tv [untitled] January 21, 2012 10:18pm-10:48pm EST
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we don't always. hear but do you think common sense takes over a little bit ok we don't know. but our moon think we would know. because. so it seems like some people are listening to what's being said and i thinking for themselves let's just something catch the much more subtle inaccuracy parted with by the media every day. in the us an increasing number of people are struggling to make ends meet supporting their own needs or for that matter an entire family is proving to be a growing challenge and as our time is more important i reports those who can't get food stamps are looking down every avenue for nourishment. the number of people on food stamps has reached an all time high more and more people are going hungry and
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one in three americans live in or near poverty and suffering hunger in this land of plenty. in this land of plenty roughly two point seven million tons of food is reportedly raised and grown each year the same country that loves so much to consume calories. also loves to waste that. this isn't like a geo and although it is a dumpster diver instead of paying for food he wrote through garbage bags on the streets of new york city and there. were tons of edible food is thrown out each night i never honestly thought of the people here this is a reason reason to go the twenty seven year old musician makes his way from the bakery to the jelly there's hot food here would only come from a hot food bar relying on supermarket trash for his essential vitamins even without
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opening the bag i can see that there's an orange out for. carson and some other greens we and those crowding around g.o.c. is that in a country where more than forty million people struggle daily to get enough food millions of meals are literally being wasted because this food as you can see is still perfectly edible and there's no sense that it should be wasted and thrown away. otherwise it would end up. on top of the landfill somewhere and has to be the thirty to fifty percent of u.s. food produced for consumption ends up at landfills each year that comes at an annual cost of one billion dollars simultaneously food prices continue to rise leaving millions more on line at soup kitchens and ultimately searching through trash the big show or the documentary die follows filmmaker jeremy seifert and his friends in the back alleys and rubbish piles of los angeles as thousands of dollars
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worth of edible food is salvaged it's a result of our excess we are a wealthy country and we have excess and so we is. really necessarily a byproduct of excess and it's a bad habit of sort of the spoiled rich kid as it were i mean america's expanding climate of food waste critics say the country's overall carelessness causes ripple effects around the world it is a global market and our overconsumption directly impacts the hungry and poor in other countries us taking more than we need and wasting it affects the prices of food affects the ability of food so yeah i guess it was right to me because there was a sense of outrage just as food waste something of
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a paradox society defined both by we still consumption and an ongoing struggle to make ends meet writing because my science is the first thing that goes through so the question is why pay for that which you can get for free or in upper nile artsy new york. well plenty more stories available for you on line twenty four seven here's a bit of what we're reading for you on our web site and don't. forget russia's marine ski ballet trip is a grounding articulates tool to learn more about their triumphant performances check out our arts and culture section online plus. you can control national team of scientists has suspended study of a deadly mutation in chicago one bird flu flights to find out why would somebody. else. feel. well look at
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some other stories making news around the world we begin in nigeria where the death toll after a series of coordinated gun and bomb attacks has climbs to more than one hundred fifty people the radical islamist sect has claimed responsibility for targeting different locations including police stations and at the regional police headquarters the group which is a behind a string of bombings in the region recently claimed that the attacks are in response to authorities refusal to release their members from prison. nearly two dozen occupy protesters have been arrested in san francisco after demonstrations turned violent several were arrested after refusing to break from their human chain and blocking the headquarters of the wells fargo bank some demonstrators also threw furniture off the hotel rooftop organizers said of the protest coincided with the u.s. supreme court's decision two years ago to remove limits on how much money corporations
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could donate to political campaigns. the yemeni parliament has approved immunity from prosecution for president ali abdullah saleh who is due to leave for the us to seek medical treatment he is being accused of suppressing protests and killing yemeni people however those working under the president could still face legal action sol a will formally hand over power next month after thirty three years as ruler and is expected to return to oman after his stay in the u.s. . the russian city of sochi is the host city of the next winter olympics and it's making safety the main priority heavy snow is usually good news for skiers and snowboarders but can also smell spell danger for the thrill seekers. joining those keeping the mountain peaks clear of avalanches. so cheesed avalanche hunters have explosives and cannons on their side. their mission to keep the
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mountain feeds clear and see. it's been snowing heavily in sochi this weekend for. what may seem is just snow to most of us can provide prize last day to the local avalon chancers. the avalanche team surveys every new concrete any of the resort they see russians love to push the boundaries and many skiers like riding off the beaten track lineage is the team's lead expert he uses computers and weather stations to monitor the snow fall but being a local who's been living in the caucasus mountains for over forty years the man says there is more to his job than that snow is a living being it has its own life you just have to learn how to understand it and first and turn is only possible if you spend your life with it at times the snow can turn nasty if there's more than twenty centimeters chances are high it's going
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to slide for real proves the clues are easy to discover if you know if he will like a thirty thirty centimeter call or a tall one and we hit it with a shovel exactly ten times very slight me as the cold falls apart at some point that means the snow is too soft and it will collapse in the morning survey it's over so now it's time for snow angels to descend to their headquarters and pass on the good news. ski patrol calling dispatch over. where you've been permission to have the terrorists and start the cable cars . in february and march this resort will host international ski competitions bringing new challenges for the avalanche team ahead of the two thousand and fourteen winter games when the venue faces its ultimate test learning to tame the wide beast will be more important than ever tennis ball ski our team sochi.
