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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2012 11:18pm-11:48pm EST

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yes the proposed legislation. and the laws have passed well out media copyright holders to shut down whole swathes of the rap pulitzer prize winning political cartoonist mark fiore believes it's all part of a show put on by in effect government what i see is the congress of the united states is largely a do nothing congress in the face of economic calamity and this is really been their attempts to say hey we're doing some about the economy we're going after all this on the entire thing which really you know is not as big of a problem is they're making it out to be so you know yes it's terrible but they would do a hell of a lot better if they went after offshoring jobs and you know things that really made a difference in the economy you know in a more large scale so i think a lot of this is grandstanding and it will continue to happen i mean there's you know there are going to be government terms that blocking the internet or
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controlling the internet you know it's so now to be in trinity you know it's always going to be intense but that's way issues like this and movements like this and you know people coming out to speak out against this are important i don't want to give your opinion on the protests that have washington reeling or read up on the anonymous hacktivist group there's plenty more on our web site at r.t. dot com. thanks. and as the web users across the world rallied to the cause of freedom of speech they may now have an unlikely ally iran's english language news channel press t.v. has been kicked off the bridge airwaves and after so it's called a clear example of censorship fishel reasons given are a number of broken agreements and fine the press t.v.
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says it's being silenced or it's sounding believes it's being targeted for its highly critical coverage of issues ranging from the cost of the british royal wedding so last year's london riots. author and. press t.v. is yet another victim going campaign against iran. if this had been separated from geopolitics no this would not have happened and some other kind of sanction would have been would have been made and the deal would have been struck so i think the press t.v. has been viewed through geo political terms that is the breakdown of relations between britain and iran at the end of the day i think that most of the criticisms of press t.v. has been due to its coverage because you know it sees the middle east very differently for example than the mainstream media in britain repeatedly comes up approaches really groups repeatedly complain about it we know very well that the british government at the very highest level was discussing with the american
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ambassador here how to limit press t.v.'s output in britain so now what we've got is we've got a real limiting of dialogue in the me in the british media and i think that's a tragedy and certainly a tragedy at a time when pretty sure relations are at their lowest ebb for a long long period. crowds of storm to have waters of libya's ruling national transitional council in the revolutionary held of benghazi they were protesting the slow pace and the direction of the reforms by the news there were these demonstrators who sounded metal bars at the building breaking windows and damaging the heart and to see chairman doujin the young man venting their anger at the level of compensation which you see from the interim leaders or injuries sustained in their efforts to oust moammar gadhafi western companies meanwhile have a lot of media bombarding the state with offers to rebuild the infrastructure their governments helped destroy our use of small boy has more. they may have how bring
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down the house. but they were very careful not to burn bridges as libya rises from the ashes of civil war and become trees the poor boy into the fire and now lining to cash sheen i'm doing the believe that russia benefited more than all others from trading with that office was it was very widespread fear and simply it's simply not true in two thousand and ten moscow was number seventeen on billie's the previous main trading partners accounting for just zero point four percent of its international trade the countries that had the largest trading volumes we've got to leave a clue surprisingly the money that spearheaded the campaign against the european union the united states and turkey and they're all on our jostling for contracts to rebuild believe via some of them how to destroy your. being very good to good. american business style is still a bit of an oddity here but it's already catching up construction firm on our
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richard peters arrived in tripoli just before their pricing just steal a multimillion dollar contract because of his government the war and peter sixty quid incarceration threw him off track but now he hopes to make up for it i don't condemn anybody even the people who work for here you could have a. if you don't work for it what do you do try. to reach companies also involved in rebuilding iraq and afghanistan after the u.s. led invasion and lead to its familiar turf even says the country's business potential make shamble over other post conflict areas there's nothing. you know if you compare it to like the united states everything they need everything we have you know everything there infrastructure has to be totally redone. all the facilities you know and some of the things we were told you know was executive with golf courses theme parks americans are not the only ones just looking for food called turkish airlines was the first to resume commercial flights to tripoli
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they're now packed with businessman scouting for opportunities. even during good at this time turkey was pretty comfortable doing business in libya and was tripoli's fourth largest trade partner lost here but many now hold even better deals following its early recognition of their problems there it is definitely from have a strong push for relations with this is. what gets confesses to him and he says he's dreaming for the business. he only wants or still for small wonder it claiming their business interest in libya or russia and china both countries for vocal in their opposition to the use of force in libya a stance that has already backfired most russian companies who did business in libya prior to the war are still has written to sound personnel back x. peretz warned of a waiting game may not be it gas strategy. we're going to lose
