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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EST

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for sis. well the arab league observers delegation is in car at the moment presenting their findings that despite the arab league mission mandate having finished you can see they continue to travel around the country to look at what's going on been seen as further evidence by some people that this mission is to continue possibly for another month one of the observers that i spoke to earlier of camera when i asked whether they would be staying here longer whether the mission would be extended he said it looked like it would be this is the area that you see the so-called free syrian army take control of and in the last few days a temporary cease fire be cooled between the government forces and free syrian army sweeping into the city to see what's being happening certainly it's an area extremely divided a one side you've got the government in control on the other side the free syrian army the arab league observers have been meeting some of the government officials here. in the to try and establish exactly what it is that's been happening in the
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city where the children have been showing us some of the bullet casings that they've found around the area all the houses in this part you can see the destruction from the fighting this being going on. in this area and that's was extremely concerning the people who are still living her to extremely dangerous situation is not really clear who exactly is in charge being killing hate and that makes the situation very very dangerous indeed this is the remains of one of the houses that civilians say thank you were targeted by security forces people carelessly says that the funny chanting of cooling phrases and the shimon cost of the conflict in syria has been devastatingly high and absolutely essential for everyone right now is to find some kind of resolution that this is the might is like a. me that is done. with opposition
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activists from syria's national council have formally asked the arab league to refer the crisis to the un security council but as our team refinishing now reports there are doubts over whether it's peace they are after. howlett hold jeff from the syrian national council the country's main official opposition body says making the people's voice louder and bring in an end to the violence is what the essence he was created for our main goal is to help the syrian people there present them and their to national community in order to reach this syrian people freedom although it's been run by paris based exile that hamdani in the absence he has been recognized as the country's legitimate government by the new libyan authorities and supported by some and nato countries which has made some doubt the council's innocent intentions with regards to libya the promise that nato made to the
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national transitional council perspective leaders was that they be given a major seat at the table in a new libya so there is power broking going on behind the scenes and i absolutely wager that the same thing is happening with syria they've either been bought off financially or they've been promised a major role in a new syrian regime libya's national transitional council and the syrian national council and it's not just their names they have in common supported and sponsored from abroad i think he likes opposition forces and their major goal is to overthrow the regime but there is a difference to the absences huts courses are not in damascus but here in istanbul we are not talking about democratic regime if i go to syria now we have. you know we have to be executed there howlett says he spent fifteen years in jail in the one
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nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's just because his father supported the opposition he claims nothing has changed since then and the oppression has to stop but how is another matter claiming they're only going to rely on political and diplomatic pressure the asson see to is. now copper age in with the free syrian army fighters who have defected from assad's military in was a clear shift from the essences initial entirely known armed peaceful stance. the cows who also sees humanitarian corridors and buffer zones as options to protect civilians in syria even though these might mean foreign troops arriving this isn't a top is that all parents operation where this year that gas has been used to at best that jet on a regular jet because they don't want they want to destabilize syria because they want syria to be part of nato at least league to label the opposition claims is just a matter of time before their joint efforts sooner or later will force president
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assad out while his italians to stay but the question remains exactly how long should these people have to wait for the bloodshed to stop and how many of them will actually see the end of it in reef notion r.t. turkey. and coming up later in the program when the rose tinted glasses of the revolution give way to a crystal clear view of reality frustrated five from the libyan revolt turn their backs on the country's new rulers who they see as failing to implement promised changes. and you can also check out our website r.t. dot com for more first hand reports from countries where arab spring euphoria quickly gave way to disillusionment and outright pessimism.
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now this week saw more clouds gathering over the standoff surrounding iran u.s. and israeli officials held close talks on friday regarding the tense situation in the persian gulf while the exact contents were not disclosed the u.s. was expected to have urged israel not to rush an attack on iran while washington tries to garner additional global support against tehran before is that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu urged the iranian oil as quickly as possible or to ron's alleged nuclear weapons program meanwhile iran has been threatening to block a key trade route out of the persian gulf if sanctions are imposed on its own exports the u.s. has been amassing forces in the region with thousands of troops sent to israel for war games and two warships try a groups arriving in the arabian sea caleb moppin from the anti-war group international action center says what the u.s. really wants is to regain control over iranian oil that last decades ago.