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we have seen the damage it has done to the gulf environment and on her make off with her props we do not want any more new media molds. of course it's just those a good sportsperson i'm just i'm just appalled and that's a lot of good mom. to me or even just unfortunately because we don't know it's and there's no labeling here for the music and the birds we experience the music to be. observed nothing. more than the. birds in smoke.
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it's going to feel. in broadcasting live directly from the heart of moscow this is our seat glad to have you with us and let's take a look at her talk of. islamic parties when an overwhelming majority in egypt's first post reported the elections claiming more than seventy percent of seats and all of the. gods are cast over the arab league mission in syria with critics questioning the group's independence prosecutors say their presence has helped fuel the violent. elites clashed with protesters encroachers capital zagreb where
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hundreds gathered to rally against joining the community where head of the country's membership referendum. coming up on our t.v. we look at how it shifts of power in georgia touched upon the nation's cultural life leaving many talented musicians and artists out of work that's in our special report. the. give us. your flutes. mosco the fashionable new thing as a cetera renounce georgian artistic director robert stuart was presiding over addressing the shakespeare's the tempest no so long ago he was forced to resign from his post as a director of a leading states that is into pleasing god half. the british invited
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me to london to see a future with the plan was that i will stage a play there again twenty twelve. today stuart a has to stage as productions of. the international association of theater critics is up in arms over his exile. it was. then dismiss it out of the store out was the price about political demonstration the next day off today he was forced to resign thousands of people during a rally in central tbilisi in front of the face of. the company released a statement saying they can be no other artistic director than steward of the theater. in one of his earlier comments president saakashvili said the intelligentsia should be flushed you know just like when you flush the toilet the leaders of many state sponsored theatres were dismissed and the mikhail saakashvili nearly the entire faculty of the conservatoire and the academy of ops
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were placed c.e.o. professors in almost every university were forced to retire. the town glory capital of the georgian province of sheed a complex. of gori intellectuals have been discussing psych us release latest decision. how do bitch is feeling a young and ambitious journalist is filming another story about roberson with georgia's independent media has been focused on his expansion. the trial of the t.v. company was founded in one nine hundred eighty nine. jumbo net just really started
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the venture with a video recorder and a transmitter both from the phone can barely any money and even less experienced. juggling everything with his own hands sheer infusing hasn't kept striving for over . ten years later everybody enjoys a small t.v. company. we can when we get experiencing very serious problems off of the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three. and the following year defense minister across really tried to talk us into selling that company to him we turned the request down that was when the problems began piling up the interviews were now off limits georgia mists they were all from d.c. not been humiliated in public were. in the summer of twenty ten a goodie government decided to remove a monument to stalin from the town central square journalists wanted to cover the
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story when both supporters and opponents of the demolition gathered on the square. that reporters wanted to present was an objective story by filming both sides but they stood no chance. of blame clothes police men came up to us and told us not to film anything where they prevented us from performing our professional activities they attacked me and my cameraman we were detained and our camera was confiscated. after the square was cleared of demonstrators opposing the demolition the camera was handed back to the journalists and released from the police station . we were able to film this part but when they gave the camera back to us something was missing they had to leave it the footage of the rally against the monuments demolition. the only part left was of these pro-government activists
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applauding that it was never john doe interest police motive to make trial at a t.v. an opposition media but for several years now government officials have steered clear of his talk show. we make no distinction between the two sides we invite both of them to go on air but the fact is that the opposition comes here and the government keeps away but it's why the government claims that we're in opposition channel but that's not true local officials turn down or imitations because they've been told by higher ups not to give interviews to our journalists or appear on our programs. or journalists from this regional t.v. company about even from the building housing the local administration they are denied interviews and accreditation to important events. despite all the problems the t.v. company is still in operation with news bulletins going out daily. the arrival of
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the political scene has thrown georgia's authorities into total confusion. millionaire did seen a vanish billy has invested a great deal of money in the georgian economy but soon after he announced his intention to stand in the next presidential election the country's government stripped him of his citizenship the following is an excerpt from national news first formal press conference held on november the first twenty eleven. he really now the need for the people to regain a lost sense of justice is of crucial importance now how do what even sack us release inner circle is stricken with terror there is no trace of self-government everything is in the hands of one man it's not easy. incidentally there was actually a time when those young people who are now in the government were in the pay of ivanishvili but essentially he funded the state machinery he has built theatres
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among many other things. seventy year old artist taymor as good sad as it has been great expectations only vanish really he also has a serious burn to pick with the present day or forty's taking rounds was unceremoniously fired from the academy of fine arts after a professional period lasting many years. i spoke out against the regime in public i gave interviews i didn't keep silent. they summon the chancellor and this is what he said to me afterwards but you don't let us live this is because i was there. i may have decided that giving me the sack was the easiest way of resolving the problem. tamer has lost his job but not his workshop so he began to devote more time to painting however there's hardly
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a place in today's georgia where he can show his paintings to the public georgia is not a wealthy country and there just isn't enough money to support. museums can barely make ends meet. do your campaign seek to create the impression that all is well in the country. do you know what kind of a nation is in the making. a handful of people or well all of well everyone else lives to ensure that launch has a cushy existence. three. as his wife marina is an actress she's employed additional time most of you only see her well robert stewart was artistic director for decades. this is one of the latest newspapers roberts truro writes in an article that we've seen a ivanishvili will emerge victorious team or as an i.r.
