall avalon chanters the avalanche team surveys every new can cranny of the resort they say russians love to push the boundaries and many skiers like riding off the beaten track need is the team's lead expert he uses computers and weather stations to monitor the snow fall but being a local who's been living in the caucasus mountains for over forty years the man says there is more to his job than that the snow is a living being it has its own life you just have to learn how to understand it and this in turn is only possible if you spend your life with it at times the snow can turn nasty if there's more than twenty centimeters chances are high it's going to
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slide for real proves the clues are easy to discover you know if the back and he will have a thirty by thirty centimeter color a tall one and we hit it with a shovel exactly ten times very slightly as the colon falls apart at some point that means the snow is too soft and it will collapse the morning survey is over so now it's time for snow angels to descend to their headquarters and pass on the good news. ski patrol going base badge over. their known threats were given permission to lead the tours to start the cable cars . in february and march this resort will host international ski competitions bringing new challenges for the avalanche team ahead of the two thousand and fourteen winter games when the venue faces its ultimate test learning to tame the white beast will be more important than ever. r t sochi.
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four available for you a click away twenty four seven that's at our website dot com here's what's online right now see how waste is being put to good use in the art world we meet a russian artist turning industrial scrap into a modern masterpiece. and one of the world's most valuable books are rare a first edition of a nineteenth century masterpiece depicting a life sized north american bird species goes under the hammer at auction for almost eight million dollars. and i'll be back with a recap of today's headlines in just a few minutes stay with us here on r.g.p. .
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thirty pm in moscow the zero blinds islam is when an overwhelming majority in egypt's first parliamentary elections since hosni mubarak was booted from power a year ago the muslim brotherhood captured almost half the seats in the lower house i will hold its first session in two days. and the future of the arab league's mission in syria caught between those saying the observers presence reduced violence and other slamming the group for lack progress of. friends members meeting in cairo to discuss whether to extend the monitors work in syria and. police clashed with protesters in the croatian capital where hundreds take part in
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a rally against joining the e.u. ahead of sunday's membership referendum recent surveys suggesting forty percent of the people are against joining the law. and in the e.u. would solve more anti-us territory anger protests in romania the block second poorest country leading to its worst violence in more than a decade thousands took to the streets demanding the resignation of the government and president for more than. kaiser report coming up comparing mutiny on the bounty to mutiny on the bountiful this is our team stay with us.
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