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the motivation for the us to continue repressing the iranian people to assassinate nuclear scientists has nothing to do with any love of democracy it has everything to do with the fact of the iranian people rose up in one nine hundred seventy nine and took control of the oil resources and they have never ever forgiven them for that and the us. has never wanted to tolerate the fact that the iranian people and not shell oil and not and not texaco control of the oil resources in iran and any threats of war is must be strongly opposed because these kind of wars serve the ruling elite they serve the wall street bankers and they don't serve working class people or millions and millions of unemployed people in this country if they cut the military budget they could put people to work there could be jobs but there's not jobs there's war there's continued threats of war and our enemies aren't in iran they're here in the united states in the halls of power in congress and on wall street with regional tensions simmering people are in and not only in iran but also in israel as policy reports many there are expecting a war at an e moment and some experts say covert warfare is already under way from this rather
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spartan recording studio in jerusalem one has maybe too has been reaching out to people in the ran for fifty two years ties between tel aviv and tim ran off a bit in but it's never stopped me from reading the news info see every night and hosting a weekly show for listeners in the persian will to share the views he thinks around two million rain ians two million and the topic they most want to talk about the possibility of a foreign attack on iran they are very much afraid that the iranian nuclear installations will be bombed by foreign powers with their israel or the united states or any other country. but it's not only the rain ians who are suspicious of israel or america taking action people here in israel since something's in the air you can see signs of wink and nod from israeli officials when talking about it israel is signaling to the world. if the world doesn't do
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anything if the wall doesn't call for more fierce actions or more crippling sanctions quoting the secretary of state clinton then israel would take the initiative and strike a blow some wonder if israel hasn't already declared an unofficial war on terror ran but suspicions raced further after the assassination of another iranian nuclear scientist earlier this month while on his way to work putting everything together it is clear that whoever it is but if someone or somebody or some agency is very successful in infiltrating understanding last sabotaging the iranian nuclear project the attack is the latest in a series of mysterious accidents linked to iran's nuclear program two aircraft accidents in the space of three years scientists disappearing equipment damaged and computer viruses and leashed and the fingers pointing at israel. and the united states this is a very respectable grumbly nation but. iran
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has many enemies and you. mind it's not beyond imagination adding fuel to the fire the plan for israel and the united states to conduct their biggest ever joint military goal before the end of the year it would see thousands of american troops deployed in israel for iran it's the most blatant sign that an attacks coming but no one in israel will come on record and say there is a covert war on iran all talk of an israeli strike is limited to the airwaves policia r.t. jerusalem. and as if sanctions sabotage and a military buildup near its borders weren't enough yet another front has opened up for the embattled islamic republic iran english language news channel gets the boot from british air waves as patients with its internal stance runs then details are coming up in just a few minutes. police clashed with protesters in the capital joining an anti e.u.
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rally ahead of sunday's referendum over whether the country should join the european union at least three people were arrested in the scuffle which erupted asper testers tried to take down an e.u. flag in the center of the city some of the demonstrators were reportedly injured by police a recent survey showed at least forty percent of the gracious population are against joining the union. to similar scenes now in romania which this week has had some of its biggest protests in years outraged with pay cuts and corruption people gathered in the streets of bucharest to call in the country's president to step down on friday hundreds were arrested and dozens injured as police used tear gas to disperse crowds from bucharest artist on barton has a story. night and day they come to scream defiance single stare at sea and the feeling the government isn't listening to. even
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violence. our youth has no future they have no jobs. marie water is sixty she's worked all her life in a textile factory in book arrest but now she is forced to pay for her social security out of her small pension. they need to give us a fair pension and not tell us they're boring the money because they don't have it . mary water is not just here for herself her son left romania but it's illegal to try and find work young rumanians feel trapped and directing most of their anger at the president try and assess coup. protesters accuse him of trampling over democracy and presiding over a political elite riddled with corruption. who wants to take dissent screwed down down with disaster parents left us with a heritage and we're leaving our children with just debt an international monetary
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fund loan in two thousand and nine came with tough conditions the remaining in government has tried to force its financial house into water budget and benefit cuts slashed pay pension freezes falling living standards but some say it's the people who are now being forced to pay for the mistakes of the few who steered the country to economic disaster. this was done at the expense of there are many in state and now those who hadn't been guilty for the situation they didn't even profited from it had to pay for those who had profited the government blames international economic conditions however for the country's worse let's not forget that we're in the eye of a storm of an economic european storm all around us unfortunately is a mighty tempest with economic consequences that inevitably affect us too. not good enough said the opposition who argue of course that they could do better every day