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like we lost iraq syria and yemen will follow the sea they can drive russian others out of the market and then take advantage we have to work there we will take measures we're going to enter those markets but the ones losing the most ugly. themselves in two thousand and ten their economy grew by about ten percent and reaching out anything like god growth now seems as having a load as building the country from scratch subway car to the ship. they had as bang to rights that was the reaction of a top former british official as he admitted that moscow car the u.k. red handed spying on russia has come six years after the kremlin first presented the allegations of how a fake rock was being used for our desire bennett has a story. it's not exactly the most glamorous of james bond gadgets but he
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didn't in this fake stone was a high tech transmits of british spooks used to spy on russia yell occasions from moscow have always been dismissed but six years on there is rock solid evidence the u.k. can no longer deny tony blair's former chief of staff's come clean admitting british spies were caught red handed perspire rock was embarrassing they had us bang to rights clearly did know about it for some time and had been saving it up for a political purpose. the embarrassing revelations confirmed the findings of a russian television report in two thousand and six that showed this video of a man slowing down and looking at the rock as he passed apparently an agent beaming top secret intelligence from a mobile computer to a digital drop point concealed in the stone another man was filmed picking up the rock and collecting the data. the moment of was the one behind the exposé and left
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no stone unturned. at first ducts i thought it might be a fix or it were a political game but we cross checked everything with multiple sources and it turned out to be true some footage we didn't include in the film was particularly convincing for example there was a video of a british spy you relating a friendly account that carol's hidden under a tree and still was lying your by hugo wanted it to look natural works and pretended that he needed to take a leak n.e.p. right in front of the camera before picking up a stone and we. thought it was his word against theirs britain physically denied the allegations tony blair laughing them off as russian propaganda the truth was buried inside the u.k. secret service headquarters supposedly never to be seen again so after six years of dodging the bullet wide net it now they're very embarrassing but i think that the british government has decided to buy guns and bygones and say ok we made
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a mistake. and we want better relations from now on so i would see this as a first step on the road. this is the home of britain's spooks m i six the government is abroad their job may not be secret but how they do it is or at least should be so the embarrassment of these are relations is not so much the spying itself but the fact they were caught doing it the post cold war agreement supposedly forbids britain and russia from spying on each other no doubt they'll be more careful from now on either bennett london. yes they are to interview with a top american lobbyist as well as all the weekend sports news with kate for that all of bring you up to date on our top stories of the week stay with us.
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a little. leisurely.
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welcome back to you what you are seeing here is a look at the top stories of the arab league is set to decide whether to give a go at to another month of the euro monitoring mission and see. while the opposition wants the un security council to get involved. pushed to the edge of the internet or rocks in a furor over plans to expand web censorship striking back after the internet why blackouts and massive attacks. israel anyway talk tactics over
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a possible conflict in the gulf as they gather forces at ron's borders call that leap of paris and spoil them far go over to ron's alleged nuclear ambitions. out of the media public anger spills over hundreds of rested and dozens injured as police well violence amid a massive ongoing at a government protest. i want it comes to big money america's politics lobbyists are the people who know exactly how words jack adam often used to be one and he now tells us why he thinks washington is corrupt to the core. i'm sitting down with jack abraham off once the most powerful lobbyist in washington referred to as the man who bought washington he brought government officials in order to gain political support for his clients in two thousand and six he was convicted of ripping off his clients jack abramoff served three and
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a half years in prison guilty of conspiracy fraud and tax evasion mr abrams thank you very much for coming since your release from jail you've been very vocal about corruption in washington i read your book and i got a sense of your frustration about the fact that while you were sent to jail people involved in the same corrupt practices are sitting pretty in their offices on capitol hill well i'm a mum is frustrated that people didn't go to jail or prison and prison is not fun and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. i guess what i'm frustrated about is that when they had my hearings and trials and when i was sent off there was a big exclamation and celebration here that they cleaned up washington but in fact they didn't clean up washington and so when i came out after rethinking my life and what i was involved in i decided that they want to clean up washington and i would
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help them figure out exactly how to do during that senate hearing when you were publicly bashed by the senate is what were you thinking what were your thoughts as you faced the distinguished panel well i probably was thinking they were a little less distinguished than others were thinking i was reminded can simulate by every word of their moment they were among the many who participated in some of the corruption that they were accusing me of when one of the senators a senator campbell was accusing me of corruption and wrecking the democratic system i was thinking back to the breakfast i. had with him a couple of years before where i handed him checks from my clients as contributions and he said that they would never have a problem with his committee so i was thinking that basically about each of them i didn't know a lot of them personally because i had people working for me had a staff of about forty lobbyists and some of them knew the people who work for me but. i found the whole thing to be hypocritical it was a kangaroo court and it was