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oppositionists he writes that unless saakashvili leaves his post of his own free will he will face the same fate as colonel qadhafi and i write that between ivanishvili took his stance in the right place at the right time. when george's ministry of culture fired robert stuart arena and her fellow actors of the theater took to the streets about five thousand people turned out to express support for their favorite director. of all the traffic in the afternoon in front of the playhouse with brought to a halt. we met face to face with the spectators who had adored roberts throughout all this time the actors were wearing such t. shirts as these are these words i mean i'm fired i like the expression on his face he seems to be saying i'm fired so what after all his work lives on.
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the ministry of culture is officially excuse for his sacking xenophobia. still ahead ask cyprus really why he made a secret of his army. to work. with the man who keeps his father's nationality or secret of some of the wealth so the big question is who is more xena fardy were. the president and supposed to hide anything. and were someone asking him why did you make a secret of it. during a theatre festival in germany german september twentieth eleven members of the
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international association of theatre critics interviewed about the story for an hour asking him about the details the conclusion about his misfortune was made in an open letter in support of rudd stood. at another from the theatre at the proctor for freedom of expression we have been duped it is by the way that mr threw out from his post by the georgian government like so many people around the back we feared that the government had knew with certain statements attributed to the us as a pretext to put punish a critical voice from within that if the community. could leave the protests the letters by the states actors nor a direct appeal by international organizations could make the georgian government budge satisfyingly never forgave the director he saw as undesirable.
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in the system or i think it was a very good way to end more involvement with the theatre. it's here it's a pickle for the theatre it's a cheeky artistic director out of the tradition stands with him and now it's my turn to be kicked out and i'm glad that i was kicked out by the government not by the actors dead would have been a real catastrophe for me. today robert stewart a works abroad and he had plans to stage shakespeare's tempest in moscow's etc theatre six months before he was exiled. bottom of the problem too are but this is the problem and man expelled from his home together with his daughter of you for being driven out of hugh senses of flu. viruses but after. many reviewers thinks do it his production is actually about
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himself prosperous the play's main character is an avid reader scholar and artist but you give him a lan expels him from his home town because he fears the prosper will strip him of power. and there's even to cry to deceive the brewer to us to son i to the winds whose pity sighing back again did us proud loving wrong. steward a hopes he'll be allowed to stage productions in georgia. but this is impossible for the time being. george's best theaters are run by the government the ministry of culture has no intention of funding stewardess productions. i won't give up so easily i will survive this trial.
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georgia's capital tbilisi has acquired a new look a nuisance moves the city's spirits and its unique architecture and restored central tblisi attracts many tourists however several streets are still massive construction sites. which is what if you're going for a scone you'd see the city's historical sense that it would be good if they don't really care about its outskirts. give e.s.d. is one of george's most successful restoration architects the old central areas of several towns simply revamped. that he began his restoration work in the ancient town of signatures. the joke was nowhere near the scale of to please see but back then it was the first time that several
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neighborhoods were restored symbols and mystery. then the amount of work and its intensity were overwhelming in the beginning. of the project and nearly nine months of continuous work. we only slept three or four hours a day. though despite all the difficulties we completed the job successfully. be today is one of george's tourist attractions while architects were trying to improve the town's appearance the residents had no idea of what was really going on behind their backs before restoration work began the small shop in central signal was taking enough.
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