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discouraged inefficient government stays in power as a dane last for rumania or judy is to shorten the period as much as we can honest fast as we can by fair elections with many that accepting there is no escape economically politics for them offers the only hope of change and that leads straight back out onto the streets here. to nowhere is the foundation of the world on like it was for. them there was territory russia was under the president live about to have it here and you can see why when many of us want to tear it all down. yes. from an organized internet wide black out to some of the biggest hacker attacks on top media and us government websites this week saw an unprecedented internet revolt over new web censorship legislation millions of net users and web giants such as we
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could pedia join together to stand against the proposed legislation dubbed soap opera and people the laws if passed with a lot of top media conglomerates and copyright holders to shut down whole swathes of the web at a time at the same time rather the anonymous hacker group was a retailer getting it ganz to shut down a file sharing sites megaupload and claimed to have broad down the websites of the f.b.i. and the white house very brown who's worked with anonymous on various operations believes that make uploads shut down shows the true extent of government power the problem is that the track record of the us and all governments. is such that giving them power to do one thing is almost always interpreted by them so. as a means of giving them power. so in the way that you know the right on megaupload cards in this opens it shows that even without a sober already in place they are already arresting and resting the owners of
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megaupload and shutting it down and. very near future as you'll see there will be a number of other groups that will pop up using more military not goods and situation it's worse in the grass of war and the notable civil war in the us the kurds and if you want to give your piano protest that had washington reeling or read up on the anonymous hacktivist group there's plenty more on our website at a dot com. as web users across the world rally to the cause of freedom of speech they may now have an unlikely ally iran is english language news channel press t.v. has been kicked off british airways and an episode it's called
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a clear example of censorship fishel reasons given are a number of broken agreements and paid by the press t.v. says it's being silenced for its dissenting views and believes it's being targeted for its highly critical coverage of issues ranging from the cost of the british royal wedding to last year's london riots still recent u.k. based arthur and media analyst press t v is yet another victim of the young going campaign against iran. if this had been separated from geopolitics with this would not have happened and some other kind of sanctions would have been would have been made and the deal would have been struck so i think the press t.v. has been viewed through geo political terms so that is the breakdown of relations between britain and iran at the end of the day i think that most of the criticisms of press t.v. has been due to its coverage because you know it sees the middle east very differently for example than the mainstream media in britain this repeatedly comes
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up pro israeli groups repeatedly complain about it we know very well that the british government at the very highest level was discussing with the american ambassador here how to limit press t.v.'s output in britain so now what we've got is we've got a real limiting of dialogue in the me in the british media and i think that's a tragedy and certainly a tragedy at a time when british relations are at their lowest ebb for a long long period. they had us bang to rights and that was the reaction of a top former british official as he admitted that moscow caught the u.k. red handed spying on russia this comes six years after the kremlin first presented the allegations of how a fake rock was being used for espionage our desire bad has a story. it's not exactly the most glamorous of james bond gadgets but he didn't in this fake stone was a high take transmits of british spooks used to spy on russia the allegations from moscow have always been dismissed but six years on there is rock solid evidence the
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u.k. can no longer deny tony blair's former chief of staff's come clean admitting british spies were caught red handed the spy rock was embarrassing they had us bang to rights clearly they had known about it for some time and had been saving it up for a political purpose. the embarrassing revelations confirmed the findings of a russian television report in two thousand and six it showed this video of a man slowing down and looking at the rock as he passed apparently an agent beaming top secret intelligence from a mobile computer to a digital drop point concealed in the stone another man was filmed picking up the rock and collecting the data. the moment was the one behind the exposé and left no stone unturned but. at first i had to be dealt i thought it might be a fake story or a political game but we cross checked everything with multiple sources and it
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turned out to be true some footage we didn't include in the film was particularly convincing for example there was a video of a british spy unit in front of the camera that camera was hidden under a tree in the songs lying nearby the guy wanted to look natural so we pretended that he needed to take a leak n.e.p. right in front of the camera before picking up a stone and leaving. but it was his word against theirs britain fiercely denied the allegations with tony blair laughing them off as russian propaganda the truth was buried inside the u.k. secret service headquarters supposedly never to be seen again so after six years of dodging the bullet wide net it now they're very embarrassing but i think that the british government has decided. to have bygones are bygones and say ok we made a mistake. up and we want better relations from now on so i would see this as