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a show people say you were in a tory it seems your ability to buy them first of congress how did you do that i don't think i was necessarily except on the margins much different than most of what goes on here but what happens here and what's unfortunate what i did in terms of pushing over the lines even of this activity is lobbyists and people want something from congress raise money for congressmen give money to congressmen in terms of political contributions meals for them take them golfing take them on trips take them the sporting events and i probably did more of it than most did and i pushed over certain lines that are in the sand and broke the law but it is something that goes on far too often in washington he once said and i found it very very interesting that that once you just a moment you offered a job code congressional staff or you own them right there was no greater control that people could have over congressional offices than to have the head of that
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office know that they're going to comment a few months to come work for a lobbying firm from that minute on those people are focused on that lobbying firm their clients and it's not just me i saw it all over tell me it's not something i bet it it's something i noticed and something that i propose now to get rid of banning people who work on capitol hill who are members of congress from ever joining the lobbying industry or the influence industry in america what did your clients want by investing in politics by investing in you well mostly my clients want to the federal government not to. get all over the back and tax them and. they're businesses most the lobbying is defense keeping the government from doing things the industries and companies and they're likely to want to help them avoid going to exacerbate what i've got presented in a bunch of indian tribes and the way i got into it the first representation i had with the tribes was to stop the federal government from putting a thirty percent tax over the gross revenues of their gambling industry so what was
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interesting about your case it was not just politicians who cheated but also you cheated your clients namely those indian tribes with gambling interests who paid humanely and probably i think it was a good idea it was guilty too was some of the efforts that we did for the clients in their states were to stop their competition from taking away their markets they would crash their competition yes we would attack their competition and we would do everything we could to keep them from invading the market of our economy and that's normal in america fortunately for better or for worse that's not something we we made up we're going to have any regrets about doing that well i think some of the day i regret using the political process as a weapon against competitors because at the end of the day i don't think the government should be used like that i didn't have a problem with it then and i shouldn't even if we're talking about millions of dollars in contributions it's still peanuts for any big corporation it's a tiny fraction of what they make teaching get
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a sense of how powerless average americans are when being trained so big guys like that are at stake on capitol hill well americans have a very tough time competing with these special interests special interests coming with a lot of money and you're right it's a miniscule amounts of money compared to what they could do and some of them do a lot of money but it's still a small amount of problems the average citizen here is not engaged politically and when they're able to bring in money and influence members of congress to vote on things that are not good for the country and not good for the general interest because somebody with a special interest. pushing on it that's where the problem starts so what i propose in my book from the effort that i've been engaged in since prison is a way to separate money out of politics here and basically to say that if you're a lobbyist or you're somebody who's trying to get something from the government here you may not give a dollar or logically of any time and that's one of the poor things that i've proposed to clean up the system i think is very important because the end of the
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day political contributions in a pie give you something if you're a congressman and i give you a contribution and i want something from you that contribution may not be called a bribe but it is a broad at the end of the day how many members of congress are involved. corruption like having bribery like that well i mean ultimately every member of congress is taking a check a contribution from a lobbyist or from a company or from a union or anyone who needs or get something from washington whether it's conscious or not they're involved in it hold some of you can't accept something from somebody without unless you're if they're all doing well yes absolutely they all do and what i'm saying is you can't as a human being if somebody gives you something you're going to feel gratitude and even if you don't do with that person once right there and you say look you can't buy my vote for two thousand dollars and most of them say that of course but the issue is if you do something nice for me in my heart i'm going to have to kill
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a little bit better about you and what i'm saying is that is the moment of the problem and for a public servant with all the crimes that you committed there's still a sense that you were used as a poster boy kind of a scapegoat for the corrupt system that is very much alive and kicking i want to ask you about the supreme court decision from almost two years ago that it allows on limited campaign contributions a lobbyist must be really happy about that decision some are some are you i think the decision was for the most part of very good decision basically said that people shouldn't have the right to get money constricted i don't have a problem with that but i have a problem with. it's people who want something back getting money even a dollar that's the difference with me now corporations that help with corporations but you are contradicting yourself you were just talking about how any contribution can be seen as bribery and now you're saying no being able to funnel as much money as you will on these perfectly fine in today's politics you know i don't think so i think people should have the right to get think of unfairly has this night i mean
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not to expect anything in return one on one why should you expect something in return there are a lot of people who give money in this country by the way because they like the ideology of the candidate they're like the candidate themselves they're not going in there and asking for a grant or tax break or a contract most people don't do that but it still contradicts with what your saying a few moments ago and that is with any form of contribution is constantly a big contribution an elected official finds themselves in a situation when they told their benefactors if somebody is worth a trillion dollars they live in some form in kansas and they never have any contact with any congress or ever and they see some congressmen they love may want to give him a million dollars because they think they're fantastic and they never ask for a thing from their person i personally think that's all right they are going to be very hard to track down though you ask possibly i've talked i've talked to law enforcement about this about my ideas and the laws are set in place i think that they are capable of figuring it out that decision boldly created
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a further complication in my view in the sense that it brought corporations them as a possible donor to political efforts and again trying to think it effectively legalized this corruption in washington i think corruption is legal in washington right now thousands of people close to the streets across america to say no to jack paper amounts to say no to corrupt politics same washington do you think there is a chance that action like that that awareness like that can change anything i think the occupy wall street movement had behind it some good as things home is that they didn't organize themselves like the tea party. did which was politically tea party movement had a dramatic impact on the liason election and probably will still in this election and i've spoken to so the occupy people quite a lot and told them that until they get themselves organized politically they're not going to be meaningful because in america street protests are really mean and people don't like street protests in america first of all the destructive there's banda lies thing that is unsanitary things that go on and most americans in
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repelled by that what most americans will respect is political activism unorganised nation on the left or on the right now i think that there is anger out there that hey we don't have a money tree hire a lot of youth. well but that might not be a bad thing but. you know american people don't need lobbyists they need to organize themselves i think that in america getting into first of all class and b. i think is very dangerous we've seen that every great. toll of carrying movement in certainly in the twentieth century started with class and instead of class and b. they are focused themselves not on those who succeed but those who cheat to succeed in the sense of using the government and using the state to make their lives easier to make more money and there are plenty of those that get it like like i did like i help my clients do and like every lobbyist helps their clients who unfortunately had it not been for the jail time which you've been just this week painting as you are now if i hadn't had the well if i hadn't had been destroyed i would love to sit
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here and tell you i would have all my own come to how bad this was and you know i should have been doing i should have been involved in that kind of lobbying but i'm not going to lie to you i would never thought that i thought i was doing the right thing that's the sad part of it all for me so as i look back i would have stopped i would have still been doing it instead of sitting here with you i'd be sitting on capitol hill negotiating something for one of my clients. took my getting killed for me to come to the realisation that the show had been there what do you plan to do. in the process. possibly want to have a t.v. show thank you. it's to. let things. this is claude. allen sitting on the edge of most hostile
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presence and. mixing reality as nothingness. but if you enter this time of. the mystery of supernatural. shaman of siberia. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry for the big picture. books. wealthy british style sign. such
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a. hot. market. can't find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two crimes a report on r.g.p. . the arab media said to decide whether to give the go ahead to another month of their monitoring mission in syria while the opposition wants the u.n. security council to get involved. closer to the edge they don't add iraq in a few over plans to expand web censorship striking back up with internet while blackouts and massive hacking attacks. israel and the us talk tactics over if possible complicate the gulf as to gather forces out of ron's borders while the e.u. prepares to lower the bar over its nuclear ambitions. or maybe
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a public anger spills over a hundreds of arrests of and dozens injured as police paul violence and a massive outpouring as the government protests. right now it's time to take a look what's happening in the world of sports here's kate. hello welcome to the first sports news this sunday and here are the headlines easy does it rafael nadal sweeps aside follows from it frankly i don't know but to rush into the quarterfinals of this train you know. while top flight thrill is nor it holds chelsea while bolton started a full on a false eighteen day in english premier league the talk to our reaction lights up. under siege was but knowing the russian final at the friendly tournament a good sign as has becky stone's olympian's trial still not over meeting with sonny . the first of ten is the second seed rafael nadal has beaten from the on i load in
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straight sets to go place in the quarter finals and the two thousand and nine champion is broken only once as he eased to a six four six four six to make sure the world number two was next play the we're not off the tamasha burdick versus nicolas almagro clash but meanwhile argentina's fun mancini gulfport trade takes on the culture of germany thought force one champion roger federer is up against boston rising local favorites but not to make in the light much. fall over in the women's draw while the three victoria azarenka will play all i need to balance that in the quarterfinals rather than two easy reasons again even if the lesser do yoga is respectively running jogging compliance this is up against french open without gnarly of china and stopped running today and caroline wozniacki faces formal role in the one year later yankovic's from serbia. on saturday while the before maria sharapova went through to the poles round of the comprehensive six one six two victory over and she replied.


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