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a first step on the road to improve relations with russia this is the home of britain's spooks m i six the government is a broad their job may not be secret but how they do it is or at least should be so the embarrassment of these revelations is not so much the spying itself but the fact they were caught doing it a post cold war. supposedly forbids britain and russia from spying on each other no doubt they'll be more careful from now on on the bennetts. manning to spy scows may be painful but there are much worse problems in store for britain with the threat is a break up together. coming out next hour in the program the battle for scotland sovereignty find out how london has switched its p.r. machine into full throttle and parents effort to suppress scotland's growing clamor for independence. plus the upcoming presidential election in russia stirs up
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political life in the country next hour we will gather twists and turns on the campaign trail. hundreds of occupy activists rallied in front of washington's capitol hill on tuesday voicing their anger over the overwhelming influence of corporations on u.s. lawmakers the protest was authorized to take place on the capital's west lawn but anyone who stepped outside of that sanctioned piece of land was arrested by police the rally signified a new wave of occupy protest as it happened in the very heart of the u.s. capital and turned into a street march with white house as a final destination it reflects nationwide anger at congress which has seen its approval rating slumped to an all time low according to the latest polls a little later this hour to talks to a man who knows all about the lobbying behind the scenes of capitol hill and even had to serve time in jail for his involvement in it here's a preview. the problems the average citizen is not engaged politically and when they're able to bring in money and influence members of congress to vote on things
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that are not good for the country and not good for the general interest because somebody with the special interests is pushing on it that's where the problem starts if you're a congressman and i give you a contribution and i want something from you that contribution may not be cold abroad but it is abroad at the end of the day. crowds have stormed a half quarters of libya's ruling national transitional council in the revolutionary help of benghazi they were protesting the slow pace of reform and the current direction of the new authorities but demonstrators were stones and metal bars at the building breaking windows and damaging a car and he says chairman abdul jalil young men vented anger at the level of compensation that received from the interim years for injuries sustained in their efforts to oust moammar gadhafi radio host and author steven lamb and believe the crowds are unhappy with a new government serving as puppets of the west. a couple of hundred former
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fighters former rebel fighters storm all of it was he they used in grenade to blow up a gate protecting a problem and they blew out the they stole about limits they complained you know paid probably even treated probably knew what she was with drug they the people were promised they would have to say given these the people who have had no say whatsoever everything is been secretly m.t.c. government let's face it is a puppet western serving western interest absolutely having no interest in ordinary libyans and i expect protracted violence i suspect the west the major media to ignore it. and alice take a look at some other stories from around the world right wing nationalist hour clash with thousands of demonstrators who took to the streets of the portuguese
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capitalism and protesting stary cuts police had to intervene and form lines to prevent the opposing groups from attacking each other portugal is locked into three year program of debt reduction in return for a bailout package from the e.u. and the i.m.f. . egyptian activists have been calling for a nationwide street protest saying the revolution is no where in the country has a long way to democratic world this comes after islamist parties captured an overwhelming majority of seventy five percent as one of the country's first post mubarak parliamentary elections a new sam lee is due to sit for the first time in just two days. early results suggest that it's newt gingrich has beaten the rival republican contender mitt romney in the south carolina primary it's come as a surprise after he finished last in two other states south carolina seen as a significant indicator the winner there has won the nomination for the presidential candidate seen each vote since one thousand nine hundred turn around
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means gingrich could establish himself as a true alternative and challenger to barack obama and that of ember the election. i'll just add to here in our t.l. that we can sports news with kate's before it bad though i'll be back with an update of the week's top stories.
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lose. seats to see. the british saw the sun. rise of the money.
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market fund. find out what's really happening to the global economy for no holds barred look at the global financial headline news to me through the reports. welcome back you're watching r t here is a reminder of the week's top stories the arab league is set to decide whether to give the go ahead to another month of the year monitoring mission in syria while the opposition wants the one security council to get involved. pushed to the edge of the internet and if you are over a plan stupid spander web censorship striking back with internet wide blackouts and massive attacks. israel and the us talk tactics over even possible conflict in the gulf as they gather forces at iran's borders while the e.u.
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prepares unspoil embargo over to ron's alleged nuclear ambitions. and in romania public anger spills over hundreds of arrested dozens injured police quell violence and in a massive ongoing anti-government protest. those are the top stories of the week now when it comes to big money in american politics lobbyists are the people who know exactly how it works jack aber mafia used to be one and he tells us why he thinks washington is corrupt to the core. i'm sitting down with jack off once the most powerful lobbyist in washington referred to as the man who bought washington he brought government officials in order to gain political support for his clients in two thousand and six he was convicted of ripping off his clients jack abramoff served three and a half.


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